IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response Exam (winter 2023)

_ major components make up the NIMS systems approach.

Command and Management. NIMS standard incident command structures are based on three key organizational systems:
ICS, Multiagency Coordination Systems, Public Information

. __ defines the operating characteristics, interactive management components, and structure of incident management and emergency response organizations engaged throughout the life cycle of an incident.

____, These systems define the operating characteristics, interactive management components, and organizational structure of supporting incident management entities engaged at the Federal, State, local, tribal, and regional levels through mutual aid agreements and other assistance arrangements.
Multiagency Coordination Systems

____ refers to processes, procedures, and systems for communicating timely and accurate information to the public during crisis or emergency situations.
Public Information

The five major components that make up the NIMS system approach are as follows:
(1)Command and Management,
(3)Resource Management,
(4)Communications and Information Management, (5) Ongoing Management and Maintenance.

Unity of command means that each individual involved in incident operations will be assigned – and will report to how many supervisors?
to only one supervisor.

Chain of command and unity of command help to ensure that clear reporting relationships exist and eliminate the confusion caused by:
multiple, conflicting directives.

Unity of command clears up many of the potential communication problems encountered in managing incidents or events because each individual maintains __ communication relationship only with his or her immediate supervisor.
a formal

Is Unity of command synonymous with Unified Command.
No they are different concepts.

Unified Command enables all responsible agencies to manage an incident together by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies, additionally is allows what?
Allows Incident Commanders to make joint decisions by establishing a single command structure at one Incident Command Post (ICP).

Maintains unity of command. Each employee reports to only one supervisor.

Advantages of using Unified Command include:
A single set of objectives.

A collective approach to develop strategies.

Improved Information flow and coordination.

All agencies understand joint priorities and restrictions.

No agency’s legal authorities will be compromised or neglected.

Agencies’ efforts are optimized as they perform their respective assignments under a single Incident Action Plan.

Formal communications follow the lines of authority. However, how can information concerning incident or event can be passed?
Information can be passed horizontally or vertically within the organization without restriction.

__ communication must be used when: Receiving and giving work assignments, Requesting support or additional resources, Reporting progress of assigned tasks.

______ Communication: Is used to exchange incident or event information only. Is NOT used for: Formal requests for additional resources, Tasking work assignments.

The Communications Unit Leader may directly contact the Resources Unit Leader to determine the number of persons requiring communications devices. This is a form of what type of communication?
Informal Communication

Receiving and giving work assignments; Requesting support or additional resources; Reporting progress of assigned tasks, are all example of what type of communication ?
Formal Communication

The Cost Unit Leader may directly discuss and share information on alternative strategies with the Planning section Chief. This is a form of what type of communication?
Informal Communication

What is the first duty of ICS Leadership?
The safety of all personnel involved in an incident or a planned event.

As a leader, you should try to: Take charge within your scope of authority; Be prepared to step out of a tactical role to assume a leadership role; Be proficient in your job, additionally:
Make sound and timely decisions.

Ensure tasks are understood.

Develop your subordinates for the future.

While not always possible, the most effective form of communication is:

Briefing Elements: Provide complete briefings that include clearly stated objectives and the following elements:
Task, Purpose, End State

Assessment is an important leadership responsibility, and is conducted after a major activity in order to allow employees and leaders to discover what happened and why. Assessment methods include:
Corrective Action Report/After Action Review Post-incident analysis;
Post-incident critique;
Mitigation Plans

Because the ICS is a modular concept, managing span of control is accomplished by organizing resources into Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections when the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds 7, or by reorganizing or demobilizing Sections, Branches, Divisions, Groups, or Teams when the ratio falls below what number?

An Incident Commander’s scope of authority is derived from what?
From existing laws, agency policies, and procedures, and/or

Through a delegation of authority from the agency administrator or elected official.

The process of granting authority to carry out specific functions is called?
a. delegation of authority

Delegation of authority: Grants authority to carry out specific functions; Is issued by the chief elected official, chief executive officer, or agency administrator in writing or verbally; Allows the Incident Commander to?
Assume command;

Does NOT relieve the granting authority of the ultimate responsibility for the incident.

Management by objectives includes:
(1)Establishing overarching objectives;
(2)Developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols;
(3)Establishing specific, measurable objectives for various incident management functional activities, to include:
Directing efforts to attain them, in support of defined strategic objectives.

