Florida Laws & Rules Chiropractic Board 2023 Actual Test Questions and Answers

Each licensee shall provide written notification by mail or by electronic means with confirmation to the Department of a change of address within __ days

The application fee shall be _ which shall be nonrefundable

A license must be renewed every _ years?

The fee for biennial renewal of a chiropractic license is _?

The initial licensure fee is?

The fee for inactive status is?
The fee for renewal of an inactive license?
$250 & $250 ($500 total if you let is lapse)

You have to be over the age of __ to apply for a license?

If graduated before July 1, 2000 graduate must have completed _ years of college work, after July 1, 2000, graduate must have __?
3 years (90 credits), bachelor’s degree

Must pass which NBCE boards?
I, II, III, IV, PT & FL Laws & Rules

If it’s 10 years since graduation before application, applicant must sit for which exam?
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Special Purposes Examination for Chiropractic

Applicant will receive notification within __ working days to applicants who have successfully completed the requirements.
5 (Can use written notification shall act as evidence of licensure entitling the chiropractic physician to practice for a maximum period of 45 days or until the licensing fee is received by the department whichever is sooner)

T/F Renewal of license requires a new set of fingerprints.
True (Unless it is the first time renewing)

If renewal applicant does not submit documentation and fingerprints after the 30 days since non-compliance was issued, the fine is __ per day.

What type of maintained malpractice coverage must a licensee applying for reactivation show coverage (unless granted an exemption by the board/dept)?
Tail coverage (which provided liability coverage as of the initial date of state licensure and incidents occurring before the date the license became inactive)

Medical Malpractice is known as what in the state of Florida?
Financial Responsibility

What amount of financial responsibility is a health care practitioner required to carry?
An amount sufficient to cover claims that arise out of rendering or failure to render professional care and services

Who must maintain financial responsibility in the state of Florida?
Actively licensed chiropractors among other health care professionals (not Certified CA’s or Registered CA’s)

How often must a licensee complete a 2hr CE course on domestic violence?
Every 3rd biennial relicensure or recertification

When must a health care provider complete at least 3 hr CE course on HIV/AIDS as part of the biennial relicensure or recertification?
No later than the 1st (first) renewal

What CE requirements does a licensee need to meet if their license becomes inactive or retired?
They must meet the same CE requirements as an active licensee for ALL biennial licensure periods in which the license was inactive/delinquent or retired.

What may be the penalty if a licensee does not meet the CE requirements for the first time?
May be a Citation, a Fine, and in a addition a requirement to take (1) one additional hour of CE for each hour not completed or completed late.

How many hours of CE are required by an applicant for the purpose of license renewal?
40 (forty) classroom hours of Chiropractic CE

What is the time frame for which the CE for chiropractic licensure renewal must be completed in?
2 years (biennially)

At least, three (3) hours of the forty (40) hours of CE required for Chiro license renewal, must be in what specific area?
Risk Management: Two (2) of the three (3) hours shall be specifically related to laws and rules of the board and regulatory agency in which the board operates

Six (6) hours of the forty (40) required Chiro CE must be in what specific area?
Record Keeping, Documentation, and coding

Two (2) hours of the forty (40) required Chiro CE must be in what specific area?
Ethics and Boundaries

What is the maximum number hours Chiro CE may be obtained online?
no more than ten (10) general hours each biennium may be attained online

A chiropractor certified in acupuncture shall obtain how many CE hours each biennium?

What is the breakdown of those hours?
Four (4) hours of approved acupuncture CE. (Two (2) of which in safety and risk mgmt and two (2) in technique, with the four (4) applied to the forty (40) required each biennium)

A chiropractor may attain five (5) hours of CE in the Risk Management by attending what?
One (1) full day or eight (8) hours of a board meeting (which ever is shorter) at which disciplinary hearings are conducted

Volunteer expert witnesses shall receive how many hours of CE in risk mgmt for each case reviewed?
Five (5) hours for each case reviewed up to a max of ten (10) hours per biennium

For license renewal what two (2) CE courses are required?
Initial license requires a minimum of a 3hr HIV/AIDS course and for license renewal a 2hr course related to the prevention of medical errors

What are chiros required to attend within their first twelve (12) months after initial licensure?
Attend one (1) full day at a Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted.

What are the CE requirements during initial licensure period (prior to first 1st renewal)?
Attend one (1) full day of FBCM meeting, six (6) hours of record keeping, documentation, coding, and two (2) hours of ethics and boundaries. NO OTHER CE requirements are needed during the biennium! (The typical 40 hours does not apply in this case)

What are the two types of CA’s
Certified and Registered

What is the difference between a certified and a registered CA?
A certified CA must go though training (200 hrs in 24 months), get approved and licensed from the board. They can directly supervise a registered CA.

How many CE hours does a certified CA need to complete biennially?

How long does a certified CA have to notify the board of changes of employment of supervising chiropractic physician?
30 days

Certifications to supervise assistants shall remain valid for _ years and must be renewed __.
2, biennially

How much is the initial fee for a certified CA?

How much is the application fee for a certified CA?

The fee for biennial renewal of an active license for a certified CA is _.

T/F In order to work with a certified CA, the supervising chiropractor and the certified CA must meet in front of the board and have a written working agreement contract.

T/F If a certified CA misrepresents themselves, the supervising chiropractic practitioner can be held responsible.

The initial registration fee for a registered chiropractic assistant is __. (Which is the same for biennial renewal)

T/F Registered chiropractic assistants can perform duties that involve patient care management or treatment without the licensed practitioner or certified CA on the premise.
F – the assistant will be under the direction of a chiropractor or a licensed certified chiropractic physician’s assistant who is physically located on the premises at all times while a registered chiropractic assistant is performing assigned duties that involve patient care management or treatment.

