ATI NUTRITION PROCTORED STUDY BUNDLE PACK SOLUTION (Questions and Answers )(2019 – 2023) (Verified Answers)

calories in carbs
4 kcal/g

calories in protein
4 kcal/g

How much cholesterol should you have daily

calories in fat
9 kcal/g

vitamin c is important for
iron absorption

vitamin A is important for

vitamin D is important for
absorption of calcium

foods high in potassium
bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, avocados, dark green veggies, and dried foods

signs of hypocalcemia
Positive Chvostek’s and Trousseau

signs of hypomagnesemia

importance of zinc
Immune functions

found in NUTS, cereal, and beans

healthy BMI

underweight BMI
less than 18.5

overweight BMI

obese BMI

decrease 500 calories a week
lose 1 lb in 1 week

foods that affect carbidopa/levadopa
foods high in protein

foods with tyramine
smoked meats, cheese, avocados, wine, peanuts, and chocolates

birth weight by 6 months

birth weight by one year

choking hazardous foods for children
popcorn, raisins, grapes, raw carrots, hot dogs, peanut butter, toffee, celery, and peanuts

bone loss occurs at __ for osteoporosis
35 years old

level 1 diet
pureed: pudding texture

level 2 diet
mechanically altered: moist soft texture

level 3 diet
advanced: moist and near-normal food, no crusty

how often to measure gastric residual
q4-6 hr and return back to stomach

how often to flush feeding tubes
q4 hr with 30 ml of water

tuck chin _ for dysphagia

metabolic syndrome cholesterol levels
200 mg/day

teaching for HF
limit sodium and water

foods with folic acid
veggies, beans, cereal, bread, and CHICKEN LIVER

teaching for gastritis and PUD
NO NSAIDS and avoid frequent meals

nephrotic syndrome must eat
soy based protein

blood sugar less than 70

s/s of hyperglycemia
polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia

HIV associated wasting
unintended weight loss of 10%, diarrhea, fever, or chronic weakness

normal BUN level
10-20 mg/dL

normal hematocrit level
42-52% (men)
37-47% (women)

normal sodium level

normal potassium levels
3.5-5.0 mEq/L

normal chloride levels
95-105 mEq/L

normal prothrombin time
11-12.5 seconds

Normal WBC count

Patients who suffer with Pernicious anemia are deficient in what vitamin
Vitamin B-12

what do clients with celiac disease have to omit as much as possible from their diet

what diet does a patient with diverticulitous follow
low fiber diet -no cabbage

chicken breast is low in what

A nurse in a nutrition clinic is calculating BMI for several clients. The nurse would identify which of the following BMIS overweight?
25 to 29.9 overweight is defined as increased body weight in relation to height and BMI.

a nurse on an orthopedic unit is reviewing data for a client who sustained trauma in a motor vehicle crash. Which of the following values indicates the client is in a catabolic state (using protein faster than protein is being synthesized)
A negative nitrogen balance indicates protein is used at a greater rate than synthesized as in starvation or a catabolic state following injury or disease.

A nurse is performing a nutrition assessment on a client. Which of the following client findings are suggestive to malnutrition?
Poor wound healing describes changes reflective of malnutrition.

Dry Hair describes changes reflective of malnutrition

Weak hand grips describe changes reflective of malnutrition

Impaired coordination describes changes in reflective of malnutrition

A nurse is teaching a group of female clients about risk factors for devoloping osteoporosis. Which of the following risk factors should nurse include?
Inactivity causes an increased risk for osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercises are the primary prevention measure.

Family history of osteoporosis is a risk factor

Cigarette smoking can increase the incidence of osteoporosis

diet excludes all meat and animal products

diet includes diary products

Lacto-OVO vegertarian
diet includes dairy products and eggs (ovo think eggs)

Elevated LDL
recommends increasing monosaturated fats and soluble fiber.

Dietary approaches to stop hypertension (dash)
proven by research to significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Normal function of nervous system
depends on adequate levels of the B-complex vitamins, especially thiamin, niacin, and vitamins B6 & B12

what minerals are important in regulating nerve responses
Calcium and sodium, consuming recommended servings from the grain ad dairy food groups provide these nutrients.

my plate dairy group supplies what minerals necessary for bone formation
calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus

whats an essential to decrease risk of osteoporosis
weight-bearing physical activity

Vegans are deficit in which of the following nutrients
Vitamin D , Calcium , B12 all reliable sources of b12 are in meats

what does normal bowel functioning depend on for a female?
adequate intake fluid intake and 25 g/day of fiber

whats the goal for saturated fat
progress towards limiting saturated fat to 7%

What does normal bowel functioning depend on for a male?
adequate intake fluid intake and 38g/day of fiber

what is a required component for reading food labels?
total carbs, total fat, calories, dietary fiber

Listeria monocytogens
soft cheese, raw milk products, undercooked poultry, processed meats, and raw vegetables

whats most commonly reported allergies in adults?
milk, peanuts , fish , eggs , soy , shellfish , tree nuts and wheat

Foods high in vitamin k (dark greeen vegetables , eggs, carrots) can decrease effectiveness of what medication?
warfarin , it decreases the anticoagulant effects

Foods high in protein can increase metabolism but decreases the absorption of what medication for an anti Parkinsons
levodopa, high protein decreases the absorption and amount transported to the brain.

what is a common cause of foodborne illnesses
unpasteurised fruit juice

raw undercooked meats

raw fruits and vegetables contaminated with animal feces

uncooked food handled by someone whom is ILL

infants typically react to which foods but outgrow sensativity
Soy typically outgrow at age 4

Cow milk typically outgrow at age 4

what food causes hypertensive crises with a patient taking phenelzine
smoked fish

high in tyramine which is metabolized by MOAs , phenelzine is a MOA which can results in a overdose which results in hypertensive crisis because too much is in body

what are nutrion related concerns in hispanic and latin population?
high intake of fruit dark greeen and orange vegetables , legumes

increased intake of saturated fat and sodium

decreased intake of whole grains and milk

high prevalence of obesity

diabetes melitus type 2 as a leading cause of death

african Americans have a high prevalence of what?
obesity , which leads to increased risk of hypertension , usually uncontrolled

what do asian americans typically eat
yang foods, yin foods

whats yang foods? (asian american)
fried foods , coffee , spive meat , meat broths

whats yin foods? (asian american)
seaweed , many fruits and vegetables , cold beverages

what population has low prevalence risk for obesity
Asian Americans

what do pure vegan diets not include
animal products of any type , including eggs and milk products

what do vegan diets typically include?
nuts , legumes (dried peas , cooked beans)

what do clients whom are vegan should ensure their intake of what ?
iron, zinc , calcium, vitamin d, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin b12.

vegans are at risk for deficiency because of their food selection

raw vegan diet is based on what?
consuming uncooked plant based foods

a macrobiotic diet is what?
whole foods diet based on locally grown plants with occasional fish or seafood

orthodox and Judaism prohibit food preparation on?

what demonstrates ethnocentrentrism in assisting a client with selecting food
recommending one’s favorite food,

hypertension is caused in asian population due to what
Preparation of food using sodium,
many ingredients in Asian dishes include a high amount of sodium which puts the client at risk for hypertension

most clients whom practice orthodox and Judaism do not eat what?

meat with dairy products

Prealbumin levels indicate
whether or not patient is receiving adequate nutrients

a nurse is assessing a client who is receiving total parental nutrition the nurse should identify which of the following findings as an adverse effect of TPN.
Weight gain of 1.5 kg per day

A nurse is teaching a family of school-age child who is obese about the complications of childhood obesity. Which of the following complications should nurse include in teaching

A nurse is reviewing the laboratory values of an older adult client. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication of malnutrition?
Prealbumin 10

A nurse is providing teaching to a client about high fiber food. Which of the following foods should the nurse include as containing the highest amount of fiber
1 med apple with a peal

A nurse a teaching an in service about manifestations of hypoglycemia to a group of newly licensed nurses which of the following should the nurse include about the teaching?
Blurred Vision

A nurse is providing breakfast for a client with celiac disease. Which of the following meals should the nurse select?
Rice cereal

A nurse is caring for a client who consumes 40,000 mcg of vitamin A daily for 3 months. Which of the following findings should the nurse the monitor to identify vitamin A toxicity?
Make sure to drink water with your meal

A nurse is teaching a client who reports losing weight about behavioral modifications. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?
make sure to drink water with your meal

A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has type 1 diabetes. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of teaching?
I will keep my HBA1C at 5%

A nurse is administering continuous internal feeding for a client through a percutaneous esophageal gastronomy tube (PEG tube). Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Return gastric content if residue is less 250

whats goiter?
enlarged thyroid gland

A nurse is teaching a client who has goiter-appropriate food choices related to dietary needs. Which of the following indicates the client understands the teaching?
I will eat more tune,

patients with goiter typically consume Dairy products like yogurt, ice cream, and milk that contain iodine.

A nurse is teaching a group of parents about appropriate food choices for toddlers. Which of the following choices by the parents demonstrates an understanding of the teaching?
Spaghetti with sauce

A nurse is teaching a client who is receiving bolus feedings through an NG tube about dumping syndrome. The nurse should instruct the client to report which of the following manifestations?

A nurse is assisting in the selection of food for a client who has hypokalemia. Which of the following foods should the nurse select as it contains greates amount of potassium
1 small baked potato

A nurse is providing teaching about dietary recommendations to stop hypertension. Dash Diet. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include
consume foods high in calcium

A nurse is teaching a client who has celiac disease about gluten free foods. Which of the following foods should the nurse include.
Cold cuts


Flavor chips

Nurse is planning nutritional care for a group of clients. The nurse should reccomend a high protein commercial prepared liquid supplement for which of the following clients?
client with burns on 20% of their body

The nurse is providing teaching to a group of clients about retaining nutrients while preparing fruits and vegetables. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?
I may keep my ripe fruits refrigerated until I eat them

whats important for someone whom has dumping syndrome
eat protein with each meal

Whats a good source of low saturated fat diet
7 oz of fish in weekly diet

what mineral helps stop hypertension
calcium, foods high in calcium help regulate BP and cause the vessels to vasoconstrict

how do you know that the treatment using probiotics is working
pt has soft formed bowel movements

What are incomplete proteins?
lentils, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds

what are complete proteins
eggs, soybeans, yogurt.

how many calories are in 1 pound of fat
3500 calories

protein choices for chronic renal failure
fresh fish and poultry

What enzyme plays a role in digestion?

What’s peripheral edema?
leg swelling caused by retention of fluid in leg

progress towards limitating saturated fat to?
7% total daily intake

what do you need to look at on a food label
total carbs, total fat , calories, dietary fiber

hispanics have a high intake in?
fruits dark greens ,and orange veggies and lugumes

Hispanics have a high prevalence in

hispanics leading cause of death is?
Diabetes type 2

vegertarian diet omits from
meat seafood , poultry or fish

vegan diet do not include
animal products or any type including eggs and milk products

pure vegan diet requires a
variety of plant material consumed in specificcombinationss in order to ensure essential amino acid intake

raw vegan diet is
based on consuming uncooked plant-based food

macrobiotic diet is
whole foods diet based on locally grown plants with occasional fish or seafood

nutrtional risk for vegetarian diets..
b12, vitamin d , iron , calcium , and zinc

orthodox Judaism prohibits food preparation on

client whos breastfeeding during postpartom period in addtion
330 calories is recommended during first 6 months

protein should comprise in pregacy
20% total daily calorie intake

the dri for protein during pregancy is
71 g a day

fats should be limited to what in pregnacy
30% of total daily calorie intake

carbs should comprise to what in pregnacy
50% of total daily calorie intake

Folic acid intake during pregnancy
600 mcg

Fluid intake during pregnancy

lactating clients need
500 mcg of folic acid

iron in pregncacy should be increased by

consuming foods high in calcium can aid absorbtion of what

drinking orange juice can help absortion of what

limit weekly consumtption of seafood in pregnacy to what
12 oz

what do you eat for nausea
dry crackers, toast, and salty or tart foods

when ones constipatied what should they increase
fluid consupmtion to at least 8 cups per fay include extra fiber

whats maternal phenylketonuria
maternal genetic disease in which high levels of phenylalanine pose danger to the fetus

