Florida Dental Laws and Rules Exam Bundle With Complete Solutions.

1st biennium of licensure
When are licensees excused from CE?

What is the minimum oxygen level required when administering nitrous oxide anesthesia?

50 min
How many minutes are equivalent to one hour of continuing education?

Fl Admin Code
RULES enforced by the BoD

Fl Statutues
LAW that governs dept of health

Dental Practice Act – Fl Statutes
Law that governs practice of dentistry in Fl

A dentist asks the hygienist to perform gingival curettage – this is considered

Administrative Commission
The governor and cabinet make up what?

Advertising dentist may claim he/she gives superior treatment
Which of the following is not allowed

Advise only
The councils that advise the BoD job is to what only?

Council in Dental Hygiene

Council on Dental Assisting

Committee on Continuing Professional Education

After radiographs
When does the dentist see the patient

All of these –> ADA or ADHA, hospitals approved by US dept of edu, or dental school accredited by the ADA commission on dental accreditation
CE’s can be taken through

All of these –> dept of health, dept of juvenile justice, dept of child and family services
There no limit on the number of auxiliaries:

All of these –> in the office of a Fl licensed dentist, in a public health program, in the home of a non-ambulatory patient of record, and in a government institution
Where is a hygienist allowed to work?

All of these: oxygen tank, EKG machine, bronchodilator, defibrillator, thermometer, and BP cuff
What equipment should be present in the ER/recovery rooms when using sedation?

All of these: placing pre-treatment separators; selecting bands, arch wires, or expansion appliances; removing excess cement with non-mechanical hand instruments
Which of the following are remediable tasks?

Altered state of consciousness
Nitrous oxide produces:

Absence of pain without loss of consciousness

The loss of feeling or sensation, especially the loss of sensation of pain

Another dentist
If a doctor of record is out of town and a patient comes to the office with acute conditions, who can diagnose the patient?

Applying sealants
A hygienist can ask an assistant to help perform which of the following

Assistant & hygienist
Who can remove sutures

At the time when the dentist of record cannot pre-examine the patient
When a patient is in discomfort due to the loss of a periodontal dressing, when can the hygienist replace the dressing?

Basic CPR, infant, obstructed airway, plus either ACLS or ATLS
If a dentist performs general anesthesia, they must hold current certifications in

Board approved individual study
What is an appropriate educational activity or topic for continuing education?

Board of Dentistry
Who defines the levels of supervision?

Board of Dentistry
Who grants sedation permits?

The BoD cannot limit in an HRS institution
The BoD can limit the number of hygienists in an HRD program to

Can be suspended until they follow the order from the board
If patient reports drug or alcohol abuse to the board and the dentist refuses to be tested

Who would be the enforcement of making guidelines and rules for contaminants pertaining to blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids?

CE Broker
Program used to register CE credits (no board requirement to use it)

Chemotherapeutic agents
What is not an appropriate topic for continuing education?

Completed a clinical exam, charted pathological conditions, prepared a treatment plan, and completed medical history
A patient of record is a patient that the DDS has

Completed dental work
A patient of record is designated by all the following except

Conscious sedation
Which form of anesthesia causes a depressed level of consciousness

Contour ortho bands
Which of the following can a hygienist NOT perform

CPR certificate
Before a dental hygienist can monitor N2O2, they must have

CPR certification with defib
For licensure renewal an RDH needs 24 hours of CE plus:

DA – direct, hygienist – indirect
What are the supervision levels for nitrous oxide? Dental assistant; dental hygienist

Deep sedation
Which of the following is a controlled state of depressed consciousness

Fail to renew license or elect inactive status before license expires shall be what status name?

Dental Hygiene
the rendering of educational, preventative, and therapeutic dental services and any related extra-oral procedure required in the performance of services

Dental hygienists & assistants
Who may perform emergency remediable tasks under conditions specified in the laws?

Dental license #
What must be included in a prescription for a prescription strength fluoride gel?

Dental Malpractice
3 or more claims within 5 year resulting in payment over 25K b/c of judgement / settlement b/c of negligent conduct of part of dentist

Dental office redecorating
An unacceptable CE is

If a dental hygienist injures a patient, who is primarily responsible?

