CHO found only in mammal milk

type of milk that is not necessarily lower in fat content

milk is composed of 88% _

breastmilk is low in this nutrient but it’s very bioavailable

which nerves innervate the breasts

Number one reason why moms stop bfing is due to
milk supply

hormone that increases with nipple stimulation

hormone secreted by the placenta

what promotes the release of gastrin

leading cause of infant death

three strategies needed for increasing BF initiation and duration
protection, promotion, support

commonly cited reasons why mothers stop BF
work, pain, low supply, latching

which timeframe are the moms most vulnerable to stop BF
first 3-7 days

what do montgomery glands do
secrete protective lipid material during lactation

what does prolactin do
milk production

what does oxytocin do
Milk letdown and uterine contractions

when does prolactin peak and when does it drop
drops: between nursing
peaks: right after nursing at its highest

prolactin is released with
nipple stimulation

oxytocin is released with
nipple stretching

stages of making milk
lactogenesis 1, 2, 3

lactogenesis 1
happens during pregnancy
placenta releases progesterone, which makes colostrum

lactogenesis 2
birth of the placenta- triggers transition of milk from colostrum to mature milk

lactogenesis 3
needs frequent removal of milk to increase production

beginning of the feed

end of the feed

babies that exclusively BF have a more __ gut

what are secretory Iga (SIGA)
bind to microbes to prevent them from being absorbed. baby gets it from colostrum- not naturally in their body

how long after birth should the baby get back to its birth weight
2 weeks

how many times should they be nursed/day
10-12 times/day

Formula fed babies secrete 50% MORE insulin than BF

grade 1 nipple classification
easily pulled out

grade 2 nipple classification
can be pulled out but dont maintain after stimulation stops

grade 3 nipple classification
difficult or impossible to pull out

Sheehan’s syndrome
death of an area in the pituitary gland

What are green/shiny stools a sign of?

-sign of overproduction leading to less fat in milk, faster digestion causing not enough time for lactase to digest the lactose in milk. An improved latch could allow for more fat flow

Signs of oversupply

Rapid weight gain in infant, unsettled baby after feeding, recurrent plugged ducts and mastitis, painful feedings, voluminous (huge volumes of) stools- often green & shiny

What causes nipple pain?

Improper latch–> need lactation support to help with proper latch on, good seal

True/false: baby should be pulled into breast.

False! Do not pull baby into breast, let baby tilt head back for optimal latch. Hand on back of baby’s head can interfere baby’s interoral function by restricting the movement of the cranio-cervical spine–> causes nipple trauma. Make sure crook of arm in cradle position does not block baby from being able to fully tilt back.

Should a latch be symmetric or asymmetric?

Asymmetric! A baby should form a teat with breast tissue underneath the nipple as part of a latch

What is a symmetric latch

Not a good latch, causes nipple damage

Asymmetric latch

Optimal attachment to the breast, where the baby’s lips are not centered in relationship to the areolar, but rather vertically off-centered with the baby’s chin and lower lip closer to the edge of the areola than the baby’s upper lip. A baby should form a teat with breast tissue underneath the nipple as part of a latch

Image: Asymmetric latch

Do nipple creams work?

Continued questions of effectiveness, fear of ingestion by baby

Should a frenotomy be suggested for tongue tie?

No study was able to report that frenotomy led to better long term breastfeeding

Tongue tied breastfeeder

-complete feeding assessment and suggest ways to optimize latch.
-refer onward for diagnosis (have PCP diagnose TT)
-provide support

What is a fissure straight down the nipple evidence of?

A symmetric latch. Top lip needs to have good seal, moist part of lip should be touching nipple, can roll out top lip, to reduce injury during BF

Is there a deep latch with nipple stretching?

If nipple not stretched deeply into mouth, less oxytocin flows, less fat is in mix. With less fat, milk digested quicker = not enough time for baby to make enough lactase to digest lactose in milk.

What to do for oversupply?

Decrease additional stimulation/milk removal if possible
Consider block feeding (only nursing on one side only per feeding)
Watch for mastitis
Try australian posture (mother down under, baby on top)
Consider donating to milk bank
Consult with HCP for medical dx

How many mL considered oversupply?

normal milk production = 750-1000 mL/day

Thrush during BF

painful for mother & baby.
may be visible or may not (whiteness that can’t be wiped off)
-mother will have itchy, flaky, shiny skin
-candida not found inside the ducts or milk

Treatment of candida on breast

-nystatin first line
-flucanizole second line
-throw out all yeast vectors (pacifiers sterilize breast pumps)
-flucanazole oral capsules may be used to clean yeast vectors due to the biofilm created on pacifiers by candida

What to do if antifungal treatment for yeast doesn’t work?

Not candida infection!

Reynaud’s Phenomenon

-vasospasm of nipple, recognized by triple color sign: from white–> blue–> raspberry or bicolor sign white –> raspberry.
pain is extreme and spasmodic (not continuous)
-this happens after feeding once baby’s mouth comes off nipple has vasospasm, feels like frostbite

treatment of reynauds

-prevent/decrease cold exposure
-avoid vasoconstrictive drugs such as caffeine and hypertensive drugs, nicotine
-can use nifedipine or calcium channel blocker

Nipple pain and poor milk transfer that is persistent despite optimal latch

-can use nipple shield as a test to see if baby exerting too much pressure?
-OT involvement
-in rare cases baby have a strong sucking vacuum as measured by a pressure transducer or nipple shield


Palpable lumps of milk within the lumen or duct system, usually not visible. Solids dont get absorbed…could be too tight of a bra slowing flow of milk

what to do for clogs/plugs

Encourage massage using side of hand and warm compresses. Do double nursing by doubling up on side of clog to push it out. point baby’s chin toward clog
See PCP if clog hasnt moved in 24-48 hours or systemic symptoms of inflammation (flu like s/s)

When to call PCP for clog/plug

If plug hasn’t moved in 24-48 hrs or systemic signs of inflammation (flu like s/s)

Causes of clogs/plug

too tight nursing bra

what is a bleb

small white spots on the face of the nipple that look like milk-filled blisters. one duct opening is usually covered

what does a bleb feel like

painful stabbing pinpoint pain

how to get rid of blebs

Same as clog treatment. Sometimes need t be lanced by HCP

Common mastitis

-can be non-infective or infective
-blocked ducts from engorgment, hurried feedings, nipple shield (pressure will build until milk sneaks out of space, body reacts to this like invader)

causes of common mastitis

-tight bra (look for indentation of breast straps)
-use of breast shell or nipple shell
-attachment difficulties
-anemia in the mother
-tongue tie in baby (ineffective milk emptying)

s/s common mastitis

systemic- fever, ill, malaise, redness, pain, one inflamed breast

What bacteria causes infective mastitis


tx common mastitis

NSAIDS first line but make sure diagnosed by PCP
-must keep pumping/breastfeeding to keep milk flowing. keeps breasts soft/comfortable to avoid abscess development

Abscess on breast

Localized areas of pus and necrotic tissue that can develop with a breast infection

•Can develop in the subcutaneous, intramammary, retromammarylayers
•Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, fever, increased WBC count, palpable mass
-pocket of pus forms in the breast
-from untreated mastitis

Antibiotics for mastitis?

Usually for double mastitis, not generally proscribed for one breast common mastitis. If treatment uneffective consider anemia, ductal or inflammatory breast cancer

Double mastitis

EMERGENT AND UNCOMMON- tissue of both breasts inflamed.

organism cause of double mastitis

strep -potentially fatal, whole body inflammation, sepsis
-not a problem with milk

signs of inflammatory breast cancer

– breast tissue is red, warm, has orange peel (peau d’orange), pitting appearance on skin surface
– breast mass may or may not be present

True/false: MRSA can look like mastitis when on breast

TRUE can masquerade as mastitis. might see peeling skin, pitting. can also cause lesions and abscess.

Abscess on breast is full of …

PUS not MILK. as many as 60% positive for MRSA.

can you nurse on same side as abscess

No should nurse on other breast. must be aware of possible contamination on flanges, pump parts, can not track infection from one side to other.

abscess surgical intervention

can cut through nerves and ducts. try to avoid surgical intervention

treatment of abscess

drainage through ultrasound-guided technique is first choice (needle aspiration often has to be repeated)

Report any suspicious area of the breast to a qualified provider because it could be…

MRSA or herpes- fatal for babies

Goldsmith’s sign

The association of a baby’s persistent refusal of one breast with possible breast cancer in the mother
-can also happen suddenly with older babies
-rule out common problems such as ear infection, teething, birth trauma
-CA may be diagnosed as late as 5 yrs after this sign

Neonatal hypoglycemia

-symptomatic infants = glucose of 40 requires per APP
-dextrose & BF = first line tx
-SGA, LGA, diabetic moms, late preterm infants at gretest risk

Signs of neonatal hypoglycemia

• Jitteriness, tremors
• Poor muscle tone
• Diaphoresis (sweating)
• Poor suck, failing to sustain latch
• Tachypnea
• Tachycardia
• Dyspnea
• Grunting
• Cyanosis
• Apnea
• Low temperature
• High-pitched cry
• Irritability
• Lethargy & poor feeding
• Seizures, coma
• No signs (some infants may be asymptomatic)

Do healthy term newborns need glucose checks


Jaundice is caused by

Unconjugated bilirubin that accumulates in blood stream of newborn because fetal-type blood cells are broken down and live and intestines too immature to excrete at fast pace.

Pathologic jaundice

Result of an underlying disease appearing before 24 hours (or persistent after day 7)
-due to sepsis, blood incompatibility

Bhutani curve

Chart that can be used to determine when bilirubin levels require treatment

Early onset jaundice

“Physiological” or “starvation” jaundice
Peaks 72-96h after delivery
Frequently related to underfeeding
“lack of breastfeeding” jaundice

Late onset jaundice

develops second week of life
infant thriving, gaining wt, stooling
pathologic causes ruled out
factor in human milk increases the intestinal absorption of bilirubin
-often called breastmilk jaundice actually related to metabolic issues with infant
-do not discontinue breastfeeding, can persist for 12 weeks


Bilirubin encephalopathy, a form of brain damage resulting from unconjugated bilirubin entering the brain. Characterized by lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting, irregular respiration, perhaps death
-can damage brain, spinal cord and nerve cells.

warning signs of kernicterus

extreme jaundice (advancing from upper body to lower body), lethargy, fussiness, feeding difficulties, muscle rigidity, high pitched cry
-fewer than 4 wet or dirty diapers/24 hrs

can skin to skin help a latch?

yes- influences state organization and motor system modulation, can help with difficulty latching and sustaining a feed

skin to skin with twins- each breast…

warms up depending on the temperature of each baby closest to breast

preemies/skin to skin

decreased time of nicu stay, improved weight gain, more mature sleep patterns, improved cerebral blood flow, warmer/more stable, better breastfeeding

Negative influences on milk production

Long spaced between feedings
Long, slow feedings-can effect prolactin production
Excessive pressure in breast
Breast surgery/injury
Suboptimal breast anatomy

Why does pressure occur in breast?

Vascular, lymphatic, and third-spacing forces, especially early on
Sensory activation- lactogenesis II

Normal fullness vs engorgement

Normal fullness= breast soft, body temp normal, mother feels well, breast may be hot, baby can grasp nipple
Engorgment = hard breast, temp normal or higher, feels discomfort, breast hot & shiny, nipple difficult to grasp, baby can’t latch

When do engorgment symptoms most commonly occur?

In days 3-5
Mothers who have had IV fluids in labor have higher levels of swelling up to day 9
C-section moms experience peak engorgement 24-48 hours later than those who deliver vaginally

What can decrease risk of engorgement early on?

More time spent BF in the first 48 hours

How does engorgement work

Pressure builds up inside of the breast- as pressure increases, milk production decreases, nature’s early lactation dry up mechanism
-failure to resolve symptomatic engorgement may have negative impact on continued adequate milk supply

What causes pressure to build up in breast

-lactogenesis II (Secretory activation)
-too much milk left in breast
-missed feedings
-restrictive bras and clothing
-breast implants (storage capacity reduction= greater incidence of lactation insuffiency)

Why is breast surgery/injury a concern for BF?

-damage to nerves/ducts may not be patent
-peri-areolar incision extends all around areola, look for defined margin where color changes from areola to breast.

Types of breast reduction

-free nipple graft
-pedicle (women who underwent breast reduction surgery had shorter time of exclusive/any BF)
-chest masculinization “top” surgery

Supporting chest feeding

-restarting testosterone and binding were common concerns
-care providers should communicate an understanding of gender dysphoria and transgender identities in order to build trust and provide transgender competent care

Counseling implications after breast surgery

-likelihood of full breastfeeding is unknown
-hormonal exposure of pregnancy and lactation may mitigate some effects of surgery
-assessment and close follow up are the keys
-assure adequate nutrition for the infant
-determine innervation/sensation

Anatomical concerns for BF

-absence of breast changes (in pregnancy or early days postpartum)
-no postpartum breast fullness or signs of abundant milk production
-hypoplastic breasts
-discrepant breast size
-one implant may indicate that were was a discrepant breast size

When counseling moms with breast surgery- ask yourself

Are ducts patent?
Are nipple pores patent?
Are there signs of hormonal connection?
Are there concerns about weight gain of baby?
Is there adequate pediatric supervision?

