TFM 12 Fire Alarm Technical Exam 2023 with complete solution

Does a fire hood system and a kitchen need to be monitored by the fire alarm system?

What does P.L.F.A stand for?
Power Limited Fire Alarm

What does N.P.L.F.A stand for?
Non-Power Limited Fire Alarm

What is the difference between P.F.L.A and N.P.F.L.A?
an N.P.L.F.A can operate at up to 600v, and the power output isn’t limited

a P.L.F.A has the voltage and power limited by a listed power source.

What material must N.P.F.L.A circuit conductors be made from?
ONLY solid stranded copper is permitted.

What does A.W.G stand for?
American Wire Gauge

What size conductors are permitted?
Size 18 A.W.G and 16 A.W.G are permitted, provided they do not exceed certain capacities.

What is used to protect transformers or other devices supplied from power-supply conductors?
An over-current device not rated over 20 amperes.

When located within 7 feet of the floor, how shall cables be fastened?
Cables shall be fastened in an approved manner at intervals of not more than 18 inches.

Single conductors shall not be smaller than _ A.W.G?

Conductors of 28 A.W.G shall only be permitted in which circumstance?
Spliced with a connector listed as suitable for 26 to 24 A.W.G

How shall P.F.L.A conductors NOT be installed?
P.F.L.A conductors shall not be strapped, taped, or attached to the exterior of any conduit or raceway.

What is Plenum cable?
Cable that can be installed in ducts, plenums, or other spaces used for environmental air.

What is a Riser cable?
Cable to be used in vertical wire runs in shafts between floors. Not to be used where Plenum cable is required.

It is capable of preventing fire from rising from floor to floor.

What is general purpose cable?
Cable for general purpose fire alarm use. Not to be used where plenum cable or riser cable is required.

It is resistant to the spread of fire.

Why ‘type’ shall plenum cable be? What substitutions are allowed?
Power Limited Fire Alarm Plenum (F.P.L.P) C.M.P can be substituted.

Why ‘type’ shall riser cable be? What substitutions are allowed?
Power Limited Fire Alarm Riser (F.P.L.R) C.M.P, F.P.L.P.

C.M.R can be substituted.

What ‘type’ shall general purpose wire be? What substitutions are permitted?
Power Limited Fire Alarm (F.P.L) C.M.P, F.P.L.P, C.M.R, F.P.L.R, C.M.G

CM can be substituted (all types)

What is the maximum voltage permitted through multi-conductor N.P.F.L.A cables?
150 volts

What is the voltage rating marked on P.F.L.A cables?
Not less than 300 volts

Shall the voltage rating marked on P.F.L.A cables?
No, because they may be mistakenly used for electrical applications.

What is ‘Rate Compensation Detector’?
A device that responds when a temperature rises at an exceeding rate that is predetermined.

What is a ‘Smoke Detector’?
a device that detects both visible and invisible combustion particles?

Which detector is best a detecting invisible particles?

Which sensor is better at detecting thick, visible smoke particles?

What is a SPOT TYPE sensor?
a device in which detecting an element is concentrated at a particular location.

A system component at the protected premises is connected to the detection devices. It has a line seizure and can connect to a D.A.C.R.

A system component that accepts and displays signals sent over the public phone network from a D.A.C.T (i.e A.D.T monitoring center)

What is an alarm signal?
A signal indicating an emergency that requires immediate action.

What is a Supervisory signal?
A signal that indicates the need for action in connection with the SUPERVISION of fire equipment.

What is a Trouble signal?
A signal that indicates a fault with the fire equipment. It must have an audible signal, distinctive from alarm signals.

Does an exterior harm for a sprinkler system need to be supervised?

What is a Cloud Chamber Smoke detection?
A detector draws an air sample into a high humidity, low pressure chamber. The conditions in the chamber cause the moisture in the air to condense on the smoke particles, forming a cloud. The density of this cloud is measured by a photoelectric principle, if it meets a certain criteria, an alarm is generated.

What is an Ionization Smoke detector?
A detector that used a small amount of radio active material to ionize the air between two differently charged electrodes. When smoke is present between these electrodes, it causes the conductance of the air to decrease, and this causes the alarm to trip.

What is Photo Electric Light Scattering Smoke Detection?
A detector that uses a light source and a photosensitive sensor, arranged so that light will only fall on the sensor when smoke particles are present. The particles reflect and retract light towards the sensor, tripping the alarm.

What is important about the way trouble signals sound?
They must be distinctive from alarm signals.

What three procedures must be in place before it is permitted to install a means to silence trouble/supervisory/alarm signals?
The means shall be key operated and contained within a locked enclosure

The means shall transfer it’s audible warning to a visual warning.

The audible trouble signal shall sound when the system is set to silent mode and no trouble or supervisory exists.

Fire/supervisory signals shall be __ in sound from other signals and shall not be used for any other purpose.

What code shall all wiring, cable and equipment be in accordance with?
NFPA 70, National Electric Code, Specifically articles 760, 770, and 800.

