Medication Aide State Test Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

3 Factors that affect​ drug absorption?
Age, Sex, Weight

Seven Rights of Drug Administration
1.) Right Resident 2.) Right Medication 3.) Right Dose 4.) Right route 5.) Right time 6.) Right Documentation 7.) Right to Refuse

Which of the following must you have completed to become a CMA
All of the above

While you are giving medications as CMA, your good friend pat comes up to the medication cart to talk to you. She is finished with her work and is telling you in detail about her date the evening before. What will you do?
Explain to Pat that you will have to hear about it later, after you give the, medications

When you are giving medications to Mr.Smith you accidently give him two aspirin tablets instead of the one tablet that is ordered. As soon as he has swallowed the aspirin you realize your mistake what will you do?
Immediately tell your supervisor

You are scheduled to work on Tuesday the 12th from 3pm to 11 pm when you wake up Tuesday morning at 10 you feel sick. When should you call your supervisor to tell him you will not be able to come in to work?
10 am

Normal Blood Pressure Range

Give Isopto Carpine 2 gtt od TID what will you give?
2 drops of isopto carpine in the right eye three times a day

Delcort Ung BID TOP To Rash what does this mean?
Delcort ointment twice a day applied topically to rash

Mr. Washington has orders for a medicine called Lipitor an ” antihyperlipidemic” This medicine is given to what
Work against high fat in the blood

When you take mr.wu’s blood pressure you hear heartbeats immediatley upon releasing the thumb screw of the cuff what will you do?
Wait three minutes with the cuff off repeat the blood pressure and pump the cuff 30 mmhg higher than you did on the first attempt

While working as a CMA the nursing supervisor tells you to report any signs of fluid retention in Mr.Jones what will you look for?
Weight gain and Edema

Mrs White has a new heart medication she complains of feeling dizzy, especially when she stands up suddenly . Which of the following cardiovascular side effects might she be experiencing?
Decreased Blood Pressure

Mr. Black complained about seeing rings light ” halos ” around lighted objects what medication might be rising to toxic levels in Mr. Blacks Blood?
Digoxin ( Heart Medicine )

As you give medications you notice that Ms.Chong has antihyperlipidemic ordered. You know that Ms.Chong must have high ?
Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Mr.Black is taking an anticoagulant You know that he should be watched for signs of

MrsWhite is taking a thiazide diuretic a major side effect of this drug could be?
low potassium

Mr.Jones is taking a medication that decreases the amount of acid made by his stomach this medicine is given to treat

Antineoplastic Medication is a for waht

Mrs.White asks yo how putting a nitroglycerin patch on her arm will help her chest pain what will you tell her?
The medicine in the patch will go through the skin and dialate the blood vessels around her heart

Before you give Mr.Black his anti inflammatory medication what should yo do?
Check to see if he has eaten recently or else give the medicine with food

Controls Coughs

Helps to cough up phlegm

Before you give Mr.Jones his Digoxin ( Lanoxin ) what will you check?
His Pulse

Under what circumstances will you not give the digoxin to Mr.Jones
If his pulse is below 60

Enteric Coated Aspirin
To dissolve in the intestines to prevent stomach irritation

Shake the bottle then pour the medicine

For Ophthalmic use? You will apply this medication where
Ophthalmic means ” EYE”

The transderm Nitroglycerin patch Mrs White i wearing delivers nitroglycerin to her by?
Slow absorption through the skin into the blood stream

A long term facility is
a place that provides care for people who don’t need to be in a hospital but who are not able to return home

An observation that is factual or measurable in some way is a (n)
objective observation

A (n) _ is an unfavorable or harmful unintended action of a medication
adverse reaction

A drug interaction can occur when
Another substance or medication is is present in the body

Informaton included in the medication order
The dosage and form of the medication

The uap takes the pulse on an adult male and counts 72 beats per minute the uap knows that this rate is
about average for an adult

When counting the respirations remember that the average rate of respirations is _ per minute

Normal blood pressure may be affected by many factors including
Emotion and weight

When measuring a blood pressure
Place the cuff 4 inches above the elbow

When measuring blood pressure place the bell of the stethescope over the
Brachial Artery

The cardio vascular system is driven by the

The cardio vascular system works to
Bring oxygen and nourishment to the cells and remove waste products

