1. Symptoms of depression are a side effect of which neurotransmitter


A- Dopamine

B- Gabapentin

C- Mu

D- Cortisol

2. Which of the following is considered a synovial joint?

A- -Vertebral bodies of the spine

B- – Skull

C- -Shoulder

D- – Pubic symphysis of the pelvis

3. The most common sign associated with substance abuse in an

adolescent is:

A- – Poor school performance

B- – Change in sleep habits

C- – Increased blood pressure

D- – Changes in behavior

4. Which pathogen is associated with common urinary tract infections?

A- E. coli

B- Klebsiella

C- Streptococcus

D- Proteus mirabilis

5. Which medication can cause a false positive result for amphetamines

in a urine drug screen?

A- Metformin

B- Lisinopril

C- Glyburide

D- Bupropion

6. Pregnant women are evaluated for syphilis with serology testing


A- Syphilis during pregnancy predisposes the fetus to spontaneously

abortion or the newborn to have syphilis

B- Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy may trigger

activation of latent syphilis

C- Syphilis may be passed to the fetus beginning in the third


D- Untreated syphilis can cause neonatal respiratory distress

7. Heartburn and regurgitation are symptoms associated with:

A- Hiatal hernia

B- Gastroesophageal reflux= GERD

C- Peptic ulcer disease

D- Esophageal cancer

8. Which patient causes the greatest concern for complications related

to scoliosis?

A- 13-year-old girl with a 10° curve

B- 17-year-old girl with a 10° curve

C- 12-year-old boy with a 5° curve

D- 18-year-old boy with a 5° curve

9. Which medication is contraindicated during an acute attack of gout?

A- Colchicine (for acute attack)

B- Allopurinol = prophylaxis, preventive, meds patient drinks everyday

C- A steroid


10. A cloudy opacity of the eye is noted on ophthalmoscopic

examination. This is suggestive of:

A- Corneal arcus

B- A corneal scar

C- A pterygium

D- A cataract

11. Which medication is the first-line treatment for chronic bacterial

prostatitis (CBP)?

A- Erythromycin 4 times daily for 7 to 10 days

B- Doxycycline (Vibramycin) twice daily for 14 days

C- Macrobid (Nitrofurantoin) twice daily for 6 weeks

D- Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim DS) twice daily for 4 to

12 weeks

12. Which medication is initially used for patients with benign

positional vertigo?

A- Hydrochlorothiazide

B- Meclizine (Antivert) = or Dimenhydrinate (dramamine) avestibular


C- Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)

D- Promethazine (Phenergan)which immunization

13. Which of the following conditions is associated with chronic

bloody diarrhea?

A- Irritable bowel syndrome

B- Crohn’s disease

C- Hepatitis A

D- Celiac disease

14. What is the initial treatment for a patient with premenstrual

syndrome who is experiencing acute pain?

A- Black cohosh

B- B vitamins

C- Antidepressant agents

D- Heat applied to the lower abdomen

15. Why would a combined hormonal contraceptive be contraindicated

in a 36-year-old patient with a past medical history of diabetes,

obesity, current smoking and sedentary lifestyle?

A- She is obese

B- She has type 2 diabetes mellitus

C- Her age and tobacco use = risk for blood clots

D- She leads a sedentary lifestyle

16. A 53-year-old man might be experiencing symptoms of a small

bowel obstruction because he complains of:

A- Nausea and diarrhea

B- Vomiting and pain

C- Hematemesis and bloody stool

D- Indigestion and anorexia

17. Which of the following is a typical finding in a patient with a

meniscal tear?

A- Positive McMurray’s test = a test used to determine the presence of a

meniscal tear within the knee B- Positive anterior drawer test

C-Audible click at the joint line

D- Fixed patellar subluxation

18. When performing acuity test, the nurse practitioner notes 20/30 in

the left eye and 20/60 in the right eye. The next step is to:

A- Have the patient return in 2 weeks for a follow-up vision screen

B- Dilate the eyes and re-test

C- Refer the patient to an ophthalmologist

D- Document this is a normal finding

19. The medication that targets postprandial blood glucose by blocking

the transport of glucose across the intestine into the bloodstream is:

A- Metformin (Glucophage XR)

B- Acarbose (Precose) = this helps prevent sugars from passing through your

small intestine into your blood.

C- Rosiglitazone (Avandia)

D- Glipizide (Glucotrol XL)

20. A pediatric patient diagnosed with croup most likely presents with

which clinical finding?

A- Barking cough

B- Sudden onset of symptoms

C- Nighttime symptoms

D- Shortness of breath

21. What assessment finding suggests osteosarcoma in a pediatric


A- Pain in the affected bone

B- Pathologic fracture

C- Repeat fracture

D- Apophyseal avulsion

22. Which of the following is NOT a cause of unilateral rhinitis?

A- A foreign body in the nasal canal

B- A nasal polyp

C- Drug induced rhinitis

D- A deviated septum

23. A 64-year-old man complains of leg pain and occasional numbness

that worsens with ambulation and improves with lumbar flexion.

These symptoms are consistent with:

A- ankylosing spondylitis

B- spinal stenosis

C- bursitis Document continues below

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D- cauda equina syndrome

24. What symptom would lead the nurse practitioner to suspect

atypical community-acquired pneumonia in an 18-year-old living in

a college dorm?

A- A low-grade fever, malaise, and clear lung fields on auscultation

B- A low-grade fever, malaise, and crackles audible throughout the

lung fields

C- Temperature of 101°F, sore throat, and diminished breath sounds

of auscultation

D- Temperature of 102°F, dyspnea, and diminished lung sounds of


26. A 23-year-old baseball player is evaluated for left shoulder pain

secondary to a sports injury. Which of the four rotator cuff muscles

is affected if the patient has a pain with abduction movement of the


A- Supraspinatus = the supraspinatus can be tested by having the patient

abduct the shoulders to 90 degrees in forward flexion with the thumbs

pointing downward. The patient then attempts to elevate the arms against

examiner resistance. This is often referred to as the “empty can” test.

B- Infraspinatus

C- Levator scapulae muscle

D- Subscapularis

27. What is the mechanism of action of an alpha-adrenergic blocker in

patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

A- To improve detrusor muscle stability

B- To reduce the size of the prostate gland

C- To relax the prostate smooth muscle = these medications, relax the

muscle of the prostate and bladder neck, which allows urine to flow more

easily. There are at least five medications in this category: terazosin (Hytrin),

doxazosin (Cardura), tamsulosin (Flomax), alfuzosin (Uroxatral), and

silodosin (Rapaflo).

