Ohio PT Jurisprudence Practice Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

Ohio PT Jurisprudence Practice Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

Definition of Physical Therapy
The evaluation and treatment of a person by physical measures and the use of therapeutic exercises and rehabilitative procedures, with or without assistive devices, for the purpose of preventing, correcting or alleviating any disability

Definition of Physical Therapist
A person who practices or provides patient education and instruction of physical therapy. An individual who performs the initial; examination unless that therapist has transferred the responsibility for management of the patient’s care to another

Definition of Physical Therapist Assistant
A person who assist in the provision of physical therapy treatments, including the provision of patient education and instruction, under supervision of a physical therapist

What are the main responsibilities of the Physical Therapy Section of the OTPTAT Board

  • shall license persons desiring to practice physical therapy/assisting
  • approve investigation, hearings, inquires and its findings and orders

What are other responsibilities of the Physical Therapy Section

  • keep a record of its proceeds
  • keep a register of applicants and PT/A in the state
  • deposit all fees collected
  • on the receipt of an application for a license to practice as a PT/A provide to the applicant the sections address, dates of upcoming section meetings and a list of names of the section members

Disciplinary actions the PT section can make after an investigation or hearing
License suspension, revocation or refusal to issue or renew license, or limit permit

If a investigator is employed by the PT section, what rights do they have
Investigate compliants, conduct inspections and make inquires as in the judgement. Right to review, obtain copies, and audit the patient records and personnel files of the licensee and limit permit of the holders place of business

May the PT section disclose information gathered in an investigation
For good cause. May disclose to federal, state or local law enforcement, prosecutor or regulatory agency or its officers or agents engaging in an investigation

Criteria to be granted reciprocity in Ohio

  • applicant received a score on the NPTE that would have been a passing score
  • applicant passed the jursiprudence exam
  • holds a current and valid license or registration to practice PT in another state
  • applicant’s education is reasonably equivalent to the educational requirements that were enforced for licensure

How often does PT/A license expire

What is the licensure renewal fee
not more than $125

What change in information should a licensee report to the PT section
Name, business address, or home address no later than 30 days

Who may receive a license by endorsement
An applicant who is currently licensed as a PT/A under the laws of another state provided the requirements for registration or licensure under the appropriate category in that state include minimal education and passing score on the NPTE

What if an applicant for endorsement has been out of practice for more that 5 years
Shall retake and pass the NPTE

Define “out of practice”
Being actively engaged in the practice of physical therapy for fewer than 500 hours over a 5 year period prior to date the applicant submits endorsement application

When should an individual renew their license
January 31st.

What year does PTs renew their license
even numbered years, unless received initial license after October 1st of an odd year than license is valid through the January 31st of the second even year

What year does PTAs renew their license
odd numbered years, unless received initial license after October 1st of an even year than license is valid through the January 31st of the second odd year

What happens if applicant allows license to expire
Have to submit a reinstatement application

What happens if an individual practices with an expired license
Subject to disciplinary actions

What is the protocol of submitting reinstatement application before March 1st of the year the license expired
Applicant shall complete the number of contact hours of continuing education that were required to renew the expired license

What is the protocol of submitting reinstatement application after March 1st of the year the license expired
Applicant shall complete the number of continuing education within two years period immediately preceding the date the board received the application

How many continuing education units does a PT require for renewal
24 CEU’s

How many continuing education units does a PTA require for renewal
12 CEU’s

What is the criteria for approval for continuing education activities
Include significant intellectual or practical content, the primary objective of which is to improve the professional competence of the participant. Be an organized program of learning dealing with matters directly related to the practice of physical therapy, professional responsibility, ethical obligations. Consist of in-person instruction or other methods of instruction

What is the protocol if the PT section denies approval for continuing education activity
PT section shall give a written explanation of the reason for denial to the person requesting approval

Can the PT section approve CEU’s from another state
PT section may approve if determined to meet the standards

Who does the PT section contract out to for assistance with approving CEU’s
American Physical Therapy Association

Which circumstances are CEU’s granted

  • for completing an approved CEU course, program or activity
  • for teaching as a faculty member of an institution of higher education
  • for teaching an approved course, program, or activity other than as a course that is apart of the curriculum
  • for authoring a published article or book

How many CEU’s is granted from completing a course, program or activity
one unit for each hour of instruction received

How many CEU’s is granted for teaching as a faculty member
.5 unit for each semester hour of the course

How many CEU’s is granted for teaching a non-circulum course
3 units for each hour of teaching the course, program or activity the first time and .5 unit for each hour of teaching afterwards

How many CEU’s is granted for published work
up to 10 units as determined by the PT section

What is the limit of CEU’s for teaching
no more than 12 units biennially

Definition of a “unit”
One clock hour spent in a continuing education activity

What is a requirement for all continuing education courses
A current Ohio approval number

What needs to be submitted if selected for CEUs to be audited
Submit to the board by the date specified, copies of all records and documentation of proof of completion

What actions will result in disciplinary actions related to CEUs being audited

  • failure to provide proof of the required number of CEUs for the specified time period
  • failure to respond to or acknowledge receipt of an audit notice

How many contact hours are granted for passing specialty examinations
24 contact hours of CEUs

How many contact hours are granted for completion of an APTA residency or fellowship
24 contact hours of CEUs

How many contact hours will be granted for completion of FSBPT review tool pertaining to continued competence
12 contact hours of CEUs

