CIDESCO Practice Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

CIDESCO Practice Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

In an isometric muscle exercise the joints are
Not moved in spite of tightening and relaxing the muscles

A figure assesement should be carried out
Every 6 treatments

An abnormailty of the vertebral column which gives a humped back appearance is

The use of a plumb line in a figure correction is important to
Assess postural defects

Cellulite is caused by a disorder of the
Connective tissue

An example of a carbohydrate is

Which one of the following foods has the lowest calorific value per gram?

The main function of carbohydrates in the body is to
Provide a source of energy

The main function of protein in the body is
For growth and repair of body tissue

Which one of the following foods has the highest calorific water per gram?

Which of the following foods does NOT have to be broken down into smaller units before it can be absorbed into the blood?

Protective food substances required by the body are

Which one of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?

A diet which consists of milk only does not contain

Professional ethics are
A system of rules that tell professionals how they should behave

The responsibilities of an aestheticienne to her clients include
Keeping personal matters confidential

The responsibilities of an aestheticienne to her employer include
Taking pride in maintaining a good reputation for the business

The responsibilities of an employer to her employees include
Expressing professional pride in employees regarding the quality of their performance

A good relationship with the medical profession can be developed and maintained by
Recommending clients with contra-indications to visit their doctor

An aestheticienne can maintain good relations with colleagues in her profession by
Exchanging information and being helpful to each other

An aestheticienne can maintain a good relationship with the media by
Regularly providing the media with news of her profession

An electrical treatment that uses sound waves is
Audio sonic

An electrical treatment that is used for toning muscles is

The effect of a laser treatment can be to
Help remove tattoos

The main purpose of a brush machine is to
Remove dead cells from the skins surface

Vacuum suction treatment should not be used on
An inflammed skin

Desincrustation is a treatment mainly used on
Oily skins

The infra-red lamp should NOT be used on a skin that
Has dilated capillaries

During the first part of desincrustation, the positive pole of the galvanic unit should
Be held in the clients hand

A contra-indication to vacuum suction treatment is
A spider naevus

A method of forcing water soluble substances into the skin using an electric current is

Permanent hair removal takes place by
Electrical epilation

Lymph drainage is performed correctly if the beauty therapist gives
Pumping movements on the tissue

Intermittent pressure is used to
Remove liquid out of the muscle tissue

Which one of the following statements is correct?
Warm water and vapour cause hyperaemia in the skin resulting in an increased glandular activity

The main effect of desincrustation is the
Production of alkali at the cathode

Ozone is formed during
High frequency machine

A usual purification of the skin is performed
With steam or steam and herbs

A galvanic current is used during

The massage movement in which the skin is grasped between the thumb and forefinger is called

Strengthening weakened muscles of facial expression can be best achieved using
Finger tapotements

A contra-indication to a full body massage is
A recent removal of malignant tissue

Frictions, small circular movements performed with pads of thumbs or fingers are most effective
Around joint areas

The purpose of friction movements is to
Disperse local pockets of oedema

Rapid muscle contractions in the therapists hands produce the massage movement known as

The most stimulating massage movement is

A heavy jaw outline with much fatty tissue can be treated with
Tapotements and petrissages

In case of fluid accumulation under the eyes, the so called bags
Give a drainage from the nose eye corner towards the temporal bone

Tapotement particularly influence
Muscle tone

The medium used during a full body massage is

When giving a massage, hand mobility is important for maintaining a
Regular rhythm

If it becomes necessary for the therapist to interrupt a massage treatment, the hands should
Be feathered off the clients body

When giving a massage, it is important that the client be
Fully relaxed

For freedom of movement and to reduce fatigue, it is important for the therapist to
Maintain correct posture

A treatment used on the feet to release toxins and improve circulation is

A client should cleanse her skin to
Remove surface dirt

A client should tone her skin to
Remove excess cleanser

The main aim of skin cleansing is to
Remove surface dirt and make up

Which one of the following is NOT a method of cleansing the skin
Astringent lotion

The qualities of a skin cleanser are that it should
All of the above

Advice that should be given to a client for skin cleansing at home
Cleanse and tone twice a day

Which of the following statements are correct?
1 is correct and 2 is incorrect

Which of the following statements are correct?
Both are incorrect

The function of deodorant is to
Prevent body odour

The active ingredient of a deodorant is
An antiseptic

The action of a deodorant is to
Control the bacteria responsible for body odour

The function of an anti-perspirant is to
Reduce the amount of sweat on the skin

The active ingredient of an anti-perspirant is
Aluminium salts

The action of an anti-perspirant is to
Constrict the sweat pores

Microbiology is the
Scientific study of micro-organisms

Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
Bacteria are smaller than viruses

The temperature at which pathogenic bacteria grow best is

Bacteria are
Single cell micro organisms

Which one of the following is the smallest micro organism?

Viruses are
Very tiny organisms that multiply in living cells

Fungi are
Vegetable type micro organisms lacking chlorophyll

A skin disease caused by bacteria is

A skin disease caused by a virus is
Herpes zoster

A skin disease caused by fungi is
Tinea capitas

A parasite is
An organism that feeds in or on another living organism

The skin disease caused by lice is called

The skin disease caused by an itch mite is called

An infection is
The invasion of any living organisms by disease-causing micro-organisms

Contagious mean
Capable of transmitting infection

Which one of the following is the most ideal method of steralisation against Hep B?
Steam under pressure – autoclave

Sanitisation means
The process that destroys most micro organisms

A disinfectant is
A chemical that helps to kill disease producing micro organisms

Is a disease in which a virus destroys lymphocytes

AIDS is caused by
A virus

Hepatitis means
Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis B is caused by
A virus

Separation of a nail plate from its nail bed is called

The name of the nail condition in which there are deep horizontal ridges is
Beau’s lines

The name given to white spots on the nail is

The name given to a fungal infection of nails is
Tinea Unguium

The name of the nail condition in which there is pitting is

Herpetic whitlow is recognized as
Inflammation and swelling of the tissue surrounding the nail

Hang nail is recognised as
A strip of skin at the side of the nail

The condition in which a nail is thick and brittle with white powdery deposits is called
Tinea Unguium

Herpes Zoster
Affects the nerves

A wart is caused by
A virus

Which one of the following skin diseases is caused by a fungus?

