Fire Instructor III

The information stored in the records can be used for many purposes including the…
Development or alteration of policies and procedures

System Types
Manual And automatic

Codified statements that define the system, the data gathered, and how the data stored,access, analyzed, and disposed of.

NFPA 1041
Develop budget
Manage purchasing process
Develop specifications
Management resources
Manage personal

Training Records
The effective and Efficient management training record it is a sensual to a successful training program

Student attendance roster
What must be Maintain for all legal mandated courses

NFPA 1401
Training reports and records/design

Force development/standardized forms
Ensure that information that is mandated by law and stored in the records management system is consistent and complete

Development of training policies/effective and efficient operation
Of any fire and emergency services organization written policies,procedures, and guidelines are essential

Development of training policies/policies, procedures, and guidelines
They placed into writing the expectations of the organization

Help organizations address specific issues or problems

Identifies the steps that must be taken to for fill the intent of a policy and is written to support a policy

Identifies a general philosophy on like a policy or procedure that provides a clear rule or step-by-step process

Policy is the answer
When a specific rule or philosophy is needed that allows no variance

Procedure is the answer
When I step by step outline is required for administrative task or training operation

Guideline is most appropriate
When a general philosophy is needed that provides direction but allows the instructor to use some discretion

Staff selection/Effective instructors
Can teach, Lead, motivate, inspire, and change the attitudes of an organization

Qualifications/establishing credibility
In technical proficiency and professional experience in a subject to be taught are important factors

Qualifications/Effective instructors
Must be technically proficient in the skills that they are required to teach

Qualifications/along with technical qualifications
And instructor must also be qualified and certified

Internal external sources
Sources for Potential instructor’s may be either internal or external

Personal evaluations/2 types
Formal personal/informal approach

In formal approach
The preferred approach

The formal personal evaluation
Annually as part of a performance review

Performance standards are outlined and agreed-upon by
Both parties

The evaluation process
Helps instructors in management determine what would be changed to ensure that learning occurs in the easiest and most efficient way possible for students

After reviewing the evaluations instructors and program developers should take the following three steps
Determine causes for students Failures
Identify actions to correct deficiencies
Document and report Results to superiors

Authority and Responsibility
Purchasing involves two important concepts that an instructor must understand

The instructor must ensure that the substituted item is

And objective process must be based on
Fact – not emotion

Stepping stone pattern that allows each decision to be based firmly on the preceding decision

Means that it adheres to an existing, well established pattern that has been used excessively by other organizations

Review the current purchases
For determined needs

The physical evaluation
Should include both training evolutions an actual field test

The purchasing procedure for fire protection equipment depends on
The process adopted and regulated by the AHJ

Learning outcomes
Three learning domains
Knowledge, skills, or attitudes
Learning outcomes are based on the needs assessment that defines the duties, jobs, And tasked

Learning objectives
Specific statements/learning objectives represent the learning outcomes therefore they are directly related. Learning outcomes are generally broader, while objectives may be more specific.

Method of transferring knowledge by giving information through various forms of communication in a systematic manner

Learning objectives that are not tied to a specific job as a post to training where learning objectives are tied to a specific job

Internal state or condition that activates and directs behavior towards a goal

Is A general concept that refers to all forms of knowing, including perceiving, imagination, reasoning and judging. It is the foundation

Most commonly used form of learning is the________Skills domain, typically referred to as hands-on learning

Following a_________ Is helpful in developing programs and curriculums because it provides an outline or guy that assist level III instructors in reaching the program goal as well as the learning outcomes described in the course and learning objectives found in the lesson plan.
Planning model

_______________Is an efficient and effective method for ensuring that students are provided with the information required to meet the learning outcomes or certification criteria
Planning model

-Group similar objectives
-developed lesson plans
-Sequence lesson into course

___________The __________Step begins with the realization that a change in organizations operating environment has occurred
Identify needs/identification

When it is apparent that change is required or different or additional services are required, the organization must perform a_______________ to determine how the current service level and capability different from the new requirement or how much and what type of training is required to ensure that the organization can provide the new level of service
Needs analysis

_______Is the profession for teaching children and youth
Peda (pedagogy)

_ is Teaching adult students

Motivation – adults have internal incentives or motivators. They are motivated to learn by such factors as increased self – the steam resulting from the successful completion of the learning process and the desire to attain a goal.
No the two types of motivation which are not following:
Internal- for yourself