Registered chiropractic assistant assists with patient care management, executes administrative and clinical procedures, and often performs managerial and supervisory functions. They can do everything in the office under supervision except?
Adjust/diagnose… use common sense here. The important thing is they need to be supervised. (Competence in the field also requires that a registered chiropractic assistant adhere to ethical and legal standards of professional practice, recognize and respond to emergencies, and demonstrate professional characteristics.)

What must be on each medical record or would be grounds for disciplinary action by the board?
Name and credential of the licensed chiro (clearly identifying and legible)

How long must x-rays be retained?
Not more than four (4) years

The healthcare practitioner who generates a medical record after making a physical or mental exam, administering treatment is considered what?
The “records owner.”

Who can request of a licensed healthcare practitioner to “furnish” reports and records?
The individual for whom the record was created or their legal representative.

Medical records may only be furnished to and conditions of the patient discussed with whom, without written authorization by the patient?
The patient, patients legal representative, other healthcare practitioners/providers involved in their care/treatment (there are numerous exemptions, especially legal actions, research, abuse, negligence, Health Dept with subpoena, etc)

Policies, procedures, and standards must be developed by the records owner to protect what?
patient confidentiality

When terminating, retiring, relocating and no longer available to patients, the record owner must notify whom?
The patient(s) individually or by newspaper advertisement so they may obtain a copy of thier medical record
Florida State Board

Can you charge for providing copies of a patients medical record?
Yes (shall be no more than the actual cost of copying, including reasonable staff time, or specific admin rule by the board)

A chiropractor can advertise in accordance with the Board’s rules, regarding the ART and SCIENCE of Chiropractic and where and from whom chiropractic services may be obtained, so long as such information is in no way , , or __.
Fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading.

What is the special condition for advertising free x-rays or fluoroscopy?
It must include the fact that x-rays and/or video fluoroscopy will only be given if medically necessary

For a group of chiropractors to advertise a chiropractic referral service, the ad must…
specifically name each of the individual chiropractors who are participating in the referral service or bureau (unless it’s a nationwide one that has over 50 members)

T/F Chiropractors can market their specialties to set them apart from each other.
False, unless it’s a specialty recognized by the board and required 300+ hours with written and oral examination, it can not be marketed.

The only specialty that doesn’t have to have a discloser in an ad is?
Diplomate recognized by the board.

T/F All advertising must clearly state it’s a chiropractic office, or chiropractor(s).

A chiropractic physician must submit to the patient, to the patient’s insurer, or any other health program under which the patient is entitled to benefits an itemized statement of the specific services rendered and the charge for each, no later than _
the chiropractic physician’s next regular billing cycle which follows the fifth day after the rendering of professional services (and they can’t hold the bill hostage for payment)

Disciplinary actions will be taken if a chiropractor does not maintain the identity of funds and property of a patient over the amount of _.

For any money or other property entrusted to a chiropractic physician for a specific purpose, including advances for costs and expenses of examination or treatment which may not exceed the value of $1,500 must be held in a __.

All trust funds must:

  1. Be a separate bank account
  2. Have maintained record keeping
  3. Be reconciled quarterly and keep records for 6 years
  4. File with the Department of Health between June 1 and August 15 of each year a certificate

Define “Practice of chiropractic medicine”
a noncombative principle and practice consisting of the science, philosophy, and art of the adjustment, manipulation, and treatment of the human body in which vertebral subluxations and other malpositioned articulations and structures that are interfering with the normal generation, transmission, and expression of nerve impulse between the brain, organs, and tissue cells of the body, thereby causing disease, are adjusted, manipulated, or treated, thus restoring the normal flow of nerve impulse which produces normal function and consequent health by chiropractic physicians using specific chiropractic adjustment or manipulation techniques taught in chiropractic colleges accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education. No person other than a licensed chiropractic physician may render chiropractic services, chiropractic adjustments, or chiropractic manipulations.

Can a chiropractor use X-ray for diagnosis?

By what methods may a chiropractor use adjust, manipulate, or treat the human body?
Manual, mechanical, or natural, as well as Physiotherapy or physical means, acupuncture, foods (concentrates, extracts, and non prescription items), first aid and hygiene.

What are chiropractors expressly prohibited from in the treatment of the human body?
Prescribing or administering and legend drug (exceptions apply), performing surgery (exceptions), and practicing obstetrics.

Chiropractors may order, store, and administer (but not prescribe) what in an emergency only?
medical oxygen, aerosol forms of topical anesthetics (solution of 25% ethylchloride and 75% dichlorodifluoromethane ; 15 percent dichlorodifluoromethane and 85 percent trichloromonofluoromethane.)

What are four (4) PT (physiotherapy) modalities chiros may use to treat patients?
Light, heat, water, or exercise

What is the intent of the “Patient Self-Referral Act of 1992?”
To provide guidance to health care providers regarding prohibited patient referrals between health care providers and entities providing health care services and to protect the people of Florida from unnecessary and costly health care expenditures.

What is the % limit of patients a group practice or sole provider may receive from outside referrals for imaging services?

*This may not apply to chiropractors unless has an investment interest in radiology practice

If you mess up and have disciplinary action taken against you, who is responsible for all costs?
You, dummy… (that includes costs to protect the public or compensate the patient)

If a complaint and investigation is taken on a chiropractor, they have __ days after receiving copy of complaint to submit a written response.