A skin infection where small depigmented areas are seen, particularly on tanned skin is
Tinea Versicolour

A skin infestation in which burrows are seen and which is very itchy is

A congenital skin disorder

A skin disease caused by disorder of keratinisation is

Ichthyosis is a skin disease in which there is
Disorder of the keratinisation process of the skin, during which coarse scales are formed

Stretch marks result from
Degeneration of the connective tissue

Skin analysis means
To find out the clients skin type

The most important purpose of skin analysis is
To find out clients skin type so that the correct treatment can be carried out

Information required for a skin analysis is obtained and recorded
By the beauty therapist on a consultation card

Skin condition and skin types are accessed by
Cleansing, looking through a magnifying lamp and analysing

A therapist uses a magnifier
To analyse the skin correctly

The skin acts as a sensory organ because it contains
Nerve endings

The skin can absorb oily substances
Through the hair follicle

Which of the following statements is correct?
Lipids are absorbed into the skin through the epidermis

The skin is an excretory organ because it excretes

When the skin is exposed to sunlight it produces
Vitamin D

The layer of the epidermis in which the cells are fully keratinsied is the
Stratum corneum

In the epidermal layer of skin, which one of the following is the superficial layer containing 25 – 30 rows of dead, keratinised epithelial cells?
Stratum corneum

New cells of the skin are produced at the
Stratum germativum

Keratinisation of the epidermis starts in the
Stratum spinosum

The tough waterproof material that provides cells in the outer layer of skin with a protective quality is

Melanin granules are found in the
Stratum spinosum

Which one of the following structures CANNOT be found in the dermis of the skin?

The dark pigment found in in the epidermis of skin is known as

Melanocytes are found in the germinating layer of the epidermis, their products
Change under the influence of ultra violet radiation into melanin

The cells which make the skins pigment are called

Melanin is
A pigment

A nail grows from
The matrix

The function of the nail cuticle is to
Prevent infection around the nail entering the nail fold

The hyponychium lies
Under the free edge

The nail plate can be divided longitudinally into
Nail root, nail body, free edge

Which one of the following parts of a growing hair consists of actively dividing cells?
Germinal matrix

The part of the hair which contains pigment is the

The part of the growing hair follicle that is in contact with the hair is the?
Inner root sheath

Maintaining the acidity of the skin is necessary
To prevent bacteria attacking the skin

Which one of the following statments is correct?
The pH of the skin is normally slightly acid

Which one of the following glands are attached to some hair follicles?

Which one of the following is NOT found in the dermis?
Epithelial tissue

The solidity of the dermis is mainly due to
Elastic and collagen fibres

Which one of the following results in local vasodilation?

The subcutaneous tissue is
Constructed from fat cells and fine fibres

The structural unit of all living organisms is
A cell

Histology is the study of
The microscopic structure of tissues

Which one of the following is NOT an example of a tissue?

The name for a collection of cells grouped together for a particular function is

Tissues are composed of

Tissue specialised for movement is

Tissue which provides support and protection and binds structures together is

The rapid co-ordination of many complicated body functions is carried out by
Nervous tissue

Impulses can be transmitted through the body by
Nervous tissue

Tissue found lining the surfaces of organ is

Flat, scale like epithelial cells are anatomically referred to as

Which one of the following is NOT formed from connective tissue?
The epidermis

The characteristic tissue of skin glands is
Epithelial tissue

Which one of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissue?

Simple squamous epithelium is found
In the alveoli of lungs

Simple cuboidal epithelium is found
In kidney tubules

Which of the following organs is lined and stratified epithelium?

A gland which produces its secretion as the entire cell disintegrates is known as
An holocrine gland

Tissue found supporting the organs is called
Connective tissue

An example of connective tissue is

Blood is a specialised kind of
Connective tissue

Which one of the following is NOT composed of dense connective tissue?
Adipose tissue

Loose connective tissue speacialising in fat storage is
Adipose tissue

Tendons are made of

What type of connective tissue is found in the wall of an artery?

The connective tissue which contains many collagenous fibres embedded within a firm matrix is

Connective tissue serving as a shock absorber in joints is

Cartilage that has a blush matrix and a few fibres is
Hyaline cartilage

The smallest structural unit in the human body is called the

The study of the structure of the body is called

The study of the function of the body is called

The outer wall of a cell is called the
Cell membrane

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA
Carries genetic information

Which of the following is the genetic material of the cell?

The main part of the cell which contains protoplasm is the

The nucleus of a cell is directly surrounded by
The nuclear membrane

The part of the cell in contact with its environment is the
Cell membrane

The part of the cell that controls the activities of the cell is the

The nucleus of a cell contains

The nucleus of a cell contains

Meiosis is a process concerned with
Division of a sex cell

The process of cell division where the mother cell divides into two identical daughter cells is called

The phase of mitosis during which centrioles reach the ends of the cells is

The last stage of mitosis is known as

The phase of mitosis in which the chromatin of the nucleus forms chromosomes is

The phase of mitosis in which two identical daughter cells are produced is

The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes line up in the middle of a cell is

When a cell is dividing, the nucleus forms

Which of the following is the phase between periods of cell reproduction?