D- To dilate the urethral vasculature

28. The nurse practitioner performs a breast exam and documents a

small fixed circular nodule at the “tail of Spence”. This is located:

A- In the upper inner quadrant

B- In the lower inner quadrant

C- In the lower outer quadrant

D- Laterally across the anterior axillary fold

29. Which lesion is dark, raised and asymmetric with irregular borders?

A- Nevus

B- Actinic keratosis

C- Keratoacanthoma

D- Melanoma

30. The secondary stage of syphilis is associated with which clinical


A- Absence of symptoms = (latent syphilis)

B- A single painless lesion (chancre) on the genital area = (primary


C- Rash marked by red or reddish-brown, penny-sizes lesions over

the palms and soles = does not itch, multiple painless lesions D- Poor

muscle coordination = (tertiary syphilis)

31. A 67-year-old woman with a history of arterial fibrillation and an

ejection fraction of 48% has had normal digoxin levels of 0.8-2

ng/dL for the past 9 months. Today the result was 0.4 ng/dL. What

could be the cause of this decrease in digoxin levels?

A- Decreased creatine clearance

B- Weight loss

C- Increased exercise

D- Regular use of an antacid

32. Short bands of tough, flexible, ropelike collagen fibrils that connect

two bones is called:

A- Tendons (connect muscle and bone)

B- Fibrous connective tissue

C- Ligaments = connect 2 bones

D- Cartilage (rubber like padding covers and protects the ends of long bone at

the joints), an fasciae (connect muscle to other muscle)

33. What is the drug of choice for a pediatric patient diagnosed with


A- Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) lotion

B- Permethrin (Nix) cream

C- Lindane (Kwell)

D- Selenium sulfide (Selsun)

34. Which of the following complaints best describes lower extremity

calf pain associated with peripheral artery disease?

A- A sharp, stabbing pain

B- A dull pain or cramp

C- An electric shock

D- A pulsating pain

35. Which of the following warning signs of a headache do NOT warrant

an immediate investigation?

A- New onset after age 50

B- Aggravated or relieved by change of position

C- Precipitated by Valsalva maneuver

D- Relieved with use of common analgesics

36. A 77-year-old patient is diagnosed with new onset anemia. This

finding should prompt follow-up assessment for:

A- Constipation

B- Malignancy

C- Medication reaction

D- Associated fatigue

37. A patient with an acute presentation of acute aortic regurgitation

(AR) typically presents with sudden sever sharp lower extremity

edema, a rapid heartbeat, and:

A- Dry cough

B- Chest pain

C- Decreased blood pressure

D- – Systolic murmur (diastolic)

38. When assessing bilateral eye movement, the nurse practitioner is

assessing which cranial nerve?


B- CN III, IV, VI = 3, 4, 6, Cranial nerves III (oculomotor), CN IV (trochlear), and

CVI (abducens) control the position of the eyeballs.



39. Before the nurse practitioner prescribes metronidazole (Flagyl) for a

patient with giardiasis it is important to inquire:

A- The presence of an allergy to sulfa

B- A past medical history of peptic ulcer disease

C- Whether the patient is at least 18 years old

D- Whether the patient drinks alcohol

Giardiasis is an infection in small intestine. It’s caused by a microscopic parasite

called Giardia lamblia. Giardiasis spreads through contact with infected people.

And you can get giardiasis by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated

water. Pet dogs and cats also frequently contract giardia.

40. Which medication class is contraindicated in a pediatric patient

diagnosed with acute sinusitis?

A- Antihistamines

B- Expectorant

C- Decongestants

D- Nasal steroids

41. Which medication is used as an anticoagulant reversal agent for

dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa)?

A- Idarucizumab (Praxbind)

B – Vitamin K – (warfarin coumadin)

C – Protamine sulfate – (heparin)

D – Fondaparinux (Arixtra) –

42. A prostate gland is found to be tender, swollen, boggy, and

warm on a digital rectal exam is consistent with:

A- A normal prostate gland

B- Acute bacterial prostatitis = bacterial prostatitis is an acute infection of

the prostate gland that causes pelvic pain and urinary tract symptoms, such

as dysuria, urinary frequency, and urinary retention, and may lead to

systemic symptoms, such as fevers, chills, nausea, emesis, and malaise.

C- Benign prostatic hyperplasia

D- Carcinoma of the prostate

43. Which of the following is the single-dose treatment for a patient

with diagnosed chlamydia?

A- Doxycycline (Vibramycin) 200 mg orally

B- Azithromycin (Zithromax) 1 gram orally

C- Metronidazole (Flagyl) 2 grams orally = trichomonas

D- Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 250 mg intramuscular

44. What class of antibiotics can cause decreased hearing?

A- Aminoglycosides = vancomycin, streptomycin, gentamycin

B- Bata lactams

C- Cephalosporins

D- Macrolides

45. Findings of a nontender, enlarged scrotum in a 48-year-old man

suggests a concern for which condition?

A- Orchitis

B- Epididymitis

C- Hydrocele

D- Prostatitis

46. A 17-year-old is diagnosed with mild bronchospasm. Which if the

following would provide relief?

A- Inhaled mometasone (Asmanex)

B- Inhaled levalbuterol (Xopenex) = a quick relief drug (bronchodilators)

C- Oral montelukast (Singulair)

D- Oral dextromethorphan/guaifenesin product

47. What condition presents with facial features of an elongated

head and body prominence of the forehead, nose and lower


A- Nephrotic syndrome

B- Acromegaly

C- Cushing’s syndrome

D- Parkinson’s disease

48. Which statement is true about varicose veins?

A- They are due to congenital valve deformities

B- They are usually diagnosed on clinical presentation

C- They are not affected by pregnancy

D- They are more symptomatic during ovulation

49. What is the mechanism of action for prostaglandin E1 (PG1) in a

patient with transposition of the great arteries?

A- To maintain equal pressure in the ventricles

B- To maintain patency of the great arteries

C- To produce vasodilation and adequate oxygen saturation

D- To prevent cyanotic episodes by trapping blood in the lower


50. The right lymphatic ducts drain into what part of the circulatory


A- Arterial

B- Venous = subclavian veins, venous circulation

C- Arteriovenous system

D- Capillary bed

51. A 70-year-old woman is seen in the office for complains of

mouth soreness that deters eating. During the assessment,

findings include a glossy, smooth, beefy-red tongue. This suggests:

A- Pernicious anemia due to insufficient intrinsic factor = pernicious

anemia caused by Vit. B12 deficiency result in megaloblastic anemia may

represent glossitis

B- Secondary hypothyroidism

C- Cheilosis, a serious disease of the mouth and oropharynx D- A

neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease.

52. How would a condylomata acuminate lesion in a man be

described in the medical record?

A- A group of small scattered vesicles

B- A chancre

C- Multiple papular lesions with verrucous appearance

D- A red, nontender, enlarging indurated nodule on the penis

Condyloma acuminatum is a single genital wart

Condylomata is multiple popular lesions/genital warts (cauliflower like)

verrucous appearance


53. Based on the mechanism of hearing, sensorineural loss in an

adult involves the:

A – Cochlea and the cochlear nerve = cochlea and vestibulocochlear

nerve CN VIII

B – External ear canal and the middle ear

C – Ossicles and the inner ear

D – Transfer of sounds from the external environment into the external

auditory canal

54. Which of the following is commonly associated with increased

risk for prostatic hypertrophy?

