RePL Exam CASA 2023 Questions and Answers with complete solution

Your spotter announces there is a helicopter approaching your position from 3 O’clock, which direction can you expect the helicopter to appear?

Your aircraft is travelling on a heading of 090 degrees. However, there is a strong wind pushing it off track from the north. Would the Track be greater or less than 090 degrees?


You need to figure out how tall a TV tower in the distance is, you check this by looking at:
The Elevation on a VTC Chart
The Altitude on a VTC Chart
The Height on a VCT Chart
The Length on a VTC Chart
The Elevation on a VTC Chart x

7 Nautical Miles is equal to:

12.964 Kilometres
12.06 Miles
11.972 Kilometres
None of the above
12.964 Kilometres

Newton’s third law states that:
Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force.
The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.
To every action there is always an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.
None of the above.
To every action there is always an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.

The four forces acting on an RPAS are:
Lift, Drag, Torque and Thrust
Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag
Torque, Weight, Thrust and Drag
Lift, Torque, Thrust and Drag
Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag

An RPAS will ascend by:
Increase the load on all motors simultaneously.
Decrease the load on all motors simultaneously.
Increase the load on the clockwise (CW) spinning motors.
Increase the load on the counterclockwise (CCW) spinning motors.
Increase the load on all motors simultaneously.

In Mode 2, what will the RPAS do when you pull the right stick to the left?
Yaw to the left
Yaw to the right
Roll to the right
Roll to the left
Roll to the left

An RPAS travelling at 32kmph will travel how far in 16 minutes?

Which of the following aeronautical charts is best for RPAS operations?

Controlled Airspace extending from a specific altitude above the earth is called:
a. Control Zone (CTR)
b. Control Area (CTA)
c. Control Zone (CTA)
d. Control Area (CTR)
b. Control Area (CTA)

Your client wants a few aerial photos of his property. Using a CASA certified app, find out if you can legally operate your RPAS within Standard Operating Conditions at this address: 11 Kent St, Regents Park NSW 2143, Australia.
a. Can be done within CASR Part 101
b. Cannot be done within CASR Part 101
a. Can be done within CASR Part 101

You plan on operating within 3NM of Archerfield Aerodrome. What is the appropriate frequency
for your operation?

a. 123.6
b. 118.1
c. 126.7
d. 127.15
e. A and B
e. A and B

You have been asked to inspect the TV towers near Mount Coot-Tha. What is the elevation of the tallest tower?

a. 662 feet
b. 1512 feet
c. 2728 feet
d. None of the above
b. 1512 feet

On an aeronautical chart you draw a line between two airports with a direction of 37°. Near the line you drew you see a dashed line with “17° W” written above it. Which of the following best describes the direction the aircraft must follow?
a. 020° True
b. 020° Magnetic
c. 054° True
d. 054° Magnetic
d. 054° Magnetic

One (1) Nautical Mile is equal to:
a.One Minute of latitude
b. One Minute of Longitude
c. 1.852 Kilometres
c. A and C
d. B and C
c. A and C

In the absence of compass abbreviations, a position of 103° would refer to?
a. A position along a parallel of Latitude
b. A position along a line of Longitude
b. A position along a line of Longitude

What is a prominent feature of a Thunderstorm cloud/cumulonimbus?
a. Anchor
b. Anvil
c. Shelf
d. Flat Top
b. Anvil

Under CASR Part 101, Can we operate an RPAS through fog if we have obstacle voidance sensors and area approval?
a. Yes
b. No
b. No

Which of the following is a low-level cloud that is smooth in appearance?
a. Cumulonimbus
b. Altostratus
c. Altocumulus
d. Stratus
d. Stratus

On a forecast you read that Clouds at a location are OVC, what is the OKTAS at this location?
a. 1-2 OKTAS
b. 3-4 OKTAS
c. 5-6 OKTAS
d. 7-8 OKTAS
d. 7-8 OKTAS

Which of the following clouds would suggest the strongest updraft strength?
a. Cirrostratus
b. Altocumulus
c. Cirrocumulus
d. Cumulonimbus
d. Cumulonimbus

Water expelled from the cloud base that does not reach the ground is known as:
a. Microburst
b. Virga
c. Spitting
d. None of the Above
b. Virga

An Air mass originating in the equatorial region of the Atlantic would be best described as:
a. Polar Continental
b. Tropical Maritime
c. Polar Maritime
d. Tropical Continental
b. Tropical Maritime