With flat or inverted nipples- consider if the hormones are functioning optimally

Prolactin is secreted by nipple stroking
Oxytocin is secreted by nipple stretching

How does nipple change during a BF?

Nipple stretches 1-2 times length, then stable in length. Expands in diameter into the open mouth to accommodate optimal milk flow. Nipple compresses during swallow

Inverted nipple counseling implications

-babeis don’t need nipple to latch, must form “teat”
-may evert during pregnancy or postpartum
-flat nipples always evert during suckling
-both may evert from stimulation (cold, sex, finger)
-ask if and when nipple everts
-look over shoulder just after feeding for nipple eversion and compare to pre-feed nipple
-if not seen, intensive follow up
-consider expressure, assure adequate nutrition

Grade I Inverted NIpple

Easily pulled out by pump or infant nursing

Grade 2 Inverted Nipple

can be pulled out but doesn’t maintain projection

Grade 3 Inverted Nipple

Difficult or impossible to pull out

How to classify inverted nipples

It’s about function during feeding, not how the nipple looks at rest
-grade 1 & 2 go back in rapidly
-grade 3 inverted nipple, before & after are the same

Women with uncorrected Grade 3 inverted nipples had…

lower prolactin levels and therefore less milk

Does prenatal nipple prep help improve inverted nipples?


Iron deficiency anemia/milk production

-can be physiologic (poor oxygen to milk making cells)
-due to exhaustion or depression altering parents coping behavior
-more than 20% PP women have IDA
-can decrease milk supply

Sheehans syndrome/milk supply

Hemorrhage can result in anemia & sheehans syndrome
-pituitary deprived of blood and its funcitons are impaired–> can happen when PP hemorrhage is well managed
-symptoms; Low BP, anemia, fatigue, profound hair loss, dry dull hair
-can have low grade or transient sheehan-like symptoms that resolve fully or partially

Thyroid imbalance/milk supply

Maternal obesity/overweight/milk supply

First 7 days = delay n lactogenesis II, increased odds of early weaning but increased supply = increased BF duration and intensity


Breastfeeding helps lower DM odds after GDM

PCOS/milk supply

excess insulin = increased production of androgens = problems with ovulation and lactation
-some studies show metformin can help
-greater risk for insufficient milk
-1/3 have oversupply

Drugs/milk supply

-psueoephedrine decreases milk supply by decreasing prolactin
-corticosteroids cause temporary suspension of lactation
-corticosteroids include betamethasone


-smoking mothers make less milk
-smoking mothers may have lower prolactin levels
-women who smoke more wean earlier
-smoking and nursing may result in babies who nap less
-quitting smoking during pregnancy is significantly associated with reduced risk of premature birth
-support to quit smoking should help to prolong breastfeeding duration, especially those most at risk for not exclusively breastfeeding
-breastfeeding may mitigate adverse effects of smoking during pregnancy on the child’s cognitive development
-encourage breastfeeding, protect from 2nd hand smoke

Nicotine patches & BF

should only be used upon approval from PCP

cadmium exposure

-affects kidneys, liver, lungs, nerves as well as other body systems. cigarettes have cadmium


22% of cases related to maternal smoking during pregnancy

Electronic cigarettes

-understudied but transfer of nicotine is minimal


exposure of infant to any passive smoke is concern.
-no safe threshold limit for cannabis use in pregnancy
-increased risk of preterm birth/LBW
-high fat solubility of cannabinoids more difficult to analyze in breastmilk, THC more measurable in milk ~6 days after maternal marijuana use

Retained placental fragments

Lactogenesis stage II happens only after the dramatic fall of progesteromne that happens with the complete delivery of placenta. Stage I lactogenesis occurs during pregnancy.

Nursing during pregnancy

-safe for those not at risk for premature delivery

Tandem nursing

-nursing two babies not from same pregnacny
-feed newborn first and frequently
-find time for non-nursing interactions with older babies
-milk volume increases faster but less engorgment is experienced with 2 nurslings
-may require specific teaching to manage faster flow
-help parents respond to different needs of each child


-pacifier use may be an indicator that parent needs extra BF teaching
is it used because of…sore nipples? hunger? cryign? sleep problems?
AAP says consider pacifier use at naptime and bedtime, for BF infants, delay pacifier introduction until BF has been firmly established


-have earlier hospital d/c
-reduced time to establish oral feeds/reach full feeds
-tube fed babies gain wt faster and improved physiologic/behavioral responses

Why did 1 oz/day formula lead to giving up BF?

did not call for help, they gave bottle first
-lacked confidence in milk supply, baby getting enough, BF in general


women are more likely to wean early with PPD or depression during pregnancy
-early cessation of BF or not BF associated with increased risk of maternal PPD
-negative experience w/ BF support = higher risk of PP depression
-Mothers with high EPDS score more likely to d/c BF in 4-12 wks, unsatisfied w/ feeding method, more BF problems, lower levels of confience
-negatively early BF experiences = more likely to have depressive symptoms at 2 months

BF discontinuation at 2 wks associated with…

lack of confidence to BF on day 1 or 2.

Counseling implications: fear about milk supply

-avoid giving inappropriate reassurance, gather facts and refer as needed per scope
-undertake complete eval & history & feeding assessment before coming to conclusions- low milk supply rarely has 1 cause
-provide adequate postpartum support: real/perceived cases of insufficient milk
-establish community wide system eliminating the zone of professional unavailability especially days 3-7

Mammal species with high fat/protein and low water content…

have infrequent feedings

mammal species with higher water content

have frequent feeds. HUMAN.

All mammal milk contains…


the most rapidly developing organ in human newborns is the…

brain. human milk ideal for brain growth

lactogenesis I

last trimester, limited milk production, produces colostrum. from placental hormones

lactogenesis II

Rapid increase in volume increases due to rapid drop in progesterone. Milk production switches from endocrine to autocrine control. Day 3 and 8 postpartum.
occurs after complete delivery of placenta. “transitional milk”

lactogenesis III

Maintenance stage of milk production. Controlled by the autocrine system (supply and demand).
prolactin from frequent nipple stimulation & frequent removal of milk maintains milk production “mature milk”

preterm milk

has different composition for first 5-7 weeks after delivery (independent of gestational age). higher in protein, fat and electrolytes vs mature milk. SGA, LGA, AGA does not make difference in milk composition

moms who have been lactating >1 yr

increased fat and energy content


milk at beginning of feed

hind milk

milk at end of feed

Breastmilk composition changes

-over the course of lactation
-within the day
-within the feding
-also can be changed by the way it is taken

maximum fat levels in breastmilk were obtained…

30 minutes post-feed.

bioavailability of nutritients

higher in human milk than in other foods or supplements (iron, zinc)

Most readily acknowledged advantage of BF

less diarrhea

how breastfeeding protects gut from diarrhea

-pH of gut in breastfed babies is more acidic while formula more basic
-low iron in gut = due to low iron content in human milk
-prescence of bifidus factor in human milk promotes presence of lactobacillus bifidus that maintains low PH and crowds out pathogenic organisms
-presence of hormones, hormone like factors and growth factors stimulate growth and development of GI tract such as prolactin, GI hormones, epidermal growth factor, and prostaglandins
-antimicrobial boosters such as fibronectin and gamma interferon


Antibody that binds to microbes in baby’s intestinal tract and prevents them from being absorbed by the rest of the body. Mother’s IgA can protect against development of NEC in preterm infants . Protects against diarrhea

how milk protects against NEC

maternal IGA shapes the host microbiota relationship of preterm neonates and that IGa in maternal milk is a critical and necessary factor for prevention of NEC

B12 binding factor

reduces amount of B12 in intestines available to microbes. protects against diarrhea

lactoferrin in milk

deprives bacteria of iron, disrupts integrity of outer membrane of bacteria, assists in intestinal maturation and in the recovery of the intestine from injury and other mechanisms (protects against diarrhea)

microbes transferred from mother’s skin and in breastmilk…

help to develop infant gut microbiome. there is translocation from mother’s intestine into her milk

when mother is exposed to organisms…

she makes antibodies and secretes them into her milk

cells from baby’s mouth goes into the breast….and

antibodies are made in the breast

breastfeeding changes both immune systems. T/F


gastrin and cholecytokinin promote…

glucose induced insulin release and growth promoting effects in the gut


inhibits GI secretions, inhibits motility in the GI tract and release of most GI hormones. Inhibtits secretion of HGH from the pituitary and inhibits cellular growth and proliferation in the gut

what increases gastrin and decreases somatostatin in babies?

-sucking babies have touch receptors in their mouth that responds to sucking starting at 27 weeks
-species specific milk
-decreased stress

adult GI hormones are impacted by…

suckling. when baby suckles, her gastrin and cholecystokinin goes up. this increases efficiency of insulin and increases storage of ingested nutrients.

pregnancy causes increased risk for type 2 diabetes in mom…BUT breastfeeding

can offset this risk

compared with women who have not had children, childbearing women who do not breastfeed have a ___ increased risk of T2DM in later life


AAP states that weight loss in infant greater than ___ from birth weight indicates possible breastfeeding problems and may require more intensive evaluation of BF & possible intervention to correct problems….by day 5: assess feeding and consider more frequent follo w up


by 2 weeks at the latest, baby weigh….

their birth weight

infants lose more weight in first postpartum days…

when labor meds are used
when more intrapartum fluids have been given
when there was no labor prior to c-section

fewer than 4 soiled diapers on day 4 with delayed onset of lactation…

may indicate breastfeeding inadequacy

a sleepy baby

is not a well fed baby

hypernatremia is a common complication of…

inadequate milk transfer during breastfeeding in the US

pediatrician visits for breastfeeding newborn infants

-should be seen at 3-5 days of age which is within 48-72 hours of discharge from a hospital
-evaluate hydration through elimination patterns
-evaluate body wt gain (wt loss no more than 7% from birth and no further weight loss by day 5)
-discuss maternal/infant issues
-observe feeding

Does it make a difference if a BF mom is undernourished?

-no difference in growth of babies BUT
-infants of undernourished mothers may not receive the extra care and stimulation needed…duration of exclusive BF higher in increased energy group

do size of the breasts relate to amount of milk

proportion of glandular and fat tissue and number and size of ducts not related to milk production

is not getting enough fluids related to amount of milk produced

No- drink when thirsty

maternal exercise/BF

-not related to infant weight gain or growth. rest is not associated with increased milk production

fatigue can…

be a symptom of underlying medical problem that is affecting milk supply

Increased worry/stress & milk production

does not directly diminish milk supply but may alter behavior which alters supply. BF moms may perceive less stress

compared to formula feeding mothers…BF mothers have

-more positive moods
-report more positive events
-perceive less stress

stress + male hormones

fight or flight

stress + oxytocin + female hormones =

tend and befriend

lactation has a lower energy cost for humans compared to..

other animals

GI hormones during BF mom and baby

when infant suckles, 19 different GI hormones in both mother and infant including cholecystokin cyckles to kidneys and gastin stimulates growth of both baby’s and mom’s villi which increases surface area and absorption of calories with each feeding

how do humans make milk with low amount of energy

-maternal plasma prolactin concentration increases under condition of negative energy balance, which protects lactation
-changes in maternal processes spares energy
-low cost of human lactation
-large fat reserves from pregnancy

how do we assure adequate milk supply

-universal understanding of how BF works
-early initiation of adequate BF (10-12x daily)
-appropriate BF assessment
-improved and early BF support to decrease lactastophes
-appropriate primary care and lactation follow up postpartum

when was breastfeeding recognized as a public health priority in US since…


first 1000 days campaign

worldwide, includes breastfeeding

women who do not breastfeed are at risk for what other diseases?

myocardial infarction and aspects of metabolic syndrome

nursing a baby a year or more can decrease risk by 10-15% for…

hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease

what cancers are women who do not breastfeed at greater risk for?

breast, endometrial, ovarian

WHO & Unicef 3 strategies for breastfeeding

promotion, protection, support

breastfeeding promotion

focuses on advantages of breastfeeding on a personal, community, country or global level

breastfeeding protection

focuses on government, manufacturer and social responsibility to assure breastfeeding’s ability to compete with commercial interests. includes improper marketing practices as described by the international code

The international code for breastfeeding

breastfeeding protecting in US

state and local breastfeeding legislation addresses breastfeeding in public, employment issues, jury duty, family law, mothers in prison, etc

breastfeeding support

focuses on the interaction of helpers with family as well as program development and implementation

10 steps for successful breastfeeding

form basis of baby friendly hospital

why is breastfeeding so difficult that mothers need help? top two reasons:

1) unrealistic expectations (lack of preparation for what the newborn period would look like)
2) lack of timely interventions (mother’s problems at 3-7 days posed the greatest risk to stopping, fastest drop off is in the 10 days following d/c from hospital)

The international code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes

international health policy that regulates the marketing of breastmilk substitutes in order to protect breastfeeding. published by WHO and internationally agreed voluntary code of practice.