If board deems chiropractor has committed “Gross malpractice,” “repeated malpractice,” and/or “failure to practice chiropractic medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized as being acceptable under similar circumstances,” disciplinary action may include?
minimum and maximum fines, periods of supervision or probation, or conditions of probation or reissuance of a license.

If the board imposes fines and/or costs, it needs to be paid within __ days of the order.

T/F If you mess up in another state, you don’t have to notify FL board because it happened in a different state.
False, you have to rat yourself out homeboy

For noncompliance, failure to take action within __ days results in bad things…
15 days

If failure to notify a change of address within __ days, a noncompliance change will be filed.

You have _ days to after a citation is served or received by certified mail to either dispute or pay fines.

What individual(s) is a healthcare provider prohibited from engaging in verbal or physical sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice?

*Not specific to chiropractors
Violation of the professional relationship where the healthcare provider uses the relationship to engage (or attempt to engage) the:
Patient, immediate family member, guardian, or representative of the patient.

T/F : It is a requirement of a licensed HC practitioner to report allegations of sexual misconduct to the dept, regardless of the practice setting in which the misconduct occurred?
TRUE (just remember snitches get stitches)

How long after the incident or occurrence of administrative complaint, may a claim of be filed? (not withstanding any law to the contrary)
6 years!!! Holy cow, i cant remember what i had for breakfast

If an incident or occurrence leading to administrative complaint involved criminal actions, controlled substances, sexual misconduct, licensee impairment can a complaint be filed after 6 years?

If the an administrative complaint, can be shown that fraud, concealment, or intentional misrepresentation of fact prevented the discovery of the violation of law, how long may a claim be after the incident?
12 years

What is the chiropractic physician-patient relationship found on?
Mutual trust

What individual(s) is a chiropractor prohibited from engaging in sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice?

*specific to chiropractors
the patient

If you change your address, how many days do you have to notify the board

How many hours of education is needed to sit for the acupuncture test

How many hours of CE is needed every 2 years

_ hours in risk management are needed of which __ hours are required for laws and rules
3, 2

how many hours are required for record keeping/documentation and coding

how many hours are needed in ethics

how many hours are needed in HIV/AIDS

how many hours are needed for prevention of medical errors

No more than __ hours of CE can be earned through online classes

Trust fund account records must be kept for how many years

Free services that are advertised require what
verbal announcement or 15 second disclaimer exposure

T/F- you can not advertise superiority over others but you can advertise diplomate status

What are the specialities recognized by the board
ACA, ICA, International academy of clinical neurology, international chiropractic pediatric association

Unrecognized specialities can be advertised but require what
statement saying “specialty isnt recognized by florida chiropractic board of medicine”

Failure of a license holder to elect active or inactive before expiration will cause the license to become what

attending a disclipinary board meeting gives you how many hours in what
5 hours in risk management

An inactive license may be required to appear before the board if that license has been inactive for how long
more than two consecutive biennial cycles

Fines imposed by the board shall be paid within how many days

Citations are to be corrected within how many days

citations are to be disputed in __ within how many days
writing, 30

minor violations of rule will be notified by noncompliance, and the licensee has _ days to take action

T/F – making suggestive, lewd, or lascivious remarks to a patient is sexual misconduct

A person is considered a chiropractic patient until _ year has elapsed since the last date of treatment or examination

T/F – Patient consent may be used by DC in defense of allegation of sexual misconduct

for reproducing copies, the cost for the first 25 pages shall be _ per page, for each page in excess of 25 pages, the cost shall be _
1.00, 0.25

cost of reproducing x-rays and other special records shall be the
actual cost

A DC who terminates practice, stops practicing, or dies (a representative would) shall keep patient records for how long
2 years

within _ month of termination, retirement, or death; said person shall notify the board of who record owner is and publish said information into newspaper on _ occassions.
1, 2

A chiropractor in active practice shall retain records for at least _ years

medical records are maintained to
serve as a basis for planning patient care and for continuity in the evaluation of the patient’s condition and treatment

T/F – late entries are permitted, but must be clearly and accurately noted as late entries and date accurately when they are entered into the record

minimum insurance coverage in an amount not less than _ per claim and with minimum annual aggregate not less than _
100,000 300,000

what is the maximum ratio of DC:CCPA allowed?

CCPA can work under supervision while CAs must work under _ supervision
indirect, direct

indirect supervision for CCPAs means that the DC must have _ , or be within __ minutes away and able to talk by electronic communication
easy availability, 30

what are the 4 areas of speciality for CCPAs?
Radiology, nutrition, orthopedics, PT

Each licensee shall provide written notification by mail or by electronic means with confirmation to the Department of a change of address within __ days

The application fee shall be _ which shall be nonrefundable

A license must be renewed every _ years?

The fee for biennial renewal of a chiropractic license is _?

The initial licensure fee is?

The fee for inactive status is?
The fee for renewal of an inactive license?
$250 & $250 ($500 total if you let it lapse)

You have to be over the age of __ to apply for a license?

If graduated before July 1, 2000 graduate must have completed _ years of college work, after July 1, 2000, graduate must have __?
3 years (90 credits), bachelor’s degree

Must pass which NBCE boards?
I, II, III, IV, PT & FL Laws & Rules

If it’s 10 years since graduation before application, applicant must sit for which exam?
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Special Purposes Examination for Chiropractic

Applicant will receive notification within __ working days to applicants who have successfully completed the requirements.
5 (Can use written notification shall act as evidence of licensure entitling the chiropractic physician to practice for a maximum period of 45 days or until the licensing fee is received by the department whichever is sooner)

T/F Renewal of license requires a new set of fingerprints.
True (Unless it is the first time renewing)

If renewal applicant does not submit documentation and fingerprints after the 30 days since non-compliance was issued, the fine is __ per day.

