Ryanair Initial Exam Questions and Answers 2023 with complete solution;(Actual exam 100% verified)

Where should you place the needle or syringe after collecting it?
In an empty bottle or container. If none are available empty the first aid kit into a bag and put the needle into the empty box

What is the CC chain of command based on?
Based on rank and who has been there for the longest.

What is the primary role of CC?
Safety of passengers, crew & aircraft

How many hours before commencing duty should CC stop consuming alcohol according to Ryanair requirements?
8 hours before commencing duty

How often should CC call the flight deck in order to monitor their well being?
Every 20 minutes using the interphone.

When should CC conduct PDI’s?
The first flight of the day / change of aircraft

How often should CC carry out general surveillance checks of the cabin?
General surveillance checks must be made every 20 minutes

What should CC complete in their 30 second review?
Safety and emergency procedures

Why are the cabin lights dimmed for take-off and landing in the hours of darkness?
In order for passengers and CC’s eyesight to adjust to darkness.

What does FOD stand for?
Foreign Object Debris

What is the common language in the Ryanair Group of airlines?

Who holds final responsibilities for the operation and safety of the aircraft, passengers, Aircrew and cargo on
The Captain

Which organisation is responsible for surveillance and oversight of training and operating standards in Ireland?

CC shall seek advice from an Aero Medical Examiner after he/she has been suffering from any illness involving incapacity to function as CC for a period longer than?
21 days

What could be a reason for go around/missed approach?
Weather condition, technical problem, runway unsuitable for landing.

Who could occupy vacant crew seat?
Properly ticketed ryanair staff passenger or IAA inspector.

How often should CC check the toilets?
Every 20 minutes.

What are SPIs?
Safety procedure instructions

What is the procedure for pregnant cabin crew?
CC must stop flying as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. The base supervisor and Crew control must be informed immediately.

How many hours of duty can CC be rostered to operate?
13 hours

What are your PDIs on assigned door?
Open door – check exterior handle in place
An open door way, without airbridge/stairs in place, has a safety strap attached.
Closed door – handle is horizontal, door is flush with the fuselage and safety strap is stowed.

What are your PDIs on jump seat area?
Seat retracts correctly
Seat belt/harness operational
Mirrors, where fitted, provide an adequate view of the cabin from the seated position
Covers for electrical sockets are present and intact.

What are your PDIs on galley?
Waste bins and waste cart operational.
Trolleys and restraints operational.
Bar seals intact, with no sign of tampering and seal numbers correspond correctly.
Galley stowage locked/secured
Galley power functions checked
Curtains where fitted are secured open.
Water shut off valve ON
Boiler tap ON check for continuous flow
Oven ON heat oven up for 5 min then turn off

What are your PDIs in the cabin?
ELS and PEM operational if present.
Seat cushions in place.
Ensure seat cushions at the overwing exits are fitted with a once inch diameter grey identification circle on the front edge of the seat cover.
Seat belts are in place.
Tables are stowable.
Correct safety card in each seat pocket at row 1ABC and 2DEF
All no smoking and fasten seat belt signs are serviceable.
All life jackets for pax seats are present and correctly stowed. For life jackets in the PSU – check each viewing window is yellow/white, red tag not visible.
Carpets secure and not frayed
All cabin mouldings are secure

What are your PDIs on toilet?
Waste bin flap operational
ensure water supply selector is set to supply,
flush, water and vacuum systems cut out and water not overheating,
all stowage/compartments closed and secure,
internal lights function correctly,
lock toilets after checks completed to prevent unauthorised carriage of pax,
PDIs on the freon,
PDIs on smoke detector

What are the different fire prevention actions?
Smoking is not permitted at any time on board.
Ovens are only to be used for cooking food and not as a stowage compartment. Failing to comply with this can lead to the oven becoming inoperative and a serious fire risk.
All aircraft electrical equipment should only be used for their intended purposes. Circuit breakers must only be pulled if you suspect an electrical problem or fire hazard with the piece of equipment.
The smoke detector sensors in each toilet must be checked to ensure that they have not been disabled or tampered with.
Access doors to waste bins are fully closed and securely latched.

What are your actions during the command “CC return to your seats”?
Immediately stop what you are doing, stow trolleys and return to assigned seat.

After which period of time do cabin crew have to contact the flight crew to enable their well-being?
Every 20 minutes using the interphone.

What is Ryanair policy on carrying weapons & ammunition onboard our aircrafts?
We do not carry any weapons or ammunition on board, it is prohibited

What does PSU stand for?
Passenger Service Unit

What does PA stand for?
Passenger Announcement/Public Address

What is the definition of outboard?
The direction towards the outside of the aircraft.

What is the definition of load sheet?
A mass and balance document which includes information such as pax and baggage numbers, weights and location.

What is the definition of landing gear?
The wheels and it’s components on which an aircraft lands. May also be called undercarriage.

What is the definition of inboard?
The direction towards the center line of the aircraft.

What is the definition of infant?
A person under the age of 2 years.

What is the definition of hold?
Compartment in the lower deck of the aircraft where pax baggage and cargo is stowed.

What does GPU stand for?
Ground Power Unit

What does SPI stand for?
Safety Procedure Instructions

What does SEP stand for?
Safety and Emergency Procedures

What does ICAO stand for?
International Civil Aviation Organization

What does IATA stand for?
International Air Transport Association

What does IAA stand for?
Irish Aviation Authority

What is the definition of taxiway?
Airport routes linking runway with the ramp area.

What does THOB stand for?
Total Heads on Board

What is the definition of taxiing?
All aircraft movements on the ground prior to take off and after landing.

What is the definition of stand?
Parking area for aircraft

What does SOP stand for?
Standard Operating Procedure

What is the definition of runway?
An airport area designed for aircraft to take off and land.

What is the definition of ramp?
Manoeuvring area for aircraft beside the terminal building

What is the definition of girt bar?
Metal bar which connects to brackets on the floor when aircraft slide is armed.

What is the definition of girt apron?
Piece of heavy material which connects the evacuation device to the girt bar.

What is the definition of fuselage?
The outer skin of the aircraft

What is the definition of FR?
IATA assigned prefix to all ryanair flight numbers.

What is the definition of flight deck?
Compartment from which the aircraft is flown. Also called the cockpit.

What is the definition of flight crew?
Normally consists of captain and first officer.

What is the definition of FWD?
Towards the nose of the aircraft.

What is the definition of diversion?
When an aircraft does not land at its intended destination. Can be due to bad weather, fuel requirements, a medical emergency, bomb alert etc

What is the definition of ditching?
An emergency landing by an aircraft on water.

What is the definition of drill?
A sequence of actions which should be followed.

What does CC stand for?
Cabin Crew

What does CB stand for?
Circuit breaker

What is the definition of cabin crew?
An aircrew member, other than flight crew, who performs in the interest of pax, aircrew and aircraft safety.

What is the definition of brace position?
A position adopted, when seated, by all pax and CC during an emergency landing. It helps to minimise injuries which result from forced body movement.

What is the definition of assist space?
A defined area at each emergency door allocated for CC to stand in for the purpose of evacuating pax without causing an obstruction at the exit

What does APU stand for?
Auxiliary Power Unit

What is the definition of airstairs?
Folding boarding/disembarking stairs which are self stowing beneath the main passenger door

What is the definition of aircrew?
All crew required to operate a flight, includes flight crew and CC.

What is the definition of airbridge?
A manoeuvrable enclosed access way to aircraft available at some airports.

What does AFT mean?
Towards the tail of the aircraft

What does A/C stand for?

What does ABP stand for?
Able Bodied Passenger

What does EASA stand for?
European Aviation Safety Agency

What are FCI?
Flight crew instructions

What does INOP mean?
Inoperative or having technical problems

What are minimums?
Weather conditions restricting take off and landing

What is a NOTOC?
Notification to Captain

What is the Ops Manual?
Governing document approved by the IAA that sets out company policy and regulations covering all aspects of the company’s operation.

What is PRAM?
Pre Recorded Announcement Machine

What are PIGS?
Passenger Ideal Guiding System

What is a PSU?
Passenger Service Unit, area above a row of pax seats which holds air vents, reading lights, drop down oxygen masks, a CC call light and the no smoking and fasten seatbelt signs

What is an RTO?
Rejected take off, stopping the aircraft in the runway during the take off.

The notification of emergency PA to the cabin crew is done by whom?
Captain (if the captain is incapacitated – by the First officer)

Where would you stow an unusual item eg Cello?
In a window seat and not in an emergency exit row

What are the levels of turbulence?
light, moderate, severe

What is part of Crowd Control Procedures?
Stay in control, do not let pax take control
Be forceful and shout with authority
Move all survivors upwind of a/c at safe distance
Head counts of all pax and aircrew shall be made
If at an airfield or populated area, rescue services should arrive quickly. Otherwise, aircrew must organise survival plans

How much time do we have to fully evacuate an aircraft?
90 seconds

What should you consider when stowing an unusual item of cabin baggage eg Cello?
It must be placed by the window
Not in an emergency row
The passenger must be seated next to it
Must be secured with an extension seat belt
Top of the item must be at least 18 cm from the PSU

How long is the Ryanair turnaround?
25 minutes

What procedure must be followed for a passenger travelling with a plaster cast above the knee?
They must purchase two extra seats to enable the passenger to elevate the leg to reduce swelling

What is a cabin preparation checklist?
High heeled shoes are removed – hatbin or hand baggage
Glasses and false teeth removed – hand baggage or CC collect in gash bag
Sharp objects removed from pockets – hand baggage
Loosen tight clothing
Fit warm clothing – cold weather
Demonstration of brace position & show safety card
Seatbelts fastened low and tight around hips
Turn electrical equipment in galleys off

which command will be used if the slide needs to be used as an apron slide?
sit and slide

which command will be used at the main doors, when the slide is fully inflated, during an evacuation on land?
jump and slide

what information should be given to the rescue services after evacuation?
information regarding passengers or crew that are trapped inside the cabin

What is the evacuation command?
This is an emergency, evacuate the aircraft, using all available exits

what does PAA stand for?
Problem, Action, Additional Information

A time Available Short Notice can be up to?
5 minutes

What does NITS stand for?
Nature, Intention, Time available, Special instructions

How does the flight crew notify an emergency to the CC?
Captain makes the PA “no 1 to the flight deck”

what is the maximum amount of infants allowed on a ryanair group 737-800 aircraft?

when should the safety demonstration start if a headcount is not required by the captain?
when all pax are boarded and seated
when the doors are closed
when the doors are prepared for departure

SCP, what information will the CC provide to a visually impaired prior to departure ?
nearest exit and number of rows to this exit as well as direction to this exit
offer to bring the demo kit to the passenger as they may wish to familiarise themselves by touch with the equipment.

When would CC carry out Cabin secure checks?
Before take off
10 minutes before landing

Are infants included in THOB?

