Med C
A client who had an intraosseous (IO) cannula placed by the healthcare provider for an
emergent fluid resuscitation is complaining of severe pain and numbness below the IO
site. The skin around the site is pale and edematous. What action should the nurse takes
A. Discontinue the IO infusion
B. Administer an analgesic via the IO site
C. Elevate the extremity with the IO site
D. Notify the healthcare provider
Correct A
The nurse-manager of a perinatal unit is notified that one client from themedical-surgical
unit needs to be transferred to male room for new admissions. Which client should the
nurse recommend for transfer to theantepartal unit?
A. A 45-year-old who has a chronic hepatitis B.
B. A 35-year-old with lupus erythematous
C. A 19-year-old who is diagnosed with rubella
D. A 25-year-old with herpes lesions of the vulva
Correct B
A nurse is teaching a client postoperative breathing techniques using an incentive
spirometer (IS). What should the nurse encourage this client to doto maintain sustained
maximal inspiration?
A. Breathe into the spirometer using normal breath volumes
B. Exhale forcefully into the tubing for 3 to 5 seconds
C. Inspire deeply and slowly over 3 to 5 seconds
D. Perform IS breathing exercises every 6 hours
Correct C

Med C
The nurse plans to educate a client about the purpose for taking the prescribed
antipsychotic medication clozapine (Clozaril). Which statement should the nurse provide?
A. You will be able to cope with your symptoms
B. It will help you function better in the community
C. The medication will help you think more clearly”
D. It will improve your grooming and hygiene
Correct C
A 59-year-old male client is brought to the emergency room where he is assessed to have
a Glasgow Coma Scale of 3. Based on this assessment, how should the nurse characterize
the client’s condition?
A. The client has increased intracranial pressure
B. He has a good prognosis for recovery
C. This client is conscious, but is not oriented to time and place
D. He is in a coma, and has a very poor prognosis
Correct D
At a community health fair, a 50-year-old woman tells the nurse that she has an annual
physical exam that includes a clinical breast exam and an annual mammogram. How should
the nurse respond?
A. Encourage the woman to explore her fears about breast cancer.
B. Ask the woman if she also performs monthly breast self- exams.
C. Commend the woman for adhering to the recommended cancer detection
D. Advise the woman that mammograms are only needed every two years ofage.
Correct B
Which assessment finding should indicate to the nurse that a client with arterial
hypertension is experiencing a cardiac complication?
A. Complaints of an occipital headache

Med C
B. A palpable dorsal is pedis pulse bilaterally
C. Complaints of shortness of breath on exertion
D. A blood pressure of 160/90
Correct C
A college student who is diagnosed with a vaginal infection and vulva irritation
describes the vaginal discharge as having a “cottage cheese” appearance.
Which prescription should the nurse implement first?
A. Cleanse perineum with warm soapy water 3 times per day
B. Instill the first dose of nystatin (Mycostatin) vaginally per applicator
C. Perform glucose measurement using a capillary blood sample
D. Obtain a blood specimen for sexually transmitted disease (STDs)
A client in acute renal failure has serum potassium of 7.5 mEq/L. Based on this finding,
the nurse should anticipate implementing which action?
A. Administer an IV of normal saline rapidly and NPH insulsubcutaneously.
B. Administer a retention enema of Kayexalate
C. Add 40 mEq of KCL (potassium chloride) to present IV solution.
D. Administer a lidocaine bolus IV push.
Correct B
10 – A male client with diabetes mellitus takes Novolin 70/30 insulin before meals and
azithromycin (Zithromax) PO daily, using medication he brought from home. When the
nurse delivers his breakfast tray, the client tells the nurse that he took his insulin but
forgot to take his daily dose of the Zithromax an hour before breakfast as instructed.
What action should the nurse implement?
A. Offer to obtain a new breakfast tray in an hour so the client can take theZithromax
B. Instruct the client to eat his breakfast and take the Zithromax two hours aftereating
C. Tell the client to skip that day’s dose and resume taking the Zithromax the nextday
D. Provide a PRN dose of an antacid to take with the Zithromax right afterbreakfast

Med C
Correct B
What instruction is most important for the nurse to provide a female client whohas just
been diagnosed with trichomoniasis?
A. Avoid douching
B. Treat sexual partner (s) concurrently
C. Avoid using moist washcloths when bathing
D. Postpone becoming pregnant until the infection is treated
Correct B
A primigravida at term comes to the prenatal clinic and tells the nurse that she ishaving
contractions every 5 min. The nurse monitors the client for one hour, using an external
fetal monitor, and determines that the client’s contractions every 5 minutes. The nurse
monitors the client for one hour, using an external fetal monitor, and determines that the
client’s contractions are 7 to 15 minutes apart, lasting 20 to30 seconds, with mild
intensity by palpation. What action should the nurse take?
A. Tell the client to go directly to the hospital for admission to labor and delivery for
active labor
B. Send the client home and instruct her to call the clinic when her contractions
occur5 minutes apart for one hour
C. Tell the client to check into the hospital within the next hour for evaluation of
possible urinary tract infection
Correct B
Which instruction should the nurse provide to an elderly client who is taking anACE
inhibitor and a calcium channel blocker?
A. Wear long-sleeved clothing when outdoors
B. Report the onset of sore throat
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