PKU diet should be started
3 months prior to pregnacy and must be continued throughout pregnacy

birth weight doubles by
4-6 months and triples by 1 year of age

nutrients come from what for infants
breast milk, formula ,

why cant infants have cow milk in first year
it can cause stress on the immature kidney

infants recieve breast milk in first
6 months

how many feedings should their be for an infant in a 24 hour period
8-12 feedings

a newborn should breastfeed on each breast for up to
15 min

infants eventually empty breast in
5-10 minutes

feed an infant every
3 hours during the day and every 4 hours during the night

breast milk can be stored when frozen for up to
3 months

in formula feeding of an infant is recommended for at least
12 months before infant consumes adequate solid food

an infant can be ready for 3 meals and 3 snacks a day at
8 months

appriopriate finger food for an infant include
ripe bananas , toast strips , grahm crackers , cheese cubes , noodles , and peeled chunks of apples, pears or peaches

colic is charectrzed by
persistent crying lasting 3 hours

toddlers generally grow
2 to 3 inches

how many pounds do toddlers gain in a year
5 – 6 pounds a year

milk should be limited in children because
poor source of iron and can displace the intake of iron rich foods

why do children require more vitamin d
because their bones are still growing and developing

what do older adults most commonly have

BMI in adult should be
18.5 to 24.9

the loss of calcium in adults can lead to
decreased bone density

nasogastric tubes (NG) are passed
through the nose to the stomach

Nasoduodenal tubes are passed
from nose to the stomach and end in the dudenum

Nasojejunal tubes pass
from the nose through the stomach and end in the jejunum

when is enternal nutrition administrated
when patient has a condition that results in causing them not to obtain proper nutrition intake

gavage feeding for infants is used when
an infant is too weak for sucking or unable to coordinate swalling and lacks gag reflux

gavage feeding in infant is implented
to conserve energy when an infant is attempting to breastfeed or botle feed

EN can replace an
oral diet or be sole source of nutrition depending on the status of client

ostomies are placed
for long-term patients who are a high risk for aspirations or when nasal obstructions makes it impossible to make insertion the nose

an ostomy
surgically created opening “stoma”

ostomies can be used
deliver feedings directly into the stomach and intestines

gastroctomy tubes are
endoscopically or surgically inserted into the stomach

a percutanieous endoscopic tube (PEG) tube is placed
with the aid of an endoscope

Jejunstomy tubes
are surgically inserted into the jejunal portion of the small intestine

standard formula in enteral feeding includes
whole proteins , milk meat eggs or protein isolates

elemental formulas in enteral feeding are made up of
nutrients that are partially full or broken down

emental formulas in enteral feeding are used for
patients who hae partially functionathing gastrointesnial tract or those who have impaired ability to digest and absorb food

enternal formulas in enteral feeding are for patients who suffer with
inflammatory bowel disease , liver failure, cystic fibrosis ,pancreatic disorder and short gut syndrome

formula in enteral feeding is admistrated at
a continuous rate over a 24 hr period

cyclic feeding formula should be adminstrated at
continious rate for 8 to 20 hours often during sleeping hours

intermettint feeding feeding time should range
20 to 90 min

bolus feeding
delivered directly to the stomach

to prepare for enteral feeding
check gastric residuals if required by facility typically every 4-6 hours

the head of bed for enteral feeding should be
elevated to 30 degrees during feeding and for at least 30-60 min afterward to reduce risk for aspiration

ongoing care for enteral feeding
monitor daily weight and Input and output, obtain gastric residuals every 4-6 hours , monitor electrolytes, BUN , creatine , minerals , and CBC

parenteral nutrition (PN) is used when
a patient’s Gastrointestinal tract is not functioning, or when the patient cannot physically or psychologically consume sufficient nutrients orally or generally

TPN can only be adminstrated in
central vein

TPN can be based on
caloric needs are very high, long term therapy is indicated , or when the solution to adminstrated is hypertonic (<10%dextrose)

Peripheral Perenteral Nutrition (PPN)
is adminstrated up to 14 days

peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) is administrated in
peripheral vein

peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) is indicated
to be nutrtionally incomplete because it has low dextrose content

Peripheral Perenteral Nutrition (PPN) is for patients whom
require short term nutrional support with fewe calories per day

the solution for peripheral parenteral nutrition must be
isotonic and contain no more than 10% dextrose , and 5% amino acids

short term nutritional support

long term nutrional support

PPN is for what type of patients
pt undergoing cancer treatment , bowel disorders, critically ill patient , trauma , extensive burns

what expected blood urea nitrogren level after TPN and PPN
10-20 mg/dl is expected ref range

what is expected prealbumin level after TPN and PPN
15-36 is exprected ref range

Administrating TPN and PPN to fast can result in
hyperosmolor diuresis , which will lead to dehydration, hypovolemic shock , seizures, coma and death

adminstrating dextrose is to treat what

lightly stroking the chin and throat can help promote

patients with parkinsons may expirence
difficulty managing food and swallowing without choking

patients with neurological disorders affecting the muscles in the mouth and throat are at risk for
aspirations due to delayed swallowing and or not chewing correctly

the national dysphagia diet includes
L1 Pureed, L2 Mechancally altered , L3 Advanced

nursing care for mechanical fixation (pt is generally placed on a liquid diet) of jaw
encourage intake of fluids
help the patient with insertion of straw through the space between the jaws, work with dilation to develope a liquid meal plan that includes the necessary nutrition

hypercholesterololemia leads to

condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up on the inner walls of the arteries

atherlosclerosis can cuase
myocardial infarction, kidney failure, ischemic stroke

good cholesterol , ref range for male greater or equal is 60, and 70 or greater for female

bad cholesterol, ref range less than 130

Iron defficiency anemia
a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells.

iron deficiency anemia symtoms
fatigue, lethargy, pallor of nail beds, intolerance to cold , headache , tachycardia

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia (macrocytic) symtoms
pallor, jaundice, weakness , fatigue

risk factor for iron deficiency
blood loss, alcohol use disorder, malabsorption syndrome, gastrectomy, metabolic increase of pregnancy, adolescent infection

risk factors for vitamin b12 deficiency
lack of meat or dairy consumption. small bowel restriction , chronic diarrhea , diverticula , tapeworm , excess of intestinal bacteria

folic acid defficiency anemia risk factors
poor nutritional intake of greeny leafy veggies , citrus fruits, dried bean, malabsorption syndrome
(Crohn’s disease)

Folic acid deficiency symtoms
fatigue , pallor, glossitis , irritability , diarrhea

what fruits and vegetables help with hypertension
apricots, bannas , tomatos , potatos

Foods high in potassium:


Image: Foods high in potassium:

A nurse is reinforcing diet teaching to a client who has type 2 DM. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply.

A. Carbs should comprise 55% of daily caloric intake
B. Use hydrogenated oils for cooking
C. Table sugar may be added to cereals
D. Drink an alcoholic beverage w/meals
E. Protein foods can be substituted for carb foods

A, C, D

Not B-hydrogenated oils contain trans fatty acids & cause hyperlipidemia

Not E-carbs can be exchanged but not w/proteins

A nurse is reviewing dietary guidelines to include in the plan of care for a client who has type 2 DM. Which of the following guidelines should the nurse include? Select all that apply.

A. Weight management
B. Lipid profile
C. Cultural needs
D. Sleep patterns
E. Personal preferences

A, B, C, E

To avoid hypoglycemia, the client should consume alcohol…

with a meal or immediately after a meal

_______________can be included in a diabetic diet as long as adequate insulin or other agents are provided to cover the sugar intake.

Sucrose (table sugar)

The nurse should instruct the diabetic client that their intake of carbohydrates should be ___to___% of total daily caloric intake.


The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet includes:

dairy products and eggs

A nurse is teaching a client measures for healthy bones. Which of the following statements by the client requires additional teaching?

A. “I will eat foods high in calcium.”
B. “I will increase my fluid intake.”
C. “I should participate in weight bearing exercises.”
D. “I should get my vitamin D from the sunlight.”

increasing fluid does not promote healthy bones

A nurse is conducting a nutritional class to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following should be included in the teaching?

A. Limit saturated fat to 10% of total caloric intake.
B. Good bowel function requires 35 g/day of fiber for women.
C. Limit cholesterol consumption to 400 mg/day
D. Normal functioning cardiac systems depends on B-complex vitamins


A nurse is discussing essential nutrients for normal functioning of the nervous system. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? Select all that apply.

A. Calcium
B. Thiamin
C. Vitamin B6
D. Sodium
E. Phosphorus

A, B, C, D

A school nurse is teaching a group of students how to read food labels. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? Select all that apply.

A. Total carbohydrates
B. Total fat
C. Calories
D. Magnesium
E. Dietary fiber

A, B, C, E

Normal functioning of the nervous system depends on adequate levels of the B-complex vitamins, especially:

and also adequate levels of ____and _____for regulators of nerve responses.

thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6 and B12

calcium and sodium

Image: Normal functioning of the nervous system depends on adequate levels of the B-complex vitamins, especially: 

and also adequate levels of ____and _____for regulators of nerve responses.

normal BMI:


obesity BMI is classified as:

BMI greater than or equal to 30

Basic food choices for kosher, orthodox Judaism diets:

-no mixing meat and diary (cheeseburger)
-no pork or shellfish
-fish must have scales & fins to be kosher

A client who follows seventh-day Adventist dietary laws will eat a strict:
They also avoid:

vegetarian diet, some are lacto-ovo, some are vegan.
they avoid alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeinated beverages.

Image: A client who follows seventh-day Adventist dietary laws will eat a strict: 
They also avoid:

A nurse is teaching a client who has cancer about appropriate food choices. The nurse determines that the client understands the information when she chooses which of the following snacks? Select all that apply.

A. Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread w/2% milk
B. Popcorn w/soda
C. Yogurt topped w/granola & a banana
D. Meat lasagna w/buttered garlic bread
E. Plain baked potato

A, C, D

Three complications of TPN:


What has more calcium yogurt or cheese?


Niacin is found in sources such as:

Beef liver
whole-grain enriched breads and cereals

Two medications may be added to PN solutions however administering any IV medication through a PN IV line or port is contraindicated. What are the two medications?

Heparin and insulin

Expected reference range for pre-albumin:


Which of the following food choices is appropriate for a pt. with GERD? Select all that apply.

A. Baked salmon
B. Skim milk
C. Orange juice
D. Decaffeinated tea
E. Eggs and salsa

A, B, D

For which disease/condition would the nurse teach the client about a gluten-free diet?

A. A 54 year old man with pancreatitis.
B. A 32 year old woman with celiac disease.
C. A 22 year old man with diverticulitis.
D. A 76 year old woman with breast cancer.

Celiac disease is also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy (GSE), celiac sprue, and gluten intolerance. It is chronic & hereditary and the client should be instructed to avoid gluten.

Image: For which disease/condition would the nurse teach the client about a gluten-free diet? 

A. A 54 year old man with pancreatitis.
B. A 32 year old woman with celiac disease. 
C. A 22 year old man with diverticulitis. 
D. A 76 year old woman with breast cancer.

Foods/beverages that are gluten-free include: (select all that apply)

A. Milk, cheese, dairy products
B. Beer
C. Fried Eggs
D. Baked potatoes
E. Fruits and vegetables
F. Whole wheat bread

A, C, D, E

Image: Foods/beverages that are gluten-free include: (select all that apply)

A. Milk, cheese, dairy products
B. Beer
C. Fried Eggs
D. Baked potatoes 
E. Fruits and vegetables
F. Whole wheat bread

A patient who has celiac disease should increase intake of what?

simple carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, milk, etc.)

A nurse is providing instructions to a client who has a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates a need for further teaching?

A. Potatoes
B. Graham crackers
C. Wild rice
D. Canned pears

Graham crackers are made from wheat flour

All others are gluten-free

A client with what disease will be instructed to avoid foods with seeds or husks (corn, popcorn, berries, tomatoes)?


A nurse is providing instructions to a client who reports constipation & has a prescription for a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates understanding of the teaching?

A. Peanut butter
B. Peeled apples
C. Hardboiled egg
D. Brown rice


A nurse is caring for a client post appy. The nurse verifies the postop prescription, which reads “discontinue NPO status; advance diet as tolerated.” Which of the following are appropriate for the nurse to offer the client? Select all that apply.

A. Applesauce
B. Chicken broth
C. Sherbet
D. Wheat toast
E. Cranberry juice

B, E

A client postop will be on a clear liquid diet following surgery to transition as tolerated back to normal diet. Cranberry juice and chicken broth are clear liquid selections.

A nurse is caring for a client who is on a full liquid diet due to dysphagia. Which of the following nursing actions is the highest priority?

A. Add thickener to liquids.
B. Educate the client about acceptable liquids.
C. Perform a calorie count of consumed liquids.
D. Offer high-protein liquid supplements.

this is highest priority to reduce the risk of aspiration

A nurse is performing dietary needs assessments for a group of clients. A blenderized liquid diet is appropriate for which of the following clients? Select all that apply.

A. A client who has a wired jaw due to an MVA
B. A client who is 24 hr postop following temporomandibular joint repair
C. A client who has difficulty chewing due to a traumatic brain injury
D. A client who has hypercholesterolemia due to CAD
E. A client who is scheduled for a colonoscopy the next morning

A, B, C

A nurse is assessing a client who is postop following a colon resection. Which of the following findings indicates that the client is ready to transition from NPO to oral intake?

