Adult Residential Facilities serve persons:

A. 18-59 years of age
B. With Developmental Disability
C. Who need Care and Supervision
D. With Mental Disorder
E. All of the Above

*E. All of the Above

Administrators of Adult Residential Facilities must be:

A. At least 21 years of age
B. Certified
C. College Graduate
D. At least 18 years of age
E. Both A & B

*E. Both A & B

Prior to admitting a person with Mental Disorder the facility must obtain:

A. Approval from Community Care Licensing
B. Mental Health Assessment
C. Physician’s Order
D. All of the Above

*D. All of the Above

What must be included in every advertisement for the facility?

A. Name of Licensee
B. Capacity
C. Facility License Number
D. Address of facility
E. All of the above

*C. Facility License Number

A room approved for ambulatory clients may be used by:

A. ambulatory clients
B. ambulatory or nonambulatory clients who rely on a walker
C. ambulatory clients and nonambulatory clients in an emergency situation, not to exceed 5 working days
D. ambulatory clients and clients who are transfer dependent

*A. ambulatory clients

What is included in the facility license application?

A. name or proposed name of the facility
B. name and address of owner of facility premises of applicant is renting or leasing
C. information concerning the city or county fire department having jurisdiction in the area where the facility is located
D. all of the above
E. a and b
F. none of the above

*D. all of the above

All community care facilities where water for human consumption is from a private source shall:

A. hook up to a city water supply
B. install a chlorinating system
C. test the water on a weekly basis
D. none of the above

*D. none of the above

Evidence of an onsite bacteriological analysis of the water (when from a private source) shall be conducted in a six bed facility:

A. upon initial license and every 60 days
B. upon initial license and when evidence supports the need
C. only upon initial license

*B. upon initial license and when evidence supports the need

What is required when a facility changes location, or transfers the majority of the stock or possibly when increasing capacity?

A. a new license application
B. list of all employed staff
C. addition of another assistant administrator

*A. a new license application

The department requires start up funds equal to ____ months operating expenses.

A. three months
B. six months
C. twelve months
D. twenty four months

*A. three months

No person other than the _____________ shall alter the prescription label.

A. resident
B. licensee
C. nurse
D. dispensing pharmacist
E. c and d

*D. dispensing pharmacist

Medications shall be centrally stored when

A. the preservation of medication requires refrigeration
B. the medication is determined by physician to be hazardous if kept by the resident
C. resident is an ISS recipient
D. The administrator determines the medication to be a safety hazard
E. All of the above
F. All except c and d
G. All except c

*G. All except c

Prescription medications which are not taken with the resident upon termination of services shall

A. be given to a family member
B. be available to other residents who take exact same strength or dosage
C. be destroyed

*C. be destroyed

Which is the most accurate statement about first aid requirements?

A. Staff providing direct care must complete first aid and CPR
B. First aid is required for the administrator and licensee only
C. If the licensee has completed first aid and CPR and the direct care staff are exempt.
D. All direct care staff are required to complete first aid

*D. All direct care staff are required to complete first aid

Community Care Licensing requirements for direct care staff are as follows:

A. one staff person for every six residents
B. one staff person for every three residents
C. one staff person for every twelve residents
D. sufficient staff to ensure provision of care and supervision to meet resident needs

*D. sufficient staff to ensure provision of care and supervision to meet resident needs

(Really?! In the notes it was 1 direct staff to 3 clients)

Volunteers shall

A. not be allowed to work in the residential care facility
B. work no more than three hours per day
C. be supervised
D. not require supervision

*C. be supervised

Criminal Record Clearance must be obtained___________________.

A. 10 days after employment
B. 4 days after employment
C. 30 days after employment
D. prior to initial presence in the facility

*D. prior to initial presence in the facility

True or False?

Every Adult Residential Facility must have a certified Administrator.


An administrator must be at least

A. 21 years of age
B. 18 years of age
C. 16 years of age

*A. 21 years of age

Persons who works from 10:00pm to 7:00am shall receive training in the following areas

A. evening activities
B. how to prepare bedtime snacks
C. first aid
D. first aid and the facility’s planned emergency procedures

*D. first aid and the facility’s planned emergency procedures

Who will require criminal record clearance?

