Cbspd final exam quizlet
Cbspd final exam questions and answers
Cbspd final exam questions
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cbspd practice exam questions
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cbspd exam
cbspd practice exam quizlet

Why is it Important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set?
Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry.

Which of the following best describes the overall role of the CS/SPD?
To provide dependable service to enhance patient care.

Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental disinfectants?

The function of a ratchet can be checked by?
Closing the ratchet on the first click, then tapping the handle on the worktable.

During cycle counts, items that have a large dollar value but are not used frequently are classified as?
Class A

Anatomy is the science that deals with the ? Of the body parts?

Which of the following transports molecules within the cell?

Which of the following sets are considered high-risk for special prion processing?
Craniotomy Set

The metacarpals are located in the?

Microorganisms are measured in?

With respect to rigid sterilization container testing, which term defines the sterilizes ability to sterilize under actual use conditions?
Maximum-load testing

What is the ideal human body temperature?
98.6 degrees F

What may be the cause of a blue stain Ima scope in Orthophthaldehyde?
Improper cleaning

Which of the following is true of a capsule?
It is resistant to heat and chemicals.

Pulmonary capillaries are found in which system?

Ethics is the practice of:
Doing the right thing.

A microorganism that is resting and has a hard, shell like outer covering is called a ?

Spongiform encephalopathy is caused by which of the following?

Nails, tissues, and money are examples of ?

The Zika virus is transmitted by ?

In the final step of hand washing, the fingers should be rinsed with the fingertips facing ?

Waterless hand antiseptics contain what percentage concentration f alcohol to make them nose effective?

All of the following play a role in how bones support other body systems except?
Distribution of hormones

OSHA requires that containers of potentially infectious materials be ?

Flagella helps bacteria to ?
Propel through liquid medium

The removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for further processing is called?

Ventilation in the decontamination area should be ?
Negative pressure with 10 air exchanges per hour.

Which of the following should be cleaned daily?
Floors and work surfaces.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the use of PPE in the decontamination area?
Failure to wear PPE can result in a disciplinary action.

Before a medical device is cleaned and processed?
The manufacturers instructions must be obtained.

Which of the following additional chemicals is recommended when a high-alkaline detergent is used in a mechanical washer ?
Neutralizing Acid

Which of the following types of organisms is able to survive adverse environment conditions by forming spores?

The relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution is referred to as ?

Barrier precautions, hand washing and sharps precautions come under the umbrella of ?
Standard precautions

A solution with a pH level of 3 is considered ?

A solution having a pH of 13 is ?

Which of the following are major non living reservoirs of infectious diseases?
Soil and water

Alkaline detergents are best for mechanical washers because of ?
A lack of friction in washing

Which of the following is used to remove severe stains on stainless steel instruments?
Organic acid detergent

One method of preventing biofilm formation on instruments is to ?
Rinse the instruments with distilled water and dry them well.

Open but unused instrument sets should be ?
Completely reprocessed.

Unless otherwise directed, an item high-level disinfected in glutaraldehyde MUST be rinsed a minimum of ?
Two times

Generally the distal end of a rigid endoscope should be cleaned with a ?
Soft bristle brush.

If too many microorganisms remain on an item after the cleaning process, the what?
Disinfection process may not be effective.

Which of the following are bacteriostatic and used for inanimate environmental surfaces and floors?
Quaternary ammonium compounds

Which of the following is true of steam sterilization?
Higher temps these require higher pressure.

Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to regulate body temperature?
Hypo/Hyperthermia machine

Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to prevent the formation of blood clots?
Sequential compression device

Which series of stainless steel is used to manufacture osteotomes?

Instruments should be placed in the lubricant solution and then ?
Allowed to air-dry.

Which of the following should be cut with dissecting scissors?

What is the purpose of a tungsten carbide insert on a needle holder?
to hold suture needle better

When should laparoscopic instruments be reassembled for sterilization?
When recommended by the manufacturer

Which of the following types of instruments is used to view internal organs through very small openings?