The Code

regulates marketing of breastmilk substitutes which includes infant formulas, feeding bottles and teats
-sets standards for labeling and quality of products and how the law should be implemented and monitored within countries\
-helps to make sure parents choices are made based on full information vs false marketing claims

What contributes to low rates of EBF globally?

Caregiver and societal beliefs favoring mixed feeding, hospital and healthcare practicies and policies that are not supportive of BF, lack of adequate skills and support, aggressive promotion of infant formula and other breastmilk substitutes, inadequate maternity/paternity leave legislation, workplace policies, lack of knowledge about dangers of not exclusively BF and proper BF techniques

how to support EBF

increase hospital and health systrem capacity regardign baby friendly hospital initiative
-provide community based strategies including campaigns tailored to local context
-strengthen monitoring and enforcement of the code
-enact at least 6 months paid maternity leave
-invest in training and capacity building in protection, promotion, support

Racial disparities in US & breast feeding

Black mothers less likely to breastfeed due to hospital in neighborhoods with black residents do less to promote nursing than those in areas with more white residents -systemic racism

Healthy People 2020 added BF targets

worksite lactation programs, reduce percentage of BF infants who receive formula before DOL2

The US report card on how we are doing on the innocenti declaration is prepared by the

Healthy Children Project

Messages from the breast travel through the ____ to the brain

nervous system

Hormones travel to the breast via the ___


Glandular tissue is made up of..

clusters of alveoli and small ducts

2 separate hormone pathways

-the pituitary gland is important to both

Prolactin levels go down

in between nurses

Prolactin rises

during nursing

Prolactin is more responsive in..

post partum women

Ongoing milk production is positively associated with suckling within the first ___ hours after birth


infants who suckled during the first two hours ingested more or less milk on day 4 than those had not

more milk

mothers of preemie- milk expression should be initiated ____

before 1 hour, results in significantly more milk when measured on day 7 and 42

conditioned milk ejection reflex

“Let down” conditioned over time and lasts a lifetime. faster for women who have previously breastfed. to condition = smell, touch, hear stimulus

oxytocin release mechanisms

nipple stretching, which happens with a proper latch


baby hand massage, each hand movement releases oxytocin

Hormones & emotional/behavioral funtion

aggression, protection, bonding & trust

Human milk and sepsis in NICU

for every 10 MKD of breastmilk the odds of sepsis decreased by 19%

breastmilk and development preemies

predominant breast milk in first 28 days associated with greater nuclear gray matter volume at term equivalent age
-faster brainstem maturation
-decreased NEC and mortality
-human milk = 1.3 % NEC pre term formula = 11.1%
-more rapid maturation in intestinal barrier function

breastmilk and preterm babies coordination

-have better suck swallow coordination and oxygenation vs bottle feeds

down syndrome/BF

-low tone (cues may be hard to spot)
-depressed reflexes (hard to latch on)- gape
-hypotonic perioral muscles, weak suck (enough to decrease mom’s supply- piston, ratio, sustain
-deficiency in the smooth tongue movement (overwhelming amounts of milk may cause sputtering)
-skeletal abnormalities of the mouth and skull will decrease volume of the oral cavity
-significant improved development in the sucking behavior over time is possible
-tongue may look large due to low tone- space inside mouth is smaller

helpful corrective interventions for positioning babies with difficulty sustaining a feed

individualize positions to help baby to assure maximum tone “dancer technique”
-provide sensory input to the mouth and muscle toning exercises if appropriate
-individualize hand hold to connect baby to breast

Cleft palate/BF

-longer duration of BF reduced otitis media in babies with clefts
-clefts in lip and palate challenges w/ BF: make seal, create vacuum and sustain the feed
-alternative massage helps to drive milk down breast to infant

Expression within _____ of birth creates the highest milk volume through week 8

1 hr

Hand expressed milk is ______ compared to pumped milk

highest in calories. More effective than pumping post-birth, oxytocin helps this, and hand expression helps collect higher-fat milk

early hand expression with later addition of pump expression yielded milk that….

exceeded norms for fat and energy

using pump/hand expression for supply:

-need ongoing support person or professional oversight
-use 2 flanges to pump milk @ same time (double stimulation)
-express in proximity to the infant for higher milk volume
-collecting milk on one breast when nursing on the other is an effective strategy
-guided imagery can increase amount via breast pump (water dripping can also help)
-power pumping for a day or two may also help to increase volume –adequate frequency of stimulation plus try 5 min, pause 5 min, try 5 min, pause etc


substances believed to increase milk production
-prescribing drugs and herbal remedies is not within the scope of practice for any LCPs unless they are legally prescribers

Recommending herbs is…

prescribing and not part of scope of CLC


-may cause reduced absorption of all medications used concurrently
-worsens asthma, diarrhea, maple smelling urine
-cross reaction possible if allergy to chickpeas, peanuts, legumes
-concerns about decrease in blood coagulation and decreased serum glucose
-after 21 days of fenugreek- no statistical difference in prolactin levels or milk volume


-did not improve breastmilk volume or duration of BF in mothers pumping for preemies


-not approved for use in US
-no improvement in long term outcomes of BF

No direct correlation has been demonstrated between artificially increasing baseline prolactin & long term BF success T/F



-follows pregnancy, not necessarily BF
-ability to produce milk
-baby’s willingness to milk
-length of time it will take to produce milk
-good strategy for emergencies
-possible for transgender women
-lots of time and effort
-almost never results in full milk supply
-works best when focus should be on experience and relationship rather than amount of milk
-whether use will be long term
-family preference
-whether enhances development of BF
-safety and efficacy of device
-expertise of healthcare staff to help with plan
-parent’s ability to use device safely

rather than looking for magic bullet to increase milk, we should assess

all aspects of comprehensive risk assessment tool
-how often baby is being fed and what is being fed
-whether there is milk expression
-how effective feeding/expressing is
-how much milk baby needs vs getting
-how much milk is being transferred at breast (observe feeding w/ pre/post weight checks)
-need for comprehensive pediatric and maternal medical eval

guiding principles of BF

-milk removal is needed n order to make milk
-infant requires nourishment to remove milk (energy to feed)

-when thinking about supplemental feeder device:

-cost and availability
-ease and use of cleaning
-stress to infant of feeding method
-whether milkv olume can be fed in 20-30 min or less (Ideal feeding = 20 min or less)

things to consider for bottle feeding

-healthy babies fed at breast only are more likely to be BF at 6 months
-breastfeeding support should be offered in NICU before bottles
-babies who are bottle fed are 2 x more likely to empty the cup or bottle in later infnacy than those who are fed directly at breast- bottle feeding may alter self regulation of intake, contributing to later obesity


-results in less increased HR
-beter oxygenation
-ability for infant to pace own feeding
-more likely to be fully BF on discharge home
-preferred supplementation of WHO/UNICEF

the more supplements use…

the less duration of BF

separation due to work or school

– reexamine individual POV
-assure support 2-3 weeks before return to work or school
-focus on helping with BF 1 wk after d/c
-make support for parents available in workplace/school
-expecting to work in 1st year after baby’s birth does not impact whether or not BF is initiated
-planning to go to work may negatively influence the intention to exclusively BF
-returning to work before 3 months may reduce mother’s ability to BF by at least 3 months

timing of returning to work and ending BF….

are closely linked

2010 healthcare reform ACA act

workplace BF law
-amendment to fair labor standards act; requires employers to provide breakt ime for an employee to express breastmilk for 1 year after the child’s birth
-must be private place other than a bathroom and is shielded from view and free from intrusion by coworkers and public
-only 40% of employed women had access to these things

breastfeeding friendly workplaces

-breaktime for nursing mothers form US dept of labor
-business case for breastfeeding from

only about half of working women ijn the US are…

covered by Family medical leave act

Staying home with baby

-paid maternity leave could improve BF rate at 6 months

healthy inter-pregnancy interval

after a lvie birth, recommended interval before attempting the next pregnancy is at least 24 months in order to reduce risk of adverse maternal, perinatal and infant outcomes

lactation amenorrhea method

-is the baby younger than 6 months, is there food or suckling except at breast, has menses returned?

return of menstruation

-difficult to predict timing
-ovulation first?
-decreased supply?

women who used combined oral contraceptives vs progestin only were ____ likely to continue breastfeeding for 4 months

least likely

women who used contraceptive hormones were more likely to report concerns about ___ especially around the time of starting them

milk supply

what is considered ok for contraceptives & BF?

barrier and natural family planning methods
progestin only –> when to start is contraversial, with deproprovera must wait 6 months
-pills (Oral contraceptives)

the most modifiable risk factors for child allergy are:

-maternal smoking
-type of infant feeding
-c-section (vagina exposes baby to microbiome)
-consumption of allergenic foods in pregnancy reduces allergy and asthma in kids

Foods eaten with BF

-cow’s milk whey is only substance consistently shown to bother some babies with colic symptoms
-rectal bleeding may occur even in exclusively BF infants (proctocolitis)
-cows milk protein allergy may play a role in the pathogenesis of proctocolitis–> exclude offending protein from mother’s diet
-resolution of visible rectal bleeding took place within 72-96 hours although most took a week
-women on milk free diets should be referred for dietetic counseling (need to support calcium needs)

fetal calcium demand is met by….

increased intestinal absorption during pregnancy

regardless of amount of calcium in diet, breastmilk calcium is met by _____

renal calcium conservation and loss of bone (which is recovered post-lactation
-3-9% bone density decrease during lactation

estrogen levels increase…

during weaning…the way bone mineralization increases in adolescent girls as estrogen levels increase. -body adapts positively to lactation

children are acculturated to the taste of their native foods through…

breastfeeding . longer duration of BF = higher food variety at 3 yrs


-does not directly relate to amount of caffeine in milk
-caffeine may accumulate in premature and very newborn infants
-during pregnancy and nursing has no consequence on infant sleep
-coffee consumptin is not associated with duration of exclusive BF


-oxytocin levels significantly decreased but prolactin levels increased
-in another study alcohol blocks release of oxytocin
-babies may not like the taste
-alcohol = water soluble, passes in and out of milk as BAC increases, NOT trapped in milk (pumping/dumping does not remove alc)
-no more than 0.5 g of alohol per kg of body wt/day
-130 lb woman = 8 oz table wine or 2 cans beer

environmental contaminants

-breastmilk often studies for those because it is easily accessible and rich in fats
-specific populations at risk (occupational, agricultural)
-toxic exposure to infant occurs in utero and minimally though milk
-BF should be universally encouraged and environment cleaned up

Hierarchy of Infant feeding choices for the Term Baby

1) baby at mom’s breast
2) mother’s own expressed milk
3) milk from state licensed milk bank
4) cow milk formula
5) soy formula


-pumping along with lack of breast/mouth contact influences milk microbiota
-if multi-user must be used with kits specified by manufacturer
-2/3 of breast pump users reported problems with their breast pump
-care providers and consumers can report damage or injury to FDA

hospital distribution of breast pumps…getting a pump was associated with …

decreased odds of BF around 10 weeks

distribution of free pumps by WIC…

not associated with increased rates of EBF

lower cost pumps and hand expression may be as effective or more effective than…

large electric pumps

hand expression

cleanest way to collect milk
-hand washing and clean container is all that is needed

milk storage and handling

-human milk storage information for home use for full-term infants
-milk is raw food, must be handled with care
-heat little or not at all to preserve immune properties and nutrients

banked donor milk is

-preventive: reduces long term morbidity
-reduces mortality
-decreases NEC
-cost effective in some cases
-safety guaranteed by donor screening: history, serology, bacterology, heat treatment/pasteurization

heat treatment/donor milk

does not destroy all beneficial components (milk from HMBANA retains avg of 90% of active properties)
-donor milk can be personalized with addition of small amount of mom’s milk

a majority of US babies receive infant formula in first 6 months of life T/F


What causes formula supplementation to happen societally?

