PECT Module 2 PreK-4 Exam Questions and Answers Latest 2023 (verified answers)

Which is most likely to interrupt a student’s reading fluency?
a. Text is too much to read in one sitting
b. Student doesn’t understand 15% of vowels
c. Student doesn’t know sight words or phonetic sounds
d. None of the above

You ask a student to look at a book without words and orally tell a story just by looking at pictures. Which ability are you assessing?
a. Concept of print
b. Story Structure
c. Phonics
d. None of the above

A boy reads slowly but accurately. What is an appropriate intervention?
a. Repeated reading on a text that is at his independent level
b. Echo read of a text at his instructional level
c. Group reading
d. None of the above

If a child struggles with fluency, what can you expect?
a. The student will struggle with comprehension
b. The student will struggle with phonics
c. The student will struggle with vocabulary
d. The student will never learn to read

A teacher has her students crouch when the music is low and stand on their tiptoes when the music is high. What musical concept is she reinforcing?
a. Tempo
b. Pitch
c. Timbre
d. Dynamics

A class goes on a field trip to a supermarket. The produce manager explains to the class that fruits are grown in other areas and then transported to the store. Which activity would further the student’s knowledge of spatial interaction?
a. Research the climates of the areas the fruits come from
b. Chart the different modes of transportation used to move the fruit
c. Study the food traditions in the different areas
d. Find the location of where different fruits are grown and map how they get to the store

A first grade class visits a pet store. Once returning back to the classroom the students are broken up into various groups for different jobs. After this, the teacher holds a discussion on their activities. What topic is the teacher laying the foundation for in future years?
a. Opportunity cost
b. Universal needs
c. Economic interdependence
d. Disposable income

A teacher wants to connect a science unit with social studies. The students are charting a plant’s growth. Which concept is the teacher targeting?
a. Time
b. Continuity
c. Location
d. Environment

Ms. Duke is teaching a small group of first grade students. She is giving them the sounds /b/ /i/ /g/ and then sweeping them together to say “big.” Her group is practicing this skill with several short vowel words. What skill is Ms. Duke working on with this group?
a. Alphabetic knowledge
b. Print awareness
c. Fluency
d. Phonemic awareness

A kindergarten teacher includes poetry in her daily read-alouds. She asks her students to listen to the rhymes of familiar poems and sometimes to provide a new rhyming word. Which reading skill is she practicing with her class?
a. Sight or concrete words
b. Print awareness
c. Phonemic awareness
d. Connecting print to letter sounds

Sometimes parents are not up-to-date on current instructional practices. Which would be a good way to explain invented spelling to a parent of a kindergarten student?
a. A system invented by teachers to help students learn to spell words correctly
b. The ability to recognize and read words by translating the letters into speech sounds
c. Vocabulary words which students should know by the end of the year
d. The use of letter-sound relationship to attempt to write words

There are yellow balloons that your students make into a sculpture. What concept is being taught?
a. Line
b. Form
c. Shape
d. None of the above

You want to teach the concept of change over a period of time. What activity should you choose?
a. Make a poster with a timeline of your birth to your kindergarten years
b. Have a discussion about the presidents of the U.S.
c. Watch a video and answer questions about timelines
d. None of the above

Young children often begin to recognize words that they see like names of restaurants and toy stores or names of cereal on the boxes. This type of familiar print is referred to as:
a. Visual literacy
b. Frequency literacy
c. Environmental print
d. Morphemes

Which of the following design elements would you teach in correlation with a math unit?
a. Harmony
b. Variety
c. Rhythm
d. Pattern

A kindergarten teacher wants her students to understand that words are made up of smaller sound units or syllables. Which of the following questions should the teacher use to work on phonological awareness?
a. Which of the following words rhymes with sunny?
b. Can you give me another word that starts with the same sound as seven?
c. First say older, now add sh. What is the new word?
d. Say tiger. Now say “ti” and then say “ger.”

