NBCOT Practice Questions and Answers (2022/2023) (Verified Answers)

Celia has spina bifida at c5 level and wants to use a computer play system. What is the most Appropriate recommendation for an Ot to suggest
Dorsal splint with universal cuff

Sara is recovering from a cva and is receiving extensive motor learning intervention. She makes frequent errors and motor performance is inconsistent. What stage is she In?
Skill acquisition

A person that can use overt trial and error problem solving is at what level according to Allen cognitive level?

Your boss asks u to submit a list of each member of your groups goals and there current progress after a month of the group meetings? This is an example of?
Concurrent review

What is the appropriate angle of pull for an outrigger on a dynamic splint
90 degrees

What spinal level is a tenodesis splint used

What angle is the wrist left at in a splint for carpal tunnel splint?
0-15 in ext

An Ot receives a referral to evaluate an individual’s cognitive functioning following a mild TBI. The therapist will most likely assess what areas?
Orientation, attention, memory

A child that when head is turned to 1 side presents with their arms and legs extended on that same side and their arms and legs on the other side bend in line with the head is displaying

T/F An individual recovering from a tbi is assesses to be a level 8 of the Rancho Level. An appropriate intervention would be community re-entry activities

T/F An individual recovering from a tbi is assesses to be a level 3 of the Rancho Level. An appropriate intervention would be repetitive self-care tasks such as brushing hair
F sensory stimulation activities are appropriate ( that intervention is good for level 5)

Joel recently suffered a TBI. Upon evaluation he complains that he frequently gets lost in his house. What is he lacking?
topographical orientation

An OT is using PNF to improve initiation of movement. The therapist uses passive rhythmic movement on the pt followed by active participation in the same pattern. What is the name of this intervention
rhythmic initiation

According to PNF quick stretching is used to elicit __

The parents of a 12 moth old bring their child to the hospital for a developmental screening program. The OT evaluates the oral motor development of the child to be WNL. What is he able to do?
cup drinking with firm jaw & rotary chewing

_ is the redirection of an emotion or reaction from 1 object to a similar but less threatening one

__ score is what is used to measure various changes in behavior

A pt with a complete injury at the C8 level is ready for discharge. In the discharge documentation , the OT would be likely to include a statement that the client is able to a. button buttons with button hook b. tie shoes c. brush teeth d. use mobile arm supports for feeding

A pt with a complete injury at the C6 level is ready for discharge. In the discharge documentation , the OT would be likely to include a statement that the client is able to a. button buttons with button hook b. tie shoes c. brush teeth d. use mobile arm supports for feeding

scapula synergy ext. and flex.
FLEXOR SYNERGY – elevation and retraction; EXTENSOR SYNERGY – depression and protraction

shoulder synergy ext. and flex.
FLEXOR SYNERGY – abduction and lateral rotation; EXTENSOR SYNERGY – medial rotation and adduction

Elbow synergy ext. and flex.

Forearm synergy ext. and flex.
FLEXOR SYNERGY – supination; EXTENSOR SYNERGY – pronation

T/F the motor learning approach use random practice of several motor tasks in random order

A local pharmacy hires an OT to consult on redesigning of the pharmacy’s customer service area. The counter should be no higher than how many inches?

In deciding to use a dynamic interactional approach or a deficit specific approach the therapist must consider the client’s level of?
auditory processing skills

T/F walking a tongue depressor from the front of the tongue to its back helps initiate gag reflex
F decrease

The ability to respond to changes in road conditions and traffic/driving risks is what aspect of driving

An OT assessing the ability to steer, brake, ad turn is what driving aspect

T/F PROM and AA/AROM as an intervention is performed in the first 6 weeks post operation

T/F isotonic strengthening of a client is used first than isometric
F opposite

T/F isotonic strengthening involves eccentric and concentric contractions

The ability to _ requires the person to see relationships between concepts, ideas and events

what is semantic memory
the general knowledge shared by groups or people such as social norms

put in order the 8 different patterns for the Rood approach 1. standing 2. prone on elbows 3. prone ext. 4. walking 5. supine withdrawl 6. quadruped 7. rollover 8. neck co-contractions
5, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 1, 4

T/F after attainment of ADL goals in a s.c. injury client at an outpatient clinic the OTs next focus for pt should be
community reintegration

T/F after attainment of ADL goals in a s.c. injury client at an outpatient clinic the OTs next focus for pt should be
community reintegration

Bob is 6 ft and is average weight for his height. following a recent TBI, he has flaccis hemiparesis and demonstrates poor righting and equilibrium responses in standing. What is the appropriate WC for him?
light weight, standard size wheelchair

Bob is 6 ft and is average weight for his height. following a recent TBI, he has flaccis hemiparesis and demonstrates poor righting and equilibrium responses in standing. Why is a hemi-height wc not a good choice for him?
too tall

T/F one arm drive wc are easy to use

_ involves the detection of prblems in a population that have diagnoses that place them at risk for the development of complicating conditions
secondary prevention

_ target indiv. with no pre-existing conditions
primary conditions

At what age is a communication device possible a. 6-9 mo b. 9-12 mo c. 12-18 d. 18-24

An Ot is discussing recommended activities for Sarach a stage I of cardiac recovery? What activity would be appropriate for her a. listening to radio b. listening to radio c. tabletop craft of interest d. isometric exercises

An Ot is discussing recommended activities for Sarach a stage 4 of cardiac recovery? What activity would be appropriate for her a. listening to radio b. ligh gardening c. tabletop craft of interest d. isometric exercises

T/F isometric exercises are contraindicated for all stages of cardiac rehab

T/F Brandy is taking Nardil and complains of headaches while she studies for school. The OT best advice is to tell the individual that she will be contacting her psychitrist of her complaints

_ means practing your profession correctly

_ refers to decision-making skills in implementing services and is not a principle or core value of practice

_ refers to having the patient involved in the decisions of therapy to reflect personal goals, values, and interests

T/F Julia recovering from skin grafting due to full thickness burns ios prescribed splints to immoboloize the grafted areas in anti-deformity positions. The splinting protocol for the first 72 hours is one hour on and 15 min off
F… on all time except dressing changes

__ provide services in a fair and equitable manner. Ot has concern for the safety and wellbeing of the pt

__ OT personell shall take reasonable precaustion to avoid imposing or inflicting harm upon the recipient of services or to his or her property

_________OT personell shall achioeve and continually maintain high standards of competence

_________OT personell shall provide accurate info when representing the profession. An Ot personel shall represent their credentials, qualification and education/training

_________OT personell shall treat colleagues and other professional with repsect, fairness, discretion, and integrity. OT personnel should preserve, respect and safeguard confidential info about colleagues and staff unless mandated by govt. to disclose.

An OT is preparing to evaluate a toddler who has upper extremity orthopedic concerns. How will the OT MOST likely obtain the majority of initial assessment data?

A. Measurement tools that assess visual-motor skills
B. Dynamometer and pinch meter readings.
C. Observation of child during activities in the child-care center.
D. Functional independence measures.
C. Observation of child during activities in the child-care center.

Through observation of the child during child-care center activities, the OT can collect information about the child’s motor performance skills and participation in activities that require upper extremity/hand skill. Naturalistic observation is a method of ecological assessment, which is “a primary mechanism for obtaining data relevant to the child’s performance context….. Skilled observation of child performing a functional task offers….. important information about the child’s performance”. Answers A, B, ad D are all appropriate choices after the child is old enough for these assessments.

During an initial evaluation, the OT suspects that a child has somatodyspraxia. In what area should the OT focus the evaluation?

A. Ability to print or write.
B. Reading competency.
C. Math calculations.
D. New motor task planning.
D. New motor task planning.

“Somatodyspraxia is described as a deficit in learning new motor skills, planning new motor actions, and generalizing motor plans.” Inability to print or write (answer A) is termed “dysgraphia.” The term “dyslexia” (answer B) means dysfunction in reading. Inability to perform mathematics (answer C) is known as “dyscalculia”

An OT working in a long-term care facility needs to evaluate the long-term memory of a resident. Which of the following methods is BEST for evaluating memory or personally experienced events (declarative memory)?