-unpaid maternity leave
-unequal pay
-maternal morbidity and mrtality
-lack of universal counseling for bF, health care inequities

Formula safety

-frequently recalled
-contaminated in the collection or manufacturing process and/or in the home
-clostridia found in 78% of samples
-cronobacter sakazakii

other routes of contamination/formula feeding

-water used to dilute formula
-additives such as melamine
-bottles: improper cleaning, BPA in plastic bottles
-bottle nipples (Teats)

Recommendations for preparing powdered infant formula

-mix PIF with water heated to a temperature of at least 70 degrees celsius/158 degreees F to kill enterobacter sakazakii
-formula made with hot water needs to be cooled quickly to body temp if being fed immediately
-if formula not being fed immediately, refrigerate it right away and keep refrigerated until feeding

reflux may be associated with…

cow’s milk allergy in infants less than 1 yr of age


-easily identified childhood problem that has no identified treatment guidelines
-colic not associated with GERD
-had more than double the abundance of proteobacteria whereas bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were increased in control infants

anaphylaxis to cow’s milk or cows milk formula

possible but rare
-feeding with cows milk formula may also provoke allergy in those at risk

feeding with soy formula

-not recommended for the prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at high risk for allergy
-reemerging concerns about estrogenic effects

33-50% of infants undergo formula change within the…

first 6 months of life
-focus on helping families build skill in coping with uncomfortable babies

FDA 2014- formula

sets standards for manufacturers including required testing for harmful pathogens such as salmonella and cronobacter, must also demonstrate that formulas support normal physical growth. must also test for nutrient content in final product stage, before entering market and at end of shelf life

Goats milk

-electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidsosis, folate deficiency, specific and non-specific antigenicity

scurvy is a new and severe complication of..

improper use of almond drinks in first year

Until fall 2000…NCHS growth charts were based on growth of babies from …

1928-1978 without reference to how they were fed

WHO released study in 2006 which makes exclusively BF babies…

the growth standard

in 2010 CDC recommended that the WHO growth standards

be used for all kids under 2 yrs

the weight gain patterns of formula fed babies after 2 months may be due to…

-production of insulin that does not move glucose into cells
-receptor sites on cells blocked by fat? so function of insulin to move glucose out of blood and into cells can’t occur efficiently
-excess insulin causes baby to lay down fat
-cells send out repeat signals to secrete more insulin because of lack of glucose in cells

breastfeeding is a significant protector against ___ in children


gut microbiota may play a part in ___

childhood obesity. breastfed babies have unique profile

CDC’s obesity prevention plan for childhood

1) breastfeeding
2) diet rich in fruit/veggies
3) physical activity

contraindications to feeding of BM (infant)

Galactosemia. rapidly fatal if lactose is not completely removed from infant’s diet

maternal contraindications to BF

using illicit street drugs such as PCP, cocaine
-ebola (suspected or confirmed)

mother should temporarily not BF or give EBM if:

infected with untreated brucellosis
taking certain meds
active HSV infection with lesions present on breast
undergoing diagnostic imaging with radiopharmaceuticals
-must consult w/ MD to ensure BM is safe


mother can breastfeed directly from the unaffected breast if lesions on the affected breast are covered completely to avoid transmission

NO BF, but CAN feed expressed breast milk if w/ TUBERCULOSIS

-untreated active tuberculosis
-mother may resume breastfeeding once she has been treated appropriately for 2 weeks and is documented to be no longer contagious
-airborne and contact precautions may require temporary separation of mother and infant, during which time expressed breast milk should be given to the infant by another care provider
-can BF once no longer spreading infection
-give LC support to help maintain milk production while not BF and how to express milk

No BF but can feed EBM w/ CHICKEN POX

-active varicella infection that developed within 5 days prior to delivery to 2 days following delivery

deep sleep

don’t attempt feeding. arms heavy, not much movement, do not try to wake

light sleep – REM

happens about every 27-30 min during sleep–> head may move side to side but best state to start breastfeeding

quiet alert

still body, fixed eye focus, great time to bF

active alert

can become frustrated fast


change in state is needed before attempting feeding. crying raises cortisol levels, not good for babies hearts

other states:

growing restlnessness with hand to mouth activities
open eyed with rooting

sleep wake cycles in first hours

all babies had at least one hour awake time after birth
after first hour wakefullness varies

feeding cues: most common first behavior

1) rooting then usually hand to mouth movements

when do babies show more feeding cues

when they are close to source of milk

when cues are missed or state is not optimal…

infants fret or sleep at breast. when baby optimal state for learning and feeding, baby will have long periods of concentration, usually during REM and quiet/alert

solution to missing feeding cues

skin to skin and reteach feeding cues

tummy to mummy
nose to nips
flex the hips
to open the lips

sidelying vs laid back BF for c-section moms

no significant difference in BF outcomes, but ease of positioning, comfort and breastfeeding for longer periods in the side lying group

Rhythm of BF has to do with…

if there is enough milk in back of throat to swallow

how to bF

1) line up nose to nipple, move baby back an inch or two allowing head to tilt
2) baby should gape
3) baby moved towards breast, head tilts back
a hand should not be on back of head
4) bottom lip and chin reach the breast first
5) nipple will align w/ upper half o mouth when baby is latched optimally, there is more of the lower part of the breast drawn in
6) nose and chin should be close to breast
-angle at corner of mouth at least 140 degrees
7) both lips should optimally seal. make sure in “rose sniffing” position to allow jaw to drop
8) cheek line should optimally be rounded and not broken or dimpled
9)during feeding, a cheek should stay round full
10) bursts of 1:1 or 2:1 in an irregular pattern = nutritive suck
11) baby off center = asymmetrical latch, more of lower breast in mouth
12) rocker motion is optimal
12) baby ends feeding with hands relaxed

more of the areola should be seen…

on the top part of the breast. the lower part of the breast should be drawn in. = asymmetric latch

baby’s tongue takes up..

half the mouth which is why it is important to have a wide angle to allow for room for the nipple to stretch in top half of mouth

nutritive suck

bursts of 1:1 or 2:1 in an irregular pattern
rocker motion= back and forth jaw

piston motion

not optimal not nutritive. lots of sucks no swallow

should not see 6:1 suck swallow ratio…

post 1st week of breastfeeding

make sure legs are well supported because

babies dont like feet dangling, eat better with hips flexed
with laid back posture hips automatically flexed
football position also works well because feet are supported by chair

what to teach pregnant moms about bf

importance of exclusive breastfeeding
RISK REDUCTION, not prevention of diseases. while breastfeeding reduces disease risk in population, does not provide 100% protection from illness
postpartum community resources
frequent feeding and having enough milk
breastfeeding management such as responsive feeding, rooming in and sts

to support EBF in community need:

-interventions to be delivered in combination of settings involving health systems, home and family and community
-support needs to be avail over long period of time
-need skilled assessment when BF not working well
-available affordable culturally compeent lactation care and services

if hospital formula introduction were eliminated, the black/whote gap in breastfeeding duration could be reduced by…


Black women not only have lower rates of breastfeeding (issue starting in hospital) compared to white women, also disproportionally affected by…

triple negative (aggressive) breast cancer

-need to reduce disparities

trying to support breastfeeding by telling the family prenatally about problems…

could decrease desire to try breastfeeding

breastfeeding supports works best when (choose one option below)
A) family reaches out for help
B) when we reach out to families

B) When we reach out to families

anticipatory guidance

timely (proactive) interventions to help mothers tune into baby ages and stages

reactive support

families are expected to initiate the contact, unlikely to be effective

mothers rate social support more important than…

healthcare system support of breastfeeding

common newborn attributes

no apparent schedule to their life
frequent night feedings
frequency days may be noted if mothers have gotten off to a difficult or scheduled start or baby needs to catch up. NOT growth spurts

normal newborn expectations

10-12 feedings in a 24 hour period
several bowel movements each day from day 2-first 6 weeks (4 on day 4)
several wet diapers daily

UNICEF/national/international organizational goal for EBF

exclusive breastfeeding until 6 mo of age

other UNICEF goals for newborns

-vitamin K given after birth
-no supplementary fluoride for first 6 mo
-complementary food rich in iron and zinc around 6 mo of age
-premature infants may need oral iron supplement

breastfed infants and vitamin D

-400 IU/day beginning at hospital discharge

lower vitamin D levels may be associated with…

gest diabetes

during pregnancy., vitamin D…

passed to fetus and if stores are adequate then to baby via breastfeeding

sun is main source for…

vitamin D for humans

reproductive women need to have enough vitamin D from conception to delivery for best chance for their neonates…

to enter infancy with sufficient vitamin D

vitamin d supplementation for moms

recommended during pregnancy and lactation to improve vitamin D status
-can take up to 4000 IU /day

complementary feeding

the process of consuming other foods and liquids, along with breast milk, to meet the nutritional requirements of infants after 6 months of age
-developmentally ready to use hands to help feed (Vs 4 months old)

4-6 months of age

-may need to move to quieter place to BF
-regular naps
-separation anxiety
-night fedings?
-teething: sore nipples can heppen when baby’s saliva changes and gets new enzymes around same age as teething
-babies may nurse more or much less
-if baby is nursing less and milk is causing compression, maintain milk supply by relieving fullness
-offer cold teethers before nursing to numb mouth
-babies may also have runny noses and difficulty breathing at this tme

6-9 months

-regular naps? night feedings?
-long periods of concentration
-biting: may need to explore why? sleepy? playful? teething? watch baby closely and take off breast before biting starts calmly say no, then end feeding. -offer breast at next regular feeding

9-12 months

-stand and walk
-regular mealtimes and snack nursings
-nursing before bed and naps
-breastfeeding through first year, supports toddler energy adn growth by fostering a shared mother-infant regulation of toddler food intake
-promotes pattern of mother-child interaction during feeding that acknowledges the child’s role in regulating food intake

15 months

-part of self image: independence
-time to think up a public name for breastfeeding

after 2 yrs

In US = closet nursing
normal in other cultures “

strategies for ending breastfeeding

parent led, baby led or societally led
-parent led: choose least favorite nursing, substitute something equally good in eyes of child, watch for emotional/physical reactions, wait and repeat
baby led weaning: babies older than 12 months: stop offering to nurse and change to on request only
societal: historical way of weaning usually from 2-3 to 7 years, same for everyone, everyone knows and expects, ritual and celebration, not matter of when, but feelings about ending BF

professional role in weaning

understand difference between stopping trying to make BF work
-planned ending of BF
-unplanned ending of BG
-acknowledge emotions

nursjng strike

sudden, lots of milk not being taken out, not the end of breastfeeding but may thought to be the end
-reason for strike may be obscure but there is somethign wrong in baby’s life (stuffy nose, teething, ear infection, prefers bottle, biting/yelling, reaction to being left unattended/cry it out, family stress, separation

to end a nursing strike

-identify/resolve problem
-lots of support
-lots of skin contact
-dont force it
-avoid bottle
-offer breast to sleeping baby
-try peer pressure (being around other babies who BF)

sleeping throughout night

-regularatory problems such as crying, feeding, sleeeping co-evolve, particularly in first 4 months
-from four months of age, sleep consolidated in night time, although many still have night feedings
-behavioral intervention programs fail to help may increase stress
-babies who breastfeed in evening and or at night sleep an average of 40-45 min more than parents of infants given formula and reported less sleep disturbance

6-9 months and sleeping at night

no difference in night waking or night feedings compared to formula fed infants

infants who received more milk or solid feeds during day were…

less likely to feed at night but not less likely to wake


-safe sleep, on back
-breastfeeding protective beginning at 2 months and increasing over time
-EBF @ 1 month of age halved risk of SIDS
-gut microbiome in babies who died from SIDS offers one explanation: C diff in guts of 27% of babies who died

10 steps to successful breastfeeding for hospitals

-outlined by WHO/UNICEF
1) have a written breastfeeding policy for all staff
2) train all healthcare staff to implement this policy
3) inform all pregnant women about benefits/mgmt of EBF
4) help mothers BF within 1 hr post birth
5) show moms how to BF/maintain BF even if separated from infants
6) give newborn infnats no food/drink other than BM unless medically indicated
7) practice roooming in 24 hrs/day
8) encourage BF AL
9) No pacifiers or teats
10) foster establishment of BF support groups and refer mothers to them on d/c from hospital
-support for international code built into BFHI

parenting dimensions of responsive parenting

physical activity

10 steps of successful breastfeeding led to…

more likely to BF at 12 months
more likely to EBF @ 3 and 6 months
less GI infectons
less atopic eczema

implementation of the baby friendly hospital initiative may be the fast track option to a foundation of…

enhanced public health

hypothyroid and lactation

can cause low milk supply , can cause poor weight gain
-but breastfeeding is fine, just be cautious of this

hyperthyroidism and lactation

not a contraindication
exceedingly low levels of excess thyroid hormones pass into breastmilk

Post birth warning signs- call 911

pain in chest (?blood clot or heart problem?)
obstructed breathing or SOB (?blood clot?)
seizures (?Eclampsia)?
thoughts of hurting yourself or baby (PPD?)

post birth warning signs- call PCP

-bleeding, soaking through one pad/hour, blood clots larger than size of egg (?hemorrhage?)
-incision that is not healing (?Infection)
-red or swollen leg that is painful or warm to touch (?blood clot?)
-temperature of 100.4 or higher (?infection)
-headache that does not get better after medicine, or headache with vision changes (post birth pre-e?)

reasons to use a nipple shield

-infant has trouble latching or sustaining a latch
-mother with flat/inverted nipples
-infant with neurologic impairment
-cracked or sore nipples (although not 1st choice)
-infant that thrusts or retracts tongue w/ BF
-any baby who has had respiratory difficulty

how do nipple shields help premature babies

premature babies lack fat pads on cheeks that help to maintian latch. the nipple shield aids in stamina and transfer
nipple shields also help create suction for babies with weak sucks

the decision to initiate breastfeeding is influenced more by…

embodied knowledge (gained from seeing breastfeeding) than by gaining theoretical knowledge about its benefits
-decision DOES NOT come from prenatal education

why do families choose not to BF?