A. direct care staff
B. the administrator
C. a spouse living in the facility with an administrator who performs no care whatsoever
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
F. a and b only

*D. all of the above

What portion of servings recommended by the USDA basic food group plan shall be served at each meal?

A. 1/4
B. 1/3
C. 1/2
D. 2/3

*B. 1/3

Personnel records shall be retained for _____ years.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 7

*C. 3

What are the maximum hours to elapse between third and first meals?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 15
D. non of the above

*C. 15

The physical health of staff shall be verified by a health screening

A. within seven days of employment
B. 3 days prior to employment
C. within twenty days of employment
D. unless the staff person does not have direct resident contact

*A. within seven days of employment

Within how many days of notifying the client of eviction should you mail/fax the department a copy of the 30-day written notice?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 14
D. 30

*B. 5

True or False?

The licensee may issue a 3-day eviction.


Only licensing Agencies may issue 3-day evictions

True or False?

The licensee may issue a 30-day eviction.


Within how many days must you notify licensing when admitting a hospice client?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 14
D. 30

*B. 5

True or False?

The administrator may restrict the right of a resident to leave the facility, if it is deemed appropriate by the licensee.

False. (regulation 80072)

True of False?

A licensee may set curfews and house rules.


True or False?

Postural supports require a physician order.


An example of a postural support is

A. a “posey” restraint
B. braces/cast
C. a restraint belt made out of soft fabric
D. a wrist restraint
E. all of the above
F. none of the above

*B. braces/cast

In facilities licensed for _____ or more there shall be a posted activity program.

A. six
B. seven
C. sixteen
D. fifty

*B. 7

What documentation is required, related to resident council meetings?

A. notice of the meetings
B. meetings times
C. recommendations from the council meetings
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

*D. all of the above

Any change in the chief executive officer of a corporation shall be submitted when?

A. Within 5 days
B. Within 7 days
C. Within 10 working days

*C. Within 10 working days

All employee records shall be maintained for how many years?

A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 7 years

*B. 3 years

How long are client records retained?

A. 6 months
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
D. None of the above

*C. 3 years

Modification conditions to the admission agreement requires how much notice?

A. 3 days
B. 15 days
C. 14 working days
D. 30 days

*D. 30 days

Fingerprints shall be submitted to the department of justice within what time frame of employment?

A. 4 calendar days
B. 7 calendar days
C. 10 working days
D. 14 days
E. none of the above

*E. none of the above

Employees must have a criminal record clearance?

A. After employment
B. Prior to employment
C. Prior to residence or initial presence in the facility
D. Both A and C
E. Both B and C

*B. Prior to employment

The death of a client requires a written report submitted to licensing within how many days?

A. 7 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days
D. none of the above

*A. 7 days

What is required for taps delivering 125 degrees F or above?

A. Nothing
B. Red Handles for the hot side of the faucet
C. A warning sign

*C. A warning sign

According to Licensing, employees providing night supervision from 10pm to 7am and who assist with care and supervision are required to have what for emergencies?

A. The facility’s planned emergency procedures
B. The keys to all exterior doors of the facility
C. A first aid certificate
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
F. all of the above
G. None of the above

*E. both A and C

Changes in the licensee’s or applicant’s mailing address shall be submitted to licensing when?

A. 7 days
B. 10 days
C. 10 working days
D. 14 days

*A. 7 days

The TB test must be performed on facility staff. What are the time frames?

A. No more than 6 months prior or 7 days after
B. No more than 1 year prior to or 7 days after
C. Every two years

*B. No more than 1 year prior or 7 days after

The client may be given a 30 day written notice of eviction for non payment of the rate within __ day of the due date.

A. 3 days
B. 7 days
C. 10 days
D. 14 days

*C. 10 days of the due date

If a licensee dies, an adult relative who has control of the property shall be allowed to continue the operation of the facility under what approval?

A. A general Licensing Approval
B. Licensee Transfer Approval
C. Emergency Approval to Operate
D. none of the above

*C. Emergency Approval to Operate

Examples of proof of control property include:

A. A deed
B. An estate settlement
C. A lease
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

*D. All of the above

Casts and braces are examples of what?

