California Notary Public BUNDLED PACKAGE (COMPLETE PACKAGE) 2022/2023 | 100% Verified Answers

Critical commencement date
commencement date stated in the commission NOT date commission was issued or mailed

Who issues commission?
Secretary of State

When does commission become valid
After taking oath of office and bond are filed on time

Who do you file oath and bond with
county clerk

Where is a notary’s commission limited to?
State of california; not only a certain county

What kind of bond and how much needs to be filed
Surety bond for 15,000

What is the purpose of the surety bond
reimburse members of the public that are damaged by notarial misconduct

May still be liable for damages, costs and attorney’s fees exceeding policy limits

What kind of notary publics are not allowed to perform notorial acts on their own time?
Notaries appointed by Secretart of State who serve as notary public on behalf of the state, city or county public agency

What are the restrictions of becoming a notary on a military or naval reservation
-doesnt have to be a CA resident
-cannot collect fees
-can only collect fees on the naval reservtion

With who should the oath and bond be filed
county clerk in the county where the notary holds her principal place of business

How much time and who must a notary notify of an address change?
Notify Secretary of State by certified mail within 30 days of changing residence or business address

Fine for failing to notify of address change:

What are the two duties to respond to written requests
1-respond in 30 days to written requests for information
2-respond in time specified when certified copies of journal are requested

Can an employer request that fees be turned over to employer?

How many journals can a notary keep

Who can request photostatic copies of a notary’s journal?
-any member of the general public can request to see their line item in the journal

What must the request include when requesting copies of a notorial journal
-Name of properties
-type of document
-month and year the act occurred

Maximum fee per page of copy requests

How long does the notary have to respond to requests for copies of the journal
15 calendar days

Does an employee have to permit their employer, employer’s auditor or agent to inspect journal

Who has to be present when showing employer journal
the notary public

How long does notary have to notify the Secretary of state of journal being taken by peace officer
10 days

How long goes notary have to notify secretary of state of lost, stolen or misplaced

How long after expiration does notary public have to return journal
30 days

What items does notary seal have to include
-words Notary Public
-notary’s name
-commission expiration date
-county where oath and bond were filed
-commission number
-sequential ID number for seal

When may someone use an embosser seal
if it is also inked

When is a seal not required
acknowledgements on a CA subdivision map since the material used for maps isnt compatible with inks

What is included in the acknowledgment of the map
-county where notary’s commission is
-expiration date
-signature goes above or adjacent to all this

What must happen if Seal’s impression is not clear
It should not be fixed. Should instead attach a seperate notorial certificate

How long does notary have to notify SoS of lost stolen or damaged seals?

Who is able to destroy the notary’s seal
The notary public or his representative

Can a notary notarize a document written in foreign language they are not familiar with?

What is the procedure / requirement for notarizing a document in another language that notary isnt familiar with
-Notary must be able to communicate with the signer
-swear or affirm the contents of affidavit

Can an interpreter be used?
NO. Should refer customer to another notary if they cannot communicate

What is the journal entry for a document in a foreign language that the notary cannot identify
“Document in a foreign language”

What consititutes satisfactory evidence
1- paper identification documents meeting certain reqs
2-oath of single credible witness
3-oath of two credible witnesses

What kinds of paper documents qualify as proper identification
-DMV license
-US passport
-Passport issued by foreign county
-drivers licensees issued in Canada or Mexico (NOT ID CARDS FROM THESE COUNTRIES MUST BE DRIVERS LICENSE)
-Military ID
-Inmate ID card if still in custody
-CA state/county/city employee ID card

When should a notary use a credible witness
-when there are not other ways to identify the signer

Who needs to know who in order to use credible witness?
Notary public must PERSONALLY know the credible witness. The credible witness must personally know the signer. Credible witness must present proper ID

What must a notary do after identifying a credible witness?
Administer an oath or affirmation to the credible witness who establishes the identity of the signer

What must the credible witness swear to under oath
-signer is the person named in the document
-credible witness personally knows signer
-it would be difficult or impossible for signer to get another form of ID
-credible witness does not have financial interest in the document and is not named in the document

Who needs to know who in the case of needing two credible witnesses
-Both credible witnesses need to know the signer
-Notary does not need to know either of the credible witnesses

What needs to be entered into notarial journal at the time of notarization
-date and time the notary performed the service
-Type of act performed
-character of instrument sworn, affirmed, acknowledged or proved
-Signature of each person whose signature is being notarized
-whether the identity of signer was based on satisfactory evidence
-fee charged
-right hand thumbprint if document was title related OR for power of attorney

How must a notary record the signature of multiple documents
-separate line items for each document notarized

What must be recorded for each piece of identification that satisfies satisfactory evidence
-Type of ID
-Government agency that issued ID
-serial number or ID number
-date ID was issued or expires

Whose ID should be recorded in the case of one or two credible witnesses
both witnesses identification is needed

What sorts of real estate documents do not require a thumbprint
reconveyance documents, decree of foreclosure, nonjudicial foreclosure

What is an acknowledgment
notarial certificate attached to a document when notary confirms the identity of the singer and the singer acknowledges being the signer of the document

What does notary certify under penalty of perjury with certificate of acknowledgment?
-signer personally appeared
-identity of the signer
-signer acknowledged signing the document

For an acknowledgement, does the document need to be signed in front of the notary?

When is a notary allowed to complete an out of state acknowledgment that will be used in another state or territory. What should be done if this person has to certify the signers role?
When the notary doesnt have to confirm the signers representational status within a corporation/business.

If notary has to certify the signers role, the notary must insert the california form

What is a venue statement
statement establishes where the acknowledgment and signer personally appeared before the notary. County will always be the county where they appeared

What is a Jurat
certificate attached to a document when a person signs a document and swears under oath or affirms that the contents of the document are true and correct

What verbage does a Jurat include
sworn to or affirmed

What are synonyms for jurats?
affidavit or declaration

What does a notary certify happened when competing a Jurat
-signer personally appeared before notary public
-identity of signer was proven by satisfactory evidence
-the notary administered the oath or affirmation
-Signer signed the document IN THE PRESENCE of the notary

What does a notary need to do to perform an oath or affirmation and jurat
-confirm their identity (satisfactory evidence)
-administer oath or affirmation
-watch signer sign the affidavit
-complete journal entry
attach jurat to the affidavit or complete the jurat at the end of the affidavit

Which type of document does the notary need to be present during signing

What types of vital records can a notary not certify
-birth certs
-marriage certs
-death certs

What kind of notarization can a notary perform on vital certificates
can provide an affidavit or jurat which states that a signer has certified their own vital information by swearing to the contents of the document

What documents are needed to verify birthdate or age in jurat
certified copy of birth cert or identification card

What is a proof of execution by subscribing witness
When the principal of the document cannot personally appear before the notary, another person can appear on their behalf to prove the principal signed the document

What sort of items can the subscribing witness swear to the truth of and what can they not?
CAN: truth of the principal having signed/ proving identity

CANNOT: truth of the documents by means of proof of executiuon

Which documents are not able to be confirmed by a subscribing witness
-power of attorney
-all mortgage/title docs EXCEPT trustees deed and reconveyance
-no documents that require a thumbprint

What does a notary certify when completing proof of execution?
-subscribing witnes appeared before notary public
-the identity of the subscribing witness was established by oath or affirmation of credible witness that the notary personally knows
-credible witness presented ID
-subscribing witness proved identity of principal

What does the subscribing witness swear under oath or affirmation
-the principal is the person described in the document
-subscribing witness knows principal personally
-subscribing witness saw principal sign document or while in the presence of the principal hear the principal acknowledge signing the document
-subscribing witness was requested by the principal to sign the document as a witness

Who must know who in the case of proof of execution
Notary must know credible witness.
-credible witness must know the subscribing witness
-subscribing witness must confirm identity of principal

Can a credible witness have financial interest in the transaction

Can other formats of Proof of Execution document be acceptable

Whose name must appear after personally appeared in proof of execution
subscribing witness

whose name must appear after the words “on the oath of”
credible witness who’s proving the identity of the subscribing witness

What is a signature by mark
signature by mark occurs when a person cannot write his or her own name can acknowledge their signature by making a mark

Does the notary public need to confirm the identity of the maker of the mark

How and when does a signer acknowledge or subscribe and swear to an affidavit his or her signature on a document
By making a mark where signature should be IN THE PRESENCE of the notary

How many witnesses must observe the signer making their mark

What are duties of the two witnesses
-must sign names next to the mark
-one witness must write the name of the signer next to signature mark

What must occur in the notary’s journal when signing with a mark
Signers mark must go in the journal and should be witnessed by one person. Witness must sign his or her name next to the mark and write the name of the signer next to the mark.

Can the notary public serve as a witness for the signers journal

Does the notary have to verify the identity of the two witnesses when signing by mark? Do their signatures have to go in the journal?
NO to both. The only time the signatures need to go in the journal is if the witness is acting as a credible witness in establishing the identity of the personas signing mark

What types of documents can a notary public certify
-powers of attorney
-copies of his sequential journal or purchase of the journal

Who can certify copies of vital records
State Registrar

What must be done to certify copies of a power of attorney
-compare the document to the original
-attach notarial certificate to the copy
-complete a journal entry

What can a notary notarize on immigration docs?
signatures and dates on document

Who can advise an individual on which document or form the person can complete
only an attorney

How much can a registered and bonded immigration consultant charge for completing immigration forms?