All systems shall test free of , except for application in which are approved.
grounds, grounds

So long as a single open, ground, or short circuit conditioned do not affect the operation equipment, what is not needed?
Monitoring for integrity, such conditions must not prevent alarm, trouble or supervisory signals being sent.

If speakers are used to generate audible fire signals, What rule must apply?
The speaker must be monitored for integrity, and failure should result in a trouble signal.

Where must a spot type heat and smoke sensors be located on walls and ceilings?
On the ceiling- not less than 4 inches from the sidewall.

On the wall- between 4 inches and 12 inches from the ceiling.

When more than one detector is used on a ceiling, what spacing measurement shall be used?
All points shall have a detector equal to 0.7 times the listed spacing.

When water flow occurs that is equal or greater than the flow of a single sprinkler, how quickly shall the alarm signal initiate?
Within 90 seconds

Can detectors be installed within an air duct system? Can they be used as a substitute for open area protection?
Yes and No

Detectors shall be __ for the purpose for which they are being used.
Listed (i.e zone listed)

Which signals must take priority over all other signals?
Fire. Even if a non fire signal is generated first.

How many fire alarm boxes (pull stations) are required in systems employing automatic fire or water flow detectors?
At least one, located where required by the authority having jurisdiction.

Systems that require two automatic detectors to initiate the alarm may only be used after which 3 conditions are filled?
The systems are not prohibited by the AHJ.

At least two automatic detectors are in each protected space.

The alarm verification feature is not used.

The number of water flow switches permitted to be connected to a single initiating device shall not exceed __.

What must be monitored for integrity?
the installation wiring between the fire alarm control unit and the relay or other appliance.
(Horn, Strobe, etc.)

Each elevator lobby, elevator hoist way and elevator machine room detector must be capable of what?
initiating elevator recall.

Must the alarm devices within the elevator hoist way be integrated with the fire alarm?

Wall mounted appliances must be located between which two distances above a finished floor?
Not less than 80 inches and not greater than 96 inches above the finished floor.

When may the manual testing frequency be extended to annually?
if automatic testing is performed at least weekly.

The responsibility for inspections, tests, and maintenance programs shall be assigned by the _ to a designated person of authority.

Room sizes and contours, airflow patterns, obstructions, and other characteristics of the _ shall be taken into account.
Protected Hazard

Circuits for transmission of supervisory signals shall __ alarm circuits.
Ran separate from

Household smoke alarm and smoke detectors installed within a _ horizontal path of a cooking appliance shall be equipped with an alarm-silencing means or be of the photo electric type.
20 feet

Each household heat detector, including a heat detector integrally mounted on a smoke detector, shall detect abnormally high temperature or rate-of-temperature rise and all detector shall be listed or approved for not less than __ feet between detectors.
50 feet

In a combination system, a _ signal shall take precedence or bo clearly recognizable over any other signal.
Fire alarm

One of the most critical factors of any fire alarm system is the _ the fire detecting devices.
Location of

A circuit or path connecting a subsidiary station to a supervising station over which signals are carried is called a _.
Communications channel

If batteries are used a source of energy, they shall be replaced __.
As recommended

The total sound pressure level produced by combining the ambient sound pressure level with all audible notification appliances operating shall not exceed __ in the occupiable area.
110 dBA

Permanent records (such as As-Built installation drawings, operation and maintenance manuals, a written sequence of operation and site specific software) shall be retained by the system owner or the owners representative for how long?
Life of the system

Spot-type smoke detectors mounted on the side wall should have the top of the detector between _ inches from the ceiling.
4 and 12

Smoke detectors shall be installed (3) _.
Outside each separate sleeping area
In basements
On each additional story of the family living unit.

Household fire alarm systems shall have two independent power sources consisting of a primary source that uses commercial light and power, and a secondary source consisting of _.
Rechargeable batteries

May an audible trouble signal be permitted to be common to several supervised circuits?

The maximum allowable time lapse from the initiation of a single fire alarm signal until it is recorded at the supervising station shall not exceed 90 seconds. When any number of subsequent fire alarm occur at any rate, they shall be recorded at a rate no slower than one every additional __ seconds.

When the runner is not in attendance at the proprietary supervising station, the runner shall establish two way communications with the station at intervals not exceeding __ minutes.

Automatic alarm initiating systems equipped with alarm verification features shall be permitted provided (4) _.
1- Alarm verification feature in not initially enabled unless conditions or occupant activities are expected that cause nuisance alarms.
2- A smoke detector that is continuously subjected to smoke concentration above alarm threshold does not delay system functions more than 1 minute.
3-Actuation of an alarm device other than smoke detector causes the system functions without additional delay. (not 10 seconds)
4-Current status of the alarm verification feature is shown on the record of completion.

Where both coded sprinkler supervisory signals and coded fire or water flow alarm signals are transmitted over the same circuit, provision shall be made to either obtain (2) __ of the fire alarm signal, to prevent the loss of an alarm signal.
Sufficient repetition
Alarm signal precedence

Connections to the light and power service shall be on a _ branch circuit.