_ Often start their needs analysis by identifying and reviewing national standards and determining Minimum job performance requirements for performance required for a specific job based on those standards
Program planners

_ Our group to job duties

____Is a detailed review of each physical task or job that is performed by emergency personnel
Task analysis

In order to perform a task analysis, the instructor must first____________ on the specific task that compose the job or duty
Collect information

The statement of the desired effect of the curriculum/course

Specific knowledge to learn and apply, skills to perform in master, or performance to meet

How many course objectives are there

Content objectives/how many objectives and each lesson

Design curriculum/course-What’s the type and quantity of required training has been identified, and instructor designs a curriculum/course that will meet the requirements
-GROUP similar Objectives

  • DEVELOP lesson Plans

A _________Is it an instructional document that outlines the information and skills to be taught
Lesson plan

What three things do lesson plans due???

  • provide uniformity by standardizing the instruction
  • give a clear path for both instructors and students to follow
  • ensure continuity

What is the most prevalent approaches to teaching
Instructor – led

Technical -based training (TBT)

For students, evaluations provide feedback on their knowledge and skill level and assist need for further study or practice.
Create evaluation instruments

___________Not only determine the amount of knowledge that the student has learned but also the effectiveness of the teaching process and validity/reliability of testing instruments
Student evaluations

Who assist in the development of the topic to be taught

-Marker board
-illustration or diagram displays
Non projected training aids

Video and multi media projections/large screen images
-Televisions/programs and video presentations
Projected training aids

Televisions, projection screens, cameras, scanners, and video capture devices that are used in support of audio visual training aids.
Ancillary equipment

System plan-Recordkeeping is done at what phase
Planning phase

Types of record management systems
Manual and automatic

Looks at the process of coarse development and instruction
Formative evaluation

Looks at the product and evaluate reactions to the course and instructional methods
Summative evaluation

Considerations for planning
What are the best and most cost effective method for measuring the results of the training?
-are there less costly, more effective ways of administering the evaluations?

________Is an ongoing, repeated checking
Formative evaluation

Two ways to conduct formative evaluations are and _
flied testing and observation

(Reaction surveys) Is an end of course appraisal
Summative evaluations

________Ensure that learning occurs in the easiest and most efficient way possible
Evaluation results

Programs strengths and build on them, the evaluation is
Prospective or formative

Achievements or outcome of the program, then it is a
Retrospective or summative

Pro Fo (Prospective or formative)
Allows the program or project to be altered while it is operating

RET SUM(retrospective or summative)
Generate new programs or project

More subjective form of a valuation/non-numerical analysis
Qualitative evaluation

More objective evaluation/Statistical analysis
Quantitative evaluation

Bogey /ETCA
No more than 4Xs/80/only one rest unlocked at a time

Which of the following is the BEST way for the instructor to understand what skills need to be included and taught in a course?
Task analysis

Which of the following is a function of a needs analysis?
Identifying a method to achieve desired levels of knowledge

Instructors and students can perform a summative evaluation at the end of each course to determine whether the course met the:
educational goals of the organization.

Which of the following statements about low scores is MOST accurate?
Low scores could indicate that the test was not valid.

The cost of creating a curriculum should be compared to:
purchasing an existing curriculum.

What is the first step in implementing a course or curriculum?
Obtaining final course approval

Which of the following is the MOST often used model to understand what skills need to be included and taught in the course?
Sequential task analysis

Learning objectives are based upon information gathered during:
the task analysis.

The results of instructor evaluations may show the need for:
enhanced instructor development.

Which of the following may determine the need for revisions of a course?
Evaluation of training course

Most test-result analysis is currently performed using:
computer software.

Which of the following would be the BEST tool to use for certifying personnel and designing and evaluating training?
Professional qualifications standards

Which of the following is a measure of quality?
Distractor analyses

Validity refers to the measurement of mastery or nonmastery by a student as compared against the:
established learning objectives.

Which of the following steps determines the effectiveness of the course or curriculum in meeting the requirements?
Evaluate the course or curriculum

Periodic evaluations of all courses and curricula should be scheduled to determine:
whether they still meet the original needs of the organization.

