CNA Chapter 3 Exam Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Holistic care focuses on

A.) The person’s physical, mental, and social well-being
B.) Disease and disability
C.) How sick a person is
D.) The absence of disease and illness
A.) The person’s physical, mental, and social well-being

Which of the following is a physical need?

A.) The need for social interaction
B.) The need for water
C.) The need for self-esteem
D.) The need for independence
B.) The need for water

Which of the following is an example of a psychosocial need?

A.) The need for food
B.) The need for water
C.) The need for activity
D.) The need for acceptance
D.) The need for acceptance

What is one way a nursing assistant can promote a residents independence?

A.) Finishing a resident’s task if he takes a long time to complete it
B.) Allowing a resident to do a task by himself no matter how long it takes him
C.) Deciding where a resident should sit in the dining room
D.) Deciding what a resident should wear for the day
B.) Allowing a resident to do a task by himself no matter how long it takes him

Activities of daily living (ADLs) include

A.) Reading
B.) Taking part in facility activities
C.) Attending a worship service
D.) Brushing teeth
D.) Brushing teeth

Mrs. Goldman, a resident, begins to tell her nursing assistant, Gene, about the last religious service she attended. Gene does not believe in God. Gene’s best response is to

A.) Listen quietly to Mrs. Goldman
B.) Tell Mrs. Goldman that he does not believe in God and would prefer not to discuss it
C.) Tell Mrs. Goldman that her beliefs are wrong
D.) Ask Mrs. Goldman what makes her think there is a God
A.) Listen quietly to Mrs. Goldman

If a nursing assistant encounters a consenting adult resident in a sexual situation, she should

A.) Provide privacy and leave the room
B.) Tell him what he is doing is wrong
C.) Ask him to stop what he is doing
D.) Discuss the incident with the resident’s family
A.) Provide privacy and leave the room

How can regular activity promote health?

A.) It decreases the appetite
B.) It increases energy
C.) Diagnosing residents’ illnesses
D.) Communicating with the care team
C.) It increases the risk of heart disease

Families help residents by

A.) Creating the care plan for them
B.) Telling them what to do
C.) Diagnosing residents’ illnesses
D.) Communicating with the care team
D.) Communicating with he care team

Which of the following statements is true of the normal aging process?

A.) Most elderly people are entirely dependent on others
B.) Most elderly people are disabled and cannot walk
C.) Most elderly people are active and engaged in activities
D.) Most elderly people cannot manage their own money
C.) Most elderly people are active and engaged in activities

Normal changes of aging include

A.) Depression
B.) Thinner, drier skin
C.) Significant weight loss
D.) Incontinence
B.) Thinner, drier skin

Which of the following is true of developmental disabilities?

A.) Development disabilities are temporary
B.) Development disabilities restrict physical and/or mental ability
C.) Development disabilities are a form of a mental health disorders
D.) People with development disabilities can never live or work independently
B.) Developmental disabilities restrict physical and/or mental ability

A __ is an intense, irrational fear or anxiety about an object, place, or situation

A.) Phobia
B.) Coping mechanism
C.) Fallacy
D.) Situation response
A.) Phobia

Signs and symptoms of clinical depression include

A.) Apathy
B.) Intense hunger
C.) Sudden chest pain
D.) Breath that smells fruity
A.) Apathy

Development in children from 6 to 10 years old centers on cognitive development. Cognitive development means

A.) Developing touching and feeling skills
B.) Learning right from wrong
C.) Developing thinking and learning skills
D.) Developing social relationship skills
C.) Developing thinking and learning skills

Which of the following is an appropriate way for a nursing assistant to care for a resident with a mental health disorder?

A.) The NA should do everything for the resident
B.) The NA should administer the resident’s medication
C.) The NA should support the resident and his family and friends
D.) The NA should encourage the resident to stop being ill and just get better
C.) The NA should support the resident and his family and friends

The fear of being in a confined space is called

A.) Posttraumatic stress disorder
B.) Obsessive compulsive disorder
C.) Claustrophobia
D.) Schizophrenia
C.) Claustrophobia

A brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to think clearly and understand reality is

A.) Clinical depression
B.) Claustrophobia
C.) Bipolar disorder
D.) Schizophrenia
D.) Schizophrenia

If a nursing assistant notices abusive behavior from a family member towards a resident, she should

A.) Report it to the nurse immediately
B.) Ask the family member to explain what he did before she reports the incident
C.) Ask the resident for her permission to report the incident to the nurse
D.) Not get involved because it is a private family matter
A.) Report it to the nurse immediately

When caring for a dying resident with diminished sense a nursing assistant should

A.) Ask many questions to see what is comfortable for the resident
B.) Turn on as many lights as possible
C.) Observe body language
D.) Encourage all visitors to remain silent
C.) Observe body language

How can an NA give emotional support to a resident who is dying?