-families think formula feeding is easier
-may be more comfortable with the idea of formula feeding

normalize breastfeeding

– think about potential adult benefits due to lactation- breast cancer risk reduction, fewer trips to dr for ear infections for baby
-women who decide not to breastfeed are not embracing formula, they are rejecting BF

women breastfeedng/wic

WIC peer counselor contacts associated with womens decision to breastfeed- need peer support

breastfeeding counseling goals

-family concerns heard and valued
-baby heard and valued
-counselor elicits the whole story before offering feedback or intervention
-adult, baby and counselor fully involved in problem solving
-safety primary focus
-technology and gadgets used very carefully


steps to motivational interviewing:
1) Open ended questions
2) Affirmation
3) Reflective listening
4) Summarize and teach back

Open ended questions

-how, who, what, when, where
-tell me about


-builds empathy and connection between client and counselor

reflective listening

listen for deeper understanding of the situation (underlying meanings/beliefs)

summarize and teach back

-go over plan
-ask client to demonstrate back a skill or learning

motivational interviewing

a collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to address the common problem of ambivalence about change
-explores persons own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion

greater counseling support is needed for…

-first time parents
-mothers of late preterm infants
-women with family or financial problems
-women with PPAD


Post Partum Adjustment Disorder
-85% of women experience mood changes associated with hormonal changes, lack of support, life changes
-PPADS are not related to feeding choice
-women with hx of PMS and prior dysphoric disorder have higher risk of PPD

Post partum PTSD

up to 9% of PP women met criteria for PTSD post-childbirth
-two conditions increase odds for PP-PTSD:
1) depressive symptom scores
2) total number of physical symptoms experienced since birth

is more info better with counseling?

no, recall is less when more topics are discussed. limit number of topics in one session
-focus communication on mom’s concerns

optimal start

-babies born during night and early morning had double odds of supplementation compared to babies born during day
-at 1 month, frequency of EBF as well as behaviors that promote BF higher in group that received a doula

intrapartum synthetic oxytocin (pitocin)

-decreased the amount of oxytocin released from suckling on day 2
-independent risk factor for apgar scores fewer than 7 at 5 min
-higher risk for mother documenting depressive or anxiety disorder in first yr postpartum

pain meds during labor

-need extra BF support
-mixed results
-may have delayed onset of milk coming in

labor meds/BF summary

-avoid longer durations, delay admin of epidurals
-conservative use of IV fluids
-close follow up and good BF support
-continuous support in labor (doula)
-reduce need for pharmacologic pain mgmt through lamaze, breathing/relaxation, hypnosis, acupuncture, childbirth education

hands off technique of BF support

increased exclusive BF rates by 2 wks

support EBF during hospital stay

10 steps to successful BF
-bag containing BF supplies or no bag at all improved EBF rates
-weaning risk is greater in hospitals that do not support BF

perinatal care core measure set

decrease elective deliveries
decrease c-sections
increase antenatal steroids
decrease healthcare associated blood stream infections in newborns
increase exclusive breastfeeding

GOAL is that hospitals will implement strict definition of acceptable criteria for supplementation adn work toward 100% exclusive breastfeeding

STS in first hour

increases exclusive breastfeeding. one of most powerful steps in 10 steps to successful BF

c-sections are a barrier to…

-perhaps due to later intiiation of breastfeeding or more separation or more supplementation or greater weight loss
-better post op pain control improves BF outcomes (a lot of times mom doesnt hold baby enough due to pain)
-baby’s gut microbiome affected by antibiotic use, mode and place of birth
-babies can go sts during section closing, may increase BF initiation & reduce formula supplementation in hospital, maintain infant temp

in hospital formula feeding associated with…

2-6x higher risk of early weaning in first year

Nine stages of skin to skin in first hour

Birth Cry
Relaxation (no mouth movements)
Rest (interspersed between any stage)

if mother is separated from baby after birth…

partner can do skin to skin

common labor meds can affect…

whether the baby suckles in first hour or not. whem mother had labor pain med, baby needs at least 2 hours of skin to skin contact for baby to self attach

the higher temperature of the areola…

guides babies to the breast

what is delayed with a precipitous birth and c-section?

sense of smell which helps attract newborns to breast- this may be delayed due to fluid in sinuses

sense of smell and sts

-mother’s areola and milk odor are sufficient to attract neonates to odor source
-also odor calms newborns during painful procedures
-babies recognize maternal scent, stop crying, start rooting

women are rewarded when they smell…

babies! body odors of unfamiliar 2 day old babies elicits activation in reward-related cerebral areas of women regardless of maternal status

skin to skin promotes

-decreased rate of primary postpartum hemorrhage (due to oxytocin release contracting uterus, getting rid of retained placental fragments , baby knees on uterus helps massage it and decreases PPH)
-faster expulsion of placenta
-correct suckling
-less crying
-decreased rate of primary postpartum hemorrhage
-faster expulsion of placenta
-correct suckling
-less crying
-skin to skin babies are warmer, mother’s breasts are warmer too

when babies room in with mom…

families can observe for feeding cues
babies held sts
babies smell milk
babies fed at best time
learning happens together
-babies that roomed in slept longer and had higher quality of sleep

early skin to skin for 24 hours decreases..

hypothermia for rest of the 48 hours also helps increase temperature of baby’s feet
-babies are cooler under the warmer vs skin to skin

longer skin to skin contact helps to…

improve exclusive breastfeeding

women who reported depressive symptoms in pregnancy

-almost 4 fold increase of no EBF at 6 wks PP
-more vulnerable to effects of postponed first breastfeeding, may benefit from targeted breastfeeding support in first hours post birth

risk of delayed breastfeeding in hours after birth- maternal

mom has reduced prolactin receptors activated
-decreased oxytocin/uterine contractions
-decreased milk volume
-decreased opportunities to practice with colostrum
-decreased confidence
-increased risk of supplementation

risk of delayed breastfeeding in hours after birth-baby

-increased risk of jaundice, sleepiness, lethargy
-increased risk of hypoglycemia
-decreased opportunities to practice with colostrum before moving on to full milk
-increased risk of supplementation (which changes pH of gut)
-increased opportunistic microorganisms in gut

The International Code
addresses improper marketing practices
ex hospital giving out discharge packages with formula

Milking Stool- 3 legs
Protect, promote & Support-want all to be equal

Levels of evidence based pyramid
top – bottom: 1.Metanalysis &systemic reviews 2. Single randomized controlled studies 3. Cohort studies 4. Case Controlled Studies 5. Case Studies

When is greatest risk of stopping breastfeeding?
3-7 days (after going home from hospital)

Top reasons people stop breastfeeding
baby won’t latch, breast pain/soreness, work/school

Russ Labs Marketing Survey
survey 1965-2001 formula company tracking breastfeeding goals

Races in Order most likely to BF
spanish speaking-hispanic, white, hispanic, black

Global Strategy for Infant and young feeding
WHO and UNICEF developed this global strategy to focus world attention on impact of feeding practices on the nutritional status, growth, development and health and thus the survival of infants and young children.

World Breastfeeding trends innitive
help track how they are doing on global outcomes

innocenti ospitale -florence
BF orphan babies increased rate of survival-today UNICEF child resource nutrition center

path of messages to make milk
message to breast-to nervous system -to brain- to hormones to travel to breast- then to blood stream

what cells make milk
alveolar cells

alveolar cells are what?
what are they surrounded by
layer of cells with milk inside, surrounded by myoepitheal cells

Myoepitheal cells will contract when what hits them

Are the ducts in breast evenly spaced?
No varies woman to woman

How many nipple pores each breast?

Milk is _ &__ from sebaceous gland
antimicrobial and sticky

what are the two major hormone of lactation? Where are they secreted from?
oxytocin and prolactin, pituitary gland

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for?
Milk production

What is the passage of prolactin being produced
baby suckles- message to nervous system tells brain to secrete prolacin in blood- then tranverse into mother body into milk cells where milk is produced

When doe humans have prolactin in them
all the time (non pregnant, non lactating breast and nipples increase level of prolactin when touched)

Prolactin levels go _ in between nursing and _ during nursing.
down, rise

_ nursing leads to lower levels of prolactin and less rise with same amount of contact.

If infants do no have frequent times at breast first few days prolactin will be _ and sites will be primed and receptor sites will start to _ __.
low, not, start shutting down

What is in receptor site during pregnancy?

When placenta leaves the body, the body responds by pushing __ out of the receptor sites?

When placenta is pushed out of body, progesterone leaves the receptor sites and they are open briefly, what goes inside to set site for lactation?

If prolactin is not set during first few hours after birth-
there will be fewer sites and cause issues with milk supply

Ongoing milk supply is associated with suckling within first __ hours after birth

For mothers with preemies initation of milk expression before _ hours resulted in significantly more milk by day 7

What hormone T3, T4, T5

When oxytocin hits myoepitheal cells what happens?
They start retracting

Oxytocin helps ducts to _ in size and lumen to get _
increase, smaller

What triggers oxytocin?

  1. conditioned response (repeated stimuli over time) 2. Nipple Stretching (happens with proper latch- oxytocin levels goes up and down with suck and swallow)
  2. baby hand massage (has to do with T3 and T5) each hand movement releases oxytocin

Where is oxytocin and prolactin excreted?
pituitary gland

__ is excreted from posterior pituitary?

__ is excreted from anterior pituitary?

Prolactin is produced mainly by nipple , by presence of baby stimulation T & T__
stimulation, 4 and 5

hormone is affected by stress and __ hormone is not affected by stress
oxytocin (extreme situation, will stop flowing), prolactin

Milk is species __.

Mammal species with high fat/protein and low water content have __ feeds.

Lactose is essential for milk production because it provides the driving __ force behind the formation of milk.

Human milk has the highest _ of all mammal milk.

human milk is ideal for __ growth

Lactogensis stage 1 is secretory differentiation and production of under influence of hormones.
When placenta is delivered hormones is gone and goes into receptor sites. Then we go to .
colustrum, placental, progesterone, prolactin lactogensis stage 2

Lactogensis stage 2- rapid decrease in and now is in cells. The colustrum will change over to milk and colustrum will go _.
progesterone, prolactin, mature, down

Lactogensis stage 3 is also called ( has two other names)
lactation or galactopoesis

Lactogensis stage 3 has _ from frequent nipple stimulation, there is ____removal of milk and long term production of
prolactin, frequent, milk

As prolactin goes into receptor sites and makes milk the __ disappear

Preterm milk appears to have higher , _ and _ than term milk (sga, lga does not matter)
protein, fat and electrolytes

Breastmilk changes after 6 months it is more , fat and after a year fat and energy content ___
dense, increases, increases, increases

does it matter if it is foremilk, hindmilk
no think of kalahari desert nurse for 2.5 min at a time

Breastmilk composition __ during a feed.

when doing before and after breastfeeding weight even if volume is low, fat content can be _.

the degree of breast _ influences the amount of milk available and breast storage influences the amount of fat transfered.
emptying, capacity

longer times in between feed leds to __ fat concentration

faster milk removal is associated with fat content and longer feeding time is associated with levels of milk transfer and fat
higher, lower, lower

Does one breast or two breast feed matter?
doesnt matter just do whatever seems better for baby

Do male babies haver higher energy content in milk?

Can men produce milk?
What situation?
Men can never produce?
yes, tumor/drugs, colustrum

Formula fed babies have __ extra in the gut

Presence of bifidus factor in milk promotes presence of maintaing. a PH and crowd out pathogenic __.
lactobicillus bifidus, low, organisms

Formula fed babies have increased number of species and over representation of

BF babies have antibiodies that bind to _ in GI tract that keep them from getting absorbed. This helps to protect from NEC IN preemies.

What do human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) do?
Protect against pathogenic infection, promote development of intestine, help establish gut microbia, stimulate maturity of immune system

Breastfeeding changes immune system in mother or baby
both forever

when baby is suckling it activates her _nervous system. Decreasing levels of ___ and increasing levels of __ causing a feeling of sedation and satiety.
parasympathetic , somatostatin and gastrin

Pregnancy can increase risk for type 2 diabetes, breastfeeding can negate this, suckling changes insulin back to __.
pre pregnancy state

After first few days of birth most babies loose weight (diuresis-loosing fluid after birth) how much weight loss is acceptable? When should weight loss stop? When should baby be back to birth weight?
less that 7% according to AAP, by day 5, by 2 weeks

Breastfeeding stool color change
meconium-dark to start then greenish tinge then seedy orange or yellow

Need at least _ breastfeeds per day?

AAP says should be at least _ formal evaluation and documentation of trained caregiver per shift

Does it make a difference if mother is undernourished for breastfeeding? In refugee camp what is safer breastfeeding or formula?
No, breastfeeding – no access to clean water, heating sterilization

Breast size affects milk production? T/F

Does increasing fluid increase milk production T/F?

Too much exercise can impact milk production? T/F

Does stress impact milk production? T/F
False although stress can change behavior

When infant suckles at breast there is outpoor of _ different GI hormones?

