1. Which of the following describes the function of tendons?
    o Tendons attach skeletal muscle to bone
    o Tendons attach two bones
    o Tendons attach bones to ligaments
    o Tendons attach skeletal muscles to ligaments
  2. Which of the following substances is excreted by sweet glands in response to the
    breakdown of protein and the formation of ammonia?
    o Lysoymes
    o Water
    o Urea
    o Sebum
  3. Which of the following terms describes the removal of metabolic waste from the
    o Secretion
    o catabolism
    o anabolism
    o Excretion
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  4. The shortening of a sarcomere in skeletal muscle is directly due to the interactional of
    which of the following?
    o Acetylcholine and acetylcholinesterase
    o Pepsin and pepsinogen
    o Myosin and actin
    o Dynein and kinesin
  5. Mutations in which of the following types of cells can be inherited by offspring?
    o Ovarian
    o endocrine
    o neural
    o muscle
  6. Which of the following parts of the central nervous system releases chemicals that
    regulate the pituitary gland?
    o Hypothalamus
    o Cerebellum
    o Thalamus
    o Spinal cord
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  7. A cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. Which of the following describes the
    resulting osmosis?
    o There is no flow of water
    o The net flow of water into and out of the cell is zero
    o There is a net flow of water out of the cell
    o There is a net flow of water into the cell.
  8. Which of the following is an example of active transport?
    o Aquaporins in kidney cells that help concentrate urine
    o Movement of substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low
    o Movement of a sodium and potassium across the cell membrane against the
    concentration gradient.
    o Loss of water from a cell in a hypertonic solution

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