A- Constipation

B- Fecal incontinence

C- Urinary tract infections

D- Prostate cancer

55. Which of the following risk factors is NOT associated with breast


A- Personal family history of breast cancer

B- Use of hormone replacement therapy

C- Postmenopausal obesity

D- Low socioeconomic status

56. Which area of the body should be assessed if an enlarged right

epitrochlear lymph node is palpated?

A- Throat, face and right ear

B- Neck and supraclavicular region

C- Right forearm and hand

D- Right groin and abdomen

57. A child with a history of enuresis (involuntary urination, especially

by children at night) should be treated with desmopressin acetate

(DDAVP) nasal spray for:

A- Daytime incontinence

B- Urinary pain

C- Secondary enuresis

D- Nocturnal enuresis

58. What diagnostic test is performed to diagnose acute

lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)?

A- A complete blood count with differential

B- Magnetic resonance imaging

C- A nuclear bone scans

D- A bone marrow examination = bone marrow biopsy

59. When evaluating a 17-year-old girl with infrequent menstrual

periods, which finding suggests probable hyperandrogenism?

A- High pitched voice

B- Hirsutism

C- Polycystic ovaries Obesity

60. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) describes

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is:

A- A self-inflicted injury to gain attention

B- A caregiver making up or causing an illness or injury in a person

under his or her care

C- An abusive behavior that does not involve the caregiver

D- A situation in which the abuser is often inattentive and uncaring

toward the victim

61. A woman who is 30 weeks pregnant has a blood pressure of

155/92 mmHg. Which of the following is the most appropriate

antihypertensive medication for her?

A- Candesartan

B- Lisinopril

C- Methyldopa = labetalol, nifedipine

D- Furosemide

62. Finding of a firm, nodular hypertrophic mass of scar tissue on

the posterior surface of a pierced ear lobe is documented as:

A- a keloid

B- a tophi = a deposit of crystalline uric acid (gout)

C- a cutaneous cyst

D- chondrodermatitus


63. Physical assessment of a child with Down syndrome should

focus on what body system for further evaluation?

A- Orthopedic

B- Gastrointestinal

C- Cardiac = especially in first 12 mos. of life D- Endocrine

64. Rh-negative women should receive Rho (D) immune globulin at

what gestational time?

A- 6 weeks

B- 12 weeks

C- 28 weeks = of pregnancy then again w/in 72 hrs. after delivery, not

administered before 28th week D- 35 weeks

65. Patients with asthma have a pathological finding of:

A- Necrosis of small airways

B- Absence of goblet cells

C- Absence of ciliary regeneration

D- Hypertrophy of smooth muscle

66. A 52-year-old man who takes warfarin for a deep vein

thrombosis (DVT) missed his morning dose of warfarin 5mg

yesterday and today. The patient should be instructed to:

A- Wait until tomorrow and resume dosing of warfarin 5mg

B- Take warfarin 10mg now

C- Take warfarin 5mg now, warfarin 5mg at 5pm today and resume

the daily warfarin 5mg dose in the morning scheduled. Take

warfarin 5mg now and resume the warfarin 5mg daily doze in the

morning as scheduled

67. Which immunization is recommended during adolescence for

the prevention of a common sexually transmitted viral infection?

A-Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine

B- Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

C- Hepatitis A vaccine

D- Chlamydia vaccine

68. Fine, silky appearance of the hair is a common finding in:

A- Hypothyroidism

B- Hyperthyroidism

C- Type 2 diabetes

D- Celiac disease

69. Which of the following hematology findings suggests need for

further evaluation in a patient with a history of cardiac disease?

A- Hematocrit 42% (normal male 38.5 – 50%, female 34.9 – 44.55%)

B- Potassium 4.2 mg/dL (normal 3.5 – 5.5 mg/dl)

C- Sodium 140 mEq/dL (normal 135 – 145 mg/dl)

D- Low density lipoprotein of 190 mg/dL = (LDLbad cholesterol,

elevated, normal is 100 – 129mg/dl)

HDL = is good cholesterol, H means “Happy”

70. What clinical emergency is associated with findings of



A- Optic atrophy

B- Microaneurysms

C- Increased intercranial pressure = underlying brain mass

D- Retinal hemorrhages

71. A 74-year-old man who recently lost his spouse of 50 years in an

auto accident tells the nurse practitioner that he “has no purpose

in this life.” The next most appropriate question for the nurse

practitioner to ask is:

A- “Have you told your family how you feel?”

B- “Have you thought about hurting yourself?”

C- “Are you taking your medications?”

D- “Do you have any friends?”

72. A 45-year-old carpenter complains of a foreign body sensation in

is left eye with tearing and itching. During the ophthalmoscopic

exam, a triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva is found at

the outer surface of the cornea. This finding is consistent with:

A- Corneal arcus

B- Corneal scar

C- Pterygium

D- Cataract

73. Patients with Parkinson’s disease exhibit sustained resistance to

passive movement throughout the range of motion, with no

fluctuations. This muscle tone is referred to as:

A- Spasticity

B- “lead-pipe” rigidity

C- Flaccidity


74. Which of the conditions is NOT a typical finding of

hyperprolactinemia in a 47-year-old premenopausal woman?

A – Hirsutism (facial hair growth)

B – Gynecomastia = should be milky discharge from the breasts (galactorrhea)

when not pregnant or breast-feeding.

C – Oligomenorrhea (irregular menstrual periods (oligomenorrhea) or no

menstrual periods (amenorrhea)

D – Acne (acne and excessive body hair)

75. Patients with bacterial meningitis experience headache symptoms

due to:

A- Meningeal erythema

B- Increased intracranial pressure

C- Meningeal irritation = swelling from meninges

D- Swelling of the spinal cord

76. Which medication is indicated for patients with generalized

anxiety disorder (GAD)?

A- Buspirone (BuSpar)

B- Citalopram (Celexa)= SSRI’s

C- Imipramine (Tofranil) – (tricyclic antidepressant)


D- Bupropion HCI (Wellbutrin)

77. Why is phenazopyridine (Pyridium) prescribed for short-term use

only in patients with urinary tract infections?

A- Possible resistance

B- Occurrence of hemolytic anemia = hepatotoxicity, impaired liver

function, nephrotoxicity)

C- Gastritis

D- Cost

Phenazopyridine is used to treat urinary symptoms such as pain or burning,

increased urination, and increased urge to urinate. These symptoms can be

caused by infection, injury, surgery, catheter, or other conditions that irritate the



78. How would a condylomata acuminata lesion in a man be described

in the medical record?