What are the advertising limitations for a notary that is also an immigration consultant
cannot advertise that they are a notary if they also promote themselves as an immigration specialist or consultant

Advertising regulations for notaries advertising in another language
Notary must also post advertisement in English, say that they’re not an attorney and cannot give legal advice

What is a deposition?
deposition is a method of providing oral or written testimony under oath outside of a court proceeding

Who does a notary apply to for the ability to issue confidential marriage certs
county clerk

What type of notary must always charge a fee?
notary employed for or on behalf of a state, county public agency

Fee for acknowledgement

Fee for administering oath or affirmation and executing jurat

Fees for Depositions
$20 and $5 for administering oath to witness and $5 for certificate of deposition

Fee for certifying copy of power of attorney

Can notaries charge for signatures on applications for veterans benefits

Purjury vs forgery
Perjury penalty is 2, 3, 4 years
forgery is 1 year

Are you able to notarize a document with an expired ID?
Yes, if it was issued within the last five years

What is one requirement for becoming a California Notary
Be a legal resident of California

Your jurisdiction will be:
The entire state of California

A possible penalty for committing perjury is:
a. 2 years in prison
b. 3 years in prison
c. 4 years in prison
d. Any of the above

d. Any of the above

You have how many days to take your oath of office after your commencement date:
30 days

If you request a new Certificate of Authorization, the State of California must respond within:
5 days

The agency of the State that will give you the new certificate is the:
Secretary of State

Using the words notario publico:
Is prohibited

If a notary willingly and knowingly notarizes a real estate document that they know to be fraudulent, they are guilty of a:

Death Certificates:
Are not notarized

A subscribing witness can bring you a:
Homestead Declaration

The penalty for stating a known false fact as true is now

Two credible witnesses
a. Are not allowed
b. Must be over 21
c. Must be fingerprinted
d. None of the above

d. None of the above

When do you officially become a notary?
When your oath and bond are filed

The notary stamp may be:

The size of the stamp could be:
1 inch in width by 2 ½ inches in length

If you are one of the following concerning a document, you must not notarize it:
Trustor or Trustee

The fine for overcharging for a nonimmigration form is:
Up to $750

The fine for failing to notify the State that your stamp or journal was lost is:
Up to $1,500

Willful failure to provide a peace officer with a journal when requested is punishable by a civil penalty of up to:

What is the fine for failing to post signs in English and in the other language that you use that you are not an attorney and cannot give legal advice:
Up to $1,500 fine and at least one year suspension of
commission and on second time – revocation of commission for life

When a regulation states 30 days it means:
Calendar days

Your commission is dated 9/1/05 and you get your oath filed on 9/25/05. Your commission will expire:

The fee for notarizing a circulator’s affidavit is:

A notary can certify a copy of a power of attorney according to the:
Probate Code

You may turn your journal over to:
A Peace Officer with probable cause

During the signature by mark process, how many people write the name of the X signer:

If you move, you must contact the:
Secretary of State

If you move, you must contact the proper authority within:
30 days

If you give up your journal to a proper authority, you must notify the Secretary of State within:
10 days

A commission is valid for __ years:
4 years

Your 4-year notary bond is worth:

The statute of limitations for making a statement known to be false is:
Four years

To be acceptable, ID’s must be current or issued within the past:
5 years

What does not need to be on a passport?
Notary’s signature

Notary certificates are signed by:

An ID needs the holder’s:
a. Picture
b. Signature
c. Physical Description
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

When taking an oath:
Raising right hand is not

Notaries must:
Keep their stamp and journal under their direct control

When you resign a commission, you deliver all your papers to:
County Clerk where your current oath is on file

If you fail to file the oath and bond on time:
a. Your commission is void
b. You must pay $20 to reapply
c. You must complete a new application
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

A notary seeking reappointment must retake the notary exam:
Every 4 years

The fine for willful failure to notify the Secretary of State of an address or name change is:

Notaries can withhold services:
a. When their employer limits services to transactions related to the employer’s business

b. When a document is incomplete

c. When they believe someone does not understand what they are signing

d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Which is the true statement?
a. It is the notary’s duty to draft power of attorney, mortgages and deeds when requested

b. A notary does not have to charge a fee

c. Holographic wills must be notarized to be valid

d. Holographic wills are typewritten

b. A notary does not have to charge a fee

A notary may:
a. Notarize a document in a foreign language

b. Not notarize documents that he or she will sign as corporate officers

c. Notarize relative’s documents

d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Signers of the following documents must leave a right thumbprint:
a. Homestead Declaration
b. Power of Attorney
c. Trust Deed for real estate
d. b & c

d. b & c

A notary is obligated to:
Reimburse a surety company for bond funds paid out

An affirmation is:
Legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a Supreme Being

A non-attorney notary (qualified & bonded as an immigration consultant) may charge up to $10 for:
a. Completing a person’s immigration application
b. Oaths and affirmation
c. Per signature on a Jurat
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

A notary may not notarize:
When they are a mortgagor in a transaction

For a first-time applicant to get a commission they:
a. Must pass an exam
b. Be fingerprinted
c. Be at least 18 years of age
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

A certificate of authorization may be gotten:
From the Secretary of State

Satisfactory evidence of identity means relying on either:
a. ID cards
b. Credible identifying witnesses
c. Business card photos
d. a and b

d. a and b

A California Notary may:
Take depositions and affidavits

An oath is:
a. An affirmation
b. Never used
c. A solemn spoken pledge
d. a and c

d. a and c

A notary public who holds himself or herself out as being an immigration specialist, immigration consultant or any other title or description reflecting an expertise in immigration matters shall not:
A. assist in entering data, provided by the client, on immigration forms provided by a federal or state agency
B. charge any fees for notarial services in relation to immigration documents
C. advertise in any manner whatsoever that he or she is a notary public
D. act in the capacity of a notary public
C. advertise in any manner whatsoever that he or she is a notary public

Suppose that you are notarizing a document for a friend who you have known since childhood. Which of the following is not necessary to include in the journal:
A. The serial number of an identifying document presented
B. Notary fee (since you are not going to charge your friend)
C. A form of ID (since you know the person)
D. The length of time you have known your friend
D. The length of time you have known your friend

In almost all of the notarial certificates the notary public completes, there will be a venue heading such as “State of California, County of _.” The county named is
A. where the notary’s oath and bond are on file
B. the notary’s official business address
C. where the signer appeared personally before the notary
D. the notary’s geographical jurisdiction
C. where the signer appeared personally before the notary

Inmate identification is an acceptable form of identification for proof of the identity of a credible witness or an individual who executes a written instrument provided
A. (*) The inmate is in custody in a local detention facility. B. Both () and ()
C. None of the above and/or below answers
D. () The inmate identification is current or has been issued within 5 years by a sheriff’s department B. Both () and ()

An acknowledgment
A. proves that the signer signed the document in the presence of the notary public
B. proves that the signer personally appeared before the notary public and acknowledged signing the document
C. proves that the signer acknowledged signing the document
D. proves that the signer personally appeared before the notary public
B. proves that the signer personally appeared before the notary public and acknowledged signing the document

If your oath and bond are not filed within the time limit for qualifying, which of the following apply?
A. You must retake the six hour training notary training course
B. You may pay a $20 late processing fee in the case of delay beyond your control including but not limited to mail service delays and county clerk mail processing delays
C. Your commission is no longer valid and you must apply for another one
D. You must pay a $20 late processing fee to proceed with the application
C. Your commission is no longer valid and you must apply for another one

Suppose a subscribing witness brings you a document to be notarized and is then placed under oath. Which of the following must be said by the subscribing witness?
A. The principal asked the subscribing witness to sign the document as a witness and actually signed
B. The subscribing witness either saw the principal sign the document OR heard the principal acknowledge that they signed the document
C. The principal signer is the person described in the document and the subscribing witness personally knows the principal
D. All of the above and/or below answers
D. All of the above and/or below answers

Only one of the following is not a required item in a notary public’s journal. Which one is it?
A. The county in which each signer presently resides
B. The date, time and type of each official act (e.g., acknowledgment, jurat)
C. The signature of each person whose signature is being notarized
D. The character of every instrument sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the notary public (e.g., deed of trust)
A. The county in which each signer presently resides

An oath administered a notary public
A. never makes reference to a supreme being
B. has only a single acceptable wording defined by by law
C. must make reference to a supreme being
D. may use the wording “under penalty of perjury”
D. may use the wording “under penalty of perjury”

A notary public must
A. verify if a signer is qualified to sign a legally binding document
B. verify the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of a document brought to them by a client
C. reimburse a bonding company for sums paid by the company because of misconduct or negligence on the part of the notary public
D. All of the above and/or below answers
C. reimburse a bonding company for sums paid by the company because of misconduct or negligence on the part of the notary public

All notarial acts performed as a notary public must be recorded in the notary public’s journal
A. before the act is performed
B. within 7 days of performing the act
C. at the time the act is performed
D. any time before submitting documents to the county recorder
C. at the time the act is performed

Any person who solicits, coerces, or in any manner influences a notary public to perform an improper notarial act is guilty of a(n)
A. infraction
B. felony
C. misdemeanor
D. class II Felony
C. misdemeanor

When a member of the public makes a written request for a photocopy of an entry in the notary public’s journal, the request shall include
A. the name of the parties and the type of document
B. the type of document and the month and year in which the document was notarized
C. the signature of all parties, the type of document, month and year in which the document was notarized
D. the name of the parties, the type of document, and the month and year in which the document was notarized
D. the name of the parties, the type of document, and the month and year in which the document was notarized

A notary public may purchase their official seal from
A. a state approved vendor
B. The Bureau of Notarial Affairs
C. The County Clerk
D. The Secretary of State
A. a state approved vendor