How often can the FSBPT review tool be used to gain CEUs
May only use every other renewal period

How many contact hours will be granted as a clinical instructor
one contact hour for every 80 hours of instruction

What is the criteria to earn CEUs as a clinical instructor
PT must be an APTA certified level 1 or 2 CI. PTA must be an APTA certified level 1 CI

What is the maximum CEUs that can be granted as a PT CI
12 contact hours per renewal cycle

What is the maximum CEUs that can be granted as a PTA CI
6 contact hours per renewal cycle

How many contact hours will gain as a APTA accredited clinical residency/fellowship program
1 contact hour for each 3 hours of mentor ship. 12 contact hours per renewal period

Under what conditions may the PT section of the Board grant waivers of the CEUs

  • case of illness
  • disability
  • undue hardship

When must the request of waiver forms be received by the PT section
no later than October 1st of the year preceeding the renewal date

How long is a waiver granted for
not to exceed one renewal cycle

How long may a licensed PT from another state teach a physical therapy theory or procedures course in Ohio
no more than 1 year without obtaining a license as a PT in Ohio

Definition of Practice of Physical Therapy
Engaging in physical therapy including providing consultative services

Definition of Other Licensed Personnel
Any person holding an Ohio license to practice as a health care practitioner in a profession other than PT and is working under the direct supervision of physical therapist/assistant as delegated by the PT and is performing task and duties related to delivery of physical therapy

Definition of Unlicensed Personnel
Any person who is on the job trained and supports the delivery of physical therapy services by personally assisting the PT, PTA, SPT, SPTA while therapy services is concurrently providing to the same patient

Definition of “Student Physical Therapist”
A student enrolled in an accredited or candidacy status entry level physical therapist education program who is completing a required clinical education course

Definition of Student Physical Therapist Assistant
A student enrolled in an accredited or candidacy status entry level PTA education program who is completing a required clinical education course

Definition of Supervising Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist who is available to supervise the physical therapist assistant, SPT and SPTA, other licensed and unlicensed personnel. May be the PT who performed the initial examination or another PT

Definition of Supervising Physical Therapist Assistant
The PTA who is appropriately available to supervise the SPTA, other licensed and unlicensed personnel

Definitin of Direct Supervision
The PT or PTA is in the same building and available to immediately respond to the needs of the patient. The PT/A shall have direct contact with the patient during each visit

What duties are the PTAs not qualified for

  • interpret physician referrals
  • conduct initial patient evaluation
  • write initial or ongoing patient plans of care
  • conduct re-evaluations of the patient or make changes to the patient plan of care
  • perform the discharge evaluation and complete the final discharge summary

Who is responsible for sole delegation
Physical Therapist. The responsibilities for physical therapy care rendered by the PTA and other licensed personnel rest with the supervising PT

What is other licensed personnel able to document in the medical chart in regards to physical therapy interventions
Restricted to only an accounting of the activities provided, including the patient’s response to the intervention

What task can be delegated to unlicensed personnel
May be assigned routine duties that assist in the delivery of physical therapy care and operation

Supervision of a PTA
The supervising PT must be available by telecommunication at all times and respond appropriately to the needs of the patient

Supervision of a Student PT
Supervising PT is required to be on-site and available to immediately respond to the needs of the patient when ever the student is performing patient examination, evaluations and intervention

Supervision of a Student PTA
Supervising PT/A is required to be on-site and available to immediately respond to the needs of the patient whenever the student is performing patient intervention

Supervising of a Other Licensed Personnel
Direct supervision from supervising PT/A is required when ever the personnel is performing patient intervention

Supervising of Unlicensed Personnel
May be supervised by PT/A or SPT/A who are being supervised in accordance with the laws and rules governing practice of physical therapy

What does co-signatures indicate
that the PT reviewed the note and agrees with the patient informarion

What does electronic signature mean
A code consisiting of a combination of letters, numbers, characters or symbols that is adopted or executed by an individual

What does it mean to Practice without an Referral
A physical therapist evaluates and treats a patient without the prescription or referral of the patient by a person who is licensed to practice medicine

When does the PT have to inform the appropriate primary care provider when practicing without a referral
With consent of patient, must inform the PCP of the evaluation no later than 5 business days

When must the PT report back to the PCP during the patients treatment
If PT determine that no substantial progress has been made with respect to that patient during 30 day period

What are the exceptions to reporting to the PCP

  • evaluation, treatment or services are being provided for fitness, wellness or prevention purposes
  • patient previously was diagnosed with chronic neuromuscular or development conditions and the evaluation, treatment or service are being provided for problems/symptoms associated with one or more of those previously diagnosed conditions

How many votes does the PT section need to refuse to grant a license for initial or renewal
no less than 5

Reasons for limiting, suspending or revoking the license or reprimand a fine or place a holder on probation
See Laws and rules 4755.47 (Disciplinary Actions)

When can a reinstatement application be submitted after a license has been revoked
no sooner than 1 year after the date of revocation

Where should a license be displayed when practicing physical therapy
The current license shall be in a conspicuous location in the place where the person spends the majority part of their time

When should a request for an administrative hearing be received after a application for licensure or examination has been denied
Within 30 days of the PT section mailing the notice of opportunity hearing

What occurs if the PT section does not receive a request for an administrative hearing
The PT section upon consideration of the charges cited may take appropriate action in the absence of the participant

What may be required if the physical or mental condition of the licensee holder is at issue in a disciplinary proceeding
PT section may order the license holder to submit to reasonable examinations by a health care practitioner

What is the purpose of the Code of Ethical Conduct
To ensure that an individual licensed by the PT section has a responsibility to report any organization or entity that provides or holds itself out to deliver PT services that places the licensee in a position of compromise

When is a situation considered an unethical conduct
Conduct maybe considered unethical regardless of whether or not actual injury to the patient occurred

Specifics of the Code of Ethical Conduct
See Ohio Administrative Code 4755-27-05

What it the responsibility of an individuals who’s license has been suspended or revoked
Upon receipt of the final order, must immediately surrender to the board office all evidence of license including wall certificate. All copies of wall certificates must be destroyed

What disciplinary action will be taken if your license is suspended/revoked?
You will be required to surrender your wall certificate of Ohio license.