A. Show the person a series of objects and ask him to recall the objects within 60 seconds.
B. Ask the individual how he spent New Year’s/
C. Have the individual state the place, date, and time.
D. Ask the client to remember to bring a specific item to the next therapy session
B Ask the individual how he spent New Year’s

“Declarative memory is one aspect of long term memory and includes conscious memory for events, knowledge or facts”. It is commonly assessed through verbal interviews and informal testing such as asking a question about an individual’s recall of personal events (answer B). Working memory refers to “the temporary storage of inforamtion while one is working with it or attending to it” (answer A). “Prospective memory involves the ability to remember intentions or activities that will be required in the future” (answer D). Knowing the date, place, and time is indicative of orientation (answer C).

A child avoids playground equipment that requires her feet to be off the ground. What does this behavior MOST likely indicate?

A. Difficulty modulating proprioception.
B. Somatodyspraxia
C. Gravitational insecurity
D. Bilateral integration/sequencing deficit.
C. Gravitational insecurity.

Gravitational insecurity is described as “fear response to movement”. The child easily experiences a fear of falling and prefers to keep her feet firmly on the ground. Tactile defensiveness (answer A) is a term used to describe discomfort with various textures and with unexpected touch. Somatodyspraxia (answer B) has is “foundation in somatosensory (e.g. primarily tactile but also proprioceptive) discrimination deficits, which interfere with the development of body scheme and awareness”. Bilateral integration and sequencing deficits are related to “poor vestibular-propioceptive discrimination, which interferes with the ability to coordinate, sequence, and execute motor actions quickly and efficiently”.

When the OT suspects tactile defensiveness as a rationale for a child’s challenges, in what area of participation should the OT focus on FIRST?

A. Play behavior
B. Dressing habits
C. Social skills
D. Leisure interests
B. Dressing habits

Children with tactile defensiveness are “bothered by tactile aspects of daily living activities…. specific types of clothing…. specific textures materials”. The child may be bothered by certain textures or avoid wearing turtlenecks, socks, or shoes. Conversely, some children may never take off their shoes to avoid tactile stimulation. Play behavior (answer A), social skills (answer C), and the choice of hobbies (answer D) could be affected secondarily, as a result of intolerance to certain textures or human touch. Knowledge of the child’s dressing habits will give the OT key information at the start of the evaluation process.

An OT is working with an individual with schizophrenia who is in the process of preparing to move from a state hospital to a group home. During a baking group, the client becomes agitated and leaves the room when another client uses the electric hand mixer to mix the cake batter, and again when two clients begin to argue loudly about which type of icing to use. How would the OT BEST describe the behavior?

A. Low registration
B. Sensory avoiding
C. Sensation seeking
D. A hearing impairment
B. Sensory avoiding

The individual’s actions are indicative of sensor avoiding behavior, characterized by a low threshold to stimuli perceived as noxious, followed by an active response such as leaving the room. Individuals with sensory avoiding behavior may “become distressed in situations in which they cannot control the environment” and “do well in low stimulus situation or settings that others find dull”. An individual with low registration (answer A), sensory seeking behavior (answer C), or a hearing impairment (answer D) would not have difficult with the auditory stimulation caused by the roar of the mixer or loud voices.

During a self-care evaluation of an individual who recently sustained a brain injury, the OT instructs the individual to comb his hair immediately after he washes his face. The individual washes his face quickly, but then the therapist must give him several reminders to comb his hair. The OT is MOST likely to identify this as a deficit in what area?

A. Working memory
B. Judgment
C. Hearing
D. Abstraction
A. Working memory

“Working memory is the temporary storage of information while one is working with it or attending to it. It includes the ability to recall information immediately after exposure. It allows one to focus conscious attention and keeps track of information as one is performing an activity”. This individual’s inability to comb is hair without reminders suggests a deficit in working memory (answer A). Judgment (answer B), the ability to make realistic and safe decisions based on available environmental information, would not be needed for this task. Because the person performed the first request, hearing (answer C) would seem to be intact. Abstraction (answer D) is the ability to extrapolate information from an idea to generalize to another situation and would not be needed to follow this direction.

A supermarket employee with obsessive-compulsive disorder takes an hour to stock 24 soup cans on the shelf because once he has placed the cans on the shelf, he removes them and starts over, stating that “all labels were not lines up exactly in the same direction.” Which of the following methods would MOST effectively evaluate the individual’s work performance?

A. On-site observation of performance skills
B. Formal cognitive assessment
C. Verbal interview focusing on the requirements of the job
D. Task evaluation using a “clean” medium such as a puzzle
A. On-site observation of performance skills

An OT has been working with an individual who is recovering from a TBI. A standard pivot transfer has been successfully demonstrated in the gym. The MOST appropriate way to assess generalization of this new learning would be to have the patient perform which activity?

A. Identify potential hazards in the patient’s bathrooms that could make transfers unsafe
B. Select an appropriate tub bench and nonskid mat for the patient’s bathroom at home
C. Attempt a standard pivot transfer from wheelchair to bed in the patient’s hospital room
D. Attempt a sliding board transfer from wheelchair to tub
C. Attempt a standard pivot transfer from wheelchair to bed in the patient’s hospital room

An OT is working with an individual with depression who is cognitively intact but demonstrating difficulty carrying out self-care and other ADL tasks. The OT, who has no advanced certifications, would like to identify a standardized assessment to measure ADL performance. Which is the MOST appropriate tool for this purpose?

A. Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation
B. Routine Task Inventory-Expanded
C. Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
D. Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
C. Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills

An OT is conducting a perceptual function screening with an individual who has had a CVA. Which of the following informal screening activities would the therapist ask the individual to perform in order to identify the presence of agnosia?

A. Demonstrate common gestures such as waving
B. Name objects through touch only
C. Identify or demonstrate the use of common household objects
D. Read a paragraph and explain its meaning.
C. Identify or demonstrate the use of common household objects

An individual with an L4 spinal cord injury wishes to become independent in driving an automobile. The MOST appropriate piece of adaptive equipment for this individual is:

A. A palmar cuff for the steering wheel
B. A spinner knob on the steering wheel
C. Pedal extensions for accelerating and braking
D. Hand controls for acceleration and braking
D. Hand controls for acceleration and braking

What is the MOST important aspect of administering and scoring a standardized test?

A. Judgment to determine how best to administer the test
B. Previous experience as a way to gauge test results
C. Adherence to specific instructions for administration and scoring
D. Practice administering the test items
C. Adherence to specific instructions for administration and scoring

During an initial interview, parents describe their child as having difficulty communicating and interacting with others. The OT observes him repeatedly gazing upward and scanning the ceiling or quickly patting his hip. The behaviors described are MOST likely to be associated with what disorder?

A. Attention deficit-hyperacitivity
B. Childhood conduct
C. Obsessive-compulsive
D. Autism spectrum disorder
D. Autism spectrum disorder

A toddler with spina bifida has been referred for assessment. When collecting the initial data during interview with the child’s parent, what should the OT focus on PRIMARILY?

A. A parent’s concerns and goals for the child
B. Child’s medical management
C. Equipment needs
D. Physical layout of the home
A. A parent’s concerns and goals for the child

When evaluating an individual with coronary artery disease for controllable risk factors, what is MOST important for the OT to include as part of the assessment?

A. Determine the individual’s age and gender
B. Assess the individual’s lifestyle and dietary habits
C. Observe the individual for obesity and cholesterol levels
D. Determine whether the individual has a family history of heart disease
B. Assess the individual’s lifestyle and dietary habits

The OT has been working with an individual with deficits in the area of executive functioning postsurgery. When the OT asks about scheduling therapy appointments after discharge and transportation to the outpatient clinic, the client is unable to identify how to obtain the clinic’s phone number or where to park. When the OT points out these missing areas, the client appears perplexed, then laughs it off, stating that someone else would be calling to schedule appointments and providing transportation. Attempting to subtly hint about cognitive deficits is no longer working, and the OT is concerned because despite repeated efforts the individual is not retaining safety precautions. This patient’s behavior indicates a problem in what area?