A- A group of small scattered vesicles

B- A chancre

C- Multiple papular lesions with verrucous appearance

D- A red, nontender, enlarging indurated nodule on the penis

79. Which medication is used as an anticoagulant reversal agent for

dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa)? A- Idarucizumab (Praxbind)

B- Vitamin (coumadin)

C- Protamine sulfate (heparin)

D- Fondaparinux (Arixtra)

80. The immunization that protects against the contagious disease that

causes fever, headache, stiff neck, photophobia, and altered mental

status is?

A- Meningococcal vaccine

B- Pneumococcal vaccine

C- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. D- Varicella vaccine

81. Which pathogen is the most common cause of gastroenteritis?

A- Helicobacter pylori

B- Escherichia coli

C- Norovirus (and campylobacter in adult, and in children rotavirus) D-

Vibrio cholera

82. Primary syphilis is characterized by what type of lesion?

A- A cluster of scattered vesicles

B- Chancre = a small painless open sore

C- Papule of many shapes

D- Nontender indurated penile nodule

83. A nonpregnant woman is diagnosed with trichomoniasis should be

treated with:

A- Metronidazole (Flagyl) = 2g PO single dose

B- Doxycycline (Vibramycin)

C- Clindamycin (Cleocin)

D- Clotrimazole (Lotrimin)

84. Which of the following conditions is NOT a typical finding of

hyperprolactinemia in a 47-year-old premenopausal woman?


B- Gynecomastia

C- Oligomenorrhea

D- Acne

85. Which form of urinary incontinence is present in a patient with

Alzheimer’s disease who is unable to reach the toilet in time?

A- Functional incontinence

B- Overflow incontinence

C-Urge incontinence = The most common type of urinary incontinence in

patients with Alzheimer’s disease is urge urinary incontinence.

D-Stress incontinence

Functional incontinence is characterized by involuntary urine loss due to

factors outside the lower urinary tract. For example, if a patient has no stress or

urge symptoms or a high postvoid residual but is incontinent because he or she

cannot reach the bathroom in a timely manner, it may be termed functional


Functional incontinence is related to impaired cognitive functioning and

mobility. With functional incontinence, lower urinary tract function is intact, but

decreased cognitive functioning prevents individuals from recognizing the need to

use the restroom, or decreased mobility affects the ability to reach the restroom

in time.

86. A 34-year-old man presents with complaints of abdominal pain. The

nurse practitioner suspects hemorrhagic pancreatitis due to findings of

superficial edema, bruising around the umbilicus(Cullen’s sign), and what

other assessment finding?

A- A positive Gray Turner’s sign = ecchymosis of the flank

B- A positive Cullen’s sign (ecchymosis and edema in the subcutaneous

tissue around the umbilicus)

C- Kaposi’s sarcoma

D- Petechiae

87. Which of the following breast mass findings does NOT suggest

possible malignant breast lesions?

A- Solitary with irregular borders (cancer – irregular in shape)

B- Movable and “rope-like”

C- Hard and attached to adjacent tissue (cancer – firm, solid, fixed to the


D- Ipsilateral and nontender (cancer- painless)

88. A 42-year-old woman with a past medical history of migraine

headaches is requesting prophylactic medication treatment. Which

medication should NOT be prescribed?

A- Sumatriptan (Imitrex)

B- Amitriptyline (Elavil)

C- Verapamil (Verelan)

D- Metoprolol (Lopressor)

Prophylaxis: preventive

Beta Blocker



Abortive: acute attack

Triptan family

Fioricet (meds with caffeine)

89. To increase urine outflow in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia

(BPH), the nurse practitioner should prescribe:

A- An alpha blocker = an antagonist and anti-androgens or a combination of

two, relax smooth muscle including bladder outlet muscles Ex. “sin ending”

alfuzosin, prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, silodosin, tamsulosin.

B- An alpha agonist

C- A calcium channel blocker

D- A diuretic

90. A pediatric patient has areas of scaling on the scalp, with round

patches of alopecia. This clinical finding is consistent with:

A- Tinea capitis = also known as “Ringworm” of the scalp is a fungal

infection, itchy, scaly, bald patches on the head

B- Seborrheic dermatitis (red, itchy rash on your scalp that has flaky scale)

C- Trichotillomania – (normal scalp appearance without inflammation but

has patchy hair loss)

D- Alopecia areata – (normal scalp appearance without scales and erythema

but has single or multiple hair patches)

91. Which diagnostic test is ordered to measure the renal function in a

patient with suspected insufficiency?

A- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

B- Serum creatine = most sensitive test for kidney function

C- A 24-hour creatine clearance

D- Serum uric acid

92. A ‘mask-like” facial appearance, a characteristic stare and

decreased blinking are features of:

A- Nephrotic syndrome

B- Myxedema

C- Cushing syndrome

D- Parkinson disease

93. Which medication prescribed is appropriate for a woman with a

history of sphincter incompetence and stress incontinence?

A- Prazosin (Minipress)

B- Bethanechol (Urecholine, Myotonachol)

C- Pseudoephedrine = alpha adrenergic agonist (strengthen the muscle that

opens and closes the urinary sphincter does treat stress incontinence)

D- Flavoxate (Urispas) = is a synthetic urinary tract spasmolytic used to treat

bladder symptoms such as frequent or urgent urination, increased

nighttime urination, bladder pain, and incontinence (urine leakage).

94. The proper TPAL documentation for a woman with a maternity

history of an uncomplicated vaginal delivery at 38 weeks, cesarean

section for premature triplets, and an elective abortion at 8 weeks

is documented as:

A- Gravida 4, para 1114

B- Gravida 4, para 1314

C- Gravida 3, para 1114 = Term, Premature birth, Abortion, Living D-

Gravida 3, para 1112

Gravida = total number of pregnancies (a woman who is pregnant now or has

been pregnant)

Term = born at 37 to 41 weeks

Premature = born between 20 to 36 weeks

Abortion = happened or born before 20 weeks

Living = currently living

95. Which finding suggests possible serotonin syndrome in a patient

currently taking nortriptyline?

A- Depression

B- Anxiety, manic behavior

C- Rapid heart rate, high blood pressure

D- Decreased levels of serotonin

Nortriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant. It affects chemicals in the brain that

may be unbalanced in people with depression. Nortriptyline is used to treat

symptoms of depression. Nortriptyline may also be used for purposes not

listed in this medication guide.

96. What is the first-line treatment for a patient with newly diagnosed


A- Diagnostic workup to rule out rheumatoid arthritis

B- NSID use at lowest effective dose

C- Acetaminophen use up to 4 grams daily

D- Exercise and weight loss

97. What is the initial treatment for a patient with premenstrual

syndrome who is experiencing acute pain?

A- Black cohosh

B- B vitamins

C- Antidepressant agents (first line SSRI’s)

D- Heat applied to the lower abdomen

98. Which one of the following risk factors is NOT associated with

breast cancer?