What type of maintained malpractice coverage must a licensee applying for reactivation show coverage (unless granted an exemption by the board/dept)?
Tail coverage (which provided liability coverage as of the initial date of state licensure and incidents occurring before the date the license became inactive)

Medical Malpractice is known as what in the state of Florida?
Financial Responsibility

What amount of financial responsibility is a health care practitioner required to carry?
An amount sufficient to cover claims that arise out of rendering or failure to render professional care and services

Who must maintain financial responsibility in the state of Florida?
Actively licensed chiropractors among other health care professionals (not Certified CA’s or Registered CA’s)

How often must a licensee complete a 2hr CE course on domestic violence?
Every 3rd biennial relicensure or recertification

When must a health care provider complete at least 3 hr CE course on HIV/AIDS as part of the biennial relicensure or recertification?
No later than the 1st (first) renewal

What CE requirements does a licensee need to meet if their license becomes inactive or retired?
They must meet the same CE requirements as an active licensee for ALL biennial licensure periods in which the license was inactive/delinquent or retired.

What may be the penalty if a licensee does not meet the CE requirements for the first time?
May be a Citation, a Fine, and in a addition a requirement to take (1) one additional hour of CE for each hour not completed or completed late.

How many hours of CE are required by an applicant for the purpose of license renewal?
40 (forty) classroom hours of Chiropractic CE

What is the time frame for which the CE for chiropractic licensure renewal must be completed in?
2 years (biennially)

At least, three (3) hours of the forty (40) hours of CE required for Chiro license renewal, must be in what specific area?
Risk Management: Two (2) of the three (3) hours shall be specifically related to laws and rules of the board and regulatory agency in which the board operates

Six (6) hours of the forty (40) required Chiro CE must be in what specific area?
Record Keeping, Documentation, and coding

Two (2) hours of the forty (40) required Chiro CE must be in what specific area?
Ethics and Boundaries

What is the maximum number hours Chiro CE may be obtained online?
no more than ten (10) general hours each biennium may be attained online

A chiropractor certified in acupuncture shall obtain how many CE hours each biennium?

What is the breakdown of those hours?
Four (4) hours of approved acupuncture CE. (Two (2) of which in safety and risk mgmt and two (2) in technique, with the four (4) applied to the forty (40) required each biennium)

A chiropractor may attain five (5) hours of CE in the Risk Management by attending what?
One (1) full day or eight (8) hours of a board meeting (which ever is shorter) at which disciplinary hearings are conducted

Volunteer expert witnesses shall receive how many hours of CE in risk mgmt for each case reviewed?
Five (5) hours for each case reviewed up to a max of ten (10) hours per biennium

For license renewal what two (2) CE courses are required?
Initial license requires a minimum of a 3hr HIV/AIDS course and for license renewal a 2hr course related to the prevention of medical errors

What are chiros required to attend within their first twelve (12) months after initial licensure?
Attend one (1) full day at a Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine meeting at which disciplinary hearings are conducted.

What are the CE requirements during initial licensure period (prior to first 1st renewal)?
Attend one (1) full day of FBCM meeting, six (6) hours of record keeping, documentation, coding, and two (2) hours of ethics and boundaries. NO OTHER CE requirements are needed during the biennium! (The typical 40 hours does not apply in this case)

What are the two types of CA’s
Certified and Registered

What is the difference between a certified and a registered CA?
A certified CA must go though training (200 hrs in 24 months), get approved and licensed from the board. They can directly supervise a registered CA.

How many CE hours does a certified CA need to complete biennially?

How long does a certified CA have to notify the board of changes of employment of supervising chiropractic physician?
30 days

Certifications to supervise assistants shall remain valid for _ years and must be renewed __.
2, biennially

How much is the initial fee for a certified CA?

How much is the application fee for a certified CA?

The fee for biennial renewal of an active license for a certified CA is _.

T/F In order to work with a certified CA, the supervising chiropractor and the certified CA must meet in front of the board and have a written working agreement contract.

T/F If a certified CA misrepresents themselves, the supervising chiropractic practitioner can be held responsible.

The initial registration fee for a registered chiropractic assistant is __. (Which is the same for biennial renewal)

T/F Registered chiropractic assistants can perform duties that involve patient care management or treatment without the licensed practitioner or certified CA on the premise.
F – the assistant will be under the direction of a chiropractor or a licensed certified chiropractic physician’s assistant who is physically located on the premises at all times while a registered chiropractic assistant is performing assigned duties that involve patient care management or treatment.

Registered chiropractic assistant assists with patient care management, executes administrative and clinical procedures, and often performs managerial and supervisory functions. They can do everything in the office under supervision except?
Adjust/diagnose… use common sense here. The important thing is they need to be supervised. (Competence in the field also requires that a registered chiropractic assistant adhere to ethical and legal standards of professional practice, recognize and respond to emergencies, and demonstrate professional characteristics.)

What must be on each medical record or would be grounds for disciplinary action by the board?
Name and credential of the licensed chiro (clearly identifying and legible)

How long must x-rays be retained?
Not more than four (4) years

The healthcare practitioner who generates a medical record after making a physical or mental exam, administering treatment is considered what?
The “records owner.”

Who can request of a licensed healthcare practitioner to “furnish” reports and records?
The individual for whom the record was created or their legal representative.