Which phonics unit should be taught last?
a. Silent e combinations
b. Silent consonants
c. Consonant digraphs
d. Consonant blends

What is an appropriate art activity for kindergarten?
a. Silk screening
b. Woodworking
c. Stamping
d. Etching

How is a student demonstrating civic responsibility/being a good citizen?
a. Raising his hand in class
b. Clean up for recycling
c. Behaving while walking down the hallway
d. Voting to pick the class field trip

What is it called when a student speaks alone on stage during a play?
a. Monologue
b. Recitation
c. Commentary
d. Exhortation

During a first grade social studies lesson, a child mentions that she lives near the city library. The teacher could take this time to reinforce which social studies concept?
a. Location
b. Region
c. Community
d. Habitat

A teacher in a kindergarten classroom wants to take an initial assessment of the students in her class. She asks them individually to pick a book from the reading center and pretend to read it by flipping through the pages. What is she assessing?
a. Book handling skills
b. Text to print connection
c. Fluency
d. Phonemic awareness

What is the best way to develop children’s prewriting skills?
a. Write spontaneously for 5 minutes a day
b. Discussing ideas with a partner before drafting
c. Read examples of their work to the class
d. Have a daily edit exercise

In a 4th grade class you are learning about making a hypothesis for which candidate will win an election. Which activity would best support this learning goal?
a. Watch a debate between the candidates
b. Read candidates’ websites
c. Read through surveys of voters’ opinions on candidates
d. Read about past elections

A music teacher wants to show young students how dance relates to feelings and ideas. What would be a good activity?
a. Reenact a favorite story through dance
b. Move with different levels and rhythms
c. Watch videos of other cultures dancing
d. Talk about dancers in history

What is the purpose in teaching students civic education?
a. To show students that laws are created by members of society and are constantly changing
b. To show that laws are a specific set of rules by which a society operates
c. To review important historical events

Which activity boosts child’s vocabulary development?
a. Flipping through a picture book and making up a story
b. Playing and interacting with other students–social stories/play
c. Talking with adults

What marked the change from 18th century farm workers in Western PA to 19th century steel workers?
a. Technological advances
b. Cultural infusion
c. Loss of resources

A fourth grade teacher is moving her students from learning to read to reading to learn. She wants them to read a passage independently to themselves. What should she do to scaffold this activity?
a. Have students raise their hand when they need help
b. Provide an outline that details the main ideas of each section
c. Review the headings and subheadings with students before they begin reading
d. Have students read it on their own and then answer comprehension questions

Which would be an appropriate initial assessment of word recognition?
a. Picking a book from a class library and reading it
b. Graded word lists
c. Giving a word bank and asking children to fill in the blanks

A student is able to read quickly and above grade level. However, they make careless mistakes such as saying “car” for “care” or replacing “me” with “my.” What reading strategy does this child need help with?
a. Phonics and word attack skills
b. Sight words
c. Fluency
d. Checking for understanding

A student can spell vocabulary words, understand their usage, and put the words into his own story, but when given a quiz, they cannot match the words to the correct definition. Why?
a. They understand the denotative, but not connotative meaning
b. They can use the words contextually, but do not understand the exact wording of definitions
c. They have receptive language skills, but not expressive

How does recognizing words with the same ending sounds help a child?
a. Helps gain concept of print
b. Strengthens vocabulary
c. Builds automaticity and fluency
d. Helps comprehension

A teacher gives her students cards with modes of transportation on them. She wants the students to categorize them. What should she do first?
a. Give a worksheet to explain transportation
b. Use dictionaries to look up transportation words
c. Go over the criteria for sorting

When is it appropriate to use decodable books with students?
a. When the students are fluent readers
b. When the students are good at phonics and sight words, but still working on automaticity and decoding words
c. When the students are learning about story elements