A. Over -priced medical equipment
B. Postural Supports
C. Restraints not allowed by licensing
D. None of the above

*B. Postural Supports

Licensing has the authority to inspect what part of the facility?

A. Only areas set aside for the residents
B. The resident’s rooms only
C. Everywhere except the administrator’s office
D. The entire facility

*D. The entire facility

In lieu of locked storage of firearms, what can a licensee do?

A. Train entire staff and clients on proper, safe use of the weapons
B. Train entire staff and clients on how to check to see if the weapon is loaded
C. Use trigger locks or remove the firing pin
D. Both A and C
E. Both A and B

*C. Use trigger locks or remove firing pin

What size facility shall post license in prominent location?

A. 6 or larger
B. 7 or larger
C. All facilities
D. None of the Above

*B. 7 or larger

Supply of staple non perishable foods for a minimum of ________ shall be maintained?

A. 3 days
B. One week
C. Two weeks
D. None of the above

*B. One week

The temperature in a client’s room should be heated to at least________.

A. 78 degrees F
B. 80 degrees F
C. 68 degrees F

*C. 68 degrees F

An emergency approval to operate is for not more than _________.

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 180 days

*B. 60 days

What should be maintained in hallways and passages to non private bathrooms?

A. Lighted light switches
B. No higher than 45 watt bulbs in hallway/passage light fixtures
C. Night lights

*C. Night lights

Admission agreements shall be signed by the client no later than how many days after admission?

A. 3 days
B. 7 days
C. 10 days
D. 14 days

*B. 7 days

Who can alter a prescription label?

A. Dispensing Pharmacist
B. Physician
C. Administrator
D. Licensee

*A. Dispensing Pharmacist

Documentation of disaster drills shall be documented and maintained in the facility for how long?

A. 6 months
B. 12 months
C. 18 months
D. 24 months

*B. 12 months

A conservator is___________________.

A. A person appointed by the client to care for the client, estate or client and estate.
B. A person appointed by DSS/CCL to care for the person, estate or person and estate of another.
C. A person appointed by the superior court to care for the person, estate or person and estate of another.

*C. A person appointed by the superior court to care for the person, estate or person and estate of another.

What temperature should hot water controls be maintained at?

A. 98 degrees F to 110 degrees F
B. 95 degrees F to 105 degrees F
C. 100 degrees F to 115 degrees F
D. 105 degrees F to 120 degrees F

*D. 105 degrees F to 120 degrees F

In addition to licensing, a report shall be submitted to a _________________ if an epidemic outbreak occurs.

A. local health officer
B. local hospital
C. lawyer
D. physician

*A. a local health officer

A licensee may request a review of a notice of deficiency within how many days?

A. 7 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days

*B. 10 days

Staff providing direct care must have what training?

A. First Aid and CPR training
B. CPR training
C.First Aid and CPR instructor training
D. First aid training

*D. First aid training

How long do you have to submit a written report of any suspected physical abuse to Licensing?

A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 3 days
D. 7 days

*D. 7 days

Refrigerators shall maintain a maximum temperature of _________ degrees F.

A. 40 degrees F
B. 42 degrees F
C. 45 degrees F
D. 50 degrees F

*C. 45 degrees F

In all cases, personnel records shall document what?

A. Race of employee
B. Date of Birth
C. Religion
D. Hours actually worked

*D. Hours actually worked

How long are menus kept on file?

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 180 days
D. None of the Above

*A. 30 days

True or False?

Admission agreements are automatically terminated, and liability or debt accrued are stopped when the client dies.


What size facility must have regular consultation from a nutritionist, dietician or home economist?

A. 1-7 clients
B. 16-49 clients
C. 50 or more clients

*C. 50 or more clients

What cannot be used as a beverage?

A. Soda
B. Powdered milk
C. Raw milk
D. Both A and B
E. Both B and C
F. All of the above
G. None of the above

*E. B and C

Fresh perishable foods for a minimum of _________ shall be maintained.

A. 1 day
B. 2 days
C. 3 days

*B. 2 days

How many clients may sleep in a room?

