PICAT/ASVAB Test Verification Questions and Answers 2022/2023 | 100% Correct Verified Answers

Which of these is the best explanation of how a smooth round stone became smooth?
It was in a stream for a long

When a lobster grows a claw to replace one that was lost, the process is called

Any astronomical body that revolves around a larger body is called
a satellite.

In chemistry, to be classified as an organic substance, a substance must contain
Carbon atoms.

Which element does NOT contain any neutrons?

The chemical formula of a compound describes the elements the compound contains and the
ratio of elements in the compound.

What is the symbol for the hydroxyl ion?

Which of the following is a renewable resource?
natural gas

How many atoms are in a single molecule of water (H20)?

Regeneration in man is limited to
healing of wounds.

When scientists measure a liquid’s resistance to flow, they are measuring the liquid’s

When sodium atoms form sodium ions, they
lose electrons.

A perpetual-motion machine can never be built because it is not possible to eliminate

A human skin cell divides by

The filament in an electric light bulb is made from

Terry earns a $250 salary plus $5 per sale. How many sales must Terry make to earn $765 altogether?

Jerry walked a dog from 6:40 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. one day. If he was paid at the rate of $6 per hour, how much did he earn that day?

How many feet of chain fence are necessary to enclose a dog pen that is square and has an area of 64 square feet?

A woman is looking for a bigger square office. She finds an office twice the area of her current office. If the perimeter of her current office is 88 feet, how many square feet is the new office?
968 sq ft

A train goes twice as fast downhill as it can go uphill, and 2/3 as fast uphill as it can go on level ground. If it goes 120 miles per hour downhill, how long will it take to travel 45 miles on flat land?
1/2 hour

ART 2 – Arithmetic Reasoning Each August, a restaurant’s rent is adjusted to the cost-of-living index. The rent has been $1,550 a month, and the cost-of-living index for this August was 3.7%. What is the new rent per month?

There are 9 red and 6 green marbles in a bag. A child reaches in the bag and randomly takes one marble. What is the probability of that child getting a green marble?

The pet store had 6 puppies selling for $104 each and 12 kittens selling for $24 each. Today, only 2 puppies and 8 kittens were left. In dollar terms, what was the ratio of sales of puppies to kittens?
13 to 3

Jamie just bought two boxes. The first box is square, with each side measuring 10 units, and is 4 units high. The second box is rectangular and has twice the volume of the square box. If the height of the second box is 5 units, and the width is 10 units, what is the length of the second box?
16 units

If the ratio of the sides of two squares is 3:1, what is the ratio of their perimeters?

If the perimeter of a square garden feet, what is the area of the garden?
441 sq ft

The price of salmon at a fish market is $5.40 per pound. This is 150% of its cost at a supermarket. How much would it cost per pound at the supermarket?

A printing press will print 6,000 copies in 20 minutes. second press can print 15,000 copies in 60 minutes. How many more copies per minute will the faster press print than the slower press?

If the population of a certain city increased 25% in two years, the new population was what percent of the old?

Debra and Ian shared in a $1,000,000 estate. If lan received $125.000, and Debra the rest, what fraction of the estate did Debra receive?

Emphasize most neary means

We will long remember our PERILOUS journey

INEPT most nearly means

ADAGE most nearly means

ADMONITION most nearly means

DECRY most nearly means

MORATORIUM most nearly means

CAJOLE most nearly means

Most companies have a policy against NEPOTISM
Hiring Relatives

CONTENTIOUS most nearly means

UNPRETENTIOUS most nearly means

BROACH most nearly means

COMMUNIQUE most nearly means

VIRULENT most nearly means

LAMBASTE most nearly means

What are the two main gases that make up stars?
Hydrogen and helium

Together, two people earn $28,000. One earns $2,000 more than the other. How much is the smaller income?

Shawn purchased a shirt for $22.05 If this includes a 5% sales tax, what was the actual price of the shirt?

PRESTIGE most nearly means

CONSTRUE most nearly means

Roosevelt made conscious use of the media almost from the moment he entered the White House. His press conferences served writers, and through them the nation, about the complex, novel measures he was advocating. It can be inferred from the passage that Roosevelt
was a president who recognized the power of the press.