Which word has a consonant blend?
a. Frog
b. Can
c. Boil
d. The

A student is having trouble reading words that contain silent consonant combinations. What would be a good approach to help the student?
a. Provide students with graded word list that contains silent consonant combination words
b. Compare and contrast between words that do and do not have silent consonant combinations, like no and know
c. Take out the silent consonant combination in the word and let the student read it
d. Read silent consonant combination letter words in chunks

How do you teach 2nd graders to positively perceive and reflect on their environment?
a. Proving ink activity
b. Use imaginary image
c. Walk around the school and draw a favorite thing they see
d. Draw the format of their classroom

Which is an example of active listening?
a. You should have told me that a long time ago!
b. What happened to you also happened to me, only worse.
c. Sorry, can you please repeat that?
d. So what I hear you say, is that you are upset about…

How to help first graders learn about community?
a. Invite a guest speaker to come in and speak about their roles shared in the community
b. Create a list of responsibilities shared with adults at home
c. Discuss the community roles within the school between upper grades

A teacher is planning instruction to promote four-year-olds’ development of skills related to Pennsylvania’s PreK-4 learning standard about reading, analyzing, and interpreting text. With children at this developmental level, which of the following approaches to a read-aloud activity would be most appropriate for the teacher to use to develop the children’s conceptual understanding of fact and opinion?

A. having the children identify characters who demonstrate examples of faulty reasoning in a fable
B. asking the children to decide which statements related to an article in a children’s nature magazine are true or false
C. helping the children tell one thing they learned from a nonfiction text
D. showing the children how to differentiate between essential and nonessential information in a nonfiction children’s picture book

A fourth-grade teacher would like to promote reluctant readers’ independent reading. Which of the following teacher strategies is likely to be most effective in achieving this goal?

A. engaging students in discussions about their interests and working with the library media specialist to locate appropriate-level books on these topics
B. reading aloud a variety of books from the classroom library on a regular basis and engaging students in discussions related to the read-alouds
C. creating attractive displays of both fiction and nonfiction books and magazines in the classroom library and regularly inviting students to browse the displays
D. providing opportunities for students to visit the school’s library media center and to learn about the center’s resources and organization

A third-grade teacher regularly models for students how to paraphrase a portion of a text and how to pose and respond to questions that clarify or follow up on information presented in a text. These practices promote students’ literacy
development primarily by:

A. supporting their development of dispositions and attitudes that help create a purposeful, literate environment in the classroom.
B. enhancing their knowledge of the organizational structure of different types of text.
C. promoting their development of self-monitoring skills that support reading and learning across the curriculum.
D. fostering their ability to make connections between the reading curriculum and their lives.

A first-grade teacher explains that he is going to read a story aloud and he wants students to consider how the story makes them feel. Afterward, he prompts the students to recall and discuss specific words and phrases the author used to evoke particular feelings. This oral language activity supports students’ literacy development primarily by helping the students:

A. retell a story’s key events accurately.
B. make and verify predictions about a story.
C. connect key events in a story to their own lives.
D. develop an awareness of a story’s tone.

A kindergarten teacher has placed many signs around the classroom, including
simple written directions (e.g., Please hang up coats!) and labels for objects (e.g.,
clock, Teacher’s chair). During daily activities, the teacher regularly points to and
reads aloud relevant signs. The teacher has also created a classroom library filled
with age-appropriate books and has incorporated relevant signs and books into all
the learning centers. These strategies are most effective in addressing which of
the following goals related to effective instruction in emergent literacy?
A. creating a print-rich environment
B. providing guided and independent skills practice
C. encouraging independent reading
D. infusing reading activities across the curriculum

At the beginning of the school year, a kindergarten teacher establishes a variety of
classroom roles that rotate on a daily basis. The roles include Calendar Helper
and Star of the Day. The Calendar Helper identifies and announces the day of the
week, the date, and the day’s weather, with teacher support if needed. The Star
of the Day shares an object, talking briefly about the item and then answering
three questions about it from classmates and/or the teacher. Regularly performing
these types of classroom roles directly benefits students’ emergent literacy
development primarily by enhancing the students’:
A. self-confidence and comfort level in front of their peers.
B. ability to use a range of expressive language skills.
C. knowledge of content vocabulary across the curriculum.
D. personal responsibility and perseverance with tasks.