A. No more than 2
B. No more than 3
C. No more than 4
D. None of the above

*A. No more than 2

Upon receipt of complaint, licensing shall make an onsite inspection within how many days?

A. 7 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days
D. 30 days

*B. 10 days

What size facility must have a reception area and restroom facility designed for use by visitors?

A. 1-7 clients
B. 8-15 clients
C. 16 or larger
D. None of the Above

*C. 16 or larger

The maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care is called what?

A. Client limit
B. Capacity
C. Volume

*B. Capacity

Where are soaps, detergents and cleansing compounds stored?

A. Where ever it is easy for housekeeping to access them
B. In pantry with food supplies
C. In pantry with food supplies on separate shelf
D. In areas separate from food supplies

*D. In areas separate from food supplies

What should be provided from the food service department in case of temporary need?

A. Tray Service
B. Isolation

*A. Tray Service

What portion of servings recommended by the USDA basic food group plan shall be served at each meal?

A. 1/4
B. 1/3
C. 1/2
D. 2/3

*B. 1/3

What are the maximum hours to elapse between the third and first meals?

A. 10 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 15 hours
D. None of the above

*C. 15 hours

In facilities providing care and supervision for 15 clients, what is the night supervision requirement?

A. One person on call, on the premises
B. One person on call
C. One person on the premises and another on call
D. Two people on the premises

*A. One person on call, on the premises

48. Licensing shall be notified of a change of administrator _________.

A. When the new administrator has no previous experience
B. 30 days
C. In writing within 10 days
D. By telephone within 48 hours, followed up in writing within 10 working days

*B. Within 30 days

According to regulation, an administrator of an Adult Residential Facility must be on the premises ___________________.

A. 8 hours a day
B. 4 hours a day
C. 2 hours a day
D. the number of hours necessary to manage and administer the facility in compliance with applicable law and regulation
E. None of the above

*D. the number of hours necessary to manage and administer the facility in compliance with applicable law and regulation

A non transferrable written authorization issued by licensing agency to use alternative means which meet the intent of a specific regulation and which are based on a facility-wide need or circumstance is called:

A. An exemption
B. An exception
C. A written exception authorization
D. A waiver

*D. A waiver

Clients linens should be changed a minimum of ____________.

A. Once a month
B. Once a week
C. Once a day

*B. Once a week

Bedrooms must meet the following requirement:

A. Must be 10ft by 12 ft
B. Up to 3 clients may sleep in a bedroom
C. No client room may be used as a public passageway to another room, bath, or toilet
D. Common rooms may be used as bedrooms for staff

*C. No client room may be used as a public passageway to another room, bath, or toilet

What furniture is required for a client bedroom?

A. Night Stand
B. Lamp
C. Bed
D. Chair
E. All of the Above

*E. All of the Above

Facility Personnel staff who provide care and supervision to clients must be:

A. 21 years of age
B. 16 years of age
C. 18 year of age
D. Mature enough to assist residents safely

*C. 18 years of age

The licensee shall not accept or retain the following:

A. Persons with a prohibited condition
B. Persons who have needs that are in conflict with other clients
C. Person who require inpatient care in a health facility
D. All of the Above

*D. All of the Above

ARF administrators must receive training in HIV and TB within _______ of becoming an administrator.

A. 10 days
B. 1 year
C. 6 months
D. 30 days

*C. 6 months

The death of a licensee must be reported to the Licensing Agency by telephone within:

A. 5 days after the death
B. 10 days after the death
C. The first working day after the death
D. 24 hours of the death

*C. The first working day after the death

The Licensee may accept or retain a client with a urinary catheter with the following restrictions:

A. Insertion and removal of the catheter is performed by a licensed professional
B. The client is capable of insertion and removal of the catheter
C. The staff may be trained to empty the bag in the client needs assistance
D. Only A and C

*D. Only A and C

every 2 years
How often does an ARF Administrator need to complete HIV & TB training?

Community Care License
Who gives a hospice waiver?

No one, unless invited by resident
Who is allowed to attend or stay for an entire Resident Council Meeting?

What can a licensee never do with regarding to postural supports?

