How many day(s) do you have to report loss of license or accreditation?
30 days

T/F Veterinarians from other states can be called in regularly for consultations?
False – cannot be a consistent schedule/routine

What are the 3 items that can be delegated to independent contractors by a veterinarian?

  1. licensed dental equine providers
  2. chiropractic/alternative therapies

T/F Only the veterinarian technician or assistant can get in trouble if activity is not appropriately delegated
F – veterinarian is as well

What can a licensed veterinary technician do under direct supervision?

  1. induce anesthesia
  2. remove loose teeth without elevators
  3. suture incisions

What can unlicensed assistants do under direct supervision of a veterinarian?

  1. suture incisions close
  2. induce anesthesia

what can an unlicensed tech do under the direct supervision of a LVT?

  1. suture
  2. induce
  3. draw blood
  4. take samples

T/F An unlicensed tech can remove a dangling loose tooth under direct supervision
False! Under no circumstances

When can a non-veterinarian perform euthanasia?
only under immediate supervision of a veterinarian

T/F an non-veterinarian can administer Rabies
True BUT ONLY under direct supervision of DVM

T/F a non-veterinarian can use a dr stamp
True BUT ONLY under direct supervision of DVM

Can non-veterinarians issue treatment?
YES ONLY in an emergency situation

In the absence of direct supervision can non-veterinarians follow oral or written instructions on care of animals?
Yes! as long as a client-patient relationship exists

Whose responsibility is it to ensure an equine dental practitioner or VT is actively licensed?
The veterinarian who employs

What are the 2 ways to authenticate a rabies certificate?

  1. dvm signature
  2. electronic/stamp

T/F You cannot use pre-signed/stamped health certificates

TAHC means what
Texas Animal Health Commission

Who supervises brucellosis testing?

What are the requirements to test for brucellosis?

  1. be under approved by TAHC
  2. Under general supervision of TAHC approved veterinarian

What are examples of alternative therapies?

  1. acupuncture
  2. chiropractics
  3. homeopathies
  4. ultrasound

Under direct supervision of a DVM what alternative therapies can be performed by a non-dvm?

  1. chiropractics
  2. ultrasound

What is the mechanical radiant energy higher than 20 kilocycles per second?

Define ultrasonics
upper limit of hearing to above 500 kilocycles per second (acoustics)

The effect of ultrasound on injured tissues because of thermal effects
ultrasound radiation

controlled doses of ultrasound at the therapeutic level
ultrasound therapy

What therapy can only be performed by DVM

  1. acupuncture
  2. holistic medicine
  3. homeopathic

What alternatives require client consent that this is an alternative therapy

  1. acupuncture
  2. holistic medicine
  3. homeopathic

Who can perform dental procedures?


What is not prohibited for teeth?

  1. cotton swabs
  2. gauze swabs
  3. dental floss
  4. dentifrice
  5. toothbrushes

What 8 things can an equine dental practitioner under general supervision of a veterinarian/non-vet under direct supervision perform?

  1. remove sharp enamel points
  2. remove small dental overgrowths
  3. rostal profiling of the first cheek tooth
  4. reducing incisors
  5. extracting loose deciduous teeth
  6. removing supragingival calculus
  7. extracting loose/mobile/diseased teeth
  8. removing erupting non-displaced wolf teeth

who can use dental elevators?
only dvm

what 4 situations allow d/c of client-patient relationship?

  1. adequate time to secure services from another dvm
  2. request of client
  3. referral
  4. treatment/diagnosis reached

T/F another veterinarian in the same clinic can refill script previously filled by dr in same clinic

T/F Specialist must provide verification of specialty to public

If there is loss/theft/deliberate/accidental misuse of health certificates how many day(s) to report to TBVME?

When can a veterinarian disclose medical care for an animal? 3 situations

  1. oral/written authorization from client
  2. court order/subpoena
  3. necessary to substantiate/collect on debt from services

If an owner wants to file complaint what does the veterinarian provide?

  1. address
  2. phone number
  3. toll-free number

What are other forms of acceptable information to file complaint?

  1. size 14 font, predominantly displayed in clinic/brochure
  2. on billing statements/invoice/receipt

T/F a veterinarian must specify which speciality if listed

You can display all certificates in office
False – only those degrees that are dispersed based on a institute approved by TSBVME

All veterinarians in the facility except the relief vets have to post their board license and license
False – even relief vets need to post their license/info too
a legible photocopy is allowed as well!

