Practice test 1 & 2 for Esthetician Written Exam 2023

Which of the following terms defines the study of maintaining and improving the skin?
Select one:
a. onychology
b. esthetics
c. ethical conduct
d. personal hygiene
Esthetics is the study of maintaining and improving the skin.

How many hours of sleep do most people need to function properly?
Select one:
a. 1 to 2 hours
b. 3 to 4 hours
c. 6 to 8 hours
d. 9 to 12 hours
Most people need 6 to 8 hours of sleep or they become fatigued and cannot function properly.

The energy contained in food is measured in:
Select one:
a. calories
b. degrees
c. fat content
d. protein content
The energy contained in food is measured in calories.

Keeping the abdomen flat, the chin level and the head up are key points in having:
Select one:
a.bad posture
b.good posture
c.potential injuries
d.a poor standing position
Keeping your head up, chin level and abdomen flat are key points in having good posture.

Bacteria that are harmless and can even be beneficial are called:
Select one:
Nonpathogenic bacteria are harmless and can even be beneficial.

Bacterial cells that cause infection and diseases are:
Select one:
Pathogenic bacterial cells can cause infections and diseases.

Infectious bacteria can be easily spread in the workplace in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.dirty hands
b.dirty fingernails
c.contaminated implements
d.covered nose while sneezing
Infectious materials can be easily spread in the workplace by using contaminated implements or via dirty hands and fingernails.

A communicable disease refers to a disease that is:
Select one:
c.spread from one person to another
d.not spread from one person to another
A disease that is easily spread from one person to another is referred to as communicable.

A special group or type of antibodies which render a toxic substance harmless are known as:
Select one:
A special group or type of antibodies which render a toxic substance harmless are known as antitoxins.

Bacteria can enter the body through all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Select one:
c.healthy skin
d.break in the skin
Bacteria can enter the body through the nose, mouth and a break in the skin.

A difference between viruses and bacterial infections is:
Select one:
a.viruses can be treated with antibiotics
b.viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics
c.bacterial infections cause the common cold
d.bacterial infections have larger sub-particles
The difference between viruses and bacterial infections is that viruses are not treatable with antibiotics, while bacterial infections can generally be treated with appropriate antibiotics.

What is a highly infectious disease that infects the liver?
Select one:
b.yellow fever
c.Human Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
d.Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Human Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is a highly infectious disease that infects the liver.

An infection that is located in a small, confined area is known as a:
Select one:
a.local infection
b.general infection
c.contagious infection
d.symptomatic infection
An infection that is located in a small, confined area is known as a local infection.

Efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases is described as:
Select one:
c.infection control
d.Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases is described as infection control.

Virucidals are disinfectants used to kill:
Select one:
d.harmful bacteria
Virucidals are disinfectants used to kill viruses.

The regulatory agency under the U.S. Department of Labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is:
Select one:
OSHA is the agency under the U.S. Department of Labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace.

Key product information-such as toxicology, first-aid, firefighting measures and ecological information-is provided by the:
Select one:
The SDS provides key information on products regarding toxicology, first-aid, firefighting measures and ecological information.

Examples of personal protective equipment (PPE) include all of the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
c.face masks glasses
Examples of personal protective equipment (PPE) include gloves, apron, face masks and safety glasses.

What is the foundation of infection control efforts and the number one thing you can do to protect yourself and your clients?
Select one:
a.using antiseptics
b.basic handwashing
c.sterilizing multi-use supplies and disinfecting your tools
The foundation of infection control efforts and the number one thing you can do to protect yourself and your clients is basic handwashing.

Which type of light can kill bacteria that cause skin infections?
Select one:
a.infrared light
b.ultraviolet light
c.fluorescent light
d.incandescent light
Bacteria that cause skin infections can be killed by ultraviolet light

Which of the following terms means the product is less likely to provoke an allergic reaction?
Select one:
Hypoallergenic means the product is less likely to provoke an allergic reaction.

