Defensive Driving Wheels In Motion (Quiz 1 – 6 and Exam) Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Automobile crashes directly affect:
Both friends, family, coworkers and auto insurance rates are affected

Which of the following is NOT one of the top 5 causes of all crashes in Texas?
Driving with lights on

As Officer Konstantin explains, when driving at 60 mph, in four seconds, you traveled:
more than the length of a football field

Which of the following will NOT help keep your emotions from taking over when driving?
Maintain eye contact with aggressive drivers

All drivers must yield the right-of-way:
All. To any police car, Fire engines and/or ambulances and any emergency vehicle, which is using its siren, bells or flashing lights

Approximately what percentage of the roadside litter flies out of the back of pick-up trunks?
almost half

According to Dr. Van Tassel, what should you do when driving at night?
increase the space cushion around your vehicle

If you absolutely must drive in fog, make sure you:
use your low beam headlights

Stopping distance depends on which of the following?
both speed and road condition affect stopping distance

The force that pulls an object outward from the center of a curve is:
centrifugal force

Anyone that is required to wear corrective lenses while driving, and is caught NOT wearing them, may:
both be fined and have their license suspended

The bump-bump-bump technique is used for:
emergency lane changes

Large trucks have _ stopping distance than passenger vehicles.
A longer

Almost seven out of ten pedestrian fatalities happen in which type of area?
urban areas

If you have a tire blowout, you should:
Hold the steering wheel tightly and slow down gradually

The most important thing to do in a driving emergency is which of the following?
both stay calm and remember what you have learned

In recent years, seat belt usage in the US has:

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoining include:
Sleepiness, Dizziness and An upset stomach
All answers listed are correct

What is the result of mixing alcohol with other drugs called?

Which of the following will reduce the amount of alcohol in your body?

Who created and developed the Wheels in Motion course?
The experts at

While the goal of the Wheels in Motion course is to make you a beter driver, in certain situation, the course can also:
Both dismiss a traffic ticket and lower insurance premiums

Dr. Van Tassel explains that when you are about to be involved in a wreck, you should:
Keep a loose grip on the steering wheel

Over the counter drugs, __ , and alcohol can alter your driving ability.
Prescription drugs

Who most often falls asleep while driving?
Young men

What should you do if you want to be come a donor
Both obtain a donor card and discuss your wishes with your family

A diamond symbol on the roadway indicates a:
High occupancy vehicle(HOV) lane

The safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicles around you is referred to as a:
space cushion

At controlled intersections, traffic is controlled by:
Signs and signals

White lines:
Both Can be used to separate lanes and Means the traffic is generally moving in the same direction

You should do which of the following when you need to exit a freeway or highway?
exit at a safe speed

It is dangerous and illegal to drive the posted speed limit:
when the weather or other conditions make it hazardous to drive that fast

When approaching another vehicle at night:
Turn off your high bean headlights

If you absolutely must drive in fog, make sure you:
Use your low beam headlights

According to Dr. Van Tassel, What should you do when driving at night?
Increase the space cushion around your vehicle

It is dangerous to drive in the rain, because
Both traction is reduced and it is more difficult to see

A car can hydroplane:
On a thin layer of water

The force that pulls an object outward from the center of a curve is:
Centrifugal Force

Quiz 1
did not record the answers sorry 🙁 usually the “all of the above” option if there is one

Q2: Approximately what percentage of roadside litter flies out of the back of pick-up trucks?
almost half

Q2: A diamond symbol on the roadway indicates a:
HOV lane

Q3: According to Terry Kline, what is one of the highest-risk maneuvers that you do as a driver?

Q2: When entering a lane of oncoming traffic to pass a vehicle, it is generally safe to make your pass when:
the oncoming car looks like it’s not moving

Q2: Even with a green light, it is illegal to go through an intersection if:
cars are blocking your path

Q2: You should do which of the following when you need to exit a freeway or highway?
exit at a safe speed

Q2: Diamond shaped sings are:
warning signs

Q2: Approximately what percentage of crashes at railroad crossings takes place at crossings that do not have automatic gates and flashing lights?

Q2: several questions about your own driver’s license
idk you have to answer that yourself

Q3: When approaching another vehicle at night:
turn off your high beam headlights

Q3: If you absolutely must drive in fog, use your:
low beam headlights

Q3: I guess I didn’t copy the question but I do have the answer copied – something about “when driving at night… dr. van”
increase the space cushion around your vehicle

Q3: It is dangerous to drive in the rain, because:
both traction is reduced and it is more difficult to see

Q3: A car can hydroplane:
even on a thin layer of water

Q3: The force that causes objects in a moving car to keep moving forward even when the car itself has stopped is:

Q3: Stopping distance depends on which of the following?
both speed and road conditions affect stopping distance

Q3: According to this section, when we are behind the wheel, which of the following registers in our brain?
only things we expect to see

Q3: A driver in a skid can recover more quickly if they:
focus on a far-away object

Q4: Nine out of every ten pedestrian fatalities occur during which weather conditions?

Q4: You can make car/pedestrian crashes less likely if you are which of the following?
either the driver or the pedestrian

Q4: Which of the following is a safe assumption while driving?
assume that no one sees you

Q4: Marc Miller had a cycling collision in which of the following?
on a blind curve

Q4: You should keep a space cushion:
on all sides of your car

Q4: One out of how many traffic fatalities involves a big rig or large truck?

Q5: The most important thing to do in a driving emergency is which of the following?
both stay calm and remember what you have learned

Q5: If your anti-lock brakes go out, you should:
apply a firm, steady pressure to the break

Q5: When jumping a dead battery, remove jumper cables in which order?
the REVERSE order that you placed them

Q5: If you are about to be in a collision, remember to do which of the following?
both sound your horn and look for the path of least resistance

Q5: Eighty percent of the traffic deaths in the US happen in cars traveling less than how many miles per hour?
40 mph

Q5: When an airbag deploys, how long does it take to inflate, protect the driver, and deflate?
one tenth of a second

Q6: Which part of the body removes alcohol from the body?

Q6: The student organization at William Howard Taft High School that promotes safe driving practices is named:
project YIELD

Q6: What is the result of mixing alcohol with other drugs called?

Q6: Which of the following will reduce the amount of alcohol in your body?

Q6: The bump-bump-bump technique involves:

EXAM: so most of the exam questions are just the quiz questions, but some where new so I included them.. they also may be from quiz 1 because I didn’t copy those down

Who was found responsible for the car crash in Mark Woods’ story?
both drivers

Robyn’s husband, Officer Phil Konstantin, does NOT believe that fatigue:
only happens to bad or inexperienced drivers

What distance is required for a train to stop when traveling 50 miles per hour?
one and a half miles

What is always taking place when driving?
laws of nature

The bump-bump-bump technique involves:

Which of the following senses is NOT used when driving:

When do more than six out of ten pedestrian fatalities happen?
at night

Pedestrians should do all of the following, EXCEPT:
walk with the flow of traffic

In recent years, seat belt usage in the US has:

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