A.) By leaving the resident alone as much as possible
B.) By listening more
C.) By sharing her religious beliefs with the resident
D.) By letting the resident know what it will all be over soon
B.) By listening more

One way than an NA can respect the rights of a resident who is dying is to

A.) Keep visitors away from the resident
B.) Let the family know if the NA does not agree with the resident’s medical decisions
C.) Promise the resident that he will get better
D.) Promote privacy for the resident
D.) Promote privacy for the resident

Which of the following is a part of “The Dying Person’s Bill of Rights”?

A.) I have the right to be told what to believe about life after death
B.) I have the right to be cared for by someone who will always tell me what she thinks I want to hear
C.) I have the right to have my questions answered honestly
D.) I have the right to be treated with forced cheerfulness
C.) I have the right to have my questions answered honestly

In infants, physical development moves from

A.) The feet up
B.) The head down
C.) The spine down
D.) The hands up
B.) The head down

_ is the special care that focuses on the dignity and comfort of a dying person.

A.) Postmortem
B.) Cheyne-Stokes
C.) Hospice
D.) Terminal
C.) Hospice

The NA’s responsibility regarding postmortem care include

A.) Placing drainage pads where needed
B.) Removing tubes from the dead resident
C.) Removing equipment from the room
D.) Examining the body to help determine the cause of death
A.) Placing drainage pads where needed

Which of the following stages of child development involves children learning to speak, gaining coordination of their limbs, and gaining control over their bladders and bowels?

A.) Preschool (ages 3 to 6)
B.) Toddler (ages 1 to 3)
C.) Infancy (birth to 12 months)
D.) School-age (ages 6 to 10)
B.) Toddler (ages 1 to 3)

Which of the following is true of advance directives?

A.) Advance directives must be honored as long as family members agree with the residents decision
B.) Advance directives must be honored unless NAs do not agree with the diagnosis
C.) Advance directives must be honored
D.) Advance directives should be changed when the resident’s spiritual leader does not agree with the resident’s decision
C.) Advance directives must be honored

What does palliative care involve?

A.) The resident’s recovery
B.) Pain relief and comfort
C.) Teaching the resident to care for himself
D.) Curing the resident’s illness
B.) Pain relief and comfort

The last sense to leave the body is usually the sense of

A.) Hearing
B.) Sight
C.) Taste
D.) Touch
A.) Hearing

Which of the following is a sign of approaching death?

A.) Decreasing blood pressure
B.) Sharper Vision
C.) Warm, dry skin
D.) Heightened sense of touch
A.) Decreasing blood pressure

Children in their _ years develop language skills, learn to play cooperatively in groups, and begin to learn right from wrong.

A.) School-age (ages 6 to 10)
B.) Toddler (ages 1 to 3)
C.) Adolescent (ages 12 to 19)
D.) Preschool (ages 3 to 6)
D.) Preschool (ages 3 to 6)

An attitude that is helpful in hospice work is

A.) Being sensitive to individual needs
B.) Pushing residents to talk about their feelings
C.) Joining in the conversation during personal visits
D.) Helping the resident embrace the NAs faith before death
A.) Being sensitive to individual needs

Holistic care focuses on
The persons physcial, mental, and social well being

Which of the following is a physical need
The need for water

Which of the following is an example of a psychological need
The need for acceptance

What is one way a NA can promote a residents independence
Allowing the resident to do a task by himself no matter how long it takes him

Activities of daily living (ADLS) include
Brushing teeth

Mrs. Goldman a resident begins to tell her NA, Gene, about the last religious services she attended. Gene does not believe in God. genes best response is to
Listen quietly to Mrs. Goldman

If a NA encounters a consenting adult resident in a sexual situation. She should
Provide privacy and leave the room

How can regular activity promote good health
It increases energy

Families help residents by
Communicating with the care team

Which of the following statements is true of the normal aging process
Most elderly people are active and engaged in activities

Normal changes of aging include
Thinner, drier skin

Which of the following is true of developmental disabilities
Developmental disabilities restrict physical and/or mental activity