Ingredients responsible for producing the desired effect are called:
Select one:
c.functional ingredients
d.performance ingredients
Ingredients responsible for producing the desired effect are called performance ingredients.

Which of the following are ingredients that are likely to block or clog the pores and contribute to papules and pustules?
Select one:
Comedogenic ingredients are likely to block or clog the pores and contribute to papules and pustules.

Which government agency is responsible for regulating cosmetics in the U.S.?
Select one:
The FDA is the government agency responsible for regulating cosmetics in the U.S.

Jane noticed in her appointment book that all available appointments were completely scheduled for Thursday. In the industry this is called a(n):
Select one:
b.full book
c.prebook market
If all of your appointment times have been scheduled with clients for a given day or week, you have a full book

A client retention strategy in which clients reserve a future appointment before leaving the salon/spa during their current visit is called:
Select one:
A client retention strategy in which clients reserve a future appointment before leaving the salon/spa during their current visit is called prebooking.

What is considered the best form of advertising?
Select one:
a.print ads mail media
d.word of mouth
Word of mouth is considered the best form of advertising.

Features of a product are its characteristics, which might include:
Select one:
a.renewing effect
b.size of container
c.perfect for traveling
d.economical purchase
Features of a product are its characteristics, which might include the size of the container.

Benefits of a product are all about:
Select one:
a.”why it helps”
b.”when it works”
c.”what it will do”
d.”where it is sold”
Benefits of a product are all about “what it will do.”

Services regulated by a cosmetology board or local laws are considered:
Select one:
d.surgical procedures
Services regulated by a cosmetology board or local laws are considered in-scope.

Surgery to improve the signs of aging in the face, also called a facelift, is:
Select one:
Surgery to improve the signs of aging in the face, also called a facelift, is rhytidectomy.

The removal of excess fat deposits in specific areas of the body with the use of a cannula inserted under the skin is known as:
Select one:
The removal of excess fat deposits in specific areas of the body with the use of a cannula inserted under the skin is known as liposuction.

Injected toxins that block nerve impulses and temporarily paralyze muscles that cause facial wrinkles are called:
Select one:
a.polylactic acids
b.permanent fillers
d.collagen stimulators
Injected toxins that block nerve impulses and temporarily paralyze muscles that cause facial wrinkles are called neuromodulators.

All of the following terms are examples of post-op complications EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.signs of scarring
b.bruising of the skin
c.severe skin redness
d.proper wound healing
Examples of post-op complications include signs of scarring, bruising of the skin and poor wound healing.

How often should a skin analysis be performed?
Select one:
a.once a week
b.once a year
c.every time the client comes in for a service
d.every other time the client comes in for a service
A skin analysis should be done every time the client comes in for a service.

Reactions that may happen during or after a treatment are known as:
Select one:
Reactions that may happen during or after a treatment are known as contra-actions.

Any contra-actions noticed during the treatment are included on the:
Select one:
a.follow-up call
b.thank-you card care regimen
d.consultation record
Any contra-actions noticed during the treatment are included on the consultation record.

“Is there anything that could have made your experience better?” is an example of a question you might ask a client on a follow-up call to determine:
Select one:
“Is there anything that could have made your experience better?” is an example of a question you might ask a client on a follow-up call to determine satisfaction.

The body system that sends and receives body messages is called the:
Select one:
a.nervous system
b.excretory system
c.endocrine system
d.reproductive system
The body system that sends and receives body messages is called the nervous system.

The epidermis is composed of how many layers?
Select one:
The epidermis is composed of 5 layers.

The acid mantle keeps the surface of the skin slightly acidic, which helps:
Select one:
a.allow bacteria to enter the body
b.prevent bacteria from entering the body
c.create a shock absorber to protect the bones
d.act as an emergency reservoir of food and water
The acid mantle keeps the surface of the skin slightly acidic, which helps prevent bacteria from entering the body.

The arrector pilli muscle causes:
Select one:
a.faster hair growth
b.slower hair growth
c.the hair to stand on end
d.the hair to lay flat and close to the head
The arrector pilli muscle causes the hair to stand on end.