Documenting results to measure performance and facilitate corrective action.

The 6 steps for establishing and implementing incident objectives include:
Step 1: Understand agency policy and direction;
Step 2: Assess incident situation;
Step 3: Establish incident objectives, what are the remaining 3?
Step 4: Select appropriate strategy or strategies to achieve objectives.

Step 5: Perform tactical direction.

Step 6: Provide necessary follow-up.

In an initial incident, a size-up is done to set the immediate incident objectives. The first responder to arrive must do what?
Assume command and size up the situation.

The first responder to arrive must assume command and size up the situation by determining what?
The nature and magnitude of the incident;

Hazards and safety concerns;

Initial priorities and immediate resource requirements;

Location of Incident Command Post and Staging Area;

Entrance and exit routes for responders

Hazards and safety concerns include what?
Hazards facing response personnel and the public

Evacuation and warnings

Injuries and casualties

Need to secure and isolate the area

Throughout the incident, objectives are established based on what priorities:
First Priority: Life Safety

Second Priority: Incident Stabilization

Third Priority: Property Preservation

For full effectiveness, incident objectives must be:

(1)Specific and state what’s to be accomplished;

(2)Measurable and include a standard and timeframe; and?
(3)In accordance with the Incident Commander’s authorities;

(4)Evaluated to determine effectiveness of strategies and tactics,

(5) Attainable and Reasonable

What are the three fundamental pieces of a successful incident response?
Incident objectives, strategies, and tactics

What will Strategies establish?
Strategies will establish the general plan or direction for accomplishing the incident objectives.

. What do Tactics specify:
Tactics specify how the strategies will be executed.

What does an Incident Action Plan (IAP) cover?
The IAP covers an operational period and includes:

What must be done and Who is responsible.

How information will be communicated.

What should be done if someone is injured.

Mutual aid agreements and assistance agreements are used at what levels of government:
Local jurisdictions participate in mutual aid through agreements with neighboring jurisdictions.

States can participate in mutual aid through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).

Federal agencies offer mutual aid to each other and to States, tribes, and territories under the National Response Framework (NRF).

An agency or jurisdiction will often send resources to assist at an incident. In ICS these are called?
assisting agencies

_____ is defined as an agency or organization providing personnel, services, or other resources to the agency with direct responsibility for incident management.
An assisting agency

____ is an agency supplying assistance other than direct operational or support functions or resources to the incident management effort.
A cooperating agency

An assisting agency has direct responsibility for incident response, whereas a cooperating agency does what?
Simply offers assistance.

Staging Areas are set up at the incident where resources can wait for a tactical assignment. All resources in the Staging Area are assigned and ready for deployment. Does this include Out-of-service resources?
Out-of-service resources are NOT located at the Staging Area.

What are the three types of briefings/meetings used in ICS?
staff level,

field level,

section level.

This level of briefing typically involves resources assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site. These briefings will be delivered to individual subordinates, full crews, or multiple crews such as Strike Teams or Task Forces and will occur at the beginning of an operational shift. It is referred as?
Field-level briefing

This level of briefing typically involves the briefing of an entire Section (Operations, Planning, Logistics, or Finance/Administration) and is done by the specific Section Chief. These briefings occur at the beginning of the assignment to the incident and after the arrival of Section supervisory staff. It is referred as?
Section-level briefing

During any______________, the supervisor attempts to share incident-wide direction from the Incident Commander (IC), how the direction impacts the Section staff, and specific ways the Section will support the IC’s direction. The supervisor will establish Section staffing requirements, Section work tasks, Section-wide scheduling rules, and overall timelines for meetings and completion of work products.
Section-level briefing

To ensure that responders get the right personnel and equipment, ICS resources are categorized by:
Kinds of Resources:
Describe what the resource is (for example: registered nurse, emergency physician, engineer, security officer, ambulances).

Types of Resources:
Describe the size, capability, and staffing qualifications of a specific kind of resource.

Requesting a resource kind without specifying a resource type could result in what?
an inadequate resource arriving on the scene.

Resource types range from Type I (most capable) to Type IV (least capable), which allow for what?
letting you reserve the appropriate level of resource for your incident by describing the size, capability, and staffing qualifications of a specific resource.