Instruments must never be ?

Which of the following is an example of a flexible endoscope?
Colonoscopy scope.

In the sterile storage are of the SPD, the temperature is 70 deg F and the humidity is 69%. What should be done?
Continue with routine activities

Anyone entering the preparation are must?
Wear proper attire.

Where should the chemical indicator be placed when sterilizing two large basins with smaller basins in one set?
In the top and bottom basins.

If a wrapper is to be used as a sterile field, how far over the edge of the table should it be?
6 inches

When can loaner instrument sets be placed inside rigid sterilization containers?
With instructions from the loaner instrument company

The three basic shapes of microbes are round, spiral and ?

in non table top steam sterilizers steam is generating in

Autoclave tape is considered which class of indicator ?
Class 1

Which part of the steam sterilizer produces heat inside the chamber to prevent condensation from forming on the chamber walls?
The jacket

The need for frequent reprocessing can be minimized by
Proper stock rotation

What is the coldest part of the sterilizer?
Drain line

Gradual heating of the packs occur during which phase of the steam sterilization cycle?

All of the following apply to eye wash expect ?
They must flush one eye at a time.

What is the most important thing to remember when double peel pouching?
The inner pouch must lay flat inside the outer pouch.

Which of the following best describes a minimum exposure time, temperature, and pressure for prevacuum steam sterilization of wrapped items ?
4 minutes @270 degree F 38-40 pounds per square inch.

What is the first step to take when an instrument needs to be sterilized for immediate use ?
Clean the instrument according to the manufactures instructions.

Incoming saturated steam should be witching which of the following ranges of dryness ?

Failure to remove all air from a package within the steam sterilizer will result in ?
Poor steam penetration

Damage to medical/surgical supplies stored in the receiving area can be avoided by ?
avoiding temperature and humidity extremes

In a NON tabletop sterilizer, Steam is exhausted from the sterilizer through the ?
Chamber drain line

Why must textile packs be placed on their sides for sterilization?
To facilitate air removal and steam penetration.

The most unique feature of a chemical integrator is its ability to ?
Perform in parallel to a biological indicator.

EO kills microorganisms by a process called ?

The nominal concentration of hydrogen peroxide in a low temperature gas plasma sterilizer is ?

Rigid sterilization containers should be biologically tested before ?

In the sterile storage area, the ventilation system must be under ?
Positive pressure

The hourly air exchange rate in the sterile storage area should be at least ?

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the dry time in a steam sterilizer ?
Selected sterilization time.

The optimum amount of a supply to order is called the ?
Economical order quantity

The cochlea is part of the ?
Inner ear

CS/SPD should be capable of planning for approximately what percentage of the total needs of a unit ?

Which of the following must be made available to distribution personnel ?
Policies and procedures for correct handling of sterile supplies.

According to Spaulding classifications, a critical device requires ?
Sterilization between uses

Another name for par-level inventory is?
Fixed inventory level

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of an exchange cart system?
inventory is duplicated

Which distribution system is designed to reduce storeroom inventory ?
just in time

A biological indicator should contain how many spores ?

How often should the drain line basket in a steam sterilizer be cleaned ?

Effective sterilization begins with ?
thorough cleaning

Generally, incident reports should be filed
Within 24 hours of the incident.

An exhaust hood over the EO sterilizer is an example of an ?
Engineering control

Which of the following is the correct incubation temperature range for biological indicators used in steam sterilization?
55 deg C-60 deg C

Which is the largest part of the brain?

A chemical indicator responding to two or more critical parameters belongs to which class ?
Type 4

The main role of the sterile processing area is to
provide dependable reliable services to enhance the quality of patient care.

Instruments sets and patient care equipment processing and distributing must be done accurately and timely so:
patient care is not adversely affected

ethics is
doing the right thing

compliance with OSHA is
required by law

Establishes sterile practice based on opinion, research and theory:
AAMI(Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation)

Recommended practices are:
Statements of sound principals of practice that are based on scientific data and the opinions of experts.