Riding the mail plane is a low-budget way to visit America’s largest national park Wrangell-St. Elias –13 million acres of scenic beauty. Copper first drew prospectors to this part of Alaska. From 1911 to 1938, the Kennicott mine produced 200 million tons of it. Now a mecca for tourists, the town of Kennicott was abandoned to the ghosts when the copper ran out. According to the passage, which of the following illustrates the correct sequence of events?
copper drew prospectors, copper ran out, town abandoned, tourist attraction

Physicists seek out those features of nature that are finding answers as it is asking the right questions. The trick is simple and universal. The secret of their success is not so much a matter of keeping the questions simple and sticking to universal phenomena. Simple questions can be answered unambiguously by careful observation of repeated experiments and by logical thinking.
How fast do stones of a particular size fall?

system malfunctions and marshals up an army of causes a large amount of histamine to flood An allergy is a hypersensitivity to substances that are essentially harmless. For as yet poorly understood reasons, the immune antibodies to fight these substances. For many allergies, this malfunction into the bloodstream. It is the overabundance of histamine that causes allergic symptoms such as headaches, rashes, and sneezing. The passage states all of the following about allergies EXCEPT
medical science does not fully understand why the body has an allergic reaction to certain substances.

A period of time is usually measured by comparing it with another period of time. For example, a year on Mercury is equal to 88 Earth days. A year on Uranus is approximately 348 Mercury years. According to the passage, the way time is usually measured shows that time is

without noticing it; we enter a room and There is a tremendous difference between “seeing” and orienting yourself. know where we are without being Mostly we orient ourselves. We walk through a door conscious of the color or texture of the walls. But it is consciousness of visual detail that constitutes seeing. Which of the following is the best example of seeing as described in the passage?
She was surprised shiny black shell and odd limbs of the beetle.

From Texas to Southern California, low-water maintenance very valuable. Considering the fact that cactus profits for this shallow rooted succulent. Removing cactus from state-owned have extremely slow growth and landscaping and the popularity of desert themes have made cactus reproduction rates, rustlers anticipate significant land, however, is a felony, and if state lines are crossed, the 1900 Lacey Act makes this same crime a federal offense. From the passage, determine the sequence of events.
Lacey Act passage, cactus popularity, cactus rustling

brussels sprouts. Writers know this, and those who take their nonsensical or “light.” Many poets writing today sign The world decorates its serious artists with laurel, and its wags with literary selves with great seriousness are at considerable pains never to associate their names with anything funny or flippant or their real names to their serious verse and pseudonyms to their comical verse. It is a wise precaution. The passage is primarily concerned with the
lack of respect given to humorous writing.

On a Sunday afternoon drive through the countryside of southeastern variety of trees in Pierce Park. Collected from far and wide, these hundred-year-old trees had been planted Pennsylvania in 1906, Pierre du Pont was struck by the by the Pierce brothers on this tract of land granted to their family by William Penn in 1702.
They were planted in the early 1800s.

An analysis of the mandatory oil quota program shows that separate quotas were established for crude oil and for petroleum products. Petroleum products were divided into light products (mostly gasoline, jet fuel, and distillate) and heavy or residual fuel oil products. The quota for crude oil imports was set at approximately ten percent of crude oil consumption. The passage implies which of the following about the oil quota program?
The quota for petroleum products was the same as for crude oil products.

If A = 6 and B = 5, what is the value of (A2- B2)2?

What are the factors of x2 + 4x + 3?
(x + 3)(x + 1)

Simplify: 3/5x + x

The hypotenuse of a right triangle has a length of 14 units and a side that is 9 units long. Which equation can be used to find the length of the remaining side?
x2= 14^2 – 9^2

The product of 3! Is

The factors of 2x^2 + xy – 3y^2 are
(2x + 3y)(x – 3y)

What is the product of the reciprocals of 2/3, 1/8, and 5?

What is 8b – ab + 7a subtracted from 3a 9ab + b?
4a – 10ab + 9b

What is the product of (a – 1) and (2a + 2)?
2(a^2 – 1)

The reciprocal of 3-1/5 is

The coordinates of points A and B are (2, 4) and (-2, -4) respectively. What is the slope of the line that connects the two points?

Which of the following is NOT a prime number?