A human cell with 22 autosomes and a Y sex chromosome would be a

Male reproductive cells contain
22 chromosomes and either X or Y chromosome

Each partner in a partnership assumes
Unlimited liability

When planning to open a skin care clinic, careful consideration must be given to the selection of the best

In order to attract the attention of pedestrians, beauty centers should be clearly

An excellent location for a beauty salon is near a
Department store

A possible business area must be carefully investigated for potential

Business comparisons with other years are made possible by any analysis of
The balance sheet

The impression formed for the entire beauty salon usually is set by the
Reception area

In a well organised skin care clinic, it is important to have
A reception area

The largest expense item in operating a beauty center employing staff is usually

The second most costly item in operating a clinic is usually

Legal third-party insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance for a salon covers
Injury to a customer in the salon during a treatment

Insurance policies are purchased by a beauty salon owners to protect themselves against being sued for

Cash that is received from a client should be entered in the
Daily accounting book

A document which gives details of cost of goods or services received is
An invoice

An accurate and efficient control of supplies can be maintained only by having an organised
Stock control

Accurate daily records permit the evaluation of
Business progress

To be effective, advertising must create

A comparatively inexpensive form of salon advertisement is
Local newspaper

A method of advertising most suitable for a beauty salon would be
In a local newspaper

A method of promoting a salon by free publicity would be
Inviting a journalist to visit the salon

A method of advertising a beauty salon would be to
Send out a direct mailing

A comparatively inexpensive method of promoting a salon is to
Work out a public relations strategy

The best form of promoting a beauty center is
Satisfied clients

Careless appointment booking methods often contribute to
Dissatisfied clients

Good telephone habits and techniques help to build up the clinic’s

One of the most important use of the telephone in the beauty center is to
Make appointments for clients

An example of poor professional ethics is

The aestheticienne who gossips will lose the clients

It is often a good idea for the esthetician to be a good

The services of an accountant MAINLY include
Draw up the balance sheet

The gland which controls the production of sex hormones is
The pituitary gland

Female reproductive organs are under control of

A function of oestrogen is to
Increase secretion of follicle stimulating hormone

The change from a girl to an adult at puberty controlled by the hormone

Ovulation usually takes place about
Fourteen days after menstruation

The hormone which converts the Graafian follicle to a corpus luteum is
Leuitenizing Hormone

The corpus luteum produces hormones under the influence
The pituitary gland

The corpus luteum
Is formed during every menstrual cycle

Progesterone levels fall
After degeneration of the corpus lutem

Which one of the following statements about is the uterus is INCORRECT?
Eggs are fertilised there

The lower narrow section of the uterus that opens into the vagina is called the

A spermatozoono normally follows the following course
Vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tube

Fertilization occurs when
The nuclei of two gametes fuse

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of an egg or ovum?
Carries food for the embryo

Fertilization takes place in the
Fallopian tube

The function of amniotic fluid is to
Protect the embryo from jolts and knocks

The name given to the cell which is formed immediately after fertilization is

The male gonads produce

Male hormones are produced in
The testes

Which one of the following statements about the uterus is INCORRECT?
Eggs are fertilized there

Fertilization of an ovum takes place in the
Fallopian tube

Hormones are NOT secreted by
The uterus

The effect of the contraceptive pills is to
Prevent menstruation

While using the contraceptive pill
Menstruation is stopped

The hormone which controls the change from a boy to an adult at puberty is

Which one of the following is NOT a hormone?

Which one of the following does NOT act as an exocrine gland?
Pituitary gland

Acromegaly is most likely to occur in?
An adult

Acromegaly results from an increased function of the?
Pituitary gland

The hormone which acts on cells to increase amino acid uptake and protein synthesis is?
Growth hormone

ACTH influences the secretion of?

Anti-diuretic hormone is released by the?
Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland

Vasporessin (ADH) regulates
The amount of urine exerted by the kidneys

The hormone which regulates the bodys metabolism is?

The element required by the thyroid gland for the production of its hormone is?

Hormones that contain iodine are produced by the?

Cretinism is caused by a deficiency of the hormone

When the plasma calcium level falls, parathyroid hormone secretion

The hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland regulates the
Level of calcium in blood plasma

In tetany there is a low blood level of?

The islets of Langerhans are located in the?

Insulin in the blood controls the concentration of?

A function of insulin is to?
Promote the uptake of glucose by the cells

Glucagon is a hormone produced by?
The alpha cells of the pancreas

A person with diabetes loses weight and tires easily because?
She is unable to metabolize blood sugar

A person with diabetes lacks

A disease caused by a disorder of the pancreas is?
Diabetes mellitus

The adrenal glands are situated
On top of the kidneys

Which of the following is NOT caused by adrenaline?
Erection of hairs

The release of adrenaline
Increases blood glucose levels and heart rate

The endocrine gland that secretes a hormone which helps a person to react in a dangerous situation is the?
Adrenal gland

Oestrogen is produced in the?

The gland which controls the production of sex hormones is?
The pituitary gland

Female reproductive organs are under control of?

A function of oestrogen is to?
Regenerate the endometrium

The change from a girl to an adult at puberty is controlled by the hormone

Ovulation usually takes place about
Fourteen days after menstruation

The hormone which converts the Graafian follicle to a corpus luteum is?
Luteinising hormone

The corpus luteum produces hormones under the influence
The pituitary gland

The corpus luteum
Is formed during every menstrual cycle

Progesterone levels fall
After degeneration of the corpus luteum

Which one of the following statements about the uterus is INCORRECT?
Eggs are fertilised there

Fertilization of an ovum takes place in the?
Fallopian tube

Hormones are Not secreted by?
The uterus

The effect of contraceptive pill is to?
Prevent pregnancy

Which using the contraceptive pill
Ovulation does not take place

The hormone which controls the change from a boy to an adult at puberty is?

Impulses are transmitted throughout the body principally by
Nervous tissue

A neuron is?
Composed of a cell body, dendrites and an axon

The cell body of a sensory neurone is found in the?
Dorsal root of the spinal cord

The cellular process that carries a nerve impulse away from the cell body is the?

The process in which a nerve is stimulated is?
Chemical – electrical

An example of a neuro-transmitter is?

The central nervous system is made of
Brain and spinal cord

The white matter of the brain and spinal cord is composed of?

Voluntary muscles movements are controlled by?
The cerebrum

Neurons are found
In the cerebral cortex

The part of the brain concerned with memory is the?

The part of the brain concerned with controlling respiration is the?
Medulla oblongata

The function of the medulla oblongata in the brain is to?
Control heartbeat and breathing rate

The part of the brain that directs precise, smooth movements and the maintenance of balance is the?

The part of the brain which regulates posture and maintains the tone of muscles is the?

