NRP 8th Edition Test 2023 Questions Well Answered With A Guaranteed Pass!

When is the placement of endotracheal tube recommended?
A- HR<100

Intubation skills be available?
A- In hospital and immediately available

Confirming endotracheal tube
C- exhaled Co2 and inc HR

Co2 detector not yellow
D- Low cardiac output

8th edition cardiac monitor recommended
B- When alternative airway is inserted

Laryngoscope blade sizes
D- single 0 not 00

HR during chest compression
C- 60 sec and use cardiac monitor

HR low and poor perfusion
A-cardiac monitor

Chest compression indicated?
B- HR<60 after 30 sec PPV

HR 70 bpm after PPV
A- Stop chest compression and continue PPV

Depth of chest compressions
A- 1/3rd AP dia of chest

chest compressions
D- 1-2-3 and breathe

Saline Flush
C- 3ml

8th annual NPR – Epi
A- 0.02 mg/kg

Volume expanders
A- Hr not inc and sign of shock and hx of acute blood loss

10ml/kg saline
B- 5 to 10 min

After IV check HR after
C- 60 sec

Conc of O2 for PPV
A- 21-30%

Gentle stimulation and 1 min old. not breathing
A- Begin PPV by mask

Birth<32 weeks gestations
C- Preheat radiant warmer


Team plan to leave baby with mother
C-who will monitor baby in mother room

asymmetric breath sounds immediately after intubation suggest?
C- Rt main bronchus

D- left pneumothorax

congenital diaphragmatic hernia
B- Intubate and orogastric tube

No breathing. Next intervention
A- Start PPV

B- Newborn parents

morbidity burden and option for resuscitations
A-Comfort care

Labored breathing
A- CPAP 5 cm h2o

Intubation speed
A- 30 sec

Need for alternative airway
D- need for PPV is prolonged

Gestation age of 26 weeks
A- 2.5 mm

3 compression and 1 breath
A- 2 seconds

How often HR during compression
A- Every 60 sec

CPAP inc O2 so next step
A- Dec o2 concentration

Your team has provided face-mask PPV with chest movement for 30 seconds. When is placement of an endotracheal tube strongly recommended?
The baby’s heart rate remains less than 100 bpm and is not increasing.

During a delivery, when and where should a person with intubation skills be available?
In the hospital and immediately available

What are the primary methods of confirming endotracheal tube placement within the trachea?
Demonstration of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) and a rapidly increasing heart rate

You are resuscitating a critically ill newborn whose heart rate is 20 bpm. The baby has been intubated and the endotracheal tube insertion depth is correct. You can see chest movement with PPV and hear bilateral breath sounds, but the colorimetric CO2 detector does not turn yellow. What is the likely reason for this?
Low cardiac output.

According to the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th edition algorithm, at what point during resuscitation is a cardiac monitor recommended to assess the baby’s heart rate?
When an alternative airway is inserted

What size laryngoscope blade is recommended to intubate a preterm newborn with an estimated gestational age of 32 weeks (estimated birth weight of 1.4 kg)?

Even brief interruptions of chest compressions may significantly reduce their effectiveness, but it is also important to assess the need to continue chest compressions. What is the preferred way to assess the heart rate during chest compressions?
Briefly interrupt chest compressions every 60 seconds to assess the heart rate using the cardiac monitor.

Your team is resuscitating a newborn at birth. The heart rate is low and the baby has poor perfusion. Which is the preferred method to assess the heart rate?
Cardiac monitor

When are chest compressions indicated?
When the heart rate remains less than 60 bpm after at least 30 seconds of PPV that moves the chest, preferably through an alternative airway

After 60 seconds of PPV coordinated with chest compressions, the cardiac monitor indicates a heart rate of 70 beats per minute. What is your next action?
Stop chest compressions and continue PPV.

What is the recommended depth of chest compressions?
One-third of the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest

During chest compressions, which of the following is correct?
To coordinate compressions and ventilations, the compressor calls out one-and-two-and-three-and-breathe-and….

Your team is resuscitating a newborn whose heart rate remains less than 60 bpm despite effective PPV and 60 seconds of chest compressions. You have administered epinephrine intravenously. According to the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th edition, what volume of normal saline flush should you administer?
3 mL

According to the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th edition, what is the suggested initial dose for IV epinephrine (0.1 mg/1 mL=1 mg/10 mL)?
0.02 mg/kg (equal to 0.2 mL/kg)

When is the administration of a volume expander indicated during newborn resuscitation?
The baby’s heart rate is not increasing and there are signs of shock or a history of acute blood loss.