The muscles that create movement based on intentional desire are:
Select one:
b.striated (voluntary)
Striated or voluntary muscles create movement based on intentional desire.

In general, muscles affected by massage are massaged from the:
Select one:
a.insertion to belly
b.belly to insertion
c.insertion to origin
d.origin to insertion
In general, muscles affected by massage are massaged from the insertion to origin

Cells that fight bacteria and other foreign substances are called leukocytes or:
Select one:
b.hemoglobin blood cells
d.white blood cells
Cells that fight bacteria and other foreign substances are called leukocytes or white blood cells.

Which structure of the lymphatic system is responsible for filtering out bacteria and viruses from the lymph fluid?
Select one:
a.lymph nodes
b.lymphatic tissue
c.lymphatic vessels
d.lymphatic capillaries
Lymph nodes filter out bacteria and viruses from the lymph fluid.

A manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage is an advanced technique used to move lymph and to help in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.reduce edema
b.improve skin conditions
c.assist in post-surgical healing
d.increase the appearance of cellulite
A manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage is an advanced technique used to move lymph and to help reduce edema, improve skin conditions and assist in post-surgical healing.

The body’s state of balance is referred to as:
Select one:
The body’s state of balance is referred to as homeostasis.

Jack has been complaining about sciatic pain. In which part of the body is Jack feeling this pain?
Select one:
a.runs from the femur to the buttocks
b.extends up the back into the side of the neck
c.runs down the back of the leg to the outside of the foot and little toe
d.begins in lower back and runs through buttocks and down the lower limb
The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs through the buttocks and down the lower limb.

Why is breathing through the nose healthier than breathing through the mouth?
Select one:
a.nose filters out deadly carbon monoxide
b.air cools as it travels through the nasal passages
c.dust and dirt is stored as it travels through the nasal passages
d.nose contains mucus membranes that filter out dust and dirt
Breathing through the nose is healthier than breathing through the mouth because the nose contains mucus membranes that filter out dust and dirt.

Which of the following is NOT a receptor of sensationin the dermal layer of the skin?
Select one:
a.mast cells
b.Ruffini’s corpuscles
c.Krause end bulbs
d.Meissner’s corpuscles
Ruffini’s corpuscles, Krause’s end bulbs and Meissner’s corpuscles are receptors of sensation in the dermal layer of the skin.

Which layer of the skin’s permeability barrier prevents transepidermal water loss (TEWL)?
Select one:
b.acid mantle
c.stratum basale
d.stratum lucidum
The acid mantle layer of the skin’s permeability barrier prevents transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

A clay mask is beneficial for which skin condition?
Select one:, dry skin
b.wrinkled, dry skin
c.oily, acne-prone skin
d.swollen, inflamed skin
A clay mask is beneficial for oily, acne-prone skin

Comedones, papules and a few pustules describe which grade of acne?
Select one:
a.Grade 1
b.Grade 2
c.Grade 3
d.Grade 4
Comedones, papules and a few pustules describe Grade 2 acne.

Which of the following is an ingredient used to dry, exfoliate and help in killing bacteria?
Select one:
c.vitamin C
d.benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is an ingredient used to dry, exfoliate and help in killing bacteria.

While reviewing her client’s medication list, Naomi noticed her client takes Accutane. What should Naomi do?
Select one: 911
b.avoid treatment
c.pretend she didn’t see it
d.proceed with treatment without cautions
If a client is taking Accutane, avoid treatment

During which phase of a facial should the products used be incorporated into the client’s home-care routine?
Select one:
Products used in the Decrease phase should be incorporated into the client’s home-care routine.

How long after performing a chemical exfoliation or microdermabrasion service should follow-up be completed?
Select one:
a.8 to 10 hours
b.12 to 24 hours
c.26 to 32 hours
d.48 to 72 hours
Call within 48-72 hours of performing a chemical exfoliation or microdermabrasion.

