Arkansas Cosmetology State Law Exam 2023

What is the minimum age you can receive your license at?
16 years old

What percentage of your training must be complete to work in a salon with a training permit?
In Arkansas you must have a license to work in a salon. There is no permit that allows someone to work as a cosmetologist in a salon before they pass their state board exam.

What are the requirements to apply for a lifetime license?
Lifetime license for a currently licensed practitioner that is 65 years or older and has been
actively engaged in the practice or teaching of cosmetology for thirty (30) years or more.

Duplicate license issues when?
A duplicate license shall be issued upon the loss of the
unexpired original license and accompanied by the fee prescribed in Each duplicate license shall have the word “DUPLICATE” stamped across its face and bear the same date and show the number of the original license.

What is not needed to open a salon out of; instructor license, manager license, cosmetology license.?
Manager/operator license

How old do you have to be to hold a cosmetology instructors license? 18, 21, 24,

Being found guilty of a criminal penalty is a Class D misdemeanor and is punishable by?
Being found guilty of a criminal penalty is a Class D misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by
both fine and imprisonment

New cosmetology schools are required to have no less than how many sq ft of floor space?
2500 sq ft

How many members does the committee have?

How often does a cosmetologist or instructors license expire?
Biennially on the holders birthday

Whenever the committee finds someone in violation and chooses to impose a penalty in lieu of suspense or revocation, what is the minimum and maximum fine amount?
The minimum penalty shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and a maximum
penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000) is authorized if the penalty is imposed by the committee
in lieu of revocation or suspension of a license or permit.

How much school is required to be eligible for licensing?
2 years of public high school and 1500 hours

What is the minimum age to be eligible for reciprocation?

How long does each committee member serve?
2 years

What is the maximum amount of time a committee member can serve?
10 years

Who appoints the committee?
The State Board of Health

What is the minimum age of a committee member?
25 years old

A violation of the laws adopted by the Cosmetology Technical Advisory Committee can result in what?
A criminal or civil penalty and each day of the violation is a separate offense

Being found guilty of a criminal penalty has what possible punishments?
Being found guilty of a criminal penalty is a Class D misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine in any sum not less than $25.00 nor more than $500 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, or by both fine and imprisonment.

Licenses of schools and establishments shall expire in one of any of these ways …?
(1) of the following ways at
the choice of the school or establishment owner:
(1) Annually on December 31;
(2) Biennially on December 31; or
(3) Biennially on the owner’s birthday in conjunction with the individual license.

After five (5) years from the date of its expiration, how must a license be reinstated?
A license may be reinstated upon the
filing of an application as the department may prescribe, the payment of the examination fee, and
the passing of the examination required by the department.

A school may allow a student to volunteer in charity or special events held outside
the school if the following conditions are met:?
A) The student agrees to participate;
(B) The student has completed three-quarters (¾) of the course of study;
(C) The student is accompanied by and acts under the direct supervision of a
licensed instructor; and
(D) The student receives no credit hours toward the course of study.

The student permit shall be:?
(A) Maintained by the owner of the school attended by the student during the
student’s enrollment; and
(B) Returned to the department along with a copy of the student’s Certificate of
Training upon the conclusion of the student’s enrollment in the school.

Result of Violation of Rules adopted by board:
Can result in criminal or civil penalty. Each day of violation is a separate offense.

Result of violation of a civil penalty:
May result in suspension of license, revocation of license, fine or any combination of above.

If found insane or legally incompetent by a court of law:
License can be suspended, but can be reinstated with proof of restored mental condition.

Violation of laws if state pertaining to occupation:
Board may penalize, suspend or revoke license. Penalty imposed instead of suspension or revocation only if the board finds that public health, safety, welfare and morals would not be impaired. If penalized instead of suspension or revocation board may require fee paid before reinstatement.

Health and safety jeopardized:
Board may refuse to issue license.

Grounds for disciplinary actions:
Failure to comply with regulations
Fraudulent misrepresentation
Gross Malpractice
Practicing with a infectious or contagious disease
Permitting someone else to use another persons license
Habitual drunkeness or drug use
False or deceptive ads
Failure to display license
Conviction of State/US laws that involves dishonesty
Practicing for compensation outside of establishment or school unless client is incapable of coming to salon.
Failure to wear clean garments.
Unfair and unjust practice

Prereqs to take cosmetology exam:
apply, pay fee, be 16 or older, completed 2 yrs of high school or equivalent, has completed one of the following:
Cosmetology: 1500 hours
Mani: 600 hours
Course of study in another state whose license requirements are equal or stricter.