Incidents, like resources, may be categorized into five types based on complexity. How are they categorized?
Type 5 incidents are the least complex and Type 1 the most complex.

Incident typing may be used to, Make decisions about resource requirements and what else?
Order Incident Management Teams (IMTs).

IMTs are made up of the Command and General Staff members in an ICS organization.

What are characteristics of a Type 5 Incident (least Complex):
Resources: One or two single resources with up to six personnel. Command and General Staff positions (other than the Incident Commander) are not activated.

Time Span: Incident is contained within the first operational period and often within a few hours after resources arrive on scene. No written Incident Action Plan is required.

What characteristics of a Type 4 Incident?
Resources: Command Staff and General Staff functions are activated (only if needed). Several single resources are required to mitigate the incident.

Time Span: Limited to one operational period in the control phase. No written Incident Action Plan is required for non-HazMat incidents. A documented operational briefing is completed.

What are characteristics of a Type 3 Incident?
Resources: When capabilities exceed initial attack, the appropriate ICS positions should be added to match the complexity of the incident. Some or all of the Command and General Staff positions may be activated, as well as Division or Group Supervisor and/or Unit Leader level positions. An Incident Management Team (IMT) or incident command organization manages initial action incidents with a significant number of resources, and an extended attack incident until containment/control is achieved.

Time Span: The incident may extend into multiple operational periods and a written Incident Action Plan may be required for each operational period.

What are characteristics of a Type 2 Incident?
Resources: Regional and/or national resources are required to safely and effectively manage the operations. Most or all Command and General Staff positions are filled. Operations personnel typically do not exceed 200 per operational period and the total does not exceed 500. The agency administrator/official is responsible for the incident complexity analysis, agency administrator briefings, and written delegation of authority.

Time Span: The incident is expected to go into multiple operational periods. A written Incident Action Plan is required for each operational period.

What are characteristics of a Type 1 Incident?
Resources: National resources are required to safely and effectively manage the operations. All Command and General Staff positions are activated, and Branches need to be established. Operations personnel often exceed 500 per operational period and total personnel will usually exceed 1,000. There is a high impact on the local jurisdiction, requiring additional staff for office administrative and support functions. The incident may result in a disaster declaration.

Time Span: The incident is expected to go into multiple operational periods. A written Incident Action Plan is required for each operational period.

A transfer of command briefing should always take place. The briefing should include:
Situation status; Incident objectives and priorities; Current organization;

Resource assignments; Resources ordered and enroute; Incident facilities.

Incident communications plan; Incident prognosis, concerns, and other issues; Introduction of Command and General Staff members.

Whenever possible, how should a transfer of command occur?
Transfer of command Take place face-to-face and include a complete briefing.

HSPD-5, Management of Domestic Incidents
identified steps for improved coordination in response to incidents. It required the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to coordinate with other Federal departments and agencies and State, local, and tribal governments to establish a National Response Framework (NRF) and a National Incident Management System (NIMS).

HSPD-8, National Preparedness
directed DHS to lead a national initiative to develop a National Preparedness System—a common, unified approach to “strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies.”

Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8), National Preparedness,
describes the Nation’s approach to preparedness-one that involves the whole community, including individuals, businesses, community- and faith-based organizations, schools, tribes, and all levels of government (Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial)

which NIMS management characteristic includes developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish tasks?
management by objective

which of the following is not a recommended characteristic for incident objectives
stated in broad terms to allow for flexibility

which type of briefing is delivered to individual resources or crews who are assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site
field-level briefing

which incident type do these characteristics describe: some or all of the command and general staff are activated as well as Division or Group supervisor and/or Unit leader positions, the incident extends into multiple operational periods, and a written IAP is required
type 3

To ensure a smooth transfer, the outgoing incident commander should provide a —– to the new incident commander
transfer of command briefing