A- Personal family history of breast cancer

B- Use of hormone replacement herapy

C- Postmenopausal obesity

E- Low socioeconomic status

99. The finding of a dome-shaped lesion in the dermis that forms a

benign, close, firm sac attached to the epidermis?

A- A keloid

B- A tophi

C- A cutaneous cyst

D- Chondrodermatitis

100. When educating a patient with moderate persistent asthma about

fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair), the nurse practitioner should

explain that:

A- It is not effective during an acute asthma attack = will not stop

asthma attack once one has started.

B- It may take 2 to 3 weeks to be effective

C- This drug works within 10 minutes

D- This drug may be used my patients 6 years and older

101. Which of the following is NOT a location of pain associated with

kidney and ureter disorders?

A- Flank

B- Abdominal (lower)

C- Back

D- Suprapubic

102. Which clinical condition is treated with anticholinergic (anti

spasmodic) medications?

A- Asymptomatic bacteriuria

B- Renal insufficiency

C- Urge incontinence = and stress incontinence Ex. Detrol, Ditropan, Uripas,

Enablex, Oxytrol, Vesicare

D- Overflow incontinence

103. A 21-year-old woman with bulimia is likely to be:

A- Very overweight

B- Very underweight

C- Of average weight

D- Not concerned with weight

104. A 65-year-old patient with a history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

is being treated for a dental abscess. Which antibiotic is safe to use

with Warfarin (Coumadin)?

A- Amoxicillin (Amoxil)

B- Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)

C- Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

D- Clarithromycin (Biaxin)

105. A 3-year-old child has enterobiasis. When should the dose of

mebendazole (Vermox) be repeated?

A- In 3 days

B- In 1 week

C- In 2 weeks

D- In 3 weeks


106 Vitamins prescribed for pregnant woman should contain what two


A- Folic acid and vitamin C

B- Iron and vitamin B12

C- Vitamin D and iron

D- Folic acid and iron

107. A 62-year-old man is being treated for tinea capitis (ringworm ) that

he contracted from his cat. He is currently taking griseofulvin (Grifulvin

V) 500mg BID (treatment of choice) as directed for 3 weeks and only

has marginal improvements to the site. The next step is to:

A- Add 2.5% selenium sulfide shampoo twice weekly to the

treatment regimen

B- Have the patient shave his head and warn him that hair regrowth

will be slow (not necessary)

C- Initiate a short course of oral steroids to reduce inflammation and

prevent scaring.

D- Continue the current therapy for a total of 6-8 weeks = treatment

usually 4 to 6 weeks

108. Pregnant woman are evaluated for syphilis with serology testing



A- Syphilis during pregnancy predisposes the fetus to spontaneously

abortion or the newborn to have congenital syphilis

B- Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy may trigger

activation of latent syphilis

C- Syphilis may be passed to the fetus beginning in the third


D- Untreated syphilis can cause neonatal respiratory distress

109. Rapid immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing would be appropriate

for a patient with complaints of:

A- Painful bowel movements, anal itching, and painful or swollen

testicles or abdominal menstrual bleeding

B- Painful urination, dyspareunia, and vaginal or penile discharge

C- Painful urination, lower abdominal pain, and dyspareunia

D- Fever, headache, and lymphadenopathy = Lymphadenopathy or

adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in

size, number, or consistency

110. Which of the following skin assessment is NOT a normal finding

associated with the aging process?

A- Xerosis(dry skin)

B- Cherry angiomas and senile purpura (common in aging)

C- Senile keratoses and senile lentigines (Seborrheic keratosis is one of

the most common noncancerous skin growths in older adults and Senile

lentigo or age spots are hyperpigmented macules of skin that occur in

irregular shapes, appearing most commonly in the sun-exposed areas of the

skin such as on the face and back of the hands) D- Dermatophytosis =


111 What medication should be avoided when prescribing prophylactic

therapy for headaches in a patient with a history of asthma (and COPD)

and chronic migraines?

A- Verapamil

B- Propranolol = Beta-adrenergic blocking agent, non-cardio selective with

history of asthma and COPD can cause acute bronchospasm and severe

asthma exacerbation)

C- Venlafaxine

D- Nimodipine

112. A 32-year-old presents with dull puffiness of the eyes with

pronounced non -pitting periorbital edema . This finding is

suggestive of what condition?

A- Nephrotic syndrome

B- Myxedema = severe hypothyroidism

C- Cushing’s syndrome

D- Sinusitis

113. A 26-year-old woman complains of acute right lower abdominal

pain. Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with this


A- Ectopic pregnancy

B- Pelvic inflammatory disease

C- Irritable bowel syndrome = Abdominal/stomach pain, cramping or

bloating that is typically relieved or partially relieved by passing a bowel


D- Ruptured ovarian follicle


114. A common cause of decreased libido in men is due to:

A- Decreased blood flow in the hypogastric arterial system B-

Endocrine dysfunction = DM, higher than normal prolactin level

(hyperprolactinemia), low testosterone level which cause decrease libido

and secondary erectile dysfunction

C- Neurologic deficits

D- Impaired neural innervation

115. A clouding opacity of the eye is noted on ophthalmoscopic

examination. This is suggestive of:

A- – corneal arcus

B- – a corneal scar

C- – a pterygium

D- – a cataract

Corneal Arcus, sometimes referred to as Arcus Senilis in an older patient, is a

greyish or yellowish opaque colored ring or arc around the peripheral cornea of

both eyes. The corneal arcus ring consists of lipid/cholesterol deposits in the

periphery of the cornea stromal layer.

Corneal Scar may be caused by injury to the cornea (abrasion, laceration, burns,

or disease); depending on the degree of scarring, vision can range from a blur to

total blindness Surface abrasions, although extremely painful, heal transparently

(do not leave scars).

Pterygium, the main symptom of surfer’s eye, or pterygium is a growth of pink,

fleshy tissue on the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that lines your eyelids and covers

your eyeball. It usually forms on the side closest to your nose and grows toward

the pupil area.

116 Which immunization protects against the virus that is transmitted

via blood and body fluid and can lead to chronic liver disease?

A- Hepatitis C vaccine (vaccine not currently available, transmitted via


B- Hepatitis A vaccine (vaccine is available, but transmitted primarily by the

fecal-oral route)

C- Hepatitis B vaccine = vaccine available, transmitted via blood and body


D- Typhoid fever vaccine (vaccine available, but it is a bacterial infection)

117. Osler nodes, Janeway lesions, and petechiae are symptoms found

in patients with:

A- Gonococcemia

B- Infective endocarditis

C- Hyperthyroidism

D- Peripheral vascular disease

Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart caused by various

bacteria. It most often affects the heart valves. The bacteria gain access to the

heart via the bloodstream; an infection elsewhere in the body may or may not be

apparent. While some bacteria can cause infection in normal heart valves,

bacterial endocarditis more commonly affects patients with abnormal valves as a

result of previous rheumatic fever , valve surgery/replacement, or congenital


The responsible bacteria include various species of staphylococcus ,

streptococcus , pseudomonas , bartonella and several other organisms.