EPA, FDA, OSHA and state departments of health (DOH) primarily issue:

CS/SPD practice are written by _
AAMI(Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation)

HIPPA is all about what ethical issue?

Governing behavior involves what type of rule?

An established norm based on what theory is:

goverment agency that evaluates pesticides
EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)

Single-use devices in the hospital setting are regulated by _
FDA(Food And Drug Administration)

cleaning/sterilization instructions requested from manufacturers
each time the item is purchased

OSHA requires SDS(Safety data sheets) for _
each chemical in the department

Science branch refers to FORM and ORGANIZATION of body parts:

science branch refers to FUNCTION of specific body parts:

Smallest most numerous structural units processing basic life characteristics are:

An environment factor not required for the life of cells is:

The cell’s brain is the

cell portion that contains DNA

complex structures with specialized functions in the body are:

where do red blood cells develop?
bone marrow

smallest bones of the body are found in the:
middle ear

Bone which supports the tongue and swallowing functions:
hyoid bone

skull, hyoid, vertebral column and thoracic cage (rib cage) are part of_____ skeleton

muscles make up___% of body

sternum is located in _ skeleton

The humerus is located in the

Bones of the lower limb
femur, tibia, fibula

Bones of the upper limb
humerus, radius, ulna

muscle cells with lack striations
smooth muscle cells

connects muscle to bone

specialized cells responsible for body contractions

largest organ in the body

Which layer of the skin contains nerves and blood supply?

provides immunity?
white blood cells

which gas is removed from body cells?
carbon dioxide

which body system regulates pH

food is transported to the stomach through the __

the term pathogenic means:
disease producing

gram-positive microorganisms stain what color?
blue or purple

units that microorganisms are measured in:

streptococcus shape is

spirochete shape is:

bacteria reproduced by:
binary fission

gram-negative microorganisms stain what color?
red or pink

cocci shape :

microorganism that can slow down its metabolism and become dormant is:
gram-positive bacillus-blue or purple in color

bacilli are what shape

what do bacteria need to survive?
warmth, water, and waste elimination

what is used to test sterilization cycles?

a dehydrated cell with a thick, shell like wall is a :

What survives extreme heat, lack of water and exposure to many toxic chemicals and radiation?

Pathogen that causes tuberculosis:

Includes single cell yeasts:

Disease not caused by virus:
CJD(Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)

Difficult to kill by usual sterilization methods:

Aerobic bacteria require:

Disease caused by Prions:

Single-celled microorganisms are called

Requires living host to multiply?

an abnormal protein describes a __

Gram-positive coccus example?
Staphylococcus aureus

__ can survive on hands for hours
VRE(Vancomycin-resistant enterococci)

healthcare infection is generally termed___

Healthcare-aquired infections kill how many people annually?

The principal living reservoir of human disease comes from___
human body

Gastrointestinal disease is usually a result of _
water contaminated by feces of humans and other animals

the principal route of nosocomial infection is __
direct contact

an inanimate object involved in spreading infection is called __
a fomite

__ is not a disease spread by droplets

___discharges pathogens that cause TB, whooping cough, pneumonia , measles , mumps and smallpox
respiratory tract

living things that cause disease are called__

most common portal of exit in disease transmission
respiratory tract

Portal of entry caused by a needle stick is:
Parenteral Tissue

___cause lyme disease

the best way to prevent infection:
wash hands

minimum time needed for effective hand washing
15 seconds

when washing hands, turn off the water with:
a disposable towel

_ regulates bloodborne pathogen exposure
OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Most effective alcohol hand sanitizers contain __%alcohol

During instrument manufacture the process of passivation helps build a protective chromium oxide layer on each instrument’s surface. T OR F?

Each year, approximately BLANK patients develop a Healthcare-associated infection
2 million

A mode of bacterial transmission that would take place when an infectious agent was transmited through anitem such as food or water is called:
Common vehicle

A solution which inhibits the growth of bacteria. It is usually used topically and only on animate objects.