To apply for an initial application, the applicant must be __ years or older.

Ohio license has adopted the Federation of State Board of PT’s limit to the number of times you can take the NPTE. An applicant can take the NPTE exam _ times within months with a lifetime number of attempts of _.

What must the applicant satisfy as well as the NPTE to practice in the state of Ohio?
An applicant can take the NPTE exam 3 times within 6 months with a lifetime number of attempts of 6.

(The applicant must satisfy all sections of the Revised Code and Admin cons before being issued a license)

What are some new ways in which you can receive continuing education credits?

  1. Working at a free clinic in Ohio
  2. Renewal of specialty certification for 6 hours
  3. Renewal of a jurisprudence module for 2 hours.

T/F: Currently, a student PT/PTA must be 18 years old or older to be supervised by a PT/PTA.
False: This is effective January of 2020

What is the definition of Physical Therapy?
The evaluation and treatment of a person by physical measure and the use of ther ex and rehab procedures, with or without AD, for the purpose of preventing, correcting, or alleviating physical impairments, functional limitations, and physical disabilities.

(includes physiotherapy)

Physical therapy includes establishment and modification of physical therapy programs, treatment planning, patient education and instruction, and consultative services.

_____ includes determining a physical therapy diagnosis in order to treat the person’s physical impairments, functional limitations, and physical disabilities; determining a prognosis; and determining a plan of therapeutic intervention.

A. Examination
B. Evaluation
C. Diagnosis
D. Treatment
B. Evaluation

T/F: A physical therapist is expected to design, fabricate, and revise various AD, and the provision of education/instruction on their use (including braces, splints, ambulatory or locomotion devices, w/c, P&O.)
True: If and only if the physical therapist is adequately trained in the design, fabrication of the specific AD, they are expected to perform these duties under the term, “physical therapy”.

Physical therapy includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. Administration of topical drugs that have been prescribed.
B. Referral to a consultative service.
C. Roentgen rays or radium for diagnosis/treatment
D. Use of modalities not prescribed by MD.
C. Physical therapy does not include Roentgen rays or radium for diagnosis/treatment


Electricity for cauterization or other surgical purposes.

T/F: When determining the physical therapy diagnosis, the medical diagnosis is often included.

What is the definition of PT diagnosis?
FALSE: A physical therapy diagnosis means a judgement that is made after examining the nm system or evaluation/studying its symptoms and that utilizes techniques and science of PT to establish a plan of therapeutic intervention. PT diagnosis DOES NOT include the medical diagnosis.

What types of treatments are included under the term “physical measures”?

  1. Massage
  2. Manual therapy
  3. Heat
  4. Cold
  5. Air
  6. Light
  7. Water
  8. Electricity (with exception of cauterization/surgical use)
  9. Sound
  10. Performance tests of nm function.

A person who practices or provides patient education and instruction in physical therapy and includes physiotherapist.

A. Physical therapist technician
B. Physical therapy assistant
C. Physical Therapy aide
D. Physical Therapist

A person who assisted in the provision of physical therapy treatments, including provisions of patient education and instruction, under the supervision of a PT.

A. Physical therapist technician
B. Physical therapy assistant
C. Physical Therapy aide
D. Physical Therapist

All of the following are duties of the Ohio OT, PT, AT board:
A. Licensing PT/PTA in the state of Ohio
B. Provide an investigation, inquiry, or hearing associated with any finding or order against a PT

The PT section duties include all of the following:
A. Keep a record of its proceedings
B. Keep a register of applicants
C. Maintain a register of every PT/PTA in the state

How often does a PT/PTA license expire?
Biennium or once every 2 years

Late application for renewal of a license will be charged a fee of __?
An additional fee, not to exceed $35

The physical therapy section will accept a foreign physical therapist (and assistant) education if the following is true:

A. If the degree was received from an institution that speaks english.
B. If the institution uses a course evaluation tool/form approved by the PT section
C. If the credentialing organization provides a course schedule to the PT section
D. If the director of programs provides a signature to the PT section certifying authenticity of program.

T/F: When evaluating whether an applicant’s education is equivalent to educational requirements in the state of Ohio for PT/PTA licensure, the education needs to meet the up to date requirements for education criteria.
False: It must be equivalent to the educational requirements on the date of the applications initial licensure or registration in another state or country.

The licensee must notify the section within _ days of a change of name, address, or both.
30 days

T/F: The physical therapy section may establish fees in excess of the amounts provided by the section.
True: Only IF those fees do not exceed the original amounts by more than 50%.

What must be submitted to the section for PT license qualifications?