Where shall the documentation of potentially disruptive passenger be kept? eg deportees documentation
In the flight deck

For what reason would the flight crew make the PA “Cabin crew standby”
When they are aware of a situation on the ground that is not immediately life threatening or requiring evacuation

What actions should Cabin Crew take when they hear “Cabin Crew standby”?
CC shall immediately stop what they are doing
Move quickly to assigned doors
Check conditions inside and outside of aircraft
Be ready to evacuate
No 1 makes PA if time permits

What would the briefing of a physically disabled passenger, who requires a walking aid like crutches, include?
Inform them to leave their walking aid behind in an evacuation.

when should cabin crew verbally provide each SCP with relevant information not contained in the safety demo?
after the safety demo has been completed, always before departure

Can we place an infant on a baby car seat?
Yes, if the car seat is certificated

When do Cabin Crew have to be seated on their Jump seats?
During take off and landing
When the seatbelt signs are on
When flight crew makes PA “CC return to your seats”

What kind of restraint devices can be used on board for infants?
child restraint device
infant seatbelt
amsafe CARES
baby car seat
MERU chair

What are the CC responsibilities in relation to the Child restraint devices?
must be seated by a window, not in an emergency exit row, max 20

How many PRM with CRELLING postural support can we have onboard? Where will they sit?
row 33
one on each side in seats 33a and 33f

What kind of pax cannot occupy emergency exit rows?
Pax under 16
Pax using a seatbelt extender
Pax travelling with infant
Elderly pax
Intoxicated pax
Obese pax

what is the procedure to be followed when you have a deportee on board?
will be boarded before other pax
accompanied to a/c by officer
documents must be kept in flight deck
must sit by the window
deportee last to disembark
met on arrival by officer

what is the procedure for expectant mothers in the case of single uncomplicated pregnancy?
not permitted to travel after 36 weeks
once pregnancy has entered 28th week, the passenger must have a fit to fly letter signed by their doctor stating:
pregnancy is uncomplicated
expected date of delivery
the passenger is fit to fly
there is no reason why they shouldnt fly

what is the procedure for expectant mothers in the case of multiple pregnancy?
not permitted to travel after 32 weeks
once pregnancy has entered 28th week, the passenger must have a fit to fly letter signed by their doctor stating:
pregnancy is uncomplicated
expected date of delivery
the passenger is fit to fly
there is no reason why they shouldnt fly

how would you brief a visually impaired pax?
Nearest exits – number and direction of the rows;
Equipment use and location – using demo kit;
Call bell location

what is the procedure for light turbulence?
Continue Cabin Service with caution;
Ensure that the trolleys not in use are secured;
Toilets shall be locked;
No1 makes PA.

what is the procedure for moderate turbulence?
Discontinue the cabin service;
Ensure the trolleys and galley equipment is secured;
Secure the items from the top of the galleys;
Infant shall be secured;
CC check the pax seatbelts fastened and hand baggage stowed;
CC take their seats once duties are complete;
Flight crew makes PA.

what is the procedure for severe turbulence?
Discontinue the cabin service immediately;
Place the hot drinks on the floor;
Set breakers on all trolleys at present location;
Take the nearest available seat;
When able Flight Crew will make a PA.

Emergencies can be categorized in three forms. What are they?
No time available
Time available short notice
Time available

What kind of demonstration is conducted when emergency has occurred on board. Explain each point.

Survive the impact; show seat belts and brace position
Get Out; show exits and emergency strip markings
Survive Outside; show lifejackets and lastly safety card

What is the CC response when they hear “No1 to the Flight deck” inflight?
indicates an emergency has arisen and the no 1 will immediately go to the interphone, press 2 and say “cabin to flight deck, no1 standing by”

What is the brace position for passengers?
Legs should be positioned with feet together, slightly behind knees.
High- heels shoes must be remover and securely stowed.
Adopt a crouched position.
Clasp hands firmly on top of the head with elbows tucked in tight against the head.

what is the brace position for CC?
Seatbelt/Harness fastened.
Legs together, feet flat on the floor, slightly behind knees.
Palms up under mid-thighs.
Aft Facing position shall ensure that their head is hard against the headrest.

what is the brace position for an adult with an infant?
sit the infant on the lap with one arm around the child’s head
the parent should lean forward over the child and protect their own head with the other arm
legs should be positioned with feet together, slightly behind the knees

what are the two types of panic?

Who are suitable ABPs?
Police office;
Fire crew;
Ambulance Crew;
Military personnel;
Doctors and nurses

Who are non suitable ABP’s?
disabled pax
deportees or prisoners
unwilling pax
intoxicated pax
pax under 16 years old
pax using seatbelt extender
pax travelling with infants

what is a buddy system?
In the event of a time available evacuation the CC will have briefed an ABP beside the reduced mobility passenger to assist them in an evacuation.

how long do you have to prepare the cabin in a time available situation?
more than 5 minutes

what is the full list of cabin preparation checklist?
high heel shoes removed
spectacles and false teeth removed
sharp objects removed from pockets
loosen tight clothing
fit warm clothes
demo of brace position
seat belts fastened low around the hips
in the galley ensure all electrical equipment is switched off

what is the command for impact for passengers in a time available landing?
brace, brace

what is the command for impact for passengers in a no time available landing on impact?
head down, grab ankles, stay down

List 10 evacuation commands?
Jump and slide,
Sit and slide,
Leg, shoulder, leg,
Hold the rope,
Go that way,
Stop. Go back,
Slide off the wing,
Move faster,
Come this way,
Keep moving

When do PRM pax evacuate the a/c?
They are the last to evacuate the a/c

where should passengers stow their bags?
under seats stowage or in the overhead lockers

What are the crowd control procedures?

  • Stay in control, don’t let passengers take a control.
  • Be forceful and shout with authority – use loud hailer.
  • Move all survival away and upwind of the a/c to a safe distance. Where there is a danger of fire from spilled fuel, consideration should also given to moving the survivors uphill.
  • Head counts of passengers and a/c shall be made.
  • If it an airfield or near a populated area, rescue service should arrive on the scene quickly, otherwise the a/c must organize survival plan.

list 5 passenger types who are not permitted to occupy emergency exit seats
unwilling pax
pax under 16
elderly pax
pax using seatbelt extender
pax travelling with infants

list 5 passenger types who are permitted to occupy emergency exit seats
pax over 16
pax without infants
pax without seatbelt extender
willing pax
expectant mothers

what is the full list of cabin secure checks?
all pax seated
seat belts fastened tightly around hips and infants secured in infant seatbelts on adults laps
IFDs distributed (where applicable) and parent or guardian has received a safety demo using pictorial steps in the safety card
tables stowed
window blinds open
overhead lockers securely closed with no bottles or heavy and hard items
free from all bags, jackeys, loose items at emergency exit rows, aisle and bulkheads
baggage may only be stowed in approved stowages ensuring the labelled weight limits are not exceeded
laptops and larger PEDs switched off and stowed in baggage either under the seat in front or in the overhead locker
all items of cabin baggage returned to approved stowage
lighting set to appropriate mode

full list of galley secure checks
galley curtains are secured open (where fitted)
all trolleys and boxes are stowed and secured
trolley brakes are on
all stowages are closed and secured
all galley surfaces are clear
turn off galley equipment
turn boilers off
ensure ovens are turned off
all CC bags must be stowed behind trolleys
lighting is set to appropriate mode
ensure all catering supplies are properly secured (if provided)

full list of toilet secure checks
toilets clear of pax
pax bags must not be placed in the toilet
only fire proof gash bags are permitted on the floor of the toilets, in the final phases of flight
close and lock toilet doors

heart attack, what is included in the care?
assess breathing and consider position of casualty (semi sitting)
administer oxygen
put casualty in semi sitting position
the casualty may lose consciousness rapidly
PA for a medically qualified person should be made as soon as possible, paramedics on arrival, diversion
heart attack is likely to lead to cardiac arrest

Angina, what are some of the signs and symptoms?
cramping chest pain which can spread to the arms, neck, upper back and jaw
cold clammy skin
pale in colour

what are the special considerations for a passenger that has gone into cardiac arrest?
CPR and AED must be utilised immediately. PA for a medically qualified person should be made ASAP. Diversion, paramedics on arrival, ensure ambulance crew are aware of the EAD being used

what position would you put a passenger in who was suffering from angina or heart attack?
semi sitting position

heart attack, what are some of the signs and symptoms?
very constricting chest pain (vice like) often radiating down either arm, into the neck, jaw (more often left side than right) and upper back
often the worst pain the casualty has ever suffered.
difficulty in breathing
ashen, cold and clammy skin
nausea and vomiting
casualty will be very frightened and may fear death

what is the duration of the 120L oxygen bottle?
High flow: 30 minutes at 4 litres per minute
Low flow: 60 minutes at 2 litres per minute

what is the duration of the 311L oxygen bottle?
High flow-77 minutes,
Low flow – 154 minutes

what medication is used if a passenger has angina?
Glycerine trinitrate GTN

are we allowed to take a pulse?
Yes, unless they are unconscious

When are CC allowed to let a medically qualified person assist cc during medical emergency?
After showing an id;
If the medically qualified person didn’t have an id with him/her, after permission from the Captain

what is the correct recovery position for infants?
Hold them on their side, head tilted, as if you were giving them a cuddle, with their head lower than their tummy

what are the dangers of unconsciousness?
The tongue may relax and block the airway;
The casualty cannot cough;
The casualty cannot swallow

How old is an infant in first aid?
from birth to 1 year

How old is a child in first aid?
From 1 year to puberty

what documentation do CC fill out during/after dealing with a first aid incident?
Cabin crew report with flight number, date and all relevant details about the casualty

how do you check for breathing when dealing with an unconscious passenger?
look for chest movements
listen at the passengers mouth for breath sounds

What does response mean when dealing with an unconscious passenger?
speak, shake, pinch
speak loudly to the passenger “hello can you hear me?” use their name if you know it
shake gently on the passengers shoulder (you may have to move other passengers to reach the casualty)
pinch the casualty’s earlobe if you get no response to speak and shake

Until when should CC continue CPR?
Until the casualty starts breathing normally;
Until you become exhausted and there is another CC to swap with you;
Until qualified medical help arrive

how do you know a casualty is unconscious?
Unable to get a response from a passenger to various stimuli

what is the maximum amount of time that should be given when checking if a passenger is breathing?
10 seconds

who is responsible for collecting first aid equipment in the event of a medical emergency?
the back up

how should compressions be given to an infant?
2 fingers

how should compressions be given to a small child?
one hand

what are the first aid roles?

  • The First Aider
  • Communicator
  • The Back Up
  • Other CC

what is the ratio of breaths to compressions for a child/infant CPR?
5 initial rescue breaths
then 30 compressions, 2 breaths

what is the current standard of CPR in adults?
100 compressions per minute

what are the pulse points for cc?
on the wrist below the thumb
in the upper arm

How many CC are involved in moving an unconscious passenger from their seat?
3 cc

what is the correct sequence when dealing with a potentially unconscious passenger?

what is the normal pulse rate in an infant?
90-150 bpm

what is the normal pulse rate for a child?
70-140 bpm

what is the normal pulse rate for an adult?
60-100 bpm

in which scenarios do we use portable oxygen bottles stowed on board the a/c?
Emergency situations;
Therapeutic needs

What 3 basic questions would be asked to a conscious casualty during the Examine Stage?
What is the matter?
Have you had this condition before?
Do you have any medication with you?

how often should the observation chart be updated?
every 10 minutes

what are the objectives of first aid
3 p’s
preserve life
prevent condition from worsening
promote recovery

what are the points to comfort the casualty in all first aid incidents?
Explain what you are doing
Tender loving care (TLC)

after administration of oxygen how long does it take to reverse symptoms of hypoxia?
15 seconds

what are the two insidious effects of hypoxia?
impaired judgement

What is hypoxia?
a physical condition resulting from an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body tissues

what is the correct command to lift an unconscious passenger?
are you in position?
prepare to move

CPR: if you cannot kneel by the side of the casualty eg in the aisle where would you kneel?
Kneel at the head of the passenger looking down towards their feet

If a protective sterile barrier ( laerdal pocket mask) is not available, what can we do?
Immediately commence CPR

what are the PDIs on the AED?
green light flashes every 5-10 seconds

what are some of the signs and symptoms of a passenger who has gone into cardiac arrest?
Casualty is unconscious
No sign of normal breathing
No sign of circulation

what two elements does the heart require to function efficiently?
oxygen and electricity

what is meant by the term abc’s?

what are some of the signs and symptoms of hypoxia?
pale grey skin (cyanosis)
impaired judgement
increased breathing rate
light headed ness
impaired vision
slurred speech

what is the treatment for hypoxia?
100% oxygen
descent to safe altitude (below 10,000ft)

how long will it take for brain damage to occur if the brain is starved of oxygen?
3-5 minutes

how long will it take for brain death to occur after being starved of oxygen?
5 minutes

Who may assist CC in dealing with a medical emergency?
a medically qualified person

What does CPR stand for?
cardiopulmonary resuscitation

How do CC open a an unconscious passenger’s airway?
head tilt
chin lift

can rescue breaths be given to a passenger who is fitted with a stoma (small hole in the throat)?

what could be done for a passenger who is unconscious and breathing normally?
put them in the recovery position

what is the normal breathing rate of a child?
15-30 breaths per minute

how could you examine an unconscious casualty?
look and listen for breathing for up to 10 seconds

what part of the body should be used to check capillary refill for circulation?

what should be done to check if a casualty is functioning normally?