The part of the reflex are which contains both sensory and motor nerve fibres is the
Spinal nerve

Which of the following is NOT an example of a reflex action?
Heart beating

A simple reflex are follows the following pathway
Sense organs – nerve – brain – nerve – muscle

A nervous stimulus enters the spinal cord via
The spinal ganglion and the posterior horn and leaves via the anterior horn

Which one of the following structures is the deepest layer of meninges?
Pia mater

The cerebrospinal fluid is found
In between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater

The trigeminal nerve is the?
5th cranial nerve

The facial nerve is MAINLY
A mixed nerve

The VAGUS nerve is cranial nerve number?

The vagus nerves are?

The last part of the spinal cord is called?
The cauda equina

The action of the autonomic nervous system helps to?
Innervate cardiac muscle, blushing and gland secretions

A function of the kidney is to?
Regulate the water content of the blood

Urea is excreted by the?

Which one of the following substances is NOT NORMALLY present in urine?

Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
More urine which is more diluted

Which one of the following is NOT removed via the kidneys in a healthy person?

Urea is a waste product produced from?
Amino acids

Substances which should NOT be found in the glomerular filtrate are?
Blood cells and plasma proteins

The kidneys are generally located between the?
12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae

The kidneys receive blood from the?
Renal artery

The functional unit of the kidney is the?

The glomeruli are found in?
The renal cortex

After filteration in the nephron, urine contains?
Mineral salts

A function of the kidneys do NOT carry out is?
Storage of urine

Which one of the following is NOT a function of the kidney?
Removal of carbon dioxide in solution

The loop of henle is found mainly in the kidneys?

In a kidney tubule, which part is responsible for absorbing water from the filtrate into the blood?
Loop of henle

The normal temperature of the human body is approximately
37 degrees

Which one of the following components is NOT present in tissue fluid?
Red blood cells

Which chemical is NOT transported in the liquid part of the blood?

The percentage of water in blood plasma is?

Which component of blood transports oxygen?

Which of the following is NOT a component of human blood?

The cells responsible for the defence of the body are
White blood cells

The blood cells which do not have a nucleus are

Blood cells are formed in the

The destruction of red blood cells takes place in the

After birth, red blood cells are made in the
Bone marrow

Which one of the following minerals is used to produce haemoglobin?

The function of white blood cells is to
Destroy bacteria

The name of the substances which stimulate the production of anti-bodies in the blood is called

The component of blood responsible for the manufacture of antibodies is

The substance produced in the body which destroy or neutralise foreign substances are called

Defence against antigens does NOT take place by

The component of blood mostly concerned with the control of infection is
White blood cells

The component of blood which plays an important role in clotting is

The primary function of thrombocytes is to
Play a role in blood clotting

Which vitamin causes an increase in clotting time of blood when it is deficient?

When blood clots, the soluble substance which becomes insoluble is called

The following proccesses occur after blood has come into contact with damaged tissue..

  1. Thrombokinase produced by platelets
  2. Thrombin combines with fibrinogen
  3. Production of fibrin net
  4. Calcium and prothrombin combined
    The correct order in which they appear is?
    1 4 2 3

Calcium in the blood is necessary for
Blood coagulation

Dexoygenated blood enters the heart by the
Right atrium

The name of the cavity in which the heart lies is called the
Pericardial cavity

When ventricles of the heart contract the
Aortic and pulmonary valves open

Blood is prevented from returning to the ventricles after they have completed their contractions by the
Semilunar valves

Which one of the following chambers of the heart pumps blood to the lungs
Right ventricle

The average rate of heart beat of a healthy adult in rest in number of beats per minute is

The right ventricle and the left atrium are connected by the
The pulmonary circulation

The blood vessel which has thick muscular walls and carries de-oxygenated blood is the
Pulmonary artery

The right ventricle of the heart
Is the beginning of the pulmonary circulation

After leaving the right ventricle, blood is pumped to the
Pulmonary artery

A characteristic that CANNOT be applied to veins is that they
Always carry blood away from the heart

An INCORRECT statement about arteries is that they
Have valves

A characteristic of ALL arteries (except pulmonary arteries) is that they
Transport blood rich in oxygen

Have an elastic wall

The muscle tissues located within the calls of the blood vessels is
Smooth muscle tissue

The blood vessel that collects blood from the digestive organs is the
Hepatic portal vein

The extremely thin walls of capillaries are made of
Only endothelium

Tissue fluid leaves the capillaries by

The function of capillaries is NOT for the purpose of the
Destruction of antigens

The lymphatic vessel that gathers most of the lymph is the
Thoracic duct

The liquid which carries dissolved substances from capillaries to cells and back is
Tissue fluid

Marcophages are lymphocytes that filter lymph are situated in the
Lymph nodes

Fat is transported through the circulatory system by

The fluid between the cells is driven along by
Pressure from the contracting muscles around them

The location of the spleen is
To the left of the body under diaphragm

After leaving the left ventricle , blood flows from the heart to the

The name of the vessel taking blood from the stomach to the liver is called the
Hepatic portal vein

The blood vessel which discharges into the right atrium is the
Inferior vena cava

The blood vessel NOT connected to the liver is the
Inferior vena cava

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?
The blood vessel connecting the aorta to each kidney is the renal vein

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT? Blood flows?
From the aorta to the head in the jugular vein

Which one of the following statements about blood is INCORRECT?
Takes urea from the kidneys to the liver

Blood is carried to the liver through the
Hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein

The name of the vessel that takes blood from the liver to the vena cava is the
Hepatic vein

The mineral salt which makes up a large proportion of bone tissue is?
Calcium phosphate

The part of a long bone in which new erythrocytes are produced is the?
Red bone marrow

The connective tissue covering the outer surface of bone is known as?

The name of the process by which cartilage tissue is turned into bone tissue is?

The growth in length of a long bone takes place from
The epiphyseal cartilage

The reabsorption of previously laid down bone is accomplished by

The two bones which form the crown and sides of the cranium are the
Parietal bones

The roof of the eye socket is formed by the
Frontal bone

The bone at the back of the skull is the

The vertebrae which articulate with the ribs are called?

The vertebrae which have large neural spines to give attachment to powerful back muscles are the

The joint between the atlas and the axis is?
A pivot joint

The ribs are movably connected to?
The thoracic vertebrae

The number of pairs of ribs in the body is?