A common disorder of the cardiovascular system would be
Congestive heart failure

The endocrine system is made up of

The glands of the endocrine system release __ that control the body’s activities and growth

A common disorder of the endocrine system would be
Diabetes Militus

The Gastrointestinal system works to
Break down transport and absorb nutrients from food as well as remove waste

Two of the structures in the gastrointestinal system are the
Mouth and stomach

A common disorder in the gastrointestinal system would be

The Integumentary system works to
Protect the other systems from infection, regulate temperature, and eliminate some waste products

The skin does many things to keep the body healthy including
It protects the inner structures and organs by forming a closed covering

Acute attacks of gout are usually treated with

An example of a muscle relaxant is

Antipyretic medications are used to
Reduce fever

If a medication is given to produce a calming effect without sleep it is a (n)

If a medication is given to cause Sleep it is a (n)

Use of barbiturates may cause
Physical Addiction

If a person taking barbiturates demonstrates a respiratory rate of less than 12 breaths per minute and dilated pupils, the uap should
Contact the persons licensed health care provider immediatelyy

Symptoms of parkisonism include
SLow movement and rigidity

An example oof antiparkinsonian medication is

Alzheimer’s disease is
progressive and cannot be cured

Behavioral problems associated with alzheimer’s disease include
Inability to retain new information disorientation and impaired balance

When educating a peron taking an anticonvulsant the uap should instruct the person to
Never skip a dose of his medication

The two primary precautions used in medication administration are
Hand washing and gloves

A drug resistant microorganism is one that
Is not killed by medication

The abbreviation ” ad lib ” means
As desired as much as needed

The abbreviation ” BID” means
Two times a day

The abbreviation ” C” with a line over it means

The abbreviation ” cap” means

The abbrevition “d/c” means

The abbreviation ” g” means

The abbreviation “hs” means
Hour of sleep. or bed time

The abbreviation ” mg ” means

The abbreviation ” OD” means
Right eye

A pressure ulcer also called a decubitus ulcer ulcer is a (n)
Open area of the skin over a bony area

The Musculoskeletal system is made up of the
Skeleton and muscles

Two structures of the musculoskeletal system are the
Muscles and ligaments

A common disorder of the musculoskeletal system would be

The nervous system works to
control and coordinate all body activities

Two of the structures of the nervous system would be
Parkinson’s disease

The reproductive system works to
Produce reproductive cells and sex hormones

A common disorder of the male reproductive system would be
Prostate Cancer

A common disorder of the female reproductive system would be
A rectocele

The respiratory system works to
Bring in oxygen for the blood and remove the waste product, carbon dioxide

Two of the structures in the respiratory system are the
Trachea and Nose

The medical term for the windpipe is the

A Common disorder of the respiratory system would be

The urinary system works to
Excrete liquid waste, manage blood chemistry, and manage fluid balance in the body

The main organs of the urinary system are the

A common disorder of the urinary system would be
Urinary Incontinence

The most common early symptoms of digitalis toxicity are anorexia and
Nausea, Vomiting,Arrhythmias

If a person taking a vasodialator complains of headache and lightheadedness, the uap should
Take the person’s blood pressure and contact the HCP if the blood pressure reading is lower than normal for the person

Another name for high blood pressure

Anticoagulant medications are used after a (n) __ has formed

Coumadin is an example of an _ medication

A common Antiplatelet medication is

Expectorant Medications are used to
Help loosen mucus and thin bronchial secretion

Bronchodialators are used to
Improve breathing in people who have COPD and Asthma

Asthma is a condition that results in
Narrowed, Inflamed and sensitive bronchial tubes

An example of asthma medication is

AN ulcer is a
Lesion caused by loss of tissue usually combined with inflammation

An ulcer can be caused by
A bacterium known as H.pylori

A person who is taking _ should not take antacids

Medications such as tagament and Pepcid are known as a histamine H2-Receptor antagonists. These medications are used to treat
Active duodenal ulcers and Hypersecretion in the stomach acid

Mucosal protective medications work by
Protecting the lining of the stomach

Medications such as Prilosec and Prevacid are known as gastric acid pump inhibitors. These medications work by
Suppressing the secretion of gastric acid