What barriers can be used to protect yourself when performing First Aid?
pocket mask
antiseptic wipes

what are examples of on board first aid equipment?
green first aid kit
white first aid kit

what is part of primary survey?

what is part of secondary survey?

what would indicate that a casualty is alert when checking levels of consciousness?
patients are fully awake
eyes open
can follow commands

what would indicate that a casualty is voice responsive when checking levels of consciousness?
patient responds to verbal stimulus
might open their eyes or obey simple commands

what would indicate a casualty is unresponsive when checking levels of consciousness?
if your casualty does not respond to pain or voice then they are unresponsive

heart attack, what are some of the special considerations?
PA for a medically qualified person should be made as soon as possible
diversion, paramedics on arrival
heart attack is likely to lead to cardiac arrest

what are precautions when using the portable oxygen?
use low flow on infants
do not use when fire fighting
ensure one full bottle at cc stations at all times
when fitted use child/infant oxygen mask

what is the care of a casualty effected by an angina attack?
assess breathing
consider casualty position eg semi sitting
encourage casualty to breath slowly and deeply
administer oxygen
encourage to take own medication (GTN)

actions if an unconcious child doesnt breathe?
start CPR immediately
5 initial rescue breaths, 30 compressions, 2 breaths

how old is an adult in first aid?
From puberty and over

what is the pulse rate in an adult?
60-100 beats per minute

breathing rate of a child?
15-30 breaths per minute

breathing rate of an infant?
25-50 breaths per minute

what is included in promote recovery?
consider actions which will help the casualty recover
administer oxygen
arrange for professional medical assistance or aftercare (PA for medially qualified person, divert and/or ask for ambulance on arrival)
provide medication (if needed, administer only by medically qualified person)
give TLC – tender loving care

PDIs of portable oxygen?
strap is present
gauge reads 3/4 to full
mask attached to hi flow for emergency use bottles and low flow for therapeutic use
spare mask present

what is the operation of the portable oxygen bottle?
inform the flight deck
no smoking PA
in storage check o2 flow
turn fully anti clockwise and watch for green indicator
turn off
place carry strap around neck of cc or abp
sit patient upright
remove face mask, grease and make up from the face
turn on oxygen
fit mask securely, pinch at the nose
do not let go below 1/4 full
if needed for landing, brief abp and ensure captain is informed

operation of the AED?
perform cpr
turn on the AED – voice prompts will be heard
bare the chest area
open electrode pouches
place the electrode pads
do not touch the casualty
follow voice prompts

Precautions of AED
do not touch the casualty during analysis period
do not delay treatment based by determining the passengers age
do not remove pads from chest if casualty recovers, done by paramedics
do not pull the green tab on the pad pak

What does AMPLE mean?
allergies they may have
medication they may be taking
past medical history
last food and fluid intake

what is the role of the first aider?
first cc to arrive at scene
press call bell 3 times to alert other cc
assess casualty and give first aid required
if cpr is required:
start compressions while back up sets up AED
be ready to swap position if necessary
continue resuscitation following AED prompts

what is the role of the communicator?
call captain via 222 and give PAA briefing
PA for medically qualified person
move pax away from area
collect qrg

what is the role of the back up?
immediately collect relevant equipment: both types of FAK, portable o2 and/or AED and take to first aider
remain at scene and provide assistance
if cpr required:
take out pocket mask and set up AED
be ready to swap position

what is the role of the other CC?
continue with normal duties
if cpr required:
be ready to swap position

When can we declare that a pax died?
never. only a medically qualified person can

care for emotional trauma/panic attack?
ensure there is no other medical reason for this behaviour
remove the pax to the galley away from onlookers
find out the cause of the problem and try to resolve
always make promises you can fulfil
talk calmly but firmly, stay with them until they have recovered
remain calm and professional at all times

what do you do if choking child or infant becomes unconscious?
immediately commence CPR to try dislodging the item

in which first aid kit can you find a thermometer and antihistamine tablets?

what causes the condition called shock?
Heart attack,
severe bleeding,
severe burns,
severe fractures,
severe vomiting

what is involved in the care when a casualty is hyperventilating?
explain what has happened and why
call for another cc to try and sort out any problem that the casualty has
reassure and try to calm the casualty
it may take 5-10 minutes to reverse the symptoms
monitor the casualty for the rest of the flight

what is involved in the care when a casualty has fainted?
lay casualty down and elevate the legs

what is the treatment for a casualty affected by gastrointestinal disturbance?
encourage the casualty to lay down in the foetal position with their legs brought up to their chest
keep nil by mouth
administer oxygen
promote recovery

What is the care of a casualty with fractured bone?
immobilise affected area immediately with hands if necessary, then use bandages to immobilise
immobilise limb by using a sling or by splinting the injured part to an uninjured part of the body with bandages
dress any wounds
treat for shock
remove tight clothing/jewelery
elevate injured part to avoid swelling
check extremities for circulation, warmth and colour every 10 minutes
if unconscious check abcs
administer oxygen
promote recovery

what are the three types of bleeding?

what is the treatment for threatened or complete miscarriage?
asses casualtys breathing and consider semi reclining position
prop her knees up with cushions to ease strain on the abdomen
administer oxygen
discourage from going to the toilet, this may induce further haemorrhaging
keep expelled products in a bag (out of womans sight if possible) for medical inspection
write down ample history

what are the contents of the green first aid kit?
gauze bandage
crepe bandage
medium wound dressing
burn dressing
burn ointment
antiseptic wipes
plasters assorted sizes
latex gloves
travel sickness tablets
pocket mask
nasal decongestion tablets
antacid tablets
anti diarrhoea tablets

what are the contents of the white first aid kit?
gauze bandage
crepe bandage
small crepe bandage
compressive bandage
triangular bandage
burn dressing
medium wound dressing
large wound dressing
tape first aid
safety pins
plasters assorted sizes
antiseptic wipes
adhesive closure strips
disposable barrier mask
analgesic tablets eg paracetamol
antiemetic tablets
nasal decongestant tablets
first aid instructions
wire splint
antacid tablets
anti diarrhoea tablets
foil blanket
antihistamine tablets
biohazard kit

what is the treatment for bleeding?
put gloves on
cool with ice
apply direct pressure over the wound
remove jewellery or tight clothing
elevate to support and reduce swelling

what is the treatment for minor external bleeding
for minor bleeding;
apply a plaster or dry sterile dressing
if the wound is dirty, clean by rinsing under lightly running water or by using sterile wipes before applying a plaster or dry sterile dressing
if there is a risk of infection advise the casualty to see a doctor on arrival

what is the treatment for major external bleeding?
apply a dry sterile dressing and bandage firmly
if the bleeding seeps through the dressing, apply another dressing firmly on the top. do not remove stained bandages
advise to see a doctor on arrival

what is the procedure when bleeding stops?
put clean bandage around on top of stained bandages
treat for shock
check circulation to the extremities
if the casualty becomes unconscious, check ABCs
if the major bleeding fails to stop after 10 minutes of direct pressure, apply indirect pressure

what is the care for a nose bleed?
put on gloves
sit the casualty down with their head forward
get the casualty to pinch the soft part of their nose (bridge)
encourage the casualty to spit the blood out
give the casualty tissues and sick bags, damp cloths
tell the casualty to try not to speak, swallow, cough or sniff as this may disturb blood clots
after 10 minutes tell the casualty to release the pressure
if bleeding persists, re apply pressure for a further 10 minutes
promote recovery

what is the treatment for a superficial burn?
cool the burn immediately with cold water for at least 10 minutes
remove any jewellery or constrictive clothing from the area before swelling occurs
if pain persists after cooling, use cooling gel
if necessary cover with a burns dressing
elevate injured area to reduce swelling
encourage the passenger to drink water
promote recovery

what is the treatment for a partial/full thickness burn?
same as superficial, except burns dressing and cooling gel
cover burns with dry sterile bandage

what is the treatment for a choking adult/child?
encourage casualty to cough. in adult, ask “are you choking?”
if casualty cannot cough or cry/speak, bend her forward and give 5 back slaps between the shoulder blades
check airway
give 5 abdominal thrusts
check airway
repeat cycle of back slaps and abdominal thrusts, rechecking the mouth after each step until the item is dislodged.

what is the treatment fir choking in an infant?
if an infant keeps coughing, do not hinder his effort to expel the object
if unable to cough, cry or breathe, place infant face down, along your forearm and thigh. support the head and give 5 back slaps between his shoulderblades
check airway
turn the baby face up, along your forearm and thigh. support the head and give 5 chest thrusts
check airway
repeat cycle of back slaps and chest thrusts, rechecking the mouth after each step until the item is dislodged

what is a fast test?
a commonly used tool in first aid to help diagnose a stroke

FACE can the person smile? has their mouth/eye dropped?
ARMS can the casualty raise both arms?
SPEECH can the casualty speak clearly and understand what you are saying?
TIME time keep a record of when the signs and symptoms started

what is the treatment for air sickness?
make sure bags are available
if passenger vomits, ensure it is removed quickly
instruct the casualty to breathe slowly and deeply through their mouth. (this is so they concentrate on their breathing and may divert their thoughts away from the nausea)
give sips of water

Diabetes: The passenger has been given a sugary drink. There is an improvement in their condition. What do you do next?
give another sugary drink and advise passenger to see a doctor on arrival

what causes hyperglycaemia?
too high sugar levels and too low insulin levels

what causes hypoglycaemia?
too low blood sugar and too high insulin levels

Diabetes: the passenger has taken a sugary drink. There is no improvement in their condition. What do you do next?
nil by mouth and promote recovery

stroke, what is included in the treatment?
lay the casualty down and raise their head and shoulders
administer oxygen
assess level of consciousness (avpu), mind the casualty will be confused

what is the white FAK used for?
emergency use

what is the green FAK used for?
everyday use

what are the PDIs on the first aid kits?
seal intact

febrile convulsion, what should we ask the parents to do if the child has a temperature?
remove infants clothes to cool (do not over cool)
fan child with a magazine or safety instruction card

some of the signs and symptoms of febrile convulsion?
fever over 38 degrees
may be a rash
flushed skin

signs and symptoms of gastro intestinal disturbance?
swollen abdomen
nausea and vomiting
shock if pain is severe

what is involved in someone who is feeling faint?
sit and bend head down between the knees

what is involved in treatment of someone who is recovering from fainting?
encourage to take deep breaths
oxygen may be given if they still feel unwell

signs and symptoms of hyperventilation
over breathing
flushed skin
light headedness, may eventually faint
tingling and spasms in hands and feet, hands and feet may eventually become claw like or over extended position
may collapse

asthma what is included in the treatment?
sit casualty up with their elbows on the table in front
encourage to breathe slowly and deeply. it his helpful to advise them to breathe against their lips – to purse their lips and exhale against the pressure
administer oxygen if necessary

epilepsy minor fit what is included in the treatment?
casualty may be confused or disoriented, advise them to see a doctor

