NJ Boating Exam (Latest 2023 – 2024) Verified Answers By Expert

1) A capacity plate shows the:
Maximum horsepower and weight allowed

2) What is the minimum height of the state registration numbers that are displayed on a boat?

3) If a boat transfers ownership, is destroyed, lost, stolen or recovered, the owner must notify the agency which issued the certificate within this many days:

4) On a federally documented boat, it must have this number permanently affixed in block type, Arabic numerals not lees than 3″ in height, on a clearly visible internal structural part of the boat.
Official number

5) This legal proof of state registration is required to be on the boat whenever it is underway:
Certificate of number

6) Motorized boats must be
registered in the state of principal use

7) A Backfire Flame Arrestor is attached to the air intake of an inboard gasoline engine and is designed to:
Suppress flames

8) Which one of the following boats is required to have a fire extinguisher on board:
Personal watercraft

9) Which of the following boats is required to have a Type IV (throwable) Personal Floatation Device on board under USCG regulations?
16″ bass boat

10) Which of the following is a U.S. Coast Guard approved type of visual distress signaling device:
electric distress signal light

11) All boats less than 39.4 feet in length, must legally carry this item in order to communicate with other boats…
an efficient means of producing a sound signal

12) A U.S. Coast Guard approved installed fire extinguishing system replaces this many portable B-I fire extinguishers?

13) With whom should you leave your float plan?
Friend, neighbor, or relative

14) To prevent structural damage, always do this prior to backing your boat into the water.
raise the lower unit (outdrive) or outboard engine

15) When fueling, you should always make certain this item makes contact with the fuel tank opening to prevent static spark.
Fuel nozzle

16) A type IV (throwable) PFD must be kept:
Immediately available

17) This required piece of safety equipment is attached to the carburetor of inboard gasoline engines to suppress flames:
backfire flame arrestors

18) After fueling, and before starting the engine, this item should be turned on for at least 4 minutes.
engine exhaust blower

19) On boats required to carry visual distress signals, the minimum amount is:
3 day/night combination flares

20) Passengers should all wear this item each time the boat gets underway.
life jacket

21) An inflatable Type III PFD may be worn by this boater:
16 year-old operating a ski boat

22) When trailering a boat, which type maneuver requires the widest turning radius?
right hand turn

23) Whenever a boat is taken out of the water, operators should thoroughly clean their boat to prevent these from spreading to other water environments:
aquatic nuisance species

24) When operating on federal waters, boats of this length and above must display the Federal Pollution (oil) Control Act placard:
26 feet

25) All watercraft with inboard gasoline engines and installed fuel tanks are required to have this safety item on board:
USCG approved fire extinguisher or fixed system

26) If a boat operator’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is at or above this level, they are considered to be legally intoxicated by federal (U.S. Coast Guard) statute.

27) The danger signal consists of at least this many short blasts in quick succession:

28) At night you observe only a green bow light (no all-round white light) ahead and to your left. This indicates:
a sailing vessel crossing left to right

29) A sailing vessel is usually the stand on vessel when interacting with a power driven vessel, except when the sailing vessel is…
Overtaking another vessel

30) Any vessel overtaking any other vessel shall:
keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken

31) The red sidelight is on this side of a boat:

32) You are driving a power-driven boat and you observe another power-driven boat crossing from your left to right, you should:
maintain course and speed

33) If the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change
There is a risk of collision

34) At night you observe a green bow light and an all-around white light ahead of you. This indicates a boat is moving in this direction:
Crossing from your left to your right

35) The preferred method of putting the anchor over the side is to…
slowly lower the anchor and tie off to a bow cleat

36) Recreational boaters must stay away from Naval vessels because:
it’s the law under Homeland Security measures

37) When fueling, protect the environment by
using sorbent materials

38) Used motor oil should be
retained onboard and be properly disposed

39) Most boating fatalities are the result of:
capsizing or falls overboard

40) The condition in which the human body loses heat faster than it can be produced is called:

41) A person who has unintentionally fallen out of boat should:
stay with the boat and try to get out of the water

42) To maintain stability in a small boat, everyone on board should:
stay low in the center

43) When travel under a bridge, boat operators should.
know the height of the bridge

44) A PWC, without rudders, will not turn when:
the throttle is released or engine is shut off

45) PWC operators may operate:
according to the state laws where operating

46) If you run aground, and there is damage to your boat’s hull, you should:
put on PFDs, do not move the boat, and radio for assistance

47) The majority of boaters who die in a boating incident die because they:
We’re not wearing a PFD

48) To indicate a person is diving from a boat, use a
blue and white alpha flag

49) To lessen the chance of capsizing, boaters should…
distribute weight evenly and low in the boat

50) The best way to stay informed of boating laws is to
take continuing education classes

51) Which state agency is responsible for enforcing the boating laws in New Jersey?
State police

52) In New Jersey, children under what age must wear a life jacket while boating on all public waters?

53) What is the legal minimum illegal intoxication limit for boating under the influence in New Jersey?