In the formula C = 5/9(F – 32), if C 35, then F =

Graphs of the following equations are straight lines EXCEPT
y = x² + 3

What is the area of a triangle with a base of 8 feet and a height of 4 feet?
16 square feet

Which of the following tools is used to remove a module from an electronic assembly?
Chip puller

Silicon chips are used primarily in
integrated circuits.

A standard multimeter does NOT measure

When current flow is interrupted by a blown fuse, the circuit becomes

This is a symbol for a

When measuring resistance with an ohmeter,
Disconnect power

In this schematic, the totalresistance is
100 ohms

Utility company power lines carry what kind of current?

When wire conductors are coated with solder, the process is called

In order to make an electric current flow, it is necessary to have
a difference of potential.

The component pictured is a
ceramic capacitor.

Which device restricts current flow to a single direction?

The part that revolves In a motor or generator is called the

Which of the following is a type of resistance in an AC transformer circuit?

The catalytic converter is part of what system?
emission control system

The function of the master cylinder is to
apply hydraulic pressure to the wheel cylinders.

Which of the following is part of a conventional distributor?

What is the auto component shown here?
electric fuel pump

The arrow is point to what automotive components?

How many crankshafts are there in a V-8 automobile engine?

What kind of wrench should be used to tighten engine components such as manifolds and cylinder head?

Coolant flow through an engine is regulated by the

The starter gear disengages from the car’s flywheel to avoid
damage to the starter.

The distance between the electrode and the grounding strap of spark plug is called a

Infiltrate most nearly means
penetrate, invade

ILLUSION most nearly means?
mirage, hallucination, apparition

Adjacent most nearly means

Maroon most nearly means
strand, cast away, shipwreck

Agile most nearly means
nimble, lithe, supple

Diminish most nearly means
decrease, lessen, decline

Excels most nearly means
shine, be excellent, be outstaterm

Hindrance most nearly means
impediment, obstacle, barrier

Coroner most nearly means
medical examiner, investigator

Screech most nearly means
shout, howl, shriek

Fate most nearly means
destiny, providence, chance

Abstemious most nearly means
temperate, abstinent, moderate

Petrify most nearly means
terrified, terror-stricken, horrified

Halt most nearly means
stop, standstill, terminate

Kink most nearly means
curl, twist, twirl

Snarl most nearly means
growl, bark, snap

Perceptive most nearly means
insightful, discerning, sensitive

Negligent most nealry means
neglectful, remiss, careless

Suppress most nearly means
stifle; overwhelm; subdue; inhibit

Infer most nearly means
deduce; conclude

Makeshift most nearly means
improvised; temporary substitute

Mammoth most nearly means
immense, huge

Destitution most nearly means

Loathing most nearly means
extreme disgust; detestation

Scornful most nearly means

Abhor most nearly means
detest; hate

Impetuous most nearly means
rash, impulsive

Ouster most nearly means
expulsion, ejection

Feign most nearly means

Terse most nearly means

Disparity most nearly means
discrepancy, incongruity

Schism most nearly means

Attrition most nearly means

Flagrant most nearly means
conspicuous or obvious

Chronicle most nearly means
Reason, record, history

Tantalizing most nearly means
Torment, tease, torture

Frolic most nealry means
Play, amuse oneself, romp

Brawn most nearly means
Physical strength, muscles, burliness

Sever most nearly means
amputate, part, separate

Abrupt most nearly means
unanticipated, sudden, unexpected

Commuted most nearly means

Latent most nearly means
potential, dormant, untapped

Depleted most nearly means
empty, drain, expend

Phenomenon most nearly means
case, occurrence, event

Boring most nearly means
Tedious, dull, monotonous

Sham most nealry means
pretense, fake, act, fiction

Lewd most nearly means
vulgar, crude, smutty, dirty

Decorum most nearly means
propriety, properness, seemliness, decency

Obvious most nearly means
clear, evident, apparent

Procurement, accretion, attainment

Soluble most nearly means
dissolve, solve

Clutter most nearly means
litter, dissarange, jumble, fill

Savor most nearly means
taste, flavor, suggest

Shun most nealry means
avoid, evade, eschew, ignore

Excels most nearly means
shine, surpass, transcend, outclass

Screech most nearly means
shriek, squeal, squawk, howl

Tactical most nearly means
calculated, strategic, prudent

Reprimand most nearly means
rebuke, reproof, admonition

Enclosure most nearly means
paddock, compound, stockade

Phenomenon most nearly
occurrence, event, incident, marvel

Skepticism most nearly means

The reciprocal of 7 is

Debra and Ian shared in a 1,000,000$ estate. If Ian received 125,000, and Debra the rest, what fraction of the estate did Debra receive?