A neutral oil used to dilute an essential oil is called a(n):
Select one:
a.carrier oil
b.antiseptic oil
c.soothing oil
d.stimulating oil
A neutral oil used to dilute an essential oil is called a carrier oil.

The only two essential oils suitable for direct contact with the skin are:
Select one:
a.chamomile and lemon
b.rose and peppermint
c.lavender and tea tree
d.eucalyptus and orange
The only two essential oils suitable for direct contact with the skin are lavender and tea tree.

A thick cream or salve made from the combination of herbs and petroleum is called a(n):
Select one:
c.glucoside ingredient
An ointment is a thick cream or salve made from the combination of herbs and petroleum.

Which concentrated trace element in sea plants help neutralize free-radical skin damage?
Select one:
c.natural antioxidants
d.essential amino acids
Natural antioxidants in sea plants help neutralize free-radical skin damage.

What grade of acne would require a physician’s consent prior to servicing the client?
Select one:
a.Grade 1
b.Grade 2
c.Grade 1/2
d.Grade 3/4
Grade 3/4 of acne would require a physician’s consent prior to servicing the client.

Which of the following actions is a recommended guideline for an acne facial treatment?
Select one:
a.extract papules not try to extract papules
c.use mechanical exfoliation on inflamed acne not use anti-bacterial products after extractions
A recommended guideline for an acne facial treatment is do not try to extract papules

How often should a client return to the salon/spa for a facial treatment for healthy skin maintenance and stress reduction?
Select one:
a.every 2 weeks
b.every 4 weeks
c.every 2 months
d.every 4 months
A client should return to the salon/spa every 4 weeks for a facial treatment for healthy skin maintenance and stress reduction.

Toners are primarily used for:
Select one:
c.pH balancing and hydration
d.moisturizing and softening
Toners are primarily used for pH balancing and hydration.

All of the following cleaning and disinfection guidelines are true about fan brushes EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.rinse well
b.clean with acetone
c.pre-clean with soap and water
d.immerse in an approved EPA-registered disinfectant solution
Fan brushes are pre-cleaned with soap and water, rinsed well and then immersed in an approved EPA-registered disinfectant solution.

Store disinfected tools and multi-use supplies in a:
Select one:
a.dry, open container
b.wet, covered container
c.clean, wet, open container
d.clean, dry, covered container
Store disinfected tools and multi-use supplies in a clean, dry, covered container.

A loupe is a piece of facial treatment equipment also known as a:
Select one:
b.Wood’s lamp
c.magnifying lamp towel cabinet
A loupe is a piece of facial treatment equipment also known as a magnifying lamp.

When performing a pre-cleanse, remove the makeup starting at the upper chest and work:
Select one:
c.side to side a circular pattern
When performing a pre-cleanse, remove the makeup starting at the upper chest and work upward.

All of the following are benefits of massage EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.stimulate weak muscles
b.stimulation of glandular activities of the skin
c.increased circulation of the blood supply to the skin
d.decreased circulation of the blood supply to the skin
Benefits of massage include helping stimulate weak muscles, stimulation of glandular activities of the skin and increased circulation of the blood supply to the skin.

To avoid discomfort or possible injury, the esthetician must not apply pressure over all of the following areas EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.fatty areas
c.carotid artery
d.sternocleidomastoid muscle
To avoid discomfort or possible injury, pressure must be applied over bony areas, the carotid artery, the sternocleidomastoid muscle or trachea.

A light-pressure massage used to remove waste from the body that also helps with edema, erythema, puffiness, discoloration under the eyes, acne and cellulite is known as:
Select one:
c.scalp massage
d.manual lymph drainage (MLD)
Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a light-pressure massage for the lymphatic system to remove waste from the body and helps with edema, erythema, puffiness, discoloration under the eyes, acne and cellulite.

Conditions that prevent treatment are referred to as:
Select one:
Conditions that prevent treatment are referred to as contraindications.

What is the proper way to dispose of unused chemical exfoliants?
Select one:
a.wash it down the drain it back into chemical exfoliant container
c.apply de-greasing product then place in the trash
d.saturate with baking soda then place in the trash
The proper way to dispose of unused chemical exfoliants is to saturate with baking soda then place in the trash.