In keeping with Pennsylvania’s PreK-4 learning standards in language arts, which
of the following writing skills would be most appropriate to include in language arts
instruction at the first-grade level?
A. revising writing by adding details or missing information
B. focusing writing for a particular audience
C. revising writing by varying sentence length and structures
D. using transition words to clarify ideas in writing

A teacher delivering standards-based literacy instruction grounded in scientificbased
reading research is most likely to use the results of reading assessments
for which of the following purposes?
A. using formal and informal assessments to place students into the most
appropriate reading group for a given school year
B. using ongoing informal assessments to continually plan and modify individual
students’ reading goals and instruction
C. using formal standardized assessments to diagnose each student’s reading
difficulties at the beginning of the school year
D. using comprehensive summative reading achievement assessments on a
weekly to biweekly basis to monitor students’ progress

A group of primary-grade teachers is reviewing potential core instructional
materials for teaching beginning-reading skills. The most important selection
criteria for the teachers to consider would be to ensure that the materials:
A. include clear, appealing visual supports such as illustrations.
B. are linked to a variety of online teacher resources.
C. include supplemental assessments and learning activities.
D. are aligned with relevant state learning standards.

Which of the following words contains a diphthong?
A. anchor
B. boiled
C. measure
D. truths

A prekindergarten teacher regularly writes students’ comments on chart paper
during whole-class discussions and rereads the comments to the class. This
practice supports young children’s emergent literacy development primarily by
promoting their:
A. awareness of the relationship between print and spoken language.
B. skill in identifying basic letter-sound correspondences.
C. understanding that spoken language is made of smaller phonological units.
D. knowledge of a wide range of environmental print.

A kindergarten teacher reads aloud a poem that contains alliteration in each line.
The teacher reads the poem twice, each time emphasizing the alliteration. On the
third reading, the teacher invites the children to repeat each line exactly as the
teacher recited it. This activity is most effective in promoting the children’s
development in which of the following areas of emergent literacy?
A. alphabetic awareness
B. letter-sound correspondence
C. letter recognition
D. phonological awareness

A third-grade student is having difficulty reading words and syllables that contain
complex letter combinations, which is affecting her comprehension of grade-level
texts. For example, the student reads the word stretch as [st] [rĕt] [ch] and the
word pledge as [p] [lĕd] [guh]. Which of the following intervention strategies is
likely to be most effective in addressing this student’s reading difficulty and
advancing her reading development?
A. having the student engage in daily rereading of passages that include
morphologically complex words
B. modeling for the student how to use context clues in a text to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words
C. engaging the student in daily practice reading word lists comprising gradelevel
irregular sight words
D. providing the student with instruction and practice decoding consonant
clusters as chunks

A second-grade student frequently makes errors such as reading the words taped
as tapped, hoping as hopping, and shines as shins when reading aloud. Which of
the following approaches to addressing the student’s difficulty is likely to be most
A. providing the student with explicit review and practice reading and spelling
CVCe words that contain inflectional endings
B. providing the student with explicit instruction in common syllable types and
syllabication guidelines
C. engaging the student in daily fluency activities focused on silent reading of
texts written at the student’s instructional reading level
D. teaching the student how to distinguish between a syllable and a morpheme in
multisyllable words

A second-grade teacher is planning reading instruction at the beginning of the
school year and would like to determine the entry-level skills of individual students
in key areas of reading. Which of the following types of assessments would be
most appropriate for the teacher to use to assess entering students’ decoding
A. a norm-referenced reading achievement test
B. an informal phonics inventory
C. a summative curriculum-based measurement
D. an oral reading fluency test