Suppose a city, county, or state agency employs a notary public. For notarizations which are not related to the agency, fees are
A. never charged
B. retained by the notary
C. remitted to the agency
D. remitted to the Secretary of State
C. remitted to the agency

A Jurat taken in California contains the wording: Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 25th day of February, 2014, by ___________, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. The blank must be filled in with the name of
A. a subscribing witness
B. the notary public
C. the signer
D. the County Clerk (of the county in which the document is being notarized)
C. the signer

The sequential journal is the exclusive property of
A. The State of California
B. the Secretary of State
C. the notary public
D. the County Clerk
C. the notary public

A notary public is required to notify the Secretary of State of any change of business or residence address in writing, by certified mail, within
A. 24 hours
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
D. 15 days
B. 30 days

When a credible witness identifies a subscribing witness for a proof of execution, the credible witness
A. may be identified by the oaths of two credible witness
B. (*) may be identified by the oath of another credible witness C. either () or ()
D. () must present an identification document satisfying the requirements for satisfactory evidence D. () must present an identification document satisfying the requirements for satisfactory evidence

Only one of the following is correct. A notarial commission may be used to
A. advise clients on which notarial services a client needs
B. notarize a document written in Spanish
C. certify copies of vital records such as birth, death, and marriage certificates
D. advise clients on immigration matters
B. notarize a document written in Spanish

A notary public may use the title “notary public” for the purpose of
A. advising clients on immigration matters
B. advertising products and services in addition to notarial services
C. rendering notarial services
D. All of the above and/or below answers
C. rendering notarial services

For a signature by mark notarization, which of the following is a true statement?
A. Both witnesses must sign the notary’s journal
B. The signer by mark is required to leave their right thumbprint in the notary’s journal
C. Both witnesses must be identified by proper identification documents
D. The signer by mark must include his or her mark in the notary public journal
D. The signer by mark must include his or her mark in the notary public journal

If a notary wishes to resign their commission, they must
A. destroy their seal
B. send a letter of resignation to The Secretary of State
C. deliver all their papers and relevant documents to county clerk where the current oath and bond are on file
D. All of the above and/or below answers
D. All of the above and/or below answers

Charging more than the maximum fee for notarizing a non immigration form is punishable by a fine not exceeding
A. $2,500
B. $500
C. $750
D. $1,000
C. $750

Every person who files any false or forged document with the county recorder which affects title to, places an encumbrance on, or places an interest secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on, real property consisting of a single family residence containing not more than four dwelling units, with knowledge that the document is false or forged, is punishable, in addition to any other punishment, by a fine not exceeding
A. $50,000
B. $75,000
C. $100,000
D. $25,000
B. $75,000

California notaries public are prohibited from performing any duties that may be construed as the practice of law. Which of the following acts constitute the practice of law?
A. choosing which kind of document the client should use
B. the drafting of legal documents
C. All of the above and/or below answers
D. giving advice in relation to legal documents or matters
C. All of the above and/or below answers

A notary public is not allowed to notarize a document if they are
A. All of the above and/or below answers
B. named as a trustor, trustee, beneficiary, vendor, vendee, lessor, or lessee to the transaction
C. named as a principal in a transaction
D. named as a grantor, grantee, mortgagor, or mortgagee in a transaction
A. All of the above and/or below answers

For a notary public in California, which of the following is prohibited?
A. Notarizing documents written in a foreign language
B. Advertising using the the Spanish words “notario publico” or “notario”
C. Advertising in a foreign language, especially Spanish
D. Advertising their services in any way
B. Advertising using the the Spanish words “notario publico” or “notario”

Notaries public may not charge any fees for notarizing which of the following documents?
A. Any document affecting real property
B. A circulator’s affidavit
C. A will for a United States military veteran
D. A deed of trust
B. A circulator’s affidavit

Which of the following is necessary to qualify as a notary public in the State of California?
A. You must be a citizen of the United States
B. You must be at least 25 years of age
C. You must submit the results of a blood screening signed by a physician who is licensed to practice medicine in the State of California
D. You must be a resident of California
D. You must be a resident of California

It is lawful for a notary public to notarize a document in which
A. is written in a foreign language
B. they are named as a grantor to a financial transaction
C. they are named as a trustee to a financial transaction
D. some blank items are not filled in
A. is written in a foreign language

A certificate of authorization is obtained from
A. From the Secretary of State
B. The Bureau of Notarial Affairs
C. The county clerk in the county where the oath and bond are on file
D. The county recorder in the county where the oath and bond are on file
A. From the Secretary of State

Two persons who witness a signing by mark
A. (*) must be identified by a proper identifying document B. () must sign the notary public’s journal
C. must both sign the journal () and be properly identified (*)
D. need not be identified unless also acting as credible witnesses
D. need not be identified unless also acting as credible witnesses

Upon the change of a business address to a new county, a notary public
A. both () and () B. may file a new oath of office and bond in the new county, but this is optional C. () obtain a replacement seal with the new county D. () must file a new oath of office and bond in the new county within 30 days
B. may file a new oath of office and bond in the new county, but this is optional

In order to properly notarize a document with an acknowledgment, which of the following is a true statement?
A. The document must be signed in the notary’s presence
B. The signer must leave their right thumbprint in the notary’s journal
C. The notary may accept a previously signed document only if accompanied by a Jurat
D. The notary may accept a document which has already been signed
D. The notary may accept a document which has already been signed

What Is An Acknowledgment?
The purpose of an acknowledgment is for a signer, whose identity has been verified, to declare to a Notary or notarial officer that he or she has willingly signed a document. … The signer may either sign the document before appearing before you, or in your presence.

It is the duty of a notary public, when requested
A. to assist clients in the capacity of an immigration consultant
B. to certify copies of vital records
C. to notarize for the disabled
D. to take depositions and affidavits, and administer oaths and affirmations
D. to take depositions and affidavits, and administer oaths and affirmations

A notary commission can be suspended and/or revoked for which of the following?
A. Not paying child support
B. Certifying a copy of a power of attorney document
C. Surrendering your journal to a peace officer
D. Not charging a family member the minimum fees
A. Not paying child support

The shape of a notary public’s seal can be
A. rectangular or circular
B. only rectangular
C. triangular or rectangular
D. only circular
A. rectangular or circular

Of the following four lists, which one contains only duties and/or acts which a notary may lawfully perform?
A. Proof of execution, give legal advice, notarize circulator’s affidavits, take jurats
B. Take acknowledgments, jurats, and depositions, draft powers of attorney, administer oaths and affirmations
C. Take acknowledgments, jurats, and depositions, certify copies of powers of attorney, proof of execution, administer oaths and affirmations
D. Take acknowledgments, jurats, and depositions, protest nonpayments, draft powers of attorney
C. Take acknowledgments, jurats, and depositions, certify copies of powers of attorney, proof of execution, administer oaths and affirmations

A notary public must establish the identity of a subscribing witness by
A. () the oath of a credible witness who personally knows the subscribing witness B. () the oath of a credible witness whom the notary public personally knows C. The oath of two credible witnesses with proper IDs who personally know the subscribing witness D. both () and ()
D. both () and (*)

A notary public may not notarize a document which
A. is in a foreign language
B. is for a person in the notary public’s family
C. is incomplete
D. has already been signed
C. is incomplete

The identity of the signer can be established by the oath of a single credible witness whom the notary public personally knows. A credible witness
A. can be a lessor, or lessee in the document, but not a mortgagor or mortgagee.
B. can be identified by the signer in place of an acceptable ID
C. All of the above and/or below answers
D. cannot have a financial interest in the document being acknowledged and cannot be named in the document
D. cannot have a financial interest in the document being acknowledged and cannot be named in the document

Which of the following is a true statement?
A. A notary public must notify the Secretary of State by registered mail within 20 days of a change in business address
B. A notary public must notify the Secretary of State by certified mail within 30 days of either a change in business or home address
C. A notary public must notify the Secretary of State by certified mail within 20 days of a of either a change in business or home address
D. A notary public must notify the Secretary of State by priority mail within 15 working days of a change in business address
B. A notary public must notify the Secretary of State by certified mail within 30 days of either a change in business or home address

  1. For which of the following documents must a signer leave a right thumbprint?
    A. Power of attorney
    B. All of the above and/or below answers
    C. Deed of trust
    D. Quitclaim deed
    B. All of the above and/or below answers

California law requires every notary public to file an official 4 year notary bond in the amount of
A. $60,000
B. $15,000
C. $10,000
D. $25,000
B. $15,000

An oath, affirmation, or declaration in an action or a proceeding, may be administered by obtaining an affirmative response to one of the following questions:
A. (*) “Do you solemnly state, under penalty of perjury, that the evidence that you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” B. None of the above and/or below answers are acceptable C. () “Do you solemnly state that the evidence you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
D. Both () and () are acceptable D. Both () and () are acceptable

A notary may not notarize a document for which they are a(n):
A. Employee
B. Agent
C. Attorney
D. Grantor or Grantee
D. Grantor or Grantee

The second most frequently form completed by a notary public is the
A. circulator’s affidavit
B. proof of execution by subscribing witness
C. certificate of acknowledgment
D. Jurat
D. Jurat
The form most frequently completed by the notary public is the certificate of acknowledgment.