Bacterial endocarditis is often divided into ‘acute’ and ‘subacute’ varieties

depending on the speed that it progresses. The symptoms may include fever,

lethargy, shortness of breath, chest pain or palpitations. These symptoms require

prompt assessment and investigation by a physician.

Osler nodes

Osler nodes are red-purple, slightly raised , tender lumps, often with a pale center .

Pain often precedes the development of the visible lesion by up to 24 hours. They

are typically found on the fingers and/or toes. They can occur at any time during

endocarditis (usually subacute) and last from hours to several days.

Janeway lesions

In contrast to Osler nodes, Janeway lesions are non-tender , often hemorrhagic

(bleeding into the skin), and occur mostly on the palms and soles including the

thenar and hypothenar eminences (at the base of the thumb and little finger

respectively). They tend to last days to weeks before healing totally. They are

more commonly seen in acute endocarditis, when bacteria such as

Staphylococcus aureus may be cultured from them. The histology is usually

consistent with septic micro-embolism (i.e. bacteria may be found within the

blood vessels).

118. During an abdominal examination, the nurse practitioner

percusses the bulging area of the abdomen. Which sound suggests the

presence of ascitic fluid (ascites)?

A- Tympany (drum-like sounds heard over air/gas filled structure)

B- Dullness = dull sounds that occur when a solid structure (e.g. liver) or fluid

(e.g. ascites) lies beneath the region being examined

C- Hyperresonant sounds (pneumothorax, said to sound similar to percussion

of puffed up cheeks)

D- Normal resonance (resonant, the sound produced by percussing a normal


119. When interpreting a complete blood count (CBC) lab report, which

of the following results describes the size of the RBC’s?

A- Hemoglobin (is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout

the body)

B- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) (is a measure of the average volume of

red blood cell)

C- Red cell distribution width (RDW) = measures the range in the volume and

size of your red blood cells (erythrocytes)

D- Hematocrit (the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of


120. Which condition is associated with end-stage renal disease in

pediatric patients and requires recombinant erythropoietin treatment?

A- Osteodystrophy

B- Hyperkalemia

C- Hypertension

D- Anemia

121. Which is the appropriate medication of choice for a 31-year-old

pregnant patient diagnosed with a urinary tract infection?

A- Cefuroxime (Zinacef) or Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid)

B- Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) or Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

C- Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or Tetracycline (Sumycin)

D- – Tetracycline (Sumycin) or Amoxicillin (Amoxil)

122. Which immunization reduces a patient’s risk for infection with the

virus that causes painful, localized, blistering rash.

A – Smallpox vaccine

B – Varicella vaccine (chicken pox)

C – Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine

D – Meningoococcal vaccine

123. Which of the following if used during pregnancy, increases the risk

of hepatitis C and HIV in a mother as well as birth defects, prematurity

and stillbirth in the infants?

A – IV narcotic drug

B – Alcohol

C – Tobacco

D – Benzodiazepine

124. The nurse practitioner prescribes deferoxamine (Desferal) for a

pediatric patient with beta thalassemia hemosiderosis because the


A- – prevents blood transfusion reaction

B- – stimulates red blood cell production

C- – improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBC’s

D- – eliminates excessive iron and prevents organ damage. =

Deferoxamine is used to treat iron overload caused by blood transfusions in

adults and children at least 3 years old. Deferoxamine binds to iron and removes it

from the blood stream.

125. A 42-year old woman has erythema and swelling of the left breast

that has progressed rapidly. These symptoms are associated with which

type of breast cancer?

A- – Paget’s disease

B- -Invasive ductal carcinoma

C- -Inflammatory breast cancer

D- – Invasive lobular carcinoma

126. A 52-year old woman is inquiring about estrogen replacement

therapy for symptoms of menopausal which of the following is a


A- – History of phlebitis

B- – Prior or present migraine headaches

C- – Family history of lung cancer

D- – Prior breast or uterine carcinoma

127. Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with the

symptoms of hemoptysis? A – Pulmonary emboli

B – Chronic bronchitis

C – Viral pneumonia

D – Neoplasm of the lung

Bacterial pneumonia can cause hemoptysis but not viral

128. Which of the following are NOT associated with pyloric stenosis in

a 2-month old infant?

A- – Projectile vomiting

B- – Severe dehydration as demonstrated by sunken eyeballs and

depressed anterior fontanelle

C- – A bloated and tense, tympanic abdomen

D- – A palpable mass the size and shape of an olive, located in the right

upper quadrant of the abdomen

129. A pediatric patient has area of scaling on the scalp, with round

patches of alopecia. This clinical finding is consistent with:

A- – tinea capitis = scalp “ring worm”, a fungal infection

B- – seborrheic dermatitis

C- – trichotillomania

D- – alopecia areata

130. A 61-year old man’s chest X-ray result indicates left lower lobe

pneumonia. He has a past medical history of a right nephrectomy. He

should be treated with:

A – a shorter course of antibiotics

B – a longer course of antibiotics

C – a lower dose of antibiotics

D – a higher dose of antibiotics

131. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of Vitamin B12


A- Sore Tongue

B- Fatigue

C- Constipation

D- Vomiting

132. What clinical condition is treated with anticholinergic medication?

A- – Asymptomatic bacteriuria

B- – Renal insufficiency

C- Urge incontinence = Ex. Oxybutynin, Tolterodine

D- – Overflow incontinence

133. Assessment findings of a swan neck and boutonniere deformity are

typically associated with which diagnosis?

A- Gouty arthritis

B- Rheumatoid arthritis

C- Turner’s syndrome

D- – Osteoarthritis

134. The most common chief complaint of a woman diagnosed with

trichomoniasis is:

A- A Painless, ulcerated vulvar lesion with vaginal discharge.

B- Fever, papules, and vaginal discharge with burning

C- A vaginal discharge

D- Dyspareunia and upper abdominal pain

135. A 63-year-old man has decreased chest expansion, symmetric

thorax with moderate kyphosis, and bilateral diaphragm distention

of 2 cm. Which diagnosis is likely?

A- Pneumothorax

B- Pleural effusion

C- A fractured rib

D- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease = (COPD)

136. Which answer best describes a presentation that is common in

men with cancer?