A. Denial
B. Self-awareness
C. Emotional regulation
D. Sequencing
B. Self-awareness

An OT is evaluating two-point discrimination in an individual with median nerve injury. What is the BEST way to administer this test?

A. Apply the stimuli beginning at the little finger and progress toward the thumb
B. Start with the thumb area first, then progress toward the little finger
C. Present stimuli in an organized pattern to improve reliability during retesting
D. Allow the individual unlimited time to respond
A. Apply the stimuli beginning at the little finger and progress toward the thumb

An OT is initiating an evaluation of a pre-school child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. What is the OT MOST likely to include in the evaluation process?

A. One-to-one interview with the child
B. Observation of the child in a social, gross motor, and self-feeding task
C. The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2
D. Assessment of the child’s performance skills while outside on the playground
B. Observation of the child in a social, gross motor, and self-feeding task

A high school teacher diagnosed with a right-hemisphere CVA is given a paper with letters of the alphabet displayed in random order across the page and is instructed to cross out every “M.” The individual misses half of the “M”s in a random pattern. What type of deficit would cause such a response?

A. A left visual field cut
B. A right visual field cut
C. Functional illiteracy
D. Decreased attention
D. Decreased attention

A college student with a history of substance abuse has been admitted to the hospital following an accidental overdose at a party. He states his goal is to return to school as soon as possible so that his GPA does not drop below 3.0. What is the MOST important area for the OT evaluation to focus on?

A. Leisure skills
B. Activities of daily living
C. Academic/study skills
D. Family education
A. Leisure skills

What are the MOST important items to assess when evaluating motor control after a traumatic injury?

A. Developmental factors and primitive reflexes
B. Muscle tone, postural tone, reflexes, and coordination
C. Blood pressure, heart rate, endurance, and confusion
D. Self-concept and self- awareness
B. Muscle tone, postural tone, reflexes, and coordination

A new parent recently returned to work and reports difficulty concentrating at work because of thoughts about the baby. When at home, the individual feels distracted by thoughts about work. This MOST likely suggests the need to help this individual in what area?

A. Parenting skills
B. Attention span
C. Assertiveness
D. Role performance
D. Role performance

An OT is beginning to work with individuals in recovery in a community-based program. The OT needs an evaluation tool that can be administered in less than 20 minutes, identifies occupational performance limitations can be used to establish goals based on client priorities, and measure outcomes. Which is the BEST tool for this purpose?

A. Occupational Performance History Interview II
B. Role checklist
C. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
D. Occupational Self-Assessment
D. Occupational Self-Assessment

While making brownies, an individual is able to obtain all the supplies from the cabinet and check the oven temperature periodically. However, when the TV is turned on halfway through the activity, she becomes involved with the program and burns the brownies. This individual is showing signs of a deficit in which area?

A. Sustained attention
B. Detecting and reacting
C. Shifting of attention
D. Mental tracking
D. Mental tracking

In preparation for an annual Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) meeting, the OT is developing ideas for intervention to develop a child’s fine motor performance for independent play participation. To match the principles of Part C Early Intervention programs. What would be the OT’s BEST recommendation?

A. Family encouragement of the child to engage in play with toys he has at home, without concern for normal development
B. A periodic reassessment using Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, 2nd edition, fine motor subtest to measure progress in fine motor skill achievement
C. Home visit, during which OT will identify and encourage opportunities for fine motor practice within the family’s preferred routines
D. Increased weekly home visits so OT can implement therapy activities to promote child’s fine motor skill development, using a remedial approach
C. Home visit, during which OT will identify and encourage opportunities for fine motor practice within the family’s preferred routines

An adolescent with a history of shoplifting and gang violence has been hospitalized with a diagnosis of conduct disorder. During a task group, what are the MOST important performance skills for the OT to evaluate?

A. Perceptual-motor performance
B. Leisure and vocational interests
C. Attention span and social interaction skills
D. Interest in performing and ability to perform multiple roles
C. Attention span and social interaction skills

An OT is evaluating an individual who has undergone a total hip replacement to determine awareness and adherence to hip precautions prior to discharge. What can the OT conclude when the individual is observed leaning forward and stopping at 90 degrees of flexion to use the long-handled shoehorn while donning shoes?

A. Demonstrates independence with precautions
B. Requires verbal cuing to observe precautions
C. Needs a longer assistive device
D. Demonstrates cognitive deficits
A. Demonstrates independence with precautions

A client sustained a hand injury months ago while at work. The individual is now diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome and is experiencing pain that interferes with work and self- care. Which of the following would be the best pain management modality option to discuss with the client?

A. Hot packs
B. Cold packs
C. Fluidotherapy
D. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
D. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

A child has considerable difficulty with problem-solving when playing with interlocking blocks, becomes frustrated, and gives up easily. An OT would MOST likely suspect a problem in what area?

A. Sensorimotor play
B. Pretend play
C. Constructional play
D. Play with rules
C. Constructional play

The OT is making recommendations to a community living site for a 13-year-old child with moderate intellectual disabilities. Which statement MOST accurately describes the functional ability of this child?

A. The child requires nursing care for basic survival skills
B. The child can usually handle routine daily functions in a supervised home
C. The child requires supervision to accomplish productive, nonroutine work.
D. The child is able to learn academic skills at the third- to seventh-grade level
B. The child can usually handle routine daily functions in a supervised home

An individual with borderline personality disorder has been referred to occupational therapy. Which of the following would be MOST important to evaluate?

A. Activities of daily living
B. Instrumental ADLs
C. Interpersonal skills
D. Sensorimotor skills
C. Interpersonal skills

An OT performing a motor skills evaluation observes that a child is awkward at many gross motor tasks. Though able to skip rope forward, the child is unable to skip rope backward, even after several attempts. This information would lead the therapist to be particularly observant for which additional signs?

A. Delayed reflex integration
B. Inadequate bilateral coordination
C. Developmental dyspraxia
D. General incoordintion
C. Developmental dyspraxia

A preteen with spastic cerebral palsy wants to use a computer. Prior to evaluating computer needs, what should the OT learn about FIRST?

A. The student’s and family’s goals for the device use
B. The family’s ability to afford a computer and its upgrades
C. Computer learning programs to facilitate student’s participation in the classroom
D. The student’s physical and cognitive capacities to determine appropriate keyboard and screen options
A. The student’s and family’s goals for the device use

An OT has been asked to develop a stress management program for clients with eating disorders. For this population in particular, which is the MOST important strategy to include?

A. A physical activity such as yoga or tai chi
B. Diaphragmatic breathing or progressive relaxation techniques
C. Training to acknowledge feeling and express emotions
D. Role-playing stressful situations
C. Training to acknowledge feeling and express emotions

The office doorway of an individual using a wheelchair has a clear opening of 28 inches. According to ADA guidelines, which of the following recommendations would be the MOST appropriate to facilitate clear passage of the wheelchair through the doorway?

A. The doorway width needs to be expanded to have a minimum clearance of 32 inches
B. The client needs to obtain a wheelchair narrower than 28 inches
C. The doorway width needs to be expanded to have a minimum clear opening of 45 inches
D. The doorway width is satisfactory and needs no modification
A. The doorway width needs to be expanded to have a minimum clearance of 32 inches

An individual is about to be discharged from outpatient OT after rehabilitation for a hand injury. The individual has not been able to work for 3 months and is unable to perform all of the job requirements as a truck driver. Which of the following should the OT practitioner recommend at discharge?

A. A home exercise program
B. Home health OT
C. Work hardening
D. No further OT services
C. Work hardening

An older adult has been hospitalized with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder following an overdose of sleeping pills. In obtaining an occupational profile, the OT discovers the patient has knitted and crocheted and enjoyed cooking. What activity should the OT practitioner recommend FIRST to achieve the goals of increasing a sense of confidence?