An artist once wrote, “I draw material from the history of the past, wherein we see how nations have risen from savage state to that of power and glory, and then have fallen and become extinct.”
A perpetual state of unresolved turmoil

If x + 3y = 7 and y = 2, then x equals

What is the value of 3x + 5y, when x = 12 and y = 4?

If 25 = 4x – 7, then x =

16 = x/20, then x =

what is 12/50 in its simplest form?
6/25 (just cut in half)

What is 5x times (3x^2 – 5)?
15x^3 – 5

3(x + 6) = 39, then x=

If 2 = x – 3, then x equals

if 4x^2= 16, then x=?
2 because 4*2= 8^2=16

-2^5 =

What is the area of the rectangle ?

what is 3a^2 + a^2 added to a+6?
5a^2 + 6 + a

✔️9 (square root)

-25-8 =

Simplify the ratio 12:18

Gear A is the driving gear. If all the teeth are sheared off of gear B, which gear(s) will turn?
Gear A

A ball is attached to one end of a rod AB, and the other end is attached to a vertical rotating axle as shown. The joint at B contains a pin so that the ball can move up and down. If the axle BC rotates faster, angle X will
Become 90 degrees

As piston P moves up In the direction shown, lever Q
Moves alternately In direction 1 and 2

This drive pulley always turn
Slower than pulleys A, B,, and C

What would you tell the person who is trying to loosen the rusty nut with the wrench?
Move your hand farther from the nut

A car stops suddenly. Why are the passengers thrown forward against their seat belts?
The inertia of each passenger

In this pulley system, what force must be applied to balance the 10 pound weight
10 lbs

It is true that frictional forces
Always oppose forces producing motion

Centrifugal force is the
Outward force caused by rotation

Which wheels or gears turn in the same direction as A?
E only

Four weights are tied together and hung from the ceiling. What will be the tension in the cord at the point labeled x?
60 pounds

The illustration shows a water tank that is made of wood planks and reinforced metal hoops. Why are the hoops closer together near the bottom of the tank?
The water pressure pushing against the sides of the tank is greater near the bottom

The surface area of piston A is 2 square inches, while the surface area of piston B is 4 square inches. If piston A is pushed down 6 inches, how far will piston B move up?

The piston is joined to a wheel through a pin In the groove. If the wheel rotates about a fixed axis, the piston will
Move back and forth

If gear A turns 2 rpm, how fast will gear B turn?
4 rpm

the sprouting of a seed

How many atoms are in a water molecule?

A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact

method of reproduction in fish where a large number of eggs are fertilized outside of the body

A small object that revolves around another larger object in space

Periodic Table NE and AR
Noble gases















Roosevelt made a conscious use of media….
Was a president who recognized the power of the press

Physicists seek out those features of nature that are simple and universal. The secret of their success is not so much a matter of finding answers as it is asking the right questions. The trick is keeping the questions simple and sticking to universal phenomena. Simple questions can be answered unambiguously by careful observation of repeated experiments and by logical thinking.
How fast do stones of particular size fall?

If A=6 and B= 5, what is the value of (a^2-b^2)^2

What are the factors of x^2+4x+3

Simplify: 3/5x + x

The hypotenuse of a right triangle has a length of 14 units and a side that is 9 units long. Which equation can be used to find the length of the remaining side?
x^2 = 14^2 – 9^2

The product of 3! is

The factors of 2x^2 + xy – 3y^2 are?
(2x + 3y)(x – y)

Graphs of the following equations are straight lines EXCEPT?
y = x^2 +3

What is the product of (a – 1) and (2a + 2) ?
2(a^2 – 1)

The reciprocal of 3-1/5 is?

What is the area of a triangle with a base of 8 feet and a height of 4 feet?
16 sq ft

What is the product of the reciprocals of 2/3 , 1/8 , and 5?