Medical records may only be furnished to and conditions of the patient discussed with whom, without written authorization by the patient?
The patient, patients legal representative, other healthcare practitioners/providers involved in their care/treatment (there are numerous exemptions, especially legal actions, research, abuse, negligence, Health Dept with subpoena, etc)

Policies, procedures, and standards must be developed by the records owner to protect what?
patient confidentiality

When terminating, retiring, relocating and no longer available to patients, the record owner must notify whom?
The patient(s) individually or by newspaper advertisement so they may obtain a copy of thier medical record
Florida State Board

Can you charge for providing copies of a patients medical record?
Yes (shall be no more than the actual cost of copying, including reasonable staff time, or specific admin rule by the board)

A chiropractor can advertise in accordance with the Board’s rules, regarding the ART and SCIENCE of Chiropractic and where and from whom chiropractic services may be obtained, so long as such information is in no way , , or __.
Fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading.

What is the special condition for advertising free x-rays or fluoroscopy?
It must include the fact that x-rays and/or video fluoroscopy will only be given if medically necessary

For a group of chiropractors to advertise a chiropractic referral service, the ad must…
specifically name each of the individual chiropractors who are participating in the referral service or bureau (unless it’s a nationwide one that has over 50 members)

T/F Chiropractors can market their specialties to set them apart from each other.
False, unless it’s a specialty recognized by the board and required 300+ hours with written and oral examination, it can not be marketed.

The only specialty that doesn’t have to have a discloser in an ad is?
Diplomate recognized by the board.

T/F All advertising must clearly state it’s a chiropractic office, or chiropractor(s).

A chiropractic physician must submit to the patient, to the patient’s insurer, or any other health program under which the patient is entitled to benefits an itemized statement of the specific services rendered and the charge for each, no later than _
the chiropractic physician’s next regular billing cycle which follows the fifth day after the rendering of professional services (and they can’t hold the bill hostage for payment)

Disciplinary actions will be taken if a chiropractor does not maintain the identity of funds and property of a patient over the amount of _.

For any money or other property entrusted to a chiropractic physician for a specific purpose, including advances for costs and expenses of examination or treatment which may not exceed the value of $1,500 must be held in a __.

All trust funds must:

  1. Be a separate bank account
  2. Have maintained record keeping
  3. Be reconciled quarterly and keep records for 6 years
  4. File with the Department of Health between June 1 and August 15 of each year a certificate

Define “Practice of chiropractic medicine”
a noncombative principle and practice consisting of the science, philosophy, and art of the adjustment, manipulation, and treatment of the human body in which vertebral subluxations and other malpositioned articulations and structures that are interfering with the normal generation, transmission, and expression of nerve impulse between the brain, organs, and tissue cells of the body, thereby causing disease, are adjusted, manipulated, or treated, thus restoring the normal flow of nerve impulse which produces normal function and consequent health by chiropractic physicians using specific chiropractic adjustment or manipulation techniques taught in chiropractic colleges accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education. No person other than a licensed chiropractic physician may render chiropractic services, chiropractic adjustments, or chiropractic manipulations.

Can a chiropractor use X-ray for diagnosis?

By what methods may a chiropractor use adjust, manipulate, or treat the human body?
Manual, mechanical, or natural, as well as Physiotherapy or physical means, acupuncture, foods (concentrates, extracts, and non prescription items), first aid and hygiene.

What are chiropractors expressly prohibited from in the treatment of the human body?
Prescribing or administering and legend drug (exceptions apply), performing surgery (exceptions), and practicing obstetrics.

Chiropractors may order, store, and administer (but not prescribe) what in an emergency only?
medical oxygen, aerosol forms of topical anesthetics (solution of 25% ethylchloride and 75% dichlorodifluoromethane ; 15 percent dichlorodifluoromethane and 85 percent trichloromonofluoromethane.)

What are four (4) PT (physiotherapy) modalities chiros may use to treat patients?
Light, heat, water, or exercise

What is the intent of the “Patient Self-Referral Act of 1992?”
To provide guidance to health care providers regarding prohibited patient referrals between health care providers and entities providing health care services and to protect the people of Florida from unnecessary and costly health care expenditures.

What is the % limit of patients a group practice or sole provider may receive from outside referrals for imaging services?

*This may not apply to chiropractors unless has an investment interest in radiology practice

If you mess up and have disciplinary action taken against you, who is responsible for all costs?
You, dummy… (that includes costs to protect the public or compensate the patient)

If a complaint and investigation is taken on a chiropractor, they have __ days after receiving copy of complaint to submit a written response.

If board deems chiropractor has committed “Gross malpractice,” “repeated malpractice,” and/or “failure to practice chiropractic medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized as being acceptable under similar circumstances,” disciplinary action may include?
minimum and maximum fines, periods of supervision or probation, or conditions of probation or reissuance of a license.

If the board imposes fines and/or costs, it needs to be paid within __ days of the order.

T/F If you mess up in another state, you don’t have to notify FL board because it happened in a different state.

What is the administrative fee for practicing chiropractic without an active license?
10,000 for each offense

For noncompliance, failure to take action within __ days results in bad things…
15 days

If failure to notify a change of address within __ days, a noncompliance change will be filed.

You have _ days to after a citation is served or received by certified mail to either dispute or pay fines.

What individual(s) is a healthcare provider prohibited from engaging in verbal or physical sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice?

*Not specific to chiropractors
Violation of the professional relationship where the healthcare provider uses the relationship to engage (or attempt to engage) the:
Patient, immediate family member, guardian, or representative of the patient.

T/F : It is a requirement of a licensed HC practitioner to report allegations of sexual misconduct to the dept, regardless of the practice setting in which the misconduct occurred?