  1. Name
  2. Current Address
  3. Proof of completion of the masters or doctorate degree from an accredited (US Dept. of education) program.
  4. Physical description and photo (no longer required)
  5. Pay a fee of no more than $125

A minimum of _ academic semester credits or its equivalent are required in courses including biological and physical sciences.
120 academic semester credits

The PT section shall approve an application to sit for the NPTE no later than days after receiving the application that the sections considers complete, unless or _.
120 days


  1. requested documentation
  2. Notified in writing of the intent to deny the application with right to appeal request.

If the section fails to respond within 120 days of application submission, the section will refund __ of the application fee.
one half

To be eligible to receive a license, to practice a PT must pass _ and _.

  1. NPTE
  2. Jurisprudence exam

The PT will be issued a license once they have: a) and b) _.
a) passed the NPTE
b) payed the fee

Under what terms is reciprocity granted?
Within one year of filing the application, reciprocity (or the ability to practice PT without having to retake/take the NPTE) is granted if all of the following are true:

  1. Presents evidence of what would have been a satisfactory score the year the NPTE was taken.
  2. Passed the jurisprudence exam
  3. holds a current and valid license or registration to practice PT in another state/country.
  4. demonstrate that education is reasonably equivalent to educational requirements that were in force for licensure in this state on the date of the applications initial licensure or registration in the other state/country.
  5. Pays the fee
  6. Not in violation of any section of the chapter or rule adopted under it.

If the applicant’s education is not found to be reasonably equivalent to the education requirements in Ohio on the date of the applications initial licensure or registration in another state or country, what will happen?
The section will send a written notice within 30 days, stating the denial of the application and specific reasoning as to why.

How do you renew your license to practice PT in the state of OH?
Your license will expire every 2 years. To renew you must:

  1. apply to renew
  2. pay a renewal fee of no more than $125
  3. Signed statement that all continuing education requirements are fulfilled (if applicable)

Must be done by the last day for renewal established in the rules.

In what 3 cases should you report a change to the PT section?

  1. Change in name
  2. Business address
  3. Home address

Within 30 days

How many affirmative votes from the board are required to refuse to grant a license to an applicant for an initial or renewed license as a PT/PTA?
Affirmative vote of at least 5 members

What actions can the board take if they decide to take disciplinary action?

  1. Limit
  2. Suspend
  3. Revoke
  4. Reprimand
  5. Fine
  6. Probate
  7. Require corrective action

Disciplinary actions will be taken on any of the following grounds:
A. Adjudication by court that the licensee is incompetent.
B. Failure of one or both examinations required.
C. Permitting the use of name/license when the one giving permission is not directing treatment.
D. Denial, revocation, suspension, or restriction of authority to practice for any reason other than a failure to renew in OH.
E. Failure to maintain min standards of practice in admin, handling, selection of drugs or modalities.
F. Willful betrayal of personal confidence
G. False fraudulent deceptive misleading plains in solicitation or advertising.
H. failure to conform to minimal standards of care (with or without injury)
I. violation of the limitations set by the PT section
J. Failure to renew
K. paying for/being paid for referrals
L. Mental/Physical illness rendering unable to practice according to acceptable standards.
M. Termination/suspension of medicare program
N. Failure to maintain supervision
O. Failure to complete continuing education.
P. Misdemeanor offense occurring during PT practice.
Q. Failure to cooperate with an investigation, subpoena, orders, or failure to answer truthfully at a deposition.
-unless quashed or permitted to withhold testimony or evidence by a court of competent jurisdiction
R. Whether or not consensual verbal or contact, unless engaging with a patient other than a spouse
-interpreted as sexually demeaning
S. Failure to notify the PT section of change in name, business address, or home within 30 days
T. Waiving the payment of a deductible or copayment is required to pay if used as an enticement to receive healthcare from that provider.

When is an individual able to waive deductibles/copays without imposed sanctions?

  1. The plan allows it with full knowledge and consent from the plan purchaser, payer, and 3rd party administrator.
    -Documentation and consent must be requested from the board.

When a license is revoked, how long must a licensee wait before applying to have the license reinstated?
a. 18 months
b. 1 year
c. 6 months
d. 2 years

After a license is revoked, that licensee cannot apply for reinstatement until after:

A. They plead their case
B. File for permission of reinstatement
C. Pass an exam
D. Passed by at least 3 board members

When placed on probation, how shall a person be removed from probation?
The sanctions order will be accompanied by conditions under which one can be removed from probation and restored to unrestricted practice.

The PT section can immediately suspend the license prior to a hearing, if:

  1. All members of the board are in favor
  2. The person imposes an immediate threat
  3. The person has violated more than one law.
  4. A patient has filed a law suit against the defendant.

The PT section can request a final order to permanently revoke a license if:

  1. A vote to suspend licenses has been made


  1. Failure to make a timely request for adjudication

The PT section shall issue its final adjudication order of summary suspension no later than _ days after completion of the hearing. If not issued within this time frame, the result is __.

  1. 90
  2. Immediate dissolution (of suspension order unless subsequent attempt is made)

A PT can render PT services in what types of businesses?
A. Corporation
C. Partnership/Professional association
D. Nonprofit
E. Any other manner authorized in accordance with the revised code/rules of the Ohio board

Corporations, LLC, and partnerships/professional associations can provide a combo of professional services including:

  1. Optometrist
  2. Chiropractor
  3. Psych
  4. RN, LPN
  5. Pharma
  6. OT
  7. Mechanotherapist
  8. MD, DO, podiatric, surgical
  9. licensed clinic counselors, social workers, therapists

T/F: Even though the code of ethics states you are not allowed to practice with other professional services, you in fact are allowed.