The shoulder blade is known as the

The names of the two bones articulating in the ball and socket joint of the upper arm are the
Humerus and scapula

The correct name for the collar bone is the

Which one of the following bones would be classified as a short bone?

The hand consists of … A… carpals and … B … metacarpals
A: 8 B: 5

Which one of the following is the odd bone out?

The type of joint found at the knee is the

Which one of the following does NOT have any moveable joints?

An example of a fixed joint is?
The bones of the skull

In the hip, the synovial membrane lines the
Ligament of the head of the femur

“Front” and “back” are equivalent to
Anterior and posterior

“Up” and “down” are equivalent to
Superior and inferior

A sagittal plane divides the body into
Left and right parts

A transverse plane divides the body into
Superior and inferior parts

The function of external respiration is?
To carry oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from it

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the capillaries because the?
Concentration of oxygen is lower in the capillaries

Oxygen passes from blood into tissues, and carbon dioxide passes from tissues into the blood by a process known as

The approx percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?
Exhaled air is dryer than atmospheric air

Exhaled air contains
More oxygen than carbon dioxide

The brain regulates breathing rate DIRECTLY by?
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood

A CORRECT combination of breathing activities is ?
Diaphragm lowered, ribs raised, air taken in

During inspiration
The diaphragm moves downwards

A disadvantage of breathing through the mouth is that the
Inspired air is purified insufficiently

The vocal chords are found in the?

During swallowing, the wind-pope is closed by the?

The tube in the respiratory system which carries air into the lungs is the

The place where oxygen leaves the lung is called

Oxygen is taken into the blood from the

The exchange of gases during external respiration takes place in the

Which one of the following processes results in a release of energy in a living cell?

External respiration is?
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs

The exchange of gases between air in the lungs and the blood is called
External respiration

Which form of radiation has the most antibacterial effect?

Contagious means:
capable of transmitting infection

Hepatitis B is caused by:
a virus

Microbiology is:
the scientific study of microorganisms

An infection is:
the invasion o any living organism by disease causing microorganism

Sanitation is:
the process of making hygienic conditions

A disinfectant is:
a chemical that helps to kill disease producing microorgansims

AIDS is caused by:
a virus

The main aim of cleansing the skin is to:
remove surface dirt and makeup

Information required for a skin analysis is obtained and recorded by the:
by the beauty therapist on a consultation card

The medical term for a single permanently dialted capillary is:

A slowing performed petrissage has a:
stimulating affect on muscle tissue

The main effect of desincrustation is the:
production of alkali at the cathode

The main purpose of a brush machine is to:
remove dead cells from the skin’s surface

An electrical treatment used for toning muscles is:

The infra-red lamp should not be used on skin that:
has dilated capillaries

Hair growing back in a stubble is often the result of:

A contraindication of a full body massage is:
recent removal of malignant tissue

In case of fluid accumulation under the eyes, the so called “bags”:
give drainage from the nose eye corner towards the temporal bone

When giving a massage, it is important that the client be:
lying down

An advantage of strip waxing compared to other methods of hair removal is that is:
it is the quickest method

An electrical treatment that uses sound waves is:

Vacuum suction treatment should NOT be used on:
inflamed skin

In an isometric muscle exercise, the joints are:
not moved in spite of tightening and relaxing the muscles

Calamine is used in masks because it:
has a soothing effect

A base coat is used:
prior to the application of nail enamel

A hangnail is recognized as:
a strip of skin at the side of the nail

The function os a concealer in makeup is to:
cover areas of the face

The main traditional use of face powder is to:
set the foundation

Cleansing milk is an example of:
an emulsion

A wax of vegetable origin used in the making of lipstick is:

An important characteristic of mascara is:
it should be non-irritant to the eyes

Which one of the following is an ionic compound?

  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • sodium hydroxide
  • water
    sodium hydroxide

Which one of the following acids is most abundant in fats and oils from plants and animals?

  • stearic acid
  • lactic acid
  • acetic acid
  • hydrochloric acid
    stearic acid

The thickness of a liquid is known as:

The main function of an emollient is to:
soften the surface of the skin

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is found in:
self tanning products

Azulene is a substance obtained from:
the camomile plant

Natural moisturizing factor (NMF) contains:
amino acids

Water that contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium salts is called:
hard water

The main function of a day cream is to:
protect the skin against the environment

A mask ingredient that is capable of dissolving dead cells on the skin’s surface is:

An important ingredient of hand lotions and hand creams is:
a humectant

Talc is one of the main ingredients used in:
face powder

The responsibilities of a beauty therapist to her clients include:
keeping personal matters confidential

Legal third party insurance and professional indemnity insurance for a salon covers:
injury to a customer in the salon during a treatment

Cash that is received from a client should be entered in the:
daily accounting book

A good relationship with the medical profession can be developed and maintained by:
recommending clients with contraindications to visit their doctor

When planning to open a skin care clinic, careful consideration must be given to the selection of the best:

A document which gives details of the most of goods or services received is:
an invoice

A method of promoting a salon by free publicity would be:
inviting a journalist to visit the salon

Careless appointment booking methods can often contribute to:
dissatisfied clients

For anything concerning a salon’s legal matters you must consult a:

A skin infestation in which burrows are seen and which is very itchy is:

Keratinization of the epidermis starts in the:
stratum granulosum

The part of the hair which contains the pigment is the:

Maintaining the acidity of the skin is necessary to:
prevent bacteria from attacking the skin

Which one of the following results in local vasodilation?

  • adrenaline
  • thromboplastin
  • acetylcholine
  • histamine

The skin can absorb oily substances through:
hair follicles

When the skin is exposed to sunlight it produces:
vitamin D

Deep wrinkles in the skin are caused by:
changes in the structure of collagen fiber

The skin acts as a sensory organ because it contains:
nerve endings

Eyeliner is applied to the edges of the:

The function of mascara is to:
thicken eyelashes

The temperature at which pathogenic bacteria grows best is:
37* C

Bacteria are:
single cell microorganisms

Viruses are:
very tiny organisms that multiply in living cells

A skin disease caused by fungi is:
tine capitis

The skin disease caused by the itch mite is called:

What is the most ideal method of sterilization against hepatitis B?
steam under pressure – autoclave

Hepatitis means:
inflammation of the liver

A client should tone their skin to:
remove excess cleanser

Which one of the following is not a method of cleansing the skin?