A- A group of small scattered vesicles

B- A chancre

C- Papules with a variety of shapes

D- A nontender indurated penile nodule

137. A condition in which pus gathers in the area between the lungs

and the inner surface of the chest wall is called:

A- Pericardial effusion (water or fluid) B- Pleural effusion (water on the


C- Pleural empyema = pus

D- Chylothorax (lymphatic fluid leaks)

138. What is the mechanism of action of prostaglandin E1 (PG1) in a

patient with transposition of the great arteries? A – To maintain

equal pressure in the ventricles

B – To maintain patency of the great arteries

C – To produce vasodilation and adequate oxygen saturation D – To

prevent cyanotic episodes by trapping blood in the lower


139. Patients with psoriasis frequently have:

A- Pruritus, positive Auspitz sign, and pitted nails

B- Pruritus, pitted nails, and satellite lesions

C- Pitted nails and plaques

D- Dermatomal rash and satellite lesions

140. Hyper kalemia is associated with:

A- increased blood pressure

B- alpha blockers

C- diminished renal function

D- loop diuretics (potassium wasting diuretics, can cause hypokalemia)

141. Which condition is caused by an insufficiency of intrinsic factor by

the gastric mucosa and vitamin B deficiency?

A- Diarrhea

B- Pernicious anemia

C- Osteoporosis

D- Muscle weakness

142. When performing a visual acuity test, the nurse practitioner notes

20/30 in the left eye and 20/60 in the right eye. The next step is to:

A- Have the patient return in two weeks for a follow-up vision screen.

B- Dilate the eyes and retest

C- Refer the patient to an ophthalmologist

D- Document this as a normal finding


20/30 right eye = means your right eye can read at 20 feet , but people with

normal vision can read at 30 feet.

20/60 left eye = means your left eye can read at 20 feet, but people with normal

vision can read at 60 feet.

143. Which of the following symptoms is NOT typically experienced by a

patient with later stage human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

disease? A- Night sweats

B- Lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes for more than 3 months)

C- Persistent vomiting

D- Persistent, unexplained fatigue

144. Emollient therapy is being used for a patient with an acute flare of

atopic dermatitis. After insufficient response to this therapy, what

is the next basic choice of treatment?

A- Oral corticosteroids (Prednisone)

B- – Betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% (Betanate)

Betamethasone topical = is a topical steroid, used to treat the inflammation and itching

caused by a number of skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis )

C- – Desonide 0.5% (Desonate)

D- – Pimecrolimus 1% cream (Elidel)

Emollient is the first line treatment, emollients are a safe, effective treatment to

moisturize, lubricate and soothe dry skin but are often underused. They are

essential for successful treatment of any dry skin condition such as eczema,

psoriasis or ichthyosis. With regular and correct use some patients may be able to

reduce the amount of topical steroid used and possibly maintain their skin with

emollients alone.

145. Which finding is associated with early clinical development of

diabetic nephropathy?

A- An elevation in blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

B- An elevation in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (Cr)

C- A decreased glomerular filtration rate

D- Microalbuminuria = protein in urine, urine albumin

146. Which assessment findings are NOT associated with pyloric

stenosis in a 2-month-old infant?

A- Projective vomiting

B- Severe dehydration as demonstrated by sunken eyeballs and

decreased anterior fontanelle

C- A bloated and tense tympanic abdomen

D- A palpable mass the size and shape of an olive, located in the right

upper quadrant of the abdomen

147. What is the area of fundal height palpation on a woman who is 12

weeks pregnant?

A- At the level of umbilicus (20 weeks)

B- At the level of the symphysis pubis = 12 weeks

C- Midway between the symphysis and umbilicus (16 weeks) D- Below

the symphysis pubis (below 10 weeks)

148. A patient has a left pulmonary embolism (PE). Which medication

inhibits blood coagulation by selectively blocking the active Factor


A- Enoxaparin (Lovenox)

B- Apixaban (Eliquis)

C- Warfarin (Coumadin)

D- – Dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa)

149. Jugular venous distention that accompanies chest pain is often

associated with:

A- hypertension

B- heart failure

C- asthma

D- pneumonia

150. Recommended combination therapy for uncomplicated anorectal

and pharyngeal gonorrhea is:

A- Ceftriaxone and benzathine penicillin

B- Benzathine penicillin and doxycycline

C- Doxycycline and ciprofloxacin

D- Ceftriaxone and azithromycin = (ceftriaxone 250mg IM once and

azithromycin 1g orally once, administered together on the same day)

151. Rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing would be

appropriate for a patient with complaints of:

A- Painful bowel movements, anal itching, and painful or swollen

testicles or abdominal menstrual bleeding.

B- Painful urination, dyspareunia, and vaginal or penile discharge

C- Painful urination, lower abdominal pain, and dyspareunia

D – Fever, headache, and lymphadenopathy

152. An 80-year-old man is being evaluated for recent episodes of

incontinence and confusion. His family states that he is usually

independent with no altered mental issues but has become

forgetting within the last few weeks. Which medication is most

likely associated with these symptoms?

A- Cimetidine (Tagamet)

B- Warfarin (Coumadin)

C- Ramipril (Altace)

D- Vitamin B12

153. During the breast examination of a perimenopausal woman, the

NP detects a bloody spontaneous discharge from the right nipple.

This indicates further ….. ??????

A- Fibroadenoma

B- Polycystic breast disease

C- An intraductal papilloma

D- Pituitary prolactinoma

154. Why should anticholinergic medications be avoided in patients

with a past medical history of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

A- It causes urinary incontinence

B- It causes constipation

C- It causes orthostatic hypotension

D- It causes urinary retention

155. Which is a TRUE statement about varicose veins?

A- – They are due to congenital valve deformities

B- -They are usually diagnosed on clinical presentation

C- – They are not affected by pregnancy

D- – They are more symptomatic during ovulation

*** 156. A 48-year-old male diagnosed with hypertension. He has a

history of gout which medication should be avoided in this patient?

A- Amiodarone (Norvasc)

B- Hydrochlorothiazide (Microzide)= diuretic can cause build-up of uric

acid, increase urination C- Propranolol (Inderal)

D- Losartan (Cozaar)

157. Hispanic woman who is 26 weeks pregnant states that she

recently began eating ice chips between meals. The nurse practitioner


A- Have the patient checked for diabetes.

B- Assess the patient for iron deficiency anemia.

C- Encourage the patient to eat more at meal times.

D- Tell the patient that this cultural practice can be harmful.

Pica = is a condition in which pregnant women compulsively eat nonfood items

(over the course of at least a month) that don’t have any nutritional value, like dirt

and clay.

158. A 42-year-old man states that he has been experiencing bouts of

fever and arthralgia. He has also developed several hemorrhagic

vesiculopustular eruption lesions over his hands and feet. The nurse

practitioner suspects.

A- Gonococcemia

B- Infective endocarditis

C- Hyperthyroidism

D- Peripheral vascular disease

Gonococcemia = also known as “Arthritis–dermatosis syndrome” and

“Disseminated gonococcal infection”, is a condition characterized by a

hemorrhagic vesiculopustular eruption, bouts of fever , and arthralgia or actual

arthritis of one or several joints

Gonococcemia = is defined as the presence of N gonorrhoeae in the bloodstream,

which can lead to the development of disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI).