What are some of the non-traditional abbreviations implying that a person is a PT or PTA that is prohibited by those that do not hold a license?
PT technician

Where must you display your current license?
In a conspicuous location in which you spend the majority of your time practicing.

The revised code does not restrict a student from practicing as long as all of the following are true:

  1. In an accredited or approved educational program
  2. Activities and services constitute a part of a supervised course of study
  3. Designated by a title that clearly indicates the person’s status as a student.

Nothing in the revised code shall prevent a person who holds a license in another state to practice in Ohio with their designated traveling team. They are allowed to treat all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. A patient at a local healthcare facility
B. The team’s equipment staff
C. The team’s Mascot
D. Treat the team’s communications staff

A PT traveling with an athletic team to Ohio from out of state for a game is not allowed to provide more than __ days of PT in a calendar year in the state of OH.
60 days

We obtain referrals from all of the following except:

C. Dentist
D. Must have an advanced nursing degree, such as RN

Chiropractors are also allowed to send us referrals.
The more you know

We must practice PT with the referral/prescription of an acceptable referral source, unless the following applies:

  1. You have a master’s or doctorate in PT
  2. On or before Dec. 21, 2004, the person has completed at least 2 years of practical experience as a licensed PT.

When treating a patient without a prescription or referral, you should inform the relevant person no later than _ business days after the __.
5 days

If a self-referred patient has no substantial progress within a 30 day period immediately after the initial visit, the PT should:

A. Reassess the plan of care
B. Consult or refer to the referral source
C. Reassess goals
D. Discharge patient

There are exceptions to this rule… What are they?


  1. Fitness, wellness, or prevention program
  2. Chronic, nm, or developmental condition and the eval, treatment, and services are being provided for problems/symptoms associated with one or more of those previously diagnosed conditions.

PT’s are permitted to incorporate the following orthotics into treatment as they deem necessary:
A. UE adaptive equipment
B. Finger splint
C. Wrist Splint
D. Abdominal support
E. Nontherapeutic accommodative inlays
F. Shoes not manufactured or modified
G. Pre-fabricated foot care products
H. Custom foot orthotics
I. Durable medical equipment

T/F: A self-referred patient does not oblige the health insurance entity to pay for services rendered without the referral of an appropriate medical professional.

All of the following are true in terms of requirements for persons permitted to teach PT, EXCEPT:

A. An Occupational Therapist
B. A person licensed in another state
C. A person licensed in another country
D. A part-time PT
A. A person shall NOT teach PT theory w/o obtaining a license in PT.
B. They are allowed up to a year in Ohio before being required to obtain a state license.
C. Allowed up to a year if they apply to the PT section to request authorization, then they must obtain a state licenses.
D. No restrictions

__ units of continuing education is required for a PT to renew their license.
24 units (except in the case for the first license renewal)

__ units of continuing education is required for a PTA to renew their license.
12 units (except in the case for the first license renewal)

Continuing education must include all of the following to be considered acceptable:

  1. Include significant intellectual/practical content
  2. Organized program dealing with PT, professional responsibility, ethics
  3. In-person/self-study materials
  4. In a setting physically suited to educational activity
  5. High-quality written material

Continuing education courses are worth _ units per hour.
1 unit per hour

For teaching as a faculty member you will receive _ units per semester hour of the course.

Other than a faculty member, for teaching a higher education course you will receive____ units for each hour.
1 unit for each hour of teaching the course.

Teaching a course other than an institution of higher education, you will receive _ units for each hour for the first time teaching the course and _ units per hour for anytime there after.
3 for the first time
1/2 for any subsequent time

For authoring a published article or book you can receive up to __ units.

T/F: The PT section will grant no more than 24 units of continuing education for teaching during a biennial renewal period.
FALSE: No more than 12 units

You must provide your national provider identifier assigned by the US secretary of health and human services in all of the following cases EXCEPT:

A. Third-party payer claim
B. Government healthcare program
C. Person/government entities
D. Hospital
D. The requirement does not apply to a hospital or any entity submitting a claim on behalf of the hospital unless otherwise required by law.

When should you give your patient your national provider identifier?
When the patient is responsible for submitting a claim to a governmental healthcare program or 3rd party payer. Submit with a written explanation of the provisions.

T/F: If you do not designate your national provider identifier, the governmental or 3rd party payer is not required to pay a claim rendered PT services.

The board consists of _ residents in the state appointed by the _ with advice/consent from the _ ____.
State senate

_ members of the board shall be PTs, shall be OTs,
shall be ATs.
members from the public
5 Total PT board
5 Total OT board: 4 OTs and 1 OTA
5 Total AT board: 4 ATs and 1 Physician
1 (at least 3 meetings from PT, OT, and AT)

_ shall be PTs that are not members of the board
4 (each termed for 1, 2, 3, and 4 years respectively)

How many years must you be a practicing PT, OT, AT to be able to join the board?
5 years

Each member of the board elected is required to:

  1. Subscribe and file with the secretary of state the oath of office.
  2. Sign and file with executive director that the member has read and understands the revised codes and provisions.

How often are the positions appointed?
Each year and must have the majority.

How do they elect a new board member?
Upon vacancy the board for each section will recommend 3 people for the governor to make an appointment.