If you are employed as a notary and you decide to quit your job, you must
A. resign your old commission and apply for a new one within 30 calendar days
B. notify the Secretary of State of your new business address
C. apply for a new commission and take the exam again
D. surrender your seal, journals, and all relevant documents to the employer
B. notify the Secretary of State of your new business address

If acting as a(n) _, a notary public may notarize a document for a relative.
A. Trustor
B. Employee
C. Mortgagee
D. Beneficiary
B. Employee

Which of the following is an acceptable size of a notary’s seal?
A. Not over two inches in diameter if circular
B. 2 inches by 4 inches if rectangular
C. 1 by 2.5 centimeters if rectangular
D. 4 inches in height if pentagonal
A. Not over two inches in diameter if circular, or be a rectangular form of not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length, with a serrated or milled edged border. Many documents that are acknowledged may later be recorded.

A notary public named as a ___ in a document may not notarize the document.
A. trustor or trustee
B. mortgagor or mortgagee
C. All the the above and/or below answers
D. lessor or lessee
C. All the the above and/or below answers

It is stated in the __ that it is lawful for a notary public to certify a copy of a power of attorney.
A. Civil Code
B. Judicial Code
C. Standards and Practices (S&P) Code
D. Probate Code
D. Probate Code

Identification must be current or issued within the past _ to be considered acceptable.
A. 6 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 4 years
C. 5 years

A notary public’s employer may lawfully
A. seize and keep the journal at any time
B. enter corrections to the journal which are related to their business
C. copy business related journal entries in the presence of the notary
D. have another employee who is also a commissioned notary public use the journal if the notary isn’t there
C. copy business related journal entries in the presence of the notary

Which of the following are always included in a notary public’s journal?
A. (*) A photostatic copy of the signer’s identification document B. () The character of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the notary public
C. Both () and () D. The signer’s right thumbprint B. () The character of every document sworn to, affirmed, acknowledged or proved before the notary public

Suppose you receive your commission and the date on it is March 1st 2017. If you get your oath and bond filed on March 26th 2017, your commission will
A. expire on March 25th 2019
B. expire on February 28th 2025
C. expire on February 28th 2019
D. have already expired. You must file your oath and bond within 15 days.
C. expire on February 28th 2019

When advertising notarial services, the words “notario publico” are
A. not allowed unless accompanied by an English translation
B. not allowed in any case
C. not allowed unless the prescribed notice also is posted
D. required to notarize documents in Spanish
B. not allowed in any case

Upon receiving the letter of commission, where should the notary file his/her oath and bond?
The office of the County Clerk in the county where the notary maintains his/her principal place of business

Nancy Notary’s father, who is also her employer, asked her to notarize documents for the sale of business property whereby Nancy is named as one of the grantees. What is the appropriate response from Nancy Notary?
Nancy should explain that she may not notarize the documents because she is named as a principal even though she is acting in the capacity of an employee.

What is the purpose of the $15,000 surety bond?
To provide a limited fund to reimburse members of the public who are damaged by notarial misconduct.

The Venue specifically indicates:
The State and County where the notary and the signer of the document were physically located at the time of signing.

Which of the following acts have a possible $1,500 fine?
All of the above.

The Proof of Execution by Subscribing Witness Certificate is used when a document signer cannot appear personally appear before the notary. All of the following are true about this notary process, except?
The signer of the document must put his thumbprint in the notary’s journal.

When Nancy Notary arrived at the nursing home to notarize a Power of
Attorney for Bill, a patient there, Nancy realized that Bill was unable to make his signature and had to use the Signature by Mark process. She used two witnesses to watch Bill make his mark on the Power of Attorney and her notary journal. Who must write Bill’s name and sign his or her name in the journal next to Bill’s mark?
The witness who wrote Bill’s name next to Bill’s mark on the document or the notary.

Which of the following notaries can notarize a document even if he or she is gaining financial compensation from the transaction?
None of the above

Which document must the notary notarize for free?
document relating to nomination for public office

Marilyn will not be renewing her commission. What must she do with her Notary seal?
Deface or destroy the seal

Nancy notary is also an escrow officer; she earns a bonus from her company for processing the sale of a property for one of the clients. She may:
notarize the document involving this transaction.

Who may request a certified copy of a notary’s journal entry?
Secretary of State

When an advertisement in Spanish says “Notario Publico,” what is the maximum the advertising notary can be fined?

Robin is a Notary employed by the Acme Law Firm for the last 25 years. He is ready to retire and resign from his notary commission. What must he do with his notary journal?
Turn in the journal to the County Clerk’s office where his oath and bond are filed.

Alissa is a non-attorney notary and a qualified, bonded immigration specialist. How much can Alissa charge to help one individual complete immigration forms?

When notarizing a foreign language document that you cannot read, as a notary you must:
make sure the document is complete and describe it in the journal as a “foreign language document.”

Linda is called to the UC Davis Burn Unit to notarize a Power of Attorney for Timothy. The head nurse in charge of Timothy’s care limits the number of people in Timothy’s room. Since he is burned on 80% of his body and does not have specified paper identification, how must Linda proceed since she does not know anyone who is present?
Use two credible witnesses who have their specified paper identification documents.

Ted has been a notary appointed to the Beale Air Force Base for 25 years. He has decided to take an early retirement one year into his current notary commission. What can Ted not do?
Be a self-employed part-time notary.

When Mark a notary public is completing a Jurat, whose name would Mark write on the “by ___________,” line?
The name of the person swearing/affirming and signing the document.

Linda a close friend of Mary, a notary public, brings in a document to be notarized that is incomplete. What should Mary do?
Refuse to notarize the document.

What must a notary public do when there is a change of business address, residence address, and/or change of county?
A notary public is required to notify the Secretary of State in writing, by certified mail, within 30 days of any change of business or residence address.

Is there prohibition against notarizing immigration documents?

What suggested wording could the notary use when certifying a copy of a Power of Attorney?
I examined the original power of attorney and the copy of the power of attorney. I further certify that the copy is a true and correct copy of the original power of attorney.

All of the following are a basis for the use of a “Proof of Execution by a Subscribing Witness” except?
When the signer of an instrument cannot write (sign) his or her name, that person may sign the document by mark.

Jim went alone to his longtime friend Ned, a notary public of State of California, to have his Grant Deed for his and his wife’s property in Guam notarized. Jim’s only photo identification was issued six years ago and had expired. Ned was unable to complete the notarization because:
Jim’s only form of identification was issued over five years ago and had expired.

Ms. Jones brings a document to Mary a notary public to be notarized. Mary will mark in her journal that it was a Jurat. What identifying wording did she rely on?
“Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me”.

Bill brings a document to be acknowledged before a Notary Public. The Notary Public certifies on the Acknowledgment form to all of the following. Which one is incorrect?
“Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me”.

Since there is no prescribed wording for an oath, what would be an acceptable oath?
“Do you swear or affirm that the statements in this document are true?”

When would a notary public notarize a document using a Signature by Mark?
When the signer of an instrument cannot write (sign) his or her name, that person may sign the document by mark.

Which one of the following is not an act that constitutes the unlawful practice of law?
Completing a certificate of Acknowledgment.

When the notary willfully states as true a material fact and/or falsifies a certificate of acknowledgment. What are the penalties?
all of the above

The Secretary of State will recommend denial of an application for what reasons?
All of the above

Since there is no prescribed wording for an oath, what would be an acceptable oath?
“Do you swear or affirm that the statements in this document are true?”

A notary public must use the seal on all documents except?
California Subdivision Map certificates

To clear a background check, the State law requires all applicants to be.

Once the commission has been issued, what must a person do and in how many days?
Take, subscribe, and file an oath of office, and file a $15,000 surety bond with the county clerk/recorder’s office in 30 calendar days.

In which county does the notary applicant take, subscribe, and file an oath of office and file a $15,000 surety bond?
In the county where the notary public maintains a principal place of business as shown in the application on file.

Upon request of a peace officer within how many days must a notary report the surrender of the official journal to the Secretary of State?
Ten days by certified mail

What is the penalty for failure to surrender the notary public journal to the peace officer when requested?
A civil penalty of up to $2,500 and grounds for revocation or suspension of notary commission

What are the two primary tools of a notary public and how must they be stored?
All of the above

In which counties may a notary provide notarial services?
Notaries may offer notary services all counties in the State of California

When the notary public commission is no longer valid, what must be done with the notary public seal?
The seal must be destroyed.

If the party signing the document is physically unable to provide a thumbprint, what must the notary public do?
All of the above

If the sequential journal is lost or taken by a peace officer, then the notary acquires and starts using a new journal, later, the journal is found or returned, what must the notary do?
The notary public shall make no new entries in the returned journal.

Your best friend and fishing buddy, Abe, asks you to notarize his document. Abe lost his identification on a fishing trip. How must you identify Abe?
Satisfactory Evidence: Specified Paper Identification Documents or Credible Witness/es.

What acts constitute the unlawful practice of law?
All of the above

What is the required amount of the surety bond for every person appointed a notary public?

Nike Notary received his commission packet from the Secretary of State. How many days from the date indicated on the commission does he have to file his oath of office and $15,000 surety bond at the county clerk/recorder?
30 calendar days

A notary applicant may be denied a commission by the Secretary of State for such actions as failure to disclose any arrest or conviction on the notary application as well as which of the following?
All of the above

Sally Signer went to Nate Notary’s office during regular business hours to have her properly completed document notarized. She provided her current California ID card and the fee required by Nate’s office. Nate stated, “I will not notarize your signature because we are not of my race.” What action may be taken for Nate’s failure to notarize Sally’s signature?
All of the above

Which of these is not a notarial act and procedure?
Certifying a birth certificate for immigration documents.

Before a document can be notarized, it must:
All of the above

Sam, who is bilingual, took his affidavit of identity to Nate Notary’s office. Nate noticed the affidavit did not have the correct wording on the jurat. What must Nate do?
Use a California loose leaf Jurat Certificate.