A katabatic wind will be strongest:
a. Prior to sunrise
b. In the late morning
c. In early afternoon
d. In the late evening
a. Prior to sunrise

A Fohn wind on the lee side of a mountain will produce which weather conditions:
a. Warm, Moist Air with precipitation
b. Warm, Dry Air
c. Cold, Moist Air
d. Cold, Dry Air
d. Cold, Dry Air

Wind Shear Occurs when:
a. Sudden change in precipitation
b. Sudden change in wind speed/direction
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
b. Sudden change in wind speed/direction

General Operating Rules that apply to the operation of RPAS can be found within:
a. Manual of Standards
b. Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
c. Aeronautical Information Publication
d. En-Route Supplement Australia
b. Civil Aviation Safety Regulations

Which of the following is not contained as part of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) package?
b. DAH
c. DAP

Under the General Operating Conditions of Part 101, which of the following is most correct?
a. RPAS are not to be operated within 5.5 kilometres from the boundary of a controlled aerodrome.
b. RPAS are not to be operated within 3 Nautical Miles from the movement area of a controlled aerodrome.
c. RPAS are not to be operated within 3 Nautical Miles from the boundary of a controlled aerodrome.
d. RPAS are not to be operated within 5.5 Nautical Miles from the movement area of a controlled aerodrome.
b. RPAS are not to be operated within 3 Nautical Miles from the movement area of a controlled aerodrome.

You have the following qualifications applied to your ARN: Remote Pilot Licence and Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate. Are you permitted to operate within controlled airspace?
a. Yes
b. No
b. No

What is the main purpose of the Civil Aviation Act?
a. Establish a regulatory framework for maintaining, enhancing and promoting the safety of civil aviation.
b. Develop Legislation, ensure compliance and educate the industry participants to ensure a strong safety culture.
c. To provide details for operations and regulatory requirements.
d. To provide comprehensive information on aerodromes, HLS and navigation aids.
a. Establish a regulatory framework for maintaining, enhancing and promoting the safety of civil aviation.

A remote Pilot with an RePL, ReOC and IREX has been tasked with capturing data at a farm that is 1.6km long. The client has asked the operator to capture a photo from the other end facing back towards the start of the farm from a height of 500 feet AGL. Is this possible? Select the most correct answer.
a. No – We need to obtain approval to operate above 400 feet.
c. Yes – We do not need approval to operate above 400 feet if we have approval to fly Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (IREX).
a. No – We need to obtain approval to operate above 400 feet.

Automating a flight allows us to:
a. Reduce workload.
b. Geofence
c. Enhanced monitoring system
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

If an RPAS was to have a loss of link with the flight controller, which of the following functions would aid in ensuring the RPA lands safely?
a. Return to Home
b. Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
c. Second IMU
d. Other
a. Return to Home

Which of the following could help a RP when it comes to automated flight? (Select all that apply)

  • Repetitiveness – Automated flight paths would ensure the RP gets the same results each time.
  • Complexity – If a task is too complex for an RP to complete, automating it could be better.
  • Cost Effective – Save time and money by automation.
  • Safer – Automated flight is always safer.
  • Quicker – Automated flights can be carried out quicker than manual flying.
    a. Repetitiveness, Complexity, Cost Effective, Safer
    b. Repetitiveness, Cost Effective, Safer, Quicker
    c. Complexity, Safer
    d. Cost Effective
    a. Safer, Quicker
    a. Repetitiveness, Complexity, Cost Effective, Safer

Automated Flight Systems are safer and not vulnerable to loss of link faults.
a. False
b. True
a. False

Out of date firmware can reduce the reliability of Automated Flight Systems.
a. True
b. False
a. True

The Remote Pilot should keep technical logs in accordance with MOS Sections 10.05 and 10.06 for how long?
a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years x
d. 7 years

ALARP stands for
b. As Low As Reasonably Practical
c. As Low As Required Practically
d. As Low As Reasonably Possible
b. As Low As Reasonably Practical

If a LiPo RPAS battery ruptures in a crash and it combusts, what is the best way to put the fire out?
a. With Water
b. With a Foam Fire Extinguisher
c. Let it Burn to completion
d. Run away
c. Let it Burn to completion

The Movement Area of an aerodrome is measured 3NM out from:
a. The Runway & Taxiways
b. The Centre of the Aerodrome
c. The Terminal
d. The Aerodrome Fence Line
a. The Runway & Taxiways