Each manual fire alarm box shall be securely mounted. The operable part of the box shall not be less than _ and not more than _ above the floor level.
3 1/2 feet
4 1/2 feet

All apparatus shall be restored to normal _ after each test or alarm.
As promptly as possible

A _ is a local signaling system for fire alarm, supervisory or guard’s tour supervisory services for household fire warning systems, whose components may be used in whole or in part in common with a non-fire signaling system.
Combination system

A means for turning off an activated alarm notification appliance shall be permitted only if _.
The means must deactivate both the audible and visible notification appliances simultaneously.

If speakers are used to produce audible fire alarm signals, trouble signals are required to be displayed under which condition?
When an amplifier fails and the system is in alarm and operating on secondary power source.

Local protective systems of the electrical type must test free of grounds.

Audible signal appliances intended for use in special environments such as (4) _ or where subject to tampering shall be listed for the intended application.
Outdoors versus indoors
high humidity
dusty conditions
hazardous locations

When common wiring is employed for __ the equipment for other than fire alarm signaling system use shall be connected to the common wiring of the system in such a manner that short circuits, or open circuits, or grounds in this equipment or between this equipment and the fire alarm system wiring, will not interfere with either the supervision of the fire system or prevent alarm or supervisory signal transmission.
Combination system.

A pressure tank supervisory signal initiating device for a pressure tank shall detect both high and low pressure conditions. A signal shall be obtained when the pressure is increased or decreased __ psi from the required pressured value.

Homeowners shall test systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall have every residential fire alarm system tested by a qualified service technician at least every _.
3 years

Manually actuated alarm-initiating devices shall (3) _.

  1. Be used only for FA initiating purposes and guards tour signaling.
  2. Have the operable part of the manual FA box mounted between 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 above floor level.
  3. Be mounted within 5 feet of the exit doorway opening at re-exit on each floor.

In a protected premises FA system the secondary power supply shall automatically supply the energy to the system within _ seconds whenever the primary power supply is incapable.

When the same sound is used for both supervisory and trouble signals, distinction between signals shall be by other appropriate means such as visible annunciation.

A switch for silence in the signal sounding appliance shall be permitted if it transfers the trouble indication to a lamp or other acceptable visible indicator adjacent to the switch.

Automatic FA signal initiating devices that have integral trouble _ shall be connected to the initiating device circuit so that a trouble condition within a device does not impair alarm transmission from any other initiating device.
Signaling contacts

What does P.L.F.A stand for?
Power Limited Fire Alarm

what does NPLFA stand for?
Non-Power limited fire alarm

what material must NPLFA circuit conductors be made from?
solid or stranded copper

what is a single station detector
Battery powered smoke alarms that do not communicate off premises.

what is a multiple station detector
Smoke alarms that are battery backed up and are
linked together, so that if one unit initiates, alarms in all detectors will sound. They do not communicate off premises.

how frequently must household (single and multiple station detectors) be inspected and tested?
with accordance to manufacturers at least Monthly

what does restorable mean
a device that can be restored or reused after it has I initiated an alarm

how frequently must household (fire akram systems) be inspected and tested
at least every year by a qualified technician.

What size conductors are permitted?
Size 18 A.W.G and 16 A.W.G

what is used to protect transformers or other devices supplied from power-supply conductors.
an overcurrent device not rated over 20 Amperes.

When located within 7ft of the floor, how shall cables be fastened?
Cables shall be fastened in an approved manner at intervals of not more than 18 inches.

Single conductors shall not be smaller than _ A.W.G?

Conductors of 26 A.W.G shall only be permitted in which circumstances?
where spliced with a connector listed as suitable for 26 or 24 AWG

what is a Plenum cable
Cable that can be installed in ducts, plenums or other spaces used for environmental air.

It has adequate fire resistance and low smoke producing characteristics.

what is a riser cable
-Cable to be used in vertical wire runs in shafts between floors. Not to be used where Plenum cable is required.

-It is capable of preventing fire from rising from floor to floor

what is a general purpose cable
-Cable for general purpose fire alarm use. Not to be used where plenum cable or riser cable is required.

-It is resistant to the spread of fire.

What ‘type’ shall Plenum Cable be? What substitutions are permitted
Be: FPLP and Sub:CMP

What ‘type’ shall Raiser wire be? What substitutions are permitted

Max Voltage for premmited through NPLFA Cables
600 Volts

max Voltage premmited through multiconductors NPLFA Cables
150 Volts

What ‘type’ shall general purpose wire be? What substitutions are permitted?

voltage rating of FLPA Cables
not less than 300 Volts

Shall the voltage be marked on P.F.L.A cables?
No, because they may be mistakenly used for electrical applications

what is a rate compensation detectors
a device that responds when temperature rises at a rate exceeding a pre-determined value.

what is a rate of rise detector
a device that response when the temperature rises at a rate exceeding pre determined value

which sensor is best at determining invisible smoke particles

which sensor is best at detecting think, visible smoke particles

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