Each time Nancy Notary preforms a notarization it is important for her to complete each step in its entirety. Which of the following is not Nancy’s responsibility?
Proof read the document

Nancy Notary is called to the hospital burn unit to notarize a Power of Attorney for Paul who is burned over 80% of his body. His California Driver License was burned in the fire. The nurse in charge of Paul’s care limits the number of people in Paul’s room. How must Nancy proceed since she does not know anyone who is present?
Use two credible witnesses who have their specified paper identification documents

Mr. Smith brings a document to Mary a notary public to be notarized. Mary will mark in her journal that it was a Jurat. What identifying wording did she rely on?
“Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me”.

When would a notary public notarize a document using a Signature by Mark?
When the signer of an instrument cannot write (sign) his or her name, that person may sign the document by mark.

When the notary willfully states as true a material fact and/or falsifies a certificate of acknowledgment. What are the penalties?
All of the above

What is the purpose of the $15,000 surety bond?
Which of the following are possible $1,500 fines?

Which of the following are possible $1,500 fines?
All of the above.

What is one requirement for becoming a California Notary Public?
a. Be under 18 years of age
b. Have a criminal record
c. Not pass an exam
d. Be a legal resident of California
D. Be a legal resident of California

Your jurisdiction will be:

a. The entire state of California
b. The county in which you live
c. The city in which you work
d. The entire United States
A. The entire state of California

A possible penalty for committing perjury is:
a. 2 years in prison
b. 3 years in prison
c. 4 years in prison
d. Any of the above
D. Any of the above

  • 2, 3, or 4 years in prison

You have how many days to take your oath of office after your commencement date:
a. 6 months
b. 10 days
c. 30 days
d. None of the above
C. 30 days

If you request a new Certificate of Authorization, the State of California must respond within:
a. One month
b. 5 days
c. One year
d. 30 days
B. 5 days

The agency of the State that will give you the new certificate is the:
a. Corporation Commissioner
b. Bureau of Notary Publics
c. Secretary of State
d. Department of Real Estate
C. Secretary of State

Using the words notario publico:
a. Is encouraged
b. Is legal in California
c. Is prohibited
d. Indicates lingual ability
C. Is prohibited

If a notary willingly and knowingly notarizes a real estate document that they know to be fraudulent, they are guilty of a:
a Misdemeanor
b. Lis pendes
c. Carpe diem
d. Felony
D. Felony

Death Certificates:
a. Must be notarized
b. Are not notarized
c. Are filed with the IRS
d. All of the above
B. Are not notarized

A subscribing witness can bring you a:
a. Quit Claim Deed
b. Grant Deed
c. Mortgage
d. Homestead Declaration
D. Homestead Declaration

The penalty for stating a known false fact as true is now
a. $750
b. $1,500
c. $10,000
d. $75,000
C. $10,000

Two credible witnesses
a. Are not allowed
b. Must be over 21
c. Must be fingerprinted
d. None of the above
D. None of the above

  • Are not allowed
  • Must be over 21
  • Must be fingerprinted

When do you officially become a notary?
a. When you pass the exam
b. When the Secretary of State sends your commission
c. When you do your first certificate
d. When your oath and bond are filed
D. When your oath and bond are filed

The notary stamp may be:
a. Triangle
b. Rectangular
c. Only a circle
d. None of the above
B. Rectangular

The size of the stamp could be:
a. A 6-foot diameter
b. 1 inch in width by 2 ½ inches in length
c. 2 ½ inches by 6 inches
d. One foot square
B. 1 inch in width by 2 ½ inches in length

If you are one of the following concerning a document, you must not notarize it:
a. Agent
b. Employer
c. Lawyer
d. Trustor or Trustee
D. Trustor or Trustee

The fine for overcharging for a nonimmigration form is:
a. Up to $10
b. Up to $1,000
c. Up to $75,000
d. Up to $750
D. Up to $750

The fine for failing to notify the State that your stamp or journal was lost is:
a. Up to $10
b. Up to $1,000
c. Up to $1,500
d. Up to $750
C. Up to $1,500

Willful failure to provide a peace officer with a journal when requested is punishable by a civil penalty of up to:
a. $750
b. $1,500
c. $500
d. $2,500
D. $2,500

What is the fine for failing to post signs in English and in the other language that you use that you are not an attorney and cannot give legal advice:
a. Up to $750 fine
b. Up to $1,500 fine and at least one year suspension of commission and on second time – revocation of commission for life
c. Two – four years in prison
d. $75,000 fine
B. Up to $1,500 fine and at least one year suspension of commission and on second time – revocation of commission for life

When a regulation states 30 days it means:
a. Calendar days
b. Business days
c. a & b
d. none of the above
A. Calendar days

Your commission is dated 9/1/05 and you get your oath filed on 9/25/05. Your commission will expire:
a. Immediately – you were too late
b. 8/31/09
c. 9/24/05
d. 9/1/15
B. 8/31/09

The fee for notarizing a circulator’s affidavit is:
a. $0
b. $10.00
c. $5.00
d. Negotiable
A. $0

A notary can certify a copy of a power of attorney according to the:
a. Civil Code
b. Probate Code
c. Bus. & Prof. Code
d. Notary Public Code
B. Probate Code

You may turn your journal over to:
a. Your Employer
b. No one
c. A Peace Officer with probable cause
d. An Auditor
C. A Peace Officer with probable cause

During the signature by mark process, how many people write the name of the X signer:
a. At least three
b. Two
c. One
d. None
C. One

If you move, you must contact the:
a. Secretary of State
b. Your employer
c. County Clerk
d. Department of Notary Public
A. Secretary of State

If you move, you must contact the proper authority within:
a. 1 day
b. 10 days
c. 30 days
d. 6 months
C. 30 days

If you give up your journal to a proper authority, you must notify the Secretary of State within:
a. 1 day
b. 10 days
c. 30 days
d. 1 month
B. 10 days

A commission is valid for __ years:
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 12 years
C. 4 years

Your 4-year notary bond is worth:
a. $15,000
b. $750
c. $75,000
d. $1,500
A. $15,000

The statute of limitations for making a statement known to be false is:
a. One year
b. Two years
c. Three years
d. Four years
D. Four years

To be acceptable, ID’s must be current or issued within the past:
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years
C. 5 years

What does not need to be on a passport?
a. Picture of holder
b. Holder’s signature
c. Notary’s signature
d. Date of issue
C. Notary’s signature

Notary certificates are signed by:
a. Notary
b. Secretary of State
c. Client
d. Lender
A. Notary

An ID needs the holder’s:
a. Picture
b. Signature
c. Physical Description
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Picture
  • Signature
  • Physical Description

When taking an oath:
a. Signer must raise right hand
b. Signer must pay extra fee
c. Signer must repeat oath
d. Raising right hand is not required
D. Raising right hand is not required

Notaries must:
a. Keep a photocopy of every document notarized
b. Keep their stamp and journal under their direct control
c. Refuse service to a homeless individual
d. None of the above
B. Keep their stamp and journal under their direct control

When you resign a commission, you deliver all your papers to:
a. Secretary of State
b. County Clerk where your current oath is on file
c. Your employer
d. None of the above
B. County Clerk where your current oath is on file

If you fail to file the oath and bond on time:
a. Your commission is void
b. You must pay $20 to reapply
c. You must complete a new application
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Your commission is void
  • You must pay $20 to reapply
  • You must complete a new application

A notary seeking reappointment must retake the notary exam:
a. Any time after you have to pay
a fine
b. Never
c. Every 4 years
d. None of the above
C. Every 4 years

The fine for willful failure to notify the Secretary of State of an address or name change is:
a. $500
b. $750
c. $1,500
d. $15,000
A. $500

Notaries can withhold services:
a. When their employer limits services to transactions related to the employer’s business
b. When a document is incomplete
c. When they believe someone does not understand what they are signing
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • When their employer limits services to transactions related to the employer’s business
  • When a document is incomplete
  • When they believe someone does not understand what they are signing

Which is the true statement?
a. It is the notary’s duty to draft power of attorney, mortgages and deeds when requested
b. A notary does not have to charge a fee
c. Holographic wills must be notarized to be valid
d. Holographic wills are typewritten
B. A notary does not have to charge a fee

A notary may:
a. Notarize a document in a foreign language
b. Not notarize documents that he or she will sign as corporate officers
c. Notarize relative’s documents
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Notarize a document in a foreign language
  • Not notarize documents that he or she will sign as corporate officers
  • Notarize relative’s documents

Signers of the following documents must leave a right thumbprint:
a. Homestead Declaration
b. Power of Attorney
c. Trust Deed for real estate
d. b & c
D- B & C

  • Power of Attorney
  • Trust Deed for real estate

A notary is obligated to:
a. Reimburse a surety company for bond funds paid out
b. Determine whether a signer has authority to sign as a corporate officer
c. Let their employer hold their seal if they paid for it
d. Use the all-purpose certificate for a jurat
A. Reimburse a surety company for bond funds paid out

An affirmation is:
a. Jurat
b. Legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a Supreme Being
c. Never used
d. All of the above
B. Legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a Supreme Being

A non-attorney notary (qualified & bonded as an immigration consultant) may charge up to $10 for:
a. Completing a person’s immigration application
b. Oaths and affirmation
c. Per signature on a Jurat
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Completing a person’s immigration application
  • Oaths and affirmation
  • Per signature on a Jurat