Which of the following strategies would be most effective for a teacher to use as
the introduction to a letter-formation lesson for a group of kindergarten students?
A. displaying a large alphabet card of the target letter and having the students
practice copying the letter using individual portable chalkboards
B. reading aloud a “big book” that contains many instances of the target letter
and then calling on individual students to point to each instance while saying
the letter’s name
C. providing students with individual worksheets containing multiple instances of
the target letter and having them trace the letter several times
D. demonstrating to students how to form the target letter in the air while stating
the motions and then repeating the process as the students imitate the

A first-grade teacher plans a multisensory intervention for a student using a
procedure called sound boxes. In this activity, the student places tokens such as
pennies into boxes drawn on a piece of paper while slowly saying the sounds in a
word. For example, for the word fan, the teacher would draw a horizontal
rectangle and divide it into three boxes, giving the student three tokens. The
student would say the word slowly (e.g., fffaaannn) and place a token into a box
as he or she says each new sound in the word. This procedure is most likely
designed to improve the student’s ability to:
A. segment words into phonemes.
B. spell words that follow regular phonics patterns.
C. divide words into onsets and rimes.
D. recognize common letter-sound correspondences.

A kindergarten teacher is using direct instruction to teach new vocabulary to
students. Which of the following strategies would best help students integrate the
new words into their existing vocabulary?
A. having students maintain a personal word list of new words
B. using the new words with students several times in different spoken contexts
C. guiding students to look up the new words in a children’s dictionary
D. having students use illustrated cards to review the meaning of new words

A prekindergarten teacher helps students memorize a poem and recite it chorally.
The teacher could best use this activity to build a foundation for which of the
following literacy skills?
A. prosodic reading
B. independent word-learning
C. strategic reading
D. responsive listening

A second-grade teacher is beginning an integrated content-area unit on farming.
As an introduction to the unit, the teacher helps students brainstorm words related
to the concept of farming and guides students in creating a semantic map with the
words. This activity best illustrates a strategy targeting which of the following
essential components of effective vocabulary instruction?
A. deepening and clarifying students’ knowledge of known words
B. providing direct instruction in new content-specific words
C. promoting students’ comprehension of academic language
D. fostering the use of independent word-learning strategies

A third-grade teacher has students create a KWL chart prior to reading an
informational text about fossils. This strategy is likely to promote students’
motivation and comprehension primarily in which of the following ways?
A. by enabling students to learn unfamiliar content words independently
B. by encouraging students to evaluate the author’s point of view as they read
C. by helping students establish a purpose for reading the text prior to reading
D. by scaffolding students’ understanding of the organizational structure of the

A second-grade teacher is planning to read aloud a story to the class and would
like to use this activity to reinforce and build on students’ literary analysis skills.
Which of the following strategies would likely be most appropriate and effective in
achieving this goal at this grade level?
A. guiding students to identify the main characters and major events in the story
B. prompting students to retell the story orally in their own words after the
C. inviting students to discuss their favorite and least favorite parts of the story
D. asking students to use evidence from the story to explain the author’s purpose

A third-grade teacher would like to monitor students’ progress in meeting reading
fluency benchmarks. Which of the following assessment strategies would be most
appropriate and effective for the teacher to use for this purpose?
A. evaluating students’ comprehension after they silently read each passage in a
sequence of leveled passages
B. tracking students’ net gains in accuracy and rate over the course of a
repeated reading procedure
C. analyzing students’ automaticity reading aloud word lists that include a range
of word patterns and sight words
D. measuring students’ average rate and accuracy while they read aloud an
unfamiliar grade-level passage

A fourth-grade teacher would like to promote students’ comprehension and critical
analysis of literary texts by helping them draw more effective conclusions. The
teacher could best achieve this goal by providing the students with explicit
instruction and guided practice in:
A. citing evidence from a text to support their responses to the text.
B. developing a story map of a text to keep track of the text’s key elements.
C. using their prior experiences to make personal connections to a text.
D. creating a graphic organizer to identify relationships between a text’s