How can a major fit present itself?
in form of a full body convulsion
may have a brief warning period (aura) and may sit or lie down to prevent injury

How does Epilepsy present itself?
Major fit and Minor fit

signs and symptoms of stroke?
weakness or paralysis usually on one side of the body
slurred speech, or inability to talk or control mouth
noisy breathing, slow bounding pulse
skin on the face appears flushed
a sudden severe headache
confused mental state, casualty may appear stressed or tearful
loss of bladder and bowel control
a sudden progressive loss of consciousness

signs and symptoms of panic attack?
headaches, backache and pressure in the chest

signs and symptoms of a head injury?
brief or partial loss of consciousness following a blow to the head
loss of memory
mild generalised headache
eyes will react to the light
straw coloured fluid or watery blood from nose or ear
wound or bruise on head
soft boggy area of depression of the scalp
deterioration in the level of response
lack of symmetry of the head or face
an intense headache
noisy slow breathing
slow strong pulse rate
unequal pupils

priorities when treating bleeding?
protect yourself
control blood loss by applying pressure
cover open wounds to prevent infection

asthma, what is included in the special considerations?
oxygen should be on low flow
where placing elbows on tray table is not possible or comfortable, ask the casualty to rest elbows on knees
if they dont have their own inhaler, always make a PA for a medically qualified person

allergic reaction, what is included in the treatment?
consider casualty’s position, if necessary (whichever eases their breathing)
administer oxygen

signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis?
pain, swelling and tenderness in one of the legs (usually the calf)
a heavy ache in the affected area
warm skin in the area of the clot
red skin particularly at the back of your leg below the knee

signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism?
chest pain, a sharp stabbing pain that may be worse when you breathe in
shortness of breath, which can come on suddenly or develop gradually
coughing, usually dry, but may include coughing up blood or mucus that contains blood
feeling faint, dizzy or passing out

special considerations when treating DVT or pulmonary embolism?
treatment for DVT or PE is limited. anyone exhibiting signs or symptoms with predisposing factors should always be suspected of having a PE until proven otherwise. therefore a diversion should be considered and paramedics on arrival

signs of symptoms of a communicable disease?
appearing unwell
persistent coughing
impaired breathing
persistent diarrhoea
persistent vomiting
skin rash or spots
bruising or bleeding without previous injury
confusion of recent onset

PDIs on smoke detector?
green indicator light is on
detector has not been blocked or tampered with

how would you remove the PBE?

  1. Move away from the fire.
  2. Grasp the top of the hood and pull forward over the face.
  3. Place PBE in a metal tray or bar box.
  4. Shake air to remove any excess O2.

What are the PDI’s on the PBE?

  • Stowage.
  • Quantity.
  • Check green storage cases is intact.
  • Indicator not pink (colour can vary from blue, through pale blue to grey, to white)

duration of the PBE?
15 minutes

who moves passengers and nything that could fuel a fire in the cabin?
the second communicator

How is the Water Glycol fire extinguisher discharged?
in one continious motion

What does PBE stand for?
Portable Breathing Equipment

Which CC will collect the QRG when dealing with fire?
first communicator

which fire fighting equipment do we have on board?
halon extinguisher, water glycol extinguisher, crash axe, pbe, fire gloves, torch

who will make a reassurance PA to pax in a fire situation?
second communicator

what fire fighting roles do you recognise?
the fire fighter
first communicator
back up
second communicator

what is included in surveillance of high risk areas in cabin?
maintain surveillance of all floor areas
ensure no bags, paper, newspaper or combustible materials are deposited where they become a fire hazard
maintain surveillance of seat rows and the lower side wall in passenger cabin. items may ignite in these areas without being noticed immediately.

what is the physical effect of fire on individuals?
eyes watering

what is included in surveillance of high risk areas in the toilets?
kept clean and tidy, combustible material is contained
waste bins not overflowing, the waste bin flap must remain closed at all times to help starve any fire of oxygen
press toilet flush and ensure flush and vacuum motors cut out. this prevents possible overheat and electrical fires
smoke detector sensors and not been blocked or tampered with
no smoke is present, if cigarette smoke is smelt, check waste bin and all other stowage immediately for discarded cigarette

how would you remove the heat from a fire?
cool the fire

cabin fire drill?

principles of fire fighting?

what does minimum mean in fire fighting?
inflow of oxygen should be reduced to minimum eg by closing toilet door, hatbin and oven and reducing time when they remain open

what does equipment mean in fire fighting?
use appropriate equipment eg extinguishers, fire gloves, PBE, crash axe, metal bar box

what does position mean in fire fighting?
assume a position which will protect you from heat/flames and will give you good access to the source of the fire eg crouching down behind toilet door

halon precautions?
do not use as a coolant
always damp down fire area with water except electrical fires
on initial discharge, force of extinguisher may scatter burning loose material

high risk areas of the a/c?
cabin, toilets, galleys, overhead storage

Precautions of PBE
neck seal must not be damaged when putting on the PBE. be especially careful with sharp edged earrings and accessories
do not touch the life support pack as it will be extremely hot

list the classes of fire?
class A flammable solids
class B flammable liquids
class C flammable gases
class D combustible metals
class E live electrical equipment
class F flammable fats

role of the firefighter?
first to arrive on scene
press call bell 3 times to alert other cc
collect necessary equipment
iplement appripriate fire drill
when the fire is out, report to captain giving accurate details of the situation

role of the first communicator?
inform captain via the interphone (222) and give PAA briefing
collect halon, crash axe and fire gloves from the flight deck and pass to the back up
collect QRG
update the captain regularly

role of the back up?
collect equipment from the first communicator
collect other fire fighting equipment from the cabin
collect empty bar box
be ready to take over
when fire figher reports to captain, put item/debris into bar box and dampen down with water, check area for signs of heat or fire

role of second communicator?
make reassurance PA to pax
move pax and anything that could fuel the fire
distribute wet towels for pax to breathe through

Operation of PBE?
open storage case
tear off red pull strip
remove bag from protective packaging
pull “pull to actuate” ring in direction indicated
hold device with the life support pack away from user
grasp hole in neck seal and widen with thumbs
bend forward from waist, insert chin into the hole and pull hood across face and overhead
while standing upright pull hood down until headband is fitted to the forehead
check neck seal for a secure fit

precautions – water Glycol?
on initial discharge, force may scatter burning loose material
never use on eletrical fires

Immediate survival after a forced landing?
keep safe distance from the wreckage until you judge any explosion risk has passed
make contact with other survivors
apply firs aid in following order breathing difficulties, major bleeding, wounds and fractures, shock
separate the dead from the living
investigate wreckage for salvageable items
take stock of situation and decide whether to stay or move
apply basic principles of survival

which source may be used as drinking water in survival scenario?
rain water
old sea ice
ground water

what can be used to attract attention?
any object with a bright colour
lay out ground air visual signals
flash a light
use a mirror to flash sunlight
fly anything in form of a flag
light fires in shape of a triangle, smoky fires during day and bright fires at night
aircraft itself, stay as near to the a/c as possible if safe to do so

what are principles of survival?

PDIs for ELT type C?
correct stowage
stop switch in place
aerial in stowed position

PDIs on ELT type A/B?
set on AUTO
aerial is bent back

what can be used to attract attention in a ditching scenario?
activate ELT
keep in a circle
move circle towards nose or tail of a/c to search for land

what can be used to attract attention in a polar scenario?
three fires in a triangle
brush aircraft wings clear to avoid merging with background

how would you survive in the sea?
keep together in a circle in the foetal position to conserve body heat
put injured into thr centre
consider using the fwd slides as flotation devices
keep in a circle will make it easier to be spotted
move circle to nose or tail end of a/c to check for land
activate elt
never drink sea water
drink watery fluid found along the spine and eyes of large fish
if supplies from a/c is unavailable or limited only food supply is fish

how would you survive in the desert?
improvise a shelter to protect against sun and heat
protect head and eyes from sun and do not allow back of neck to be exposed
keep body covered during day
relax during heat of day but stay out of a/c as heat will be unbearable
stay in a group and as near to the a/c as possible
build a fire at night to keep warm, during the day the smoke will be visible to rescuers
lack of water will be your biggest problem so do no waste it
stay in shade and conserve energy
ration water supplies
additional water may be available from rain and condensation
there is food in the desert in the form of snakes, lizards, rats, locusts all of which are edible.

how would you survive in the arctic?
leave a/c and find shelter until fire risk has passed
extra clothing worn, baggage opened and items shared
set three fires in triangle
if it snows, brush the a/c and wings to avoid merging with background
drinking water is limited by the ability to melt snow and ice. melted ice is preferable as it takes less time to melt
snow and ice should not be eaten
since there is no shortage of water, any food gathered shall be used
fish, seals, birds, rabbits and berries can supplement available aircraft food
when experimenting with unknown food forms, take a small quantity at first and see if there is an adverse body reaction. if there isnt, it is safe to eat

what is associated with the will to survive?
have and maintain a positive mental attitude
keep occupied, mentally and physically
push negative thoughts out of your mind
conserve energy

adult life jacket operation?
place LJ over head, equipment side away from the body
pass strap around the waist and attach the buckle at the front of the LJ
pull on loose end of strap to secure tightly around waist
to inflate pull down sharply on the red inflation toggle outside a/c
should the LJ fail to inflate, blow into the red inflaton tube
the light will illuminate when he battery comes into contact with water

operation of IFD?
take infant and parent into the galley
attach crotch strap to buckle
place infant in the device, legs either side of crotch strap
place neck strap over infants head
adjust straps if necessary
ensure parent or guardian knows how to inflate the device
the lanyard should only be attached to the adult LJ outside of the a/c

how to adapt adult LJ to child?
fully inflate out of sight of pax using red inflation toggle
partially deflate by a third
place over head, pass strap around one leg and attach buckle. this will prevent LJ from slipping over the childs head in the water
deflate LJ sufficiently to allow the child to brace
instruct the parent to fully inflate the LJ after evacuation

Operation of ELT type A/B?
automatic on impact or manually
no2 unplugs from stowage
unbend aerial
outside a/c, switch from auto/armed to on
in a ditching, tie lanyard on to no2 LJ

Operation of ELT type C?
manual only
no1 removes from stowage
extend aerial
remove stop switch
activate by pulling lanyard from off to on
attach to wrist or LJ
in ditching, tie lanyard to no1 LJ

duration of ELT type A/B and C
miniumum 48 hours at -20 degrees

When do aircrew report for work
45 minutes before the flight

Which form is completed by the cc to report a SAFA(Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft Programme ) inspection
Cabin Crew Report

Where does each CC seat for take off and landing?
1.the number 1 seat at the front outboard
2.number 4 inboard

  1. number 3 seats at the rear inboard R2
    4.number 2 seats at the rear inboard next to the L2 door

How often should a CC call the flight deck in order to monitor their well-being?(surveillance checks)?
CC must check the flight deck every 20 minutes

When should CC conduct PDI’s?
PDI’s must be conducted every time time you start your shift and if you change aircraft

Which ones are some of the contributing factors to safety on the ramp?
All aircrew must wear a Hi-Viz jacket, must have ID always visible, maintain all security doors closed, be alert for different types of ramp vehicles and be alert for the rotating beacon of aircrafts

What do we use to advise engineering of safety related items, equipment’s which need correction or repair or any appearance defects?
We can use the Cabin Defects Log Book

How often should CC carry out the general surveillance checks of the cabin?
General surveillance checks must be made every 20 minutes

What is the maximum number of guide dogs per aircraft?
The maximum number of assistance dogs per aircraft is 4

When should the CC complete their 30 seconds review?
CC should complete is 30 second review when he is sitting in his jumpseat before the take off and before the landing

why are the cabin lights dimmed for take-off and landing in the hours of darkness
the lights are dimmed in the hourts of darkness in order for passengers and CC eyesight to adjust to the outside conditions and for safety reasons

how much time is allocated to the aircrew to complete their post-flight duties
they have 30 minutes to complete these duties

what does FOD stand for?
Foreign objects debris

what is the common language in ryanair?

which form should be completed in the case of an injury to a CC?
It depends Accident report or whitness report???

