CNA Chapter 4 Exam Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Which anatomical term means toward fhe midline of the body

A resident with AIDS who has nausea and is vomiting should eat
Small, frequent meals

Which anatomical term means the front of the body

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune illness. With an autoimmune illness, the body’s _system attacks normal tissue

Which of the following statements is true of the skin
It feels heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure

What should an NA do when providing oral care for a resident with cancer
The NA should assist the resident with brushing and flossing regularly

A resident with a head or spinal cord injury should be repositioned at least every _ hours

One way a NA can help with normal changes of aging related to the integumentary system is to
Keep sheets wrinkle free

Which of the following is true of muscles
They provide movement of body parts

How many bones are in the human body

Guidelines for caring for a resident with multiple sclerosis include which of the following
Preventing falls

Homeostasis is
The condition in which all of the body systems are working their best

When atrophy occurs
The muscle decreases in size

Which of the following is a function of the nervous system
It senses and interprets information from outside of the body

Which of the following statements is true of how an NA should assist a resident with one sided weakness after a stroke
The NA should stand on the weaker side

High blood pressure
Is a measurement of 140/90 or higher

The eye and ear are part of
The nervous system

Residents with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have trouble with

Osteoporosis causes
Bones that can break easily

Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system
It supplies food, oxygen, and hormones to cells

Respiration consists of
Inspiration and expiration

Which of the following is helpful for a resident who has had a heart attack
Regular exercise

A(n) _stocking is a special stocking that can help with circulation after a knee replacement

The respiratory system is made up of
Trachea, bronchi, lungs

When helping a resident who has had a hip replacement get dressed, how should the NA begin
Start with weaker side

The best way for an NA to provide foot care for a diabetic resident is to
Observe the feet regularly for signs of irriation

What is one good way a NA can assist residents with normal changes of aging related to the urinary system
The NA should offer frequent trips to the bathroom

What does the abbreviation PWB stand for
Partial weight bearing

Which of the following are symptoms commonly experienced by people who have diabetes
Excessive thirst, extreme hunger, frequent urination

Why are females more likely to have urinary tract infections than males
Due to having a shorter urethra

A normal change of aging for the female reproductive system is
A loss in calcium

Which of the following is true of spinal cord injuries
The higher the injury, the greater the loss of function

The yellowish fluid that carries disease fighting cells is called

How should a resident with COPD be positioned
Sitting upright

How does the immune system protect the body from disease
Through nonspecific and specific immunity

Where shoukd the NA stand when helping with ambulation for a resident who is recovering from a stroke
On the residents weaker side

Parkinson’s disease typically causes
A shuffling gait

The medical term for high blood pressure is

Which of the following statements is true of congestive heart failure (CHF)
Residents may take medication that makes them urinate more often

How is glaucoma often treated
With eye drops

What kind of shoes are best for diabetic residents to wear
Leather shoes

Which of the following is helpful for numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet for a resident who has AIDS
Wearing loose slippers

What can a nursing assistant do to help prevent urinary tract infections UtIS
Wipe from front to back when giving perineal care

What can be done to help a resident who has gastroesphageal reflux disease (GERD)
Ask the resident not to lie down for at least 2 to 3 hours after eating

What happens when a cataract develops
The lens of the eye becomes cloudy

Which is helpful when providing skin care for a resident with cancer?
avoid applying lotion to areas receiving radiation theraphy

Which anatomical term means toward the midline of the body?

A.) Lateral
B.) Proximal
C.) Medial
D.) Posterior
C.) Medial

A resident with AIDS who has nausea and is vomiting should eat

A.) Small, frequent meals
B.) Quickly
C.) High-fat fairy products
D.) Spicy foods
A.) Small, frequent meals

Which anatomical term means the front of the body?

A.) Anterior
B.) Inferior
C.) Superior
D.) Posterior
A.) Anterior

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune illness. With an autoimmune illness, the body’s _ system attacks normal tissue

A.) Lympthatic
B.) Immune
C.) Circulatory
D.) Endocrine
B.) Immune

Which of the following statements is true of skin?

A.) It feels heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure
B.) It becomes more elastic as a person ages
C.) It is the chemical substance that is created by the body and controls body functions
D.) It becomes thicker as a person ages
A.) It feels heat, cold, pain, touch and pressure

What should an NA do when providing oral care for a resident with cancer?