What is 8b-ab+7a subtracted from 3a-9ab+b

If 4/3 x 3/4 = 5k, then k=

In the formula C=5/9(F – 32), if C= 35, then F = ?

The reciprocal of 7 is

When current flow is interrupted by a blown fuse, the circuit becomes

Silicone Chips are used in
Integrated circuits

Multi-meters do not measure

What can not store an electrical charge?

Which of the following best carries electric current?

Wire conductors coated with solder is called

Smallest in size to amplify electrical signals

Many home appliances and power tools are made safer by using
3- wire cords and plugs

What energy is converted to electrical energy from a car battery

In order to make an electrical current flow you need…
An ammeter

What electricity is used for car radios

What is not part of a car’s drivetrain

What system is the catalytic converter from
Emission control system

What tightens manifolds
Torque Wrench

A starter gear disengages to avoid
Damage to the starter

Which of the following uses a penny system to specify its size?
Finishing Nail

A torque wrench is used to tighten the bolt when
the exact amount of forces on the bolt has to be measured

The drive pulley always turns
Faster than pulleys A or C, but not pulley B

A car stops suddenly. Why are the passengers thrown forward against their seatbelts?
The inertia of each passenger

In this pulley system, what force must be applied to balance the 10 pound weight
10 lbs

What would you tell a person that is trying to loosen the rusty nut with the wrench?
Move your hand farther from the nut

What is placed around a chimney to prevent leaks?

A ball is attached to one end of a rod AB, and the other end is attached to a vertical rotating axle as shown. The joint at B contains a pin so that the ball can move up and down. If the axle BC rotates faster, angle X will
Become 90 degrees

Engine flywheel bolts to the

What tool is used to bend large sections of sheet metal
Bending Brake

To properly turn a Woodstock you use a

Prevents motion

Centrifugal Force
an apparent force that acts outward on a body moving around a center, arising from the body’s inertia.

What do you use to make electric connections permanent?
Soldering Iron

Functions of the master cylinder
Converts non-hydraulic pressure into hydraulic pressure

What engine component stores oil for lubrication
Oil Pan

How many crankshafts in a V8

Taps and dies are used for
Threading (Nuts and Bolts)

Used to make deep cuts

A device that increases or decreases the voltage of alternating current

AC stands for
Alternating Current

What tool removes a module from an electric assembly?
Chip Puller

Adhesive Supplied in two parts

Which element does not contain any neutrons

To test the effectiveness of plant fertilizer, groups of plants are grown with different types of fertilizer. A control group of plants would?
Have no fertilizer

When scientists measure a liquid’s resistance to flow, they are measuring

A radar is designed to report the track of an aircraft every second. If this radar reports 30 tracks in one minute, what percentage of the time did the radar track the aircraft?

Jerry walked a dog from 6:40 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. one day. If he was paid at the rate of $6 per hour, how much did he earn that day?

A woman is looking for a bigger square office. She finds an office twice the area of her current office. If the perimeter of her current office is 88 feet, how many square feet is the new office?

How many feet of chain fence are necessary to enclose a dog pen that is square and has an area of 64 sq feet?

A train goes twice as fast downhill as it can go uphill, and 2/3 as fast uphill as it can go on level ground. If it goes 120 miles per hour downhill, how long will it take to travel 45 miles per flat land?
1/2 an hour

The pet store had six puppies selling for $104 each and twelve kittens selling for $24 each. Today, only two puppies and eight kittens were left. In dollar terms, what was the ratio of sales of puppies to kittens?
13 to 3

Jamie just bought two boxes. The first box is square, with each side measuring 10 units, and is 4 units high. The second box is rectangular and has twice the volume of the square box. If the height of the second box is 5 units, and the width is 10 units, what is the length of the second box?

There are 9 red and 6 green marbles in a bag. A child reaches in the bag and randomly takes one marble. What is the probability of that child getting a green marble?
.40 or 40%

The price of salmon at a fish market is 5.40 per pound. This is 150% its cost at a supermarket. How much would it cost per pound at the supermarket?

Each August, a restaurant’s rent is adjusted to the cost of living index. The rent has been 1,550 a month, and the cost of living index for this August was 3.7%. What is the new rent per month?