A notary may not notarize:
a. When they are the attorney who drafted the papers
b. When they are a real estate agent who sold the property
c. For a spouse
d. When they are a mortgagor in a transaction
D. When they are a mortgagor in a transaction

For a first-time applicant to get a commission they:
a. Must pass an exam
b. Be fingerprinted
c. Be at least 18 years of age
d. All of the above Be fingerprinted
D. All of the above

  • Must pass an exam
  • Be fingerprinted
  • Be at least 18 years of age

A certificate of authorization may be gotten:
a. From the governor’s office
b. From the Department of Real Estate
c. From the Secretary of State
d. None of the above
C. From the Secretary of State

Satisfactory evidence of identity means relying on either:
a. ID cards
b. Credible identifying witnesses
c. Business card photos
d. a and b
D. a and b

  • ID cards
  • Credible identifying witnesses

A California Notary may:
a. Advertise they are immigration consultants
b. Take depositions and affidavits
c. Certify a copy of a foreign birth certificate
d. Normally notarize a will
B. Take depositions and affidavits

An oath is:
a. An affirmation
b. Never used
c. A solemn spoken pledge
d. a and c
D. a and c

  • An affirmation
  • A solemn spoken pledge

A certified copy certifies that the reproduction:
a. Is accurate
b. Is never done
c. Can be charged $30
d. None of the above
A. Is accurate

Influencing a notary to perform improperly is a:
a. Moral Turpitude Felony
b. Misdemeanor
c. Felony
d. Infraction
B. Misdemeanor

Notaries shall not perform notary actions if they are:
a. An Attorney
b. An Employee
c. Named as a principal in a financial transaction
d. An Agent
C. Named as a principal in a financial transaction

Which of the following is signed in the presence of the notary:
a. Acknowledgment
b. Jurat
c. Certificate
d. None of the above
B. Jurat

An acknowledgment certifies that under penalty of perjury:
a. Signer’s identity was satisfactorily proven to notary
b. The signer admits that they signed the document
c. The signer appeared before the notary
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Signer’s identity was satisfactorily proven to notary
  • The signer admits that they signed the document
  • The signer appeared before the notary

A man inherits a property in Alabama with his sister and they must send an affidavit to the court. He can have a friend notarize his signature and:
a. He can notarize his sister’s signature
b. He can notarize both signatures
c. He can never notarize an Alabama document
d. He can’t do either notarization
D. He can’t do either notarization

Notaries obtain their seals from the:
a. Secretary of State
b. County Clerk
c. Approved vendors or manufacturers
d. Their employer
C. Approved vendors or manufacturers

When a subscribing witness brings a document the action is called:
a. Acknowledgment
b. Protest
c. Jurat
d. Proof of Execution
D. Proof of Execution

If a principal cannot appear, the document may be brought to the notary by:
a. Any peace officer
b. An agent for the principal
c. A spouse
d. One subscribing witness
D. One subscribing witness

A subscribing witness is placed under oath and asked:
a. Did you sign as a witness?
b. Did the signer acknowledge their signing?
c. Did the signer ask you to get the document notarized?
d. All of the above
D. All of the above
D – Subscribing Witness C.C. 1935

  • Did you sign as a witness?
    -Did the signer acknowledge their signing?
  • Did the signer ask you to get the document notarized?

An embossed seal impression:
a. Is always required by Notary Law
b. Can never be used
c. Is acceptable but not required
d. Is only for senior notaries
C. Is acceptable but not required

Which of the following lists are all Notary Actions:
a. Acknowledgment, Jurat, Copy Certification, Oath, Deposition
b. Jurat, Affirmation, Protest, Power of Attorney, Loan Document Signing
c. Proof of Execution, Protest, Affidavit, Jurat
d. Proof of Execution, Jurat, Oath of Office, Acknowledgment
D. Proof of Execution, Jurat, Oath of Office, Acknowledgment

Credible witnesses:
a. Are never placed under oath
b. Must not have a financial interest in the document
c. Must always know the notary
d. All of the above
B. Must not have a financial interest in the document

If you resign a position with your employer:
a. You must resign your commission
b. Leave all journals with the employer for the new notary
c. You take the exam again
d. Notify the Secretary of State of any business address change
D. Notify the Secretary of State of any business address change

A Military Notary:
a. Is in trouble
b. Charges no fees
c. Can only charge senior officers
d. None of the above
B. Charges no fees

A person who is not commissioned and holds herself out as a notary is:
a. Guilty of a felony
b. Legal
c. Guilty of an infraction
d. Guilty of a misdemeanor
D. Guilty of a misdemeanor

An employer of a Notary can:
a. Copy Journal entries of business generated documents in front of the notary
b. Inspect and retain a sequential journal at any time
c. Enter necessary corrections to journal
d. Appoint another employee to use the journal when the notary is absent
A. Copy Journal entries of business generated documents in front of the notary

A notary must respond to a request for a transaction within ____days.
a. One
b. Two
c. Thirty
d. Fifteen
D. Fifteen

The notary or security bond protects the:
a. Notary
b. Public
c. Employer
d. State
B. Public

The only documents that do not require a seal are:
a. Subdivision maps
b. Veterans certificate
c. Circulator’s affidavit
d. Change of venue
A. Subdivision maps

The county named in the Venue is where:
a. The signer personally appeared
b. The notary’s business is located
c. Where the signer lives
d. None of the above
A. The signer personally appeared

If a person has no right thumb and a thumbprint is needed:
a. Use any finger
b. Make a note of this problem
c. You use the left thumb
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Use any finger
  • Make a note of this problem
  • You use the left thumb

If asked to notarize an incomplete document, a notary should:
a. Make a note in the journal
b. Take a thumbprint
c. Charge $10 more
d. Refuse
D. Refuse

A Notary seal must:
a. Be photographically reproducible and contain an expiration date
b. Contain the state seal and the words notary public
c. Have a serrated or milled edge border
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Be photographically reproducible and contain an expiration date
  • Contain the state seal and the words notary public
  • Have a serrated or milled edge border

The most frequently completed form is:
a. The acknowledgment
b. Jurat
c. Confidential marriage license
d. Protest
A. The acknowledgment

Linda Martinez, a law student, is starting a business as an
immigration consultant. She may not advertise:
a. That she is a notary public
b. Her fee
c. Her office hours
d. None of the above
A. That she is a notary public

Which items must always be put in the journal:
a. Date, time, type of document, fees
b. Date, type of document, fees, address of signer
c. Fees, time, document date, name of signer
d. Date, time, fees, thumbprint
A. Date, time, type of document, fees

Some of the elements of a seal are:
a. State seal and notary’s name
b. Expiration date of commission and county where oath is on file
c. Sequential ID number of manufacturer and notary’s sequential commission number
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • State seal and notary’s name
  • Expiration date of commission and county where oath is on file
  • Sequential ID number of manufacturer and notary’s sequential commission number

A notary may not advertise
a. Fees to be charged
b. In Spanish
c. The Spanish terms notario
publico or notario
d. On a desk plaque
C. The Spanish terms notario publico or notario

The main purpose of a credible identifying witness is to:
a. Substitute for a signer
b. Watch the signer sign the document
c. Prove that a person signed a document
d. Identify a signer
D. Identify a signer

Why are two witnesses for a signature by mark necessary?
a. To view the making or the acknowledging of the mark
b. To identify the signer
c. To sign the journal
d. To sign for a disabled signer
A. To view the making or the acknowledging of the mark

You are notarizing a document for a personal friend. Which of the following must be included in your journal?
a. Signer’s driver’s license number
b. Type of Document
c. Notary fee
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Signer’s driver’s license number
  • Type of Document
  • Notary fee

A written request for a photocopy of a journal entry must contain:
a. Type of notarization, type of document and names of parties
b. Type of document, month and year of notarization, and parties’ signatures
c. Type of notarization, month and year of notarization and names of parties
d. Type of document, month and year of notarization and names of parties
D. Type of document, month and year of notarization and names of parties

A right thumbprint is not required in the Notary journal for a:
a. Deed of reconveyance
b. Grant deed
c. Warranty deed
d. Deed of trust
A. Deed of reconveyance

If a private employer and an employee enter into an agreement:
a. Fees must go to the employee
b. No fees can be collected
c. The notary must pay for the bond
d. Notary actions can be limited to business transactions
D. Notary actions can be limited to business transactions

An expired California Driver’s License was issued 52 months before presentation to you:
a. It is acceptable as identification
b. Expired licenses are not valid
c. Signer must use a credible witness
d. A subscribing witness could be used
A. It is acceptable as identification

Notaries may not certify a copy of a:
a. Journal entry requested by the Secretary of State
b. Durable power of attorney for health care document
c. Journal entry requested by a member of the public
d. Limited power of attorney document
C. Journal entry requested by a member of the public

When a Notary changes a business address to a new county within California:
a. The Notary must notify the Secretary of State of the address change
b. The Notary must file a new oath of office and amendment to the Notary’s bond in the new county before notarizing documents in the new county
c. The Notary must change the name of the county in the Notary’s seal
d. All of the above
A. The Notary must notify the Secretary of State of the address change

A proof of execution may be performed on a:
a. Deed of reconveyance
b. Quitclaim deed
c. Security agreement
d. Deed of trust
A. Deed of reconveyance

A notary who does not deliver papers to a county clerk after they allow a commission to expire is:
a. Guilty of a felony
b. Guilty of a misdemeanor
c. Guilty of an infraction
d. None of the above
B. Guilty of a misdemeanor

A certificate reads: Subscribed & Sworn to before me on August 5, 2007 by __. Whose name goes on the blank?
a. Notary
b. Signer
c. Credible Witness
d. Secretary of State
B. Signer