You need to apply for an Area Approval to fly within 3NM of a controlled aerodrome.
What documents must you have ready?
a. RePL, AROC, ReOC and Form 101-01
b. RePL, ReOC and Form 101-09
c. RePL and Form 101-09
d. RePL, AROC, ReOC and Form 101-09
d. RePL, AROC, ReOC and Form 101-09

How can you determine what runway will be in use at your local aerodrome?
a. By calculating wind direction (Aircraft will always take off and land in to the wind)
b. By contacting ATC on the frequency of the aerodrome.
c. Wind direction does not affect which runway is in use, only rain and wet conditions do.
a. By calculating wind direction (Aircraft will always take off and land in to the wind)

You plan to operate your drone at a market fair and your risk assessment says a motor failure would be too dangerous if it were to occur near bystanders. You decrease the risk rating by:
a. You increase the horizontal distance between your RPAS and bystanders
b. You close off an area for the safe operation of an RPAS
c. A and B
d. You cancel the operation as the risk is too high and it cannot be mitigated
c. A and B

Do you require an approval to operate an RPAS above 400 ft AGL if it is not within controlled airspace?
a. Yes
b. No

The CASR Part 101 Conditions for Operating an RPAS within a controlled aerodrome is :
a. Must not operate within 3 Nautical Miles of a controlled aerodrome.
b. Must not operate within 3 Nautical Miles of the movement area of a controlled aerodrome.
c. Must not operate within 5.5 kilometres on an aerodrome.
d. Must not operate within 3 Nautical Miles of a HLS (Helicopter Landing Site)
b. Must not operate within 3 Nautical Miles of the movement area of a controlled aerodrome.

You are filming a sports game and it is October – Nesting season.
You see a Magpie rapidly approaching. What is the best action to avoid a crash?
a. Climb (if possible) navigate away.
b. Descend as soon as possible.
c. Navigate away as soon as possible.
d. Any of the above, depending on the situation presented.
d. Any of the above, depending on the situation presented.

A “Return to Home” System is for:
a. Loss of connection between transmitter and receiver
b. To bring the RPAS back to the starting point
c. To Operate the RPAS autonomously
d. A and B
e. B and C
d. A and B

In the Wicken’s Model for Human Information Processing, which of the following is third in the chain of events?
a. Perception
b. Decision
c. Action
d. Stimulus
c. Action

Myopia means:
a. You can see objects close to you clearly but cannot focus on objects further away
b. You can see objects further away but cannot focus on objects close to you
c. You cannot see near or far objects
d. You can see both near and far objects
a. You can see objects close to you clearly but cannot focus on objects further away

A pilot of an aircraft would be exposed to the same sensory information as the pilot of an RPA.
a. True
b. False
b. False

What must a person with Chronic fatigue do in order to overcome it?
a. Make changes to their diet
b. Exercise
c. Both A and B
c. Both A and B

Which of the following is an environmental stress:
a. Temperature
b. Employer Pressure
c. Colleague absent from work
d. None of the above
a. Temperature

Which of the following is a symptom of fatigue:
a. Reduced Situational Awareness
b. Reduced Motivation
c. Impared Memory
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

How do you overcome a sensory illusion?
a. Trust and rely on the aircrafts instruments
b. Take a break
c. None of the above
d. Doesn’t apply to RPAS operations.
a. Trust and rely on the aircrafts instruments

“Garbage in, Garbage out” refers to:
a. Fatigue
b. Airmanship
c. CRM
d. None of the above
b. Airmanship

Why do we increase our situational awareness during an RPAS Operation?
a. To avoid any threats and errors
b. To ensure the safe operation of the RPA
c. A and B
d. To ensure the operation is completed on time
c. A and B

Which of the following is a work-related stress?
a. Employer Pressure
b. Deadlines
c. Client Requests
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

How many GPS satellites does an RPA need to obtain a 3D fix on its location?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

What is the purpose of an ESC?
a. Regulates the power going to the IMU
b. Controls and regulates the speed of an electric motor
c. Acts as a ‘circuit breaker’ to the electric motor
d. Controls and regulates the battery
b. Controls and regulates the speed of an electric motor

What is the most common type of battery you would find in an RPAS?
a. Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
b. Lithium Cadmium Batteries
c. Nickel Cadmium Batteries
d. Lithium Polymer Batteries
d. Lithium Polymer Batteries

