Special Boiler License Practice Exam Minnesota_ Complete 2023 Answered.

For the purpose of rating boiler horsepower for an Engineers License only, how many square feet of boiler surface shall be equivalent to one boiler horsepower on a boiler?
10 Sq. Ft. Heating Surface

What is meant by the term “Low Pressure Boiler”?
Boilers operating at a steam or other vapor pressure of 15psig or less, or a hot water or other liquid boiler in which the pressure does not exceed 160 psig or a temperature of 250 degrees F.

A person holding a current State of Minnesota Special Engineers License could be in charge of, or a shift engineer in what size plant(s)?
High and Low pressure boilers not to exceed a total of 50 boiler horsepower, or a shift engineer in a 100 horsepower plant.

Special Engineer may serve as an apprentice of what size water/liquid or steam/vapor boiler?
In any plant regardless of size under the direct supervision of a properly licensed engineer.

The purpose of low water cut out on a steam or hot water boiler is to what?
Shut off the burner when a low water condition exists.

The valve or valves that must relieve all excess pressure on a steam or hot water boiler are what?
Safety valve and/or an ASME approved safety relief valve.

A Tri indicator could be found on a:
Hot water boiler

A tri indicator would inform the boiler operator of what?
The TEMPERATURE of the water, the PRESSURE of the water in PSIG, and the ALTITUDE of water in feet.

What is the destructive force in a steam or hot water boiler explosion?
The instant release of energy stored in the water as heat.

An ASME approved safety relieve calve used on a hot water boiler is tested at the factory on what?
Steam first then hot water.

Some of the things you could find on a steam boiler (or hot water boiler) are what?
Low water cut off, safety valve or safety relief valve, pressure gauge.

What devices would only be found on a steam boiler?
Steam pressure gauge, tricocks, Pressuretrols

An expansion tank or compression tank would be used in what?
Hot water boiler

What is the purpose of the expansion tank?
To provide for expansion and contraction of the water volume as its temperature varies.

On a hot water boiler, what is the purpose of the vent valve?
To make sure there is water inside the boiler and to vent any trapped air.

If the safety valve or ASME safety relief valve leaks you would do what?
Have the valve repaired or replaced.

Tri cocks or gauge cocks are sued on a steam boiler to indicate?
The true water level inside the boiler.

On a steam or hot water boiler, the safety valve or safety relief valve could be tested by?
When the boiler is running lifting the lever on the valve or raising the pressure until they operate.

Before starting a steam or hot water boiler you should check for what?
Water in the boiler.

True or False: Bottom blow down valves are used for both steam and hot water.

Safety valves or safety relief valves should be manually tested at least…?

The low water cut out is one of the most important electrical/mechanical devices on your boiler. How often should you test it?

What device must be located between a hot water boiler and the expansion tank?
A shut off valve so the expansion can be isolated and drained during operation of the boiler.

On a hot water boiler, every time the burner operates the safety relief valve opens. Why?
The expansion tank is water logged, or the isolating valve for the expansion tank is closed.

An Aquastat is used on a…?
Hot water boiler

To reduce thermal shock on hot water boilers, what devices are used?
Low limit or low fire hold control, three way valve, run around pump.

On a steam boiler the control named operator will…
On pressure decrease: Start. On pressure increase: Stop.

On a hot water boiler the control called the operator will…
On temperature decrease: Start. On temperature increase: Stop.

On a steam boiler what is a siphon or pigtail used for?
To protect the steam gauge from too high of temperature.

What is one reason causing the expansion tank to fill with water?
Air leaks from the gauge glass fitting.

What would you do if you cam into a boiler room and found no water in the boiler?
Shut off the burner and allow boiler to cool.

What is the purpose of the bottom blow down on a steam boiler?
To remove sludge and sediment and to drain the boiler.

When blowing down the water column the water should do what?
Refill the gauge glass quickly.

When doing the annual boiler inspection the boiler should…
Water and fire side cleaned and inspection ports open.

Purging is part of what cycle?
Firing cycle

All steam traps will prevent steam from passing through them but will allow what to pass through them?
Dirt, air, and condensate.

How do we know if we are using and approved safety valve for a steam boiler or a safety relief valve for a hot water boiler?
A spring loaded direct acting safety valve or safety relief valve.

Before testing a low water fuel cut-out what must be done?
The burner must be on.

Heat can be transferred in how many ways?