Your team is caring for a term newborn whose heart rate is 50 bpm after receiving effective ventilation, chest compressions, and intravenous epinephrine administration. There is a history of acute blood loss around the time of delivery. You administer 10 mL/kg of normal saline (based on the newborn’s estimated weight). At what rate should this be administered?
Over 5 to 10 minutes

How soon after administration of intravenous epinephrine should you pause compressions and reassess the baby’s heart rate?
60 seconds

You are called to the birth of a newborn at 30 weeks gestation. As you prepare your equipment, what concentration of oxygen will you use initially if PPV is required?
21% to 30%

A baby is born at 26 weeks gestation. The initial steps of care, including gentle stimulation, have been completed and the baby is nearly 1-minute old. The baby is not breathing. What is the most appropriate next step?
Begin PPV by mask.

Choose the appropriate step(s) to prepare for the birth of a newborn <32 weeks gestation.
Prepare the preheated radiant warmer with a thermal mattress, plastic wrap or bag, a hat, and a skin temperature sensor

A term newborn was born via emergency cesarean section in the setting of fetal bradycardia. The baby was limp and bradycardic at birth and was intubated at 6 minutes after birth for persistent apnea. The cord blood gas demonstrates a severe metabolic acidosis, and the physical examination is consistent with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention for this newborn?
Admit the newborn to a center with capability to perform therapeutic hypothermia.

A term baby was vigorous at birth but receives CPAP for 3 minutes after birth for grunting respirations. The baby is now 15 minutes old, breathing comfortably in room air, and bonding with their mother. The team plans for the baby to room-in with their mother. What immediate decision needs to be made regarding post-resuscitation care?
Identify who will continue to monitor the baby in the mother’s room.

A baby’s heart rate does not increase after intubation and the breath sounds are louder on the right side than on the left side of the chest. Which of the following is a common cause of asymmetric breath sounds in an intubated baby?
Endotracheal tube inserted into the right mainstem bronchus

During resuscitation, a baby initially responds to PPV with a rapidly increasing heart rate. Subsequently, the baby’s heart rate and oxygen saturation suddenly worsen. The baby has decreased breath sounds on the left side and transillumination reveals a bright glow. What is the most likely cause of this distress?
Left-sided pneumothorax

You attend the birth of a baby with prenatally diagnosed severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia. What are the most appropriate steps as you begin your resuscitation?
Intubate the trachea and insert an orogastric tube into the stomach.

A woman in labor received opioid medication for pain relief 1 hour before delivery. The baby does not breathe spontaneously and remains apneic after stimulation. What is your next intervention?
Start PPV.

In most cases, who are the usual and appropriate surrogate decision makers for a newborn?
The newborn’s parents

When a newborn has a high risk of mortality and there is a significant burden of morbidity among survivors, what should be included in the discussion with the parents concerning options for resuscitation?
The option of providing comfort care can be considered.

You are in the delivery room caring for a preterm newborn at 27 weeks gestation. The baby is 5 minutes old and breathing spontaneously. The baby’s heart rate is 120 bpm and the oxygen saturation is 90% without respiratory support. The baby’s respirations are labored. Which of the following is an appropriate action?
Administer CPAP at 5 cm H2O pressure with 21% oxygen.

Ideally, how quickly should the intubation procedure be completed?
30 seconds

Which of the following is an indication for placement of an alternate airway?
The need for PPV is prolonged

What size (internal diameter) endotracheal tube should be used to intubate a newborn with an estimated gestational age of 26 weeks (estimated birth weight of 0.8 kg)?
2.5 mm

When coordinating PPV with chest compressions how long does it take to complete a cycle of 3 compressions and 1 breath?
2 seconds

When chest compressions are in progress, how often should the heart rate be assessed?
Every 60 seconds

A baby is delivered at 29 weeks gestation. At 5 minutes after birth, the baby is breathing spontaneously while receiving CPAP (at a pressure of 5 cm H2O) and 30% oxygen. A pulse oximeter sensor on the baby’s right hand is reading 95% and oxygen saturation is increasing. What is the most appropriate next step?
Decrease the oxygen concentration.

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