PMHNP board exam non-pharmacological treatment with complete solution

Most common issues for individual therapy

  1. losses
  2. interpersonal conflicts
  3. symptomatic presentations such as panic
    phobias, and negativity
  4. Unfulfilled expectations at life transitions
  5. Characterological issues such as narcissim
    or aggressiveness

Psychoanalytic therapy

  1. Originated by Freud
  2. believed that behavior is determined by
    unconsious motivations and instincual drives .
  3. promotes change by the development of
    greater insight and awareness of maladaptive
  4. attends to past developmental and
    psychodynamic factors which shape present

Cognitive Therapy

  1. Originated by Beck
  2. Purports that external events do not cause
    anxiety or maladaptive responses
  3. States that a persons expectations, perceptions,
    and interpretations of events cause anxiety
  4. allows clients to view relaity more clearly
    through an examination of their central distorted
  5. Goal is to change clients irrational beliefs, faulty
    conceptions and negative cognitive disortions

Behavioral Therapy
Originated by Lazarus

Focuses on changing maladaptive behaviors by participating in active behavioral techniques such as exposure, relaxation, problem-solving, and role playing

Dialectical behavioral therapy
Originated by linehan

commonly used with people with borderline personality disorder

focuses on emotional regulation, tolerance for distress, self-management skills, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness, with an emphasis on treating therapy-interfering bheaviours

Goals of dialectical behavioral therapy
Decrease suicidal behaviors

decrease therapy interfering behaviors

decrease emotional reactivity

decrease sel-invalidation

decrease crisis-generalting behaviors

decrease passivity

increase realistic decision making

increase accurate communication of emotions and competencies

Existential therapy
Originated by Fankl

a philosophical approach in which reflection on life and self-confrontation is encouraged

emphasizes accepting freedom and making responsible choices

states that a basic dimension of humans includes finding meaning and purpose in lify

goals are to live authentically and to focus on the present and on personal responsibility

Humanistic therapy
Originated by rogers

also known as person-centered therapy

concepts include self-directed growth and self-actualization; people are born with the capacity to direct themselves toward self-actualization

each person has the potential to actualize and find meaning

Interpersonal therapy
originated by kierman and weissman

evidence-based therapy with focus on interpersonal issues that are creating distress

time limited, active, focused on the present and on interpersonal distress

developed to treat aspects of depression and is effective for adults and adolescents

has been applied to treat interpersonal distress related to other disorders including bipolar, substance use and eating disorders

eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
Originated by Shapiro

A form of behavioral and exposure therapy

Involves the use of bilateral stimulation-moving the eyes back and forth, alternating tapping on hand or knee or sounds in ears

most commonly used in post traumatic stress disorder

goal is to achieve adaptive resolution

what is the desensitazation phase of EMDR
The client visualizes the trauma, vrbalizes the negative thoughts or maladaptive beliefs, and remains attentive to physical sensations. This process occurs for a limited time while the clit maintains rhythmic eye movements. He or she is then to verbalize what he or she is thinking, feeling, or imagining

What is the installation phase of EMDR
The client installs and increases the strength of the positive thought that he or she has declared as a replacement of the original negative thought

What is body scan in EMDR
the client visualizes the trauma along with positive thought and then scans his or her body mentally to identify and tension within.

What are the benefits of group therapy
increases insight about oneself

increases social skills

is cost-effective

develops sense of community

Who was the first person to put a theoretical perspective in group work
Irvin Yalom

What is the 10 therapeutic factors that differentiate group therapy from individual therapy

  1. instillation of hope
  2. universality
  3. altruism
  4. increased development of socialization skills
  5. imitative behaviors
  6. interpersoanl learning
  7. group cohesiveness
  8. catharsis
  9. existential factors
    10 corrective refocusing

instilation of hope
participants develop hope for creating a different life. members are at different levels of grouth; thus, they gain hope from others that change is possible.

members discover that others have similar problems, thoughts, or feelings and that they are not alone

This results from sharing oneself with another and helping another

Increased development of socialization skills
New social sills are learned and maladaptive social behaviors are corrected. the group can provide a natural laboratory

Imitative behaviors
participants are able to increase their skills by imitating the behaviors of others

interpersonal learning
interacting with others increases adaptive interpersoanl relationships

group cohesiveness
Participants develop an attraction to the group and other members as well as a sense of belonging

participants experience catharsis as they openly express their feelings which were previously suppressed

existential factors
groups enable participants to deal with the meaning of theri own existence

corrective refocusing
participants reexperi family confilcts in the frp which allows them to recognize and change behaviors that may be problematic

Group Phases include
pre-group phase

forming phase

storming phase

norming phase

performing phase


pre-group phase
leader considers the direction and framework of the group

  • purpose
  • goals
  • membership critieria
  • pre-group interview
  • informed consent

forming phase
members are concerned about self-disclosure and being rejected. goals and expectations are identified and boundaries are established the development of trust and rapport is very important

storming phase
members are resistant and may begin to use testing behaviors issues related to inclusion, control and affection begin to surface. leaders tasks are to allow expression of both positive and negative feelings assist the group in understanding the underlying conflict and examine nonproductive behaviors.

Pmhnp board exam non pharmacological treatment with complete solution questions
Pmhnp board exam non pharmacological treatment with complete solution answers
Pmhnp board exam non pharmacological treatment with complete solution 2020

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