How many extra calories per day are required when breastfeeding?

secretory activation is also called
lactogensis stage 2

the absence of the placenta leads to lactogensis stage, then drop in progesterone leads to lactogensis stage _
2, 3

In nipple engorgement breast is , body temp , brest can be hot and _
hard, increased , shiny

Engorgement typically happens days , women with c-sections may experience engorgement __
3-5, laet

With engorgement the more time spent breastfeeding in the first 48 hours will result in less _, it pressure is not resolved it will have a impact on breast milk supply.
engorgement, negative

Engorgement can be natures _
dry up method

Inbetween milk making cell systems there is a capillary network delivering nutrients for making milk, if those are crushed nutrient and hormones cannot go where they need to go. What can crush these and cause problems?

Will pumping help engorgement
No can bust capillaries and cause bleeding

How to help with engorgement?
Bucket warm water-immerse breast and within seconds milk will come out, dont want to let all milk into bucket just get some out until plyable and softer, then feed rest to baby

What can cause engorgement?
too much milk left in breast (baby is too weak), breast implants, tight bra

What is a marker that they had a breast augmentation>
really round aeorola, or incision

Can woman with implants/ breast reduction breast feed?
Yes do not know impact until trying, just because colostrum not sure if will get normal milk -colustrum is pregnancy hormone induced, need nerves for rest of milk

Can a baby latch with inverted nipple?
Yes baby can form teat, although thing about the need for nipple stroking (prolactin) and nipple stretching (oxytocin)

3 classification of inverted nipples
grade 1- easily pulled out by breast pump or nursing, at reast look inverted
grade 2 can be pulled out but dont maintain their projection
grade 3 difficult or impossible to pull out

iron deficiency anemia has been associated with milk supply problems due to?
Poor oxygen to milk making cells, or causing mom to feel exhausted or depressed causing lack of bf

Sheehan’s syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis)
A patient fails to lactate after an emergency C-section with marked blood loss. Pituitary has been deprived of blood and functions are impaired other symptoms included low blood pressure, anemia, fatigue, profound hair loss, dull hair. Can have symptoms partially or fully resolved.

Maternal obesity/overweight can delay lactogenis _

PCOS excess insulin increases production of , higher androgens cause acne, excessive hair growth, wt gain and problems with ovulation and __, possible treatment with
androgens, lactation, metformin

Drug that cause milk delay?
peeudoephedrine (think pseudofed), corticosteriods, betamethason (giving to women who will deliver before 24 weeks) if given 3-9 days before delivery can delay lactogensis 2

Mothers who smoke have lower _ levels if smoked within 12 hrs.

Are nicotine patches safe during BF
refer to healthcare provider

Cadmimum is a heavy metal found in _ and _
cigarettes and formula

What types of formulas have more cadmimum?
Soy based

22% of all SIDs contributed deaths can be contributed to
maternal smoking during pregnancy

Are electronic cigarettes safe in pregnancy?
tested by FDA some contain nicotine and carcinogens, nicotrine transfer appears minimal

Cannabis and Breastfeeding?
passive exposure is a concern, no safe threshold, lack of studies and high fat solubility makes cannabis difficult to analyaze in breast milk, opinions vary

THC is still measurable in EBM __ days after maternal marijuana use

Pacifiers increase risk for _ and
diarrhea and ear infections

Pacifiers for preemies?
May have earlier hospital discharge, tube fed may gain weight faster, improve physiologic and behavioral responses and reduce the time to oral feeds, will not affect breastfeeding for preemies

Babies that recieve additional water are at risk for? And this can cause
Water intoxication- can cause seizures, stroke, death

Early cessation/negative experience of breastfeeding has a increased risk of postpartum _

What is postpartum depression scale?
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale -EPDS

Mothers with EPDS scores greater than __ are likely to d/c breastfeeding by week 4-12.

Womans ways of knowing is by
Mary Belenky

What are the 5 characteristics of womans ways of knowing?

  1. Silence 2. Recievers of knowledge 3. subjective knowing
  2. Procedural knowing 5. Constructive Knowing

Silence way os knowling
afraid of words, feels powerless, depends on others, little awareness of intellectual capabilities, having powerful person in charge ex paulette legally blonde

How do we develop relationship with person in Silence?
Few words, short easy, comfortable, nothing to remember advocate

Recievers of Knowledge?
Believe all authorities tell truth, like to learn right answer and tell it to the teacher, cannot tolerate ambiguity ex: vivian pretty woman

How to teach to receiver of knowledge?
only show right way and have them do return demo

Subjective Knowers?
knowing is personal and based on inuition or thought, inner voice guides them , distrust male figure, find female support groups helpful, trust woman with similar experiences ex: Cher

How to teach subjective knowers?
create time for them to talk about themselves and what they know about BF, offer help with possible misconceptions

Procedural Knowing?
position in which techniques for acquiring, validating and evaluating knowledge claims are developed and honored, invested in learning and takin in new info, want diff point of view

How to teach procedural knowers?
Limit personal stories, understand the option change is part of the process

Constructed Knowing
truth is contextual, knowledge is tentative, avoid compartments, they want to be same person no matter who they are with, empathetic

Hierarchy of Infant feeding choices?

  1. baby at mothers breast
  2. Mother own expressed milk
  3. cow milk formula
  4. soy formula

No one flange size for each mom- too tight if nipple is rubbing against______

milk hand expression has a higher __ content then pumped with electric pumped and is the _____way to collect milk
fat, cleanest

how to hand express
push back and squeeze gently

thawed milk is good at room temp for?
1-2 hrs

_ and its spores has been found in infant formula.

WHO and CDC recommend mixing water at what temp with powder formula?
70 degrees

Other issues associated with formula fed babies is?
Reflux (cow milk allergy), reflux, colic, anaphylaxis

do not lead to better outcomes

Complication of improper use of almond drink in first year?

Babies that are fed goat milk may have?
electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, folate deficiency

How much milk does a woman make a day?
750-1000 mls per day

WHO study in 2006 said what are the growth standard for babies?
exclusively BF babies

weight gain pattern of formula fed babies at 2 mo might be sign of

higher weight gain by 3 mo of formula fed babies is because of
hyperinsulinemia, also higher protein in cows milk

_ is part of CDC prevention of obesity?

Condition to not breastfeed

recessive genetic disorder; characterized by body’s inability to tolerate galactose, causes damage to liver, cns and body system

Viruses in which you should not breastfeed?
HIV, T cell lymphotrophic virus or type 2, ebola, untreated brucellosis, HSV with lesions present, untreated TB or chicken pox

Can a mom breastfeed while using illicit drugs?
No unless on methadone program

What medications can a mom not breastfeed?
chemo drugs, rheumatoid arthritis, check book, undergoing radiopharmaceuticals

What is a example of loaded language?
you have a good baby

Late preterm babies are what age? What is our concern about them?
34-37 weeks pretend to be swallowing go home and tank

How should a counseling session go?
Listen and gather information, use questions that cant be answered with a single word, verify what youve heard, offer individualized information, work together and form a plan, fine tune plan and ask what they are going to be doing when leaving, make sure they understand, listen and help with referrals, document

Women with history of what are at higher risk for post partum disorder
premenstrual syndrome and dysphoric disorder

When discussing things postpartum should you give a ton of information?
No recall is less during post partum tiredness, limit discussion keep it client centered, educate with truth, validate confidence and counter negativity

Babies born during what time of the day are more likely to be supplemented?
the night and early morning

Pitocin decreases what needed for breastfeeding? Risk factors? Apgar, NICU?
Oxytocin, lower apgar and increased nicu risk

What to do for clogs?
Find out cause if recurring, massage (side of hand) warmth, double nursing (start on the side of the clog, go to the other breast go back to clog)

when to contact health care provider about clog?
Does not move 24-48 hours or parent develops systemic issues-achey, fever, flu like may need antibiotics

What is a bleb?
clog on nipple tip, look like milk blisters, one duct opening covered, stabbing pin point pain, may exit like clog, may need to be lanced

common mastitis
breast inflammation, infective or non-infective, milk making cells squeeze out of normal compartment and body reacts like invader

What can cause mastitis?
blocked ducts from engorgement, hurried feeding, use of nipple shield, attachment difficulties, tight bra, use of breast shield

First things to try to help with mastitis
NSAIDS, keep milk flowing and breasts soft and comfortable, avoid abcess develop, if you dont want to feed can hand express or pump

If mastitis treatments do not help what should be considered?
anemia ductal or inflammatory breast cancer

uncommon and emergent mastitis
2 hot red inflammed breasts, tissues of both breasts inflammed, strep is propable organism, potential fatal whole body inflammation

MRSA on breasts
can look like mastitis, new issues, lesion or abcess

Abscess on breast
pus not milk, 60% positive for MRSA, nursing on other breast is possible, no clear answer nursing on breast, ultrasound guide with needle aspiration

What is deadly concerns of something appearing on breast?
MRSA or herpes

What is torticollis?
neck muscles contract, causing the head to twist to one side, can cause feeding issues

Goldsmith sign
baby will only nurse on one breast, try nursing on the one breast then without moving baby move to other breast

cutoff for hypoglycemia, symptoms
40m cyanosis, apnea, hypothermia, poor body tone, lethargy, seizures

hypoglycemia occurs commonly in what babies?
SGA, LGA, diabetic mother, late preterm

What can give for low blood sugar and can still nurse?
gel in cheek, can still breastfeed

What is jaundice caused by?
uncongugated bilirubin (waste product of hemoglobin breakdown taken up by the liver, it is converted by the enzyme into uncongugated bilirubin), recycling problem, baby’s liver enzymes and intestines are immature and took a while to get out of baby’s system, can cross blood brain barried, damage brain, spinal cord and become kerniicterus, bilirubin encelopothy, CP, dental impairements, mental retardation, death

severe jaundice, untreated too long, is a type of brain damage, can cause CP and hearing loss

what is considered late preterm?

early term babies

how might preterm and early term babies struggle with breastfeeding?
less alert, less stamina, greater difficulty latching, issues transfering milk

preterm infant breastfeeding behavior scale

what breastfeeding technique is good for hypotonic like down syndrome
dancer breastfeeding position

breastfeeding with cleft lip or palate
making a seal/vaccum the challenge, use alternitive massage, mother nipple point to intact part of palate, mother keep up coordinate with baby suck and swallow

Does breastfeeding lower cases of otitis media?

What can you do right away to increase milk volume?
hand expression within 1 hour of birth, express in proximity to infant, double stimulation (send x3 messages to brain), collect milk on one breast while nursing on other

Power pumping
for a day or 2 might increase volume, pump 5 min, pause 5 min, pump 5 min

What is protocolitis?
When might it occur?
rectal bleeding may occur in exclusively breastfeeding- cows milk protein allergy, standard treamtent offending protein from mothers diet (cows milk, corn, soy, milk, egg and chocolate), resolution of visible rectal bleeding took place 72-96 hrs in most babies

Why is it important to support calcium needs in breastfeeding?
breastmilk calcium is met by renal calcium conservation and lost of bone (3-9% decrease in bone density during lactation) but gain after weaning

how much alcohol per kg is safe for breastfeeding mother
0.5 g of alcohol per kg

9 stages of skin to skin

  1. birth cry 2. relaxation 3. Awakening 4. activity 5. rest 6. crawling/sliding
  2. famerilization
  3. suckling 9. sleeping

World breastfeeding trends initative-assists countries to assess the status and benchmark progress of the global strategy for infant and young child

breastfeeding considerations at 4-6 months
easily distractible, may need to be quieter place, seperation anxiety, sore nipple can happen as teething and saliva changes and new enzymes

Complementary feeding
refers to anything other than breastmilk and infant formula-both solids and liquids, when milk no longer sufficient to meet nutritional requirements

6-9 months development
mobile, teething, regular naps, periods of concentration, nught feeding, may bite breast-say no end feeding be calm and offer breast normal at next feed

9-12 development
stand/walk regular mealtimes, snack nursing, nursing before bed and naps

3 types of weaning
parent led, baby led, society led

what is baby strike?
how to end baby strike?
baby refuses to feed for some reason- stuffy nose teething, ear infection, prefers bottle, biting-yelling, family stress, seperation- to end lots of support, skin to skin dont force it, avoid the bottle- offer breast to sleeping baby

when does breastfeeding put protection on SIDS
2 months and beyond

exlusive breastfeeding at 1 month did what to SIDS
halved sids, gut microbome differed in SIDS baby 27% vs 7% healthy babies

What does breastfeeding friendly health initiative do?
protects, support breastfeeding through `0 steps outlined by UNICEF/WHO

10 steps of BFHI

  1. Breastfeeding policy communicated to staff, 2. train staff 3. inform all pregnant women benefits of breastfeeding 4. help mothers initiate breastfeeding within 1 hr of birth 5. show mothers how to breastfeed or pump 6. Give newborn infants no other food or drink unless medically indicated 7. practice rooming in
  2. Encourarage responsive parenting-feeding, soothing, sleep, physical
  3. Give no pacifier or artifical nipples 10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups

mothers pose the greatest risk of stopping at

3-7 days postpartum

The fastest dropoff is in __ days after hospital discharge


The Code

Regulates the marketing of breastmilk substitutes and sets standard for labeling

The Strategy

Intended as guide for action. Identifies interventions with proven positive impact, provides mothers and families support they need, defines obligations and responsibilities of governments and other concerned parties

World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative WBTi

Track, assess and monitor the implementation of the global strategy

Breastmilk composition changes…

over course of lactation, within the day, and within a feeding

pH in gut of breastfed babies if more _____ while formula guts are more _____


By ___ weeks at the latest, the baby should have regained to its birth-weight


Women who do not breastfeed are at greater risk for what?