A. Client report of hunger
B. Urinary output exceeding 30 mL/hr
C. Decrease in incisional pain
D. Passage of flatus


A nurse is assisting a client who has a prescription for a mechanical soft diet w/food selections. Which of the following are appropriate selections by the client? Select all that apply.

A. Dried prunes
B. Ground turkey
C. Mashed carrots
D. Fresh strawberries
E. Cottage cheese

B, C, E

A nurse is teaching a client who is undergoing cancer treatment about interventions to manage stomatitis. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. “I will try chewing larger pieces of food.”
B. “I will avoid toasting my bread.”
C. “I will consume more food in the morning.”
D. “I will add more citrus foods to my diet.”

Dry, coarse foods can increase the incidence/risk of stomatitis

Which of the following food choices by a client undergoing chemotherapy with presence of stomatitis indicates a need for further teaching?

A. Small pieces of bananas
B. Cut up fresh orange & pineapple slices
C. Yogurt with granola
D. Meat lasagna


A nurse is caring for a client who has hypoglycemia. Which of the following is an appropriate action by the nurse?

A. Offer crackers & cheese
B. Encourage sucking on 8 hard candies
C. Provide 8 oz of regular soda
D. Give juice w/table sugar


Which of the following are appropriate dietary choices for a client with cholecystitis? Select all that apply.

A. Baked lightly-seasoned tilapia
B. Buttered steamed broccoli
C. Skim or 1% low fat milk
D. Whole wheat toast
E. Pasta with cream sauce and onions

A, C

Patients with gallstones, also known as cholecystitis, should avoid what in their diet?


Image: Patients with gallstones, also known as cholecystitis, should avoid what in their diet?

A nurse is planning for an older adult client who is receiving treatment for malnutrition. The client is scheduled for discharge to his home where he lives alone. Which of the following actions are appropriate to include in the plan of care? (Select all that apply.)

A. Consult social services to arrange home meal delivery
B. Encourage the client to purchase nonperishable boxed meals
C. Advise the client to purchase frozen fruits/veggies
D. Recommend drinking a supplement between meals
E. Educate the client on how to read nutrition labels

A, C, D, E

Older adult clients will need more _____and vitamin ___to help maintain bone health. The may also be instructed to increase ____in their diet.

calcium and vitamin D
increase fiber

Image: Older adult clients will need more _____and vitamin ___to help maintain bone health. The may also be instructed to increase ____in their diet.

Older adults have decreased absorption of what three nutrients?

1. Vitamin B12
2. Folic acid
3. Calcium

The soft diet is also known as the bland, low fiber diet and contains foods such as:

Whole foods that are low in fiber, lightly seasoned and easily digested.

Is it safe to take antibiotics while breastfeeding?

Yes, PO antibiotics are safe. Notify provider and finish entire course to reduce risk of reoccurence. There is a slight transfer between breast milk though.

Food interactions with MAOIs include:

tyramine-rich foods
caffiene foods/beverages

A nurse is providing follow-up dietary teaching for a client who recently was prescribed phenelzine (Nardil). When reviewing the client’s dietary log, which of the following foods requires a need for further teaching?

A. Cottage cheese
B. Banana bread
C. Apple pie
D. Grilled steak


Intermittent tube feeding formula set rate:

administered every 4-6 hr in equal portions of 200-300 mL over a 30-60 min time frame, usually by gravity drip

Image: Intermittent tube feeding formula set rate:

Which type of tube feeding is often used in noncritical clients, home tube feedings, and clients in rehabilitation?

intermittent tube feeding

What should the head of the bed be elevated at for tube feedings and for how long?

HOB at least 30 degrees and for during and after for 30-60 min to prevent aspiration risk

How often should you obtain gastric residuals for a client receiving tube feedings?

every 4-6 hrs

When beginning a new prescription for enteral nutrition by intermittent tube feeding how should you first initiate this feeding?

Increase the formula over the first 4 to 6 feedings until the prescribed volume is achieved

A nurse is preparing to administer intermittent enteral feeding to a client who has neuromuscular disorder. Which of the following are appropriate nursing interventions? Select all that apply.

A. Fill the feeding bag w/24 hr worth of formula
B. Discard irrigation equipment after 24 hr
C. Leave unused portions of formula at the bedside
D. Label the unused portion of the formula
E. Replace administration tubing & feeding bag every 48 hr

B, D, E

Teach parents that they may switch their child to skim or 1% low fat milk after…

2 years of age

A nurse is teaching a client who has pre-stage chronic kidney disease about dietary management. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the instructions?

A. Restrict protein intake
B. Maintain a high-phosphorus diet
C. Increase intake of foods high in potassium
D. Limit dairy products to 1 cup per day


Major sources of dietary potassium (K):

dried fruits
dried peas

Image: Major sources of dietary potassium (K):

Major sources of dietary chloride (Cl):

table salt

Image: Major sources of dietary chloride (Cl):

Major sources of dietary calcium (Ca):

egg yolks

Image: Major sources of dietary calcium (Ca):

Major sources of dietary magnesium (Mg):

green leafy vegetables

Image: Major sources of dietary magnesium (Mg):

Major sources of dietary phosphorus (P):

soft drinks
some grains

Image: Major sources of dietary phosphorus (P):

Major sources of dietary sulfur (S):

dried fruits
red and white wines

Image: Major sources of dietary sulfur (S):

Major diet sources of vitamin A:

orange/yellow colored foods

Image: Major diet sources of vitamin A:

Major diet sources of vitamin D

fortified dairy products

Image: Major diet sources of vitamin D

Major diet sources of vitamin E

vegetable oils
dark green vegetables

Image: Major diet sources of vitamin E

Major diet sources of vitamin K

green leafy vegetables

Image: Major diet sources of vitamin K

Major sources of vitamin C

citrus fruits and juices

Image: Major sources of vitamin C

Major sources of Thiamin (B1)


Image: Major sources of Thiamin (B1)

Major sources of riboflavin (B2)

green leafy vegetables

Image: Major sources of riboflavin (B2)

Major sources of niacin (B3)


Image: Major sources of niacin (B3)

Major sources of pantothenic acid (B5)

organ meats
egg yolk

Image: Major sources of pantothenic acid (B5)

Major sources of pyridoxine (B6)

organ meats

Image: Major sources of pyridoxine (B6)

Major sources of folate

green leafy vegetables

Image: Major sources of folate

Major sources of cobalamin (B12)

organ meats

Image: Major sources of cobalamin (B12)

Examples of high fiber foods:

lima beans
black beans
brussel sprouts
raspberries & blackberries
whole wheat pasta
split peas

Image: Examples of high fiber foods:

LDL expected range:

less than 130

HDL expected range

35-80 females
35-65 males

A client with fluid volume excess will have what expected lab values?

increased Hct
increased or decreased serum electrolytes
increased protein
decreased aldosterone
increased excretion of sodium
increased natriuretic peptides
decreased BUN & creatinine
decreased PaCO2
increased pH

Image: A client with fluid volume excess will have what expected lab values?

Manifestations of hypoglycemia:

mild shakiness
mental confusion
lack of coordination
blurred vision

Image: Manifestations of hypoglycemia:

A nurse is assessing a client who has hypoglycemia. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

A. Fruity breath odor
B. Diaphoresis
C. Vomiting
D. Polyuria


Decreased sodium s/s:

abdominal cramping

Image: Decreased sodium s/s:

Increased sodium s/s:


Image: Increased sodium s/s:

Increased phosphorus s/s:

decreased calcium

Decreased potassium s/s:

irregular HR
muscle weakness
leg cramping

Image: Decreased potassium s/s:

Increased potassium s/s:

muscle weakness

Image: Increased potassium s/s:

Decreased chloride s/s:

lack of emotion
muscle cramping

Image: Decreased chloride s/s:

A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving TPN. The current bag of TPN is empty & a new bag is not available on the unit. Which of the following solutions should the nurse infuse until a new bag of TPN is available?

A. Dextrose in 10% water
B. 0.45% sodium chloride
C. Dextrose 5% in LR
D. 0.9% sodium chloride

To prevent hypoglycemia

A nurse is teaching about nutritional requirements for a client who is starting a vegetarian diet. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Consume high-fat cheese to replace meats when on a vegetarian diet
B. A vegetarian diet is high in vitamin B12
C. Fewer calories are required when on a vegetarian diet
D. Include 2 servings per day of nuts when on a vegetarian diet


to receive daily recommended intake of omega 3 fatty acids

A nurse is providing teaching about lowering solid fat intake to an adolescent who is overweight. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

A. “Limit egg yolks to a total of 5 per week.”
B. “Restrict your daily meat intake to 5 oz.”
C. “Select cheeses that contain no more than 6 g of fat per serving.”
D. “Choose margarine that contains no more than 4 g of saturated fat per tablespoon.”

A meat portion should be restricted to no more than the size of a deck of cards.

A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who has celiac disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. “I can return to my normal diet after I follow this diet for 1 month.”
B. “I can have tapioca pudding for dessert.”
C. “I will choose canned soups that don’t contain meat products.”
D. “I will eat my sandwiches on whole wheat bread.”


tapioca doesn’t contain gluten, all other choices do, diet is lifelong

A nurse is performing a comprehensive nutritional assessment for a client. After reviewing the client’s lab results, which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider?

A. WBC count of 6000/mm3
B. Sodium 139 mEq/L
C. Prealbumin 8 mg/dL
D. Thyroxine (t4) 9.2 mcg/dL

This indicates a critical level that indicates severe malnutrition

A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has Parkinson’s disease & a prescription for levodopa-carbidopa. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to consume w/the med?

A. 6 oz greek yogurt
B. 1 oz cheddar cheese
C. 6 peanut butter crackers
D. 1 slice wheat toast

this is the lowest protein option since the med effectiveness decreases w/protein absorption

A nurse is assessing a client’s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The client eats more than half of most meals but occasionally refuses a meal. Which of the following information should the nurse document on the nutrition category of the Braden scale?

A. 1 (very poor)
B. 2 (Probably Inadequate)
C. 3 (Adequate)
D. 4 (Excellent)


A nurse is providing teaching about cancer prevention to a group of clients. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. “I will eat 5 servings of fruits & veggies each day.”
B. “I should limit my alcohol intake to a max of 3 drinks daily.”
C. “I should eat more refined wheat & oat products.”
D. “I will eat processed meats to achieve my required protein intake.”


A nurse is caring for a client who has cirrhosis and ascites. Which of the following dietary instructions should the nurse provide for this client?

A. “Decrease your sodium intake to 1-2 grams/day”
B. “Increase your daily fluid intake to 3 L/day”
C. “Consume 0.5 gram per kg of protein/day”
D. “Eliminate foods that contain vitamin K.”

A client with cirrhosis should limit sodium intake to 2000 mg

A nurse is assessing a client who has type 2 DM. The nurse should recognize which of the following as a manifestation of hypoglycemia?

A. Confusion
B. Polydipsia
C. Vomiting
D. Ketonuria


A nurse is an ED is reviewing the lab report for an older adult client who is confused & reports nausea & abd. cramping. The nurse should suspect the client’s lab results to indicate a dietary deficiency of which of the following minerals?

A. Sodium
B. Phosphorus
C. Potassium
D. Chloride

Sodium deficit manifestations include: confusion, headache, adb cramping, and dizziness.

A nurse is teaching about dietary intake of micronutrients to a client who has difficulty seeing at night. Which of the following micronutrients should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Vitamin A
B. Calcium
C. Vitamin B6
D. Phosphorus

Vitamin A enables the eyes to adapt to dim lighting more rapidly at night, which improves night vision.

A nurse is providing nutritional teaching to the parents of a 2-year-old toddler. Which of the following snack foods should the nurse recommend?

A. 1 cup fruit gel bites
B. 1 cup yogurt
C. 1/2 of a hot dog
D. 1/2 of a peanut butter sandwich

good source of protein, little risk of choking

A nurse is caring for a client who is prescribed captopril. The nurse is aware that which of the following foods could cause a potential medication interaction?

A. Watermelon
B. Cantaloupe
C. Lettuce
D. Carrots

Cantaloupe is high in potassium, the client on captopril should avoid foods high in potassium

A nurse is teaching an adolescent who has a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the teaching?

A. “I need to decrease the amount of oil I use in cooking.”
B. “I need to eat fewer acidic foods, such as tomatoes & oranges.”
C. “I need to eliminate rye from my diet.”
D. “I need to eliminate milk products from my diet.”


eating sources of gluten, such as rye or barley, increases manifestations of celiac disease

A nurse is providing dietary instructions for a client who has a prescription for warfarin. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend the client eat in moderation while taking this med?

A. Green leafy vegetables
B. Whole grains
C. Fruits with skin
D. Nuts and seeds


these have high vitamin K which can deplete the effects of warfarin, an anticoagulant

A nurse is creating a plan of care for a client who has anorexia nervosa. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?

