All actual response assignments and emergency modes are:
predetermined by local Medical Control and EMS Administration

Medical professional and communications experts from around the world contribute to the ongoing dev3elopment of the MPDS

What’s the difference between certification and accreditation?
Individuals are certified, and agencies are accredited

List the six roles of the the EMD
Field Communicator
Dispatch Life Support Provider
Resource Allocator (Triage)
Life Impactor
Logistics Coordinator

List four call processing objectives
System Response
Patient Care
Information for Responders

List five benefits of structured calltaking and protocol use
An established standard of service
Prioritized responses
Quality improvement procedures
Certification and Accreditation
Reduced exposure to liability

The MPDS symbol with the PDI/Lights/Arrow directs the EMD to:
Send, PDI’s and return to questioning

A question with the pre-question qualifier “(Female 12-50)” should be asked:
only when the caller reports that the patient is a female between the ages of 12 and 50

Key questions must be asked in order and as written

DLS Links
Provide links to specific Dispatch Life Support (DLS) Instructions

Key Question 7 on Protocol 5 is “(>50) Did s/he faint (pass out) or nearly faint?: Based on MPDS standards, it is appropriate to read this question as “Did she faint, pass out, or nearly faint?”

Words or phrases printed in ALL UPPERCASE text in the MPDS Key Questions indicate that:
a definition is available for the word or phrase in the Additional Information section of the protocols.

When a second–party caller cannot tell if the patient is breathing or not, the patient should be considered to be NOT BREATHING until proven otherwise.

List the five primary components of the MPDS
Case Entry Protocol
Chief Complaint Protocols
Diagnostic and Instruction Tools
Pre-Arrival Instructions
Case Exit Protocol

List the four commandments of EMD
Chief Complaint
Status of Consciousness
Status of Breathing

List the four priority symptoms
Chest Pain
Serious Hemmorage
Decreased level of consciousness
Abnormal Breathing

Although DLS incorporates concepts form both BLS and ALS, it is actually a unique form of medical practice.

Instructions on the Case Exit Protocol are considered:
Post Dispatch Instructions (PDI’s)

PAI’s must be read
Exactly as written

The head-tile is the only recognized method of airway control in the PAI dispatch environment

DLS Instructions for relieving an airway obstruction include the use of back blows as a last resort

Compressions Only and Compressions 1st CPE are the same thing

Not all panel directors are contingent on the answer to an operant question

All actual response assignments and emergency modes are:

A. dictated by the IAEMD council of standards.
B. listed on the MPDS response grid.
C. predetermined by local medical control and EMS administration.
D. Determined by individual EMD’s based on the specific needs of each case.
C. Predetermined by local medical control and EMS administraton.

Medical professionals and communications experts from around the world contribute to the ongoing development of the MPDS.


Which of the following best describes the difference between certification and accreditation?

A. Agencies are certified, and individuals are accredited.
B. Individuals are certified, and agencies are accredited.
C. Certification and accreditation are the same thing.
B. Individuals are certified, agencies are accredited.

List the 6 roles of the EMD
-Telephone interrogator
-Dispatch Life Support (DLS) insrtuction provider
-Resource allocator (triage) – who needs help, what help, and in what priority.
-Logistics Coordinator
-Field communicator
-Life impactor

Last four call processing objectives.
-System Response
-Patient Care
-Information for responders

List 5 benefits of structured call taking and protocol use
-Established standard of care
-Prioritized responses
-Quality improvement procedures
-Certification and accreditation
-Reduced exposure to liability.

The MPDS symbol (Imagine peacock with arrow pointing left) directs the EMD to:

A. Go to PDI’s, then DLS links
B. Send and go to PDI’s
C. Send, PDI’s, and return to questioning
D. Send and return to questioning
D. Send and return to questioning

A question with the pre-question qualifier (Female 12-50) should be asked:

A. Always
B. Only when the caller reports that the patient is a female between the ages of 12 and 50.
C. Only when the patient is a male and younger than 12 or older than 50.
B. Only when the caller reports that the patient is a female between the ages of 12 and 50.

Key questions must be asked in order and as written


DLS Links

A. Direct the EMD to the appropriate pre-arrival or case exist instructions.
B. point out additional agencies that should be notified about an emergency.
C. provide reference to books, magazines, and videos that may be of interest to the EMDs
D. none of the above
A. Direct the EMD to the appropriate pre-arrival or case exist instructions.

Key question 7 on protocol 5 is “(>/= to 50) Did S/He faint (pass out) or nearly faint?” – Based on MPDS standards, it is appropriate to read this question as “did she faint, pass out, or nearly faint”


Words or phrases printed in ALL UPPERCASE text in the MPDS key questions indicate that

A. a DELTA level response is available for the situation
B. the word or phrase should not be read to the caller.
C. A definition is available for the word or phrase in the additional information section of the protocols
C. A definition is available for the word or phrase in the additional information section of the protocols

When a second prty caller cannot tell if the patient is breathing or not, the patient should be considered to be not breathing until proven otherwise.


A second party caller reports that his 8 year old sister is currently having a seizure. The patient is not away and not breathing. What is the best CC protocol? (Refer to MPDS chief complaint classification table)

A. 6: Breathing problems
B. 9: Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death
C. 12: Convulsions/Seizures
D. 31: Unconscious/Fainting (Near)
C. 12 – Convulsions/Seizures

An alert, first party caller reports that he was just bitten by a rattlesnake. What is the best CC protocol? (Refer to MPDS chief complaint classification table)

A. 2: Allergies (reactions)/Envenomation (Stings/Bites)
B. 3: Animal Bites/Attacks
C. 23: Overdose/Poisoning (Ingestion)
D. 27: Stab/Gunshot/Penetrating Trauma
A. 2: Allergies (reactions)/Envenomation (stings/bites)

List the 5 primary components of the MPDS
-Case entry protocol
-CC protocols
-Diagnostic and Instruction Tools
-Case Exit Protocols

List the 6 primary components of the MPDS CC protocols
-Key Questions
-Determinant Descriptors
-Critical EMD Info (CEI)
-Dispatch Life Support Links (DLS Links)
-Additional Information

* List the 4 commandments of the EMD
-Chief Complaint
-Status of consciousness
-Status of breathing

* List the 4 priority symptoms
-decrease in consciousness
-abnormal breathing
-chest pain
-serious hemorrhage

Although DLS incorporates concepts from both BLS and ALS, it is actually a unique form of medical practice


It is different because we have to do it over the phone.

Instructions on the case exit protocols are considered

A. PDI’s
B. PAI’s
A. PDI’s

PAI’s must be read

A. Exactly as written
B. According to the script, in a materially identical way
C. only when the emergency rule exists
D. only when the EMD has no previous field experience
A. Exactly as written

The head tilt is the only recognized method of airway control in the PAI dispatch environment


DLS instructions for relieving any airway obstruction include the use of back blows as a last resort


Compressions only and compressions 1st CPR are the same thing


Not all panel directors are contingent on the answer to an operant question.


JeffCom 911 is a compressions only PSAP, however the test requires:
Compressions 1st

What is agonal breathing?
Breaths less frequent than once every 8 seconds and sounds like gasping for air or slow snoring

What to do when someone is not breathing?
Send Echo-9-1
Go to PDI – A
Get to NABC-1

For a stroke – time frame for JeffCom is 24 hours, but for the test its:
3 hours

Our biggest liability is:

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