C468 Informatics OA study guide/ Guaranteed A+Guide/ Questions & Answers

  1. An informatics nurse and an emergency nurse are conducting an analysis of a patient admission from the ER? Which tool should these nurses use for a process analysis?
    SWOT template
  2. What is an effective way to reduce the risk of access of electronic protected health information (ePHI) by unauthorized users?
    Make sure all users adhere to security and confidential policy set forth by the facility

What is the goal of MIPS and MU?
Patient quality care

A provider at the hospital had his laptop stolen from his vehicle. What should be on his laptop to protect it from data breach?

What is the name of the process that begins with conception and continues through implementation?

When a physician arrives on the unit, a nurse is asked about the fluid status of a patient. Where should the nurse find this information?
Intake and output chart

why is it important to control the number of warnings in EHR?
alert fatigue

which two technologies support the standardization of healthcare data?

what can be installed to allow one operation to access another to enable the exchange of data?

what is a physical safeguard of ePHI?
Lock on hard drive, Facility Access Controls Workstation Use Workstation Security – Device and Media Controls

what is a technical safeguard ePHI
Access control. Audit controls. Authentication.

An informatics nurse and an ER nurse are conducting an analysis of a patient admission form the er. which tool should these nurses use for a process analysis?

  1. an informatics nurse is developing a web-based application for patient care. which statement accurately describes the internet?
    A Network or networks
  2. what describes an example of opt-in or opt-out choice regarding the disclosure of personal health information?
    your information sent to another facility

which government organization oversees the meaningful use program?

What item describes a basic network code that determines the roles used to create and route packets of data between network devices?

  1. Which is a physician’s clinical informatics assessment?
    Vital signs
  2. The Operating room uses a different system than what is integrated in the EMR. What do you do?
    chart in one system and it will automatically show up in both systems
  3. There are different systems for L &D and the hospital, how would you check for orders and medications?
    Log out of L&D system and log into the Hospital system

What should providers have on their personal mobile devices to protect it from sharing information when stolen?
Authentication and encryption.

  1. What are two barriers of adopting the CDS in an EHR?
    Limited resource
    Communication information exchange
  2. What should healthcare staff who use mobile devices to access ePHI do to protect devices before they are lost or stolen?
    . Turn off share files.

Which stage of the SDLC would data be collected from the systems users regarding their analysis

Which phase of the system life cycle involves using needs assessment to identify the exportation of the system?

Which MIPS merit-based incentive payment system performance replaces MU for physicians?

What are 3 common reason for HIPAA violation citations?
Lost or stolen unencrypted devices
Social media postings
Taking a patient photo with a personal phone

  1. Which item enhances interoperability between organizations when exchanging patient data electronically?
    b. Continuity of Care Document (CDD) or Continuity of Care Record (CCR) via direct messaging

What plays a primary role in the usability of an electronic health record (EHR)?
Clinical workflow and efficiency

What defines interoperability?
Using computer systems or software to exchange information

. What is nursing informatics a combination of differentiating it from other nursing disciplines?
Nursing, information, and analytical sciences

. Which two statements define healthcare informatics (HI)?
A tool to improve practice and patient care
A field that involves the secure sharing of information

  1. Which task is representative of the role of the nurse informaticist?
    Acting as a superuser
  2. At a nursing facility, the recent quality report details only 30% of patients received the influenza vaccine in the prior flu season. Nurses within the medical unit state the result is too low. Which area should an informatics nurse review to understand the quality report results?
    EHR charting data
  3. What should an informatics nurse do to support the entry of standardized data into an electronic health record (EHR)?
    . Use terminologies approved by the ANA

. A new computerized provider order entry is being implemented in the hospital. The nurse informaticist plays a role in all areas of this implementation. Which measure is crucial for a successful implantation?
Workflow design

In conducting and providing a quality audit, it was noted the provider was free texting data
instead of selecting the proper codes to capture and bill for their services. When educating this
provider on properly selecting codes and decreasing free texting what is a rationale for why this
is important?
. Interoperability