Beneficial effects of direct high frequency include all of the following examples EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.induces relaxation
b.stimulates surface tissue
c.reduces inflammation after hair removal
d.helps heal existing papules and pustules
Beneficial effects of direct high frequency include stimulates surface tissue, reduces inflammation after hair removal and helps heal existing papules and pustules.

Which electrode is held by a client to create a circuit?
Select one:
a.mushroom electrode
b.sparking electrode
c.grounding bar electrode
d.grounding pad electrode
A grounding bar electrode is held by a client to create a circuit.

How should facial treatment device equipment be disinfected?
Select one:
a.clean with soap and water
b.wipe with clean damp towel
c.immerse in approved EPA-registered disinfectant solution
d.wipe down with an approved EPA-registered disinfectant spray or wipe
Equipment is disinfected by wiping it down with an approved EPA-registered disinfectant spray or wipe

Shondra is performing sparking on an area of extraction. As she uses rapid up-and-down movements, how far should she lift the electrode from the skin?
Select one:
0.1″ (2 mm)
0.3″ (7 mm)
0.5″ (12 mm)
0.7″ (17 mm)
When performing sparking on an area of extraction, lift the electrode 0.3″ (7 mm) from the skin using rapid up-and-down movements.

All of the following medical conditions are contraindicated against electrotherapy devices EXCEPT:
Select one:
b.hormone issues
c.loss of skin sensation
d.plates or pins inside body
Pregnancy, loss of skin sensation and plates or pins inside body are contraindicated against electrotherapy devices.

When analyzing the skin, the distance the magnifying lamp is placed over the face may vary based on all of the following factors EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.your eye color
b.client’s skin
c.your eye sight
d.strength of magnification
When analyzing the skin, the distance of the magnifying lamp will vary depending on strength of magnification, client’s skin and your eye sight.

At the end of a microdermabrasion treatment, what should be done with used aluminum oxide crystals?
Select one:
a.use synthetic brush to brush out skin cells
b.cleanse with enzymatic cleanser to dissolve biofilm
c.dispose of according to your area’s environmental rules
d.cleanse by saturating a clean towel with an antibacterial soap and water spray
At the end of a microdermabrasion treatment, used aluminum oxide crystals should be disposed of according to your area’s environmental rules.

Test the microdermabrasion level on:
Select one:
a.inside of wrist
b.outside of ankle
c.side of the cheek
d.under the jawline
Test the microdermabrasion level on the inside of your wrist.

How should the strip be removed in a soft wax hair removal service?
Select one:
a.slowly in same direction of hair growth
b.quickly in same direction of hair growth
c.slowly in opposite direction of hair growth
d.quickly in opposite direction of hair growth
Remove the strip quickly in the opposite direction of hair growth for a soft wax service.

All of the following guidelines are true for all waxing EXCEPT:
Select one:
a.never double-dip the spatula
b.check temperature of wax behind the client’s ear
c.check temperature of wax on the inside of your wrist
d.advise client to avoid the sun immediately following a waxing service
Never double-dip the spatula, always check the temperature of the wax on the inside of your wrist and advise the client to avoid the sun immediately following a waxing service.

How long should a client discontinue the use of exfoliants following a wax service?
Select one:
a.1 hour
b.2 hours
c.12 hours
d.24 hours
To minimize discomfort or any contra-actions a client should discontinue the use of exfoliants for 24 hours following a waxing service.

All of the following conditions are common bacterial infections an esthetician might see EXCEPT:
Select one:
c.tinea corporis
Common bacterial infections an esthetician might see are styes, cellulitis, impetigo, boils, bacterial conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Medications an esthetician needs to be aware of before a waxing service include all of the following examples EXCEPT:
Select one:
c.blood thinners
It is important for the esthetician to be aware of medications a client is taking prior to a waxing service; these include antibiotics, blood thinners and antidepressants.