A. Weight the client once weekly at the same time of the day.
B. Stay with the client for 30 min after meals
C. Allow the client to schedule mealtimes
D. Assign privileges based on direct weight gain


A nurse is creating a plan of care for a client who has mucositis following head & neck radiation therapy for cancer. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?

A. Encourage 3 servings of citrus foods daily
B. Provide lemon-glycerin swabs for oral hygiene after meals
C. Increase fluid intake to 2 L/day
D. Heat oral hygiene mouth rinses before use


A nurse is discussing dietary factors to assist in BP management for a client who has HTN. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. “I can drink up to 3 glasses of wine/day.”
B. “I should choose whole grain pastas when selecting my foods.”
C. “I should decrease my consumption of foods high in potassium.”
D. “I can eat dairy products because they do not have much sodium.”


A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client who has dysphagia & is being discharged home w/a prescription for a mechanical soft diet. Which of the following foods should the nurse include in the plan?

A. Raisins
B. Skim milk
C. Apple slices
D. Mashed potatoes


A nurse is teaching an older adult client about measures to reduce the risk of osteomalacia. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Consume 20 mcg of vitamin D daily.
B. Avoid foods rich in antioxidants.
C. Increase intake of foods high in purine.
D. Take 150 mg of vitamin E daily.


A nurse is caring for a client who as a new prescription for PN containing a mixture of dextrose, amino acids, & lipids. Prior to administration of the PN, the nurse should report which of the following food allergies to the provider?

A. Gelatin
B. Peanuts
C. Shellfish
D. Eggs


A nurse is caring for a client who develops diarrhea while receiving a continuous enteral tube feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A. Provide a low-protein formula
B. Elevate the HOB to 30 deg.
C. Switch to intermittent feedings
D. Warm the formula to room temp

A client can develop diarrhea if the formula is too cold.

A nurse in a clinic is reviewing the lab findings of a client who began a DASH diet following a recent dx of HTN. Which of the following lab findings indicates the client has reached 1 of the goals of the DASH diet?

A. Sodium 150 mEq/L
B. Chloride 106 mEq/L
C. Fasting glucose 130 mg/dL
D. Total cholesterol 190 mg/dL


A nurse is teaching a client who has chronic kidney disease about limiting her calcium intake. Which of the following food choices should the nurse inform the client contains the highest amount of Ca & should be limited in her diet?

A. 1 cup low-fat yogurt
B. 1 oz cheddar cheese
C. 1 egg
D. 1/2 cup spinach


This contains about 314 mg per cup, spinach contains about 122 mg per cup, egg contains 25 mg, cheddar cheese contains 214 mg per oz

A nurse is teaching a client about maximizing absorption when taking calcium supplements. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. “Take a supplement that contains vitamin D.”
B. “Take the supplement w/a full glass of water.”
C. “Take a 1000 mg supplement in the morning w/food.”
D. “Take the supplement w/a sublingual vitamin B12 tablet.”


A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is at 24 weeks of gestation & reports constipation. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply.

A. Drink eight 240 mL (8 oz) glasses of water daily
B. Eat small amounts of food frequently
C. Increase daily fiber intake
D. Use a glycerin suppository every other day
E. Perform exercises regularly using large muscle groups

A, C, E

A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has DM & an HbA1c of 8.7%. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of this lab value?

A. “I should have gone to my exercise class yesterday.”
B. “This shows that my result is finally within normal range.”
C. “This shows that I have not been following my diet.”
D. “I should have my blood work done 1st thing in the morning.”


A nurse is providing info to a client who has a new prescription for atorvastatin. Which of the following beverages should the nurse include in the info as a contraindication for taking this med?

A. Orange juice
B. Coffee
C. Grapefruit juice
D. Milk


A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral tube feedings. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to prevent aspiration?

A. Monitor gastric residuals every 4 hr
B. Maintain elevation of the head of the bed at 15 deg.
C. Confirm proper tube placement by radiograph every 24 hr
D. Flush tubing w/30 mL water before and after meds


A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is a vegetarian & requires an increase in zinc intake. Which of the following foods is the best source of zinc?

A. Pineapple
B. Green grapes
C. Cauliflower
D. Pinto beans


A nurse is assessing the meal pattern of a client who has diverticular disease & a prescription for a high-fiber diet. Which of the following food choices by the client contains the most fiber?

A. 1 medium banana
B. 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
C. 1 medium apple w/skin
D. 1/2 cup bran cereal


A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is lactating about increasing her protein intake. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend as the best source of protein?

A. Legumes
B. Cottage cheese
C. Peanut butter
D. Whole grain cereal


A nurse is teaching an older adult client about nutritional recommendations. Which of the following statements should the nurse make?

A. “You should increase your daily calorie intake.”
B. “You should increase your daily protein intake.”
C. “You receive an adequate amount of calcium from your diet, so a supplement is not recommended.”
D. “You receive an adequate amount of vitamin D from sun exposure, so it is not necessary to take a supplement.”


A nurse is evaluating a client who is receiving continuous enteral feeding & has diarrhea. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to reduct the client’s diarrhea?

A. Flush the client’s feeding tube
B. Administer promethazine to the client
C. Decrease the rate of the feeding
D. Check the client’s gastric residual


A nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who is postop following gastric bypass. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

A. Eat 6 small meals per day
B. Start each meal w/a protein
C. Complete each meal even if feeling full
D. Plan to eat each meal over 15 min


A nurse is caring for a client who has DM and reports feeling dizzy, weak, and shaky. Which of the following is the priority action by the nurse?

A. Offer the client 180 mL (6 oz) of orange juice
B. Document the client’s intake from the most recent meal
C. Teach the client about manifestations of hypoglycemia
D. Check the client’s blood glucose level


A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving radiation therapy. The client reports a metallic taste in his mouth while eating. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Select all that apply.

A. Provide 3 large meals/day
B. Offer citrus fruits
C. Suggest pickles as a snack
D. Rinse silverware prior to eating
E. Gargle w/mouthwash

B, C, E

A nurse is reviewing lab results of a client who is receiving continuous total parenteral nutrition. Which of the following results should the nurse report to the provider?

A. Glucose 238 mg/dL
B. Potassium 4.7 mEq/L
C. Calcium 9.8 mg/dL
D. Sodium 140 mEq/L


A nurse is conducting dietary teaching for a group of women who are of childbearing age. Which of the following food items should the nurse include as containing the highest amount of folate?

A. 1/2 cup chickpeas
B. 3.5 oz chicken liver
C. 1 medium orange
D. 1 slice white bread


A nurse is caring for a client who has anemia & a new prescription for an iron supplement. The nurse should recommend the client consume the supplement w/which of the following beverages to increase absorption?

A. Protein shake
B. Skim milk
C. Tomato juice
D. Green tea


A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. Which of the following info should the nurse include?

A. Replace legumes w/broiled meats
B. Consume 1/2 cup bran/daily
C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit
D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber


A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a pressure ulcer. The client practices Orthodox Judaism & strictly follows kosher dietary laws. Which of the following foods should the nurse provide for this client?

A. Pork tenderloin
B. Cheeseburger
C. Clam chowder
D. Macaroni & cheese


A nurse is planning dietary interventions for a client who is prescribed external radiation for laryngeal cancer. The client reports manifestations of stomatitis. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include?

A. Provide meals at room temp
B. Offer the client additional seasonings for food
C. Instruct the client to eat citrus fruits at the beginning of the meal
D. Encourage the client to drink warm tomato juice in place of high-protein supplements


A nurse is performing a cultural assessment for a client whose religious practices include fasting 1 day each week. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask the client? Select all that apply.

A. “Are you exempt from fasting during illness?”
B. “Does fasting mean refraining from drinking liquids?”
C. “Does fasting occur during certain hours of the day?”
D. “Is vegetarianism a form of fasting?”
E. “Does fasting mean eating only a certain type of food?”

A, B, C, E

A community health nurse is planning to teach a class about weight management for cardiovascular health. Which of the following statements should the nurse plan to make to the participants?

A. “Limit your sodium intake to 1800 mg/day.”
B. “Reduce your daily intake of foods that contain protein.”
C. “Taking a daily multivitamin will prevent cardiovascular disease.”
D. “Plan to lose weight gradually at 1/2 to 1 pound per week.”


A nurse is providing teaching about proper eating techniques to a client who is experiencing dysphagia following a stroke. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply.

A. Tilt the head forward when swallowing.
B. Drink thin liquids through a straw.
C. Place food on the unaffected side of the mouth.
D. Take moderate bites when eating.
E. Limit disruptions during mealtime.

A, C, E

A nurse is reviewing the lab data of 4 clients. The nurse should identify that which of the following clients is experiencing fluid overload?

A. A client who has an albumin level of 5.5 g/dL.
B. A client who has a urine specific gravity of 1.035.
C. A client who has a Hct of 55%.
D. A client who has a sodium level of 130 mEq/L.


A nurse is initiating an enteral feeding for a client who has chronic bronchitis. Which of the following types of formula should the nurse anticipate administering to the client?

A. Low protein
B. High carb
C. High calorie
D. Low fat


A home health nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who had an open reduction internal fixation of the tibia. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a risk factor for impaired wound healing?

A. The client’s Hgb is 15 g/dL.
B. The client’s peripheral pulses are +3 distal to the affected extremity.
C. The client consumes 1000 k/cal daily.
D. The client takes zinc supplements.


A nurse is teaching a client who is preparing for bowel surgery about a low-residue diet. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. 3 slices of bacon & oatmeal toast
B. Granola w/raisins & strawberries
C. Whole wheat french toast w/blueberries & maple syrup
D. 2 poached eggs & a banana


A nurse is caring for a client who is dehydrated & is receiving intermittent enteral feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

A. Use a low-fat formula for admin
B. Chill the formula prior to admin
C. Provide the formula as a continuous infusion
D. Dilute the formula before admin


A nurse is calculating the daily protein allowance of a client who weighs 176 lb. The client’s daily protein allowance is 0.8 g/kg. How many grams of protein should the client consume per day?

64 g

A nurse is assessing a client who experienced a 5% weight loss in the past 30 days. Which of the following clinical manifestations should the nurse identify as an indication of malnutrition?

A. Moist skin
B. Ankle edema
C. Hyperreflexia
D. Dilated pupils


A nurse is caring for an infant who has a cleft lip & palate. In which of the following positions should the nurse place the infant for bottle feeding?

A. Lateral
B. Football hold
C. Supine in the crib
D. Upright


A nurse is caring for a client who has acute IBD. Which of the following nutritional supplements should the nurse anticipate providing to this client?

A. Hydrolyzed formula
B. Polymeric formula
C. Milk-based supplement formula
D. Modular product supplement formula


A nurse is caring for a client who has age-related macular degeneration (AMD) & asks the nurse if there are any nutritional changes to consider. Which of the following responses should the nurse make?

A. Use soy products as much as possible
B. Add niacin-rich foods to the diet
C. Increase dietary intake of lutein
D. Consume foods w/a high glycemic index


(found in vitamin A)

A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral feedings via NG tube. The nurse notices that the tube feeding has stopped infusing. Which of the following actions is the nurse’s priority?

A. Change the formula
B. Change the tube
C. Notify the provider
D. Flush the tube w/warm water


normal BUN & creatinine

BUN=7-20 mg/dL higher in men than women

A nurse is assessing a client who has end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Which of the following dietary habits increases the client’s risk for dysrhythmias?

A. Consuming a low-fat diet
B. Eating a diet rich in potassium
C. Consuming a diet rich in protein
D. Eating a diet deficient in iron


A nurse is caring for a client who is at 8 weeks of gestation & has a BMI of 34. The client asks about weight goals during her pregnancy. The nurse should advise the client to do which of the following?

A. Maintain her current BMI.
B. Gain approximately 6.8 kg (15 lb).
C. Lower her BMI to 30.
D. Gain 12.7 to 15.8 kg (28-35 lb).


A client is experiencing anorexia r/t cancer tx. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement to increase the client’s nutritional intake?

A. Recommend cooking aromatic foods to stimulate appetite.
B. Serve hot foods rather than cold foods.
C. Instruct the client to eat 3 meals per day
D. Add extra calories & protein to every meal.


A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving TPN. Which of the following lab findings indicates that the TPN therapy is effective?

A. Calcium 8 mg/mL
B. Hemoglobin 9 g/dL
C. Prealbumin 30 mg/dL
D. Cholesterol 140 mg/dL

Prealbumin is indicative to nutritional status

A nurse is teaching a female client about a healthy diet to control HTN. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. “I will drink 2 glasses of whole milk daily.”
B. “I will decrease the potassium in my diet.”
C. “I will eat 4 servings of unsalted nuts per week.”
D. “I will limit alcohol consumption to 2 drinks/day.”


A nurse is updating a plan of care for a client who is receiving intermittent enteral feedings & is experiencing diarrhea. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?