What 7 requirements for labels/containers of meds?

  1. species
  2. client/patient name
  3. number prescribed, strength, name
  4. veterinarian date/name/address/telephone number
  5. date of delivery/dispense
  6. direction for usage
  7. cautions i.e. not for human, withdrawal period

What do compounded medications need to include?

  1. species
  2. client/patient name
  3. dose/number prescribed
  4. veterinarians number, name, address
  5. date of dispense
  6. direct use
  7. cautions
  8. condition/disease to treat
  9. expiration date
  10. state dispensed in

What 2 agencies does a veterinarian need to be registered with to prescribe controlled drugs?

  1. DEA
  2. Texas Department of Public Safety

Food animal withdrawal when using compounded medication must include:

  1. extended withdrawal
  2. can’t use active ingredient prohibited from food-animal
  3. provide scientific data on withdrawal period
  4. ensure that the treated animal is labeled/tracked in patient records

Can you sell compounded medications?

can you re-sell compounded medicine?

When prescribing an uncommonly used medication off-label how do you inform client?
verbal or written, if verbal must include in patient record

How long are controlled drug logs kept for?
5 yrs

What information is included in record for controlled drugs?

  1. date of acquisition
  2. quantity purchased
  3. date administered/dispensed
  4. quantity administered/dispensed
  5. name of client/patietn
  6. total balance on hand of drug

What is included in rabies vaccination?

  1. owners name/address/contact
  2. animal identification (species/sex, age, size, breed, color)
  3. vaccine used (name/manufacturer/serial number)
  4. date vaccinated
  5. date vaccine expires
  6. rabies tag number
  7. vet signature

How long do you need to keep record of rabies vx?

If a DVM has knowledge about an animal bite are they required to report?

When can patient records be destroyed?
if related to civil/criminal/administrative proceedings if finally resolved

How long do patient records need to be maintained?

Who owns the patient records?
veterinarian(s) that own the veterinary practice, client is entitled to records

Who owns an equine dental provider’s records?
dental provider

how much time can elapse for an equine dental provider to give records to DVM requested ?
15 days

If owner/gov requests records, how many days are provided for the DVM to send records?
15 buisness days, no later than 30 calendar days after request, if emergency must be within 1 business day

Can you charge for records?
yes, i.e. postage, copying, labor

Can you withhold records until fee is paid?
yes, if non-emergent

If a DVM d/c practice/work what must they provide?

  1. written notice in office
  2. sending written notifications to clients from last 3 yrs OR placing notice in newspaper

In what situation can a DVM provide medical care to a human?

How many hours of CE are required for DVM?
17 hrs

  1. No more than 5 hr can be from correspondence/practice management courses
  2. no more than 3 hrs from self study
  3. no more than 10 hrs from online interactive programs
    NEED 7 hrs MUST BE from live attendance

How many hours of CE for dental providers?
6 hrs.
NO hours for practice management or correspondance
Only 1 hr of self study
NO more than 2 hrs from online interactive course
NEED 4 hrs from live attendance

How many hours of CE for LVT?
10 hrs. annually
No more than 2 hrs of practice management
No more than 4 hrs from correspondence courses
No more than 2 hrs from self study
no more than 4 hrs from online programs
NEED 6 from personal attendance live

Can excess CE be applied to the following term?
yes – just to the following year only and may not carry over more hours than the licensee is require to earn in a renewable yr

What is a hardship extension?
due to circumstances/case-by-case where extension may be provided

If in military how does CE work?
have up to 2 yrs to complete CE for each renewable yr

Do hours obtained before Texas licensing apply?

What are exemptions for CE?

  1. retired status
  2. intern/resident
  3. out-of-country
  4. inactive

Who is acceptable CE?

  1. AVMA
  2. international association of equine dentistry
  3. direct two-way verbal com/ visual com with instructor

What happens if you don’t achieve CE?
open to disciplinary action from committee

Who is notified of drug related criminal activity?
Narcotics Service, Texas Department of Public Safety and or USDA

Define EDPE
Equine Dental Provider Jurisprudence Exam

What consistutes NAVLE?

What yr was NAVLE started?

What scores are needed to pass NAVLE?
Pass VTNE?
NAVLE: least 75%
VTNE: at least 75%
SBE/LVTE/EDPE: at least 85%

What is SBE?
state board exam

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