A _ is an intense form of anxiety

Signs and symptoms of clinical depression include

Development in children from 6 to 10 yrs old centers on cognitive development. Cognitive development means
Developing thinking and learning skills

Which of the following is an appropriate way for a NA to care for a mentally ill resident
The NA should support the resident and his family and friends

The fear of being in a confined space is called

A Brian disorder that affects a person’s ability to think clearly and understand reality is

If a NA notices abusive behavior from a family member to a resident, she should
Report it to the nurse immediately

When caring for a dying residents diminished senses, a NA should
Observe body language

How can NAs give emotional support to residents who are dying
By listening more

One way that NAs can respect the rights of residents who are dying is to
Promote privacy for residents

Which of the following is part of the dying persons bill of rights
I have the right to have my questions answered honestly

In infants physical development moves from
The head down

_ is the special care that focuses on the dignity and comfort of a dying person

The NAs responsibilities regarding postmortem care include
Placing drainage pads where needed

Which of the following stages of child development involves children learning to speak, gaining coordination of their limbs, and gaining control over their bodies and Bowles
Toddler (ages 1-3)

Which of the following is true of advance directive
Advance directive must be honored

What does palliative care involve
Pain relief and comfort

The last sense to leave the body is usually sense of

Which of the following is a sign of approaching death
Decreasing blood pressure

Children in there _ years develop language skills, learn to play with cooperatively in groups, and begin to learn right from wrong
Preschool (ages 3 to 6)

An attitude that is helpful in hospice work is
Being sensitive to individual needs

Which of the following would be included in the job description of a CNA?
Measure weight, give medications, perform oral suctioning, Make beds
Maintain IV lines, supervise other CNAs, take blood pressures
Take orders from a doctor when answering the phone, tell visitors about the resident, take temperatures
Measure weight, protect residents privacy, make beds, assist with ADLs, take vital signs (TPR and BP)

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
A patient offers you a tip.
What would you do?
You notify your supervisor
You take it
You respond with “No thank you” and explain that it is against policy to accept tips
You take it and give it back to the family when they visit the resident

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
A patient wants you to tell them about another patient across the hall.
What would you do?
Answer the resident’s questions because she has the right to be informed.
Tell the resident to mind her own business
You explain that you can not giver information about another resident to anyone–it is the policy on confidentiality
You make the resident promise that she will not share the info you give her and then tell her about the resident

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
You find your resident’s ID band on the bedside table.
What do you do?
You put it in the garbage
You tell the nurse, and tape it back on the resident’s wrist
You tell the nurse, so she can place a new band
You provide the new ID band immediately following policy

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
You gave your resident the wrong tray by mistake. She ate it all. She was to have a low salt diet but you accidentally gave her a regular tray.
What do you do?
Do nothing, it is too late to correct because she ate everything
Give her lots of water to drink, to help rid the salt she had
Tell the nurse that you made a mistake
Blame it on the resident for being so hungry that she ate the wrong tray before you could correct it

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
You had a bad fight with your boyfriend last night and didn’t sleep well. You have a headache at work and nothing seems to be going very smooth at work.
What do you do?
Share the details of your fight with other CNA friends while feeding in the dining room
Tell your boss that you need help with your boyfriend
Give the care that you are assigned because it is your assignment. If a resident asks what is wrong you respond; “I have a headache”.
Refrain from sharing your problems while providing care for others. But do seek out guidance if needed when not giving care.

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
You are told to give ADL’s to your residents.
What would you do?
Sit and talk with them.
Provide bathing, toileting and eating assistance
Dance, sign and play games with them

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
Which of the following tasks, would you NOT do as a CNA
Assist with admission and discharge of patients
Observe, report and record information
Communicate with health care team members ant the patient
give meds

  1. Multiple-choice


30 seconds
1 point
When giving patient care, what approach is best for the CNA?
What approach would you do?
Do everything for the resident to save their strength
Have patients do things for themselves because that is quicker and easier
Quality of care is not the CNAs responsibility
You will give care that encourages your resident to do as much as possible. You will provide the assistance they need. You will promote Independence, safety, privacy and dignity.

  1. Multiple-choice


Time management is very important in nursing. Which of these are good time management skills?

Do one thing at a time

Make separate trips to the supply room

Do not deal with problems as they arise, save the problems for later in the day to be solved.

Plan your workday, know how to do the assigned tasks correctly so mistakes are not made and time is not lost. Be flexible and handle problems as they arise.

Drink your coffee then get moving

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