What does SAIR stands for?

Which form should the number 1 complete at the end of each day ?
In flight report

Which forms should be completed to report disrupted passengers?
disruptive passenger report ???

Who holds the final responsabilities for the operation and safety of the Aircraft, Passengers, Aircrew and cargo onboard
The Captain holds final responsabilites

What is the CC chain of command?

What is the chain of command?
Captain,1st Officer, number 1,2,3,4

What is the primary role of the CC on Ryanair flights?
Primary role of the cc is safety

How many hours before commencing duty shoukd CC stop consuming alchool
8 hours before duty

Which organisation is responsible for surveillance and oversight of training and standard operating standards in ryanair?
The organisation responsible is IAA

Which form should be used by the CC to report non-safety related events?
Miscellaneous report

What should CC cover during their 30 second review?
Emergency drills

If a CC member has been suffering from any illness, they must seek advice from an aero medical examiner?
Yes ????????

During a CC pre- flight safety briefing which topics must be covered
Introduce crew, check password for flight deck, assigned positions, read latest memo’s and SPI’s, safety aspects, review pdi’s and security checks, reviews sales and services, check passports, id’s, initial attest atom, certificate of competence

Where would you find S.E.P manual?
Www.crewdock.com, at the aircraft, in each base

What are SPI’s?
Safety procedure instructions

Who is the chief executive officer?
Michael O’Leary

Who is the accountable manager in ryanair
Howard Miller

Who is the head of in-flight in Ryanair
Sinead Quinn and Leslie Mulcahy

Who is the director of in-flight in Ryanair?

What is the procedure for a pregnant CC?
Cc must stop flying, and the base supervisor and crew control must be informed immediately

How many passengers are in the Boeing 737-800?
189 passengers

How many rows in the 737-800?
32 rows

How many overwing exits?

How many overwing exits exists in the 737-800?

How many hours of duty a cc can be fostered to operate?
900 hours per year, 100 hours per 28 days and depending on how many sectors we can fly a maximum of 13 hours a day

What are the 4 main forms we use to report accidents, incidents and events?
Trough cabin crew report, miscellaneous report, accident report, witness statement

What CSR stands for?
Captain special report

In which circumstances are CC allowed to speak other languages?
On PA announcements and greeting passengers if the languages is from that contry

What kind of topics will the CC discuss in the briefing?
Safety, security and first Aid

What PDI’s stands for?
Pre-departure inspections

What are your PDI’s on assigned doors?
Open Door( check exterior handle); An open door way( has a safety strap); Closed door( door is flush with the fuselage)

What are your PDI’s on jump seat area?
seat retract correctly, seat belts/ harness operational, mirrors in right position, covers for electrical sockets are present

what are your PDI’s in the cabin?
emergeny lights, seat cushions in place, seat belts in place, tables are stowable, correct safety in each card, fasten seat belt signs serviceable, life jackets present and correctly stowable, carpets are secure, cabin moldings secure

What are your PDI’s on galley?
waste bin flaps, water set to supply, flush water and vacuum systems operate, all stowage closed and securable, internal lights function, lock toilet after checks, PDI’s on the Freon, PDI’s on the smoke detector

Can we place an infant on a baby car seat?
No every infant must be seat at his parents lap ???????

When do CC have to be seated on their jump-seats?
CC must be seated on their jump seat before take-off and before landing?

When can we declare that a passenger died?
CC can’t declare that a passenger died. only certified medical personnel can declare it

What are the different fire prevention actions?
smoking is not permitted; ovens are only to be used for cooking food, all A/C electrical equipment must be only used for their intended purposes, the smoke detector sensors must be checked, access door to waste bins are secured and closed

how many double J/s onboard?
there are 3 double J/s onboard

What are yout actions during the command “CC return to your seats”
every cc must return to their seats

The notification of emergency PA to the cabin crew is done by whom?

where would you stow an unusual cabin item
window seat not by an emergency exit

what are the levels of turbulence
light, moderate, severe

What is part of Crowd Control Procedures?
do not let passengers take control, head count, inform emergency services who is still on board

What does PSU stand for?
Passenger Service Unit

What does PA stand for?
Passenger Announcement

what is the definition of outboard
The direction towards the outside of the aircraft

what is the definition of load sheet
passengers baggage numbers

what is the definition of landing gear
The wheels and associated components on which the aircraft lands. Also called the undercarriage

what is the definition of inboard
The direction towards the centre line of the aircraft

what is the definition of infant
A person under the age of 2 years

what is the definition of hold
A compartment in the lower deck where baggage and cargo is stowed

What does GPU stand for
general power unit

how much time do we have to fully evacuate an aircraft
90 seconds

what should you consider when stowing an unusual item of cabin luggage
passenger must be seated next to it, secure with extension seatbelt and must be 18cm from psu

How long is the Ryanair turnaround?
25 minutes

which command will be used if the slide needs to be used as an apron slide
sit and slide

which command will be used when the slide is fully inflated during an evacuation on land
jump and slide

what will NO2 do on hearing ‘NO1 to flight deck’
stow trolleys to front of aircraft and wait for NITS briefing from NO1

what information should be given to rescue services after evacuation
headcount and whose left on board

Who are suitable ABPs? (6)
Police office;
Fire crew;
Ambulance Crew;
Military personnel;
Doctors and nurses

who are not suitable to be an ABP
passenger travelling with infant
passenger with extended seatbelt
under 16

what does PAA stand for
Problem, Action, Additional Information

A time Available Short Notice can be up to?
5 minutes

What does NITS stand for?
Nature, Intentions, Time, Special instructions

How does the flight crew notify an emergency to the CC?

what is the maximum number of infants allowed on a boeing 737-800 aircraft

when should the safety demonstration start if headcount is not required by the captain
when all passengers are seated

what is the procedure for severe turbulence
Discontinue the cabin service immediately;
Place the hot drinks on the floor;
Set breakers on all trolleys at present location;
Take the nearest available seat;
When able Flight Crew will make a PA.

When would CC carry out Cabin secure checks?
Before take off
Before landing

examples of galley secure checks
galley curtains are open
ovens are clean and turned off
trolleys are stored

examples of toilet secure checks
no passengers are in there
no bags are left
smoke detector intact
gash bags are in there
toilet doors are locked

Are infants included in THOB?

how often should cc call the flight deck to monitor their well-being
every 20 minutes

what is the restriction in relation to uncomplicated single pregnancies
28-36 weeks they require a fit to fly form
36 weeks unable to fly

who can occupy a direct access seat
passenger willing to help in an emergency

When should CC conduct PDI’s?
The first flight of the day / change of aircraft

contributing factor to safety on the ramp
wearing a HiViz

When should CC complete their 30 second review?
During take off and landing

Why are the lights dimmed for take off and landing in the hours of darkness?
to adjust the eyes to the darkness

What does FOD stand for?
Foreign Object Damage

what is the definition of taxiway
Airport routes linking runway with the ramp area.

what is the definition of stand
Parking area for aircraft

what is the definition of taxiing
All aircraft movements on the ground, following landing and prior to take-off.

What does SOP stand for?
Standard Operating Procedure

what is the definition of runway
Airport area designed for aircraft to take-off and land.

what is the definition of ramp
Manoeuvring area for aircraft beside/next to the terminal building

what is the definition of girt bar
Metal bar which connects to brackets on the floor when the aircraft slide is armed

what is the definition of girt apron
Piece of heavy material which connects the evacuation device to the girt bar.

what is the definition of FR
IATA assigned prefix to all Ryanair flight numbers

what is the definition of flight crew
Normally consists of a Captain and a First Officer

What are the full names of the following airports?
STN – London Stansted
PIK – Glasgow Preswick
CIA – Ciampino
MAD – Madrid
NYO – Stockholm Skavsta

Explain the following terminology?
AFT – Towards the tail of the ac
IAA – Irish Aviation Authority
Ditching – Emergency landing on water
PA – Passenger announcement
THOB – Total Heads on board

How many CC are required on a Boeing 737-800 ac? Explain.
4 Cabin crew. 50 Passengers per 1 Cabin Crew. Total of 189 passengers.

Can CC take drugs or drink alcohol? Explain.
Must not drink Alcohol (minimum 8hrs before duty)
CC must not take prescribed drugs during, or less than 8 hours before, a flight. If you are prescribed drugs you should ask advice from your Doctor regarding operating as crew

What subjects will you discuss at the pre-flight briefing?
Safety, Security and First Aid

What are the PDI’s at the doors?

  • Open door (check handle is in place)
  • Closed door (handle is horizontal, safety strap is stowed, door is flush with fuselage)
  • Open door without air bridge/steps (safety strap is attached)

What are the PDI’s at the Jump Seat?

  • Seat works correctly
  • Operating seat belt
  • Electrical sockets are intact

What are the PDI’s in the Cabin?

  • No strange objects in backseats
  • Tables are stowed
  • Blinds are up
  • Seat belts are in place
  • Lifejackets are present and correctly stowed
  • Seat cushions are in place with their flame retardant covers.
  • Carpets are not frayed
    -All no smoking signs are working
    -Seat beat signs are operational
    -Safety card in each seat pocket

What are the PDI’s in the Galley?
-Waste bin flaps and waste cart is operational
-Trolleys and restraints are operational
-Galley stowage secured
-Power functions are working
-Water shut of valve is ON
-Boiler tap is ON
-Oven is ON
-Curtains are open

What are the PDI’s in the Toilets?

  • Ensure smoke alarms haven’t been tampered with
  • Operating water supply
  • Waste flap bin is operational
  • Internal lights function correctly
  • All stowage compartments are closed and secure
  • Lock toilets when checks are complete

Explain 5 things you must do for Ramp Safety?

  1. Must wear Hi-Viz jacket at all times
  2. Have their valid Airport ID or Ryanair ID card
  3. Alert of different ramp vehicles
  4. Ensure all security doors are closed after use
  5. Never walk on taxiways
  6. Flashing light on aircraft means engine is still running, stay away

What is FOD and what should you do with it?
Foreign Object Devices, remove object from the aircraft

What does “CRD” stand for?
Child Restraint Devices

What should you do to avoid dehydration whilst flying? What should you NOT drink?
Coffee and Tea

What can you do to help “unblock” your ears?
Yawn, swallow, pinch nose, close mouth and blow gently

When must crew stop drinking alcohol before a duty?
Minimum of 8hrs before duty

Who may have a lesser tolerance to hypoxia
People who smoke and/or are physically unfit, circulatory disorders or breathing difficulties, elderly

When can you fly again after an anaesthetic?
CC must not operate for at least 48 hours after a general anaesthetic, or 24 hours following a local anaesthetic.

At what altitude is the ac pressurised to?

What is hypoxia?
When the brain is starved of oxygen

Explain the levels, altitudes and symptoms of hypoxia?
Mild Hypoxia – 10000 Feet: headaches, yawning, occasional deep breath
Advanced hypoxia – 14000: headaches, blurred vision, tiredness, loss of co-ordination, possible personality changes
Extreme hypoxia- 20000 feet: convulsion, collapse, coma, possible death within minutes

What is TUC?
Time of Useful Consciousness

Can CC donate blood? Explain.
Yes, but a maximum of one-half litre and medical advice shall be sought before returning to duties

List 5 things to be aware of during Passenger Embarkation.
No 1 must beat the forward of the A/C at L1 Door
No trolleys services permitted on the ground
No 3 must be at the over-wing exits
No 2 is at the rear of the A/C at L2 door
Ensure smooth flow of passengers through the cabin, helping when needed.