54) When is water skiing permitted in New Jersey?
Sunrise to sunset

55) On New Jersey waters, PWC may only be operated during what times?
Sunrise to sunset

56) In New Jersey, what requirement must be met in order to legally tow a person with a PWC?
a competent observe

57) In New Jersey, what minimum size PWC must be used to tow a person?
3 seater

58) In New Jersey, what is the minimum dollar amount of damage to a boat that must be reported?

59) In New Jersey, while pulling or retrieving a skier, when a skier is in the water; or while a towline is in the water, what item must be displayed at least four feet above the highest structure on the boat?
Signal pennant

60) In New Jersey, what is the legal length of a towline?
not less than 35 ft. and not more than 75 ft. in length

How should a boat’s registration number and validation decal be displayed?
on both sides of the bow

What are the most important factors in choosing a PFD?
weight and chest size

Information on the capacity plate
number of people, max weight, sometimes max horsepower

Best way to find out about local hazards
nautical chart

Minimum age to operate a PWC
16 years old

Type of PFD that turns most people face up
off-shore PFD (type 1)

Who is responsible for making sure passengers know all safety information?
the operator

Best place to store a fire extinguisher
in an easily accessible place

When should a life jacket be discarded and replaced?
when it is torn

What effect does alcohol have on operating a vessel?
increases the likelihood of an accident

In federally controlled waters, what equipment is required on an 18 foot boat?
USCG approved visual distress signal, PFD, throwable device

sound producing device required on an 18 ft boat in NJ waters
horn or whistle

What factors provide warning of dangerous weather?
dark clouds and shifting winds

part of a regular engine maintenance program
check the oil

With respect to the wind or current, how should you approach the dock?
into the wind

What should you do before fueling?
stop the engine, close all doors/windows/hatches

Where should the trailer be located when loading gear?
well away from the dock

how to avoid propeller strikes when boarding
turn of engine

What is a reason why boat operators would be directed to shore?
not enough PFDs on board

What is the best way of minimizing the risk of drowning?
wearing a life jacket

how to avoid transporting nuisance species
clean hull, clear bilge, clear off zebra mussels

boat operator should tell passengers
basic safety information and the location of safety equipment

function of an ignition safety switch
kills the engine if it comes off

How far away from a marina, dock, or wharf must a power boat be to travel faster than no wake speed?
200 feet

effect of alcohol while boating compared to land
greater while boating

boating while intoxicated in NJ waters
boating in NJ = implied consent for breathilizer

Who is responsible for avoiding collisions?
the operator

What is a safe speed for boats?
a speed at which the operator can avoid collisions

What is the main purpose of the lateral system of red and green buoys/markers?
to mark the edge of safe waters

Is operating at slow/no-wake speed when passing an anchored vessel legal?

When is a sailboat undersail the give-way vessel when encountering a power-driven vessel?
when it is overtaking the power-driven vessel

What should an operator do to make sure passengers know what to do in an emergency?
conduct drills

Other than a vessel operator, who is required to be on board a vessel if it is towing a skier?
a competent observer

white buoy with an orange diamond with a cross through it and black lettering
exclusion (do not enter)

Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?
clear, odorless, tasteless

At what distance away from a military vessel must a recreational vessel slow to minimum speed?
500 yards

What must a vessel owner do before letting others operate their vessel?
make sure the person knows how to operate the boat safely

how to reduce the risk of falling overboard
stay near the center of the boat, low center of gravity

What must the boat operator do when someone is being pulled into the boat from the water?
turn off the engine

first action required of a boat operator who witnesses an accident
provide assistance

When is a boat operator required to report an accident?
when is results in death/disappearance, injury, or damage more than $2000

condition with greatest risk of developing hypothermia
immersed in cold water

What should you immediately do if a boat’s motor catches on fire?
turn off the engine

What do you do if you run aground?
lift the outdrive

action that results in loss of steering control in a PWC
letting off of the throttle

NJ law: How old must you be to operate a boat that is greater than 12 ft but has an engine of less than 10 horsepower?
13 years old

When is it legal to tow a person on waterskis?
sunrise to sunset

What does an operator do to keep a proper lookout?
watch for navigational hazards

How many feet away from the shoreline must a jetski be to operate at a speed greater than minimum headway speed?
100 feet

What hours is it illegal to operate a PWC?
sunset to sunrise

Why should an operator keep a proper lookout?
to avoid collisions

What can paddlers do to avoid capsizing?
low center of gravity, 3 points of contact with boat

anglers/hunters should do this while fishing/hunting from boat
wear a PFD

Children of what age are required to wear a PFD?
12 and under

What is the main factor in determining a safe speed?

What do you do when two powerboats are approaching head on?
both turn right

When should navigation lights be displayed?
night and when visibility is reduced

What could happen if you anchor from the stern?
the boat could swamp

What do you do if visibility is restricted because of fog?
reduce speed to avoid collisions

What do you do if you fall overboard in cold water?
try to get back into/onto your boat or on something else that floats

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