What is a typical role of an informatics nurse?
Facilitates the development, implementation, and integration for laboratory information

What is the responsibility of a superuser?
To support the system in a given unit and assist users with functionality and procedural

  1. What is the role of the informatics nurse working with EHR?
    To improve patient safety

What is a reason to have standardized terminology within a healthcare setting
It provides the effective exchange of information between providers

  1. What is the harmonization of terminologies?
    c. It fosters interoperability in health information systems

What can be installed to allow a device to connect to the EHR to enable the exchange of data?
. An application program interface

. How does the health information exchange (HIE) improve interoperability within a healthcare
It allows patient information to be accessible despite where the patient is receiving care

  1. The healthcare organization has a different surgery system that is integrated with the
    organization’s main EHR. What should this healthcare team do to ensure all information is
    properly charted?
    Chart in the surgical system and the appropriate data will be accessible in the EHR

. Health systems can be inoperable with other health systems. What are 2 barrier that prevent
Data blocking
Interface cost

. An informatics nurse is developing a web-based application for patient care. Which statement accurately describes the internet?
An unregulated network of networks

What is role-based access an example of?

Which term refers to ensuring confidentiality when sharing a patient’s electronic personal health

What advice should be taken to avoid a security breach of protected health information?
. Open emails only from trusted sources, change passwords as stipulated by the organization,
and do no leave ePHI visible in an unsecure area

  1. What is the first thing patients should do to access their health records?
    . Use the patient portal email from the healthcare organization to create an account
  2. What represents privacy and security risks for telehealth technology?
    Patients have the option to use speakerphone in the telehealth apps

What are 3 common reasons for HIPPA violation citations
Lost or stolen unencrypted devices
Social media postings
Taking a patient photo with a personal phone

What is a physical safeguard of ePHI?
. A lock on the USB port on computers

An informatics nurse is on a task force planning committee to ensure data storage measures are
safe and accessible. Besides the provider and the client, which group’s needs are important to
The joint commission

  1. A restaurant committee has been assembled to oversee the need and proper usage of restraints. It has asked a report to be constructed to allow better tracking of restraint usage and
    documentation compliance throughout the organization. Which data element would this committee find least useful in this report?
    Patient allergy history
  2. What is a structured method used to analyze serious adverse events?
    c. A root cause analysis (RCA)
  3. What are 3 purposes of using bar code medication administration (BCMA)?
    It alerts the nurse to drug-drug-interactions
    reduces errors of administration
    It supports the 5 rights of medication administration

Why was BCMA adopted by healthcare facilities?
To prevent medication administration errors

  1. What describes the role of decision support within the EHR?
    it is designed to assist with timely clinical decision making
  2. Healthcare staff members become overwhelmed when using EHR, and they begin to ignore
    clinical decision support messages. Why is it important to control the number of warnings in an
    Alert fatigue

Which merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) performance category replaces meaningful
Quality of care

  1. What do the goals of meaningful use and merit-based incentive programs have in common?
    d. Improving quality of care
  2. What were 2 objectives of meaningful use as defined by the American reinvestment and
    recovery act (ARRA)?
    a. Document patient collected data directly into the EHR
    b. Submit electronic data to health information exchanges (HIEs)

healthcare provider had a hospital laptop stolen from its vehicle. What should be on the
laptop to protect it from a data breach?
. Two-factor authentication

What should healthcare staff who use mobile devices to access electronic protected information
d. Turn off file sharing

  1. What is the name of the process that begins with conception and continues through implementation?
    Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

During which phase of the systems development life cycle should a system be activated to effectively be used by end users?

What 3 tasks in the design phase during the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?
Plan the project, define the scope, and conduct the SWOT analysis

  1. What 3 tasks in the design phase during the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?
    Plan the project, define the scope, and conduct the SWOT analysis

A healthcare facility is changing to a new health information system. Information from the old system needs to be input into the new system. What will the IT department do to complete this
Migrate the data

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