Which laxative would be used for chronic constipation

Antiemetics would be used to treat
Motion sickness

Warning signs of kidney or urinary tract disorders include
Hematuria and swelling of the hands and feet

Thiazide Diuretics are used to treat conditions including
Hypertension and Dieresis

Lasix may Cause many side effects including
Allergic Reaction

SOme medications may discolor urine. For example Pyridium will turn urine
Red or Orange

Ditropan Has many side effects including

Grave’s Disease is a condition that
Is caused by too much thyroid hormone in the blood

Thyroid medications can cause many side effects including

Medications used to treat hyperthyroidism include
Radioactive Iodine and Tapazole

A medication that lowers blood sugar levels is called a

Glucophage can cause many side effects including
A metallic taste in the mouth

Inflammation is
A normal response to infection injury or irritation of living tissue

An example of a corticosteroid is

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to
Alleviate arthritis pain and reduce joint stiffness

An example of an NSAID medication is

A large dose of salicylate medications such as aspirin may cause side effects including
Blurred vision and ringing in the ears ( tinnitus )

A person taking celebrex should not take

Drug is affected by many factors. All of the following affect drug action except:

The patient’s intelligence.

the size and age

other drugs the resident is taking

time and route of adminstration
The patient’s intelligence

Which abbreviations are most likely to be found on an order for eye medication?


Stat, n.p.o., h.s.

bid, qid, tid, qod

OD, OU, OS, opth.
OD, OU, OS, opth.

The drug name owned by the manufacturer is called the:

brand name

product name

trade name

all of the above
all of the above

Pharmacokinetics is the study of:

the study of prescription drugs only

the signs and symptoms of disease

the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs

none of the above
the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs

Examples of drugs made from animal sources are:

insulin and heparin

furosemide and castor oil

magnesium hydrochloride and iodine

iron and calcium
insulin and heparin

A patient may take two drugs for hypertension because of their:

antagonistic affect


synergistic effect

idiosyncratic response
synergistic effect

Parmacodynamics is the study of:

drug sources

the medical field

the diseases of the body

the interactions between drugs and the body
the interactions between drugs and the body

The following abbreviations are correct except

b.i.d. means 2 times daily

n.p.o. means nothing by mouth

stat means now

q.i.d. means every other day
q.i.d. means every other day

Rules that ensure uniform strength, quality, and purity of drugs are called:

drug standards

drug references

drug laws

drug specifications
Drug standards

Biotransformation is:

A. a series of chemical reactions that occur naturally

B. the removal of waste products

C. the same as metabolism

a. and c.
a. and c.

Examples of drugs made from plant sources are:

iron and salt

heparin and insulin

digitalis and opium

sulfa drugs and hydroxyurea
digitalis and opium

The generic name is usually the same as the:

brand name

chemical name

official name

trade name
official name

The action of a drug is:

a desireable effect that occurs apart from the primary purpose of giving the drug

the chemical effect on body cells

an unintenional affect of a drug

study of the body’s responses to a drug
the chemical effect on body cells

The route of administration in which absorption begins in the mouth is:





Which of the following do not affect drug action?

sensation and perception

absorption and distribution

metabolism and excretion

condition of liver and kidneys
sensation and perception

The CMA responsibility in adverse reaction is to:

reduce the dose

change the medication

increase the dose

immediately notify the charge nurse
immediately notify the charge nurse

Name the 7 Rights of medication administration.

  1. right drug
  2. right dose
  3. right patient
  4. right route
  5. right time
  6. right technique
  7. right documentation

Which of the following statements are true?

In Kansas, it is legal for a CMA to give insulin injections.

In a long term-care facility in Kansas, a CMA may administer oral, eye, topical, nasal, rectal, vaginal, and ear medication.

In Kansas it is legal for a CMA to take phone orders from a practitioner (physician assistance, nurse practioner) dentist, or pharmacist.

You must perform a task that is assigned to you, even if you do not feel trained or competent to perform the task.
In a long term-care facility in Kansas, a CMA may administer oral, eye, topical, nasal, rectal, vaginal, and ear medication.

Name the five commonly abused drugs that are identified in the textbook.