Once a week, a second-grade teacher conducts a fluency check with each
student. The teacher has the student read aloud an unfamiliar, appropriate-level
passage for one minute as the teacher notes errors on a separate copy of the
passage. The teacher calculates the number of words the student read correctly
during that minute, and both the teacher and the student maintain charts of the
student’s weekly progress. This type of activity primarily focuses on which of the
following aspects of reading fluency?
A. accuracy
B. rate
C. prosody
D. automaticity

A third-grade teacher would like to develop students’ ability to understand and use
longer sentence structures and academic vocabulary. Which of the following
instructional practices would be most effective to use for this purpose during a
class discussion of a reading passage?
A. modeling contextual analysis with a syntactically challenging sentence from
the passage
B. using restatement and open-ended questions to clarify and extend students’
remarks about the passage
C. posting definitions of key words from the passage on the board prior to the
D. asking students to create a graphic organizer representing the main ideas or
argument in the passage

As part of a science unit on earth systems, a fourth-grade teacher will have
students watch an instructional video about the water cycle. Before viewing, the
teacher conducts a brief guided discussion related to the content of the video,
using questions such as “What are some ways water moves from place to place
on, above, and below the earth’s surface?” The teacher’s strategy will likely
enhance students’ comprehension of the video primarily in which of the following
A. by previewing content-specific words and phrases and prompting students to
apply critical-thinking skills
B. by modeling personal engagement with the video’s content and explaining the
relevance of the content to students’ lives
C. by relating the content to prior knowledge and engaging students in actively
listening for information
D. by providing an outline of the video’s organizational structure and enhancing
students’ ability to recall important details

At the beginning of an inquiry-based multidisciplinary unit on birds of the region, a
first-grade teacher creates a display in the classroom of a variety of objects related
to the topic (e.g., bird nests, feathers, an audio recording of birdsong, photographs
and drawings of birds) and gives students a brief “tour” of the new objects. Which
of the following strategies for incorporating the objects into instruction would be
most effective for promoting the research skills of students at this developmental
A. guiding students to select objects from the collection for an individual project
B. having students locate library resources related to one of the objects
C. guiding students to create labels with the name of each object for the
classroom display
D. having students describe, draw, and sort selected objects from the collection

Following a class visit to a local wildlife preserve, a second-grade teacher has
students write an original folktale that takes place in that setting. Learning to use
which of the following tools would be most helpful to students as they begin to
develop ideas for their writing?
A. semantic web
B. KWL chart
C. story map
D. Venn diagram

Which of the following activities would best help third graders develop an
awareness of audience in order to improve the clarity of their writing?
A. preparing a written response to a story read aloud in class
B. taking notes during an oral presentation by a group of peers
C. reading informational passages about grade-level topics
D. participating with other students in peer reviews of their drafts

Which of the following activities would best help fourth graders apply their
knowledge of oral language to promote their understanding of punctuation
conventions used in writing?
A. reading their writing aloud, making note of pauses and intonation patterns
B. reading and writing poems that include a range of end punctuation marks
C. inventing imaginary punctuation and rules and using them in sample
D. naming each punctuation mark aloud when reading aloud a draft of their

Results from informal assessments indicate that a second-grade student who is a
struggling reader still relies mostly on invented spellings when writing. Based on
this evidence, which of the following types of interventions would best address the
student’s needs?
A. modeling strategies for memorizing letter sequences in words
B. providing intensive instruction in complex phonics patterns
C. using repeated reading with texts featuring grade-level word patterns
D. providing explicit instruction in structural analysis skills

A fourth-grade teacher creates a rubric of key criteria she will share with her
students to assess their written work. The rubric defines the teacher’s
expectations regarding content, style, organization, and mechanics using a
measurable description of the key criteria (e.g., “The first paragraph will include a
statement of your central idea”). This approach to assessing students’ writing is
most effective for:
A. guiding instructional planning and student learning in writing.
B. comparing the writing skills of individual students in the class.
C. creating an objective record of students’ progress in writing.
D. developing students’ understanding of different genres of writing.