Who owns the patient records or chart?

dentist of record responsible for all tx
In a multi-dentist practice, the patient of record must have

the healing art which is concerned with the exam, diagnosis, treatment planning, and care of conditions within the human oral cavity and adjacent tissues and structures

Dept of Dentistry
Any violations of the rules and laws are reported to the

Dept of Health
If someone violates chapter 466 and 64B5, who should it be reported to?

Dept of Health
Who gives the actual license?

A dental assistant may apply topical anesthetic with

A dental assistant may polish clinical crowns with

curettage is performed under which supervision

Direct supervision
A dentist diagnoses the condition to be treated, authorizes the procedure to be performed, remains on the premises while the procedures are performed, and approves the work performed

Direct supervision/formal training
Dental assistants can cement temp crown and bridges with temp cement under

Disinfecting may leave open the possibility of infection
The major difference between sterilization and disinfection is:

The destruction or inhibition of most pathogenic bacteria while they are in their active growth phase and the inactivation of some viruses

Dispensing Practitioners
Refers to dentists who in their offices fill the prescriptions they write

Display a copy of the license in each office in a conspicuous place with the original in the main office of employment
A dental hygienist or dentist who works in more than one office must

Ensure that every dentist and hygienist in the state meets the minimum requirements for safe practice
The legislative purpose of chapter 466 is to

Exposed to a chemical agent
All heat sensitive instruments must be

Eye Wear
Which personal protective equipment is not required?

Oral antibiotics are needed in the recovery room when performing sedation in the dental office – T/F

If 40 hours of CE are taken in 1 biennium, the remaining hours taken can count toward renewal requirement for the next biennium. True/False

In order to prescribe chlorhexidine or fl rinse, a dentist must hold a dispensing permit – T/F

Peer review contains all except:

Fees from any capitation party or payment plan
During a period of suspension, a licensee cannot accept what

Practicing without a valid Fl license would constitute a

Using false or forged evidence to obtain a license constitutes

Felony, 3rd degree
The penalty for using a suspended/expired license is a _ in the _ degree

Felony, 3rd degree
The penalty for unlicensed dentistry/practicing outside of the scope of practice is a _ in the __degree

Fine, restriction, revocation of license
In the practice of dentistry, the BoD may impose

Flame burs
When polishing an amalgam restoration, the hygienist may not use

For the first renewal
HIV/AIDs course must be taken when?

for the practice of dentistry
Pharmacists in Fl can fill prescriptions of legally licensed dentists for any drug

Full discipline over a licensee but no disciplinary power over an applicant
The board has

Full Time
To have a teaching permit & do faculty practice you must work how long?

A dental hygienist performing home care on a patient who is now in an assisted living center is working under which supervision level

If a hygienist is in a non-health access setting and a patient is in need of sealants, the hygienist must perform sealants under which supervision?

A patient of record is transferred to a nursing home – the family wishes the RDH to continue tx. What level of supervision must be employed

A dental hygienist may apply topical anesthetic with

A dental hygienist may polish clinical crowns with what level of supervision?

General Anesthesia
Controlled state of unconsciousness, produced by pharmacologic agent, accompanied by a partial or complete loss of protective reflexes, including the inability to independently maintain airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command. This modality includes administration of medications via parenteral routes; that is oral, rectal or transmucosal

General Supervision
If the dentist is out of the country and calls his office to instruct his staff to do a procedure on a patient, what supervision is this?

General supervision
A dentist authorizes the procedures but need not be present with the procedure is being performed

Given to the patient
The original Rx for DH services is

Gloves & mask
PPE is mandatory by chapter 64B5?

Who appoints BoD?

Governor of Florida
Who appoints the board of dentistry members?

Grounds for disciplinary action
Being unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety during an illness or use of drugs/narcotics is a

A handwriting sample
In accepting a license to practice, you must consent to:

In investigations you have to provide these:

Hold or deny license
A person holding a dental hygiene license in the state of Fl has been ruled by a court of law that they are delinquent on their child support. The Board of dentistry has the right to?

However many the BoD limits them to – if they choose to do so
A dentist can employ how many full time hygienists?