Where are the emergency exit rows?
1 ABC , 16 and 17

Who may NOT occupy emergency exit rows?
Children (under 16)
Obese – someone who needs an extended sealt belt
Pregnant, Prisioners
Someone who doesn’t speak english
Passenger who are unwilling to help
Passengers travelling with others

Explain allocated seating procedure?
Seating procedures are put in place to comply with weight and balance rules. A head count must also be made by N1 and N2 of FWD 5 rows and AFT 5 row. (infants not included)

How many unaccompanied PRM’s may we carry on a flight?
4 including visually impaired

How would you brief a visually impaired passenger travelling with a guide dog? Where must they sit if using rule 1?
The dog must sit on the floor at the passengers feet, in the PRM seats. they are given a separate briefing after the safety demonstration on :
How far they are seated from the nearest exit
Allow them to feel safety equipment
Allow them to feel where the call bell is.

Where does each CC stand to perform the safety demonstration?
No 4 before Row 1
No 3 before Row 11
No 2 before Row 21

When and why do we secure the cabin?
to prevent injury (during flight) and to ensure the safest possible environment for passengers to get out quickly during an evacuation.

What procedure must be carried out if you find a syringe onboard?

  1. Put on gloves (find in First Aid Kit)
  2. Collect the needle or syringe (exercise caution while handling the needle.)
  3. Place it into an empty bottle or container (available from ac bar) If no container available empty first aid box into a plastic bag and place in the FA box.
  4. Re-seal the bottle or container.
  5. Place the bottle or container in the top metal box in the forward galley.
  6. Seal the box.
  7. Advise the Captain that the needle has been secured.
  8. Complete a Cabin Crew Report including the seal number used for securing the needle in the box.
  9. Advise cleaners on arrival at destination.

What are the 3 levels of turbulence?
Light, Moderate, Severe

What will the Captain (or First Officer, if Captain incapacitated) say over the PA to alert the CC to an emergency situation? What will the CC do when they hear this?
“No 1 to the flight deck”
On hearing this, No 1 immediately goes to the cabin inter phone and asks for the NITS briefing. All other CC must stop duty and go immediately to the FWD galley and await instructions from the No1. (CC repeat the NITS briefing to ensure they understand what is going on). If ‘No 1 to the flight deck’ is heard on ground, No 2 and 3 remain in rear galley. No 2 listens to NITS on inter phone and briefs No 3.

Explain a NITS briefing and what all crew will be doing.
Nature- What is going on i.e “we have a problem with the left engine”
Intention- i.e “we will be diverting to Barcelona”
Time- the time we have till landing
Specific Instructions- prepare for landing
Crew will be preparing cabin for emergency landing and possible evacuation

What does SOS stand for and explain what it is.
S – SURVIVE THE IMPACT; Seatbelts, Brace Position
O – GET OUT; Exits, strip Lighting
S – SURVIVE OUTSIDE; Lifejackets, Safety Card

Explain an ABP and list the unsuitable ABP’s.
ABP’s are passengers we ask to assist during an emergency. We would ask if they are willing to help and give them a briefing. Unsuitable ABP’s include:
Passengers under 16 years of age
Passengers unwilling or unable to help in the event of an emergency
Passengers travelling with an infant.
Persons who necessitate the use of a seat belt extender (which could get tangled in an emergency).
Passengers with reduced mobility, blind/ visual impairment or who require special assistance
Deportees/ Inadmissible passengers or prisoners in custody

Write out the cabin preparation checklist.
High heels removed.
Glasses and false teeth removed.
Sharp objects removed from pockets.
Loosen tight clothing.
Fit warm clothing.
Demonstrations of brace position.
Seat belts fasted low and tight round hips.
Ensure electrical equipment is off in the galley.

When must CC start and stop shouting the command “brace, brace”
30 seconds before impact.

What is the evacuation command?
‘This is an emergency; evacuate the aircraft using all available exits’

When can CC initiate the evacuation?
In the event of ditching.
Captain is incapacitated and one of the events below has occurred;
Uncontrollable fire either inside or outside the AC the life and safety on board.
Dense smoke in the cabin.
Unusually exaggerated nose-down, tail down one wing down attitude, where remaining on board could cause injury/death.
Sounds indicating AC is breaking up.

List 10 evacuation commands.

Write out the crowd control procedures?
Stay in control.
Be forceful and have authority.
Move survivors upwind of the A/C to a safe distance.
Headcount passengers and crew.
If not near a populated area, organise survival plans.

Explain the Roles of First Aid
First aid is the help given to someone who is injured or ill, to keep them safe until they can get more advanced medical treatment by seeing a doctor, health professional or go to hospital if needed.

What are the objectives of First Aid
Save lives, prevent further injury, promote recovery

Give 5 general points in First Aid (Comfort the Casualty?)

  1. Explain what you are doing
  2. Comfort the passenger
  3. Reassure
  4. Lossen tight/restrictive clothing
  5. Open air vents

In which cases would you call Port Health?
Port Health are called when passenger is suspected to have a communicable disease e.g. Cholera, Typhoid, Yellow Fever. (fever of 38C or higher) and has one or more of the symptoms below:
Appearing obviously unwell
Persistent coughing
Impaired breathing
Persistent diarrhoea
Persistent vomiting
Skin rash
Bruising or bleeding without previous injury
Confusion of recent onset

What are the PDIs of the oxygen bottle? (8)

  1. Date
  2. Stowage
  3. Quantity
  4. Strap is visible
  5. Gauge reads 3/4 to full
  6. Mask is attached to the high flow for emergency use bottles
  7. Mask is attached to the low flow for therapeutic use bottles
  8. Spare mask is present

How do you administer oxygen to a passenger?

  1. Inform the flight deck
  2. No smoking PA
  3. In hat-bin – Check O2 flow
  4. Turn fully anti-clockwise and watch or green indicator
  5. Turn off
  6. place carry strap around neck of CC or ABP
  7. Sit passenger upright
  8. Remove any grease or make up from the face
  9. Turn on oxygen
  10. Fit mask securely, pinch at nose
  11. Do not let bottle go below 1/4 full
  12. If the passenger requires oxygen for landing – brief an ABP, ensure captain is informed.

How long will the Oxygen bottles last for?
High flow: 77mins, 4 litres per min
Low flow: 154mins, 2 litres per min

What are the PDIs for the First Aid kits

  1. Date
  2. Seal is intact
  3. Stowage
  4. Quantity

Explain the full unconscious passenger drill for an adult

  1. DANGER – check for any danger before entering
  2. RESPONSE – speak to passenger, if not responding, shaky the passenger on the shoulder, still no response, pinch earlobe, if still no response = Unconscious
  3. SEND – press call bell 3 times
  4. AIRWAY – open airway (chin tilt)
  5. BREATHING – 10 seconds to look, listen & feel for normal breathing(with your cheek) Look if chest is moving, listen for breath sounds
  6. CIRCULATION – move passenger to the floor to start CPR at the ratio of 30 compressions & effective rescue breaths. continue until: qualified help, you become exhausted, casualty starts breathing.

What must you do if a child/infant is NOT breathing normally?
Danger, Response, Send, Airway, Breathing is done the same way, if still not breathing, 5 rescue breaths then start compressions at 30:2

What 3 questions would you ask to assess the casualty
What is the matter?
Have you had this condition before?
Do you have medication with you?

What are the ages, plus and breathing rates for an adult, child and infant?
Adult (Puberty+), Breaths per minute(12-20) pulse rate (60-100)
Child (1 year-puberty), Breaths per minute (15-30) pulse rate (70-140)
Infant (Birth- 1 year), Breaths per minute (90-150)

What are the 5 points for “comforting a casualty”

  1. Explain what you are doing
  2. Comfort the passenger
  3. Reassure
  4. Lossen tight/restrictive clothing
  5. Open air vents

Symptoms for Shock
Pale, cold and clammy skin
Shallow/rapid breathing
Weak, rapid pulse

How would you care for a passenger having a major epileptic fit?
Signs – full body compulsions
Pad area around head to protect from injury
Time the fit
Time the sleep
When casualty awakes, show them to the toilet
Ask if this is the first time they’ve had a fit
If YES – Ambulance on arrival. observational chart
If NO – Advise them to see a doctor.
Both cases pass on fit and sleep times.

What are the symptoms & care for a passenger with asthma?
Signs/Symptoms – Difficulty in breathing, especially out, Wheezing, casualty may speak with difficulty, Blueness of the skin (especially lips and fingernails)
Own Medication
Sit the casualty up with their elbows on tray table in front
Encourage them to breathe slowly and deeply
Do not encourage to speak
Give oxygen
Inform Captain

What would you do if a passenger had fainted? And what would you do on recovery?
If casualty has fainted: Lay casualty down and elevate legs
Recovery usually within 60 secs:
Encourage deep breaths
Oxygen may be given if the casualty still feels unwell.

What is the care for a chocking adult?
Encourage them to cough, when cough becomes ineffective, ask them are you chocking? if the casualty can’t speak or cough:
Bend casualty over, head lower than chest.
Give 5 backslaps between the shoulder blades.
Check airway.
Give 5 abdominal thrusts.
Give 5 back slaps.
Give 5 abdominal thrusts.
Repeat until item is dislodged.

What are 3 Types of fractures (explain)
Closed – bone breaks and doesn’t protrude through the skin
Open – Broken bone protrudes through the skin
Complicated – can be open or closed. bone may break into fragments, damaging nerves, blood vessels and underlaying organs.

How would you care for a passenger with a nose bleed?

  1. Put on gloves
  2. Sit casualty down with there head forward
  3. Get casualty to pinch soft part of there nose
  4. Encourage casualty to spit out blood
  5. Give them sick bags, damp cloths, tissues
  6. Tell casualty not to speak, sniff, cough as it will disturb blood clots
  7. after 10 minutes tell them to release pressure
  8. if bleeding persists, really pressure
  9. promote recovery if longer than 20mins

How would you care for a passenger who is hyperventilating?

  1. Explain what has happened and why.
  2. Call for another CC to try and sort out any problem that the casualty has.
  3. Reassure and try to calm the casualty.
  4. It may take 5-10 minutes to reverse the symptoms.
  5. Monitor the casualty for the rest of the flight in case it happens again.

Explain the triangle of fire
Fuel, Heat, Oxygen
Removing or limiting of these elements will put the fire out.

What are the classes of fire?

Explain the term ‘Flash-over’
term used to describe a sudden transfer of heat from a local fire to a more wide spread fire involving a larger area.