A. Crocheting a sweater for her teenage granddaughter
B. Making spaghetti and garlic bread for her husband
C. Knitting a small hat for her newborn grandson
D. Planning meals for the week in anticipation of discharge
C. Knitting a small hat for her newborn grandson

A child demonstrates aggressive and disruptive behavior in school as result of a low sensory threshold. Which suggestions would be MOST useful to discuss with the teacher regarding an upcoming class bus trip to the zoo?

A. Review the bus rules with the child and apply consequences consistently
B. Seat the child at the from of the bus and use earmuffs to dampen noise
C. Have child monitor classmates as “bus patrol” and report behavior
D. Let the child set the criteria for a successful trip, and provide a reward if the criteria are met
B. Seat the child at the from of the bus and use earmuffs to dampen noise

As the school team meets to develop the IEP for a third-grade student with autism spectrum disorder, the OT helps to project longer-term academic and functional performance outcomes for the student in middle school and high school. What is the MOST significant benefit of this approach for program planning?

A. Assurance that services will be available for the student in future years
B. Likelihood for optimal progress toward relevant post-high school goals
C. Current services that focus on steps to achieve targeted long-range outcomes
D. Avoidance of unnecessary duplication of services from year to year
C. Current services that focus on steps to achieve targeted long-range outcomes

A preschooler is having difficulty performing tasks requiring eye-hand coordination as a result of poor visual tracking skills. What activity should the OT use FIRST to promote visual tracking skills?

A. Tossing and catching a water balloon
B. Catching and bursting soap bubbles
C. Throwing and catching a beach ball
D. Playing softball
B. Catching and bursting soap bubbles

A homemaker with weak grip strength wishes to prepare a muffin mix but cannot open the bag. Which of the following would the OT MOST likely recommend?

A. A hand-powered mixer
B. Looped handle scissors
C. An electric knife
D. Prepare slice cookies instead of muffins
B. Looped handle scissors

An individual’s family wants to build a ramp to the primary entrance of the home. What is the maximum slope that the OT should recommend to the family?

A. 1 inch of ramp for every foot of ride in height
B. 1 foot of ramp for every inch of rise in height
C. 10 inches of ramp for every 2 inches in height
D. 1 foot of ramp for every foot of rise in height
B. 1 foot of ramp for every inch of rise in height

In establishing long-term goals for an individual with complete T4 paraplegia in a rehabilitation setting, the OT would MOST likely predict that the patient will attain what level of independence with bathing, dressing, and transfers?

A. Complete independence with self-care and modified independence with transfers
B. Independence with self-care and minimal assistance with transfers
C. Minimal assistance with self-care and moderate assistance with transfers
D. Dependence with both self-care and tranfers
A. Complete independence with self-care and modified independence with transfers

When planning acute treatment for a patient who has recently experienced a traumatic amputation of his right upper extremity at the below-elbow level, which of the following areas of patient education would the OT address FIRST?

A. Teaching to put on and take off a prosthesis
B. Training in residual limb wrapping
C. Practicing grasp and prehension functions
D. Simulation to resume vocational activities
B. Training in residual limb wrapping

An OT is working with an individual who is experiencing a manic episode and is highly excitable. Given that this individual has expressed interest in all kinds of craft activities, which type of craft activity would the OT be MOST likely to select to provide external structure for the client?

A. Doing a detailed needlepoint project requiring fine stitches
B. Using clay to shape an object of one’s choice
C. Doing a watercolor paint-by-numbers project
D. Finishing a prefabricated wood birdhouse from a kit
D. Finishing a prefabricated wood birdhouse from a kit

An OT in the hospital outpatient department meets with the parents of a 7-year-old boy with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The OT believes his performance challenges his participation in school and brings this up. What is the MOST appropriate way for the OT to address the parents?

A. Request permission to send progress report to the school district
B. Ask parent for permission to call the school district’s OT to learn about the IEP referral process
C. Suggest that the school district pay for the child’s outpatient therapy, as it likely relates to the child’s school performance
D. Ask whether the school district has addressed his coordination difficulties and if not, discuss further whether the parent wishes to raise this issue with the child’s teacher
D. Ask whether the school district has addressed his coordination difficulties and if not, discuss further whether the parent wishes to raise this issue with the child’s teacher

An individual with complete C4 tetraplegia is able to independently use a mouth stick to strike keys on a computer keyboard for 3 minutes. To upgrade this activity, the OT practitioner should:

A. Provide a heavier mouth stick
B. have the individual work at the keyboard for 5 minutes
C. progress the individual to a typing device that inserts into a wrist support
D. Teach the individual how to correctly instruct a caregiver in use of the keyboard
B. have the individual work at the keyboard for 5 minutes

An individual who is considered modified independent for functional mobility consistently leaves her cane in another room. When asked where the cane is, the client replies, “Oh, that cane – it’s just so ugly.” Which of the following actions is MOST appropriate to take?

A. Discuss issues related to self-concept with the individual
B. Evaluate the individual’s short-term memory
C. Assess the individual’s long-term memory
D. Devise strategies to address time management
A. Discuss issues related to self-concept with the individual

What is the PRIMARY goal for providing a hand orthosis to a child with active juvenile rheumatoid arthritis?

A. Inhibit hypertonus
B. Increase range of motion
C. Prevent deformity
D. Correct deformity
C. Prevent deformity

Which of the following actions should the OT practitioner instruct a patient to perform FIRST when initiating a safe wheelchair transfer??

A. Have the patient scoot forward to the front of the seat
B. Position foot plates in the up position
C. Swing away the leg rests
D. Lock the brakes
D. Lock the brakes

An OT is treating a child with autism spectrum disorder. To maximize the child’s benefit from intervention using Ayres Sensory Integration, what does the therapist need to ensure?

A. Sensory strategies re provided to enable child to process proprioception and tactile stimuli
B. Only one option for activity is available at a time. to encourage focus
C. Active participation and self-direction in activities matched to identified needs
D. Highly structured session, facilitating step by step learning
C. Active participation and self-direction in activities matched to identified needs

An individual with ALS and mild dysphagia becomes extremely fatigued at meals. Which is the FIRST intervention the OT practitioner should consider recommending?

A. Speak with the physician about tube feeding
B. Sit in a semireclined position during meals
C. Eat six meals a day
D. Substitute pureed food for liquids.
C. Eat six meals a day

An OT has developed a work conditioning program for men and women who were previously homeless and exhibit generally decreased endurance. What is the FIRST part of a work conditioning program?

A. Work activities adapted to the level of their ability
B. Exercise and limited work task simulation
C. Work tasks specific to the jobs they will be getting
D. A full day of on-the-job training
B. Exercise and limited work task simulation

A sales executive being treated for anxiety is participating in OT to develop time management skills. Which of the following would be the expected outcome for the individual?

A. To control anxiety when arriving late for a meeting
B. To take responsibility when late with reports
C. To cope with feelings of inadequacy when missing a deadline
D. To eliminate late arrival work
D. To eliminate late arrival work

An individual has been instructed to place towels, one at a time, on a high shelf to improve shoulder function. The individual is able to easily place 10 towels. Which of the following modifications would MOST effectively improve endurance in the shoulder flexors?

A. Place the towels on a higher shelf
B. Increase the number of towels from 10 to 20
C. Place the towels on a lower shelf
D. Add a 1-pound weight to each arm
B. Increase the number of towels from 10 to 20

The OT is planning intervention for a 10-year-old child with learning disabilities and significant difficulties accomplishing writing and drawing tasks, secondary to perceptual-motor dysfunction. When selecting a service delivery approach, which is the BEST choice?