Cosmetologist: 18 or older, current license from state that required atleast 1500 hours, and passed national practical and theory exam, verified by state, and passes Ark. state law exam.

Licensed elapsed 5 or more years:
Apply, pay fee, take all exams again

Exam for license fees:
Practical: $65
Written: $60

Reciprocity fees:
If passed national exams: $150 one time fee and $60 Ark. state exam fee.
Needs to take national exams: $150 one time fee and $65 for practical exam, and $60 for written exam

Board Certification Fee

Late fees for any type of license
regular renewal fee plus 50% more of that fee.

ground for disciplinary action
failure to present valid proof of identification

posted in a designated place in reception areas for consumer information
1) a copy of the Health and Safety Rules shall be conspicuously posted in reception areas .
2) all establishment and school license , practitioner’s license , student permit and instructor license .
3) no license which has expired or become invalid for any reason whatsoever shall be displayed by any person in connection with the practice of cosmetology or any of its branches

water supply
a safe and adequate supply of continuous hot and cold running water shall be provided from an approved source .

all water-carried sewage shall be disposed of by means of an approved sewage disposal system constructed and operated in conformance with the standards established for such systems by the Arkansas Department of Health

plumbing shall be installed and maintained to promote the following
1) to carry adequate quantities of water to required location throughout the school or salon
2)to prevent contamination of the water supply
3) to properly convey sewage and liquid wastes from school or salon to the sewerage or sewage disposal system
4)to not constitute a source of contamination of equipment , implement . supplies ,or create unsanitary condition or nuisance . all plumbing shall conform to the current State plumbing Code

toilet facilities
where toilet facilities are made available or otherwise required ,said facilities . no toilet facility shall be used for storage .

fixtures and plumbing
fixtures and other plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the Arkansas State plumbing COde and meet standards set by the Arkansas Department of Heath

hand wash facilities
1)each school and each salon shall provide hand washing facilities installed in accordance with the Arkansas State plumbing code .
2)the facilities shall have a soap dispenser (with soap) and disposable towels or an air dryer for hands.
3)common towels are prohibited.

each school and each salon shall supply drinking water from a supply meeting the requirement set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health
NO school or salon shall provide any cup ,glass or other receptacle for common use

garbage and refuse shall be kept in durable , easily cleanable ,insect-proof and rodent-proof container that do not leak and do not absorb liquids.
1)no school or salon shall permit an accumulation of garbage or refuse.
2)garbage and refuse shall be disposed of often enough to prevent the development of odor and the attraction of insects and rodents

insect and rodent control
1)each school and each salon shall be kept in such condition as to prevent the harborage or feeding of insects or rodents .
2)opening to the outside shall be effectively protected against the entrance of rodents and insects.

school and salon shall keep the floors , mats, walls ,woodwork, ceilings,equipment ,doors, windows,mirrors, lights and similar closures ,furnishings,attached equipment ,decorative materials and fixtures
1)good repair and good ,

concrete or pumice blocks used for interior wall construction shall be
finished , filled and sealed

all of the above mentioned items shall be
free of leak spots, mildew,peeling paint and shall be easily cleaned .

working area or clinical area shall be
constructed of smooth ,non-absorbent,durable material such sealed concrete, terrazzo, ceramic tile,durable grades of linoleum or plastic and shall be maintained good repair , worm torn, or broken floor coverings shall be replaced.

carpet shall not be permitted in the working area or clinical area.

carpet , if used as a floor covering in other areas of a school or salon
shall be of closely woven construction ,properly installed easily cleanable ,and maintained in good repair , worn or torn carpet shall be replaced

permanently fixed artificial light sources
shall be
installed to provide sufficient light on the working area or clinical area,

school and salon shall have sufficient ventilation installed and operated according to State and local requirements
keep them free of excessive heat , steam , condensation vapors , obnoxious odors , smoke and fumes

each school and salon shall have and maintain to following minimum equipment
1)a sufficient number of cover waste receptacles 2)closed receptacles to hold all soiled towels , 3)airtight container for sanitized instruments
4)closed cabinets to hold all clean towels
5)a liquid sanitizer receptacle of sufficient size to hold instruments and supplies containing a solution approved by the EPA for use as a disinfectant utilized in accordance to the product label.