A type of connective tissue fluid that moves throughout the circulatory system.

After applying instrument identification tape, instruments should be autoclaved to help the tape bound to the instrument.

Allows for visual inspection of the upper digestive tract.

Agency which imposes very strict labeling requirements on manufacturers of chemicals used by Central Service departments.

Automatic washers clean using a spray-force action called inpingement. T or F?

Instrument marking tape should be wrapped approximately _ around the instrument.
1 to 1½

The purpose of a suction stylet is to:
unclog the suction during surgery

The endoscope that would be dispensed for a procedure that required the visualization of the lower part of the large intestine would be a:

Endotracheal tubes and anesthesia breathing circuits are examples of
Semi-critical device

The surgical procedure that consist of removing an ear bone that has thickened and no longer transmits sound waves and replacing it with an artificial implant to improve hearing.

This gland stimulates body growth.
pituitary gland

This surgical procedure is the removal of the gall bladder.

The distribution system which involves replacing a freshly loaded supply cart for an identical cart that has been depleted on a patient unit is called the __ system.
Exchange cart

A failure mode and effects analysis looks backward at an event to help prevent its reoccurrence.

Which of the following requires preventive maintanence standards be established for medical equipment?
Joint Comission

Wicking materials are used to:
allow air removal, steam penetration and facilitate drying

Aeration is required for items sterilized in ozone sterilization processes.

How frequently should a sterilizer’s drain strainer be removed and thoroughly cleaned?

The relative humidity of the sterile storage area should be:
less then 75%

The term “superheated steam” means:
dry steam

The amount of time that it takes to kill 90% of the microorganisms present on an object is called:

Ethylene oxide has better penetration capabilities than ozone and hydrogen peroxide gas plasma.

The most efficient type of dry heat sterilizer is
the mechanical convection sterilizer

Rod-Shaped bacteria are classified as

Manufacturers of new Class I devices must obtain pre-market approval (PMA) from the FDA by submitting PMA applications with extensive test data to demonstrate the safety/effectiveness of their products.

In medical terminology, the purpose of a combining vowel is to:
enhance pronunciation

Water softeners are used to remove __ in the water.
Calcium and magnesium

400 series stainless steel is also called Martensitic

Items must be decontaminated before they are sterilized; they need to not be decontaminated before they are disinfected.

When liquid chemical sterilants are labeled for use as both sterilant and high-level disinfectants, their use for sterilization requires a longer contact time.

These are used to break down fatty tissue on instrument:
Lipase enzymes

Hospital equipment, such as IV pumps and feeding pumps should be decontaminated after each use

ALL flexible endoscopes have internal channels.

The biggest advantage to battery-powered surgical instruments is that they can be immersed for cleaning.

Single-use items and their packaging reduce the level of combustible loading in storage areas within a Central Service department.

Which of the following disinfectants is also known as a “wetting agent”?
Quarternary ammonium compunds (quats)

Sterilization load recalls should only be made if patients develop infections.

Which of the following scissors is designed to have the sharpest cutting edge>
black handed

The unity of measure used to describe the amount of EtO in the air is called:
PPM(parts per million)

Which of the following information is NOT included on an MSDS sheet?
Required inventory levels

Positive reinforcement used to encourage employees to follow paper work practices and negative reinforcement to discourage inappropriate work practices is called:

Customer complaints are best handled through which of the following approaches?
service recovery

During instrument manufacture, the process of milking helps build a protective chromium oxide layer on each instruments surface.

The __ requires that the healthcare facility report malfunctions of medical devices that have contributed to patient injury, illness, and/or death to the manufacturer and the FDA.
Safe medical devices act

A failure mode and effects analysis looks backward at an event to help prevent its reoccurrence.

How frequently should a sterilizer’s drain strainer be removed and thoroughly cleaned?

Sterile packages should be stored no lower than
8-10 inches from the floor

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