A.) The NA should use a commercial mouth wash for rinsing
B.) The NA should use a hard-bristled toothbrush
C.) The NA should assist the resident with brushing and flossing regularly
D.) The NA should avoid giving oral care or give limited oral care
C.) The NA should assist the resident with brushing and flossing regularly

A resident with a head or spinal cord injury should be repositioned at least every __ hours

A.) 2
B.) 3
C.) 4
D.) 5
A.) 2

One way a nursing assistant can help with normal changes of aging related to the integumentary system is to

A.) Withhold fluids so a resident will not go to the bathroom often
B.) Clip toenails frequently
C.) Keep sheets wrinkle-free
D.) Rub lotion into red or irritated spots on the resident’s skin
C.) Keep sheets wrinkle-free

Which of the following is true of muscles?

A.) They provide movement of body parts
B.) Two muscles meet at a joint
C.) They produce toxins
D.) They prevent contractures from occurring
A.) They provide movement of body parts

How many bones are in the human body?

A.) 154
B.) 272
C.) 189
D.) 206
D.) 206

Guidelines for caring for a resident with multiple sclerosis include which of the following?

A.) Rushing the resident through tasks to help with decision-making skills
B.) Administering medicaitons
C.) Preventing falls
D.) Encouraging the resident to speak faster to improve cognition
C.) Preventing falls

Homeostasis is

A.) Abnormal changes in the body systems
B.) The condition in which all of the body systems are working their best
C.) The building block of the body
D.) A group of cells that perform a similar task
B.) The condition in which all of the body systems are working their best

When atrophy occurs

A.) The muscle slowly becomes stronger
B.) The muscle increases in size
C.) The muscle remains the same size
D.) The muscle decreases in size
D.) The muscle decreases in size

Which of the following is a function of the nervous system?

A.) It pumps blood throughout the body
B.) It helps the body take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
C.) It senses and interprets information from outside the body
D.) It helps the body digest food
C.) It senses and interprets information from outside the body

Which of the following statements is true of how an NA should assist a resident with one-sided weakness after a stroke?

A.) The NA should lead with the weaker side
B.) The NA should stand on the weaker side
C.) The NA should use the terms ‘bad’ or ‘messed up’ so it is clear which side is the weaker side
D.) The NA should not use a gait belt during transfers
B.) The NA should stand on the weaker side

High blood pressure

A.) Can be detected just by looking at a person
B.) Cannot be treated with medication
C.) Is never a serious condition
D.) Is a consistent measurement of 130/80 or higher
D.) Is a consistent measurement of 130/80 or higher

The eye and ear are part of

A.) The nervous system
B.) The integumentary system
C.) The respiratory system
D.) The circulatory system
A.) The nervous system

Residents with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have trouble with

A.) Breathing
B.) Urination
C.) Losing weight
D.) Vision
A.) Breathing

Osteoporosis causes

A.) Vision important
B.) Bones that can break easily
C.) Weakening of the immune system
D.) Problems with breathing
B.) Bones that can break easily

Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system?

A.) It senses and interprets information from the environment
B.) It supplies food, oxygen, and hormones to cells
C.) It controls and coordinates all body functions
D.) It allows humans to reproduce
B.) It supplies food, oxygen, and hormones to cells

Respiration consists of

A.) Intake and output
B.) Inspiration and expiration
C.) Systole and diastole
D.) Dilation and contraction
B.) Inspiration and expiration

Which of the following is helpful for a resident who has had a heart attack?

A.) High-sodium diet
B.) High-fat diet
C.) Regular exercise
D.) Cold temperatures
C.) Regular exercise

A(n) __ stocking is a special stocking that can help with circulation after a knee replacement

A.) Anti-embolic
B.) Sheer
C.) Clothing
D.) Sleeve
A.) Anti-embolic

The respiratory system is made up of

A.) Kidneys, ureters, urethra
B.) Brain, spinal cord, nerves
C.) Trachea, bronchi, lungs
D.) Atria, ventricles, aorta
C.) Trachea, bronchi, lungs

When helping a resident who has had a hip replacement get dressed, how should the nursing assistant (NA) begin?

A.) Start with the stronger side
B.) Start with the left side
C.) Start with the weaker side
D.) Start with the feet and move upward
C.) Start with the weaker side

The best way for an NA to provide foot care for a diabetic resident is to

A.) Cut the resident’s toenails to keep them short and clean
B.) Encourage the resident not to wear socks
C.) Make sure the resident is barefoot most of the time
D.) Observe the feet regularly for signs of irritation
D.) Observe the feet regularly for signs of irritation

What is one way a nursing assistant can assist residents with normal changes of aging related to the urinary system?

A.) NAs should offer frequent trips to the bathroom
B.) NAs should withhold fluids to prevent urinary incontinence
C.) NAs should keep residents from using the toilet too often
D.) NAs should make sure every resident wears incontinence energy
A.) NAs should offer frequent trips to the bathroom

What does the abbreviation PWB stand for?