Perimeter of a garden is 84, what is the area?

A printing press will print 6,000 copies in 20 minutes. A second press can print 15,000 in 60 minutes, How many more copies per minute will the faster press print than the slower press?

Debra and Ian shared in a 1,000,000$ estate. If Ian received 125,000, and Debra the rest, what fraction of the estate did Debra receive?

If the population of a certain city increased 25% in two years, the new population was what percent of the old?

When scientists measure a liquids resistance to flow they are measuring the liquids…


To test effectiveness of plant fertilizer groups of plants are grown with different types of fertilizer. A control group of plants would…

Not be given any fertilizer

Friction is the force that

opposes motion between two surfaces

water droplets


in a balanced ecosystem which of the following would have the greatest population


processes of the water cycle

evaporation, condensation, sublimation, and so on

argon and neon are

noble gases

How many atoms are in a single molecule of h2o


which element does not contain any neutrons


if you place bean seeds between moist paper towels and watch the stem leaves appear you will see a demonstration of


Any astronomical body that revolves around a larger body is called


which is the best explanation of how a smooth round stone becomes smooth

it was in a stream for a long time

using the list, which of the following presents the stages of the water cycle in the correct order

water vapor cools

which of the following is the best illustration of centripetal force?

ice skater spinning on ice

which of the following reproduce by spawning


by definition, an aquifer is

river bottom made up of gravel and sedimentary rock

Which of these undergoes metamorphosis?

Which of these is the best explanation of how a smooth round stone became smooth?
In a stream for a long time

If you place bean seeds between moist paper towels and watch the stem leaves appear you will see a demonstration of?

When a lobster grows a claw to replace one that was lost, the process is called?

The chemical formula of a compound describes the elements the compound contains and the
pH of the compound

Together, two people earn 28,000. One earns 2,000 more than the other. How much is the smaller income?
13,000 — 28k – 13k = 15k

A sweater originally priced at 80 was marked down by 25. what was the sale price?

Terry earns a 250 salary plus 5 per sale. How many sales must Terry make to earn 765 altogether?
Because $765-$250=$515
And $515/5= 103

An electronics store had a 20% off sale. If a steroid originally costs $125, how much did the stereo cost during the sale?

Jerry walked a dog from 6:40am to 7:30am one day, Paid at the rate of $6 per hr, how much did he earn that day?

A homeowner plans to hang wallpaper on one wall of a bedroom that is 10 feet long. If a strip of wallpaper is 20 inches wide and strips are hung vertically, how many strips of wallpaper will the homeowner require?

Five people, each working 8 hours a day can assemble 400 toys in a 5 day work week. what is the average number of toys assembled per hour per person?
Because 400/5=80
And 80/5=16

A pie was cut into two equal pieces. Each of the pieces of pie was cut into halves again, and each of those smaller pieces was cut into two equal pieces. If two of the pieces of the pie were eaten what portion of the pie remains?

A gas can is filled at the rate of 320 cubic inches per minute. The can is 10 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 12 inches high. How many minutes will it take to fill the can?

Prestige most nearly means

We will long remember our perilous journey

Inept most nearly means

Adage most nearly means

Admonition most nearly means

Communique most nearly means

Decry most nearly means

Cajole most nearly means

Contentious most nearly means

When current flow is interrupted by a blown fuse, the circuit becomes?

A standard multimeter does NOT measure?

which is not part of a cars drive train

the catalytic converter is part of what system
emission control system

Silicon chips are used primarily in
integrated circuits

which engine component stores oil for lubrication
oil pan

A ball is attached to one end of a rod AB, and the other end is attached to a vertical rotating axle as shown. The joint at B contains a pin so that the ball can move up and down. If the axle BC rotates faster, angle x will

the spring pulls the left end of the lever against the cam, as the cam makes four rotations, how many times will the right end of the lever move up and down

the surface area of piston A is 2 square inches
3 inches

In this pulley system, what force must be applied to balance the 10 pound weight
5 lbs

WHat shape has most structural strength

if 60lbs force must be applied to the valve for it to open, how much upward force much push rod x apply for the valve to open
40 lbs

a certain bag of potting soil is 1/4 peat moss, and the rest is dirt. what part is dirt?

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