A tip for preventing ingrown hair is to remove the wax/strip by pulling:
Select one:
a.upward a jerky motion
c.parallel, close to skin
d.always toward the esthetician
A tip for preventing ingrown hair is to remove the wax/strip by pulling parallel and close to the skin (not up), and as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Why would a body scrub be used prior to a body wrap or cellulite treatment?
Select one:
a.decrease product absorption
b.increase cellulite appearance
c.increase treatment effectiveness
d.decrease treatment effectiveness
A body scrub can be used prior to a body wrap or cellulite treatment to increase treatment effectiveness.

What are the two types of application methods for a sunless tanning treatment?
Select one:
a.scrub and wrap
b.scrub and mask
c.dry-brush and loofahs
d.spray and hand-applied lotion
Two types of application methods for a sunless tanning treatment are spray and hand-applied lotion.

Absorption and compaction are the principles that create temporary firmness in which type of body wrapping?
Select one:
a.general wrapping
b.compression wrapping
c.decompression wrapping
d.cellulite wrapping
Absorption and compaction are the principals that create temporary firmness in compression wrapping.

To accommodate male clients, in which direction should an esthetician work to avoid tangling the hair?
Select one:
To accommodate male clients, an esthetician should work in downward strokes to avoid tangling the hair.

Which of the following conditions is NOT a contraindication for performing a body treatment?
Select one:
d.vascular disorder
Cancer, infestations and vascular disorders are all contraindications for performing a body treatment.

What colors visually diminish or minimize the appearance of facial features?
Select one:
a.lighter colors
b.darker colors
c.primary colors
d.complementary colors
Darker colors visually diminish or minimize the appearance of facial features.

Your client Tina has a wide nose, so you decide to use which of the following colors to recede or diminish it’s width?
Select one:
a.lighter colors
b.darker colors
c.primary colors
d.complementary colors
Darker colors recede and diminish less attractive features.

The type of foundation that should always be on hand because it is suitable for most skin types, provides natural to medium coverage and is easy to apply and blend is:
Select one:
The type of foundation that should always be on hand because it is suitable for most skin types, provides natural to medium coverage and is easy to apply and blend is liquid.

Which concealer tone is chosen to lighten an area?
Select one:
Use flesh tone concealer to lighten an area.

Which facial shape can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline?
Select one:
An oblong facial shape can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline.

What are factors that should be discovered during the consultation since they could cause reactions during or after a service?
Select one:
Contraindications should be discovered during the consultation.

Which of the following terms defines the study of maintaining and improving the skin?
Esthetics is the study of maintaining and improving the skin.

How many hours of sleep do most people need to function properly?
Most people need 6 to 8 hours of sleep or they become fatigued and cannot function properly.

The energy contained in food is measured in
The energy contained in food is measured in calories.

Keeping the abdomen flat, the chin level and the head up are key points in having:
Keeping your head up, chin level and abdomen flat are key points in having good posture.

Bacteria that are harmless and can even be beneficial are called
Nonpathogenic bacteria are harmless and can even be beneficial.

Bacterial cells that cause infection and diseases are:
Pathogenic bacterial cells can cause infections and diseases

Infectious bacteria can be easily spread in the workplace in all of the following ways
Infectious materials can be easily spread in the workplace by using contaminated implements or via dirty hands and fingernails.

A communicable disease refers to a disease that is:
A disease that is easily spread from one person to another is referred to as communicable.

A special group or type of antibodies which render a toxic substance harmless are known as:

Bacteria can enter the body through all of the following ways
the nose, mouth and a break in the skin

A difference between viruses and bacterial infections is:
viruses are not treatable with antibiotics, while bacterial infections can generally be treated with appropriate antibiotics.

What is a highly infectious disease that infects the liver?
Human Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

An infection that is located in a small, confined area is known as a:
local infection

Efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases is described as:
infection control

Virucidals are disinfectants used to kill:
Virucidals are disinfectants used to kill viruses.

The regulatory agency under the U.S. Department of Labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is:
OSHA is the agency under the U.S. Department of Labor that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace.