Braces, soft ties
What are examples of postural supports?

Community Care Licensing
Who do you notify before you make alterations to a care home?

Toileting bathing eating dressing continence and transferring
What are activities of daily living?

Total care
What is the definition of a ” client who relies upon others to perform all activities of daily living”?

What is the staffing ratio for clients that need assistance with all ADLs?

Care homes with 16+ clients and care homes with more than one floor
Which care home who must have an emergency signal system (emergency call button’s)?

Sterile dressing, inhaler, antibiotic ointment, burn ointment, bandages, thermometer, tweezers
What are some of the things that must be in the first aid kit?

Can’t isolate, restrain
What is a provider never allowed to do when disciplining a resident?

Fencing yards, self closing latches, delayed egress devices
What is required when caring for a client who lack hazard awareness or impulse control?

Carbon Monoxide detectors
Besides a fire alarm, what other type of alarm is required for all care homes?

Mouthwash, dental floss, lotion
What personal hygiene items don’t need to be provided to residence by the care home?

Anybody who works for the care home, conflict of interest
Who is not allowed to be a surrogate (conservator) decision maker for ARF residents?

Call mingling
If using a bank account to hold clients cash resources, what must the licensee avoid?

Depends on the # of clients
How much experience do personnel leading activities need to have?

No special training
How much experience do personnel leading activities with clients fewer than 15 need to have?

1 yr experience
How much experience do personnel leading activities with more than 50+ clients need to have?

Fingerprint and criminal record clearance
What does anyone who assists or has contact with residents need to have?

Prior to working
What is the timeline for staff to have their fingerprint and criminal record clearance in order to work in a care home facility?

Deteriorating of intellectual function or cognitive skills, declines one’s ability to perform ADLs
What is the definition of dementia?

Originates before age 18, constitutes substantial handicap; autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy
What is the definition of developmental disability?

3 years
How long are client records retained after discharge?

The Superior Court, judge
Who assigns conservatorship?

Staff with a valid drivers license for vehicle type
Who can transport clients?

Taken as needed; Pro Re Nata
What is the definition of PRN?

When can staff hide or camouflage medications?

Container size
Medical question: What does not need to be documented?

Regional center, medical doctor
Who can you contact if you need more info on the clients medical health condition?

In a manner that will not transmit diseases/odor
How do you dispose of solid waste?

As often as possible, once a week
How often must you dispose of solid waste?

Anyone connected to the facility; staff
If a client becomes incapacitated, who is not allowed to make medical decisions for them?

Placement agency
Who can you contact if the client needs more assistance?

Place in plastic trash bag, securely tie and dispose
How do you properly dispose of blood soaked bandages and wet contaminated cloths?

Submit to department administrator, pay fee, 40 CEUs
ARF administrators who renew their certificates after the expiration date, but within four years of the certificate expiration date must?

Only if client is in hospice
When are full length bed rails allowed?

Do you need a waiver for falling bed rails for clients in hospice?

Next working day
If a resident is injured and needs medical treatment how soon do you need to notify licensing?

County of Behavioral Health
Who refers residence and monitors clients who have mental health diagnoses?

Must be 18+ yrs old, 1 year of experience
What are the qualifications to become an ARF staff?

Within 10 days
How soon do you need to notify any business changes in the residence?

Within 30 days
How soon do you need to notify any change in administrator?

Chronic & Stable
In order for a person with a mental health diagnoses to be admitted to an ARF, as certified to a medical doctor, they must be?

Do you need to let all the other residents in the home no win a LGBT resident is admitted?

Do you need to have special labels on bathrooms for LGBT residents?

Licensed medical professional
The licensee may accept or retain a resident with an indwelling urinary catheter only if insertion and removal of the catheter is performed by?

Change/empty the bag
When a resident has an indwelling urinary catheter, a direct care staff is allowed to?

Adult residential facility, 24 hour day non-medical care
What is the definition of an ARF?

18-59 clients
What is the capacity for an ARF?

Unable to leave building and assisted, unable to physically/mentally respond
What is the definition of a non-ambulatory resident?

All licensees interested to care/controlled clients cash
Who needs a Surety bond?