How long after the incident or occurrence of administrative complaint, may a claim of be filed? (not withstanding any law to the contrary)
6 years

If an incident or occurrence leading to administrative complaint involved criminal actions, controlled substances, sexual misconduct, licensee impairment can a complaint be filed after 6 years?

If the an administrative complaint, can be shown that fraud, concealment, or intentional misrepresentation of fact prevented the discovery of the violation of law, how long may a claim be after the incident?
12 years

What is the chiropractic physician-patient relationship found on?
Mutual trust

What individual(s) is a chiropractor prohibited from engaging in sexual activity outside the scope of professional practice?

*specific to chiropractors
the patient

What is it called when an active or inactive license is not renewed and it expires?
license becomes delinquent

How far back should you report previous legal violations on your history to the board?
5 years back

A chiropractor can not use acupuncture for a patient with what condition?

What is the administrative fine for defaulting on government guaranteed student loans?
All I can find is that fines are put into a Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund, not sure how much the fine is.

What person may be able to ask the board for an exemption for required active malpractice insurance?
person practicing in another state? or person licensed but only using license to be on the board/representative?

How much does malpractice need to cover you for?
$100,000 per offense/ $300,000 aggregate

How much are you allowed to charge for printing off medical records?
$1.00 per page for up to 25 pages, then 0.25 per page after that

A certified Chiropractic Assistant can not obtain credits in _?
Radiology or Acupuncture?

What form of advertisement is illegal?
Mass mailing letters to unknown people (really though that’s like mail spam)

Which organization is valid to say you have a diplomate from?
NBCE, other options were ICPA, ACA, and ICA

If an advertised price is discounted, what do you have to charge an insurance/third party for the service for an insurance patient?
The discounted price (otherwise it’s dual fee schedule which is illegal)

What must your Report of Findings include?
Benefits and Risks of treatment

You are required to have how many hours in AIDS to renew your license:
3 hours, every two years

Once notified by the board that disciplinary action has been taken against you, how many days do you have to respond?

Which of the following forms of advertising is illegal?
You can’t advertise free services without a disclaimer

Which of the following infractions can the board of chiropractic reprimand you for?
State Law (civil)

Which of the following is illegal?
Person to person contact handing out pamphlets in your neighborhood uninvited

How often do you have to reconcile the bank statement for your patients trust account?
4 times per year

To employ a certified physician’s assistant what is your obligation?
Become a supervisor of a chiropractic physicians assistant by paying the fee

What is necessary in order for the Board to take disciplinary action against you which is chiropractic related?
2 members of the Board appointed by the chairman

You must notify the patients of a deceased chiropractor that the records are available in which publication?
Local newspaper

If you advertise a discounted fee in an advertisement what is true about the third party payee
You must bill them the discounted fee

How many days do you have before paying the fine for an infraction?
30 days

How many certified physicians assistans can three doctors practicing together employ?

After your license expires, what must you do to reactivate it:
Pay a late fee, reapply to the DPR with proof of continuing education

You must keep accurate, balanced complete files and journals of each trust account. the DPR can take disciplinary action against the doctor for advanced fee removal if:
The fees are excessive compared to the treatment rendered

A chiropractic physician can treat a patient with leukemia:
Can treat co-existing conditions

It is a________ to practice without license:
Third degree felony

If the patient reports you to the board for alcoholism:
You may work during the investigation

Which of the following must be reported to the DPR?
You have had an administrative suit filed against you in another state

To make a decision that is binding, the Board must have present at the meeting:
4 members of the board (Quorum)

If you do not renew your license within two years:
It immediately becomes delinquent

Under which of the following circumstances can action be taken against you fo removal of money from a trust fund:
Taking money out before services are rendered

Once a doctor is delinquent in license renewal she/he must _ to reinstate the license:
Pay a late fee and do continuing education hours within six months

Willfully making a false oath as a chiropractor is:
A misdemeanor in the first degree

If a chiropractor is licensed in the State of Florida and another state, and commits a violation in other state, what can the Florida DPR do:
Can reprimand the chiropractor at any time

Which of the following can not be advertised in a newspaper ad:
Making mention of the quality of your service

The executor, administrator or succeeding practitioner of a deceased chiropractor must:
Inform the public in a local newspaper of a specific place, location and person where the records will be kept.

in a chiropractic office, x-ray records must be kept for:
4 years

Chiropractors are required to keep which of the following records:
On all patients

A chiropractor may advertise a specialty area if:
They obtain diplomate status in the specialty area

Which of the following is not a form of legal advertising:
Making your school sound superior

itemizing billing is required for which of the following:
Services rendered in full

Who is legally liable for the actions of the chiropractic assistant:
Supervisory chiropractor (all owners of the clinic)

To apply for a license in Florida you must:
Graduate from accredited schools only

Patient billing of professional services must be submitted by the chiropractic physician within:
5 days after the next billing cycle

You have a Florida license, but you practice in Ohio and commute back and forth between both states. Ohio takes disciplinary action against you. You must
inform the Florida DPR

Exploitation of a patient for financial gain is which of the following:
More services were rendered than you can justify for the condition

A chiropractor that is not licensed to practice acupuncture, can use acupuncture under which circumstance:
No circumstance

Direct solicitation is allowed in all of the following except:
Telephone conversations

You inherit the patient files from a deceased chiropractor. How long do you have to keep the records:
2 years

What can’t a certified chiropractic assistant perform:

Peer review evaluates all of the following except:
The effects of treatment

If a patient reports that they think you are an impaired physician using drugs and/or alcohol, the board may:
Investigate you for the charge

What is the proper way to handle acupuncture needles:
Individually package them for each patient