You are not automatically disqualified from doing a notarization when you are a:
a. Lessor
b. Vendee
c. Real Estate Agent
d. Grantor
C. Real Estate Agent

By contract an employee and employer can:
a. Charge $20 for a one person Jurat
b. Notarize outside of California
c. Eliminate their journal
d. Limit services solely to their business
D. Limit services solely to their business

By using the term notario publico in an advertisement, the Notary’s commission could be:
a. Suspended for a period of not less than six months or revoked immediately.
b. Suspended for a period of not less than six months and revoked on the second offense
c. Suspended for a period of not less than one year and revoked on the second offense
d. None of the above
C. Suspended for a period of not less than one year and revoked on the second offense

A Notary may not charge a fee for notarization on:
a. A power of attorney
b. A circulator’s affidavit
c. A quitclaim deed
d. An affidavit of support
B. A circulator’s affidavit

A Notary may use his or her commission:
a. To endorse a product
b. To notarize for veterans
c. To advise clients on
immigration matters
d. Both a and c
B. To notarize for veterans

A Notary who engages in the unauthorized practice of law may face:
a. Commission denial
b. Commission revocation
c. Commission suspension
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Commission denial
  • Commission revocation
  • Commission suspension

When can your notary commission be suspended and/or revoked?
a. Not paying child support
b. Charging $10 for a set of immigration papers in addition to normal notarization fees
c. Charging a friend less then the general public
d. Entering the amount charged in your journal
A. Not paying child support

When a notary is employed by a city, county or state agency, fees collected for non-agency related notarization are:
a. Kept by the Notary
b. Turned over to a supervisor
c. Remitted by the Notary Public to the employing agency
d. Always free
C. Remitted by the Notary Public

It is allowable for a notary to notarize for a family member when acting as a:
a. Grantor
b. Trustee
c. Lessor
d. Employee
D. Employee

A notary can notarize documents to be filed in another State but:
a. Must use California form
b. Can’t certify signer holds a particular capacity
c. Can’t charge any fees
d. Only jurats
B. Can’t certify signer holds a particular capacity

An oath to a witness:
a. Always refers to God
b. Can use phrase “under penalty of perjury”
c. Never refers to a Superior Being
d. Has only one recommended question
B. Can use phrase “under penalty of perjury”

If your employer, John Smith, asks to see your journal, which you use in business, to see who is giving him the most business, you should:
a. Let him look at your journal
b. Refuse to let him look at the journal
c. Let him see only the items pertaining to his business
d. Remind him it is your journal and he may not look at it
C. Let him see only the items pertaining to his business

In the case of the death of a notary public, the personal representative of the deceased shall:
a. Promptly notify the Secretary of State and return journal to the Secretary of State
b. Promptly notify the Secretary of State and return seal and journal to the State
c. Promptly notify the County where the oath and bond are recorded
d. Promptly notify the Secretary of State and send their papers and records to the county where their oath is recorded.
D. Promptly notify the Secretary of State and send their papers and records to the county where their oath is recorded.

No fees may be charged for
a. A jurat
b. Nomination document or
circulator’s affidavit
c. Any acknowledgments
d. Any protests
B. Nomination document or circulator’s affidavit

When performing a signature by mark notarization:
a. The signer must make his or her mark in the Notary’s journal
b. The signer does not have to be identified
c. The notary must make the mark in his or her journal
d. The notary must sign the person’s name near his or her mark on the signature line
A. The signer must make his or her mark in the Notary’s

A Notary Public can notarize a signature on a document that:
a. They signed as a principal
b. In which they have a direct financial interest
c. Is incomplete
d. Is in a foreign language
D. Is in a foreign language

Which of the following must be included in a Journal:
a. Date of document
b. Address of signer
c. Character of every document
d. Thumbprint of a trustee deed’s signer
C. Character of every document

If a credible witness personally knows the signer and the notary:
a. Only one witness is needed
b. Two witnesses are needed.
c. Three witnesses are needed
d. None of the above
A. Only one witness is needed

When the last day for filing an instrument or other document with a state agency falls upon a Saturday or holiday, such act may be performed:
a. Within one week
b. Within two weeks
c. Within thirty days
d. Upon the next business day
D. Upon the next business day

Notaries need not record in their journals:
a. The date and time of notarization
b. The fees charged for a notarial services
c. Type of document notarized
d. The signer’s address
D. The signer’s address

When the venue of the Notary’s certificate has been filled in beforehand with an incorrect state and county, the Notary must:
a. Attach a loose certificate with a correct venue
b. Reject the document
c. Not tamper with words that may have been filled in by an attorney
d. Line through the inapplicable words, writing in the correct state and county
D. Line through the inapplicable words, writing in the correct state and county

Any person who coerces a notary to perform improperly is guilty of:
a. A Felony
b. An Infraction
c. Nothing
d. Misdemeanor
D. Misdemeanor

Effective July 1, 2005 all appointed persons must complete:
a. Six hours of study
b. Three hours of study
c. Forty-five hours of study
d. A 60 question exam
A. Six hours of study
A – Notary Public Education

The main purpose of an acknowledgment is to:
a. Authenticate signatures
b. Establish mental competence
c. Require personal appearance
d. Both a and c
D. Both a and c

  • Authenticate signatures
  • Require personal appearance

When notarizing a document containing an acknowledgment, the Notary:
a. Must see the document signer sign before them
b. May accept a document that has already been signed
c. Must administer an oath
d. Must take a copy of the acknowledgment
B. May accept a document that has already been signed

To communicate with the Secretary of State about a change in address:
a. A Notary must communicate the change when it is a
business address
b. A Notary must communicate the change when it is a residence address
c. By certified mail within 30 days
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • A Notary must communicate the change when it is a business address
  • A Notary must communicate the change when it is a residence address
  • By certified mail within 30 days

When is an oath involved with an acknowledgment:
a. Every time
b. When the signer would like to swear that the contents of the document are true
c. When the signer utilizes a credible witness as ID
d. An oath is never used in an acknowledgment
C. When the signer utilizes a credible witness as ID

One main purpose of a Jurat is to:
a. Not identify the signer
b. Copy certify a form
c. Make sure the signer signs in front of the Notary
d. Gain evidence to insure truthfulness
C. Make sure the signer signs in front of the Notary

To establish proper ID the Notary must accept which of the following from the principal:
a. Two credible witnesses with ID’s who personally know the principal
b. Credible witness personally known by Notary and principal with proper ID.
c. One proper ID – current or issued in the last five years
d. All of the above
D. All of the above

  • Two credible witnesses with ID’s who personally know the principal
  • Credible witness personally known by Notary and principal with proper ID.
  • One proper ID – current or issued in the last five years

Exceptions to personal appearance by the principal are:
a. There are none
b. Credible witness
c. Photo Business Card
d. Subscribing Witness
D. Subscribing Witness

A foreign passport must have one additional item:
a. Stamp from U.S. Immigration Agency
b. Address of signer
c. Phone number of Issuing County
d. Thumbprint
A. Stamp from U.S. Immigration Agency

To meet the 30 calendar day filing limit of the oath with the county you must:
a. Get them postmarked by 30 days
b. Keep them until you can hand deliver them
c. Allow for any form of delay
d. Pay a fee if late
C. Allow for any form of delay

A judgment is lodged against a Notary for $22,000 and the
bonding company pays $15,000 to the client. The notary is liable for:
a. $7,000
b. $22,000
c. $15,000
d. $0
B. $22,000

The key wording of an acknowledgement is:
a. Subscribed and sworn to
b. I swear the document is true
c. Personally appeared
d. Protest the payment
C. $15,000

A subscribing witness can be identified by:
a. Their current U.S. Passport
b. One credible witness known to the subscribing witness and the notary who has ID
c. Two credible witnesses with proper ID cards
d. A principal who knows them personally
B. One credible witness known to the subscribing witness and the notary who has ID

The true statement below about qualifications is, you must be:
a. Able to read Spanish
b. A U.S. Citizen
c. 18 years of age
d. Resident of California
D. Resident of California

It is never acceptable to affix a notary seal and signature to a document without:
a. The notarial wording
b. Being paid
c. Giving an oath
d. Seeing the person sign the document
A. The notarial wording

If a notary is unable to communicate with a customer the
a. Should use an interpreter
b. Refer them to someone who speaks their language
c. Report them to Immigration authorities
d. Should notarize any regular documents
B. Refer them to someone who speaks their language

In foreign language advertising regulations there are strict rules but the one exception is:
a. A business card in the foreign language
b. A single desk plaque
c. An 8 ½” x 11″ brochure
d. Yellow pages advertising
B. A single desk plaque

When a public agency pays an employee’s expenses, the fees:
a. Shall be remitted to the agency
b. Are distributed per an employee-agency agreement
c. Are never collected
d. Go to the notary
A. Shall be remitted to the agency

When a check has not been honored for payment, the Secretary of State shall give a written notice. If no correction is done a second notice of cancellation shall be effective when:
a. 90 days
b. 30 days
c. 20 days
d. 10 days
C. 20 days

What is the one requirement for notary becoming a California notary public?
Be a legal resident of California

Your jurisdiction will be
The entire state of California

A possible penalty for committing perjury is
2 years in prison, 3 years in prison or 4 years in prison

You have how many days to take your oath of office after your commencement date
30 days

if you request a new certificate of authorization, the state of California must respond within
5 days

The agency of the state that will give you the new certificate is
Secretary of State

Using the words notario publico
Is prohibited

If a notary willingly knowingly notarizes a real estate document that they know to be fraudulent, they are guilty of a