How large does a surety bond need to be if $750 or less?

How large does a Surety bond need to be if $751-$1500?

How large does a Surety Bond need to be $1501-$2500?

Non-transferable written off to use alternative means that meet regulations facility wide
What is the definition of a waiver?

MD order
What is required when a pastoral support is used?

Yes, if Care/supervision is limited
Can CCLD restrict care to a resident?

Emergency intervention plan
Resident with serious behavior problem must have this documented in there?

21+ years, high school diploma or GED
What are the qualifications to be an ARF administrator?

To help assessment
What does a residential provider need to obtain and review before accepting a resident with a mental health diagnosis?

CDSS/administrator certification section
Initial certification training program vendors must be approved by?

Both requirements
What is the requirement for a licensee who is also the homes administrator?

Isolate resident, contact doctor
What must the residential provider do when a resident is suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease?

Any person making a false representation as being a certified administrator is guilty of?

Stage 1 & 2, pressure ulcers, surgical closed incisions
What types of wounds can an ARF accept?

Can an ARF staff draw up or give in injection?

Yes, as long as they meet the requirements
Can ARFs accept residents with diabetes?

Can staff be present in a residential home prior to being criminally cleared?

No, only if it is in the admission agreement
If the resident dies, can the residential provider continue to charge them for services?

30 days
How many days notice for admission agreement change?

No, need to call a doctor for permission
Can you give a PRN to a resident if the resident can’t determine their need for the medication?

Locked separately
How are fire arms stored and where does ammunition need to be locked up?

Emergency procedures and first aid
What training do night time staff need to receive?

Grant deed, lease agreement, court order
What are three ways to show control of the property?

102-120 degrees
Hot water heater should be set between?

45 degrees
The max fridge temperature should be set at?

68 degrees
The minimum the thermostat should be set is?

85 degrees
The maximum on the thermostat should be set is?

30 degrees less than outside
The thermostat, in extreme heat, should be set at?

Within 90 days
Within how many days does licensing notify facility approval/denial?

5 ft
What is the minimum height for a fence surrounding a pool?

105-120 degrees
What should the water heater temperature be between?

10 days
Within how many days can a ARF resident be evicted for nonpayment?

No, only restricted residents
Can a ARF admit prohibited residents if obtained exception from community care license?

24 hrs
A report of death of a client should be submitted by phone/fax within?

7 days
A written report of death of a client should be submitted within?

10 days
A licensee/applicants shall submit change of a mailing address to licensing within?

7+ clients
What is the number of clients needed to post license in a facility?

10 days
Within how many days of the due date can you give a resident a 30 day written notice of eviction?

15 days
Within how many days can a licensee request review of deficiency notice?

7 days
Within how many days show you submit a written report of suspected physical abuse?

First working day after death
Within how many days must you report death of a licensee by telephone?

One person on call/on premises
What is the supervision for 15+ clients during night shift?

Department of developmental services
Who must EBSH submit an approved facility program plan prior to licensure?

A caregiver
What is required for a facility capacity of 15+ clients for activities?

One primary employee
What is required for a facility capacity of 16-49 clients for activities?

One full-time employee
What is required for a facility capacity of 15+ clients or activities?

Temporary/non-renewable License
What is a Provisional License?

12 months
For how long does a Provisional License last?

Temporary approval to operate facility
What is an Emergency Approval to Operate (EAO)?

60 days
How long does an Emergency Approval to Operate last, Pending on departments decision whether to approve or deny?

A person who cares for a client, estate, or both of another
Who is a Conservator?

Written with used licensing to use alternative means that meet regulations based on unique needs/circumstances of ONE client or staff
What is an Exception?

Max # of people
What does capacity mean?

Any disorder in Diagnostic and Statistical manual that renders a person eligible for services under Lanterman act
What is a mental disorder?

Written plan that identify specific needs of a client
What is he needs and services plan?

ARFs for Enhanced Behavioral Support
In order to have fire clearance and automatic fire sprinkler system is required for?

Facility License number
What must be included in every advertisement for the facility?

New license application
What is required when a facility changes location, or transfers the majority of the stock or possibly when increasing capacity?