List all firefighting equipment we have
PBE (Protective Breathing Equipment)
Crash Axe
Fire Gloves
Halon Extinguisher
Water Glycol Extinguisher

list 10 things we can do to prevent a fire in the cabin, toilet, galley or overhead lockers
Toilets – Check toilets every 20mins, kept clean and tidy, waste bins aren’t overflowing, smoke detectors are working, no smoke is present, no cigarettes smelt.
Cabin – ensure aisle is clear of bags, paper, newspapers (fire hazard), keep an eye out of seat rows and lower side wall in passenger cabin.
Galley – clean and tidy, no overflow in waste bins, constant check of large gash bags, open over checking contents before switching on, use oven bags, may not smoke on board at any time, don’t obstruct air-conditioning grilles as it could cause system to overheat
Overhead lockers – ensure there are no tissues in the vents as this is a fire hazard

Explain the general fire drill
IDENTIFY – Locate the source of the fire by using the back of your hand.
PREPARE – Get necessary equipment e.g. PBE, halon, fire gloves, water glycol.
ATTACK – Begin appropriate fire drill.
INFORM – Ensure flight crew are informed giving accurate details of the fire.
ELECTRICS – Remind flight crew of the electrics. (This will remind the
Captain to pull the Circuit Breakers in the flight deck associated with the fire area)

Explain in full the 4 firefighting roles

  1. FIRE FIGHTER – 1st to arrive at scene, press cal bell 3 times, collect equipment needed, implement needed fire drill, report to captain giving accurate details when fire is out.
  2. FIRST COMMUNICATOR – Inform the Captain via the interphone (press 222 on the interphone) and give PAA briefing using the following format: Problem: There is a fire (state location and affected area)
    Action : What action in being taken by the CC
    Additional Information :What is burning? Report any smells. Severity of fire. Amount and colour of smoke. Passenger reaction. Remind of ELECTRICS (this will remind the Flight Crew to switch off any electrics associated with the fire area.)
  3. Collect Halon, Crash Axe and Fire Gloves from the flight deck and pass to the backup.
  4. Collect QRG.
  5. Update the Captain regularly.
  6. BACK-UP – Collect equipment from the First Communicator. Collect other fire fighting equipment from the cabin. Collect an empty bar box. Be ready to take over from the fire fighter (Don PBE and Fire Gloves). When Fire Fighter reports to the Captain, put item/debris into bar box and dampen down with water, check the area for signs of heat or fire
  7. SECOND COMMUNICATOR – Make a reassurance PA to passengers. Move passengers and anything that could fuel the fire, e.g. portable oxygen bottles, bottles of alcohol. Distribute wet towels for passengers to breathe through.IDENTIFY – Locate the source of the fire by using the back of your hand.
    PREPARE – Get necessary equipment e.g. PBE, halon, fire gloves, water glycol.
    ATTACK – Begin appropriate fire drill.
    INFORM – Ensure flight crew are informed giving accurate details of the fire.
    ELECTRICS – Remind flight crew of the electrics. (This will remind the
    Captain to pull the Circuit Breakers in the flight deck associated with the fire area)

What information should we give the emergency services

  • The location of fire
  • What is on fire
  • Information regarding passengers who may still be trapped inside the cabin or who have been overcome by smoke.

The CC are responsible for the circuit breakers for 3 pieces of equipment. What are they?
Galley lights
Water Boilers
Each of the Ovens

What does an electrical fire smell like?
Fishy/Rubbery smell

Who writes the Dangerous Goods Regulations book?

What are the 9 classes of dangerous goods?

What is a proper shipping name?
The name or description of the Dangerous Good.

What is an UN number?
The serial number to the article under the United Nations classification System.

What are the 3 packing groups?
High Danger
Medium Danger
Low Danger

Explain how to use the ERG book?
For each dangerous good listed, there is a drill code which consists of one number followed by one letter; by using this drill code, it will give you info on how to deal with the spillage.

what does NOTOC stand for?
Notification to the Captain

Do Ryanair carry Dangerous goods?
Only A/C spare parts and Organ donations

Name 5 ways of attracting attention

  • Brightly coloured materials
  • Ground to air visual codes
  • Lights or torches
  • Mirrors to flash sunlight
  • Flying a flag
  • Fire – 3 fires in a triangle (international distress signal)
  • Smokey fires during the day & bright fires during the night
  • ELT
  • A/C fuselage (this will be very visible from the sky)

In a survival situation, in which order must the CC apply First Aid?

  1. Breathing Difficulties
  2. Major bleeding, wounds and fractures
  3. Shock

Write out and explain the 5 ground- air signals
Require Assistance – Symbol V
Require Medical Assistance – Symbol X
No or Negative – Symbol N
Yes or Affirmative – Symbol Y
Proceeding in this Direction – arrow

What are the principles of survival?
Protection, Location, Water, Food

What are the PDI’s, operation, precaution and duration of ELT B?
Description : Emergency locator transmitters help rescue crews find aircraft which land away from an airport. The transmitters send a radio signal to satellites, other aircraft and air traffic facilities. Rescue crews use information from these sources to find the aircraft.
Operation : For use on Land or in Water:

  1. The No 2 will unplug the ELT from its stowage.
  2. Unbend the aerial.
  3. Outside the aircraft switch it from AUTO/ARMED to ON.
  4. In a ditching, tie lanyard on to No 2’s lifejacket.
    Precaution It is designed to work in water, however do not submerge it under water for a length of time.
    Duration :Minimum 48 hrs at -20ºC

Give 5 points to increase the will to survive

  • Have and maintain a positive mental attitude
  • Keep occupied – mentally and physically
  • Push negative thoughts out of your mind
  • Conserve energy

Explain Creeping Line Ahead

  • The search aircraft goes to the last known position for the aircraft it is looking for.
  • It then flies a track, the average track being the same as the missing aircraft.
  • Whilst flying this pattern, the search aircraft projects GREEN pyrotechnics at regular intervals every 10 to 15 minutes and always before and after turning.
  • As soon as the survivors see GREEN pyrotechnics, they must endeavour to attract the aircrafts attention by all means at their disposal.
  • When the rescue aircraft has seen the survivors signal, to acknowledge it will:
  • During hours of daylight – rocking its wings.
  • During hours of darkness – flash its landing/navigation lights ON and OFF TWICE.

What is S.O.S & what sequence is it performed?
S – SURVIVE THE IMPACT – Seatbelts & brace positions.
O – GET OUT – Exits & strip path lighting.
S – SURVIVE OUTSIDE – Life jackets (Ditching) & safety cards.

Name and explain two ways in which adult life jacket operates
A yellow lifejacket fitted with one inflation tube, one red inflation toggle and a light. Suitable for age two to adult. : 1. Place lifejacket over head, equipment side away from body.

  1. Pass the black strap around the waist and attach the buckle at the front of the lifejacket.
  2. Pull on the loose end of the strap to secure the jacket tightly around the waist.
  3. To inflate, pull down sharply on the red toggle (when outside the aircraft).

What are the PDI’s of the fire gloves?

  1. Stowage.
  2. Quantity.
  3. No scorch marks.
  4. One left glove and one right glove.

What is the full operation of the halon Extinguisher?

  1. Remove pin.
  2. Hold extinguisher upright
  3. Hand under handle and thumb on top of lever. Squeeze the lever downward with thumb.
  4. Test squirt.
  5. Direct at the base of the fire.
  6. Use in short, sharp bursts.

What is the range and duration of the halon Extinguisher?
Range 6-10 Feet.
Duration 12-14 Seconds.

What are the PDI’s of the Water Glycol Extinguisher?

  1. Date
  2. Stowage.
  3. Quantity.
  4. Wire seal on handle is intact.
  5. Cartridge is visible in handle.

What are the PDI’s on the PBE?

  1. Stowage.
  2. Quantity.
  3. Check green storage case is intact.
  4. Indicator blue (not pink or any other colour)

What is the full operation of the PBE?

  1. Open the storage case.
  2. Tear off the red pull strip
  3. Remove the device from the protective bag.
  4. Pull off “Pull to Actuate” ring in direction indicated; this will start the flow of oxygen. 5. Hold the device with the life support pack away from the user
  5. Grasp hole in neck seal with thumbs.
  6. Bend forward from waist, insert chin into the hole and pull hood across face and overhead.
  7. While standing upright, pull hood down until headband is fitted to the forehead.
  8. Check neck seal for a secure fit.

What are the PDI’s of the Freon Extinguisher?

  1. Two nozzles are directed towards the waste bin.
  2. One nozzle is directed towards the water heater.
  3. Wax is present on the nozzle tips.
  4. Discs are silver/white

What would the CC response be in hearing the smoke alarm?

  • Investigate for fire and smoke immediately (toilets).
  • If fire/smoke not present, silence the alarm by pressing the “interrupt switch” with a pen.
  • Note: If you silence it before the smoke has cleared the alarm will go off again.
  • If Fire/Smoke is Present
  • CC should carry out the appropriate Toilet Fire Drill.
  • Always ensure the flight crew are kept informed.

How do you remove a PBE?

  1. Move away from the fire.
  2. Grasp the top of the hood and pull forward over the face.
  3. Place PBE in a metal tray or bar box.
  4. Shake hair to remove any excess O2.

What are the PDI’s on the torch?

  1. Stowage
  2. Quantity.
  3. Red light flashes at not more than 10 second intervals. (An interval of more than 10 seconds indicates unsatisfactory battery condition).

What are the PDI’s on the door?

  1. Door is flush with the fuselage. 2. Operating handle is horizontal. 3. Safety strap is correctly stowed.

What is and when would you use the safety strap?
The safety strap is stowed in the door frame. Used when there are no steps, Air Bridge or servicing vehicle at an OPEN door.

On whose command do you open/close doors?
Captain’s Command

How would you close the door?

  1. Rotate the operating handle on the door up and towards the rear of the a/c
  2. Grab the door assist handle and push the door out and towards the front of the a/c
  3. Ensure the gust lock engages

How many overwing exits are there and where are they?
There are a total of 4 overwing emergency exits on board the A/C, these are located at row 16 & row 17.

What is the PDI at the overwing exit?
Clear Perspex cover over the operating handle.

How would you open the overwing exit (From the inside)?

  1. Pull the handle down & inwards.
  2. The exit opens outwards & upwards.

Where are the escape ropes, how and when would we use them?
Escape Rope are found at Row 17AF only. They are installed in the emergency exit frame. for ditching use only. Remove from stowage, attach to the ring on the wing, Arrows on wing indicate to Passenger direction of Evacuation, Command should be, “Slide off the Wing”

Explain the overwing escape path on land
An A/C may return to base from an outstation with one cabin exit unserviceable, providing all other exits are serviceable in every respect.

Explain where each CCM sits and which door/slide they are responsible for

  • No 1 – Front service door R1.
  • No 2 – Rear service door R2.
  • No 3 – Rear passenger door L2.
  • No 4 – Front main passenger door L1.

What are the PDI’S on a slide?

  1. Ensure that the gauge is in the serviceable band.
  2. Cosmetic cover is intact.
  3. Girt bar is correctly stowed.

Explain fully the 2 ways that a slide will operate?
Inflates “Automatically” once door is opened (if the slide is armed)

When door is open (if the slide is armed), a red manual inflation handle marked “Pull” can be seen. Pull the handle free from the slide.

What is the procedure for arming a slide?

  1. Place red flag across viewing window.
  2. Remove Girt Bar from stowage hooks on bottom of cosmetic cover.
  3. Attach Girt Bar to brackets on the floor.
  4. No1 will then return to L1 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is armed and physically checks red flag status)
  5. No4 will then return to R1 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is armed and physically checks red flag status)
  6. No2 will then return to L2 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is armed and physically checks red flag status)
  7. No3 will then return to R2 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is armed and physically checks red flag status) 8. Verbally confirm slide(s) armed and cross checked.
  8. No 2 will call No 1 via the interphone (55).
  9. No 1 will say “Confirm rear slides armed and cross-checked?”
  10. No 2 will check both slides again and say “Confirmed – rear slides armed and cross-checked” to the No 1.
  11. No 1 will check both slides again and say “Confirmed – forward slides armed and cross checked” to the No 2.

What is the procedure for disarming a slide?