Lessons based on the concepts of cultural diffusion and interdependence can best
be used to broaden student understanding of:
A. global connections.
B. institutional development.
C. power relations.
D. community formation.

A historian would likely find bibliographies and periodical indexes most useful for
which of the following research tasks?
A. formulating historical questions
B. organizing historical information
C. analyzing historical trends
D. acquiring historical information

Teachers seeking to develop students’ ability to participate constructively in civic
discussions can best begin by emphasizing the importance of:
A. using descriptive language to make a point.
B. arranging ideas in problem-solving sequence.
C. respecting the rights of others to be heard.
D. anticipating the counterarguments of others.

Which of the following best describes the proper developmental sequence for
teaching the three student standards listed below?
A. 1. Explain why individuals became involved in leadership or public service.

  1. Identify community workers that exist in most or all communities.
  2. Describe the roles of leadership and public service in school, community,
    state, or nation.
    B. 1. Identify community workers that exist in most or all communities.
  3. Explain why individuals became involved in leadership or public service.
  4. Describe the roles of leadership and public service in school, community,
    state, or nation.
    C. 1. Describe the roles of leadership and public service in school, community,
    state, or nation.
  5. Explain why individuals became involved in leadership or public service.
  6. Identify community workers that exist in most or all communities.
    D. 1. Identify community workers that exist in most or all communities.
  7. Describe the roles of leadership and public service in school, community,
    state, or nation.
  8. Explain why individuals became involved in leadership or public service.

A problem-solving exercise would likely provide the most appropriate and effective
means of assessing student mastery of which of the following kindergarten social
studies standards?
A. Describe how individuals are unique and special.
B. Compare and contrast customs of families in communities around the world.
C. Identify and practice using money.
D. Locate and discuss places in the home, school, and community.

Teachers could best use a history unit on the founding of Pennsylvania to promote
student understanding of which of the following elements of the social studies
theme of civic ideals and practices?
A. appreciation of diversity
B. patriotism
C. abolition of servitude
D. universal suffrage

Which of the following topics presented in a lesson on ecosystems in
Pennsylvania could best be used to develop students’ understanding of the
geographic concept of human interaction with the environment?
A. food chains in Pennsylvania
B. microclimate variations in Pennsylvania
C. invasive species in Pennsylvania
D. physical regions of Pennsylvania

Which of the following student activities would best promote development of a
sense of belonging to a community among young children in a school setting?
A. reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in class at the start of each school day
B. reading about the roles and contributions of community service helpers
C. attending assemblies at which the principal announces upcoming events
D. creating signs to welcome family members to Back-to-School Night

A third-grade teacher is planning instruction on the roles of the three branches of
the U.S. government. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate
for the teacher to use to promote students’ understanding of the role of the
legislative branch?
A. assisting students with nominating and electing class officers
B. inviting a member of local law enforcement to speak to students
C. having students work in groups to create a set of classroom rules
D. asking students to read and discuss the school’s code of conduct

Second-grade students are painting scenes from a recent field trip to a historic
site. As the teacher observes their work, he says to one student, “Jeff, I see the
different shades of green you are using to paint the leaves and the grass.” This
comment most supports Jeff’s creative development because:
A. attention and praise develop appreciation for details.
B. it values the process as well as the product.
C. describing actions reinforces recall and repetition.
D. it encourages efforts to perceive visual subtleties.

A prekindergarten teacher guides students in learning to sing “The Farmer in the
Dell” by providing props such as a straw hat for the farmer and a cow bell for the
cow. The children’s use of these props is most likely to encourage their
development of:
A. symbolic understanding.
B. critical-thinking skills.
C. pattern recognition.
D. problem-solving skills.

Dancers are most likely to use improvisation exercises as a way to:
A. warm up muscles before beginning to dance.
B. discover new ways of moving and communicating meaning.
C. feel the rhythm and form of the music more clearly.
D. improve movement technique and partnering skills.