animals in school and salons
prohibited from being inside , except for service animals that are accompanying a client with a client with a disability ,

in the event that an authorized Department representative observes a salon owner’s or school owner’s , or client’s animal within premises of the salon or school.
then the salon or school owner shall describe the impairment for which the animal is trained to provide assistance in order to ensure that the animal is not simply a pet

no person afflicted with an infectious or communicable disease,
1)because may be transmitted during the performance of the acts of cosmetology or any of its branches
2)afflicted with an infestation of animal parasites shall be permitted to work or train in a school or in a salon

term”infectious or communicable disease”
shall not include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any other disease that similarly does not pose a significant risk to the health or safety of others during the performance of an act os cosmetology or any of its branches

No school or salon shall require or permit a student or a practitioner
to massage any surface of the skin or scalp where such skin os inflamed or where a skin infection or eruption is resent and or knowingly .

the person and the uniform or attire worn by an individual serving a client shall
all time be clean

every person performing cosmetological services in a school in a school or salon shall
thoroughly wash his or her hand with soap and water or any equally effective cleansing solution before serving each client

the headrest of chairs shall be
covered with a clean towel or paper sheet for each client

shampoo trays and bowl must be
cleansed with soap and eater or other detergent after each shampoo , kept in good repair and in a sanitary condition at all times

treatment tables must be
sanitized before and after each client

use towels
to be discarded

after a towel has once been use ,it shall be
deposited in a closed receptacle and shall not again be used until properly laundered and sanitized

all cloth towels ,robes and similar item shall be
laundered in a washing machine with laundry detergent and chlorine bleach use according to the manufacturer’s directions for sanitation purposes.

laundry facilities shall be
1)restricted to the washing and dry of towels , uniform apron ,
2)necessary to the operation of a salon or school in an area separate and distinct from the working are or clinical area

a closed dust proof cabinet must be
provided for clean towels and linen and covered hamper or receptacle must be provided for all soiled towels , robes and linens

all bottles and containers in use in a school or salon shall be
distinctly and correctly labeled to disclose their contents

a sanitary neck trip or towel shall be
used to keep the protective covering from coming in direct contact with a client’s neck

all supplies or instrument which come in direct contact with a client and cannot be disinfected (for example ,cotton pads, emery boards used on natural or artificial nails,and neck trips )
shall be disposed of in a waste receptacle immediately after use

no person training or working in a school or salon shall be
permitted to carry any instrument or supplies in or on a garment or uniform while practicing cosmetology or any branch thereof

before use upon a client ,all electrical and non -electrical instrument including but , not limited to ,scissors , razors ,tweezes cuticle nippers , clippers ,combs ,
shall be sanitized with soap (or detergent)and water and disinfected with an EPA approved disinfectant

the disinfectant solutions shall
remain covered at all times and shall be changed at least once each wee or when visibly cloudy or dirty

all non -disinfected instrument (those that have been used on a client or soiled in any manner)shall be
placed in a properly labeled receptacle and stored in a clean covered place

disposable needles or lancet are

non- disposable needles or lancet are use
they must be properly sterilized with an autoclave.

instruments that can not be sterilized with an autoclave must be
sterilized with an EPA-apptoved disinfectant .
dry sterilizer or UV lights are not acceptable sterilization techniques

storage-all liquids ,creams and other cosmetic preparations shall be
kept in properly labeled clean and closed container , powder may kept in a clean shaker

when only a portion of a cosmetic preparation is to be used on a client , it shall be
removed from the container is such a way as not to contaminate the remaining portion

pencil cosmetics shall be
sharpened before each use

sharpeners shall be properly disinfected before each use

schools of cosmetology will be permitted to utilized the school facilities for non – accredited courses , after regular school hours
must have prior approval by the Department before communication

any person ,firm , or corporation conducting or operating a cosmetological establishment shall be
responsible for compliance with the licensing code and rules of the Board governing cosmetological establishments

failure to comply with the licensing code and rules shall be
grounds for disciplinary action

any person ,form or corporation who has applied for a license to operate a cosmetology establishment will
1)receive a litter authorizing the owner to operate the establishment .
2)provided that owner certified compliance with the licensing code and the rules of the Board ,
3)the little shall be conspicuously posted in the salon .