NIMS provides a consistent framework for incident management at all jurisdictional levels regardless of the cause, size, or complexity of the incident

which factor does not impact the complexity of an incident
cost considerations of responding agencies

an incident commander’s scope of authority is derived from existing laws, agency policies, and/ or —-
delegation of authority

which NIMS management characteristic refers to the number of subordinates that directly report to a supervisor
manageable span of control

means that each individual has a designated supervisor to whom they report to at the scene of the incident
unity of command

allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability
unified command

refers to the orderly line of authority within the ranks of the incident management organization
chain of command`

the command function must be clearly established from the beginning of an incident. When command is transferred the process must include:
a briefing that captures all essential information to continuing safe and effective operations

scenario: heavy rains have caused flash flooding throughout the municipality. Response actions have begun with eight resources reporting to the operations section chief. Is the situation consistent with the NIMS management characteristic of manageable span of control

accountability means that incident personnel adhere to check-in/check-out, incident action planning, unity of command, resource tracking, and other principle

an incident action plan is an oral or written plan containing objectives that address tactics and support activities for the planned operational period

in a major incident, personnel and equipment should be dispatched even without being requested

read all of the statements below and then select the true statement
resources include personnel, tools, and equipment available, or potentially available, for assignment to incident

select who would be responsible for the task described below:
who is the point of contact for representatives of other governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and/or private entities
liaison officer

which section collects, evaluates, and disseminates incident situation information and intelligence
planning section

which section is responsible for all support requirements needed to facilitate effective and efficient incident management, including ordering resources from off-incident locations
logistics section

which section would perform cost analysis and contracting services
finance/administration section

who handles media and public inquires, emergency public information and warnings, rumor monitoring and response, and media monitoring, and coordinates the dissemination of information in an accurate and timely manner
public information officer

who is responsible for monitoring incident operations and advising the incident commander on all matters relating to operational safety, including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel
safety officer

which organizational structure for the general staff uses correct ICS principles, position titles, and features
two branches that manage medical (EMS and Life support) and Investigative (police) resources under the supervision of a director

when command is transferred, then all personnel involved in the incident should be told
the effective time and date of the transfer

when a more qualified person arrives on scene, which statement best describes what happens
the more qualified person has options based on agency guidelines; these can include assuming command, maintaining command as is, or requesting a more qualified incident commander

which command staff member approves the incident action plan and all requests pertaining to the ordering and releasing of incident resources
incident commander

which incident type requires regional or national resources with up to 200 personnel per operational period
type 2

which of the following demonstrates a leader’s commitment to duty
all of the above

which incident type requires regional or national resources, all command and general staff positions are activated, branches are activated, personnel may exceed 500 per operational period, and a disaster declaration may occur
type 1

the ICS is only applicable to large, complex incidents

which of these is NOT a tool that you would need at the incident
exercise plan

which ICS supervisory position title is used at the division/group organizational level

mutual aid agreements
assist agencies and jurisdictions when existing resources are inadequate

the ICS is
a standardized management tool for meeting the demands of small or large emergency or nonemergency situations

select the true statement from below
a delegation of authority is needed when an incident scope is complex or beyond existing authorities

Review the situation below and select the tactics that support the objective and strategy.
Heavy rains are threatening to cause a dam break. One incident objective and its strategy and tactics are as follows:
Objective: Decrease the probability of flooding by reducing the reservoir level to 35 feet by 0800 tomorrow.
Strategy: Pump water from reservoir.
Tactics: _________________
Use truck-mounted pumps working from the road into spillway, and portable pumps on the east side discharging into Murky Creek

Emergency Operations Plans should be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

The operational period is a fixed 12-hour period within which tactics must be completed

Mutual aid is the mandatory provision of resources by agencies or organizations to assist each other when existing resources are inadequate

All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands can participate in mutual aid through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).

Instructions: The below case study is based on actual events. Read the case study and then select the recommended course of action.
On July 18, 2001, a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed and caught fire in a downtown Baltimore tunnel, causing a near shutdown of the city and burning so hot that firefighters couldn’t reach the flames for 8 hours.

At one point, all major highways into the city were blocked off, a Baltimore Orioles game at nearby Camden Yards was canceled, and the Inner Harbor was closed to boat traffic. A water-main break near the tunnel added to the chaos, causing the collapse of part of a major thoroughfare and power outages.