  • pore grains
  • cleansing milk
  • cleansing lotion
  • astringent lotions
    pore grains

The main advantage of waxing is to:
take hair out from the root

The hair shaft and the hair root are removed by:
depilatory wax

A contraindication to electrical epilation is:
a client with a pacemaker

The most important purpose of skin analysis is:
to find out the client’s skin type so that the correct treatment can be carried out

Information required for a skin analysis is obtained and recorded:
by the beauty therapist on a consultation card

Skin conditions and skin types are assessed by:
cleansing and loosing through a magnifying lamp and analyzing

A therapist uses a magnifier:
to analyze the skin correctly

An abnormality of the vertebral column which gives a humped back appearance is:

The use of a plumb line in figure correction is important to:
asses postural defects

Cellulite is caused by a disorder of the:
connective tissue

Skin is the thinnest on the:

The color of skin in a healthy person is determined mainly by:

An ingredient of astringent is:
witch hazel

What ingredient is common in sunscreen?
octyl methoxycinnamate

Face masks are used on the skin because they:
leave the skin smooth and soft

The skin protects the body against microorganisms by:
producing an acid mantle

The skin regulates body temperature in hot weather by:
dilation of blood vessels

The main effect of sweating is to:
lower body temperature

The dark pigment found in the epidermis of the skin is known as:

The cells which make the skin’s pigment are known as:

What layer of the epidermis contains 25-30 rows of dead, keratinized epithelial cells?
stratum corneum

New cells of the skin are produced in the:
stratum germinativum

Keratinization of the epidermis starts in the:
stratum granulosum

Melanin is a:

The layer of the epidermis in which the cells are fully keratinized is the:
stratum corneum

The resting stage of the hair growth cycle is called:

An example of a bacterial skin disease is:

The part of the growing hair follicle that is in contact with the hair is the:
inner root sheath

The germinal matrix of hair is part of which layer of the epidermis?
the basal layer

The growing stage of the hair growth cycle is called:

The stage of the hair growth cycle in which the follicle shortens is:

The stage of the hair growth cycle in which a club hair is formed is:

In skin, what glands are affected by sex hormones?
sebaceous glands

A method of forcing water soluble substances into the skin using an electric current is:

A galvanic current is used during:

During the first part of desincrustation, the positive pole of the galvanic unit should:
be held in the client’s hand

A contraindication to the use of steam is:

A necessary precaution that should taken in using electrical apparatus is to:
remoce jewelry from the client and the beauty therapist

The psychological effects of massage are:
sedates and uplifts client

A stroking method of massage is known as:

The most stimulating effective massacre movement for blood circulation is:

The massage movement in which the skin is grasped between the thumb and forefinger is called:

Frictions, small circular movements performed with pads, thumbs, or forefingers, are most effective:
around the joint areas

Rapid muscle contractions in the therapists hands produce the massage movement known as:

The stimulating massage movement is:

Tapotements particularly influence:
muscle tone

A treatment used on the feet to release toxins and improve circulation is:

The impression formed for the entire beauty salon usually is set by the:
reception area

The second most costly item in opening a clinic is usually:

An accurate and efficient control of supplies can be maintained only by having an organized:
stock control

To be effective, advertising must create:

The best form of promoting a beauty center is:
satisfied clients

Careless appointment booking methods can often contribute to:
dissatisfied clients

Good telephone habits and techniques help to build up the clinic’s:

The responsibilities of an esthetician to their clients include:
keeping personal matters confidential

The responsibilities of an esthetician to their employer include:
taking pride in maintaining a good reputation for the business

The main lesion seen is psoriasis is the:

Keloids are formed by abnormal growth of:
collegen fibers

A wart is caused by a:

A boil is caused by:

Herpes zoster:
affects the nerves

An example of a skin disease caused by a fungus:

A skin infection where small depigmented areas are seen, particularly on tanned skin is:
tine versicolor

An example of a congenital skin disorder is:

Stretch marks result from:
atrophy of epithelial tissue

A malignant tumor of epithelial tissue is called:

The main function of a carbohydrate in the body is to:
provide a source of energy

Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin?

  • A
  • B
  • D
  • E

An example of a carbohydrate is:

What form of food doesn’t have to be broken down into smaller unit before it can be absorbed into the blood?

Lack of vitamin C in a diet causes:

The main function of a protein in the body is:
for growth and repair of body tissue

Protective food substances required by the body are:

A deficiency of vitamin B2 causes:

The vitamin essential for healthy teeth is:

Freeze drying a substance is known as:

The breakdown of natural fats to produce soap is an example of saponification:

The process in which a liquid is boiled and the vapour is allowed to condense is called:

The property of becoming temporarily liquid when shaken or stirred is called:

An emulsion in which the parts are all the same size is called:

An emulsion is:
a dispersion of one phase in another

The main ingredient in an oil-in-water emulsion:

The main ingredient in a water-in-oil emulsion:

Which of the following has an emollient effect on the skin?

  • witch hazel
  • distilled water
  • ethyl alcohol
  • almond oil
    almond oil

Which of the following is a humectant?

  • ethyl alcohol
  • methyl alcohol
  • mineral oil
  • propylene glycol
    ethyl alcohol

A substance that repels water is called:

The effect of camomile on the skin:

The name given to the grease extracted from sheep’s wool:

What ingredient is obtained from a succulent cactus like plant?
aloe vera

Which of the following is a white, solid, waxy substance?