A. Consultation with classroom teach so student stays in least restrictive environment
B. 1:1 intervention from the OT to focus on student’s skill development before middle school
C. Intervention from the OT in a small group with other students having similar needs
D. A combination of service delivery models so that the OT can address student, teacher, and task needs
D. A combination of service delivery models so that the OT can address student, teacher, and task needs

A person with a long history of Parkinson’s disease is experiencing considerable fatigue during the day. The BEST way to enable the individual to maintain his level of function is to teach him how to:

A. work through the fatigue
B. perform desired activities in a simplified manner to conserve energy
C. employ pursed-lips breathing
D. eliminate activities or reduce activity level as much as possible
B. perform desired activities in a simplified manner to conserve energy

A child with behavioral problems has difficulty with peer interactions. The OT’s intervention plan is MOST likely based on which approach?

A. Provide small group occupation-based activities in an authoritarian environment with clear expectations
B. Begin with 1:1 occupation-based activities to develop child’s social skills, then introduce group activities
C. Provide small group occupation-based activities that encourage exploration and interaction
D. Provide small group occupation-based activities with rules to define acceptable play guidelines
C. Provide small group occupation-based activities that encourage exploration and interaction

An OT is developing a measurement plan to track changes in social participation of several students with autism spectrum disorder. Which is the MOST likely measurement strategy the OT selects?

A. School Function Assessment
B. Documentation of change in narrative progress notes
C. Photographs taken over a 2-month period during recess
D. Goal Attainment Scaling
D. Goal Attainment Scaling

An individual with Guillain-Barre acute syndrome demonstrates poor to fair strength throughout the upper extremities. Which is the most appropriate approach for the OT practitioner to use when planning treatment for the EARLY stages?

A. Gentle, nonresistive activities
B. Progressive resistive exercise
C. Fine motor activities
D. Active range of motion against moderate resistance
A. Gentle, nonresistive activities

A child with underreactive sensory processing has been referred to occupational therapy. Based on a sensory integration frame of reference, intervention activities should have which facilitatory characteristics?

A. Arrhythmic and unexpected
B. Arrhythmic and slow
C. Sustained and slow
D. Unexpected and rhythmic
A. Arrhythmic and unexpected

A child with cerebral palsy and limited postural stability is developmentally ready for toileting. Which element of the treatment plan should be considered FIRST?

A. training in management of fasteners
B. utilization of foot supports
C. provision of a seat belt
D. training in climbing onto the toilet
B. utilization of foot supports

The mother of a 3-year-old with spastic quadriplegia wants her son to walk independently around the house. The child is not yet ready to achieve this goal; however, his mobility would be helpful to the mother who is finding her child difficult to lift. What is the BEST way to assist in the development of family-centered intervention?

A. support and work on the parent’s goal ass she has stated it
B. suggest an alternate goal of improving sitting balance for playing
C. propose a modified goal that still meets the parent’s needs
D. include the child in the goal-setting process
C. propose a modified goal that still meets the parent’s needs

Following radiation therapy for breast cancer, an individual develops lymphedema in the right (dominant) upper extremity. She is experiencing functional deficits and is referred to occupational therapy. Treatment to reduce the swelling will begin with:

A. change of dominance training
B. RUE exercise using isometric contractions
C. fitting of compression garments
D. A heat modality, such as warm compresses
C. fitting of compression garments

An OT is planning intervention with a young teenage following second-degree skin burns on her hands and face. What other tool would add important information to what the therapist has already learned from the medical record, evaluation of child’s physical, and sensory function and ADL performance?

A. school record, including past grades and extracurricular activities
B. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
C. Jacob’s Prevocational Assessment (JPVA)
D. Ranchos Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
B. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)

An OT practitioner is designing a stress management series using a cognitive-behavioral treatment approach fro individuals who have chronic fatigue syndrome. What should the FIRST module in the series include?

A. Teaching time management techniques
B. identifying thoughts and beliefs that contribute to negative feelings
C. providing aerobic exercise
D. teaching how to perform progressive resistive exercise
B. identifying thoughts and beliefs that contribute to negative feelings

An OT is designing a series of group sessions for adolescents with eating disorders. What is the long-term goal for the group?

A. Develop healthy eating behaviors and meal preparation skills
B. Improve school performance
C. Develop independence in menu planning and awareness of portion size
D. Promote communication skills and assertiveness
A. Develop healthy eating behaviors and meal preparation skills

An individual with a complete high-level tetraplegia spinal cord injury is returning home. Which type of adaptive technology would the individual MOST likely require to ensure safety in the home?

A. a simple electronic aid to daily living (EADL)
B. a second generation EADL device with speakerphone
C. a remote control power door opener
D. an electric page turner
B. a second generation EADL device with speakerphone

What should an OT do to promote playfulness and self-expression in a young child with mild intellectual disability?

A. model imagination, and use playful expressions and voice
B. ask child to demonstrate his favorite things to do during playtime
C. provide child with toys that are familiar and played with frequently
D. provide activities with a means of release, such as leather tooling
A. model imagination, and use playful expressions and voice

As the OT plans intervention for a parent with a mild intellectual disability who has returned home from the NICU with her daughter who was born 6 weeks prematurely, the therapist considers ways o help this mother develop positive parenting skills during feeding and dressing activities. Which is MOST likely going to help this parent?

A. provide handouts that picture the sequence of steps required to prepare the baby’s formula and launder clothes in the washing machine
B. encourage problem-solving about how she will respond when the baby is fussy during feeding a diaper changes
C. consult with the service coordinator to ensure that caretaking supports are available for the mother
D. practice preparing formula and washing clothes and include multiple opportunities for repetition
B. encourage problem-solving about how she will respond when the baby is fussy during feeding a diaper changes

An OT is working with an individual with Alzheimer’s disease who demonstrates mild to moderate decline. She lives with her husband, who works during the day. The OT should initially focus intervention on which one of the following areas?

A. ability to chew and swallow
B. kitchen safety
C. anger management
D. recognition of family members
B. kitchen safety

When providing caregiver training to the spouse of an individual diagnosed with early-stage dementia, the OT will MOST likely need to instruct the caregiver in strategies to compensate for what deficits?

A. short-term memory
B. fine and gross motor skills
C. social skills
D. dressing skills
A. short-term memory

To develop the MOST relevant goals for a student’s school-based occupational therapy program, what should the OT focus on?

A. teacher’s perspective about why the student struggles in the classroom
B. student’s ability to access and participate in the curriculum
C. family’s priorities for their child
D. areas of delay identified in the occupational therapy evaluation
B. student’s ability to access and participate in the curriculum

An OT practitioner is planning a meal preparation activity for an individual with cognitive deficits in the areas of attentional and organizational skills. What is the most appropriate activity to use FIRST in addressing sequencing skills?

A. setting the table
B. planning a meal
C. baking cookies following a recipe
D. preparing a shopping list
C. baking cookies following a recipe

An OT practitioner is working with an individual in a work program setting. What is the FIRST step to achieving the program objective of preventing reinjury?

A. performing a prework screening
B. learning proper body mechanics
C. participating in work hardening
D. engaging in vocational counseling
B. learning proper body mechanics

An individual was unable to achieve the following goal: ” The client will initiate two requests to other group members for sharing materials within a 1-week period.” What would be the BEST revised goal for this client?

A. initiate two requests to other group members for sharing group materials within a 2-week period
B. initiate one request to one other group member for sharing group materials within a 1-week period
C. greet the other group members at the start of each group session
D. greet the group leader at the start of each group session
B. initiate one request to one other group member for sharing group materials within a 1-week period

A child with autism spectrum disorder demonstrates inadequate playground skills. She plays alone, generally repeating the same play each day. Which approach will the OT MOST likely select to promote her skills?

A. OT joins group on playground, facilitating child’s play and including other children
B. OT works with child on the playground when other students are not using the playground
C. recommend the parent enroll the child in ballet lessons after school
D. ask the physical education teacher to include her in small groups during gross motor activity
A. OT joins group on playground, facilitating child’s play and including other children

A child with learning disabilities resulting in low frustration tolerance and poor self-esteem is learning how to tie shoelaces. Which method is the MOST appropriate for the OT to introduce to this child?

A. physical guidance
B. verbal cues
C. backward chaining
D. forward chaining
C. backward chaining

When an individual with neurological deficits sits down to read a magazine in the living room of her group home, she becomes distracted by the conversations of her housemates. Which of the following activities BEST addresses the underlying cognitive problem?