Death certificates
Are not notarized

A subscribing witness can bring you
Homestead declaration

The penalty for starting a known false fact as true is now

When do you officially become a notary?
When your oath and bond are filed

What is the shape of the notary seal

What are the dimensions of the notary stamp?
1 in in width by 2 and 1/2 in in length

If you are one of the following concerning a document, you must not notarize it
Trustor or trustee

The fine for overcharging for a non-immigration form is
up to $750

The fine for not notifying the state that your stamp or journal was lost is
Up to $1,500

Willful failure to provide a peace officer with a journal when requested his punishable by a civil penalty up to

What is the fine for failing to post signs in English and in other language that you use that you are not an attorney and cannot give legal advice
Up to $1,500 fine and at least one year suspension of commission and on second time revocation of commission for life

When a regulation states 30 days it means
Calendar days

9/25/05 your commission will expire

The fee for notarizing a circular affidavit is

A notary can certify a copy of a power of attorney according to the
Probate code

You may turn your journal over to
A piece officer with probable cause

During the signature by mark process, how many people write the name of the X signer

if you move, you must contact the
secretary of state

If you move, you must contact the proper authority within
30 days

If you give up your journal to a proper authority, you must notify the Secretary of State within
10 days

A commission is valid for _________years
4 years

Your 4-year notary bond is worth

The statue of limitations for making a statement known to be false is
4 years

To be acceptable, IDs must be current or issued within the past
5 years

What does not need to be on a passport
Notaries signature

Notary certificates are signed by

An ID needs the holders
Picture, signature, physical description

When taking an oath
Raising right hand is not required

Notaries must
Keep their stamp and journal under their direct control

When you resign a commission, you deliver all your papers to
County clerk where your current oath is on file

If you fail to file the oath and bond on time
Your commission is void, you must pay $20 to reapply, you must complete a new application

a notary seeking reappointment must retake the notary exam
every 4 years

The fine for willful failure to notify the secretary of state of an address or name change is

notaries can withhold services
When their employer limits service to transactions related to the employer business; when a document is incomplete; or when they believe someone does not understand what they are signing

Which is a true statement?
A notary does not have to charge a fee

A notary may
not notarized documents that he or she will sign as corporate officers, notarize narrative documents, notarized foreign language

Signers of the following documents must leave a right thumbprint
Power of attorney and trusteed for real estate

A notary is obligated to
reimburse a surety company for bond funds paid out

An affirmation
a legal equivalent of an oath but has no referral to a supreme being

A non attorney notary qualified and bonded as an immigration consultant may charge up to $10 for
Completing a person’s immigration application; oaths and affirmation; per signature on a Jurat

a notary may not notarize
When they are a mortgager in a transaction

for a first time applicant to get a commission they
must pass an exam; be fingerprinted; be at least 18 years of age

a certificate of authorization maybe gotten
from the secretary of state

satisfactory evidence of identity means relying on either
ID cards or credible identifying witnesses

a California notary may
take depositions and affidavits

An oath is
an affirmation and a solemn spoken pledge

is certified copy certified that the reproduction
is accurate

influencing a notary to perform improperly is a

notaries shall not perform notary actions if they are
named as a principal in a financial transaction

which of the following is signed in the presence of a notary

An acknowledgment certifies that underpenalty of perjury
signers identity was satisfactorily proven to notary; the signer admits that they signed the document; the signer appeared before the notary

a man inherits a property in Alabama with his sister and they must send an affidavit to the court. he can have a friend notarize his signature and
he can’t do either notarization

notaries obtained their seals from the
approved vendors for manufacturers

when a subscribing witness brings a document the action is called
proof of execution

if a principal cannot appear, the document may be brought to the notary by
One subscribing witness

a subscribing witness is placed under oath and asked
did you sign as a witness; did the signer acknowledge their signing; did the signer ask you to get the documents notarized

and embossed seal impression
is acceptable but not required

which of the following lists are all notary actions
proof of execution, Jurat, oath of office acknowledgment

credible witnesses
must not have financial interest in the document

if you resign a position with your employer
notify the secretary of state of any business address change

a military notary
charges no fees

a person who is not commissioned and holds herself out as a notary is

an employer of a notary can
copy journal entries of business generated documents in front of the notary

a notary must respond to a request for a transaction within__________days

The notary or security bond protects the

The only documents that do not require a seal are
subdivision maps

The county named in the venue is where
The signer personally appeared

if a person has no right thumb and a thumbprint is needed
use any finger, make a note of this problem and use the left thumb

if asked to notarize an incomplete document, a notary should

A notary seal must
be photographically reproducible and contain an expiration date; contain the state seal and the words notary public; have a serrated or milled edge border

The most frequently completed form is
the acknowledgment

Linda Martinez, a law student, is starting a business as an immigration consultant. she may not advertise
that she is a notary public

which items must always be put in the journal
date, time, type of document, fees

some of the elements of a seal are
state seal and notary’s name; expiration date of commission and county where oath is on file; sequential ID number of manufactured and notaries sequential commission number

a notary may not advertise
the Spanish terms Notario Publico or notario

The main purpose of a credible identifying witness is to
identify a signer

A proof of execution may be performed on a:
Deed of reconveyance

a notary who does not deliver papers to a county clerk after they allow a commission to expired is
guilty of a misdemeanor

A certificate reads: subscribe and sworn to me before August 5th 2007 by____________ whose name goes on the blank

You are not automatically disqualified from doing a notarization when you are a
real estate agent

by contract and employee and employer can
limit services solely to their business

By using the term Notario Publico in an advertisement, the notaries commission could be
suspended for a period of not less than 1 year and revoked on the second offense

a notary may not charge a fee for notarization on
a circular affidavit

a notary may use his or her commission
to notarize for veterans

and notary who engages in the unauthorized practice of law may face
commission denial; commission revocation; commission suspension

When can your notary commission be suspended and/or revoked?
not paying child support

When a notary is employed by a city, county or state agency, fees collected for non-agency related notarization are
Remitted by the notary public to the employing agency

it is allowable for a notary to notarize for a family member when acting as a

a notary can notarize documents to be filled in another state but
can’t certify sign or hold a particular capacity

an oath to a witness
can use phrase under “penalty of perjury”

if your employer, John Smith, asks to see your journal, which you use in business, to see who is giving him the most business, you should
let him see Only the items pertaining to his business

in the case of the death of a notary public, the personal representative of the deceased shall
promptly notify the Secretary of State and send their papers and records to the county where the oath is recorded

No fees may be charged for verifying
nomination document or circulars affidavit

When performing a signature by mark notarization
The signer must make his or her mark in the notaries journal

a notary public can notarize a signature on a document that
is in a foreign language

which of the following must be included in a journal
character of every document

if a credible witness personally knows the signer and the notary
Only when witness is needed

When the last day for filing an instrument or other document with a state agency falls upon a Saturday or holiday, such act may be performed
upon the next business day

notaries need not record in their journals
The signers address

When the venue of the notary certificate has been filed in the beforehand with an inaccurate state and county, the notary must
line through the end applicable words, writing in the correct state and county

any person who coerce a notary to perform improperly is guilty of

effectively July 1 2005 all appointed persons must complete
6 hours of study

The main purpose of an acknowledgment is to
authenticate signatures; establishmental competence; require personal appearance

When notarizing a document containing an acknowledgment, the Notary
May accept a document that has already been signed

to communicate with a secretary of state about a change in address
a notary must communicate the change of address when it is a business address; a notary must communicate the change when it is a resident address; by certified mail within 30 days

When is an oath involved with an acknowledgment
When the signer utilizes a credible witness ID

One main purpose of a Jurat is to
Make sure the signer signs in front of the notary

to establish proper ID the notary must accept which of the following from the principal
two credible witnesses with IDs who personally know the principal; credible witness personally known by the notary and principal with proper ID semicolon The proper ID current issued in the last 5 years

exceptions to personal appearance by the principal are
subscribing witness

A foreign passport must have one additional item
stamp from US immigration

to meet the 30 calendar day filing limit of the oath with the county you must
allow for any form of delay

a judgment is lodged against a notary for $22,000 and the bonding company pays $15,000 to the client The notary is liable for

The key wording of an acknowledgement is
personally appeared

a subscribing witness can be identified by
one credible witness known to the subscribing witness and the notary who has ID

The true statement below about qualifications is, you must be
resident of California

it is never acceptable to fix a notary seal and signature to a document without
The notorial wording

if a notary isn’t able to communicate with a customer the notary
refer them to someone who speaks their language

in foreign language advertising regulations there are strict rules but the one exception is
a single desk plaque

When a public agency pays an employee’s expenses, the fees
Shelby remitted to the agency

When a check has not been honored for payment, the Secretary of State shall give a written notice. if no correction is done on a second notice of cancellation she’ll be effective when
20 days

Why are two witnesses for a signature by mark necessary?
To view the making or the acknowledging of the mark

You are notarizing a document for a personal friend. Which of the following must be included in your journal?
Signer’s driver’s license number; type of document, notary fee

A written request for photocopy of a journal entry must contain?
Type of document, month and year of notarization of names of parties

A right thumbprint is not required in the notary journal for a
Deed of reconveyance

If a private employer and an employee enter into an agreement
Notary actions can be limited to business transactions

An expired California drivers license was issued 52 months before presentation to you
It is acceptabe as identification

Notaries may not certify a copy of a
Journal entry requested by a member of the public

When a notary changes a business to a new country within California
The notary must notify the secretary of state of the address change

Two credible witnesses
Are not allow

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