Myocardial Infarction

Nursing a baby for a year or more decreases by ____% the risk of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease when postmenopausal.


Women who do not breastfeed are at greater risk of what types of cancers?

Breast, endometrial, and ovarian

Why is breastfeeding so difficult that mothers need help?

Unrealistic expectations and lack of timely interventions

Infants lose more weight in the first postpartum days when…

Labor meds are used, more intrapartum fluids have been given, and no labor prior to C-section.

Negative Influences on milk production

long spaces between feedings, long/slow feedings, and excessive pressure in the breast, breast surgery or injury, suboptimal breast anatomy

Engorgement symptoms occur most commonly between what days?


How is prolactin produced?

Nipple Stroking

How is oxytocin produced?

Nipple stretching

Grade 1 Inverted Nipples

easily pulled out with a breast pump or infant nursing

Grade 2 Inverted Nipples

can be pulled out but don’e maintain their projection

Grade 3 Inverted Nipples

difficult or impossible to pull out

Do smoking mothers make more or less milk?


Smoking mothers generally have lower levels of what hormone?


___% of SUID can be directly attributed to maternal smoking during pregnancy?


What is tandem nursing?

Nursing two babies not from the same pregnancy

True or False? Women who had a negative experience with breastgeeding support had a significantly higher risk of pp depression?


Women in Silence are in a position of…and feel…

Not knowing. Powerless, voiceless, afraid of words, do not trust their ability to understand or remember

Receivers of knowledge…and….

Believe all authorities tell the truth. Like to learn right answer and repeat it to teacher, cannot tolerate ambiguity, submit to command of authority

Subjective knowing believes knowing is…

Personal, private and based on intuition rather than on thoughts and ideas defended with evidence

Hierarchy of Infant Feeding Choices

1. Baby at mothers breast
2. Mothers own expressed milk
3. Milk from donor bank
4. Cow milk or formula
5. Soy formula

Babies born during ____ had double the odds of supplementation compared to babies born ____

night and early morning. Day.

How many nipple pores are functioning per breast?


Where is oxytocin secreted from?

Posterior pituitary gland

Where is prolactin secreted from?

Anterior pituitary gland

True or False? All humans have prolactin all the time?


What hormone is responsible for milk production?


3 Stages of Lactogenesis

1. Secretory differentiation
2. Secretory activation
3. Lactation

What type of milk is produced in Lactogenesis 1?


What has to take place for Lactogenesis 2 to start?

Complete delivery of placenta.

What type of milk is produced in Lactogenesis 2?

colostrum and mature milk

True or False? Gut bacteria of supplemented babies is the same as exclusively formula fed babies?


With breast implants, what type of incision is most associated with milk insufficiency?


Expressed breast milk can be stored how long in the refrigerator and freezer after being expressed?

2 days in fridge and 3 months in freezer

True or False? Exclusive breastfeeding rates are increased by increased education?


When is the best time to bring a baby to the breast for a feeding?

During REM sleep

True or False? Babies show more feeding cues when they are close to the source of milk?


An ideal suck/swallow ratio for breastfeeding baby is what?

2:1 with bursts of 1:1

What is an asymmetric latch?

off-center, not bullseye. More of the lower portion should be in babies mouth

How should babies hands look at the end of a feeding

Relaxed (not clenched or in a fist)

When should a nursing mother see a PCP if a lump doesn’t move in her breast?

24-48 hrs after first detection

True or False? Pumping results in increased milk volume compared to hand expression?


True or False? Hand expressed milk has a higher fat/calorie content than pumped milk?


What point does baby blues occur in the pp period?

first few days after birth

What point in the pp period does baby blues occur?

first few days after birth

What point in the pp period does pp depression occur?

gradually in the first year

What point in pp does pp panic disorder occur?

3-4 weeks

pp panic disorder characteristics

difficulty breathing, extreme anxiety, dizziness, tremors, shaking

dysphoric milk ejection reflex (D-MER)

a cluster of symptoms that happen in the first 30-120 seconds of milk flow (symptoms: sadness, depression, anxiety, irritability, and restlessness

How many deaths occurred in 2015 in the neonate period?

2.7 million

What was the number one cause of deaths in the neonate period in 2015?

pneumonia and diarrhea

How much would it cost to scale up to do everything to prevent neonate deaths?

less than 6 billion worldwide

First 1,000 days campaign

includes 270 days of pregnancy up to 2 years
worldwide and includes breastfeeding

What are the characteristics of baby blues?

crying for no reason, irritability, anger, impatiences, restlessness, anxiety, exhaustion, insomnia, appetite disturbances

Women who do not breastfeed are at a greater risk for which 5 things?

MI and metabolic syndrome
breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer

How much does your risk decrease for hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease if you BF for at least a year?


3 strategies that WHO and UNICEF set out to increase BF initiation and duration

Breastfeeding Promotion, Breastfeeding Protection, Breastfeeding Support
2x more likely when all 3 are present

breastfeeding promotion according to WHO and UNICEF

focuses on advantages of breastfeeding on a personal, community, country or global level

breastfeeding protection

focuses on govt, manufacturer and social responsibility to assure breastfeeding’s ability to compete with commercial interests, addresses improper marketing practices, breastfeeding in public

breastfeeding support

interaction of helpers with family as well as program development and implementation

why is BF so difficult that moms need help?

#1-unrealistic expectations
#2-lack of timely interventions

When do moms usually quit breastfeeding?

10 days following d/c

International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes

international health policy framework to regulate the marketing of breastmilk substitutes to protect breastfeeding
published by WHO
written in response to marketing activities that were promoting formula feeding over breastfeeding

World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative is intended to

track, assess, and monitor the implementation of the global strategy at the country and sub country level

what contributes to low rates of exclusive breastfeeding globally?

caregiver and societal beliefs favoring mixed feeding
hospital practices and policies that don’t support breastfeeding
lack of support
aggressive promotion of formula or substitutes
inadequate maternity leave
lack of knowledge

How to support exclusive breastfeeding

Increase hospital and health system capacity including revitalizing, expanding, and institutionalizing the baby-friendly hospital initiative in health systems
Provide community based strategies including communication campaigns tailored to the local context
Strengthen the monitoring, enforcement, and legislation related to “The Code” and subsequent resolutions.
Enact at least 6 months paid maternity leave
Invest in training and capacity building in breastfeeding protection, promotion, and support


milk producing cells

nipple ducts have how many pores


do all humans have prolactin?


what 2 hormone pathways are involved in making milk?

oxytocin and prolactin

prolactin levels

dependent on nipple stimulation (stroking)
not decreased by stress
go up and down in between nursing


influenced by nipple stretching (proper latch)
temporarily affected by stress

Feeding within the first 2 hours of life can do what to milk

significantly increase milk supply by day 4

Receivers of Knowledge believe

Believe all Authority tells the truth
like to learn the right answer and repeat it to the teacher
focus on teaching the right way and do return demo

Subjective Knowers

Knowers who depend entirely on internal resources for valuing and knowing
intuition and feelings
trust other women
support groups

Procedural Knowers

Seek information from a variety of sources
like evidence
limit personal stories

constructed knowledge

Integration of different types of knowledge (intuition, reason, and self-knowledge)
Shift from grand theories to middle and practice theories
want to embrace all pieces of self
ideas and values must be nurtured

Truth or myth: increasing vacuum on a pump will not increase the amount of milk expressed


what is the cleanest way to collect milk?

hand expression

what’s different about the content of hand expressed milk versus pumped?

higher fat content in hand expressed

What is screened on donor milk?

history, serology, bacteriology, heat treatment/pasteurization

with soy formula, what do we worry about?

estrogen exposure

is powder formula sterile?


Recommendations for prepping powdered infant formula from WHO and CDC

mix PIF with water heated to 158° to kill bacteria


Vitamin C deficiency
severe complication of improper use of almond drinks in the first year

how much milk does a mom make per day?

750-1000mls per day

does the left breast usually make less milk


What is the growth standard per WHO?

breastfed babies

How do breastfed babies grow? (like the pattern/rate)

gain more at first then the rate slows

CDC says the WHO growth standard should be used for kids under what age?

2 years


insulin does not move glucose into cells
occurs in formula babies

breastfeeding prevents

childhood obesity

What is a contraindication to breastfeeding?

galactosemia (1/60,000 babies), can’t metabolize galactose, different than lactose intolerant
mom doing radiation
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or type 2
using illicit street drugs (methadone programs can BF)
Hep A if you cant get gamma globulin

If you have triplets, how should you breastfeed?

1&2 at the same time
then 3 on both sides
rotate for next feeding

What are contraindications for temporarily not breastfeeding or hand expressing?

untreated brucellosis
mom taking chemo drugs or RA drugs
mom doing imaging w/ radiopharmaceuticals
active herpes with lesions (moms can feed on other side)
Hep C w/ cracked nipples (no cracked then you can)

what are contraindications for temporarily not breastfeeding but you can express BM?

active or untreated TB (after 2 weeks of treatment)
airborne and contact precautions
active varicella (chicken pox)

What do we know about why families choose not to breastfeed?

they think formula feeding is “easier”
they might be more comfortable with the idea of formula

How to normalize breastfeeding?

think about potential benefits for adults (lowers cancer risk)
interact as if breastfeeding is the expected choice
give positive peer experiences

good counseling is NOT like

talking to a friend
a teacher talking to a student
fixing whats wrong
giving advice that would work for you
one-size fits all information

counseling process

gather information
verify what you’ve heard
offer individualized information
work together to develop a plan
review and fine tune the plan
est. follow-up and make referrals
summarize, listen and documentz

OARS: steps to motivational interviewing from bershad

Open-Ended questions ( no WHY questions)
affirmation (call attention to good actions and decisions)
reflective listening (rephrase and paraphrase to repeat back what you heard)
Summarize (give the action plan)

Greater support is needed for what kind of parents

first time
LPT infants
financial problems
postpartum adjustment disorder

Babies born 10pm-9am. What do we know about their odds of supplementing?

it doubles the odds

What does having a doula do?

At one month, exclusive breastfeeding was significantly higher

TJC created perinatal care core measure set

dec. elective delivery
dec. c-section
inc. antenatal steroids
dec. healthcare associated bloodstream infections
inc. exclusive BF

what is step 4 of the 10 steps?

skin to skin in first hour

If a mom has had labor pain medication…

baby needs at least 2 hours to do skin to skin

benefits of skin to skin

dec. rate of pp hemorrhage
faster expulsion of placenta
correct suckling
less crying

risks of delayed breastfeeding in the hours after birth

dec. prolactin receptors activated
dec. oxytocin/ uterine contractions
dec. milk volume
dec. opportunities to practice with colostrum
dec. confidence
inc. risk of supplementation
inc. risk of jaundice
inc. risk of hypoglycemia
inc. pH and opportunistic microorganisms in gut

production of lactose in mammary glands


when does lactogenesis 1 occur?

during pregnancy

when does lactogenesis 2 occur?

delivery of placenta

what happens in lactogenesis 2?

drop in progesterone
transitional milk to mature milk

what happens in lactogenesis 3?

prolactin from frequent nipple stimulation
frequent removal of milk

preterm milk composition

high protein, fat and electrolytes
diff the first 5-7 weeks than a term delivery

does SGA or LGA change milk composition?


After one year of lactation, what happens to the milk composition

fat and energy contents increase

Beginning of a feed is called?


End of a feeding is called?

hind milk

Which time of day are the calories the highest in BM?

at night

When lactose and volume are high, then the fat is….

low (and vice versa)

Mom’s of male infants produce milk that is….than female infants

25% greater energy content

Men with high prolactin levels (from drugs or brain tumors) can…

make human milk

Faster milk removal is associated with

higher fat content

Mechanisms by which exclusive BF protects babies from diarrhea

pH of gut of BF babies is more acidic
low iron in gut (low iron in BM)

What is normal weight loss by day 5?

7% or less

When should baby be back up to birth weight

2 weeks

Infants lose more weight in first pp days when….

labor meds are used
more intrapartum fluids are given
no labor prior to c-section

What is goal for pee and poop diapers after day 4 pp?

4 pee, 4 poops

True or myth:
size of breast relates to amount of milk


True or myth:
Not getting enough fluids causes BF problems


True or myth:
Exercise when breastfeeding was not related to infant weight gain or growth


How many times a day should we be feeding?