What are the powers and duties of the board in terms of investigating alleged grounds for legal action?

  1. Subpoena witnesses and documents with connection to its investigation
  2. Through attorney general or prosecuting attorney, may apply court order, petition, hold a hearing, court ordered injunction/ restraining order.
  3. prosecuting attorney/village solicitor/city director of law will take charge upon determination of violation and conduct prosecution

T/F: All information and records used in an investigation are public records.
False: The investigators are allowed to review and obtain copies, but these records are not public and are not subject to discovers in any civil or admin action.

They may also disclose any information to federal, state, or local law if within their jurisdiction.

What measures are taken in an investigation to ensure confidentiality is maintained with respect to other parts of the information containing names, identifying information of patients, complaints, etc.
Sealing records or redacting information

You must request an administrative hearing request within_____ days of the mailing of a notice of denial of application
30 days

*Or they will take action without you and you will have to pay the court fees

T/F: the user ID is considered a signature.

What constitutes “out of practice” and what requirements need to be taken to reinstate your license?
5 or more years OR (fewer than 500 hours over the period of 5 years)

  1. Retake and pass NPTE
  2. Complete general practice review tool and submit action plan based on results of the review tool in any areas needing improvements. (this is approved by the PT section)

On what specific date should a PT renew their license by?
January 31st of each even-numbered year.

-except when issued on or after October 1st of the odd-numbered year (Jan 31 of second even numbered year)

When should a PTA renew their license?
Jan 31 of a odd numbered year

-except when issued on or after October 1st of the even-numbered year (Jan 31 of second odd numbered year)

How many CEU’s for PT/PTAs?

In 2022 how will you receive ethics CEUs?
24 for PT
12 for PTA

2 units for ethics with jurisprudence module.

The PT section shall conduct an audit of CEU records each renewal year. What is the protocol?

  1. Section notifies license holders
  2. License holders submit copies of CEUs by specified date.
  3. Failure to provide proof of required number of CEUs or failure to respond results in disciplinary action.

What satisfies continuing education credits?

How many hours does each activity satisfy?

  1. Academic Work
  2. Clinical Instructor CI
    -1 contact hour for every 8 hours of clinical instruction
    -PT: up to 12 hours per renewal cycle
    -PTA: up to 6 hours “”
    -proof documented from school
  3. Mentoring
    -1 contact hour for every 3 hours of mentorship
    -Up to 12 hours per renewal cycle
  4. Residencies
    -24 hours
  5. Fellowships
  6. Volunteer work
    -free clinic/non-profit screening for eligibility
  7. Passing specialty exams
    -24 hours
  8. Renewal of certification of a specialty
    -6 hours
  9. Renewal of Jurisprudence module
    -2 hours

What is required to become a clinical instructor (PT/PTA)? Mentor?
Clinical Instructor:
PT: APTA certified level I or level II CI
PTA: APTA certified level I CI

APTA certified level I or level II CI
ABPTS/HTCC specialty cert

What is required from a volunteer work position to receive continuing education credits?
-letterhead from admin with name, license number, dates, number of hour services, and describing services.
-written statement explain how services has improved professional competency

*must not be paid, used towards academic pursuits.

What situations constitute a waiver for continuing education? Describe the protocol.

  1. Illness/disability
    -require physician documentation for waiver as well as competency to practice upon return.
  2. Undue hardship

*Must be submitted no later than October 1st of the year preceding the renewal date
*Will last one renewal cycle and will require a new form if hardship continues.

How much continuing education is required for reinstatement of license?

  1. Before March 1 of the year license expired: CEU that were required to renew expired license.
  2. On/After March 1: full CEU within a 2 year period immediately preceding the date the board receives the application.
    -can not be reused to renew license.

*may require the applicant to appear in person.

How should you verify to another regulatory entity your PT license status?

What does the verification include?

  1. Written requires
  2. Payment

Includes: license number/status; disciplinary action taken (if any); initial issue date and expiration date.

What 3 professional education evaluating services are approved by the section to conduct an evaluation of education credentials?

  1. foreign credentialing commission of PT (FCCPT)
  2. International consultants of Delaware (ICD)
  3. International education research foundation (IERF)
    *More on website

Foreign educated applicants must demonstrate working knowledge of english to sit for the NPTE by obtaining scores of _ on:

TOEFL (computer, paper, iBT)
A. 4.5 on TWE
B. 50 on TSE
C. 220 TOEFL (computer)
D. 560 on TOEFL (paper)
E. TOEEFL iBT: 24 writing; 26 on speaking; 21 on reading; 18 on listening; OR 89 overall.

T/F: Foreign educated from an english speaking country doesn’t have to prove english language competency.
TRUE, mate!

What are the requirements for teaching PT with a license or registration from another country?

  1. Foreign licensed individual or PT educational institution apply to PT section for authorization for teaching up to a year.
  2. Approval of application

An out of state PT teaching for more than a year requires what action?
Less than a year: allowed unrestricted up to a year.

At one year: must submit notification:
-name/# of courses
-date the individual will commence
-license # for all valid PT licenses (US/abroad)

A new criminal record check will be required if the one on file is older than _ months, based on the date the board received the report.
6 months

After_______ time from the date of revocation or denial, the applicant can apply for reinstatement or reconsideration of denial of the license.
1 year

What is taken into consideration when evaluating an application for reinstatement of a license or reconsideration of denial?