The battery Eliminator Circuit is contained within which component?
a. Flight Controller
b. Electronic Speed Controller
c. LiPo Battery
b. Electronic Speed Controller

When discharging a battery, the remote pilot should:
a. Use equipment certified by the manufacturer
b. Discharge the battery at its 1C rating
c. Discharge to between 45-65%
d. All of the above
d. All of the above

An unstable hover and inaccurate control inputs may indicate an error with:
a. Remote Controller Transmitter
b. Inertia Measurement Unit
c. RPAS Receiver
d. LiPo Battery
d. LiPo Battery

Signal Multi-Path can be defined as:
a. The deflection of the signal through the ionosphere, creating a greater distance and therefore greater time for the signal to reach the GPS receiver
b. The deflection of the signal through the stratosphere, creating a greater distance and therefore greater time for the signal to reach the GPS receiver
c. The reflection of the GPS signal off other objects before it reaches the GPS receiver
c. The reflection of the GPS signal off other objects before it reaches the GPS receiver

What is the minimum voltage for an RPAS LiPo Battery?
a. 3V
b. 3.2V
c. 3.7V
d. 4.2V

Which of the following is not a benefit of LiPo batteries over previous batteries used for RPAS?
a. Ability to hold a high voltage for an extended period of time
b. Greater capacity to weight ratio
c. Absence of memory effect
d. Increased battery lifespan
d. Increased battery lifespan

Which of the following is most correct for cells connected in Parallel?
a. Voltage Increases, Capacity Increases
b. Voltage Increases, Capacity remains the same
c. Voltage remains the same, capacity increases
d. Voltage and capacity both remain the same
c. Voltage remains the same, capacity increases

A Circuit breaker and fuse may be reset:
a. Circuit breaker reset once, fuse never
b. Circuit Breaker reset twice, fuse never
c. Circuit Breaker reset once, fuse once
d. Circuit Breaker reset once, fuse twice
a. Circuit breaker reset once, fuse never

1 Nautical Miles (nm) is equal to how many (km)
1.852 kilometres (km)

1 foot is equal to how many metres

1 Knot (kt) is equal to how many Nautical Mile (nm) per hour

1 knot is equal to how many meters per second?

1 minute of Latitude is equal to how many nautical miles?

Mean sea level pressure

The METAR code provides the direction of the wind relative to true north, as well as the average wind speed expressed in knots

International Standard Atmosphere. 1013.25 hPa is the standard pressure for the ISA

Aircraft Flight Manual

Empty weight – Weight of the aircraft with only permanently installed equipment fitted

Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) – Aircraft Empty Weight, plus Payload.

Maximum Take Off Weight – Aircraft Zero Fuel Weight, plus Battery or Fuel Weight and any cargo. Takeoff above MTOW may be unsuccessful.

Maximum Landing Weight – Maximum Aircraft Takeoff Weight, minus weight of Fuel used. Landing above MLW can cause structural damage.

The Angle of Attack of an aerofoil is the degree to which the leading edge is inclined – relative to the airflow – above the trailing edge. As the Angle of Attack increases, so too will the Coefficient of Lift, however this will only occur to a point.

Inertial Measurement Unit Measures accelerations and angular velocities and typically consists of 3 axis Gyroscope, 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis magnetometers.

Instrument Flight Rules

Visual Flight Rules

Control Area

Control Zone

Air Traffic Services

Flight Information Region

Air Traffic Control

Prohibited, Restricted, Danger Airspace

En-Route Supplement Australia contains information relating to navigation aids, danger areas, restricted and prohibited airspace and emergency procedures

Visual Flight Rules – have been established to provide standards for the operation of aircraft and has been grounded in the requirement to operate in compliance with Visual Meteorological Conditions

Visual Meteorological Conditions

Aeronautical Information Publication


Aeroplane Landing Areas


Notice to Airmen

National Aeronautical Information Processing System

Visual Terminal Chart Scale 1 : 250 000

Visual Navigational Chart Scale 1 : 500 000

World Aeronautical Chart Scale 1 : 1 000 000

Man Made Obstacle

Civil Aviation Advisory Publications

Advisory Circular

Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) has been developed by Airservices Australia to assist in the navigation of aircraft between Aerodromes (AD), Aeroplane Landing Areas (ALA) and Helipads (HLS)

Remote Operators Certificate

Departure and Approach Procedures

Designated Airspace Handbook

Aeronautical Information Circular

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