A. playing a simple, repetitive card game in a quiet environment
B. measuring ingredients for a recipe while there is music playing
C. referring to a catalog and filling out a catalog form
D. walking and bouncing a ball simultaneously
B. measuring ingredients for a recipe while there is music playing

An OT is planning intervention for a student who has difficulty manipulating her pencil to erase errors on her papers. What activities should be included to improve her in-hand manipulation?

A. finger-to-palm translation
B. plan-to-finger translation
C. simple rotation
D. complex rotation
D. complex rotation

An OT practitioner is planing a vocational intervention program to assist an individual in a community mental health day program develop skills needed for obtaining employment. Which of the following would be the MOST relevant intervention to include?

A. self-assessment of work habits and personality characteristics
B. activities focused on time and stress management skills as well as practice of job-seeking strategies
C. educating the work supervisors about the individual’s needs and offering environmental modifications to maximize performance
D. expressive activities such as making a collage with pictures of different types of jobs
B. activities focused on time and stress management skills as well as practice of job-seeking strategies

An individual with Guillian-Barre acute syndrome was recently admitted to a rehabilitation unit and is expected to remain for 3 to 4 weeks. At what point in the rehabilitative process should the OT order adaptive equipment for this individual?

A. after the patient and family have accepted the individual’s disability
B. as soon as the insurance provider approves it
C. within the first week of therapy
D. just before discharge
D. just before discharge

An individual diagnosed with cancer has developed chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, resulting in wristdrop and decreased sensation in the RUE. The individual is right-handed. Which treatment approach is MOST appropriate for optimizing UE functional performance?

A. meaningful activities to improve right-hand pinch and grasp
B. RUE sensory reeducation
C. use of orthosis to provide support until wrist strength returns
D. change of dominance training
C. use of orthosis to provide support until wrist strength returns

An OT is planning a group program in an acute care psychiatry setting for severely mentally ill individuals who display disorganized thinking and difficulty functioning in many areas. What is the MOST appropriate type of group to use with these patients?

A. activity
B. psychoeducational
C. neurodevelopmental
D. directive
D. directive

An OT is concerned about a child’s inability to control flexion and extension of the arm when reaching for toys. He flexes or extends the arm too much, making accurate placement of the hand very difficult. When developing goals, what area is MOST likely in need of development?

A. ability to isolate movement
B. ability to grade movement
C. ability to control how much fast movement occurs
D. bilateral integration of arm movement
B. ability to grade movement

While evaluating an individual with arthitis, the OT observes PIP joint hyperextension and DIP joint flexion in the digits. The OT will MOST LIKELY document this as a:

A. boutonniere deformity
B. mallet finger deformity
C. congenital deformity
D. swan neck deformity
D. swan neck deformity

An OT is helping the parent of a 4-year-old with autism spectrum disorder to identify strategies to support grooming and hygiene. They are focused on ways to overcome difficulties during toothbrushing routines. What should the OT recommend?

A. advise that many children with autism spectrum disorder outgrow difficulties with toothbrushing
B. identify and trial several different strategies, such as various toothpaste flavors, use of electric toothbrush, pictures to show steps
C. give the child a choice between brushing his teeth and another, less-preferred activity
D. vary the schedule so the child doesn’t begin to associate negative activities with bedtime
B. identify and trial several different strategies, such as various toothpaste flavors, use of electric toothbrush, pictures to show steps

The goal for an individual in the later stages of Parkinson’s disease is to dress independently. The BEST adaptation to compensate for this person’s physical deficits would be:

A. hook and loop closures on front-opening clothing
B. large buttons on front-opening clothing
C. larger clothing slipped on over the head with no fasteners
D. stretchy fabric clothing with tie closures in the back
A. hook and loop closures on front-opening clothing

A patient with poor visual acuity is about to be discharged after completing a rehabilitation program following a total hip replacement. The MOST appropriate environmental adaptation to ensure that the individual can go up and down stairs safely is:

A. installing a stair glide
B. mounting handrails on both sides of the steps
C. marking the end of each step with high-contrast tape
D. instructing the patient to take only one step at a time when going up or down
C. marking the end of each step with high-contrast tape

A 7-year-old child with limited pincer grasp wants to zip his own pants in school because he gets embarrassed when he has to ask his teacher for assistance after using the bathroom. Which should the OT recommend the child try FIRST?

A. large key ring
B. oversized fasteners
C. colored zippers
D. hook and loop fasteners
A. large key ring

An elderly individual who was hospitalized for a right CVA with left upper extremity flacidity and decreased sensation is beginning to experience sensory return in the left upper extremity. What intervention strategies should now be included in the treatment plan?

A. remedial treatment, such as rubbing or stroking the involved extremity
B. remedial treatment, such as the use of hot mitts to avoid burns
C. compensatory treatment, such as testing bathwater with the uninvolved extremity
D. compensatory treatment, such as using a one-handed cutting board to avoid cutting the insenate hand.
A. remedial treatment, such as rubbing or stroking the involved extremity

A client arrives to exercise group wearing traditional garments that cover the body from head to toe, restricting movement while exercising. The OT observes the individual’s discomfort and is concerned about participation, but also wants the client to be comfortable in an environment that is obviously culturally different for her. What is the BEST action for the OT to take, demonstrating cultural competence in this situation?

A. when the opportunity arises, discreetly explain to her that dressing more appropriately for the group will allow for better participation
B. comment on the beauty of the clothes, asking for affirmation from the rest of the group
C. gently suggest that next time the client wear loose-fitting clothing that will be comfortable to exercise in
D. ask the individual if there are cultural guidelines for how to dress for exercise group
D. ask the individual if there are cultural guidelines for how to dress for exercise group

An OT is running a group for women with eating disorders. The activity is to create a gift box with a message inside about what they appreciate about another individual in the group. After accidentally tearing the side of her gift box, one client looks very distressed and stop participating. Which response is BEST for the OT to enable the client to continue working on her goal of self-acceptance?

A. set up a time to work with her one-on-one
B. take the box, make the necessary repairs, and encourage her to continue writing her message
C. discuss the symbolism of how we all experience breaking and healing
D. bring her the supplies to start over again, and leave out the message part of the activity
C. discuss the symbolism of how we all experience breaking and healing

An OT has been asked to design a health promotion group for individuals with cognitive impairment functioning as a parallel task group level. What is the MOST appropriate activity for the OT to use?

A. planning a dinner party
B. a “healthy eating” board game
C. a Weight Watchers support group
D. a therapist-led aerobics class
D. a therapist-led aerobics class

The OT is treating a child an above-elbow amputation who is experiencing hyper-sensitivity of the residual limb. The therapist would MOST likely perform which intervention in the preprosthetic phase of treatment?

A. engage the child in play activities that strengthen bilateral upper extremities
B. include activities to increase the range of motion in the should on the affected side
C. encourage play activities that incorporate taping, application of textures, and weight-bearing to the residual limb
D. practice dressing activities that include putting on and taking off the UE prosthesis
C. encourage play activities that incorporate taping, application of textures, and weight-bearing to the residual limb

An OT is assessing an individual with dysphagia. Which of the following should the OT address FIRST?

A. jaw pain and tooth-grinding habits
B. cranial nerve function assessment
C. mental status, oral structures, and motor control of head
D. muscle length control via finger-to-nose tests
C. mental status, oral structures, and motor control of head

A flight attendant with low back injury is participating in a work-hardening program. The individual can successfully simulate distributing magazines to all passengers in a plane using proper body mechanics. To upgrade the program gradually, what should the OT NEXT request that the individual simulate?

A. serving from a beverage cart
B. issuing blankets and pillows
C. distributing magazines to half of the passengers
D. putting luggage in a overhead compartment
A. serving from a beverage cart

An OT is fabricating an orthotic for an individual who presents with a low ulnar nerve injury lesion. The orthosis MOST appropriate for this individual is one that includes which component?