A littler of authorization to operate a cosmetology establishment will expire within
twelve months of the date of issuance and or upon certification by the representative of the Department

when the name of an established salon is change from the name which appears on the original application
1)the owner of record shall file an application with the Department for approval and shall submit the required fee ($75)
2)failure to comply with this section within thirty (30)day of changing the name of the salon will be grounds for disciplinary action

when the ownership of an established salon is change from the ownership that appears on the original application
1)the owner on file with the Department and the new owner shall complete the change of ownership form and submit it to the cosmetology section within 30 days of sail sale or transfer .
2)at the same time , the new owner , lessee or other legally responsible party shall submit the required fee ($75)

when the location of an established salon is changed
it shall be classified as a new salon and said owner shall comply with the licensing code and rule relating to the original issuance a salon license $150

within thirty 30 days after a salon is closed
the owner shall complete the closure from and shall return the salon license to the Department

selling products in a salon the require
the seller to hold a special permit or license by Federal or State authorities shall be classified as another type of business,

other types of businesses shall be
separated from a salon in accordance with the requirements specified below in subdivision B

a salon and any other type of business that may create an unsanitary condition
shall be physically separated by solid walls (from the floor to the ceiling )of permanent construction and shall not have a doors or openings of any kind between the businesses .

further ,the owner shall submit a document issued by
the Arkansas Department of Health certifying that the ventilation systems of said businesses meet the minimum requirements of Arkansas Department of Health

a salon shall be permitted to conduct business in conjunction with a health and beauty profession
provide the person is licensed and regulated by the State of Arkansas

the salon shall have and maintain adequate equipment to
1)ensure that contaminated items are not use on clients
2) ensure the health , safety and welfare of the client served in the salon

electrical or non electrical equipment in each salon shall
be maintained and tested periodically to determine that said equipment is functioning in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification

electrical and non -electrical equipment that is not operable or functioning in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications shall be
repaired or discarded

appliances use the preparation of food shall be
prohibited in the working or clinical area or reception area

requirements for testing laboratory products
1)for field testing ,full disclosure shall be provided to the model so model may make an informed decision as to whether the the product should be applied
2)the owner will be required to provide the model with a date sheet which states:the name and address of the manufacturer which produces the product
the name and address of the practitioner applying the product and the date and results of the test
3)the model will be required to sign the document which also certifies that the model is aware that product is being applied for testing purposes, a copy of the document is to be kept by the owner and a copy must to the model for the records

when the a name of a school of cosmetology is change
the owner of record shall notify the D apartment in writing at least 30 day prior to the change and shall submit the required fee $500

when the ownership of a school of cosmetology is changed from ownership that appears on the original application
the owner of record shall notify the Department in writing at least thirty (30 )day prior to the change .in addition the new owner must provide the documentation outlined in rule 7.8 at least 30day prior to the purchase .

application for new private school , the application shall be accompanied by the following information
1) completed application provided by Department and available on the Department’s website at www.healthyarkansas .com

2) detailed floor plan of the proposed school showing adequate floor space

3)one certified financial statement

4) list of proposed equipment of the school

5) personal survey form for instructor shall be complete listing detailed information such as instructor’s education , previous work experience

6) correspondence from the planning and zoning board certifying that the area which proposed school is to be located is properly zoned for this type of business

7)a statement certifying that the owner of the proposed school shall provide not less than fifteen -hundred (1500)hours of continuous for ass cosmetology student enrolled

8) the owner shall file a statement designating the name and address of the person who

9)the required registration fee $1500

10)samples of all forms to used in the school such as attendance record , sign -in sheets, sate inspector time sheet . contracts ,releases ,progress records , progress cards

11) 25 student enrollment forms and all required supporting documentation.

building requirements
the school shall be of fireproof constriction , a front and back entrance , no partitions will be permitted except for the specified spaces listed below, school must be separated form any other business with solid walls.

cosmetology establishments that are located in the same building shall be
separated by a solid physical barrier an shall have separate entrances,

school building requirements
1 )shall have sufficient light fixtures and wiring
2)completely air conditioned and centrally heated
3)hot water supply and pressure and be approved as sufficient by a licensed plumber

all re located schools shall
meet all physical requirements as for new schools

all school shall be
1)equipped to do and actually perform all services designated under Act 358 of 1955 as amended
2) approved by the Department as to space ,light ,ventilation , hygienic environment and equipment

interior floor space shall be
not less than 2500 square feet of the working area , excluding restrooms ,student lounge , hall and stairways , for a maximum of 25 students .