  1. Alcohol
  2. Nicotine
  3. Anabolic Steroids
  4. Barbiturates
  5. Depressants

Summarize the difference between the therapeutic effect and side effects.
Therapeutic effect is the desire or predicted physiological response caused by a drug.

Side effects are desirable or undesirable drug effects apart from the primary purpose of giving a drug

Where does the absorption begin for enteric coated pill?

in the mouth

in the small intestine

in the stomach

in the buccal cavity
in the small intestine

3 of the following are true. Select the statement that is untrue:

In a nursing facility, the discontinued medications are disposed of every 2 months by the CMA and charge nurse.

Unused doseage of medications should never be returned to the bottle.

The temperature of the medication room should never exceed 85 degrees.

A STAT order is to be administered at once.
In a nursing facility, the discontinued medications are disposed of every 2 months by the CMA and charge nurse.

When giving a nasal spray to a resident, the nose piece needs to be cleaned off with a tissue:



People who administer medications must understand kidney function and disorders because:

kidneys are involved in the excretion of drugs

kidneys that do not work properly can result in the acculumation of drugs in the body

many older adults have kidneys disease

all of the above
all of the above

Which of the following Physicians orders are writen correctly?

Amoxicillin 500mg p.o. for 10 days

Potassium Chloride 8mEq 2 capsules p.o. daily

Coumadin 5 mg 1 p.o. daily

Senna Plus 1 tablet p.o. daily
Potassium Chloride 8mEq 2 capsules p.o. daily

After administering ear drops, the resident only needs a cotton ball in the ear canal?



When setting up medications, read the label at least?

1 time

2 times

3 times

4 times
3 times

Ointment on a area that needs to be treated should be cleaned off first before more is applied?



Which of the following conversions is incorrect?

1/2 ounce = 20ml

1 tsp = 5ml

30ml = 1 ounce

2 tsp = 10ml
1/2 ounce = 20ml

If a resident refuses a narcotic that has been removed from the package, it is acceptable to throw it in the trash can?



Which of the following would not be a medication error?

The medication was given 25 minutes after is was ordered

The eye medication order was 1 gtt O.U. daily. The medication aid gave the medication drops in the right eye only.

The resident was given one tablet Lanoxin 0.125mg and he order was for Lanoxin 0.25mg daily.

The right medication was given to the right resident but it was not given at the time on the MAR.
The medication was given 25 minutes after is was ordered

Anyone administering eye drops to a resident should wear gloves?



All of the follow are necessary steps to take when a medication error has been made except?

Report the error to your supervisior immediately

Contact the resident’s family and inform them of your error

Complete the medication error form

Review why the medication error was made and what can be done to prevent if from happening again
Contact the resident’s family and inform them of your error

It is legal for a Medication Aide to do the following procedures except?

mediation soaks

simple dressing changes

application of heating pads

assist with inhailors
application of heating pads

After installing eye gtts (drops), pressure is held to the lacrimal sac (tear duct) for how long?

15 seconds

10 seconds

1 minute

2 minute
1 minute

The order for Keflex is 500mg. Keflex comes in capsules or suspension which would be a incorrect dosage?

Give 1/2 of a 1000mg capsule

Give 2 250mg capsules

Keflex suspension has 250ml per 5ml. The CMA would give 10ml of the suspension

Keflex suspension hs 1000mg per 20ml. The CMA would give 10ml of the suspension
Give 1/2 of a 1000mg capsule

When a tablet is given sublingual, the absorption begins in the mouth?



As a CMA you can give nebulizer treatments to all residents at the job?



hat is the goal of medication therapy?

to give CMA’s a job

to benefit research

to achieve a therapetic affect

to meet Medicare guideline
to achieve a therapetic affect

A transdermal patch should be dated when placed on a resident.