Aqua stats work by sensing:

Name the different ways heat can be transferred and give a definition of each way.
Radiation, Conduction, Convection

How many types of boilers are there?
Three: Fire tube, Water tube, Cast iron sectional

What type of boiler can be made larger?
Cast Iron sectional

What type of boiler has the water surrounding the tubes?
Fire tube

What type of boiler has the water running through the tubes?
Water tube

Boiler room log books area state of Minnesota requirement for ever boiler room, what are some of the things you should be writing down in the book?
The log entry should start out with today’s date NEXT what you did you do in the boiler room NEXT sign your name

What is condensate?
Condensed steam

A firing cycle consists of events that safely controls the burning of a fuel. What even occur first?
Safety controls must be in the circuit.

After blowing down the water column and gauge glass you are looking for the:
Water reentering the gauge glass to rise promptly.

Give an example of cold water start for a hot water boiler.

Two low water fuel cut-outs are required when the BTU input of the burner exceeds:

A boiler equipped with the two low water fuel cut-outs must have ___ on the secondary low water fuel cut-out.
A manual reset.

A boiler with a new burner OR a new boiler room must have:
A kill switch by each door leaving the boiler room.

The low water fuel cut off should be tested:
At least once a day when the boiler is in operation.

What is the purpose of a check valve used in a feed water line going to a steam boiler?
To restrict the flow in one direction only.

Where would you expect to locate pyrometer?
In the exhaust gases leaving the boiler

What would the pyrometer tell you?
The temperature

An aqua state would be used on what type of boiler?
A hot water boiler

Globe valves are used when you need to:
Throttle or restrict the flow

Three types of drafts are:
Natural, forced, and induced.

How many way can heat be transferred?
Three (Conduction — Convection — Radiation)

How may types of low pressure are there?

Boiler and boiler fitting used in the state of Minnesota must be constructed to what code?

What controls the starting ans stopping of the burner by sending the temperature of the water in a hot water boiler?
Aqua Stat

When a hydrostatic test of a boiler exceeds the maximum allowed working pressure each safety valve, if left attached to the boiler, should:
Have its valve disc held to its seat by means of testing clamp or “gag”

Heat can be transferred in three ways and they are:
Conduction –Convection – Radiation

The first sequence in the series of automatic burner control is:

Can a low water low water condition i a hot water heating type boiler?
Yes, for numerous reasons

Other than a safety relieve valve what other safety device should be installed on a hot water heating boiler?
Low water cut off

Each boiler in a battery (pipe together sharing the same common header) must have:
A main stem stop

what removes air from a hot water boiler system?
Air Control

In a stem boiler system, the unit that turns be burner on and off based on steam pressure is the:
Pressure Control

If water in the gauge is not visible because of failure of the feed water supply, what should be done?
Shut off the fuel to the burner and secure the boiler.

What conditions are necessary to cause a furnace explosion?
Accumulation of unburned fuel, oxygen and an ignition source

The LWCO should be tested:

Gauge pressure plus 14.7 psi is called what?
Absolute pressure

The evaporation of 34.5 ponds of water per hour from and at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit is defined as:
One boiler horsepower

When a safety valve opens and closes rapidly it is referred to as

Furnace explosions are caused by a buildup of combustible gases, or vapors in the combustion chamber, what is the term used to remedy this condition?

Why is a pigtail or siphon required in steam pressure gauge lines?
to protect the gauge from a high temperature.

In a stem boiler system, what is the term used for replacing the water that has been lost by blowing down the boiler through leaks in the system?
A make up water

On steam boiler system, why are bottom blow down valves installed at the lowest point of the waterside of boilers?
To remove sludge and sediment.

Boiler heating is defining as :
Water on one side hot gases on the other side.

In a fire tube boiler, the water
Surrounds the tubes

When the bottom blow down valves are used on a steam boiler, what valve located closet to the boiler shell?
The quick opening valve

What is the function of an automatic city water feeder on a low pressure boiler?
To control water to the feed water tank

The purpose of a safety valve on a steam boiler is to:
To prevent the boiler from exceeding its MAWP

The control designed as a safety back up, should the operating fail is:
A high limit control

The capacity of a safety valve used on a steam boiler is measure in:
pounds of steam that can be discharge in one hour.

How does a pressuretrol attach to the steam space of boiler control the burner operation?
On pressure decrease – starts the burner.

What action should an operating engineer take if a defect is discovered in a boiler requiring repairs not of a routine nature?
Notify the boiler inspector.

Boiler are considered low pressure when?
Steam Boiler are not over 15 psi and liquid boiler are not over psi 160 and 250 deg. F

What boiler license required is required for operating a boiler as a shift engineer in a plant having 3 boiler each 1660 sq. ft. of heating surface?