Impervious container
Impressions shipped to a lab are sealed in what

A dental hygienist may place subgingival chlorhexidine with

What is the supervision level for making bleaching trays for dental hygienist?

Root planning for a dental hygienist is performed under which supervision

A dental hygienist may marginate restorations with

Making impressions for creating opposing models or fabrication of bleach stents and surgical stents to be used for providing palatal coverage falls under which supervision for an RDH

indirect supervision
A dentist examines the patient, diagnoses, authorizes the procedure and remains on premises while the procedures are performed

Infected with the hep-B virus surface antigen and hep-B e-antigen
Being sero-positive for HBSAG means that

initial app for licensure denied
If an applicant practices dental hygiene before obtaining a license, what action is taken

In the home of an ambulatory patient
In which of the following settings may a hygienist NOT perform her duties

The use of a laser or laser type device is considered to be what type of task?

Applying topical with jet spray is what type of task?

Irremediable tasks
Intraoral treatment tasks which are irreversible and create unaltered changes within the oral cavity

It is reversible and does not create unalterable changes within the oral cavity and does not cause an increased risk to the patient
What is the definition of a remediable task?

Jane Doe, DMD, general dentist, practice limited to orthodontics
The correct wording for a non-specialist, limiting his/her practice to orthodontics is

Laser device
Expansion duties for an RDH include all except

The licensee
If you have been issued a license by the BoD through an error, who is responsible?

Local anesthesia
The loss of sensation of pain in a specific area of the body, generally produced by a topically applied agent or injected agent without causing the loss of consciousness

maintain own airway
In conscious sedation, the patient must be able to:

making adjustments & turning it off
The scope of dental hygienist involvement in N2O2 administration is limited to

Marginating restorations without changing the contour
What duty can a dentist delegate to a hygienist

Is using the name RDH or Dental Hygienist if not licensed – misdemeanor or felony?

Misdemeanor; 1st
The penalty for using another’s license is a _ in the _ degree

Misdemeanor; 2nd
The penalty for operating as a lab is a _ in the _ degree

Misdemeanor, 2nd Degree
The penalty for the lab not keeping original Rx is a _ in the degree

Misdemeanor 2nd Degree
A firm or corporation acting as a ‘dental lab’ in any way other than defined in ch 466 has

Monitoring and turning the unit off
Which of the following is allowed when an auxiliary is utilizing N2O2?

Must appear before the board
first time offenders get 30 days pay fees
vs 2nd time offenders have to:

A dental hygienist under the __ supervision of a dentist may administer local anesthesia, including intraoral block anesthesia, soft tissue infiltration anesthesia, or both, to a non-sedated patient who is 15 or older, if they meet criteria outlined in the laws manual

If John Doe comes to the office for his first visit and the dentist is out of town, can the hygienist prophy?

Can the BoD put a dentist or hygienist in jail?

Does CPR count towards CE requirements?

Can you do research for CE?

No fine or reprimand
If someone is adjudged mentally incompetent in this or any other state, what is the disciplinary action

Non biohazard
Extracted teeth can be rendered _ by disinfection in order to be returned to the patient

How many times in a biennium can one become inactive, reactive, and inactive again?

No SRP or Gingival Curettage
What are hygienists not allowed to do under general supervision for non-ambulatory pts?

No supervision
To provide educational programs in elementary institutions, an RDH needs

No supervision necessary
OHI can be given by an RDH under what supervision

No supervision necessary
Under which supervision is an RDH allowed to authorize fluoride rinse program

Not at all
Obtaining bacteriological specimens involving the cutting of tissue and not involving taking endo cultures to be examined under a microscope for educational purposes can be done by an RDH when

Null & void
After 4 years, an inactive license becomes

The number of assistants and hygienists
Who can the BoD limit in a private practice

Outline of course
What would a hygienist not have to include for certification for a course for a conference

Oxygen only
What can be mixed with N2O2 for inhalation analgesia?

Person who gave the tx
If anyone other than the dentist of record treats a patient, who must initial the chart?

Phone or visit to office monthly
A monitor for hep B can/does all the following except

Who would NOT see an emergency patient if the dentists is on vacation

Place sutures
An auxiliary may perform all the following in an emergency without pre-exam from dentist except

Placing class I restoration
Which of the following cannot be delegated to a hygienist by a dentist in Fl

Placing sealants & removing sutures
What is under general supervision for RDH?