10-12 times a day

Infant states in the first hour

deep sleep (dont attempt to feed)
light sleep (REM eye movements) (ideal time to start)
quiet alert state (ideal time to start)
active alert
restless (hand to mouth)
open eyed rooting

2 most common feeding cues

hand to mouth movements

what angle should corner of baby’s mouth make?

at least 140

If air seeps into the lip seal, baby will have?

gas issues

What should the cheek line look like?


What is the ratio of suck to swallow?

1:1 or 2:1

What kind of latch should baby have?

asymmetric latch

Which kind of motion should the baby have?

rocker motion

What should baby’s hands be when the feeding is over?


What are some negative effects on milk production?

long spaces between feedings
long, slow feedings
excessive pressure in the breast
breast surgery or injury
breast anatomy
physiology (anemia, hemorrhage, thyroid imbalance, obesity, diabetes and GDM, PCOS)

Signs of engorgement

breasts feel hard
temp is normal
feel discomfort
breast hot, shiny
nipple is difficult to latch

When does engorgement usually occur?

between days 3-5 pp
or in moms that have IV fluids up to day 9
c-sections usually have engorgement 24-48 hours later than vag delivery

more time spent BF in the first 48 hours is associated with

less engorgement

Grade 3 inverted nipples

low prolactin
less milk
can’t be pulled out no matter what

Can you breastfeed during pregnancy?

yes as long as you aren’t at risk for premature delivery

What does using a paci increase the risk of?

diarrhea and ear infections

What should you ask new moms when you want to know about their BF history?

Tell me about yesterday

What should you ask moms that have been BF for more than 3 months?

Was yesterday a normal breastfeeding day for you and baby?

Oversupply (hyperlactation)

excessive milk volume
nipple is misshaped
-baby may choke, pull away, feed frequently, act colicky, shiny green stools
let baby move his head if needed
try mom laying on back
give only 1 breast
light breat compression
donate extra milk
pump/hand express


causes pain for mom and/or baby during or after BF
might not be visible
diaper may have yeast
itchy, flaky shiny skin
nystatin ointment
fluconazole oral capsule to clean with
boil anything that touches skin or milk


vasospasms of nipple
pain is extreme and spastic
preventing cold exposure
color changes
warm cloths
avoid vasoconstricting drugs, caffeine/nicotine
nifedipine to treat

Clogged milk duct

massage, warmth
feed on side with clog
change positions
see PCP if clog does not move within 24-48 hours


small milk blister; fluid filled on nipple
stabbing pinpoint pain
might have to be lanced
soak in warm water
hand express


ill feeling
pain one inflamed breast
if infective its staph
keep nursing

IF EMERGENt mastitis, both breasts inflammed

strep is probable
sepsis and possibly fatal
not a prob with the milk!


mastitis symptoms that last longer that 5 days
MRSA is cause
can nurse on other breast
try ultrasound and drain it

Goldsmith’s sign

The association of a baby’s persistent refusal of one breast with possible breast cancer in the mother

How long should a mom breastfeed before giving complementary food?

6 months

what deficiency is common in BF infants?

vitamin D
can give 400iu/daily after discharge

4-6 month old milestones

separation anxiety
may need to move to quiet place so they aren’t distracted
runny noses

6-9 month old milestones

concentrating more

9-12 month milestones

stand and walk
regular mealtimes
nursing before bed and naps

after 15 month milestones

time to think of public name for breast

parent led weaning

baby chooses
substitue something equally good in the eyes of the child

baby led weaning

older than 12 months
on-request only and stop offering to nurse

society led weaning

2-7 years
same for every one in society
everyone knows and expects

“Nursing Strike”

Infant may suddenly refuse to nurse; usually this is temporary. stress in mother; infant may be teething, have an earache, or nasal obstruction.

10 steps for successful breastfeeding

1. written policy
2. train staff
3. inform preggo about benefits to BF (no talk of formula)
4. skin to skin and BF in 1st hour
5. show moms how to BF
6. no food or drink other than BM unless medically indicated
7. rooming in
8. on-demand BF
9. no pacis or artificial nipples
10. support groups

which has higher calories…pumping or hand expression

hand expression


can caused reduced absorption of medication
doesn’t show an increase in milk

If we need to supplement,

cup feeding is preferred

HEalthcare Reform BF Law

hourly break for employee to pump for 1 year after birth any time in a private place that isn’t a bathroom

lactation amenorrhea method

This is exclusive for breastfeeding woman. Thus, it should be noted that the woman is advise to choose other method after period of 6 months or if the mother is not exclusively breastfeeding or is using formula drink for the baby and period hasn’t returned

the most important modifiable risk factors for childhood allergy are

maternal smoking
type of feeding
c section
consuming allergenic foods reduces allergies


Inflammation of the rectum and colon (blood in stool)
-Could be result of cow’s milk protein
-Can also be caused by soy, corn, egg, and chocolate

Mother can eliminate items to see what makes it go away.

what do we feed a baby with PKU?

breastmilk and formula

Joint Commission created the EBMF term

exclusive breastmilk feeding

predominant BF

also receiving water based drinks, vitamins, meds but no formula

complementary feeding

the process of consuming other foods and liquids, along with breast milk, to meet the nutritional requirements of infants after 6 months of age

how to calculate baby’s daily needs

weight of baby X 2.5 = ounces/day

how much should baby gain in ounces in the early months

at least one ounce per day

If you freshly pumped milk, how long can it sit on the counter?

4 hours max

If you thawed milk, how long can it sit out?

1-2 hours

If you pumped, how long can it stay in the fridge?

3-5 days max

If you thawed milk, how long can it stay in the fridge?

1 day

If you pump, how long can you deep freeze it for?

6 months and cant refreeze it

Until baby’s are 10 lbs, how long do they sleep?

not more than 3 hours

What do we recommend with moms that smoked during pregnancy?

to breastfeed

pseuophed causes what with milk supply?


triglycerides can cause baby’s to be


fluoxetine does what to babies

slows growth

What do you do if mom becomes preggo while BF?

mom’s milk might go to colostrum
new baby should feed first if tandem nursingg

how long can you keep milk in fridge freezer?

3 months

Australian posture

mom is on her back

if mom has implants what do we watch for?

engorgment and tight bras
insuff milk

solutions for implants

tanks with bra
report surgery to pedi

what do we watch for with reductions?

milk supply
clogged ducts

solutions for reduction

weight checks
at breast supplementation

what do we watch for with flat nipples

mom’s misunderstanding

flat nipple solution

asymmetric latch technique
hand expression
nipple shield (1 or 2 times)

what do we watch for with inverted nipples

milk supply

solutions for inverted nipples

weight checks
hard plastic shell inside bra

What do we watch for with nipple pain at beginning then lowers?

head change and body movement

solution for nipple pain at beginning then lowers

moms posture, hands and arms
try diff baby position

Nipple is misshaped after latched on. What do we do?

reassess mom’s position and latch
breast compression and massage to inc. milk flow and dec. pressure
could be tongue tie

What is colic determined by?

rule of 3: bouts of high pitched crying lasting more than 3 hours/day for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks

what to do if my baby has a cardiac defect or down syndrome?

may need to hand express after feeding to top off

Who collects the most comprehensive bf stats in the US?


What does prolactin do?

Cause milk to be made

What does oxytocin do?

Cause contractions which move the milk

What causes oxytocin to be released

Frequent feeding and milk removal

Lactogensis III requires what to succeed

Frequent milk removal and nipple stimulation

The fat content of milk suckled by the baby is determined by

The speed in which the Baby removes the milk

What is the most effective at increasing gastrin and cck

Feeding with species specific milk

Studies on childhood obesity demonstrate that

Breastfed babies are less likely to be obese

When undernourished moms were supplemented with extra energy in their diet they

Responded to their infant appropriately

Harmful bacteria have difficulty growing in breastfed baby’s gut because the composition of milk

Fosters the growth of good bacteria that crowd out other organisms.

Alveolar cells are the

Milk making cells

Myoepithelial cells are the

Smooth muscle cells that move the milk

The two pathways that control lactation are

Prolactin and oxytocin

Prolactin is dependent upon

Nipple stimulation

Associated with obesity in formula fed infants


GI hormone that causes fullness


Myoepithelial cells

Muscle cells around the alveolus

The last part of feeding


Period when baby is not at breast

Interbout period

Nothing other than human milk

Exclusive bf

Paracellular pathway

Elevated prolactin levels close this

oxytocin releasing mechanism

Baby hand massage

Produced by hormones of pregnancy


Conducts systematic reviews

Cochrane collaboration

Cellular lock for a chemical key

Receptor site


Storing energy for growth

Carb found only in mammal milk


Cholecystokinin helps babies feel a sense of


Glands that secrete lactation hormones


A cluster of milk making cells


Stage that begins with the delivery of the placenta

Lactogenesis II

Newborn milk


Hormone responsible for milk ejection


Breastmilk is low in this nutrient but it’s almost all bioavailabile


Nerves that empty the breast


The number one reason that mothers stop breastfeeding is concern about low

Milk supply

Hormone that increases with frequent nipple stimulation


Hormone secreted by the placenta


Promotes the release of gastrin


Smoking moms may wean early because

prolactin levels are low

Pacifier use by tube fed babies who were born prematurely may

Increase their weight gain

The FDA reports

There’s no consistent pattern of who does and doesn’t make formula safely.

Pituitary function may be impaired permanently with

Sheehan’s syndrome

Cows milk allergy is associated with about how many cases of reflux


Formula contamination is greater in what type formula


Formula fed babies are more likely to get


Third in the hierarchy of infant feeding

Donor breast milk

Reduction in risk of hypertension

Breastfeeding benefit >1 year

Physiological reason for low milk supply


Believes all authorities tell the truth

Receivers of knowledge

Buying milk on the internet

Risky behavior

Can make enough milk for two or more babies

Mothers of multiples

May alter pattern of postpartum bleeding

Retained placental fragments

Not bf increases the risk of these cancers

Breast and ovarian

Best technique for dealing with engorgement


Mother contraindication of bf

HIV infection

May delay lactogensis 2

Maternal obesity

Only infant contraindication


Type 2 inverted nipples do or don’t retain projection


Behavior that may lead to low milk supply


Formula contaminant

Cronobacter sakazakii

Most often associated with milk insufficiency

Periareolar incision

Frequently used inappropriately

Nipple shields

Affects up to 20% of post partum women


Women who use these are at greater risk of early weaning


Knowers who seek information from a variety of sources


In lactogensis 3 this can reduce supply


May reduce breast storage capacity


It’s best to use few words with these knowers

Women in silence

Secretory immunoglobulin A


Mothers who formula feed need to prepare it


“final rule” on formula spring 2014


Can be classified in 3 grades

Inverted nipples

May be prevented or delayed with longer bf periods


Concerns especially if powdered


May be prevented with frequent effective feedings


This depression is associated with early weaning


Can result in Sheehan syndrome


May be an indicator of sore nipples


May cause lower rise in prolactin


These nipples easily drawn out by baby


Allows for nipple stretch and oxytocin release

Nipple In Top of mouth

Increases exclusive breast milk feeding

The joint commission perinatal core measure outcome

Associated with latch difficulty

Epidural anesthesia

Provides perinatal support


Creates changes in breast appearance


This latch allows room for the nipple to stretch


The baby’s chin digs into the moms breast in this back and forth motion


Nose should be where to start the latch process

Opposite the nipple

Women learn a lot about bf by


Preferred style of counseling

Hands off

Promotes correct suckling

Self attachment

May impact the baby’s ability to orient to the breast


Tummy to mommy, nose to lips

Flex the hips

Helps babies transition to extrauterine life safely

Skin to skin

What suggests milk is being transferred?

Irregular suck to swallow

Sucking and skin contact lead to increases in


Act through gi tract leading to release of gi hormones

Vagal nerves

More will bf if they consider it the


Act through the adrenal glands. Causes catabolism

Splanchnic nerves (sympathetic)

Release of stored energy


Storage of energy


Inhibits GI secretion and release of GI hormones


Promote insulin release

Gastrin and cck

Vagus nerves trigger

Release of hormones

Cause release of catecholamines

Splanchnic nerves


Inhibit GI secretion

Parasympathetic nerves


Vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow to an extremity of the body in response to cold stress

Reynaud’s syndrome

Group of proteins which provide immunity


Causes passive systemic immune protection and forms antibodies to bacteria AND viruses


Forms antibodies against bacteria


The structure of the breast reveals

No lactiferous sinus

Reynaud’s is characterized by

Blanching of the nipple

The best advice for a mom with mastitis

Keep bf frequently on both sides

Nipple stretching helps induce


Nipple stroking helps induce


Usually occurs due to sepsis or blood incompatibility


Vasospasm of the nipple causing pain

Raynaud’s syndrome

Caused by compression of a duct


White spots on the face of the nipple


Breast inflammation that may or may not be infected


A bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics


Seen in Mastitis on one breast


Seen in Mastitis on both breasts


Largely causing uterine exposure

Environmental contaminants

May cause colic


When a baby refuses one breast

Goldsmiths sign

Bf method that Helps premies thrive

Kangaroo mother care

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