A.) Previously-weakened bones
B.) Partial weight-bearing
C.) Patient’s weight before
D.) Patient wants baths
B.) Partial weight-bearing

Which of the following are symptoms commonly experienced by people who have diabetes?

A.) Excessive thirst, extreme hunger, frequent urination
B.) Weight gain, poor appetite, leg swelling
C.) Diarrhea, hyper activity, dark yellow urine
D.) Infrequent urination, swollen lymph nodes, excessive energy
A.) Excessive thirst, extreme hunger, frequent urination

What is one reason why females are more likely to have urinary tract infections than males?

A.) The different location of the meatus
B.) Having a shorter urethra
C.) Not filtering blood properly in the kidneys
D.) Urinary incontinence
B.) Having a short urethra

A normal change of aging for the female reproductive system is

A.) The continuation of menstruation
B.) An increase in moisture of the vaginal walls
C.) A weakening of the voice
D.) A loss of calcium
D.) A loss of calcium

Which of the following is true of spinal cord injuries?

A.) Residents with spinal cord injuries will not be able to perform any self-care
B.) Rehabilitation is not helpful with spinal cord injuries
C.) The lower the injury, the greater the loss of function
D.) The higher the injury, the greater the loss of function
D.) The higher the injury, the greater the loss of function

The yellowish fluid that carries disease-fighting cells is called

A.) Sperm
B.) Lymph
C.) Urine
D.) Blood
B.) Lymph

How should a resident with COPD be positioned?

A.) Flat on his back
B.) Sitting upright
C.) Lying on his stomach
D.) Lying on his side
B.) Sitting upright

How does the immune system protect body from disease?

A.) Through nonspecific and specific immunity
B.) Through hormones
C.) Through digestion and elimination
D.) Through inspiration and expiration
A.) Through nonspecific and specific immunity

Where should the NA stand when helping ambulation for a resident who is recovering from a stroke?

A.) On either side, but very close to the resident
B.) On the resident’s stronger side
C.) On the resident’s weaker side
D.) A few feet in front of the resident
C.) On the resident’s weaker side

Parkinson’s disease typically causes

A.) A shuffling gait
B.) Extremely straight posture
C.) Memory loss
D.) Aggressive behavior
A.) A shuffling gait

The medical term for high blood pressure is

A.) Angina pectoris
B.) Atherosclerosis
C.) Nitroglycerin
D.) Hypertension
D.) Hypertension

Which of the following statements is true of congestive heart failure (CHF)?

A.) Residents may take medication that makes them urinate more often
B.) Residents will usually have a force fluids order directing them to drink more fluids
C.) The NA will administer nitroglycerin to relieve painful episodes
D.) Residents with CHF will generally need to eat a diet high in sodium to eliminate swelling
A.) Residents may take medication that makes them urinate more often

How is glaucoma often treated?

A.) With eye drops
B.) By artificial eye transplants
C.) With special eyeglasses
D.) By reducing the amount of light in the room or area
A.) With eye drops

What kind of shoes are best for residents with diabetes to wear?

A.) Plastic shoes
B.) Breathable shoes (leather, cotton, or canvas)
C.) Wooden clogs
D.) Rubber shoes
B.) Breathable shoes (leather, cotton, or canvas)

Which of the following is helpful when an NA is providing skin care for a resident who has cancer?

A.) Not using lotion on dry, delicate skin
B.) Not offering backrubs
C.) Avoiding applying lotion to areas receiving radiation therapy
D.) Avoiding moving the resident at all
C.) Avoiding applying lotion to areas receiving radiation therapy

Which of the following is helpful for a resident who has AIDS and has numbness, tingling, and pain in his feet?

A.) Wrapping the feet tightly in elastic bandages
B.) Wearing snug, firm shoes
C.) Tucking the sheet around the feet
D.) Wearing loose slippers
D.) Wearing loose slippers

What can a nursing assistant do to help prevent urinary tract infections?

A.) The NA should restrict fluids
B.) The NA should encourage baths, rather than showers
C.) The NA should wipe from front to back when giving perineal care
D.) The Na should ask the resident not to drink cranberry juice
C.) The NA should wipe from front to back when giving perineal care

Which of the following would best help a resident who has gastrosophageal reflux disease (GERD)?

A.) Serving more spicy foods
B.) Asking the resident not to lie down for at least two to three hours after eating
C.) Serving the largest meal of the day at dinner
D.) Making sure the resident eats in a reclined position
B.) Asking the resident not to lie down for at least two to three hours after eating

What happens when a cataract develops?

A.) The lens of the eye disappears
B.) The lens of the eye becomes cloudy
C.) The lens of the eye stop functioning
D.) The lens of the eye becomes swollen
B.) The lens of the eye becomes cloudy

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