Key product information-such as toxicology, first-aid, firefighting measures and ecological information-is provided by the:
The SDS provides key information on products regarding toxicology, first-aid, firefighting measures and ecological information.

Examples of personal protective equipment (PPE) include all of the following
gloves, apron, face masks and safety glasses

What is the foundation of infection control efforts and the number one thing you can do to protect yourself and your clients?
basic handwashing

Which type of light can kill bacteria that cause skin infections?
ultraviolet light

Which of the following terms means the product is less likely to provoke an allergic reaction?

Ingredients responsible for producing the desired effect are called:
performance ingredients

Which of the following are ingredients that are likely to block or clog the pores and contribute to papules and pustules?

Which government agency is responsible for regulating cosmetics in the U.S.?

Jane noticed in her appointment book that all available appointments were completely scheduled for Thursday. In the industry this is called a(n):
full book

A client retention strategy in which clients reserve a future appointment before leaving the salon/spa during their current visit is called:

What is considered the best form of advertising?
Word of mouth

Features of a product are its characteristics, which might include:
size of container

Benefits of a product are all about:
“what it will do.”

Services regulated by a cosmetology board or local laws are considered:

Surgery to improve the signs of aging in the face, also called a facelift, is:

The removal of excess fat deposits in specific areas of the body with the use of a cannula inserted under the skin is

Injected toxins that block nerve impulses and temporarily paralyze muscles that cause facial wrinkles are called:

All of the following terms are examples of post-op complications
signs of scarring, bruising of the skin and poor wound healing

How often should a skin analysis be performed?
every time the client comes in for a service

Reactions that may happen during or after a treatment are known as:

Any contra-actions noticed during the treatment are included on the:
Consultation record

The body system that sends and receives body messages is called the:
nervous system

The epidermis is composed of how many layers?

The acid mantle keeps the surface of the skin slightly acidic, which helps:
prevent bacteria from entering the body

The arrector pilli muscle causes:
hair stand on end

The muscles that create movement based on intentional desire are:
Striated or voluntary muscles

In general, muscles affected by massage are massaged from the:
insertion to origin

Cells that fight bacteria and other foreign substances are called leukocytes or:
white blood cells

Which structure of the lymphatic system is responsible for filtering out bacteria and viruses from the lymph fluid?
Lymph nodes

A manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage is an advanced technique used to move lymph and to help in all of the following ways
reduce edema, improve skin conditions and assist in post-surgical healing

The body’s state of balance is referred to as:

Jack has been complaining about sciatic pain. In which part of the body is Jack feeling this pain?
The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs through the buttocks and down the lower limb.

Why is breathing through the nose healthier than breathing through the mouth?
nose contains mucus membranes that filter out dust and dirt

Which of the following is a receptor of sensationin the dermal layer of the skin?
Ruffini’s corpuscles, Krause’s end bulbs and Meissner’s corpuscles

Which layer of the skin’s permeability barrier prevents transepidermal water loss (TEWL)?
acid mantle

A clay mask is beneficial for which skin condition?
oily, acne-prone skin

Comedones, papules and a few pustules describe which grade of acne?
Grade 2 acne

Which of the following is an ingredient used to dry, exfoliate and help in killing bacteria?
Benzoyl peroxide

While reviewing her client’s medication list, Naomi noticed her client takes Accutane. What should Naomi do?
Select one: 911
b.avoid treatment
c.pretend she didn’t see it
d.proceed with treatment without cautions
If a client is taking Accutane, avoid treatment

During which phase of a facial should the products used be incorporated into the client’s home-care routine?

How long after performing a chemical exfoliation or microdermabrasion service should follow-up be completed?
Call within 48-72 hours

A neutral oil used to dilute an essential oil is called a(n):
carrier oil

The only two essential oils suitable for direct contact with the skin are:
lavender and tea tree

A thick cream or salve made from the combination of herbs and petroleum is called a(n):

Which concentrated trace element in sea plants help neutralize free-radical skin damage?
Natural antioxidants in sea plants help neutralize free-radical skin damage.