A. prevents hyperextension of the PIP joints and allows PIP flexion
B. prevents hyperextension of the MCP joints and allows MCP flexion
C. allows hyperextension of the MCP joints and prevents MCP flexion
D. allows flexion and hyperextension of the MCP joints
B. prevents hyperextension of the MCP joints and allows MCP flexion

An OT is seeing an individual with Stage IV cancer for palliative care. What will the emphasis of intervention be for this individual?

A. emphasizing quality of life and engagement in meaningful activity
B. improving strength and endurance and managing pain
C. maximizing independence in perineal activities
D. dealing with the psychological issues associated with preparing for death
A. emphasizing quality of life and engagement in meaningful activity

An elderly individual who ambulates with a walker in the home states he does not like sponge baths and would prefer to resume taking showers but is afraid of falling. Which of the following should the therapist do FIRST?

A.Suggest bathtub bathing instead of showering
B. encourage the client to purchase a shower chair
C. demonstrate how using a shower chair improves safety
D. explain that therapy will boost his confidence level when showering
C. demonstrate how using a shower chair improves safety

An OT is treating a restaurant worker with pain resulting from a cumulative trauma disorder. The OT suggested using elastic taping to decrease pain in the UE while working. In addition to decreasing pain, this type of taping can also assist with:

A. decreasing inflammation and edema
B. potentially increasing muscle fatigue
C. limiting ROM and strength
D. desensitizing the UE
A. decreasing inflammation and edema

An OT has provided a cup with a cutout area at the rim to a 6-year-old child with dysphagia. What is the BEST way to explain the purpose of the cutout in the cup to the family?

A. slow the drinking process
B. allow the chin to remain tucked when drinking
C. allow the caregiver to control the flow of liquid
D. minimize biting reflexes when the cup is placed in the mouth
B. allow the chin to remain tucked when drinking

A 6-year-old received OT for dressing skill development and is now independent. At discharge, what is the BEST advice for the OT to give the child’s parents to maintain the child’s independence in dressing at home?

A. give assistance when the child asks for it to provide a successful experience
B. provide praise for completed dressing; do not help the child get dressed
C. supply oversized clothing with hook and loop closures and large snaps
D. use verbal prompts when needed and help with closures only
B. provide praise for completed dressing; do not help the child get dressed

Which leisure activity BEST suit a sixth-grade student with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to help him maintain range of motion?

A. swimming
B. basketball
C. soccer
D. aerobics
A. swimming

The OT has determined that progressive muscle relaxation training would benefit an individual who has anxiety and a limited attention span. What is the FIRST step in the training program?

A. make a fist, and then gradually relax it
B. focus on a rhythmic, repetitive word
C. walk until an increased heart rate is achieved
D. deeply inhale and slowly exhale
A. make a fist, and then gradually relax it

An OT is working with individual with amyotrophic later sclerosis who developed a sacral decubiti and has recently become too weak to turn himself in bed. What should the OT plan to do NEXT in regard to client/caregiver instruction?

A. begin a strengthening program
B. suggest that client and caregiver begin a wheelchair education program
C. teach the caregiver how to position the client safely
D.provide an environmental control unit to the client
C. teach the caregiver how to position the client safely

A hospital-based OT is working on discharge plans for a 2-year-old child with paraplegic spina bifida who has just started using a power wheelchair. Which community resource recommendation is the MOST critical for this child?

A. social service agency
B. wheelchair equipment vendor
C. family physician
D. early intervention program
B. wheelchair equipment vendor

A client presents with chronic, poststroke upper extremity edema of the right arm and hand. Which of the following would the OT most likely suggest to manage the edema?

A. manual edema mobilization
B. hot pack applications
C. paraffin treatments
D. sensory reeducation
A. manual edema mobilization

An individual with left upper extremity flaccidity is observed sitting at a table in his wheelchair at lunchtime with his left arm dangling over the side. The FIRST positioning strategy the OT should introduce to the individual is:

A. positioning the UE on the tabletop surface with Dycem
B. repositioning the arm back on the wheelchair armrest
C. using an arm sling
D. attaching a lap tray
A. positioning the UE on the tabletop surface with Dycem

An OT is discharging a 4-year-old child with cerebral palsy from a rehabilitation setting to home. What are the MOST appropriate instructions for the OT to provide to the family for maintaining correct jaw control while feeding the child from the side?

A. jaw opening and closing are controlled with your index and middle fingers; place your thumb on the child’s cheek
B. jaw opening and closing are controlled with your index and middle fingers; place your thumb on the child’s larynx for stability
C. jaw opening and closing are controlled with the palm of your hand on the child’s jaw cupping it gently
D. jaw opening and closing are controlled with your index and middle fingers; place your thumb on the child’s ear for stability
A. jaw opening and closing are controlled with your index and middle fingers; place your thumb on the child’s cheek

Individuals in a mental health clubhouse program are participating in a social skills training group focused on learning skills for meeting someone for the first time. The participants have completed the step in which they performed the role-play as it most recently occurred, without trying to use the most effective social skills. What is the NEXT action the OT should take when using a responsive social skills training protocol?

A. give a homework assignment focusing on meeting someone for the first time
B. provide positive and constructive feedback about performance in the role-play
C. discuss how to carry out strategies when meeting someone for the first time
D. runt he role-play again, this time using effective social skills for the same situation
B. provide positive and constructive feedback about performance in the role-play

The BEST way for an individual with hemiparesis and mild perceptual deficits to button a shirt is to:

A. button all the buttons before putting the shirt on
B. get the shirt all the way on, then line up the buttons and holes, and begin buttoning from the top
C. get the shirt all the way on, then line up the buttons and holes, and begin buttoning from the bottom
D. use a buttonhook with a built-up handle
C. get the shirt all the way on, then line up the buttons and holes, and begin buttoning from the bottom

An OT practitioner wants to provide functional activities as part of an individual’s hand rehabilitation program. Which of the following activities are appropriate?

A. active and self-care range-of-motion techniques
B. crafts, games, and self-care tasks
C. cone stacking, pegs, and pulleys
D. mild, moderate, and resistive Thera-Band exercises
B. crafts, games, and self-care tasks

The OT is observing a worker an intellectual disability perform a packaging task requiring assembly of a game box by placing first a pad of paper, then a pencil, then a plastic game piece into a box. The OT realized the client is having difficulty utilizing the correct assembly sequence. The OT decides that backward chaining would be the most effective technique for training this worker. How can the OT BEST introduce this technique?

A. instructing the worker to reverse the packaging sequence, placing the plastic game piece in first
B. prompting the worker to use the correct sequence with each item, then gradually eliminating prompts beginning with elimination of the prompt for the plastic piece
C. having the worker master the first step, putting the pad into the game package, then passing the package on to another worker to insert the pencil and the plastic piece
D. demonstrating and repeating the correct sequence before each of the worker’s attempts to package all three items
B. prompting the worker to use the correct sequence with each item, then gradually eliminating prompts beginning with elimination of the prompt for the plastic piece

The OT is working with the parents of a 4-year-old boy who demonstrates a strong tonic bite reflex when eating. What type of utensils will the OT MOST likely recommend to the child’s parents?

A. weighted universal grips
B. curved utensils
C. swivel utensils
D. rubber-coated spoons
D. rubber-coated spoons

Participants from a partial hospitalization program are taking a outing into the community. One program member complains of shortness of breath. The OT practitioner determines the individual’s resting heart rate is 128 bpm, and blood pressure is 230/180 mm Hg. What is the MOST appropriate action for the OT to take?

A. continue the community re-entry outing watching to see if additional symptoms emerge
B. immediately return the rest of the clients to the day program
C. help the patient lie down and wait until his vital signs return to normal
D. activate the emergency response by calling 911
D. activate the emergency response by calling 911

Which of the following activities would BEST represent an expected outcome for an individual who completes an energy-conservation program?