Select your strategy:
given the magnitude of this incident, assign all command staff immediately to support the incident commander

Instructions: Read the question below and then select the correct answer.
An agency or organization providing personnel, services, or other resources to the agency with direct responsibility for incident management is called a(n):
assisting agency

Instructions: Read the question below and then select the correct answer.
An _ is an individual assigned to an incident from an assisting or cooperating agency.
agency representative

You have been asked to assist Emerald City in its response to increasing flooding. The National Weather Service (NWS) reports it has been raining heavily for the past 7 days, averaging 1.3 inches of rain each 24-hour period.
The areas of concerns are as follows:
The Rapid River, which runs north and south through Emerald City, is experiencing slow-rise flooding.
The flooding is being aggravated by debris catching on the low bridge downstream from lower Lake Emerald. Located near the bridge is the Lake Emerald Independent Living Complex, which includes a skilled nursing facility.
Residents are being asked to evacuate their homes in anticipation of the rising floodwaters.
It is 1200 hours, and the NWS has just informed the County Emergency Management office that the flooding is expected to crest at 1800 today. It is expected that this flood crest will cause flooding as indicated on the projected floodplain map.
divide the operations section into three divisions, each assigned to a different geographical area to evacuate

Instructions: Review the scenario below, select the best course of action, then select Check.
Rain is continuing and response resources are being ordered to address the needs of flood victims and restore essential services.
Select the best course of action:
assign a staging area manager who will report to the operations section chief

Instructions: Review the scenario below, select the best course of action, then select Check.
With the addition of the Staging Area, the Operations Section Chief has the following subordinate leaders reporting directly to him: Staging Area Manager, Division A Supervisor, Division B Supervisor, Division C Supervisor, Flood Control Group Supervisor, and Nursing Home Task Force Leader.
After the river crests, the Operations Section will need to perform additional functions such as control the perimeter, perform search and rescue operations, and restore utilities.
The Operations Section Chief should:
add branches to allow for another level of supervision for the expanding resources

Instructions: Review the scenario below, select the best course of action, then select Check.
As predicted, the river crested at 3 feet above flood level. Search and rescue operations are underway. There is increasing concern about the nuclear power plant in the downstream area. Three people lost their lives and numerous people suffered injuries. Mutual aid resources are arriving from three surrounding jurisdictions. Incident response is expected to continue for the next 36 hours.
After expanding the Operations Section, what addition to the organization would you make?
establish a planning section and begin producing written incident action plans

additional resources are reporting to the incident. who is responsible for tracking the status of the resources
planning section resources unit

a decision is made to add a logistics section. Select the responsibility that would be assigned to the logistics section
ensuring that responders can communicate with one another

the incident commander or unified command can place the intelligence/investigations function in which of the following organizational locations.
operations section

Instructions: Review the scenario below and select the best course of action.
Before establishing the Planning Section, the Incident Commander did not have sufficient resources to develop a written Incident Action Plan.
What should the Incident Commander do?
Use the Incident Briefing, ICS Form 201, as the initial Incident Action Plan (IAP) until a Planning Section has been established

It’s the beginning of an operational period. The Operations Section Chief is meeting with all tactical resources to present the plan for the next operational period to all tactical resources
section level briefing

A supervisor within the Logistics Section is meeting with personnel to clarify tasks and scope of the work as well as define the reporting schedule, subordinate responsibilities and delegated authority, and the supervisor’s expectations
staff level briefing

A Task Force Leader is meeting with team members at a work site to discuss tactics and safety issues
field level briefing

Instructions: Review the statement from the Emerald City Incident Operational Period Briefing. After reviewing the statement, click on who would present this information, then click on Check.”First, a brief overview of our incident. It is 1200 hours, and the National Weather Service has just informed the County Emergency Management office that the flooding is expected to crest at 1800 today. The Command Post has been established in the parking lot at the Fire Station in the Tactical Mobile Command Vehicle. Divisions A, B, and C are assigned to alert and warning in the projected inundation zone; estimate completion by 1330.”Who would present this information during the Operational Period Briefing?
operations section chief

Instructions: Review the statement from the Emerald City Incident Operational Period Briefing. After reviewing the statement, click on who would present this information, then click on Check.”The objectives for the next operational period are:1.Ensure safety of responders and public in impact area.2.Ensure effective public information.3.Evacuate vulnerable populations and areas of the city that may be cut off by floodwaters.4.Protect buildings and infrastructure from floodwaters.”Who would present this information during the Operational Period Briefing?
incident commander