  1. Remove Girt Bar from the brackets on the floor.
  2. Place in the stowage hooks on the bottom of the cosmetic cover.
  3. Remove red flag from viewing window.
  4. No1 will then return to L1 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is disarmed and physically checks red flag status)
  5. No4 will then return to R1 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is disarmed and physically checks red flag status)
  6. No2 will then return to L2 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide is disarmed and physically checks red flag status)
  7. No3 will then return to R2 door and physically confirms (touch girt bar to confirm slide isdisarmed and physically checks red flag status) 8. Verbally confirm slide(s) disarmed and cross checked.
  8. No 2 will call No 1 via the interphone (55).
  9. No 1 will say “Confirm rear slides disarmed and cross-checked?”
  10. No 2 will check both slides again and say “Confirmed – rear slides disarmed and crosschecked” to the No 1.
  11. No 1 will check both slides again and say “Confirmed – forward slides disarmed and cross checked” to the No 2.

Explain what an apron slide is & how to use it?
If the slide inflates and then deflates during an evacuation then it can still be used but just in a different way, this is called an Apron Slide & this procedure is detailed below.

  1. Two ABPs shall climb down the slide using the handles at either side.
  2. They shall hold the slide straight and away from the aircraft at the bottom for passengers to evacuate.
  3. Once the passengers are on the ground the ABPs shall direct them away from the aircraft.

What would you do if the a slide catches fire?

  1. Lift the flap marked ‘For Ditching Use Only’.
  2. Pull the white detachment handle to release the lacing which attaches the slide to the girt bar.
  3. Fold back the girt apron attached to the girt bar & close the door.
  4. Redirect pax to another available exit.

How do you open the flight deck window?

  1. Squeeze the lock release in the handle.
  2. Rotate the handle inwards.
  3. Slide the window aft until it is fully open.

How do you extend the Airstairs?

  1. Press STAIR OPER switch, this illuminates amber (orange) indicating power.
  2. Press and hold EXTEND switch to extend the airstairs.
  3. When the airstairs are fully extended STAIR OPER light goes out.
  4. Open the door fully.
  5. Attach the handrails.
  6. Extend the retract-reel strap and secure around the handrail (both left and right) using the hooks.
  7. Attach guard rails to forward airstairs as follows:
    a. No 4 collect guardrails from the R1 stowage in the forward galley and pass to No 1.
    b. Attach round end to handle.
    c. Attach rectangular end to girt bar floor bracket.
    d. Push round end down to secure guardrail.
    e. Ensure both guardrails are secure before boarding/disembarkation starts.

How do you retract the airstairs on “Standby”?

  1. Check the area is safe to retract.
  2. If the stairs fails to retract, unclip and re-stow handrails once again to ensure that they are correctly stowed.
  3. Press and hold RETRACT switch again.
  4. If the stairs fails to retract again, No 1 shall inform the Captain of the situation and ask permission to operate the stairs using the STANDBY system.
  5. Re-check the area is safe.
  6. To use the STANDBY system, press and hold the RETRACT and STANDBY switches and hold until the stairs fully retract and the ‘stairs operating’ light goes out.
  7. Close door fully.

What are the settings for normal lighting in hours of darkness?

Fully explain the 3 ways that the emergency lights operate?
On a total loss of A/C power.
By a switch in the flight deck which goes from ‘ARMED’ to ‘ON’.
Emergency Light Switch on aft CSA panel. No 2 is responsible for the operation of this.

How do we contact flight crew to CC?

  • Flight deck press attendant button
  • Makes a hi-lo chime
  • CC picks up interphone and speaks
  • Both Master call panels lights up pink to alert all crew, fwd and rear

How do we make a PA and when must we NOT make a PA
From when the No1 gives the Captain “cabin secure for take-off” until after the release signal has been given
From when the No1 gives the Captain “cabin secure for take landing” until the a/c has vacated the runway.

What happens if a passenger presses the call bell in the forward toilet?

  • Call bell inside toilet
  • Amber indicator outside directs you to the correct toilet
  • One high chime sounds.
  • Amber call light on master call panel illuminates at either fwd/ aft

What happens if a passenger presses the call bell in row 12 ABC?

  • One hi chime sounds
  • Indicator in PSU illuminates white, indicating to CC where the call originated • Blue light illuminates on fwd/ aft master call panel if:
  • Row 1-16 FWD master call panel
  • Row 17 – 33 AFT master call panel

What are the passenger signs?
There are also ‘no smoking’ signs & ‘fasten seatbelt’ signs which are located in each toilet as well as in the PSU’s (Passenger Service Units).

What is pilot alert and when is it used?
If we have an emergency situation on board then we go to the interphone & press 222 to inform them that we have an emergency, this is called pilot alert. THIS SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN AN EMERGENCY!

Where are the master call light panels located?
1 in the forward ceiling & 1 in the rear ceiling

Explain where the water shut off valves are in the FWD and REAR galleys.
In the FWD galley they (normally 2) are ABOVE the boiler at eye level. In the REAR galley it is BELOW the boiler at floor level.

How do you unlock the toilet from the outside?

  • Lift the ‘LAVATORY’ sign
  • Slide the latch across

What positions could you put the “water supply selector valve” to if the sink was filling up with water?

  • SUPPLY ON- water to both sink and toilet
  • FAUCET ONLY- water to the sink only
  • TOILET ONLY- water to the toilet only
  • OFF- NO water to both sink/ toilet If Toilet Floods then Supply Selector Valve to FAUCET ONLY/ OFF

What would you do if you heard a loud continuous sucking noise coming from a toilet
Close the toilet lid.
Pull the manual shut off handle located at the base of the toilet

Where are the water and waste indicators? Who is responsible for checking them?
Rear CSA panel above No 2’s Jump seat. No 2 checks them.

How many infant seatbelts are there and what can they be used for?
18 in forward galley stowage 202. Purpose; To secure child under 2 years of age to parent/guardian’s lap during take-off, landing and when seat belt sign is on.

What are the PDI’s on the loudhailer?

  1. Stowage
  2. Date
  3. Squeeze the handle , Green Light flashes
  4. Squeeze the handle, click is heard if operational.

How do you use a loudhailer?

  1. Squeeze handle.
  2. Press lips to mouthpiece and speak normally.

Give 5 examples of causes of incapacitation?
heart attacks, silent epilepsy, preoccupation with personal problems and hypoglycaemia, hypoxia

Can an AC return to base with an incapacitated CC? Explain your answer.
An A/C may return to base with one CC incapacitated. In this situation the CC must occupy a cabin seat and not their jumpseat. Passenger loads will need to be reduced to 150 for us to return to base with 3 CC. There would have to be a CC who is a qualified No1 for the A/C to be allowed to return back to the base.

Explain the 2 types of decompressions that an AC can suffer with examples?
Slow Decompression – gradual loss of cabin pressure which can take longer than 10 seconds to equalise with outdoor pressure
Rapid Decompression – sudden loss of cabin pressure which can happen in less than 10 seconds

What are the physical effects of a rapid decompression?

  1. Severe ear and sinus pain.
  2. Chest and joint pain (caused by nitrogen bubbles in the blood expanding.
  3. Forced expulsion of air.
  4. You will feel very cold.

What are the material effects of a rapid decompression?

  1. A loud explosive noise.
  2. Air rising towards the failure (the hole)
  3. A dense fog will form in the cabin. Momentarily as the moisture held in the cabin condenses. (Passenger may confuse this with smoke and need reassurance. This fog may cause toilet smoke detectors to activate.) 4. Hot liquids will suddenly boil over
  4. (Risk of scalding).
  5. Oxygen masks will drop down.
  6. Fasten Seat Belts and No Smoking signs will go on.

What are the 3 stages of hypoxia & what levels do they occur?
Mild – 10000
Advanced – 14000
Extreme – 20000

What are the symptoms of someone suffering extreme hypoxia?
Possible death within minutes

What are the symptoms of someone suffering advanced hypoxia?
Blurred vision
Loss of co-ordination
Possible personality changes

Explain the 3 ways that the drop down oxygen masks operate?
Automatically; if the cabin reaches 14,000 feet, the masks will automatically fall down. Electrically; by a switch in the flight deck. Manually; PSU- insert a hairpin in the hole of the compartment cover. above the jumpseats, toilet and galley – swipe along the bottom of the panel with an ID/bank card.

Where are the masks located & how many?
Four masks in the PSU per seat row, Two masks in each toilet, Two masks above each door.

What is the full decompression drill?
Oxygen masks drop, sit down, seat belts on, when No 1 to the flight deck is heard; Prepare for NITS briefing, stow trolleys, administer 1sst aid, brief able bodied passengers.

If there are no PA’s from the flight deck after a decompression, what must the No 1 do?
Therapeutic oxygen on (use available oxygen masks), Forward interphone Call flight deck, if no response, enter flight deck.

What are the primary exits in a ditching?
Overwing exits

How do you use an adult life jacket?

  1. Place lifejacket over head, equipment side away from body.
  2. Pass the black strap around the waist and attach the buckle at the front of the lifejacket.
  3. Pull on the loose end of the strap to secure the jacket tightly around the waist.
  4. To inflate, pull down sharply on the red toggle (when outside the aircraft).
  5. Should the lifejacket fail to inflate, blow into the inflation tube.
  6. The light will illuminate as soon as the battery comes into contact with the water.

How do you adapt an adult life jacket to fit a child?

  1. Fully inflate out of sight of passengers.
  2. Partially deflate by a third.
  3. Place over the head, pass the black strap around one leg and attach the buckle. (This will prevent the lifejacket from slipping over the child’s head once in the water).
  4. Deflate the lifejacket sufficiently to allow the child to brace.
  5. Instruct the parent/guardian to fully inflate the lifejacket after evacuation.

How do you use an infant flotation device?

  1. Remove from stowage.
  2. Take infant and parent/guardian to the galley.
  3. Attach crotch strap to buckle.
  4. Place the infant in the device, legs either side of crotch strap.
  5. Place neck strap over infants head.
  6. Adjust straps as necessary.
  7. Ensure the parent or guardian knows how to inflate the device.
  8. The lanyard should only be attached to an adult’s life jacket once outside the aircraft.

Where are the escape ropes and how do we use them?
Escape Rope are found at Row 17AF only. They are installed in the emergency exit frame.

Give 3 evacuation commands to be used in a ditching

List 5 things to do to increase the chances of survival at sea
Life jackets on, emergency survival kit, raft, don’t drink sea water, if no water don’t eat.

What is the procedure for a tail strike?

  • Should CC suspect that a tail strike has occurred the below procedure must be applied:
  • No 2 should immediately contact the No 1 via interphone informing him/her of the situation.
  • No 1 should contact the flight crew via interphone and inform the Captain of suspected tailstrike including details of the situation that may include:
  • The type of sound heard – scrapping sound/loud bump.
  • Any noticeable damage to the A/C.
  • Any noticeable sounds, e.g. whistling around door seals.
  • Security of the cabin – has anything become dislodged etc. – Injuries to passengers/crew.
  • CC would stay in their assigned stations and observe inside and outside conditions.
  • CC will await further instructions from the Captain.

What command do we shout to passenger if the a/c “veers off the runway”?
all CC must shout the command “Head Down, Grab Ankles” and await Captains command.

What is the procedure for a rejected take-off

  1. Once the aircraft has come to a complete stop or the aircraft has taxied clear of the active runway, the No 1 will make the following passenger PA: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Captain has decided to reject our take-off on this occasion. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts securely fastened. We will give you more information as soon as we have it. Thank you.”
  2. No 1 calls the Captain and says “Cabin to Flight Deck, No 1 standing by”.
  3. No 2 picks up aft interphone and says “Cabin to Flight Deck, No 2 standing by”.
  4. No 1 will inform No 4, and No 2 will inform No 3.
  5. Inform Captain of any relevant information.
  6. All crew remain at their stations and check inside and outside conditions.
  7. Be prepared to evacuate should an evacuation be required.
  8. Captain will make a PA advising reason for RTO.

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