What is the primary purpose of analyzing test results?
Improve the teaching/learning process

What is the difference between course and curriculum goals?
Curriculum goals apply to a number of courses

Which of the following should be used to create a course or curriculum?
Planning model

Which of the following collectively contribute to achieving the course goal?
Learning objectives

Who of the following should have input into the assessment of teaching and learning materials?
Instructors and students

Which of the following is a procedure used to revise a test?
Teach lesson again and retest

Before implementation of a course or curriculum, instructors:
perform a detailed formative evaluation.

Lessons are placed in order so that the most basic knowledge is taught:

When change is required, an organization must perform a needs analysis to determine:
service level and capability differences in the new requirement.

Which of the following are used when instructors need to eliminate instruction that is no longer needed?
Instructional design evaluations

Level III Instructors use evaluation results to:
determine what could be changed.

Which of the following evaluations may be completed by a third party, such as state boards of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or state agencies for public health?

Which of the following determine how well a program is meeting its correct goals or objectives?
Goal-based evaluations

Which of the following occur when the intent of the evaluation is to assess the achievements or outcomes of the program?
Retrospective evaluations

The primary purpose of evaluation is to:
improve the teaching and learning process.

What is the first step a Level III instructor should do after reviewing the evaluations?
Determine areas for improvement

Which of the following is a method of qualitative evaluation?
Instructor observations

Which of the following can gather evidence during individual classes during a course?
Instructors’ observations

Which of the following provide actual, measurable benefits that are created as a result of the program’s existence?
Outcome-based evaluations

What is the last step a Level III instructor should do after reviewing the evaluations?
Document and report results as appropriate

What is the primary purpose of an evaluation?
Improve the teaching and learning process

An evaluation plan contains the _ process for the various types of evaluations used by the jurisdiction.

Which of the following can be used to justify existing budgets and support the efficiency of the training division?
Performance measurements

Any recommendation a Level III Instructor makes should reflect:
agency goals.

Which of the following are intended to compare a mission statement with its output?
Organizational evaluations

Which of the following are based on a numeric or statistical analysis?
Quantitative evaluations

Which of the following is one of the four levels of Kirkpatick’s model?
Reaction of students

Which of the following are completed by personnel, such as a company officer?
Supervisor surveys

Which of the following determine how information or skills learned are being used?
Student learning surveys

For policies to be effective, they must be:
supported by the organizaton’s administration and training manager.

When selecting instructional staff, a Level III Instructor should determine the instructors’ roles in the organization and the:
qualifications they need to teach.

Presentations regarding the needs analysis should be concise and informed by:
evidence from research.

Acceptance of change requires that personnel know the:
reason for the change

What is one strategy that Level III Instructors use to include instructors in the decision-making process?
Involving employees in the analysis process

When may a needs analysis identify other agencies that can provide training facilities, mutual aid, and equipment?
When funding does not exist to acquire resources

When developing training policies, the first action is to:
identify a need for a new policy, procedure, or guideline.

Which of the following are used specifically for very expensive, one-time-purchase resources?
Capital purchases

Which of the following is a key management function?
Selecting competent instructional staff

Needs analysis data gathered from meetings and research must be:
organized and interpreted.

The personnel evaluation process begins with the initial meeting between the:
Level III Instructor and the new staff member.

Which of the following eliminates a company for consideration?
Documented history of contract violations

Which of the following is the primary cause for failure of personnel to accept and adhere to the contents of a new policy, procedure, or guideline?
Improper implementation

With what should a Level III Instructor maintain familiarity in regard to laws that apply to the subpoenaing of documents for use in legal cases?
Local and state/provincial laws

A (An) _ signals to organizational personnel that the policy, procedure, or guideline has official sanction.

Which of the following ensures that information mandated by law and stored in the record-keeping system is consistent and complete?
Standardization of forms

A bid process is conducted to ensure that the organization is performing all due diligence to purchase a:
quality resource at an appropriate price.

Which of the following defines the needs of the organization and allows manufacturers to decide whether they can meet purchasing specifications?
Request for proposal (RFP)

Level III Instructors function as intermediaries between administration and the:
personnel being trained.

Which of the following bids includes many specifications that only one manufacturer can meet?
Restrictive bid

An organizaton’s training program must comply with the standards that apply to the:
subjects taught.

Adopting a standard allows the _ to enforce the requirements set forth in the standard.
training manager

Which of the following prohibits test records from being disclosed without the written consent of the student?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Disclosure is a legal term referring to the act of:
giving out information.

Which of the following is the first step in identifying a need for a new policy?
Identify the problem

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