Instructions: Review the statement from the Emerald City Incident Operational Period Briefing. After reviewing the statement, click on who would present this information, then click on Check.”Everyone should avoid skin contact with floodwaters. Drive with lights on. Watch for downed power lines in flood vicinity. Wear personal flotation devices when near/around water. Monitor City radio frequency F2 for safety updates.”Who would present this information during the Operational Period Briefing?
safety officer

Instructions: Review the statement from the Emerald City Incident Operational Period Briefing. After reviewing the statement, click on who would present this information, then click on Check.”The next Operational Period Briefing is scheduled for today at 1400. Right after this briefing, we will have a quick Planning Meeting. At the next Operational Period Briefing, I will distribute a written Incident Action Plan. Any questions? If not, we’re adjourned.”Who would present this information during the Operational Period Briefing?
planning section chief

An ICS organizational structure should include only the functions and positions needed to achieve the incident objectives

ICS positions may be combined in order to save on staffing or achieve a higher level of efficiency

ICS encourages the use of unique position titles in order to better meet the specific incident needs

A Resources Unit may be activated without activating the Planning Section Chief.

Instructions: Select the correct response below.
Pat Jones is the Resources Unit Leader. No Planning Section Chief is assigned. Who does Pat Jones report to?
incident commander

Instructions: Review the statement below. Click to indicate if the resource being ordered is a kind or type.Ordering a bus with seating for more than 40 adults is an example of a resource __.

instructions: Review the statement below. Click to indicate if the resource being ordered is a kind or type.Ordering a canine team is an example of a resource __.

Instructions: The tactical resources below and on the following two screens have been request to respond to a landslide incident. Review the request, click on the correct title of the resources, then click on Check. Remember, you may use the glossary!
Five Type I ambulances and crew complements with a leader.
strike team

Instructions: The tactical resources below have been request to respond to a landslide incident. Review the request, click on the correct title of the resources, then click on Check. Remember, you may use the glossary!

One Type I ambulance and crew complement.
single resource

Instructions: The tactical resources below have been request to respond to a landslide incident. Review the request, click on the correct title of the resources, then click on Check. Remember, you may use the glossary!

One Type III Helicopter, one Urban Search & Rescue Team, and one Emergency Medical Technician with a leader
task force

Instructions: Read the scenario below and then select the appropriate incident type.
Remember, Type 5 is the least complex and Type 1 the most complex.

Scenario:A multivehicle accident has occurred with fatalities and numerous critical injuries, and there are possible structural integrity concerns with the road. Local resources are on the scene. The rescue, investigation, and engineering operations are expected to go into multiple operational periods. Operational briefings are being documented; a written Incident Action Plan has been developed.
type 3 incident

Ongoing flooding is occurring in a tri-State area. Local and regional resources are overwhelmed, and there are numerous missing and injured persons. Additional rain and wind is forecasted for the tri-State area. The President has declared all counties in the affected region as disaster areas under the Stafford Act.
type 1 incident

A cargo jet has crashed with injuries onboard and on the ground. Additionally, possible hazardous materials are aboard the jet. State and local resources are managing the incident. All Command positions are filled and the Operations and Planning Sections have been activated.
type 2 incident

A three-car accident has occurred in a small residential area. Two of the drivers and several passengers have sustained minor injuries. The response will be completed within a single operational period.
type 5 incident

A bank robber is holding staff and patrons hostage. An Operations Section has been activated with a Perimeter Control Group, Investigation Group, and SWAT Unit. The Command Staff includes the Incident Commander and a Public Information Officer, and the incident may extend into multiple operational periods
type 3 incident

The arrival of a more qualified person means that a change in incident command must occur

The effective time and date of the transfer should be communicated to all personnel who need to know, both at the scene and elsewhere

The transfer should take place face-to-face and include a complete briefing

A formal transfer of command is unnecessary when the Deputy Incident Commander is relieving the Incident Commander for an extended rest period

Let’s return to the Emerald City Incident. It is now 1800 and the water level is still rising. You are relieving the current Incident Commander for the next operational period. Review the list below and check the 4 items that should be included in the transfer of command briefing. When you are finished, click on Check.
situation status, current organization, resource assignment, and incident objectives and priorities

provide medical treatment for injured personnel
ambulances with medical personnel

put out the vehicle fire and prevent expansion of the fire
fire trucks with firefighter personnel

establish a controlled perimeter around the incident
law enforcement traffic control

manage traffic to ensure responder access
law enforcement traffic control

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