Cynosis is caused by the lack of

oxygen in the blood

plasma in the blood

calcium in the blood

nutrients in the blood
oxygen in the blood

Digoxin slows and strengthens the heart by acting as a:



heart stimulant

heart stimulant


act on pacemaker cell that controls the heartbeat

are heart depressants

reduce flutter and fibrillation

all of the above
all of the above

Nitroglycerin is a:





Blood pressure increases as a result of:

thickening of the blood

thinning of the blood

narrowing of the blood vessels

widening of blood vessels
narrowing of the blood vessels

The risk factors for heart disease:


sedatary lifestyle



all but hypoglycemia

all but hypoglycemia

The following are commonly prescribed to treat hypertension



clonidine hydrochloride

all of the above
all of the above

The average adult blood pressure is:






rapid heartbeat

shortness of breath (SOB)

swelling of the tissues

chest pain

irregular heartbeat

The following are risk factors for heart disease:

a. heredity

b. sedentry lifestyle

c. hypoglycemia


e. a, b, d

f. a, c, d
e. a, b, d

Persons taking anticoagulants:

must have regular blood tests to adjust doseages

must be observed for bleeding

are likely to be taking heprin or coumadin

all of the above
all of the above

Lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin is called:


Hodgkin’s Disease



All medications can be crushed and it will not alter their effectiveness:



Which is the most common medication give for a UTI (urinary tract infection)?





A patient is on a thiazide diuretics, there is a danger of excreting too much _ which could cause hypokalemia:





Nursing care related to diuretic therapy include all of the following except:

assess for homan’s signs

assess for signs of electrolyte inbalances -nausea, dry mouth, thrist

assess for signs of orthostatic hypotension

assess for signs of hypokalemia
assess for homan’s signs

Medications that are used to treat nausea and vomiting are called antiemetics. All of the following are in this drug classification except:

prochlorperazine (Compazine)

meclazine (Antivert)


amtiriptyline (Elavil)
amtiriptyline (Elavil)

The following medications are in the diuretic classification. Check all that are correct:




dyazide (Generic Name: hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene)

Which drug is used to treat edema?

cardiac gylcosides


urinary antiseptics


Which of the following is an incorrect statement about oxygen therapy?

Oxygen per simple mask must be delivered at 5-6 LPM to prevent carbon dioxide washout

Oxygen is a medicane and needs to have a Physician order

oxygen must never be stopped suddenly, it must be weaned

combustible materials must be kept away from oxygen
Oxygen per simple mask must be delivered at 5-6 LPM to prevent carbon dioxide washout

What is the action of bronchodilators?

to decrease the histamine effects of allergens

to lower the blood glucose levels

to relax the bronchioles and increase mucus clerance

to prevent infections
to relax the bronchioles and increase mucus clerance

An example of a laxative that takes 12 hours to 3 days to be effective is:

senokot (senna)

Metamucil (psyllium)

colace (docusate sodium)

milk of magnesia
Metamucil (psyllium)

Which of the following drug classifications are used to treat runny noses?





Antitussives are used for:

for the control of nonproductive coughs

for acute pulomary edema

to reduce intraocular pressure

to prevent infections
for the control of nonproductive coughs

Blood and pus in the urine:

are revealed by urine tests

may be signs of disorders in the kidney

are known as hematuria and pyuria

all of the above
all of the above

Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Prilosec
Proton Pump inhibitors

simethicone, Mylicon

Ducolax, Metamucil, Colace

Tagamet, Axid, Pepacid,
Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists

Zofran, Dramamine, Compazine, Antivert


Shaking, stiffness, and slowness of movements is classic signs of;

parkinson’s disease


brain tumor

meniere’s disease
parkinson’s disease

Drugs that dilate the pupil are called?

carbonic anhydrase inhibitors




An eye disorder that is characterized by increased interocular pressure is:





Always give analgesics:

after the last dose has worn off

on time to keep the patient as comfortable as possible.

only when the patient seem to be in pain

at bedtime
on time to keep the patient as comfortable as possible.

A Cardiovascular accident is:

a disorder of the ear

a interuption of the blood supply (blood clot) to the brain with tissue death in a protion of the brain

a sign of psychosis

a nerve disease
a interuption of the blood supply (blood clot) to the brain with tissue death in a protion of the brain

As a result of aging process, the sclera becomes?





