Texas Esthetics State Board Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

What is the most important reason for the regular use of hygiene in the spa?
It avoids the spread of infection

Psoriasis appears as:
Scaly red lesions

What is a beneficial action of a clay mask?
To absorb impurities

Muscular tissue may be stimulated by:
A massage

After removal of a facial mask, what should be used to tone the skin?
A mild astringent

What four cell types make up the epidermis, the protective outer layer of our skin?
Keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans, and merkel’s cells

What are sudoriferous glands?
sweat glands

What is the function of sebum?
To lubricate the skin

What is the function of sweat?
To cool the skin

What are sebaceous glands?
Oil glands

Skin is the body’s largest organ–how many functions does it perform?
6 functions

What are the six functions of skin?
1) Protection
2) Sensation
3) Temperature regulation
4) Excretion
5) Secretion
6) Absorption

Self beautification has its origins in?
Ancient cultures, when it was often allied with the practice of medicine

Is obtained from the powdered leaves and shoots of the mignonette tree

The first modern cosmetic compound:
Cold cream

Fragrant oils were used in the middle ages:
As a perfume by those who could afford them

The Victorian age of the 19th century was a time:
Of austere and restrictive fashions and cosmetic use

Because of shortages during World War II:
In spite of wartime shortages, sales of cosmetics and grooming aids grew

A Cosmeceutical is:
A cosmetic with theraputic properties – including pharmaceutical

Deal with the overall health and well-being of the skin

A medi-spa offers:
Spa services and surgical procedures in a medical setting

Camouflage therapy is?
A technique for hiding facial scarring or congential defects

Kohl is:
The greek spelling for “coal”, an ancient form of eye makeup

are cells from the immune system that destroy disease-causing germs

What do nasal bones form?
Bridge of the nose

The _ forms the forehead.
Frontal bone

_ system is another name for circulatory system.

Groups of bodily organs that act together in performing one or more functions are known as:
Body systems

The lower chambers of the heart:

Which system purifies the body through eliminating waste matter?
Excretory system

The action of introducing solutions body tissues through the use of galvanic current is:

In facial treatments this aids in the absorption of cosmetic products into the skin, with the use of electric current:

The Maginifying lamp is also known as
A loupe

A direct and steady current having a positive and negative pole utilized during a facial is:
Galvanic current

The Lucas spray was invented by:
Dr. Lucas Champoinniere

Which of the following is true regarding saponification?
It is a chemical reaction that tranforms sebum into soap

What percentage of sunlight is made of visible light?

___softens and emulsifies oil and blackheads in the follicles

Pus forming bacteria arranged in curved lines, resembling a string of beads. They cause infections like strep throat and blood poisoning

Pus forming bacteria that grow in clusters like grape.

Short rod shaped bacteria. They cause diseases such as tetanus, tuberculosis, and diptheria. Most common one.

Standards for EPA-registered disinfecting soak solutions dictate they should be changed
once a day

What are actinic keratoses?
Rough skin patches

Cellular recession can best be described as…
A factor of intrinsic skin care.

Tapotement is useful for what kind of skin condition?
Slack skin

Which of the following best describes what exfoliation does?
Reveals younger cells

Secondary lesions always develop
in the later stages of a disease

Papules are
Raised lesions/blemises

Study of the skin, its functions, diseases, and disorders and their treatments is called

An acidic covering of the skin that protects it from bacterial invasion is called
Acid mantle

The layer of epidermis that is made of translucent cells that allow the light to pass through is called
Stratum Lucidum

Disease in plant or animal tissue is caused by
pathogenic bacteria

The spirilla bacteria Trepnema pallida causes

Certain bacteria, during their inactive stage, form outer coverings called:

A typical example of a general infection is:

Penetrating cells and becoming part of them is characteristic of:

There are three main levels of decontamination:
sterilization, disinfection, sanitation

Each individual state and the _______must approve all disinfectants.

A Material Safety Data Sheet on every product used in the cosmetology school is required by:
federal law

An MSDS contains important information about a product, including:
storage requirements

The government agency that regulates and enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is:

Implements must be thoroughly cleaned before they are
soaked in disinfectant

To be effective in the salon, ultrasonic bath cleaners must be used with:
an effective disinfectant

Phenols in 5 percent solution are safe and extremely effective disinfectants used mostly for:
metal implements

Alcohol and bleach are:
no longer widely used as disinfectants

For disinfection of implements, states requiring hospital disinfection do not allow the use of:

A product that was used in the past as a disinfectant but is no longer considered safe for salon use is:

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