What grade of acne would require a physician’s consent prior to servicing the client?
Select one:
Grade 3/4

Which of the following actions is a recommended guideline for an acne facial treatment?
do not try to extract papules

How often should a client return to the salon/spa for a facial treatment for healthy skin maintenance and stress reduction?
A client should return to the salon/spa every 4 weeks for a facial treatment for healthy skin maintenance and stress reduction.

Toners are primarily used for:
pH balancing and hydration

All of the following cleaning and disinfection guidelines are true about fan brushes
pre-cleaned with soap and water, rinsed well and then immersed in an approved EPA-registered disinfectant solution.

Store disinfected tools and multi-use supplies in a:
clean, dry, covered container

A loupe is a piece of facial treatment equipment also known as a:
Magnifying lamp

When performing a pre-cleanse, remove the makeup starting at the upper chest and work:

All of the following are benefits of massage
stimulate weak muscles, stimulation of glandular activities of the skin and increased circulation of the blood supply to the skin

To avoid discomfort or possible injury, the esthetician must not apply pressure over all of the following areas
bony areas, the carotid artery, the sternocleidomastoid muscle or trachea

A light-pressure massage used to remove waste from the body that also helps with edema, erythema, puffiness, discoloration under the eyes, acne and cellulite is known as
Manual lymph drainage (MLD)

Conditions that prevent treatment are referred to as:

What is the proper way to dispose of unused chemical exfoliants?
saturate with baking soda then place in the trash

Beneficial effects of direct high frequency include all of the following examples
stimulates surface tissue, reduces inflammation after hair removal and helps heal existing papules and pustules.

Which electrode is held by a client to create a circuit?
A grounding bar electrode

How should facial treatment device equipment be disinfected?
wiping it down with an approved EPA-registered disinfectant spray or wipe

Shondra is performing sparking on an area of extraction. As she uses rapid up-and-down movements, how far should she lift the electrode from the skin?
lift the electrode 0.3″ (7 mm) from the skin using rapid up-and-down movements

All of the following medical conditions are contraindicated against electrotherapy devices
Pregnancy, loss of skin sensation and plates or pins inside body

When analyzing the skin, the distance the magnifying lamp is placed over the face may vary based on all of the following factors
strength of magnification, client’s skin and your eye sight.

How should the strip be removed in a soft wax hair removal service?
quickly in the opposite direction of hair growth

All of the following guidelines are true for all waxing
Never double-dip the spatula, always check the temperature of the wax on the inside of your wrist and advise the client to avoid the sun immediately following a waxing service.

How long should a client discontinue the use of exfoliants following a wax service?
24 hours following a waxing service

All of the following conditions are common bacterial infections an esthetician might see
styes, cellulitis, impetigo, boils, bacterial conjunctivitis and blepharitis

Medications an esthetician needs to be aware of before a waxing service include all of the following examples
antibiotics, blood thinners and antidepressants

A tip for preventing ingrown hair is to remove the wax/strip by pulling
parallel and close to the skin (not up), and as quickly and smoothly as possible

Why would a body scrub be used prior to a body wrap or cellulite treatment?
increase treatment effectiveness

What are the two types of application methods for a sunless tanning treatment?
spray and hand-applied lotion

Absorption and compaction are the principles that create temporary firmness in which type of body wrapping?

To accommodate male clients, in which direction should an esthetician work to avoid tangling the hair?

Which of the following conditions is a contraindication for performing a body treatment?
Cancer, infestations and vascular disorders

What colors visually diminish or minimize the appearance of facial features?
Darker colors

Your client Tina has a wide nose, so you decide to use which of the following colors to recede or diminish it’s width?
Darker colors

The type of foundation that should always be on hand because it is suitable for most skin types, provides natural to medium coverage and is easy to apply and blend is:

Which concealer tone is chosen to lighten an area?
flesh tone.

Which facial shape can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline?

What are factors that should be discovered during the consultation since they could cause reactions during or after a service?

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