A. Discard the client’s opened cans of formula within 48 hr.
B. Administer the client’s formula cold.
C. Feed the client in small, frequent volumes
D. Consider a low-calorie formula for the client


A nurse is planning nutritional teaching for the parents of a toddler who has failure to thrive. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.)

A. Eliminate environmental disruptions during meals.
B. Stop the meal when the toddler exhibits negative behavior.
C. Provide 240 mL (8 oz) fruit juice in between meals.
D. Schedule meal times at the same time each day.
E. Allow the toddler to determine the length of the meal.

A, D

A nurse is providing diet teaching for a client who has osteoporosis. The nurse should instruct the client that which of the following foods has the highest amount of calcium?

A. 1 cup avocado
B. 2 tablespoons peanut butter
C. 1/2 cup roasted sunflower seeds
D. 1/2 cup roasted almonds


A nurse is providing diet teaching for a client who has chronic skin ulcers of the lower extremities. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend as containing the highest amount of zinc?

A. 1 cup apple slices
B. 4 oz low-fat cottage cheese
C. 4 oz ground beef patty
D. 1 cup raw spinach


A client reports constipation during a routine checkup. The client was previously encouraged to increase his intake of mineral supplements. Which of the following minerals should the nurse identify as the cause of the constipation?

A. Phosphorus
B. Potassium
C. Magnesium
D. Calcium


A nurse is preparing to administer intermittent enteral tube feedings to a client. In what order should the nurse perform the following actions before beginning the feeding?

-Flush tubing w/30 mL water
-Place the client in Fowler’s position
-Check the residual
-Verify tube placement

1. Place the client in Fowler’s position

2. Verify tube placement

3. Check the residual

4. Flush tubing w/30 mL water

A nurse is planning care for a client who is obese & wants to lose weight. Which of the following actions should the nurse take 1st?

A. Recommend checking weight once weekly.
B. Obtain a 24-hr dietary recall.
C. Assist w/creating an exercise plan.
D. Initiate a diet modification plan.


A nurse in an acute care facility is planning care for a client who has chosen to follow Islamic dietary laws during Ramadan. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

A. Place the client on NPO status during nighttime hours
B. Provide a snack for the client after sunset
C. Offer the client hot tea w/daytime meals
D. Allow the client to eat privately w/his family each day at 1300


A nurse in a provider’s office is assessing a client who has HIV. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication to increase the client’s nutritional intake?

A. T-helper (CD4+) cells 700/mm3
B. Presence of herpes simplex virus infection
C. HIV viral load below detectable levels
D. Increased lean body mass


A nurse is providing teaching for a client who has a new prescription for nifedipine. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid?

A. Milk
B. Aged cheese
C. Grapefruit juice
D. Bananas


A nurse is providing nutritional counseling to a client who wants to lose weight. The nurse should identify that which of the following statements indicates that the client understands the counseling?

A. “I will taste my foods while I am cooking.”
B. “I will exclude breads & pastries from my diet.”
C. “I will make a list before I go grocery shopping.”
D. “I will skip lunch if I am too busy to have something healthy.”


A nurse is planning to provide dietary teaching to a client who has chronic kidney disease & is prescribed hemodialysis. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take 1st?

A. Create a schedule for the client fluid intake.
B. Provide the client w/a list of foods that are high in sodium.
C. Determine whether the client has culture-related food preferences.
D. Explain the purpose of protein restriction in the diet.


Image: A nurse is planning to provide dietary teaching to a client who has chronic kidney disease & is prescribed hemodialysis. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take 1st? 

A. Create a schedule for the client fluid intake. 
B. Provide the client w/a list of foods that are high in sodium. 
C. Determine whether the client has culture-related food preferences. 
D. Explain the purpose of protein restriction in the diet.

A nurse is planning strategies to reduce the intake of solid fats for a client who has hyperlipidemia. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include in the plan?

A. Choose cheese w/4 g of fat per serving.
B. Limit eating 4 eggs w/yolks per week.
C. Choose ground meat that is 75% lean.
D. Limit meat to 5 oz per day.


A nurse is developing an educational program about the glycemic index of foods for clients who have DM. Which of the following foods should the nurse identify as having the highest glycemic index?

A. Sweet corn
B. Macaroni
C. Baked potato
D. Peanuts


A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has a new ileostomy. Which of the following dietary guidelines should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Plan to reduce dietary salt intake.
B. Cook foods w/limited amounts of pasta products.
C. Prepare meals on a schedule.
D. Reduce dietary B12.


A nurse is providing to a client who has dumping syndrome & is experiencing weight loss. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Consume liquids between meals
B. Increase intake of simple carbohydrates
C. Decrease foods high in fat content
D. Eat meals low in protein


A nurse is planning discharge teaching for a client who is postoperative following placement of a colostomy. Which of the following info should the nurse include?

A. “Resume a regular diet by 4 weeks after surgery.”
B. “Add high-fiber foods to your diet.”
C. “Increase your intake of foods containing pectin.”
D. “Drink 4-6 cups of water per day.”


A nurse is teaching a client about managing IBS. Which of the following info should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Increase intake of fresh fruit high in fructose
B. Limit foods that contain probiotics
C. Take peppermint oil during exacerbation of manifestations
D. Substitute white sugar w/honey


A nurse is reviewing the lab results of a client who has a pressure ulcer. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client is at risk for impaired wound healing?

A. Hgb 15 g/dL
B. Serum albumin 3.0 g/dL
C. Prothrombin time 11.5 sec
D. WBC 6000/mm3


Chronic kidney disease question:

creatinine (3.5 might be the level, norm is 0.6-1.2ish)

Antidote for Warfarin=

Vitamin K

Diet for disequilibrium syndrome/nausea (vertigo) question:

low fat, low carb

Best source of protein food:


Good iron sources for vegetarians:

dried beans

HDL levels

normal is 40-59 (higher for men)

LDL levels

less than 100 is best

Total cholesterol levels

normal is less than 200

normal Hct

34-50% higher in men than women

normal BUN & creatinine

BUN=80-140 higher in men than women

normal prealbumin and albumin

prealbumin= 23-43
albumin= 3.5-5.0

Pt is obese & wants to lose weight, what is the 1st thing a nurse should do?

identify client’s motivation

Cheese is a ____protein.


Gelatin is a ______protein.


Salmon is a ______protein.


% of total daily protein should be:


% of total fat in diet should be, sat fats?:

30%, sat fats less than 10%

Question 1: A nurse Is providing dietary teaching about prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus to a client who is pregnant. Which of the following nutrients should the nurse recommend?
● Calcium
● Folate
● Vitamin B12
● Magnesium
● folate

Question 2: A nurse is caring for a client who had a stroke and has manifestations of dysphagia.
Which of the following interventions should the nurse take?
● Tilt the clients head backward to facilitate swallowing.
● Use liquids to clear food from the client’s mouth
● Add a thickening agent to liquids
● Place the client in a semi-Fowler’s position.
● Add a thickening agent to liquids

Question 3: A nurse is providing discharge teaching to an older adult client who lives alone.
Which of the following strategies should the nurse include to address the client’s decreased sense
of taste and smell?
● Maintain consistent food textures at mealtimes.
● Use kosher salt in place of table salt.
● Label and date food in the refrigerator.
● Wait 1 hour after eating to consume fluids.
● Maintain consistent food textures at mealtimes

Question 4: A nurse is teaching a client who has a goiter appropriate food choices related to
dietary needs. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the
● ‘I will eat more tuna”
● “I will eat more red meat”
● “I will eat bananas for a snack”
● “I would eat blueberries every morning”
● ‘I will eat more tuna”

Question 5: A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who has Clostridium difficile.
Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing fluid
volume deficit?
● Potassium 3.5 mEq/L
● HCT 53%
● Sodium 145 mEq/L
● HbA1c 5%
● HCT 53%

Question 6: A client in the oliguric phase of acute renal failure had a urinary output of 420 ml
during the preceding 24-hour period. How much fluid should the nurse plan to provide the client
over the next 24 hr?
● 2,550 ml
● 1,530 ml
● 920 ml
● 2,040 ml
● 920 ml

Question 7: A nurse is teaching a client ways to manage anorexia while receiving radiation
therapy. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?
● “Limit High-kilocalorie supplements to between meals.”
● “Eat hot food rather than cold foods.”
● “Avoid overeating during “good” days.”
● “Consume nutrition-dense foods first.”
● “Consume nutrition-dense foods first.”

Question 8: A nurse is teaching a client who is receiving bolus feeding through a nasogastric tube
about dumping syndrome. The nurse should instruct the client to report which of the following
● Constipation
● Bradycardia
● Drowsiness
● Dizziness

Question 9: A client is receiving a thiazide diuretic for treatment of hypertension. Which of the
following foods selected by the client reflects understanding of the nurses teaching regarding this
● Navy beans and ham
● Baked potato
● Cheddar cheese
● Beef broth
● Baked potato

Question 10: A nurse is teaching about nutrition to a client who has a new diagnosis of chronic
kidney disease. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse include in the
● Limit calcium intake
● Increase potassium intake
● Limit protein intake
● Increase phosphorus intake
● Limit protein intake

Question 11: A nurse is caring for a client who has stomatitis following radiation therapy. Which
of the following interventions is appropriate for the nurse to take?
● Discourage the use of a straw.
● Offer the client frozen bananas as a snack.
● Serve the client hot meals.
● Avoid serving sauces or gravies.
● Offer the client frozen bananas as a snack

A nurse is teaching the Guardians of a school-age child about nutrition. Which of
the following statements should the nurse make?
● You should have your child skip breakfast
● You should eat meals together most of the time
● You should provide your child with whole fat milk
● You should reward good behavior with food
● You should eat meals together most of the time

Question 13: A nurse is assessing an older adult client who has dysphagia and is experiencing
dehydration. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
● Tachycardia
● Distended neck veins
● Decrease respiratory rate
● Hypertension
● Tachycardia

Question 14: A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for tetracycline. Which of
the following nutritional considerations should the nurse include in the teaching?
● Increase vitamin C intake while taking this medication
● Avoid taking this medication with milk products
● Eliminate raw fruits and vegetables until 2 weeks after completing this medication
● Take a folic acid supplement while on this medication
● Avoid taking this medication with milk products

Question 15: A nurse is planning care for a client who had a stroke and is having difficulty
eating. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?
● Describe food locations as if the clients plate were a clock.
● Encourage the client to chew on both sides of their mouth.
● Place the head of the clients bed to 30 degrees for meals.
● Provide the client with wide grip adaptive utensils.
● Place the head of the clients bed to 30 degrees for meals or describe food locations as if the clients plate were a clock

Question16: A nurse is caring for a client who has malnutrition. Which of the following findings
should the nurse report to the provider?
● BMI of 18.5
● Potassium 3.7 mEq/L
● Phosphorus 3.5 mg/dL
● Albumin 2.5 g/dL
● Albumin 2.5 g/dL

Question 17: A nurse is assessing a client who is postoperative. Which of the following findings
places the client at risk for delayed wound healing?
● Decreased albumin level
● Increase zinc level
● Increase vitamin A level
● Decrease calcium level
● Decreased albumin level

Question 18: A nurse is selecting food items for a client who follows a lacto-vegetarian diet.
Which of the following foods should the nurse include in the meals?
● Eggs
● Shrimp
● Cheese
● Hamburger
● Cheese

Question 19: A nurse is caring for a client who has dysphagia. Which of the following
instructions should the nurse give to the client to decrease the risk of choking?
● Tilt your head forward while you eat
● Let food cool to room temperature before consuming
● Drink water with each bite of food
● Obtain your vitamins in liquid form
● Tilt your head forward while you eat

Question 20: A nurse is assisting a client who has a wound that is not healing. Which of the
following dietary supplements should the nurse recommend?
● Vitamin C
● Potassium
● Vitamin D
● Calcium
● Vitamin C

Question 21: A nurse is teaching a client who is at 10 weeks of gestation about increasing folate
in her diet. Which of the following food choices should the nurse recommend as the best source
of folate?
● ½ cup cooked asparagus
● 1 small banana
● ½ cup plain low-fat yogurt
● 1 medium Apple
● ½ cup cooked asparagus

Question 22: A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who was in the first trimester of
pregnancy and has chronic nausea. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an
understanding of the teaching?
● I will include a high-fat food with each meal
● I will eat a high-carbohydrate diet
● I will lie down for one hour after eating
● I will drink 12 oz of water with breakfast
● I will eat a high-carbohydrate diet

Question 23: A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of an older adult client. The nurse
should identify which of the following findings as an indication of malnutrition?
● RBC count 5 million/mm3
● Hemoglobin 16 G / DL
● Prealbumin 10 mg / DL
● WBC count 7,000 / mm3
● Prealbumin 10 mg / DL