Ambulatory clients
A room approved for ambulatory clients may be used by?

Care and supervision is limited to specific individuals
The licensing agency sure I have the authority to restrict care to specific individuals if?

What is the maximum capacity of the facility in order to have a space available to serve as an office for business/administration/admission activities?

Being placed in a seclusion room
What is not considered prohibited as an emergency intervention?

Next business day
Within how many days should use of a manual restraint or seclusion be reported to licensing?

Prior to admission
When must a Needs and Services plan be created?

3 months
The department requires start up funds equal to how many months for operating expenses?

Dispensing pharmacist
No other than what person shall alter the prescription label?

Be destroyed
What should you do with prescription medication that were not taken with the resident upon termination of service?

Should volunteers be supervised while working in the residence?

Prior to working in the facility
When must criminal record clearance be obtained?

First aid and emergency procedures
What trainings should people working from 10 PM to 7 AM receive?

What portion of servings recommended by the USDA basic food groups plan should be served at each meal?

How many years should personal records be obtained for?

What are the maximum hours to elapsed between the third and first meal?

7 days of employment
Within how many days shall the physical health of staff be verified by a health screening?

10 working days
Within how many days shall a change in the cheif executive officer of the corporation be submitted?

3 years
How many years should all employee records be maintained for?

30 days
Within how many days should modification conditions to the admission agreement be notified by?

7 days
Within how many days should a written report be submitted for the death of a client?

A warning sign
What is required for Tabs delivering water 125° or above?

Within 10 days
Within how many days shall changes in the licensees or applicants mailing address be submitted to licensing?

No more than 1 year prior to or 7 days after
What are the time frames for TB test to be performed on facility staff?

10 days
Within how many days of the due date can a client be given a 30 day written notice of eviction for nonpayment of the rate?

Emergency approval to operate
If a licensee dies, under what approval can an adult relative who has control of the property be allowed to continue the operation of the facility?

Postural supports
Casts and braces are examples of?

The entire facility
Licensing has the authority to inspect what part of the facility?

7+ clients
What size facility shell post the license in a prominent location?

1 week
For a minimum of how many days shall a supply of staple non-perishable foods be maintained?

68 degrees
The temperature in a clients room should be heated to at least?

60 days
And emergency approval to operate is for not more than how many days?

What should be maintained in the hallways and passages to non-private bathrooms?

12 months
Documentation of disaster drills should be documented and maintained in the facility for how long?

Between 105-120
What temperature should hot water controls be maintained at?

The local health officer
If an epidemic outbreak occurs a report should be submitted to?

7 days
How long do you have to submit a written report of any suspected physical abuse to licensing?

45 degrees
Refrigerator show maintain a maximum temperature?

All hours worked
Personal records shall document what?

30 days
How long are menus kept on file for?

50+ clients
What size facility must have regular consultation from a nutritionist, dietitian, or home economics?

Powdered and raw milk
What cannot be used as a beverage?

2 days
For how many days should fresh perishable foods be maintained for it?

No more than 2
How many clients may sleep in a room?

10 days
Upon receipt of a complaint, licensing show make an on-site inspection within how many days?

What is the maximum number of persons on the right to be provided care called?

Areas separate from food supplies
Where are soaps, detergents, and cleansing compounds stored?

Tray service
What should be provided from the food service department in case of temporary need?

One person on call, on the premises
In facilities providing care and supervision for 15 clients, what is the night supervision requirements?

30 days
Within how many days shell licensing be notified of a change of administrator?

A waiver
A non-transferable written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means which meet the intent of a specific regulation and which are based on a facility why do you need or circumstance is called?

7 days/ a week
Client linens should be changed a minimum of how many days?

Night stand, lamp, bed, chair
What furniture is required for a client bedroom?

A nightstand
What piece of furniture can clients share?

At least 18 years old
How old must facility personal staff who provide care and supervision to clients be?

Clients with a prohibited condition
The licensee shall not accept or retain?

6 months
ARF administrators must receive training in HIV and TB within how many months of becoming an administrator?

Within first working day after death
Within how many days shall the death of a licensee be reported to the licensing agency by telephone?

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