CNA Chapter 5 Exam Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Which of the following should a nursing assistant do if a resident is confused?

A.) Not mention the date or the location, as it will further confuse the resident
B.) Stay calm and provide a quiet environment
C.) Leave the resident alone until he is acting normally
D.) Avoid explaining care, as it will only agitate the resident
B.) Stay calm and provide a quiet environment

Confusion may be caused by

A.) Too much television viewing
B.) An unpleasant roommate
C.) Exercise
D.) A urinary tract infection

The ability to think logically and clearly is called

A.) Cognition
B.) Dementia
C.) Awareness
D.) Dysphagia
A) Cognition

Which of the following statements is true of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?

A.) Skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer
B.) Residents with AD will show the same signs at the same times
C.) NAs should do everything for residents with AD
D.) Alzheimer’s disease is a normal part of aging
A) skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer

When a resident with AD is frightened, the NA should

A.) Speak in a room where the television is on
B.) Check her body language to make sure she is not tense or hurried
C.) Use longer sentences
D.) Not tell the resident what she is going to do
B) check her body language to make sure she is not tense or hurried

When a resident with AD shows memory loss, the NA should

A.) Repeat herself using the same words
B.) Tell the resident that she already answered that question
C.) Remind the resident every time she forgets something
D.) Give the resident a list of instructions to review
A) repeat herself using same words

If a resident with AD has lost most of his verbal skills, the NA should

A.) Assume the resident cannot understand what is being said
B.) Use touch, smiles, and laughter
C.) Ask the resident questions
D.) Not involve the resident in activities because he will find that frustrating
B) use touch, smiles, laughter

If a resident with AD is incontinent, the NA should

A.) Withhold fluids
B.) Dim the bathroom lights
C.) Mark the bathroom with a sign or picture
D.) Check resident every four hours to help determine a “bathroom time.”
C) mark bathroom with sign or picture

If a resident with AD has problems with bathing, the NA should

A.) Schedule bathing when the resident is least agitated
B.) Hurry the resident through the bath
C.) Insist that the resident bathe even if she does not want to
D.) Surprise the resident with the bath
A) schedule bathing when resident is least agitated

One way for an NA to help a resident with AD with eating is to

A.) Put a few types of food on the plate at the same time
B.) Use dishes without a pattern and a simple place setting
C.) Withhold food until the resident is really hungry
D.) Serve steaming hot foods and drinks
B) use dishes without a pattern and simple place setting

If a resident with AD has problems with dressing, the NA should

A.) Lay out clothes in the order they should be put on
B.) Dress the resident in the hallway
C.) Choose the resident’s clothing for him
D.) Give the resident multiple steps to follow
A) lay out clothes in the order they should be put on

A helpful way for an NA to respond to hallucinations is to

A.) Tell the resident that what she thinks she sees is not real
B.) Tell the resident that she can see the hallucination too
C.) Reassure a resident who is upset and worried
D.) Laugh to ease tension and encourage the resident to laugh
D) laugh to ease tension and encourage the resident to laugh

An NA can respond to sundowning by

A.) Adding more caffeine to the resident’s diet
B.) Setting a bedtime routine and keeping it
C.) Restricting exercise during the day
D.) Scheduling activities during this time
B) set bedtime routine and keep it

When a resident with AD perseverates, the NA should

A.) Answer questions each time they are asked
B.) Try to silence the resident by letting him know he just asked that question
C.) Use a thesaurus to find new ways to say things
D.) Ignore the resident until he stops
A) answer questions each time they are asked

If a resident with AD shows violent behavior, the NA should

A.) Hit back
B.) Yell at the resident to distract him
C.) Leave the resident alone until he calms down
D.) Remove triggers
D) remove triggers

When a resident with AD cannot understand basic instructions, it is a good idea to use

A.) A notepad to write out instructions
B.) Longer words to catch the resident’s interest
C.) A very loud voice
D.) Short words, pictures, and gestures
D) short words, pictures and gestures

Which of the following would be the best way for an NA to respond to inappropriate sexual behavior?

A.) The NA should warn other residents that it is happening
B.) The NA should take the resident to a private area
C.) The NA should inform the resident’s family that the resident is inappropriate
D.) The NA should reprimand the resident to shame him into stopping
B) the na should take the resident to a private area

When a resident with AD hoards and rumages, the NA should

A.) Warn the family that the resident is stealing things
B.) Try to confine the resident to his room
C.) Tell the resident that he needs to return the stolen items
D.) Provide a rummaging drawer
D) provide a rummaging drawer

Which of the following statements is true of using validation therapy?

A.) An NA makes no attempt to reorient the resident to actual circumstances
B.) An NA reminds the resident that he is not living in the past
C.) An NA reminds the resident about what is real and what is not real
D.) An NA tells the resident he is having delusions
A) an an makes no attempt to reorient the resident to actual circumstances

Which of the following is a type of therapy that involves having residents with Alzheimer’s disease remember and talk about the past?

A.) Reality orientation
B.) Validation therapy
C.) Reminiscence therapy
D.) Activity therapy
C) reminiscence therapy

When is using activity therapy a good idea for residents with AD?

A.) Late stages of AD
B.) Most stages of AD
C.) When residents are totally disoriented
D.) Never
B) most stages of AD

Which of the folowing shoukd a na do if a resident is confused

Stay calm and provide a quet environment

Confusion may be caused by

Urinary tract infection

The ability to think logically and clearly is called


Which of the following statements is true of Alheimers disease (AD)

Skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer

When a resident with AD is frightened the NA should

Check her body language to make sure she is not tense or hurried

When a resident with ad shows memory loss, the NA should

Use touch, smiles, and laughter

If a resident with ad is incontinent, the NA should

Mark the bathroom with a sign or picture

If a resident with ad has problems with bathing the NA should

Schedule bathing when the resident is least agitated

One way for a NA to help a resident with ad with eating is to

Use dishes without a pattern and a simple place setting

If a resident with ad has problems with dressing, the NA should

Lay out clothes in order they should be put on

A helpful way for a NA to respond to hallucinations is to

Reassure a resident who is upset and worried

A NA can respond to sundowning by

Setting a bedtime and sticking to it

When a resident with ad perseverates, the NA should

Answer questions each time they are asked

If a resident with ad shows violent behavior, the NA should

Remove triggers

When a resident with ad cannot understand basic instructions, it is a good idea to use

Short words, pictures, and gestures

Which of the following would be the best way for an NA to respond to inappropriate sexual behavior

Take the resident to a private area

When a resident with ad pillages and hoards, the NA should

Provide a rummage drawer

When is using reality orientation a good idea for residents with ad

Early stages of ad

Which of the following statements is true of using validation therapy

An NA makes no attempt to reorient the resident to actual circumstances

Which of the following is a type of therapy that involves having residents with alheimers disease remember and talk about the past

Reminiscence therapy

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