  • ethyl alcohol
  • acetyl alcohol
  • methanol
  • isopropyl
    acetyl alcohol

Volatile oils obtained from flowers and leaves are known as:
essential oils

A method of extracting essential oils from flowers and leaves is:
solvent extraction

Amino acids are used in cosmetics because they:
moisturize the skin

An ingredient of face masks that has strong absorbent properties is:

Hydrogen peroxide is used as a bleaching agent because it is:
an oxidizing agent

Witch hazel is used in cosmetics as:
an astringent

An ingredient of anti acne products is:
vitamin A

Water can be softened in different ways. Not suitable is to:
add soda

Water that does not contain any other substances is:
distilled water

A mask ingredient that has a soothing effect and is used on mature or dry skin is:
almond oil

Matter is everything that:
occupies space and has weight

Melting is the change of matter from:
a solid to a liquid

An anion is:
a negatively charged atom

A characteristic of an acid is:
it can conduct an electric current

If the pH of a solution is between 5 and 7, the the solution is a:
weak acid

An organic acid contains the chemical group:

Hertz is a unit of:

Example of synthetic substances are:
plastics and silicones

The alterations of the properties of matter without the formations of any new substance is called a/an:
physical change

If a metal oxide is dissolved in water, it forms:
an alkali

A characteristic of organic acids is that:
they contain the element carbon (C)

A cathode is:
a negatively charged electrode

The unit of frequency is:

In the visible spectrum the colors in the correct order are:
red, orange, yellow and green

The effect of infrared rays on the skin is to:
warm the deeper layers of the skin

Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed:
mainly in the epidermis

Examples of insulators are:

The function of a transformer is to change:
the voltage of an alternating current to a different voltage

Characteristic of life include:
growth and metabolism

Examples of organic biological substances are:
carbohydrates and fats

Examples of mineral substances are:
paraffins and petroleum

Vaporization is the change of matter from:
a liquid to a gas

Sublimation is the change of matter from:
a solid to a gas

Condensation is:
the change of a vapor to a liquid

Science deals mainly with:
physics and chemistry

The field of physics includes:
heat and electricity

A cation is a:
positively charged sodium atom (Na+)

An electrolyte is a:
substance which, dissolved in water, splits into ions

An example of an electrolyte is:
salt solution

An acid is an electrolyte because:
it can conduct an electric current

pH can be decreased by:
increasing hydrogen ions

pH is:
the number of free H ions in a solution

The pH of distilled water is:

Lemon juice, with a pH reading of about 2, is considered to be:

Substances having a pH value of about 9.5 are considered to be:

The pH of the skin’s acid mantle is:

A characteristic of a weak acid is that:
it supports the natural pH of the skin

A characteristic of organic acids is that:
they contain the element carbon (C)

An anode is a:
positively charged electrode

In physics, radiation means:
the electromagnetic waves in space

In physics, frequency means:
the number of times per second an electromagnetic wave can change direction

Invisible rays which can be used in beauty therapy are:
infrared and ultraviolet rays

Infrared radiation:
is invisible and can be felt

Infrared rays can be used in beauty therapy for:

The effects of infrared rays on the skin is to:
warm the deeper layers of the skin

An indication for a treatment with infrared rays is:
a poor blood circulation in the skin

The power of an electrical appliance is measured by its:

A contraindication to treatments with infrared radiation is:
a skin showing telangiectasis on the cheek

Infrared radiation is used to:
warm tissues before massage

Which type of radiation has the most antibacterial effect?

Ultraviolet radiation is mainly absorbeed:
mainly in the epidermis

Skin cancer is mostly caused by:

Examples of solid conductors are:

Examples of liquid conductors are:
fluids in which ions are present

An example of an insulator is:

The strength of an electric current is measured by its:

The pressure of an electric current is measured by its:

The unit of electrical resistance is:

Chemistry is the study of:
the composition of substances and their effects on one another

Organic matter is the study of all substances containing:

An atom is electrically natural because it has:
the same number of protons and electrons

An atoms contains:
postive protons, uncharged neutrons and negative elections

The nucleus of an atoms contains:
protons and neutrons

A substance which chemically cannot be broken down into simpler substances is called:
an element

The chemical symbol for iron is:

The smallest part of a compound which still has the same properties of that compound is:
a molecule

Which of the following is not a compound?

  • water
  • salt
  • carbon dioxide
  • air

Which of the following is an ionic compound?

  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • sodium hydroxide
  • water
    sodium hydroxide

Which one of the following is a covalent compound?

  • carbon dioxide
  • sodium chloride
  • potassium hydroxide
  • magnesium carbonate
    carbon dioxide

Rusting of iron is caused by:

The valency of oxygen is:

Which machine for treatments in beauty therapy supplies galvanic current?
a machine for iontophoresis

The meaning of iontophoresis is:
to force cosmetic ingredients deeper into the skin

The meaning of desincrustation is:
to remove substances from the skin’s surface

Desincrustation to remove substances from the surface of the skin is done with a:
galvanic machine and cathode as the active electrode

The smallest structural unit in the human body is called the:

The study of the structures of the body is called:

The study of the functions of the human body:

The outer walls a cell is called the:
call membrane

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA:
carries genetic information

What carries the genetic material of the cell?

The main part of the cell which contains protoplasm is the:

The nucleus of the cell is directly surrounded by:
the nuclear membrane

The part of the cell in contact with its environment is the:
cell membrane

The part of the cell that controls the activities of the cell is the:

The nucleus of a cell contains:

The nucleus of a cell contains:

Meiosis is a process concerned with:
division of sex cells

The process of cell division where the mother cell divides into two identical daughter calls is called:

The phase of mitosis during which centrioles reach the ends of the cell is:

The last stage of mitosis is known as:

The phase of mitosis in which the chromatin of the nucleus forms chromosomes is:

The phase of mitosis in which two identical daughter cell are produced is:

The phase of mitosis in which chromosomes line up win the middle of a cell is:

When a cell is dividing, the nucleus forms:

Which phase of mitosis is the phase between periods of cell reproduction?

