ATI TEAS 7 Reading Questions & Answers from Real Test

Excerpt from a suspense novel
Shia looked up from his monitor, rubbed his eyes and stared down the dark hallway toward the
CFOs office. He was certain a sound had come from behind the closed door. It was a heavy
thump, like someone had a dropper a bowling ball. There shouldn’t be anyone else here at this
house, Shia thought to himself as he looked at his watch. The only illumination came from
Shia’s computer monitor. His office was on the thirteen floor, far too high to get much more than a
faint glow from the street lights below. Shia slowly stood up before reaching down to turn off
the computer screen, hoping to hide in the darkness. He considered turning on his phone’s
flashlight, but his thoughts were cut short by a loud crach followed by the unmistaken tinkling of
shattered glass. Shia froze, as if he were caught by the gaze of Medusa. The initial doubt that he
would actually find someone snooping around the CFOs office had turned to an icy fear that
gripped his lungs and would not let him breathe. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears; he
knew whoever was in his boss’s office must be able to hear it.
Another crash, followed by a loud howl that he was sure couldn’t be human, shocked Shia
into motion. He broke into a run, in the opposite direction. He sprinted for the emergency
stairwell and rushed downward, jumping over the
Which of the following contains only key points of the passage?
 There are frightening noises in the office. Shia goes home. Shia sends his boss a text.
 There is a thump like a dropped bowling ball, a loud crash and the tinkling of
shattered glass.
 Shia is working at his computer, there is a little light and no one else should be in the
 Shia is working late, he hears mysterious noises and he is frightened enough to leave
Which of the following is the topic of the excerpt?
 A mysterious experience at work
 A building with poor lighting and security
 An employee who is easily scared
 A boss’s expectations of an employee
Which of the following is the tone of the passage?
 Witty
 Incredulous
 Aggressive
 Tense
1 / 2
Which of the following sentences from the passage supports the conclusion that the passage
takes place in the 21st century?
 His office was on the thirteen floor, far too high to get much more than a faint flow
from the street lights below
 Shia froze as if he were caught by the faze of Medusa
 He sent his boss a single text message before turning and trying to force himself to
sleep. I dont think I can work here anymore.
 Shia didn’t stop running until he had burst through the ground floor exit to the
parking garage and found his car.
Which of the following sources would be the best resource than other suspense novels?
 A public library’s digital catalog
 Te online reviews of the novel
 A New York Times bestseller list
 An encyclopedia entry about the suspense genre
Best part about going to the theater is the feeling of being transported into a story. As soon as the
curtain rises, you can forget about the chairs that make you feel like you have been squished
into a sardine can and embrace wherever the story takes you, if only for a short while. The
emotions in the play become your emotions. The lives of the characters become your life. From
a drama about a family in financial crisis to a comedy about a play gone wrong, there is no limit
where the theater can take you.
From the passage, which of the following statements represent a logical conclusion about the
 The author loves to attend theatrical production
 The author prefers musical comedies
 The author also enjoys concerts and movies
 The author finds theatre seating comfortable
Which of the following phrases best describes the author’s experience in the theater?
 “Like you are in an emotional state”
 “No limit to where the theater can take you”
 “The theater can transport you into the story”
 “Like you have been squished into a sardine can”
Using the evidences from the passage, which of the following statements about the author can
the readers refer

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