Question 24: A nurse is teaching a client who has a new colostomy about nutrition. Which of the
following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?
● I would chew gum to decrease gas formation
● I will eat a large evening meal
● I will try new foods one at a time
● I will drink 4 to 6 cups of fluid per day
● I will drink 4 to 6 cups of fluid per day or I will try new foods one at a time

Question 25: A nurse is teaching a parent about appropriate snack choices for her 9 month old
infant. Which of the following food choices should the nurse recommend?
● Raw carrots
● Skim milk
● Unsalted popcorn
● Graham crackers
● Graham crackers

Question 26: A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who has heart failure. Which
of the following findings indicates that the client is experiencing fluid volume excess?
● Creatinine 0.8 mg / DL
● BUN 10 mg / DL
● Hgb 15 g/dL
● Sodium 140 mEq/L
● BUN 10 mg / DL

Question 27: A nurse is planning a mechanical soft diet for a client who has difficulty chewing.
Which of the following foods should the nurse plan to include on the client’s meal tray?
● Peas
● Dried apricots
● Canned pears
● Cashews
● Canned pears

Question 28: A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving Total parenteral Nutrition(TPN). The
nurse should identify which of the following findings as an adverse effect of TPN?
● Temperature 36.1C (97F)
● Weight gain of 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) per day
● Hemoglobin 16 g/dL
● Blood glucose 98 mg / DL
● Weight gain of 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) per day

Question 29: A nurse is planning nutritional care for a group of clients. The nurse should
recommend a high protein, commercially prepared liquid nutritional supplement for which of the
following clients?
● A client who has chronic kidney disease
● A client who has dumping syndrome
● A client who has burns over 21% of total body surface area
● A client who has cholelithiasis and a BMI of 31
● A client who has burns over 21% of total body surface area

Question 30: A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client about sources of protein. The nurse
should identify which of the following items as a complete protein?
● Legumes
● Salmon
● Almonds
● Gelatin
● Salmon

Question 31 a nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who is receiving radiation therapy
and is experiencing nausea. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the
● Serve low carbohydrate meals
● Administer antiemetics on a schedule
● Ensure foods are served hot
● Provide a snack 30 minutes before treatments
● Administer antiemetics on a schedule

A nurse is providing breakfast for a client who has celiac disease. Which of the following meal items should the nurse select?
Rice cereal with sliced bananas

A nurse is assessing a client at mealtime who is at risk for aspiration following a stroke. Which of the following action should the nurse take?
Instruct the client to tuck her chin when swallowing

A nurse is caring for a client who has dysphagia requires a level two dysphasia diet. Which of the following foods should a nurse provide for the client?
Cottage cheese

A nurse is teaching a client about food high in vitamin A. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?
Baked sweet potato

A nurse is providing teaching to a client about high-fiber foods. Which of the following foods should a nurse include as maintaining the highest amount of fiber?
One medium apple with the peel or corn flakes and skim milk

A nurse is assisting in the selection of food for a client who has hypokalemia. Which of the following foods should a nurse electric that contains the greatest amount of potassium?
One small, baked potato

A nurse is planning care for a client who is pregnant and plans to breast-feed her newborn. Which of the following information the nurse include in the plan of care?
Newborn. Should breast-feed, immediately following birth.

A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who is recovering from a stroke and his family is dysphasia and right sided weakness. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care?
Provide a non skid place mat for the client and meals

A nurse is teaching a client who is 24 hour postpartum about breast-feeding. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?
I will alternate the first breast that I offer my baby with each feeding

A nurse in a providers office is reviewing the laboratory values of a client who reports a poor appetite. Which of the following value should a nurse reported provider?
Hgb 10 g

A nurse is teaching a group of nurses about the dietary practices to consider when planning care for client to follow a kosher diet. Which of the following dietary practices the nurse include in the teaching?
The client to eat meat and non-dairy margarine together

A nurse is using the Braden scale to assess the clients risk for pressure injury. Which of the following Friday to the nurse identify the greatest risk for developing a pressure injury?
Intermittent paresthesia of the lower extremities

A nurse is teaching about managing hypoglycemia with carbohydrates to a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of the following foods is the nurse include in the teaching as containing the most carbohydrate?
4 ounces of fruit juice

A nurse is teaching a group of parents about appropriate food choices for toddlers. Which of the following choices by the parents demonstrate understanding the teaching?
Cook spaghetti with sauce

A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving TPN. The nurse should recognize that which of the following is a metabolic complication associated with an infusion of TPN?

A nurse is providing teaching to a group of clients about retaining nutrients, were preparing food and vegetables. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching?
I keep my ripe fruit in the refrigerator until I eat them

A nurse is teaching a client who has celiac disease about gluten-free foods. Which of the following food should a nurse recommend?

A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a prescription for Lo saturated fat diet. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?
I will include 7 ounces of fish in my diet weekly

A nurse is teaching a family of a school age child who is obese about complications of childhood obesity. Which of the following complication the nurse include in the teaching?

A nurse is teaching a client about nutrition, dense food choices. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of teaching?
“I should eat oven baked sweet potato fries.”

A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has type one DM. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding teaching?
I will keep my HB A1c at 5%

A nurse is teaching a group of clients in my wrist factors for developing diabetes mellitus. The nurse should include which of the following is a risk factor for diabetes?
Abdominal obesity

A nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who has a body mass index of 28. Which of the following action should the nurse take?
Refer the client for a weight loss support group

A nurse is teaching a parent about recommended protein intake for a toddler. The nurse should identify that which of the following food selections is equivalent to 1 ounces of protein?
One scrambled egg

A nurse is caring for a client who has a small bore jejunostomy tube and is receiving a continues to feeding with a high viscosity formula. Which of the following action should the nurse take to prevent to be from clogging?
Replace the bag and tube and every 24 hours

A nurse is teaching an older client about vitamin D deficiency. The nurse should encourage the client to consume adequate amount of vitamin D to prevent which of the following complications?

A nurse is caring for a client who has heart failure and has gained 2 pounds over the last 24 hours. Which of the following intervention should the nurse take?
Reduce the client sodium intake

A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving chemotherapy treatments. The client states, I feel so nauseated after my treatments. Which of the following instruction should the nurse provide the client? Sata
Set up for one hour after eating meals,
Sip fluid slowly throughout the day
consume foods that are served cold

A nurse is administering continuous enteral feedings for a client through a peg tube. Which of the following action should the nurse take?
Return gastric contents if residual is less than 250 ml

A nurse is teaching a in-service about manifestations of hypoglycemia to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching?
Blurred vision

A nurse is teaching a group of clients about recommended nutrition for healthy. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching?
Limit. Cholesterol intake of 500 mg per day

A nurse is planning care for a client who reports increasingly difficulty swallowing food. Which of the following intervention should the nurse plan to take?
Encourage the client to rest prior to meal times

A nurse is providing dietary take it to a client newly diagnosed with celiac disease. Which of the following information should the nurse take in the teaching?
This condition may cause secondary lactose intolerance

A nurse is caring for a client who has moderate partial thickness burns over 30% of their total body surface area. Which of the following action should the nurse take?
Provide a vitamin C supplement

A nurse is teaching a group of clients about dietary needs to prevent osteoporosis. Which of the following dietary choices are the nurse recommend as having the highest calcium content?
One cup of broccoli

A nurse is caring for a client who consume 40,000 µg of vitamin D daily for three months. For which of the following finding should the nurse monitor to identify vitamin a toxicity?

A nurse is caring for an older adult client who reports difficulty chewing them to your fitting dentures. Which of the following foods to the nurse recommend for the client?

A nurse matches the clients wait at 70 kg in height at 1.6 m. What is the clients body mass index?

A nurse should be for the laboratory report of a client who is undergoing nutrition is going to do to a Ridge for chronic kidney disease. The nurse should identify that which of the following results indicate the need for further assessment?
Serum creatinine, 3.5 mg.

Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA nurse is reinforcing diet teaching to a client who has type 2 DM. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply.A. Carbs should comprise 55% of daily caloric intakeB. Use hydrogenated oils for cookingC. Table sugar may be added to cerealsD. Drink an alcoholic beverage w/mealsE. Protein foods can be substituted for carb foodsA nurse is reviewing dietary guidelines to include in the plan of care for a client who has type 2 DM. Which of the following guidelines should the nurse include? Select all that apply. A. Weight management B. Lipid profile C. Cultural needsD. Sleep patterns E. Personal preferencesA nurse is teaching a client measures for healthy bones. Which of the following statements by the client requires additional teaching? A. “I will eat foods high in calcium.”B. “I will increase my fluid intake.”C. “I should participate in weight bearing exercises.” D. “I should get my vitamin D from the sunlight.”A nurse is conducting a nutritional class to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? A. Limit saturated fat to 10% of total caloric intake.B. Good bowel function requires 35 g/day of fiber for women.C. Limit cholesterol consumption to 400 mg/dayD. Normal functioning cardiac systems depends on B-complex vitaminsA nurse is discussing essential nutrients for normal functioning of the nervous system. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? Select all that apply. A. Calcium B. Thiamin C. Vitamin B6D. Sodium E. PhosphorusA school nurse is teaching a group of students how to read food labels. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? Select all that apply. A. Total carbohydratesB. Total fatC. CaloriesD. Magnesium E. Dietary fiberA nurse is teaching a client who has cancer about appropriate food choices. The nurse determines that the client understands the information when she chooses which of the following snacks? Select all that apply. A. Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread w/2% milkB. Popcorn w/sodaC. Yogurt topped w/granola & a banana
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewD. Meat lasagna w/buttered garlic breadE. Plain baked potatoWhich of the following food choices is appropriate for a pt. with GERD? Select all that apply. A. Baked salmonB. Skim milkC. Orange juiceD. Decaffeinated teaE. Eggs and salsaFor which disease/condition would the nurse teach the client about a gluten-free diet? A. A 54 year old man with pancreatitis.B. A 32 year old woman with celiac disease. C. A 22 year old man with diverticulitis. D. A 76 year old woman with breast cancer.A nurse is providing instructions to a client who has a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates a need for further teaching? A. PotatoesB. Graham crackersC. Wild riceD. Canned pearsA nurse is providing instructions to a client who reports constipation & has a prescription for a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates understanding of the teaching? A. Peanut butterB. Peeled applesC. Hardboiled eggD. Brown riceA nurse is caring for a client post appy. The nurse verifies the postop prescription, which reads “discontinue NPO status; advance diet as tolerated.” Which of the following are appropriate for the nurse to offer the client? Select all that apply. A. ApplesauceB. Chicken brothC. SherbetD. Wheat toastE. Cranberry juiceA nurse is caring for a client who is on a full liquid diet due to dysphagia. Which of the following nursing actions is the highest priority? A. Add thickener to liquids.B. Educate the client about acceptable liquids.C. Perform a calorie count of consumed liquids.D. Offer high-protein liquid supplements.A nurse is performing dietary needs assessments for a group of clients. A blenderized liquid diet is appropriate for which of the following clients? Select all that apply. A. A client who has a wired jaw due to an MVAB. A client who is 24 hr postop following temporomandibular joint repairC. A client who has difficulty chewing due to a traumatic brain injury
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewD. A client who has hypercholesterolemia due to CADE. A client who is scheduled for a colonoscopy the next morningA nurse is assessing a client who is postop following a colon resection. Which of the following findings indicates that the client is ready to transition from NPO to oral intake? A. Client report of hungerB. Urinary output exceeding 30 mL/hrC. Decrease in incisional painD. Passage of flatusA nurse is assisting a client who has a prescription for a mechanical soft diet w/food selections. Which of the following are appropriate selections by the client? Select all that apply.A. Dried prunesB. Ground turkeyC. Mashed carrotsD. Fresh strawberriesE. Cottage cheeseA nurse is teaching a client who is undergoing cancer treatment about interventions to manage stomatitis. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?A. “I will try chewing larger pieces of food.”B. “I will avoid toasting my bread.”C. “I will consume more food in the morning.” D. “I will add more citrus foods to my diet.”Which of the following food choices by a client undergoing chemotherapy with presence of stomatitis indicates a need for further teaching? A. Small pieces of bananasB. Cut up fresh orange & pineapple slices C. Yogurt with granola D. Meat lasagnaA nurse is caring for a client who has hypoglycemia. Which of the following is an appropriate action by the nurse? A. Offer crackers & cheeseB. Encourage sucking on 8 hard candiesC. Provide 8 oz of regular sodaD. Give juice w/table sugarWhich of the following are appropriate dietary choices for a client with cholecystitis? Select all that apply. A. Baked lightly-seasoned tilapia B. Buttered steamed broccoli C. Skim or 1% low fat milk D. Whole wheat toast E. Pasta with cream sauce and onionsA nurse is planning care for an older adult client who is receiving treatment for malnutrition. The client is scheduled for discharge to his home where he lives alone. Which of the following actions are appropriate to include in the plan of care? (Select all that apply.)A. Consult social services to arrange home meal delivery
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewB. Encourage the client to purchase nonperishable boxed mealsC. Advise the client to purchase frozen fruits/veggiesD. Recommend drinking a supplement between meals E. Educate the client on how to read nutrition labelsA nurse is providing follow-up dietary teaching for a client who recently was prescribed phenelzine (Nardil). When reviewing the client’s dietary log, which of the following foods requires a need for further teaching? A. Cottage cheeseB. Banana breadC. Apple pieD. Grilled steakA nurse is preparing to administer intermittent enteral feeding to a client who has neuromuscular disorder.Which of the following are appropriate nursing interventions? Select all that apply. A. Fill the feeding bag w/24 hr worth of formulaB. Discard irrigation equipment after 24 hrC. Leave unused portions of formula at the bedsideD. Label the unused portion of the formulaE. Replace administration tubing & feeding bag every 48 hrA nurse is teaching a client who has pre-stage chronic kidney disease about dietary management. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the instructions? A. Restrict protein intakeB. Maintain a high-phosphorus dietC. Increase intake of foods high in potassiumD. Limit dairy products to 1 cup per dayA nurse is assessing a client who has hypoglycemia. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? A. Fruity breath odorB. Diaphoresis C. VomitingD. PolyuriaA nurse is caring for a client who is receiving TPN. The current bag of TPN is empty & a new bag is not available on the unit. Which of the following solutions should the nurse infuse until a new bag of TPN is available? A. Dextrose in 10% waterB. 0.45% sodium chlorideC. Dextrose 5% in LRD. 0.9% sodium chlorideA nurse is teaching about nutritional requirements for a client who is starting a vegetarian diet. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Consume high-fat cheese to replace meats when on a vegetarian dietB. A vegetarian diet is high in vitamin B12C. Fewer calories are required when on a vegetarian dietD. Include 2 servings per day of nuts when on a vegetarian dietA nurse is providing teaching about lowering solid fat intake to an adolescent who is overweight. Which
Nutrition Proctored Exam Reviewof the following instructions should the nurse include? A. “Limit egg yolks to a total of 5 per week.”B. “Restrict your daily meat intake to 5 oz.”C. “Select cheeses that contain no more than 6 g of fat per serving.”D. “Choose margarine that contains no more than 4 g of saturated fat per tablespoon.”A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who has celiac disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “I can return to my normal diet after I follow this diet for 1 month.”B. “I can have tapioca pudding for dessert.”C. “I will choose canned soups that don’t contain meat products.”D. “I will eat my sandwiches on whole wheat bread.”A nurse is performing a comprehensive nutritional assessment for a client. After reviewing the client’s lab results, which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? A. WBC count of 6000/mm3B. Sodium 139 mEq/LC. Prealbumin 8 mg/dLD. Thyroxine (t4) 9.2 mcg/dLA nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has Parkinson’s disease & a prescription for levodopa-carbidopa. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to consume w/the med? A. 6 oz greek yogurtB. 1 oz cheddar cheeseC. 6 peanut butter crackersD. 1 slice wheat toastA nurse is assessing a client’s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The client eats more than half of most meals but occasionally refuses a meal. Which of the following information should the nurse document on the nutrition category of the Braden scale? A. 1 (very poor)B. 2 (Probably Inadequate)C. 3 (Adequate)D. 4 (Excellent)A nurse is providing teaching about cancer prevention to a group of clients. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “I will eat 5 servings of fruits & veggies each day.”B. “I should limit my alcohol intake to a max of 3 drinks daily.” C. “I should eat more refined wheat & oat products.”D. “I will eat processed meats to achieve my required protein intake.”A nurse is caring for a client who has cirrhosis and ascites. Which of the following dietary instructions should the nurse provide for this client? A. “Decrease your sodium intake to 1-2 grams/day”B. “Increase your daily fluid intake to 3 L/day”C. “Consume 0.5 gram per kg of protein/day”D. “Eliminate foods that contain vitamin K.”A nurse is assessing a client who has type 2 DM. The nurse should recognize which of the following as a
Nutrition Proctored Exam Reviewmanifestation of hypoglycemia? A. ConfusionB. PolydipsiaC. VomitingD. KetonuriaA nurse is an ED is reviewing the lab report for an older adult client who is confused & reports nausea & abd. cramping. The nurse should suspect the client’s lab results to indicate a dietary deficiency of which of the following minerals?A. Sodium B. PhosphorusC. PotassiumD. ChlorideA nurse is teaching about dietary intake of micronutrients to a client who has difficulty seeing at night. Which of the following micronutrients should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Vitamin AB. CalciumC. Vitamin B6D. PhosphorusA nurse is providing nutritional teaching to the parents of a 2-year-old toddler. Which of the following snack foods should the nurse recommend? A. 1 cup fruit gel bitesB. 1 cup yogurtC. 1/2 of a hot dogD. 1/2 of a peanut butter sandwichA nurse is caring for a client who is prescribed captopril. The nurse is aware that which of the following foods could cause a potential medication interaction? A. WatermelonB. CantaloupeC. LettuceD. CarrotsA nurse is teaching an adolescent who has a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the teaching? A. “I need to decrease the amount of oil I use in cooking.”B. “I need to eat fewer acidic foods, such as tomatoes & oranges.”C. “I need to eliminate rye from my diet.”D. “I need to eliminate milk products from my diet.”A nurse is providing dietary instructions for a client who has a prescription for warfarin. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend the client eat in moderation while taking this med? A. Green leafy vegetablesB. Whole grainsC. Fruits with skinD. Nuts and seedsA nurse is creating a plan of care for a client who has anorexia nervosa. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA. Weight the client once weekly at the same time of the day.B. Stay with the client for 30 min after mealsC. Allow the client to schedule mealtimesD. Assign privileges based on direct weight gainA nurse is creating a plan of care for a client who has mucositis following head & neck radiation therapy for cancer. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?A. Encourage 3 servings of citrus foods dailyB. Provide lemon-glycerin swabs for oral hygiene after mealsC. Increase fluid intake to 2 L/dayD. Heat oral hygiene mouth rinses before useA nurse is discussing dietary factors to assist in BP management for a client who has HTN. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “I can drink up to 3 glasses of wine/day.” B. “I should choose whole grain pastas when selecting my foods.”C. “I should decrease my consumption of foods high in potassium.”D. “I can eat dairy products because they do not have much sodium.”A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client who has dysphagia & is being discharged home w/a prescription for a mechanical soft diet. Which of the following foods should the nurse include in the plan?A. RaisinsB. Skim milkC. Apple slicesD. Mashed potatoesA nurse is teaching an older adult client about measures to reduce the risk of osteomalacia. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Consume 20 mcg of vitamin D daily.B. Avoid foods rich in antioxidants.C. Increase intake of foods high in purine. D. Take 150 mg of vitamin E daily.A nurse is caring for a client who as a new prescription for PN containing a mixture of dextrose, amino acids, & lipids. Prior to administration of the PN, the nurse should report which of the following food allergies to the provider? A. GelatinB. PeanutsC. Shellfish D. EggsA nurse is caring for a client who develops diarrhea while receiving a continuous enteral tube feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Provide a low-protein formulaB. Elevate the HOB to 30 deg.C. Switch to intermittent feedingsD. Warm the formula to room tempA nurse in a clinic is reviewing the lab findings of a client who began a DASH diet following a recent dx of HTN. Which of the following lab findings indicates the client has reached 1 of the goals of the DASH
Nutrition Proctored Exam Reviewdiet? A. Sodium 150 mEq/LB. Chloride 106 mEq/LC. Fasting glucose 130 mg/dLD. Total cholesterol 190 mg/dLA nurse is teaching a client who has chronic kidney disease about limiting her calcium intake. Which of the following food choices should the nurse inform the client contains the highest amount of Ca & should be limited in her diet? A. 1 cup low-fat yogurtB. 1 oz cheddar cheeseC. 1 eggD. 1/2 cup spinachA nurse is teaching a client about maximizing absorption when taking calcium supplements. Which of thefollowing instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. “Take a supplement that contains vitamin D.”B. “Take the supplement w/a full glass of water.”C. “Take a 1000 mg supplement in the morning w/food.”D. “Take the supplement w/a sublingual vitamin B12 tablet.”A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is at 24 weeks of gestation & reports constipation. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply.A. Drink eight 240 mL (8 oz) glasses of water dailyB. Eat small amounts of food frequently C. Increase daily fiber intakeD. Use a glycerin suppository every other dayE. Perform exercises regularly using large muscle groupsA nurse is providing teaching to a client who has DM & an HbA1c of 8.7%. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of this lab value? A. “I should have gone to my exercise class yesterday.”B. “This shows that my result is finally within normal range.”C. “This shows that I have not been following my diet.” D. “I should have my blood work done 1st thing in the morning.”A nurse is providing info to a client who has a new prescription for atorvastatin. Which of the following beverages should the nurse include in the info as a contraindication for taking this med? A. Orange juiceB. CoffeeC. Grapefruit juiceD. MilkA nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral tube feedings. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to prevent aspiration? A. Monitor gastric residuals every 4 hrB. Maintain elevation of the head of the bed at 15 deg.C. Confirm proper tube placement by radiograph every 24 hrD. Flush tubing w/30 mL water before and after medsA nurse is providing teaching to a client who is a vegetarian & requires an increase in zinc intake. Which
Nutrition Proctored Exam Reviewof the following foods is the best source of zinc? A. PineappleB. Green grapesC. CauliflowerD. Pinto beansA nurse is assessing the meal pattern of a client who has diverticular disease & a prescription for a high-fiber diet. Which of the following food choices by the client contains the most fiber? A. 1 medium bananaB. 1/2 cup cooked oatmealC. 1 medium apple w/skinD. 1/2 cup bran cerealA nurse is providing teaching to a client who is lactating about increasing her protein intake. Which of thefollowing foods should the nurse recommend as the best source of protein? A. LegumesB. Cottage cheeseC. Peanut butterD. Whole grain cerealA nurse is teaching an older adult client about nutritional recommendations. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? A. “You should increase your daily calorie intake.”B. “You should increase your daily protein intake.” C. “You receive an adequate amount of calcium from your diet, so a supplement is not recommended.”D. “You receive an adequate amount of vitamin D from sun exposure, so it is not necessary to take a supplement.”A nurse is evaluating a client who is receiving continuous enteral feeding & has diarrhea. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to reduct the client’s diarrhea? A. Flush the client’s feeding tubeB. Administer promethazine to the client C. Decrease the rate of the feedingD. Check the client’s gastric residualA nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who is postop following gastric bypass. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A. Eat 6 small meals per dayB. Start each meal w/a proteinC. Complete each meal even if feeling fullD. Plan to eat each meal over 15 minA nurse is caring for a client who has DM and reports feeling dizzy, weak, and shaky. Which of the following is the priority action by the nurse? A. Offer the client 180 mL (6 oz) of orange juiceB. Document the client’s intake from the most recent mealC. Teach the client about manifestations of hypoglycemiaD. Check the client’s blood glucose levelA nurse is caring for a client who is receiving radiation therapy. The client reports a metallic taste in his mouth while eating. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Select all that apply.