  1. Severity
  2. time elapsed
  3. other additional violations
  4. compliance
  5. evidence of rehab submitted

Temporary license is permissible in what situation?
-What is required?

  1. Temporary military spousal license.
    -proof of marriage, valid unrestricted license, assigned to duty site, application fee of $100
    -expires at 6 mos. (not renewable)

What are:

  1. military programs of training
  2. Military primary specialties
  3. Lengths of service
    considered equivalent/exceed educational/experience requirements for licensure as a PT?
  4. Must be a graduate of a PT program CAPTE accredited to serve in that specialty
    Attended US army Baylor university doctoral program in PT
  5. Specialties: Army (AOC); Navy (NOBC); Air Force (AFSC)
  6. There is no minimal length of service that would be equivalent to or exceed education/experience requirements for licensure as a PT.

*PTA require a bridge program or equivalency evaluation.

License renewal requirements for armed forces.

  1. Evidence that not more than 6 mos. prior to the date the evidence is submitted, the licensee was honorably discharged/separated under honorable conditions.
  2. Not suffering mental/physical illness
  3. meets the requirements for renewal

*Also applies if spouse served in the armed forces or caused absence.

What criteria allows active duty armed forces an extension on the time period required for continuing education?

  1. Must have served >31 days.
  2. May submit application for extension
    -documentation certifying active duty/length of active duty
  3. Extension equal to the total number of months the licensee was on active duty
  4. Must submit 90 days prior to expiration of the license

True/False: A waiver of the application fees are given for active members of the armed forces.

  1. Initial licensure by exam/endorsement
  2. Reinstatement
  3. Also are prioritized upon application to ensure license is issued the same day

The initial licensing fee as well as biennial renewal fee shall not exceed _.

The PT section will refund 1/2 of the application fee if the following scenarios occur:

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. Applicant is not approved to sit for the exam within 120 days of receiving the application
  4. PT section does not notify its intent to deny the application within 120 days.

License re-issuance fee for a new wall cert shall not exceed _.

How much is a reinstatement fee?

T/F: a waiver of fees will not be granted for any reason.
False: In cases of undue hardship such as natural disasters and acts of terrorism there will be a waiver of fees.

Employees of the board includes:
All employees whether they hold an elected or appointed position on the board or not.

Definition for incidental contact
Contact with info that is 2ndary to the primary purpose of the activity that resulted in the contact.

What does individual mean?
natural person or their authorized representative, legal counsel, custodian, or guardian.

*person means natural person

What is routine information?
personal info relating to board employees that is maintained by the board for admin and human resource purposes.

What is considered an upgrade to the system that holds private information?
substantial redesign, application functionality/modifications that would involve substantial admin/fiscal resources to implement.

(not minor updates, mods that entail limited functionality due to business or legal requirements.)

What is the criteria for access to confidential personal info?

  1. supervisor and information owner’s approval prior to providing employee access.

At an individual’s request of confidential personal information, what steps must be taken?

  1. Verify identity
  2. Provide with information that doesn’t relate to investigation
  3. If all information is regarding an investigation: you must tell them there is not information about that individual

What is done when invalid access occurs with confidential information?

  1. notify the person at the time
  2. Delay notification
    a. until the board can ensure the notification would not delay/impede an investigation/homeland/national security.
    b. to determine the scope of invalid access (what info and restore integrity)
  3. Notification will include type of information accessed and date

Who is the point of contact for data privacy?
Executive director of the board (works with the chief privacy officer in IT)

What are some valid reasons for accessing confidential personal info?

  1. public/individual record request
  2. Constitutional/statutory provision or duty
  3. Administrative rule, provision, rule or duty
  4. Compliance with fed/state requirements
  5. Processing payment claims
  6. Auditing/licensure
  7. Investigation by law enforcement
  8. Administrative hearings
  9. Litigation, court ordered, subpoena
  10. human resources (hiring, promotion, d/c, salary, leave request, time card)
  11. executive order
    12 complying with state agency policy
  12. complying with collective bargaining agreement provisions.

Board members have access to CPI in what situations?

  1. Investigations
  2. Licensure discipline reporting required by law
  3. Witnesses with information related to investigation
  4. CEU audits
  5. Activities that carry out the program: Certification of licensure, processing licensure, renewal applications, eligibility, financial transactions
  6. Payroll and human resources

Access to confidential information is not required to be entered into the log under the following circumstances:

  1. Official board purposes (research) and access not specifically directed to a named individual/group.
  2. Routine office procedures
  3. Request from individual for information/action on their behalf

Persons without a PT license can’t legally use any of the following terms to describe themselves except:

A. Physiotherapist
B. Physical therapy technician
C. Physical therapist
D. Physical trainer

A certified physical trainer has been using the letters: PTT; CPT, and cPT after his name to signify his status as a trainer. Which, if any, is he allowed to use?
None! Only persons licensed by PT section can use the letters: PT, PhT, PTT, RPT, LPT, MPT, DPT, MSPT, CPT, cPT, PTA, and any other letters or insignia that elude to a degree in Physical Therapy.

What is the definition of PT?
A person who performs the initial examination unless that PT has transferred the responsibility for management of the patient’s care to another PT and the PT agrees to transfer.

What is the definition of PTA?
A person holding a valid license to assist in the provision of PT treatments, including education and instruction under the supervision of a PT.