A second-grade teacher uses rhyming chants and songs describing animals
during a lesson on the different characteristics of mammals, reptiles, and
amphibians. This use of music to convey information will most likely contribute to
students’ learning in which of the following ways?
A. developing students’ critical-thinking skills
B. enhancing students’ ability to remember content vocabulary
C. promoting students’ analytic and reasoning skills
D. increasing students’ curiosity and motivation to expand their knowledge

An understanding that individual musical notes represent different tones would
most likely help an emergent reader develop an understanding of the relationship
between individual letters and which of the following elements of language?
A. syllables
B. words
C. phonemes
D. sentences

A prekindergarten teacher gathers samples of students’ artwork in individual
student portfolios during the course of the school year. At the end of the year, the
teacher can most effectively use the portfolios for which of the following purposes?
A. diagnosing students’ disabilities
B. determining students’ preferred learning styles
C. documenting students’ development
D. evaluating students’ achievement of expected outcomes

Which of the following types of drawing is most likely to develop children’s
observation skills?
A. connect the dots
B. self-portrait
C. hand contour
D. color-by-number

A student is setting a table in the kitchen center of a prekindergarten classroom.
The student sets four plates on the table and then places one spoon beside each
plate. The teacher sits down next to the student. Which of the following
comments by the teacher would likely be most effective for extending the student’s
thinking during this dramatic play experience?
A. “Do you mind if I help you set the table?”
B. “What kind of meal are you going to serve?”
C. “You’re doing a nice job setting the table.”
D. “Do you know there are bowls in the kitchen?”
B – Added Questions 1-3


A student in a kindergarten class is playing at the water table, placing different toys in the water. The student notices that one toy floats and another sinks to the bottom and asks the teacher why some toys float. Which of the following responses from the teacher would be most strongly consistent with a constructivist approach to learning?

a.”Let’s go read a book about water and see what it says about floating.”
b.”Why don’t we ask some of the other students and see if they know the answer?”
c.Let’s try to make some other things float and see if we can figure it out together.”
d.Why don’t I tell you the answer when we have our science time later?”

The most important reason for using varied assessment methods and formats with young children is that such an approach:

a. allows teachers to make accurate predictions about children’s future academic performance.
b. helps motivate children to become actively engaged in learning.
c. promotes teachers’ objectivity and fairness in evaluating children’s performance.
d. provides children with multiple avenues to demonstrate their learning.

A preschool student has been receiving special education services and will continue to receive services in kindergarten. An IEP meeting is being planned for the student’s transition to kindergarten. Which of the following roles is most appropriate for the general education kindergarten teacher to play in this IEP meeting?

a. developing appropriate academic interventions and strategies to meet curricular goals
b. writing reports documenting the decisions of the team
c. determining which special education services the student is eligible to receive
d. facilitating the discussion of the participants

A second-grade teacher uses evidence-based flexible grouping and selects different types of texts (e.g., decodable texts, leveled texts, chapter books) for different reading groups. These practices best demonstrate the teacher’s awareness of the importance of which of the following principles of effective beginning reading instruction?

A. exposing students to a variety of text genres
B. accommodating students’ diverse linguistic backgrounds and approaches to learning
C. aligning students’ reading goals with state standards
D. transitioning students to more challenging texts as they progress in their reading skills

A first-grade student who demonstrates mastery of phonemic blending is having difficulty sounding out and blending VC and CVC words in printed word lists and connected text. Based on this information, the student would probably benefit most from an intervention designed to improve the student’s:

A. development of oral reading fluency.
B. awareness of key concepts of print.
C. letter-sound correspondence skills.
D. knowledge of high-frequency sight words.

In a fourth-grade class, providing explicit instruction focused on which of the following reading skills would most directly promote students’ evaluative reading comprehension skills?

A. summarizing the main idea of an extended text
B. retrieving information from a text to answer comprehension questions
C. applying background knowledge to visualize processes described in a text
D. distinguishing between fact and opinion in a text

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