The medical term for dizziness is:





Cereum is:

increased pressure in the eye

one of the bone of the ear

ear wax

the instrment used to view within the ear
ear wax

Dilatin, Depakote, and Tegretol are:





A drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease is:


Sinemet (carbidopa/levodpa)

Dilantin (phenytoin)

Neurotin (garbapentin)
Sinemet (carbidopa/levodpa)

Diplopia is:

a bacterial infection of the eyelid

double vision

a hard cyst on the eyelid

increased pressure within the eye
double vision

Isopto or artificial tears are given for:

treat reddened eyes

relieve interoccular pressure with Glucoma

treat dry eyes

prevent infections
treat dry eyes

Two main side effects of Antidepressant medications are:

dry mouth and constipation

urine incontience and flight of ideas

increased ability to concentrate and remember

hypertension and bradycardia
dry mouth and constipation

Namenda, Razadyne, Aricept, and Exelon are medications used to treat:

Seizure Disorder

Myasthema Gravis

Multiple Sclerosis


Ringing in the ear is:





If the eye drop lands on the outer eyelid when administering eye drops:

never administer another drop

ask the resident if they want another drop

repeat administering the drop

take a cotton tip and push the drop into the eye
repeat administering the drop

The CMA should apply pressure to the lacrimal sac for 1 minute after administering:


Auralgan drops

Timopitic drops

Afrin Spray
Timopitic drops

A disorder involving periodic seizures or convulsions is called:


Parkinson’s Disease


multiple sclerosis

All of the following are used to treat Glaucoma except:





The following antidepressants are not recommend to be given to the elderly:

Zoloft and Lexapro

Celexa and Trazadone

Wellbutrin and Effexor

Elavil and Tofranil
Elavil and Tofranil

Join pain and stiffness caused by wear and tear of bone rubbing together is known as:



rhuematoid arthritis

gouty arthritis

Methocarbarmol (Robaxin), Para Forte, and cyclobenzapine (Flexeril) are types of:


muscle relaxants


muscle relaxants

A sign that a resident has taken to much aspirin is?

a ringing in the ears

increased joint pain

severe itching

all of the above
a ringing in the ears

In a Diabetic extreme hunger, sweating, confusion, palpitations, and restlessness during sleep may be signs of:

insulin underdose

diabetic coma



Nursing care related to corticosteroids includes assessing for the following side effects except:

weight gain and edema

fever and sore throat

muscle weakness and elevated blood glucose

increased urine output and headache
increased urine output and headache

A drug-drug interaction with aspirin occurs with:




coumadin (warfarin)
coumadin (warfarin)

Drugs that increase blood sugars levels include all of the following except:





Zyloprim (allopurinol) is used to treat:

rheumatoid arthritis




Drugs used to treat hypothyroidism:

Glucagon, Lantus insulin

Synthroid, Cytomel, levothroid

predisone, decadron, methylprednisotone

Dubinese, Orinase, Tolinse
Synthroid, Cytomel, levothroid

The drug of choice for osteoarthritis is:

Mortin (ibuprofen)




Oral corticosteroids are sometimes given to reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. What side effects limit their usefulness?

bone thinning

psychological changes

peptic ulcers

all of the above
all of the above

Because patients with musculoskeletal conditions are often in pain, be sure to:

give medications for pain only several hours after the last does has worn off

ignore their fears and psychological needs so that they do not dwell on them

have them exercise the joint prior to giving pain medications

avoid sudden, jarring movements, support body parts if they must be moved and give pain medications before the last dose has worn off
avoid sudden, jarring movements, support body parts if they must be moved and give pain medications before the last dose has worn off

Predisone and dexamethasone are frequently used because of their:

anti-inflammatory effect

diuretic effect

antipyretic effect

antineoplastic action
anti-inflammatory effect

Which of the following are not an oral hypoglycemic agent?





Insulin is produced by the:




Parathyroid glands

The resident has Levothroid 25 mcg tablets, but the dose is 75 mcg. How would the CMA determine the right dose would be?

Give 2 tablets

Give 3 tablets

Give 4 tablets

Contact the charge nurse to see why the ordered dose is not available.
Give 3 tablets

The resident has Tylenol 1000 mg ordered, the floor stock Tylenol on hand is 325 mg tablets. How many tablets do you give?

1 tablets

2 tablets

2 1/2 tablets

Contact the Nurse to obtain 500 mg Tylenol tablets (extra strength Tylenol), give 2 tablets.
Contact the Nurse to obtain 500 mg Tylenol tablets (extra strength Tylenol), give 2 tablets.

3 factors that affect drug absorption
age, weight, sex

Helps to cough up phlegm

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