The maximum temperature to be carried on a low pressure hot water boiler is:
Less than 250 f

The popping pressure of a safety relief valve on a low pressure hot water heating boiler cannot exceed:
160 psi

The bottom blow down line on a steam boiler system is located at the:
Lowest Point on the waterside of a steam boiler.

For the purpose of rating boiler horsepower for engineer license classifications only. How many sq. ft. of heating surface shall be considered equivalent to one boiler horsepower for conventional boiler?
10 sq. ft.

What is recommended for boilers that will be out of service a long time is a possibility of freezing?
A dry lay up.

The rapid burning of fuel oxygen that the results in the release of heat is called?

On a steam boiler what is used to reduce the amount of movement of the water so the operator can get accurate reading of the water level in the gauge glass?
Water Column

After repair work is done on the boiler what test is used to check for leaks?
Hydro static test

How can you tell if the sight / gauge glass isn’t working properly?
Water move up and down slowly

What is the best way to test the low water fuel cut off?
An evaporating test-if the water goes out the glasses before the burner shuts down secure the fire immediately.

After new boiler is installed, but before it is put into operation, this test must be performed and witnessed by State Boiler Inspector?
Hydro static Test

Tri- Cocks or gauge are sued on steam boiler yo indicate?
The true water level inside the boiler.

On steam or hot boiler, the safety valve or safety relieve valve could be tested by?
By lifting the lever on the valve or raising the pressure until they operate.

Before starting a steam or hot boiler, you should be check for?
Water in the boiler.

The dial on a pressure gauge used on a low pressure boiler should be graduated to:
One and One half to Two times the maximum allowable working pressure.

The three basic types of low pressure boiler are:
A fire tube, water tube and cast iron sectional.

The term used for the evaporative capacity output of a steam boiler is expressed in:
Pounds per hour

What boiler license is required to be in charge of a boiler plant having 2 boiler each having 2500 sq. ft., of heating surface?
1st Class

when testing the LWCO on steam boiler, the burner should be firing why?
To see if the burner shuts off

How often should safety valves be tested on a low pressure boiler?
Quarterly (90 days)

For high pressure boilers, a year is defined as?
2000 hours

The low water fuel cut off is most important electrical/mechanical devices on a boiler, it should be tested?

What should be posted in the boiler room?
Boiler licenses and Inspection certificate or exception certificate

The ASME Code states that boilers with over_______square of heating surface must have 2 or more safety valves?
500 sf

A____ valve is a that permits fluid flow in only one direction and closes automatically to prevent blackflow

Minnesota state statue defines a “year” as _ for low pressure heating boiler?
12 months – to includes the heating season and the reminder maintaining the LP boiler

In accordance with the statutes for the state of Minnesota, one boiler horsepower for steam coil type generator is equal to _?
5 sq. ft. of boiler heating surface.

For licensing purposes, when the boiler heating surface cannot be discerned, the boiler horsepower shall be determinated by dividing the BTU input by______?

In accordance with the statues of the Minnesota, each electric boiler horsepower is equal to ___kilowatts?

The shift engineer of a high pressure boiler plant of over 200 HP must stay within____of boiler room at all times during the shift?

A high pressure boiler must have two means of feed water supply if it exceeds_______horsepower?

The low water cut off (LWCO) is a device fitted to the boiler to shut the_________________?
Fuel supply to the burners if the water level becomes too low

A high pressure boiler of 25 HO should be checked every?
24 hrs.

The first and most important task for a boiler operator entering a boiler room is to check the __ of all boilers on-line?
Water level

The low-water fuel cut off is tested by blowing its float chamber or doing a(n) ______test?

According to the Minnesota boiler statues a high pressure boiler plant 31 to 200 horsepower may be left in operation unattended by an operating engineer for no more than _______consecutive hours when the permisses are occupied by employees or the public?

In most US jurisdictions , a(n)________boiler inspection is mandated by law?

Boiler operating data commonly recorded in a boiler room logbook includes?
When the boiler checks were made, Who made the boiler checks, What specific checks were made.

The most important common steam pressure gauge by the movement of a(n).
Bourdon Tube

A high pressure steam boiler is a boiler with an MAVP of more than_______psi?

When performing an evaporation test, the water in the sight/gauge glass_______?
Must be visible the operator at all times.

Boilers equipped with 2 LWCO’s must have what on the auxiliary LWCO?
Manual reset

An indicator of soot build-up on a boiler is?
High Stack temperature

The purpose of the lever on a safety valve is?
To test the operation

What elements in fuel are need to create combustion?
1.) Carbon 2.) Mercury 3.) Ash 4.) Nitrogen 5.) Hydrogen

  1. Carbon and 5. Hydrogen

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