Gonococcemia occurs in about 0.5-3% of patients with gonorrhea.

The clinical manifestations of this process are biphasic, with an early bacteremic

phase consisting of tenosynovitis, arthralgias, and dermatitis, followed by a

localized phase consisting of localized septic arthritis. Other potentially severe

clinical complications include osteomyelitis, meningitis, endocarditis, adult

respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), [and fatal septic shock. Polymyositis is also a

rare complication of gonococcemia.

159. A 16-year old patient has been diagnosed with primary

dysmenorrhea. nonpharmacological treatments have not provided

adequate relief. How should this initially be managed?

A- Combination of hormonal contraceptive

B- Acetaminophen at onset of menses

C- NSAID’s at onset of menses

D- Tramadol and NSAID’s

160. Which of the following is NOT associated with assessment findings

in a patient with diabetic retinopathy?

A- Papilledema

B- Dot and blot hemorrhage

C- Microaneurysms

D- Cotton wool spots

Signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy

In the initial stages of diabetic retinopathy, patients are generally asymptomatic;

in the more advanced stages of the disease, however, patients may experience

symptoms that include floaters, blurred vision, distortion, and progressive visual

acuity loss. Signs of diabetic retinopathy include the following:

•Microaneurysms: The earliest clinical sign of diabetic retinopathy; these

occur secondary to capillary wall outpouching due to pericyte loss; they

appear as small, red dots in the superficial retinal layers

•Dot and blot hemorrhages: Appear similar to microaneurysms if they are

small; they occur as microaneurysms rupture in the deeper layers of the

retina, such as the inner nuclear and outer plexiform layers

•Flame-shaped hemorrhages: Splinter hemorrhages that occur in the more

superficial nerve fiber layer

•Retinal edema and hard exudates: Caused by the breakdown of the

bloodretina barrier, allowing leakage of serum proteins, lipids, and protein

from the vessels

•Cotton-wool spots: Nerve fiber layer infarctions from occlusion of

precapillary arterioles; they are frequently bordered by microaneurysms and

vascular hyperpermeability

•Venous loops and venous beading: Frequently occur adjacent to areas of

nonperfusion; they reflect increasing retinal ischemia, and their occurrence is

the most significant predictor of progression to proliferative diabetic

retinopathy (PDR).

•Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities: Remodeled capillary beds without

proliferative changes; can usually be found on the borders of the

nonperfused retina

•Macular edema: Leading cause of visual impairment in patients with diabetes

161. What is the most common characteristic found in patient with

Migraine headaches?

A- Focal deficits

B- Family history


D- Initial after age 35

162. Which immunization reduces a patient’s risk for infection with the

virus that causes painful, localized, blistering rash?

A- Smallpox vaccine

B- Varicella vaccine (chicken Pox)

C- Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine

D-Meningococcal vaccine

163. 5- alpha reductase inhibitors work to improve symptoms of benign

prostatic hyperplasia by:

A- Decreasing the size of the prostate

B- Increasing blood flow to the prostate

C- Relaxing smooth muscle in the bladder neck

D- Relaxing smooth muscle in the prostate capsule

164. The assessment of a 72-year old male causes the nurse practitioner

to have concerns that the patient is a suicide risk. Risk factor for

suicide in the elderly do NOT include.

A- chronic pain

B- comorbid physical illness

C- family history of suicide

D- retirement

165. The patient at highest risk of contacting TB would be the one who:

A- had recent contact with an infected patient

B- is low income immigrant

C- lives in a nursing home

D- smokes 2 packs of cigarettes per day

166. Excess fluid that accumulates in the pleural cavity between the

visceral and parietal spaces is termed;

A- pericardial effusion

B- pleural effusion

C- pleural empyema

D- chylothorax

167. Which of the following neurological conditions dos NOT cause

headaches with nausea and vomiting?

A- Migraine headaches

B- Brain tumors

C- Subarachnoid hemorrhage

D- Tension headaches

168. When measuring the fundal height of a pregnant female at 32

weeks gestation, which measurement would prompt to suspect

fetal growth restriction?

A- 29 cm

B- 30 cm

C- 31 cm

D- 32 cm

169. Which of the following medications is NOT indicated for the

treatment of muscle spasm?

A- Baclofen (Lioresal) = antispastic

B- Tizanidine (Zanaflex) = antispasmodic

C- Cyclobenzaprine (Flxeril) = antispasmodic

D- Carisoprodol (Soma) = antispasmodic

Antispasmodics = arecentrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants (SMRs)

Antispastics = are used to treat muscle spasticity. They should not be used to treat

muscle spasms. These drugs include:

Baclofen: Baclofen (Lioresal) is used to relieve spasticity caused by MS. It’s not

fully understood how it works, but it seems to block nerve signals from the spinal

cord that cause muscles to spasm. Side effects can include drowsiness, dizziness,

weakness, and fatigue

170. Which gynecological finding is concerning for a postmenopausal

patient with complaints of pruritus, painful intercourse, and

vaginal burning?

A- A thin pale, dry vaginal mucosa

B- Absence of rugae

C- A friable cervix

D- Raised yellowish cervical lesions

171. During a migraine headache, the cerebral arteries:

A- constrict

B- dilate

C- pulsate

D- vibrate

172. A 26-year old male patient presents with a painless chancre

(primary syphilis) on the shaft of his penis and regional

lymphadenopathy. He is diagnosed with syphilis. The best initial

treatment is:

A- ceftriaxone (Rocephin)

B- clindamycin (Cleocin)

C- metronidazole (Flagyl)

D- benzathine penicillin G (Bicillin L-A)

173. In a 40-year-old female, the overall texture of the breasts is soft,

with an uneven contour bilaterally. The nurse practitioner informs

the patient that this condition

A- warrants a mammogram

B- is considered normal

C- may be suggestive of fibroadenoma

D- may indicate cystic breasts

174. Which of the following medications is NOT usually associated with

hearing loss?

A- Furosemide

B- Gentamicin = aminoglycoside

C- Cephalexin

D- Aspirin

175. The nurse practitioner is prescribing insulin for an older adult with

a history of diabetes. To reduce the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia

which type of insulin should be prescribed?

A- Immediate – acting

B- Regular


D- Long-acting

176. A risk factor for tinea corporis is:

A- elevated blood sugar = If the individual has a weak immune system or

diabetes, there is a greater susceptibility to fungal infections, such as Tinea

Corporis Infection.

B- infrequent bathing

C- frequent sun exposure

D- inactivity

177. A 24-year-old woman states that she has used lindane (Kwell) for

the treatment of scabies. The nurse practitioner informs her the


A- Is safe to use in pregnant woman, babies, children, and older


B- Lotion and/or shampoo is not considered first-line therapy.

C- Needs to be repeated following at 12 – hour intervals. D- Can be

used in patients with a history of seizures.

** Iron (ferrous sulfate) = best taken on empty stomach**

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