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA. Provide 3 large meals/dayB. Offer citrus fruitsC. Suggest pickles as a snackD. Rinse silverware prior to eatingE. Gargle w/mouthwashA nurse is reviewing lab results of a client who is receiving continuous total parenteral nutrition. Which ofthe following results should the nurse report to the provider? A. Glucose 238 mg/dLB. Potassium 4.7 mEq/LC. Calcium 9.8 mg/dLD. Sodium 140 mEq/LA nurse is conducting dietary teaching for a group of women who are of childbearing age. Which of the following food items should the nurse include as containing the highest amount of folate? A. 1/2 cup chickpeasB. 3.5 oz chicken liverC. 1 medium orangeD. 1 slice white breadA nurse is caring for a client who has anemia & a new prescription for an iron supplement. The nurse should recommend the client consume the supplement w/which of the following beverages to increase absorption? A. Protein shakeB. Skim milk C. Tomato juice D. Green teaA nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. Whichof the following info should the nurse include? A. Replace legumes w/broiled meatsB. Consume 1/2 cup bran/dailyC. Leave the skin on when eating fruit D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiberA nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a pressure ulcer. The client practices Orthodox Judaism& strictly follows kosher dietary laws. Which of the following foods should the nurse provide for this client? A. Pork tenderloinB. CheeseburgerC. Clam chowderD. Macaroni & cheeseA nurse is planning dietary interventions for a client who is prescribed external radiation for laryngeal cancer. The client reports manifestations of stomatitis. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? A. Provide meals at room tempB. Offer the client additional seasonings for foodC. Instruct the client to eat citrus fruits at the beginning of the mealD. Encourage the client to drink warm tomato juice in place of high-protein supplements
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA nurse is performing a cultural assessment for a client whose religious practices include fasting 1 day each week. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask the client? Select all that apply. A. “Are you exempt from fasting during illness?” B. “Does fasting mean refraining from drinking liquids?” C. “Does fasting occur during certain hours of the day?”D. “Is vegetarianism a form of fasting?”E. “Does fasting mean eating only a certain type of food?”A community health nurse is planning to teach a class about weight management for cardiovascular health. Which of the following statements should the nurse plan to make to the participants? A. “Limit your sodium intake to 1800 mg/day.”B. “Reduce your daily intake of foods that contain protein.”C. “Taking a daily multivitamin will prevent cardiovascular disease.”D. “Plan to lose weight gradually at 1/2 to 1 pound per week.”A nurse is providing teaching about proper eating techniques to a client who is experiencing dysphagia following a stroke. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply. A. Tilt the head forward when swallowing. B. Drink thin liquids through a straw. C. Place food on the unaffected side of the mouth. D. Take moderate bites when eating. E. Limit disruptions during mealtime.A nurse is reviewing the lab data of 4 clients. The nurse should identify that which of the following clientsis experiencing fluid overload? A. A client who has an albumin level of 5.5 g/dL. B. A client who has a urine specific gravity of 1.035. C. A client who has a Hct of 55%. D. A client who has a sodium level of 130 mEq/L.A nurse is initiating an enteral feeding for a client who has chronic bronchitis. Which of the following types of formula should the nurse anticipate administering to the client? A. Low protein B. High carbC. High calorieD. Low fatA home health nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who had an open reduction internal fixation of the tibia. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a risk factor for impaired wound healing? A. The client’s Hgb is 15 g/dL. B. The client’s peripheral pulses are +3 distal to the affected extremity. C. The client consumes 1000 k/cal daily. D. The client takes zinc supplements.A nurse is teaching a client who is preparing for bowel surgery about a low-residue diet. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. 3 slices of bacon & oatmeal toastB. Granola w/raisins & strawberriesC. Whole wheat french toast w/blueberries & maple syrup
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewD. 2 poached eggs & a bananaA nurse is caring for a client who is dehydrated & is receiving intermittent enteral feeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? A. Use a low-fat formula for adminB. Chill the formula prior to adminC. Provide the formula as a continuous infusionD. Dilute the formula before adminA nurse is assessing a client who experienced a 5% weight loss in the past 30 days. Which of the following clinical manifestations should the nurse identify as an indication of malnutrition? A. Moist skinB. Ankle edemaC. HyperreflexiaD. Dilated pupilsA nurse is caring for an infant who has a cleft lip & palate. In which of the following positions should the nurse place the infant for bottle feeding? A. LateralB. Football holdC. Supine in the cribD. UprightA nurse is caring for a client who has acute IBD. Which of the following nutritional supplements should the nurse anticipate providing to this client? A. Hydrolyzed formula B. Polymeric formula C. Milk-based supplement formulaD. Modular product supplement formulaA nurse is caring for a client who has age-related macular degeneration (AMD) & asks the nurse if there are any nutritional changes to consider. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A. Use soy products as much as possibleB. Add niacin-rich foods to the dietC. Increase dietary intake of luteinD. Consume foods w/a high glycemic indexA nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral feedings via NG tube. The nurse notices that the tube feeding has stopped infusing. Which of the following actions is the nurse’s priority? A. Change the formula B. Change the tubeC. Notify the providerD. Flush the tube w/warm waterA nurse is providing discharge teaching about breast milk use & storage to a client who is postpoartum. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? A. Refrigerate unused breast milk immediately after bottle feedingB. You cannot place thawed breast milk back in the freezerC. You can store expressed breast milk in the freezer up to 18 monthsD. Defrost frozen breast milk on the lowest defrost setting in the microwave
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA nurse is assessing a client who has end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Which of the following dietary habits increases the client’s risk for dysrhythmias? A. Consuming a low-fat dietB. Eating a diet rich in potassiumC. Consuming a diet rich in proteinD. Eating a diet deficient in ironA nurse is caring for a client who is at 8 weeks of gestation & has a BMI of 34. The client asks about weight goals during her pregnancy. The nurse should advise the client to do which of the following? A. Maintain her current BMI.B. Gain approximately 6.8 kg (15 lb).C. Lower her BMI to 30.D. Gain 12.7 to 15.8 kg (28-35 lb).A client is experiencing anorexia r/t cancer tx. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement to increase the client’s nutritional intake? A. Recommend cooking aromatic foods to stimulate appetite. B. Serve hot foods rather than cold foods. C. Instruct the client to eat 3 meals per dayD. Add extra calories & protein to every meal.A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving TPN. Which of the following lab findings indicates that the TPN therapy is effective? A. Calcium 8 mg/mLB. Hemoglobin 9 g/dLC. Prealbumin 30 mg/dL D. Cholesterol 140 mg/dLA nurse is teaching a female client about a healthy diet to control HTN. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “I will drink 2 glasses of whole milk daily.”B. “I will decrease the potassium in my diet.”C. “I will eat 4 servings of unsalted nuts per week.” D. “I will limit alcohol consumption to 2 drinks/day.”A nurse is updating a plan of care for a client who is receiving intermittent enteral feedings & is experiencing diarrhea. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan? A. Discard the client’s opened cans of formula within 48 hr.B. Administer the client’s formula cold. C. Feed the client in small, frequent volumesD. Consider a low-calorie formula for the clientA nurse is planning nutritional teaching for the parents of a toddler who has failure to thrive. Which of thefollowing instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.) A. Eliminate environmental disruptions during meals.B. Stop the meal when the toddler exhibits negative behavior. C. Provide 240 mL (8 oz) fruit juice in between meals.D. Schedule meal times at the same time each day. E. Allow the toddler to determine the length of the meal.A nurse is providing diet teaching for a client who has osteoporosis. The nurse should instruct the client
Nutrition Proctored Exam Reviewthat which of the following foods has the highest amount of calcium? A. 1 cup avocado B. 2 tablespoons peanut butterC. 1/2 cup roasted sunflower seedsD. 1/2 cup roasted almondsA nurse is providing diet teaching for a client who has chronic skin ulcers of the lower extremities. Whichof the following foods should the nurse recommend as containing the highest amount of zinc? A. 1 cup apple slices B. 4 oz low-fat cottage cheeseC. 4 oz ground beef pattyD. 1 cup raw spinachA client reports constipation during a routine checkup. The client was previously encouraged to increase his intake of mineral supplements. Which of the following minerals should the nurse identify as the cause of the constipation? A. Phosphorus B. Potassium C. Magnesium D. CalciumA nurse is preparing to administer intermittent enteral tube feedings to a client. In what order should the nurse perform the following actions before beginning the feeding? -Flush tubing w/30 mL water-Place the client in Fowler’s position-Check the residual -Verify tube placement1. Place the client in Fowler’s position 2. Verify tube placement3. Check the residual 4. Flush tubing w/ 30 mL waterA nurse is planning care for a client who is obese & wants to lose weight. Which of the following actions should the nurse take 1st? A. Recommend checking weight once weekly. B. Obtain a 24-hr dietary recall.C. Assist w/creating an exercise plan. D. Initiate a diet modification plan.A nurse in an acute care facility is planning care for a client who has chosen to follow Islamic dietary laws during Ramadan. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? A. Place the client on NPO status during nighttime hoursB. Provide a snack for the client after sunsetC. Offer the client hot tea w/daytime mealsD. Allow the client to eat privately w/his family each day at 1300A nurse in a provider’s office is assessing a client who has HIV. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication to increase the client’s nutritional intake? A. T-helper (CD4+) cells 700/mm3B. Presence of herpes simplex virus infectionC. HIV viral load below detectable levels
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewD. Increased lean body massA nurse is providing teaching for a client who has a new prescription for nifedipine. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? A. MilkB. Aged cheeseC. Grapefruit juiceD. BananasA nurse is providing nutritional counseling to a client who wants to lose weight. The nurse should identifythat which of the following statements indicates that the client understands the counseling? A. “I will taste my foods while I am cooking.”B. “I will exclude breads & pastries from my diet.” C. “I will make a list before I go grocery shopping.” D. “I will skip lunch if I am too busy to have something healthy.”A nurse is planning to provide dietary teaching to a client who has chronic kidney disease & is prescribed hemodialysis. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take 1st? A. Create a schedule for the client fluid intake. B. Provide the client w/a list of foods that are high in sodium. C. Determine whether the client has culture-related food preferences. D. Explain the purpose of protein restriction in the diet.A nurse is planning strategies to reduce the intake of solid fats for a client who has hyperlipidemia. Whichof the following strategies should the nurse include in the plan? A. Choose cheese w/4 g of fat per serving.B. Limit eating 4 eggs w/yolks per week. C. Choose ground meat that is 75% lean. D. Limit meat to 5 oz per day.A nurse is developing an educational program about the glycemic index of foods for clients who have DM. Which of the following foods should the nurse identify as having the highest glycemic index? A. Sweet cornB. Macaroni C. Baked potatoD. PeanutsA nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has a new ileostomy. Which of the following dietary guidelines should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Plan to reduce dietary salt intake. B. Cook foods w/limited amounts of pasta products.C. Prepare meals on a schedule.D. Reduce dietary B12.A nurse is providing to a client who has dumping syndrome & is experiencing weight loss. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Consume liquids between mealsB. Increase intake of simple carbohydratesC. Decrease foods high in fat contentD. Eat meals low in protein
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewA nurse is planning discharge teaching for a client who is postoperative following placement of a colostomy. Which of the following info should the nurse include? A. “Resume a regular diet by 4 weeks after surgery.” B. “Add high-fiber foods to your diet.”C. “Increase your intake of foods containing pectin.”D. “Drink 4-6 cups of water per day.”A nurse is teaching a client about managing IBS. Which of the following info should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Increase intake of fresh fruit high in fructoseB. Limit foods that contain probioticsC. Take peppermint oil during exacerbation of manifestationsD. Substitute white sugar w/honeyA nurse is reviewing the lab results of a client who has a pressure ulcer. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client is at risk for impaired wound healing? A. Hgb 15 g/dLB. Serum albumin 3.0 g/dL C. Prothrombin time 11.5 secD. WBC 6000/mm3A nurse is providing teaching to a client who had a partial gastrectomy about measures to reduce the occurrence of dumping syndrome. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Consume at least 4 oz of fluid w/mealsB. Take a short walk after each mealC. Use honey to flavor foods such as cerealD. Eat protein w/ each mealA nurse is educating a client who is breastfeeding about her calcium intake. The nurse should state that the client’s level of calcium intake should be: A. 800 mgB. 400 mgC. 1200 mgD. 2000 mgA nurse is providing teaching to a group of parents of toddlers about measures to reduce the risk of choking. The nurse should advise the parents that which of the following foods place a toddler at risk for choking? (Select all that apply). A. Hot dogsB. GrapesC. BagelsD. Marshmallows E. Graham crackersA nurse is caring for a client diagnosed w/possible scurvy. The nurse should understand that the client hasa deficiency of which of the following? A. Vitamin AB. Vitamin B6C. Vitamin CD. Vitamin D
Nutrition Proctored Exam ReviewThe nurse is explaining to a client the function of bile is: A. metabolize fatsB. produce chymeC. stimulate gastric acid secretion D. inhibit gastric acid secretionA nurse in a provider’s office is reviewing the lab findings for a group of clients. Which of the following clients may require additional dietary iron to prevent iron-deficiency anemia? Select all that apply. A. A client who is postmenopausal B. A client who is a vegetarian C. A middle adult male clientD. A client who is breastfeeding E. A toddler who is overweightA client with diabetes that may be experiencing hypoglycemia should be instructed to: eat 15-20 g of carbs such as juice, soda, candies, honey, glucose tablets, etc.A nurse is caring for a patient who is to receive a full liquid diet due to dysphagia. What is the highest nursing priority: add thickener to liquidsA nurse is calculating the daily protein allowance of a client who weighs 176 lb. The client’s daily protein allowance is 0.8 g/kg. How many grams of protein should the client consume per day? 64 gA person with heart failure should have a daily sodium intake of: 2000 mg or lessThe nurse should instruct the diabetic client that their intake of carbohydrates should be 45 to 60% of total daily caloric intake.The nurse should instruct the diabetic client that they should limit their total daily cholesterol intake to:200-300 mg/dayIntermittent tube feeding formula set rate: administered every 4-6 hr in equal portions of 200-300 mL over a 30-60 min time frame, usually by gravity dripHow often should you obtain gastric residuals for a client receiving tube feedings? every 4-6 hrsWhen beginning a new prescription for enteral nutrition by intermittent tube feeding how should you first initiate this feeding? Increase the formula over the first 4 to 6 feedings until the prescribed volume is achieved

ati nutrition proctored exam 2019 answers
Ati nutrition proctored 2019 exam questions and answers
Ati nutrition proctored 2019 exam questions
Ati nutrition proctored 2019 exam answers
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