Practicing hygienist or dentist
Who of the following are required to take CE credits?

Professional journals NOT the public
Dental labs can advertise to what?

Practice in a private sector is _ when on military status

Provide authorized fluoride rinse programs
What can an RDH do without supervision

Pt of Record
A patient who has received radiographs, an exam from dentist and treatment plan is considered:

Pt’s physical ability
With conscious sedation, it must not effect what?

Pt stress management
What is an example of a CE a dental hygienist would take?

Publisher’s name
When presenting a CE, one does not have to keep documentation of

A qualified anesthetist giving anesthesia under supervision of a Fl licensed dentist
All of the following are exempt from chapter 466 except

A qualified anesthetist performing a dental operation with a licensed dentist
All of the following are exempt from chapter 466 except

Radiation or wiping down with alcohol
What is not a sterilization process

A patient of record must have all the following except

Random, no need to send proof unless audited
Protocol for CE tracking?

RDH license #
What must be on the script for the services of an RDH

A rebuttable presumption of guilts to underlying criminal charges
A plea of no lo contender creates

Re-cementing temp crowns with temp cement
The practicing dentist is out of the country and a patient comes into the office with an emergency.

What is a remediable task is the hygienist/assistant able to perform?

Referring dentist
A patient is referred to a specialist, and at that location, the patient also received treatment from the hygienist. Who is ultimately responsible?

A dental hygienist who applies bleaching solution, activates light source, monitors and removes in office bleaching materials is performing a __ task

Remediable tasks
Intraoral treatment tasks which are reversible and do not create unalterable changes within the oral cavity or structures and do not cause an increased risk to the patient

Remove calculus, accretions, or stain above (or below) the gumline
A dental assistant is not allowed to

Agency of Health Care Admin __ citations

Bureau of Investigative Services _

Review the number of reminder calls made that day
A hepatitis monitor is not required to

Root planing if pt hasn’t been pre-examined
In an emergency, what is a violation of the law?

Securing or unsecuring an archwire by attaching or removing fastening devices
Which of the following constitutes an emergency remediable task?

See a DDS within 3 days
After having an emergency task performed on him/her, a patient must

Who confirms the members of the BoD?

A statement of specific services and authorized frequency
A prescription for the services of an RDH must contain

The process by which all forms of life within an environment are totally destroyed

Submit a sworn affidavit listing the date, location, sponsor, subject matter, and hours of completed education
In applying for renewal, the RDH shall

Suspend license until rehab – followed by other penalties upon rehabilitation
A patient reports a dentist to the board for suspected alcohol abuse. After review, the board requests specific test to be given to verify the charges. What else can the board do to the doctor

Suspension / Revocation of License
If you don’t keep the work order / rx forms for 4 years, what happens?

BoD headquarters in?

Teach – yes
Faculty Practice – NO
If you fail licensing exam 3x, you can still do what, but not what?

This can happen only if the patient’s interest is in the best interest
A dentist refers a patient to another dentist due to financial interest

The time when the reliability of any negative results can be diminished
The window period is

To another licensed Fl dentist
In the event that the dentist dies, where do all the patient of record files go?

treat as infectious materials
Impressions for appliances or models sent to labs must be labeled as:

A dentist or hygienist takes a 10 hr HIV/AIDs course. The remaining 9 hours could count for their remaining 24 or 30 hours required for licensure renewal. True/False

If the dentist uses anesthesia in his office, his/her staff has to be properly trained in anticonvulsants. T/F

Is a lab tech licensed or unlicensed?

Using regular exam gloves
When handling soiled instruments – what’s not appropriate?

Fail to renew before expiration of licensure cycle ins which the licensee became delinquent shall _ the license

Washing prosthodontic appliances with soap and water before giving to patient
What is not consistent with the CDC recommendations?

When they are teaching full time in a school of dental hygiene
When is a hygienist exempt from CE courses

Window Period
The time between infection and appearance of HIV antibodies is known as

Writing within the scope of dentistry
Which of the following is legal of a dentist writing prescriptions?

Can a lab tech make a mouthguard?

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