A. getting dressed without becoming fatigued
B. lifting heavy cookware without pain
C. doing handicrafts without damaging his or her joints
D. dusting and vacuuming more quickly
A. getting dressed without becoming fatigued

An OT is working with an individual who is s/p RUE shoulder replacement. The client is right-hand dominant and an avid woodworker. Currently, limited RUE ROM prevents participation in woodworking, which requires at least 120 degrees of shoulder flexion. The OT and the patient collaboratively develop a plan that incorporates woodworking to increase RUE ROM. After establishing the “just right challenge” at 40 degree of shoulder flexion for sanding the pieces of a wood project, how should the OT progress the patient in order to achieve his goal?

A. progress him to the use of power tools
B. apply increasingly heavier wrist weights during sanding and staining activities
C. provide him with tasks that require bilateral coordination
D. involve him in sanding and staining increasingly larger pieces
D. involve him in sanding and staining increasingly larger pieces

The OT has been working with a group of individuals with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse in a clubhouse model for several months. The group is functioning at a mature level. Which is the BEST way for the OT to be involved in this group?

A. functioning as a peer in the group
B. functioning as a group leader
C. function as group advisor
D. functioning as group facilitator
A. functioning as a peer in the group

A man with arthritis in his hands i attending outpatient OT to learn joint protection techniques. He wants to continue his hobby of needlepoint, which he does every day during his train commute to and from work. What advice should the OT give him regarding his hobby?

A. provide him with needlepoint designs that have a low level of complexity
B. teach him to take breaks frequently when doing needlepoint and to respect pain
C. encourage him to take up a different hobby that does not require him to hold small items, such as a needle
D. recommend he do only small needlepoint projects that can be completed in less than an hour.
B. teach him to take breaks frequently when doing needlepoint and to respect pain

A child with developmental delay in a kindergarten class has just developed the strength and stability in high right hand to hold the scissors properly and make snips in paper. Which activity would help the child to develop the next level of scissor skills?

A. cut cloth and cardboard
B. cut along curved lines
C. cut along straight lines to cut out a triangle
D. cut the paper in two following a straight line
D. cut the paper in two following a straight line

The OT fitted a 6-year-old child with an adapted seat to use during mealtime and other tabletop activities at home. What information is MOST appropriate to convey to the parents?

A. use the seat as the child is willing
B. bring the seat in for each weekly therapy session
C. bring the seat in for reevaluation in 4 to 6 months
D. Keep the seat until the end of the IEP
C. bring the seat in for reevaluation in 4 to 6 months

An individual preparing for discharge following a brief inpatient hospitalization for depression describes to the OT the type of services she would like to be involved in postdischarge. She is interested in structuring her day around work but does not feel she is ready for paid employment. She enjoys being in the company of others and does not feel she will need the support of professional mental health providers. Which setting best meets her criteria?

A. transitional employment
B. clubhouse model
C.. partial hospitalization
D. group home
B. clubhouse model

During a task group, an individual diagnosed with borderline personality disorder tells one group member that their project “looks like it was made by a little kid” and tells another group member that their project “looks stupid” and tosses the project across the room. Which is the BEST approach for the OT to take with the person who is displaying this behavior?

A. ban the individual from group activities until her behavior improves
B. tell the individual how disappointed you are in her behavior
C. work with the individual on appropriate communication skills
D. ask the individual how she thinks the other group members felt when she did that
C. work with the individual on appropriate communication skills

When instructing the parents of a toddler in the use and care of a hand orthosis, on which instructions should the OT place the most emphasis?

A. checking for irritation and pressure problems
B. avoiding excessive heat exposure
C. cleansing the orthosis regularly
D. adhering strictly to the wearing schedule
A. checking for irritation and pressure problems

A 7-year-old child with cerebral palsy demonstrates fair sitting stability and good head control with fluctuating lower extremity extensor tone. What position device would the OT MOST likely use during feeding?

A. prone stander with lateral trunk supports
B. Rifton child’s chair with footrest and padded abductor post
C. caregiver’s lap, with one arm stabilizing his trunk
D. beanbag chair for full sitting support
B. Rifton child’s chair with footrest and padded abductor post

An OT is preparing to do a parachute activity as part of a sensory integration program. Because several of the patients in the group are taking antipsychotic medications, the OT should be alert for which possible side effect that could occur as a result of this activity?

A. orthostatic hypotension
B. photosensitivity
C. excessive thirst
D. blurred vision
A. orthostatic hypotension

A very confused long-term care facility resident is frequently found in the rooms of other residents in the middle of the night. Which of the following environmental adaptations would MOST effectively prevent wandering?

A. apply wrist restraints after the client has fallen asleep
B. keep hallways clear of obstructions to prevent injury
C. install an alarm on the client’s door
D. move the individual’s room close to the nurses station
C. install an alarm on the client’s door

An OT has been hired by a community residence for women with mental health issues as a consultant to address the problem of low motivation and low activity levels in the areas of activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living. What approach is MOST appropriate?

A. provide occupational therapy treatment to increase occupational performance in the areas identified
B. develop a plan with staff to change the social environment to one that will enhance motivation and activity levels
C. design a range of living skills groups so that every resident will be included
D. help the residents to achieve personal goals, make decisions, or change behaviors
B. develop a plan with staff to change the social environment to one that will enhance motivation and activity levels

An OT is working with a 6-year-old child who occasionally drops his utensils when eating because of a slight decrease in hand range of motion/grasp limitations. Which piece of equipment would the OT MOST likely recommend FIRST?

A. swivel utensil
B. pediatric universal holders
C. foam tubing around the utensils
D. weighted utensils
C. foam tubing around the utensils

During an infant’s OT session, the mother reports she has observed that her baby has difficulty with swallowing and frequently chokes. To reduce the risk of aspiration and facilitate swallowing the OT should keep the head in what position?

A. neutral position
B. slightly flexed
C. slightly extended
D. rotated toward the feeder
B. slightly flexed

A 60-year-old auto mechanic with diabetes and impaired sensation in the residual lower limb has been referred to OT for prosthetic training following an above-knee amputation. The FIRST item the OT practitioner should address is:

A. skin inspection
B. grooming techniques
C. retirement planning
D. returning to work
A. skin inspection

the OT and client have agreed on a baking activity to work on decision-making skills, but when the time comes. the individual is reluctant to participate. Which of the following approaches would be MOST appropriate?

A. premeasure all the dry and liquid ingredients
B. use a recipe with no more than 3 steps
C. offer a choice of slice-and-bake cookies or a cake mix
D. create a checklist to use as each ingredient is added
C. offer a choice of slice-and-bake cookies or a cake mix

A client who presents with little to no active range of motion in the left shoulder after a CVA requires the OT to perform passive range of motion. How wold the OT proceed?

A. teaching the client how to utilize a wall-mounted shoulder wheel
B. having the OT move the shoulder joint through its full range of motion
C. using an overhead pulley system
D. training with an arm ergometer
B. having the OT move the shoulder joint through its full range of motion

An individual with bipolar disorder demonstrates frequent verbal outbursts and has been referred to occupational therapy to work on developing social skills. When using a Dialectical Behavior Therapy approach, what is the MOST appropriate forms to use?

A. individual treatment sessions in a quiet place such as the individual’s room
B. a group format following a specified protocol
C. individual treatment sessions that allow for flexibility within each session
D. a group format that alternates leadership opportunities between group members
B. a group format following a specified protocol

An OT is applying PNF techniques for weight shifting during an activity that requires an individual to use the right hand to remove groceries from a bag on the floor to the right. The MOST benefit would be gained from this activity by then placing the groceries:

A. on the counter directly in front
B. on the counter to the left side
C. in the upper cabinet to the right side
D. in the upper cabinet to the left side

A student is learning to activate a switch for a communications device. Although the switch is mounted on the wheelchair tray, the student continues to have difficulty operating it because of excessive muscle tone. Despite practicing for extended periods of time, the student is not making any progress. What should the OT do next?

A. reposition the switch to facilitate easy access and adjust further as needed
B. passively stretch the student’s upper extremity to increase range of motion
C. use a brightly colored switch to increase visibility
D. use systematic behavioral reinforcement through shaping

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