Instruments can be used in a chiropractic office include:
Those taught in schools and approved by the board

If you allow 4 years to pass after your license expires:
It becomes null and void

A certified physicians assitant may perform chiropractic services:
When the supervising chiropractor is present or nearby

If you have the disposable acupuncture needle they must:
Be put in Biohazard waste

If your active license has expired, you must:
Cease practicing immediately and pay the late fee

Which of the following is considered to be a 3rd degree felony>
Practicing with a fraudulently obtained license

How many certified physicians assistants will the Florida Board allow a doctor practicing in a group practice of employ:

How much are you allowed to charge to copy a patient’s report?
1 dollar per page for the first 25 pages

Which of the following is considered a third degree felony in the state of Florida
Practicing with a revoked license

The fees due to a chiropractor for services rendered can be held in a trust account under which of the following conditions:
When the patient disagrees with the doctor over the fees for the services rendered

Who is liable for the services rendered by a certified physician’s assistant:
Any physician that utilizes the services of a certified physician’s assistant

How long must you keep the reconciled records for your patients trust account:
6 years

Itemized billing is required for which of the following:
Services rendered in full

A registered chiropractic physicians assistant cannot perform:
Take vital signs

A complaint is filed against you, to determine the probable cause for disciplinary action you need:
Two members of the board, one could be a past member

Which of the following is a felony:
Practicing chiropractic with a suspend chiropractic license

The Board can not do which of the following:
Imprisonment not to exceed more than a year

A registered physician’s assistant may perform chiropractic services:
When the chiropractor assigned to the registered chiropractic assistant is present

chiropractic is under the jurisdiction of
Board of Chiropractic Medicine

Regulations governing Chiropractic by the Board are in what chapters of what book
456, 460, 64B2 of Florida Administrative code

Three intentions of the 460 Chiropractic Medicine Practice Act and Regulations
meet minimum requirements for safe practice. establish a board, set requirements for licensee.

a person who is registered by the board to perform
chiropractic services under the direct supervision of a chiropractic physician or certified
chiropractic physician’s assistant
registered chiropractic assistant

responsible supervision and control, with the licensed chiropractic
physician assuming legal liability for the services rendered by a certified chiropractic
physician’s assistant
indirect supervision

responsible supervision and control, with the licensed chiropractic
physician assuming legal liability for the services rendered by a registered CA or a chiropractic
student a person who is a graduate of an approved program or its equivalent and is approved by
the department to perform chiropractic services under the indirect supervision of a chiropractic
physician certified or chiropractic physician’s assistant (CCPA)
Direct supervision

person who is a graduate of an
approved program or its equivalent and is approved by the department to perform chiropractic
services under the indirect supervision of a chiropractic physician
certified chiropractic physician’s assistant (CCPA)

violation of the chiropractic physician-patient relationship through which
the chiropractic physician uses the relationship to induce the patient to engage, or to engage, or
attempt to engage, in sexual activity outside the scope of practice or generally accepted
examination or treatment
Sexual Misconduct

a remuneration or payment, by or on behalf of a provider of health care services or
items, to any person as an incentive or inducement to refer patients

means any health care practitioner who generates a medical record after
making a physical or mental examination of, or administering treatment or dispensing legend
drugs to, any person
record owner

an equity or debt security issued by an entity, including, without
limitation, shares of stock in a corporation, units or other interests in a partnership, bonds,
debentures, notes, or other equity interests or debt instruments
investment interest

a person or entity owning a legal or beneficial ownership or investment interest,
directly or indirectly

unearned fees in the form of cash or property other than cash, which are received
by a chiropractor prior to the chiropractor rendering his services or selling of goods and
trust funds

services or practices rendered, or goods or appliances sold, to a patient for
financial gain of the chiropractor which are excessive in quality or quantity to the justified
needs of the patient
over utilization

cost of material and supplies used to duplicate the record, including labor and
overhead associated with duplication
actual cost

What proof must be provided for initial licensure, or license renewal, in the State of
Florida if a chiropractor does not maintain medical malpractice insurance to cover claims
arising out of the rendering of or failure to render professional care and services?
financial responsibility

What does the Department of Health maintain for each licensee which is made
available to the public and contains information about disciplinary history, medical
malpractice claims, criminal information directly related to competence to practice in the
profession, and malpractice coverage?
Practitioner profile

If John Smith, D.C. holds an investment interest in a local MRI facility, what is he
required to provide a patient who he is referring to the MRI center?
written disclosure form

Supervision by a physician who is present in the office suite and immediately available
to provide assistance and direction throughout the time services are being performed is
the definition for
direct supervision

A business arrangement in which two or more health care providers are legally
organized as a partnership, professional corporation, or similar association and whose
services are billed in the name of the corporation or association and funds received are
treated as receipts of the organization is known as a
group practice

F.S. Chapter 456 outlines specific rules concerning billing components when a group
practice or sole provider accepts outside referrals for diagnostic imaging services. What
are the two billing components involved in referrals for diagnostic imaging services that
are specifically addressed in the statutes?
professional and technical billing components

A scheme in which a health care provider or entity is set up for the principal purpose of
assuring referrals by the physician to the health care provider or entity is known as a
cross referral agreement

A remuneration or payment, by or on behalf of a provider of health care services or
items, to any person as an incentive or inducement to refer patients for past or future
services or items, when the payment is not tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary
expense is defined as a

. Janice Smith has requested copies of her chiropractic records from Harvey Gotbucks,
DC. Dr. Gotbucks has informed Janice that she may receive copies of her file once she
has completely paid her outstanding balance for services rendered over 90 days ago. Is
Dr. Gotbucks records release practice in compliance with the provisions in F.S. Chapter

When a patient, or their legal representative makes a request for copies of all reports
and records relating to examinations or treatments, including X rays and insurance
information, does F.S. Chapter 456 allow the health care provider the flexibility to delay
providing the requested information until the practitioner’s legal representative can
review the file?