student practical training area or clinic area shall contain
not less than 1200 square feet ,open space, which no wall to obstruct the view of the instructor, ,every 50square feet of space in the aforementioned area will increase the enrollment
capacity by one

clinical area shall contain
dresserettes and chair ,shampoo bowl and chairs ,dryers with chairs , manicuring table with chairs and facial chair , other equipment not use for the instruction of the practical work will not be permitted

a class room is required and shall be
not less than 275 square feet , restroom ,outside ,and machines entrance shall not be in the classroom

restrooms are required
shall contain a commode and lavatory ,floors must be a washable surface , pipes or any projection that might create an unsanitary condition shall not be exposed

a reception area shall be
contain a desk or counter and chairs for clients and other reception furnishing

shall not contain dryers or any other equipment used by the students in the practical

supply room will be
keep all cleaning equipment ,such as mops . broom ,scrub pails

a dispensary room
required to store supplies used by students.all extra supplies ,
not being use , must be stored

storage space
for students to store individual personal items

office space
provided fjor student and school business records that contain equipment and furniture necessary to reasonably accommodate and administrative office

canteen and loung room
provided as a refreshment canteen and lounge for students , all students shall eat in this room , eating will not be permitted in any other area of the school

initial inspection of a new or re-located school
1) suitability of proposed room ,including adequacy of floor space , plumping :ventilation :lighting
2) suitability of proposed layout
3)suitability of proposed item of equipment an material
4) satisfactory evidence of proper provision for duly licensed instructors

purchase of an existing school
1)filed to reflect the change of ownership
2)the new owner shall file a statement designating the name and address of the person

3)personal survey form for instructors shall be completed listing detailed information such as the instructor’s education , precious work experience
4)one certified financial statement
5) samples of all forms to be used in the school ; such as attendance record ,sing-in

hygiene and sanitation
80 hours , general sanitation duties performed by students shall not exceed more than 15minute per day

related science
120 hours , physiotherapy or cosmetricity physiology and histology anatomy , neurology myology and osteology

1000hours . a course in cleaning , shampooing , haircutting ,

100 hours , a course in the construction filing and shaping of the fingernails

100 hours , a course in the skin , various kinds of facial massage ,cosmetic , packs

salesmanship and shop management
50 hours . instruction in how to keep record , knowledge of business law .

shop deportment
50 hours , courtesy neatness and professional attitude in meeting the public

theoretical instruction
all school shall provide a minimum of 5 hours each week in theoretical instruction of each student enrolled ,

during theoretical instruction to work on client
student shall not be permitted to leave the classroom

each student enrolled who has acquired 250 hours of instruction
all school shall provide a minimum of 10 services per week

manicure curriculum 600 hours consist
1)health sanitation and infection control 75 hours
2) health related science 75 hours
3) manicuring and pedicuring 200 hours
4) advance nail technology 200 hours
career development 50 hours

aesthetic curriculum
600 hours in the aesthetician course shall consist of the following
1) chemistry 40 hours ,
2)physiology 35 hour
3)bacteriology &sanitation 35hours
4)introduction of skin care 45 hours
5)skin care 150 hours
6) make up and corrective makeup 50 hours
7) eyebrow and lashes 40 hours
8) hair removal 40 hours
9) safety precautions 20 hours
10 ) professional &personality Development 20hours
11) management 20 hours
12) salesmanship 15 hours
13) state laws and rules and regulations 10hours
14) testing evaluation15 hours
15) instructor’s discretion 65 hours

electrology requirements
1) show proof of a qualified electroloysis instructor who shall be licensed by the board
2) meet the minimum requirements in equipment necessary to teach electrolysis in epilation

training course
1) 350 hours as a student in conjunction with a regular course in cosmetology and its related occupation
2) 600 hours as a student when not in conjunction with a regular course in cosmetology and its relate occupation or a licensed beauty operator

the record shall include the following information for each event
1)name and location of the educational event
2)date of the educational event
3)list of each instructor un attendance
4)sign-in /sign-out sheet
5) list of each student un attendance
6) number of hours earned by each student

instructor / enrolled student ratio shall be as follows
student instructor
1-25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3

in the event the regular instructor is ill or absent from the school
all school shall have an additional instructor subject to call at all times

by the 10th day of each month
all schools are required to report to the cosmetology section office

the monthly report shall
reflect the number of hours acquired in the school during the month and the accumulate hours during the current enrollment

no changes to student hours will be
made after the 30day timeframe without good cause

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