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Which statement is accurate concerning the portability of advanced healthcare directives
In some cases if laws are similar a state will accept an AHD written in another state

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate regarding signs of abuse
Victims of physical abuse will always have visible cuts or bruises

Hostile work environment sexual harassment involves harassment by
All of the above; direct supervisor, vendor, subordinate

Workplace violence is defined as threats, physical assaults, muggings and

Which of the following statements is accurate
workplace violence can affect trust in management or coworkers

Which of the following statements is accurate concerning restraints
a belt restraint placed over the patients chest may restrict breathing

When caring for victims of abuse you should
touch them only with their permission

The type of abuse that involves intimidating ridiculing or degrading someone is called
psychological abuse

When caring for terminally ill patients you should
consider that larger doses of analgesia may be needed because of disease progression

Healthcare professionals are required to report suspected cases of child and elder abuse
In all states

If you suspect child abuse which of the following is a correct action to take
Get permission from the state agency before letting a child leave with the caregiver

Which of the following is true about opioid use
patients may develop a tolerance for opioids over time and may need higher dosages for pain relief

Gender harassment the most common type of sexual harassment involves
unwelcome obscene jokes

Advance healthcare directives commonly cover
ALL of the Above: when a person would or would not want life prolonged, decisions about organ donation, who can make healthcare decisions when person unable to do so

Which of the following would NOT be considered physical abuse
threatening to harm victim’s child or pet

An example of quid pro quo harassment is
demanding sexual favors in exchange for a promotion

Which of the following statements is correct?
Parents who cannot afford medication for their child are guilty of child neglect

Victims of sexual harassment should
keep a record of harassment

Restraint or Seclusion
should be initiated only by staff members who have trained in their use

Which of the following is NOT accurate concerning elder abuse
Elder abuse happens only within private homes

victims at greater risk for abuse are
ALL OF THE ABOVE; pregnant women, women for families with an income below $10,000, Women whose job or educational level is higher than their partner’s

Sexual harassment in the workplace
involves uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed at an employee or coworker because of his or her sex

Advance healthcare directives AHDs are
important for everyone even those who are healthy

Victims of Intimate partner violence oftern
have injuries inconsistent with explanation of the injury

Factors that can contribute to violence in a healthcare facility include
all of the above: understanding on the unit, lack of patient privacy, high volume of activity on the unit

Which of the following statements is accurate
providers should always consider alternatives to the use of physical restraints

Which of the following statements is accurate concerning advance healthcare directives
Emergency medical technician cannot honor AHDs

Although any healthcare worker can become a victim of workplace violence which personnel are at the HIGHEST risk
nurses and aides

Which of the following statements is true regarding pain management
is is easier to manage pain before it become severe

a safety measure for healthcare workers related to workplace violence includes
listen for verbal expressions of anger and frustration

Physical Restraints
are devices to keep patients from moving certain parts of their body

Which of the following statements is true about pain
patients in pain will not necessarily have changes in their vital signs

An advance healthcare directive
affords legal immunity for healthcare professionals from civil and criminal liability when it is followed in good faith

Potential complications associated with the use of patient restraint devices include
all of the above: asphyxiation, consitpation, occlusion of blood circulation

Poor pain management is associated with:
All of the above: longer hospital stays, increased immune systems stress, decreased energy

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