What is the definition of “other licensed personnel”?
A person holding an ohio license to practice as a healthcare provider other than physical therapy, who is working under the supervision of a PT

What is the definition of unlicensed personnel?
On the job trained and supports delivery of PT services: personal assistance

What is direct supervision?
PT or PTA is in the same building and available to immediately respond to the needs of the patient. PT or PTA shall have direct contract with the patient during each visit.

T/F: If a patient is located in Ohio, and the PT/PTA is providing telehealth services, they are required to hold an Ohio license.

PTAs are qualified to do all of the following except:

A. Interpret physician referrals
B. Progress treatment within the POC
C. Perform treatment procedures beyond entry level scope of practice.
D. Perform a screening through verbal contact with patient.

__ is the sole responsibility of the PT.

T/F: responsibility for PT care rendered by the PTA and other licensed personnel rests with the supervising PT.

T/F: A referral to another discipline is considered delegation.
False: It is not considered delegation It is solely a referral to another discipline, including a physician and shall be documented in the medical record.

T/F the PTA is able to discuss with the patient about prognosis?
False: They need to refer inquires to the supervising PT, but they may reinforce the PT’s position.

All of the following is within the scope of the PTA, Except?

A. Gathering historical info about a patient without physical contact
B. Adjust a treatment procedure based on patient status
C. Initiate or alter POC based on patient status
D. document in the medical record according to established protocols.
C. Not without prior evaluation by and approval of the supervising PT.

How are other licensed personnel restricted in terms of documentation?

  1. Patient’s response to intervention only
  2. The rest is the duty of the supervising PT

What are the duties of the unlicensed personnel?
Routine duties that assist in delivery of PT care/operations:

  1. Maintenance/care of equipment
  2. Preparation, cleaning of treatment areas
  3. transportation of patients
  4. Office/clerical
  5. Assisting patients preparing for, during, and at conclusion of treatment: change clothes, transfer assist, altering positions during treatment.
  6. personal assist for PT/PT/SPT/SPTA when they are concurrently providing treatment to the same patient.

T/F: a PTA may only be supervised by a PT and not by any other person including those from other professions.

The supervising PT is required to have _ supervision for SPTs to perform exams, evals, and interventions.

PTAs don’t require the PT to have _ supervision.
On site, but are required to be available by telecommunication at all times.

_ supervision is required from the supervising PT whenever the other licensed personnel is performing patient interventions.

The student physical therapist/ SPTA can only supervise the ____ personnel.

Ethical code of conduct include all except:
A. Recognition of individual differences with the patient and respect/be responsive.
B. Guided by concern for the physical, psychosocial, and socioeconomic welfare.
C. Donate to pay for patient’s services for those disadvantaged individuals in need of services.
D. Recommend equipment you sell that you truly believe will improve their condition.
C. You can not intentionally/knowingly offer to pay or agree to accept any compensation (directly or indirectly); overtly or covertly, in cash/kind, to or from any person or entity for receiving or soliciting patients or patronage, regardless the source.

*You can offer equipment you sell as long as you disclose that you profit from it AND you truly believe it will improve the patient’s condition.

True or false: Conduct may be considered unethical whether or not the person is injured.
TRUE and can be grounds for disciplinary action.

All are unethical behavior, except:

A. Only practicing PT with a valid license OR student status
B. Providing PT care when no longer enrolled as a student
C. Providing care without disclosing risks, benefits first.
D. Talking about your patient with your receptionist.

Failure to adhere to minimal standards of practice whether or not the actual injury occurred includes:
A. Failure to assess/eval patient status.
B.Performing techniques of which the licensee is untrained
C. Causing or permitting harm to another person (physical or emotion) or depriving of dignity.
D. Unwarranted treatment
E. Negligence
F. PTA exceeding authority to perform interventions through deliberate or negligent means
G. abandoning the patient too soon

What is cooperation?
Responding fully/promptly to any questions raised by PT section and providing copies of medical records/other documents requested.

A PT shall self-report within 30 days in regards to the following violations.
A. Impairment to practice PT with skill and safety (mental, chemical)
B. conviction of felony
C. Conviction of misdemeanor on the job
D. Termination, revocation, or suspension of membership by state/national association.
E. Positive drug or alcohol screening.

If an electronic system is not capable of dual signatures, a PT is required to do what?

  1. Enter a separate note within the same documentation system
  2. Reference the dates/notes being reviewed
  3. Document agreement with the notes and/or changes needed for treatment plan
  4. Must be tracked by a unique log in code.

Youth means an individual between the ages of _ and _
4 and 19

Youth sports organization definition.
public or nonpublic entity that organizes and athletic activity in which the athletes are not more than 19 and are required to pay to participate or whose cost is paid by a business or nonprofit.

What are the Zurich guidelines?
Consensus statement on concussion in sports (4th international conference in Zurich Nov 2012)

A physical therapist may asses/clear a youth to return to practice or competition if all of the following requirements are met.

  1. The assessment is done:
    -in consultation, Pursuant to, In collaboration, Under the supervision of a physician.
  2. Educated and trained in the detection of concussions and or sports related TBI, clinical features of concussions, assessment techniques, and principles of safe return to play.
    -ensure 24 CEU should focus on these
    -use medical clearance to return to play from the ohio site.

PTs can provide services to a patient upon the referral from a person licensed in this/other states to practice in these not so obvious professions:

  1. PA
  2. practicing nurse
    -certified nurse anesthetist
  3. clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife, certified nurse practitioner.

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