A human cell with 22 autosomes and a Y sec chromosome would be a:

Male reproductive cells contain:
22 chromosomes and either an X or aY chromosome

The structural unit of all living organisms is:
a cell

History is the study of:
the microscopic structure of tissues

The name for a collection of similar cells groups together for a particular function is:

Tissues are composed of:

Tissues specialized for movement is:

Tissue which provides support and protection and binds structures together is:

The rapid contraction of many complicated body functions is carried out by:
nervous tissue

Impulses can be transmitted throughout the body by:
nervous tissue

Tissue found lining the surfaced of organs is:

Flat, scale like epithelial cells are anatomically referred to as:

The characteristic tissue of skin glands is:
epithelial tissue

Simple squamous epithelium is found:
in a alveoli of the lungs

Simple cuboidal epithelium is found:
in kidney tubules

Which of the following organs is lined with stratified epithelium?

  • mouth
  • stomach
  • pancreas
  • thyroid

A gland which produces it secretion as the entire cell disintegrates is known as:
a holocrine gland

Tissues found supporting organs is called:
connective tissue

An example of connective tissue is:

Blood is a specialized kind of:
connective tissue

Loose connective tissue specializing in fat storage is:
adipose tissue

Tendons are made of:

What type of connective tissue is found in the wall of an artery?

The connective tissue which contains many collagenous fiber embedded within a firm matrix is:

Connective tissue serving as a shock absorber in joints is?

Cartilage that has a bluish matrix and few fibers is:
hyaline cartilage

All the chemical processes that take place in living organisms is known as:

The metabolic process in which energy is liberated by the destruction of complex substances is known as:

The metabolic process in which simple substances are converted into more complex compounds is known as:

During a period of cell growth, what happens?
more anabolism than catabolism takes place

Metabolism takes place in:
the cytoplasm

The heat producing power of foods is measured in units of energy called:

A joule is:
a unit of energy

The amount of energy used in a unit of time, by fasting, resting subject to maintain vital functions, is known as:
basal metabolic rate

The mineral salt which makes up a large portion of bone tissue is:
calcium phosphate

The part of a long bone in which new erythrocytes are produced is the:
red bone marrow

The connective tissue covering the outer surface of bone is known as:

The name of the process by which cartilage tissue is turned into bone tissue is:

The growth in length of a long bone takes place from:
the epiphyseal cartilage

The reabsorption of previously laid down bone is accomplished by:

The two bones which form the growth and sides of the cranium are the:
parietal bones

The roof of the eye socket is formed by the:
sphenoid bone

The bone at the back of the skill is the:
occipital bone

The vertebrae which articulate with the ribs are called:

The vertebrae which have large neural spines to give attachment to powerful back muscles are the:

The joint between the atlas and the axis is:
a pivot joint

The ribs are movable connected to:
the thoracic vertebrae

The number of pairs of ribs in the body is:

The shoulder blade is known as the:

The names of the two bones articulating in the ball and socket joint of the upper arm are the:
humerus and scapula

The correct name for the collarbone is the:

The hand consists of ………. carpals and ………. metacarpals:
8 carpals and 5 metacarpals

The type of joint found at the knee is:

What part of the body doesn’t have any movable joints?

In the hip joint, the synovial membrane lines the:
ligament of the head and the femur

“Front” and “back” =
anterior and posterior

“Up” and “down” =
superior and inferior

A sagital plane divides the body into:
left and right

A transverve plane divides the body into:
superior and inferior parts

The main function of muscle tissue is to provide:

Muscles allow movement to take place by:
contraction and relaxation

The contractive part of a muscle is the:

Flexion of the hip joint is carried out by the:
rectus femoris

The muscle which flexes the thigh and the leg is the:

The zygomatic arch gives origin to the:

The triceps are an example of an:

The face muscle which contract during smiling is the:

The deepest chest muscles are the:

The quadriceps muscles do what?
extends the knee

The zygomaticus muscle has its insertion on the:
skin of the corner of the mouth

The muscle which totally overs the shoulder joint is the:

The muscle that lifts the left in the hip joint is the:
rectus femoris

A muscle that pulls up the corner of the mouth is the:

The normal temperature of the human body is approximately:
37* C

Which chemical is transported in the liquid part of the blood?

The percentage of water in blood plasma is:

Which component of blood transports oxygen?

What is not a component of human blood?

The cells responsible for the defense of the body:
white blood cells

The blood cells which do not have a nucleus:

Blood cels are formed in the:

The destruction of red blood cells takes place in the:

After birth, red blood cells are made in the:
bone marrow

Which mineral is used to produce hemoglobin?

The function of white blood cells:
destroy bacteria

The name of substances which stimulate the production of antibodies in the blood is called:

The component of blood responsible for the manufacture of antibodies:

The substances produced in the body which destroy or neutralize foreign substances are called:

Defense against antigens does NOT the place by:

The component of blood which plays an important role in infection:
white blood cells

The component of blood which plays an important role in clotting is:

The primary function of thrombocytes is to:
play a role in blood clotting

Which vitamin causes an increase in clotting time of blood when it is deficient?

When blood clots, the soluble substance which becomes insoluble is called:

Calcium in the blood is necessary for:
blood coagulation

Deoxygenated blood enters the heart by the:
right atrium

The name of the cavity in which the heart lies is called:
pericardial cavity

When he ventricle of the heart contract, the:
aortic and pulmonary valces open

Blood is presented to the ventricles after they have completed their contractions by the:
semilunar valves

Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
right ventricle

The average rate of heartbeat of a healthy adult in rest in number of beats per minute is:

The right ventricle and left atrium are connected by the:
pulmonary circulation

The vessel that collects blood from the digestive organs organs is the:
hepatic portal vein

The blood vessel which has thick muscular walls and carries deoxygenated blood is the:
pulmonary artery

The right ventricle of the heart is the:
beginning of the pulmonary circulation

After leaving the right ventricle, blood is pumped to the:
pulmonary artery

A characteristic that cannot be applied to veins is that they:
always carry blood way from the heart

An incorrect statement about arteries is that they:
have valves

A characteristic of all artery (except pulmonary arteries) is that they:
transport blood rich in oxygen

Arteries have:
an elastic wall

The muscle tissue located within the walls of blood vessels is:
smooth muscle tissue

The extremely thin walls of capillaries are made of:
only endothelium

Tissue fluid leaves the capillaries by:

The function of capillaries is not for the purpose of the:
destruction of antigens

The lymphatic sessile that gathers most of the lymph is the:
thoracic duct

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