What is required for a doctor to furnish medical records or discuss the medical
condition of a patient with any person other than the patient or the patient’s legal
representative or other health care practitioners and providers involved in the care or
treatment of the patient?
written authorization

Jenny Jones, DC has received a subpoena for patient records relating to a civil
lawsuit. According to F.S. Chapter 456, does Dr. Jones need any type of documentation
from the patient authorizing release of these records?

F.S. Chapter 456 specifically outlines language that must be used in any
advertisement for a free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment
by a health care practitioner. What timeframe must be included in the disclaimer
72 hours

Chiro’s are _ for CPA under them

What type of supervision of student interns in a chiropractic college clinical setting is
required by Florida Statute Chapter 460
direct supervision

According to F.S. Chapter 460, the requirement for the physical presence of a licensed
chiropractic physician for consultation and direction of the actions of a chiropractic
student enrolled in an intern program is the definition for
direct supervision

According to Chapter 460, Science, philosophy, and art are included in the definition
of the practice of chiropractic.
science philosophy art

F.S. Chapter 460 clearly states that chiropractic medical records must be written

F.S. Chapter 460, medical records must identify clearly the _ and _ of the licensed chiropractic physician rendering, ordering, supervising, or
billing for each examination or treatment procedure in the course of treatment of the
patient ?
name, credentials

X rays need not be retained for more than
4 years

Money or other property entrusted to a chiropractic physician for a specific purpose,
including advances for costs and expenses of examination or treatment, is to be held in
_ and must be applied only to that purpose?

The board shall require licensees to periodically demonstrate their professional
competence as a condition of renewal of a license by completing up to 40 contact
classroom hours of continuing education.
40 hours

Whenever a chiropractic physician licensed under this chapter renders professional
services to a patient, the chiropractic physician shall submit to , , or __
patient, patients insurer, administrative agency the patient receives benefits from.

Whenever a chiropractic physician licensed under this chapter renders professional
services to a patient, the chiropractic physician shall submit to the patient, to the patient’s
insurer, or to the administrative agency for any federal or state health program under
which the patient is entitled to benefits an itemized statement of the specific services
rendered and the charge for each, no later than ?
the chiropractors next billing cycle which follows the fifth day after service.

penalty for practicing without a license
3rd degree felony

penalty for using a suspended or revoked license
3rd degree felony

penalty for Selling or fraudulently obtaining or furnishing any chiropractic diploma,
license, or record of registration or aiding or abetting in the same
1st degree misdemeanor

penalty for Making any willfully false oath or affirmation whenever an oath or
affirmation is required by this chapter
1st degree misdemeanor

penalty for Using the name or title “chiropractic physician,” “doctor of
chiropractic,” “chiropractic medicine,” or any other name or title which
would lead the public to believe that such person is engaging in the practice of
chiropractic medicine, unless such person is licensed as a chiropractic
physician in this state.
1st degree misdemeanor

penalty for Knowingly concealing any information relative to violations of this
1st degree misdemeanor

Classroom hours acceptable for continuing education credit for must be approved by
Board of Chiropractic

A patient’s _ may not be used by the chiropractic physician in the defense of an
allegation of sexual misconduct.

number of classroom hours of continuing chiropractic education each biennium is required for
chiropractic license renewal in Florida.

A person is considered a patient until after _ has elapsed since the date on which
the chiropractic physician examined or treated the person.
1 year

An advertisement that claims the doctor possesses qualifications or skills which are
superior to others would be considered _
according to F.A.C. 64B2
fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading

In an advertisement for free x-rays or video fluoroscopy, a statement that these
services will be provided only if _ must be included in the
Medically necessary

The disclaimer clause required by F.S. 456 for free or discounted services applies to what forms of advertisment
Written and verbal advertisements.

A candidate for state licensure in Florida must achieve a score of___ in each subject
area tested to obtain licensure.

Trust account reconciliations must be maintained for a minimum of
6 years

No license shall be initially renewed unless the licensee submits confirmation to the Board that he
or she has successfully completed a Board-approved course on what specific pathology

how many hours of HIV/AIDS classes is needs

how many hours of medical records is required in florida

how long must chiropractic records be kept
4 years from date of last appointment

HIPAA privacy regulations require that all medical records, signed consent forms,
authorization forms, and other HIPAA-related documentation be retained for a period
6 years

how long must records be kept after a patients death
2 years

The Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that patient records for Medicare
beneficiaries be retained for a period of
5 years

A person is considered a patient until after _ from last treatment
1 year

A person is considered a patient___ years after death

Any advertisement for a free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination,
or treatment by a health care practitioner must include a

T/F A registered chiropractic assistant and a certified chiropractic physician’s assistant
may perform the same duties under the same type of supervision
false (“Registered chiropractic assistant” means a person who is registered by the
board to perform chiropractic services under the direct supervision of a
chiropractic physician or certified chiropractic physician’s assistant.)

T/F extend or renew any
contract with a practice management company that provides any financial
incentives, directly or indirectly, based on an increase in outside referrals for
diagnostic imaging services from any group or sole provider managed by the
same practice management company is legal.

A chiropractor _ condition the furnishing of a request for records upon
payment of a fee for services rendered.
may not

A chiropractic physician _ condition the furnishing of an itemized
statement upon prior payment of the bill.
may not

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