Question 28:

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may intervene as appropriate with agencies or persons in

order to advocate for the patient; do for the patient what he or she cannot do for self, always with

an aim toward maximum independence and growth which is consistent with which basic strategy of

dynamic supportive therapy?

Answer: D. Maximize adaptive coping mechanisms

Question 29:

Which of the following is consistent with literature regarding suicide? Check all that apply:


A. Assessing patient is of paramount importance for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse

during the initial patient contact

D. Suicidality can be assessed by using reliable and valid self-report questionnaires

Question 30:

Common ancestry through which individuals have evolved shared values and customs is knowns as

which of the following?

Answer: B. Ethnicity

Question 31

The therapist using a CBT approach in which the therapist encourages the patient to investigate

whether their thoughts are based on facts or assumptions is known as which of the following?

Answer: B. Questioning the Evidence

Question 32

Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic


Answer: A. What happened in the past determine what we do today

Question 33

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is meeting with a patient who is in the process of an

unwanted divorce. The patient endorses persistent suicidal ideations, with strong intent. The

advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes the patient is a high suicide risk and recommends

which of the following?

Answer: B. Hospital psychiatric admission and suicide precautions.

Question 34:

Which of the following assumptions would the therapist be safe in making about cultural influences

in a family?

Answer: D. The cultural context of families is complicated by the fact that most families are

influenced by multiple contexts.

Question 35:

The focus of exploration in a relational psychodynamic therapy includes which one of the following?

Answer: C. Here and now

Question 36

The CBT therapist ask the patient on the scale of “0 -10 how would you rate your depression today?”

” And how that compare to 2 months ago?” This is an example of what type of question type in

Socratic dialogue?

Answer: D. This would not be a question consistent with Socratic Dialogue

Question 37

Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice


Answer: B. Standards of care are legally binding while practice guidelines are not.

Question 38:

Strategies for working with anxiety are central to all therapy approaches. Which strategy would be

consistent with a behavioral therapy approach?

Answer: A. Restructuring

Question 39:

Which of the following is consistent with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Select all that apply:

Answer: D. A and C

Question 40:

According to Structural Family Therapy model, family structure refers to which of the following?

Answer: D. The way families are organized into subsystems separated by emotional boundaries

Question 41:

“They probably think I am stupid” is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?

Answer: B. Mind reading

Question 42:

In the therapy groups where group members gain through receiving help from group members and

giving help to group members, which of Yalom’s therapeutic benefits is being realized?

Answer: A. Altruism

Question 43:

A group member becomes angry with the group leader accusing the leader of being too controlling

and showing favoritism. This behavior is consistent with which of Yalom’s therapeutic factors?

Answer: A. Catharsis

Question 44:

A group member is relieved to realize that others in the group share feelings of incompetency

similar to his own. This is an example of which of the following therapeutic factors?

Answer: B. Universality

Question 45:

Good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical professional responsibility include which

of the following? Check all that apply

A. It is essential that emergency coverage is in place

B. How patients contact you between sessions and emergencies should be included in the

contract given to the patient during the initial session

C. Explicitly stated whether you will be available for phone calls between sessions and adhere

to clear limits.

D. Check message at least once per day and call back within 24 hours.

Rationale: All are correct. These are all good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical

professional responsibility. Hence, improving health service and quality with prevention of legal and

ethical complaints.

Question 46:

A Hispanic woman whose mother recently died reports that she continues to hear voice of her

deceased mother. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse considering the Hispanic woman’s

culture determines which of the following?

A. The woman is likely grieving according to her Hispanic social norms

Rationale: The woman is not necessarily being psychotic because she is still in the process of

bereavement and grieving which is a stressful life event.

Question : 47

Which of The following is consistent research related to posttraumatic growth?

A. Resilience and Posttraumatic growth are inversely related

Rationale: Across studies the results showed that high levels of resilience were associated with the

lowest posttraumatic growth scores. The results imply that although growth and resilience are both

salutogenic constructs they are inversely related.

Question 48:

Which of the following is not consistent with the current research related to psychotherapy and

psychotropic medication?

C. Studies comparing medications with psychotherapy found both produce psychological but

brain changes are different for medications than psychotherapy

Rationale: Both medications and psychotherapy has same changes if used together or individually.

Question 49

Which of the following is not consistent with the resilience model proposed by Miller-Krauss?

C. We feel our best when we have a strong sympathetic system to regulate emotions

Rationale: This was not mentioned in the model.

Question 50:

A family has been court-ordered to family therapy. The family does not want to participate in

therapy. The advanced practice nurse using a solution focused therapy model would most likely do

which of the following?

B. Review the case and offer suggestions for solving the issue

Rationale: Assessing and suggesting solutions are one of the jobs to be done by the nurse to help

families and individuals to cope up with problems.

Question 51:

According to Freud, failure to successfully accomplish the task of learning independence and control

is associated with which of the following problematic traits?

A. Excessive dependency

Rationale: Developing this control to accomplish things leads to a sense of accomplishment and

independence. Failure to this will lead to dependence

Question 52:

According to Yalom, which of the following is consistent with the therapeutic benefit of imitative


D. All of the above

Rationale: Imitative behavior generally plays a more important role in the early stages of therapy as

members identify with more senior members and the therapist. Behavior is learned by observing

and imitating the behavior of others. Yalom also stated that finding out what we are not is progress

toward finding out.

Question 53:

In classical psychodynamic Therapy, the therapist’s role is which one of the following?

C. Participant-Observer

Rationale: The therapist plays this role by encouraging the client to talk about the emotions they are

feeling and helping the client to identify recurring patterns in their thoughts, emotions, and


Question 54:

The advance psychiatric nurse is working with couple using a Cognitive Behavioral Family therapy

model. The wife states that her husband must be having an affair because he comes home late from

work . The advanced practice nurse recognizes as a cognitive distortion knowns as :

D. Arbitrary Inference

Rationale: Arbitrary inference is the process of drawing a conclusion without sufficient evidence, or

without any evidence at all.

Question 55:

According to Peplau s’ Interpersonal Relations Model for nursing, a cornerstone for the

psychotherapeutic process is understanding, assessing and managing which of the following?

B. Anxiety

Rationale: Assessing, and managing anxiety is a cornerstone of Peplau’s Interpersonal

Didactic instruction about mental health, mental illness and general psychodynamics is a

strategy which supports which therapeutic group factor?

A. Imitative behavior

B. Interpersonal learning

C. Imparting of information

D. Development of socializing techniques

Question 3

Recognizing that many factors may have contributed to a patient’s current situation is an

example of which of the following?

A. Biomedical model

B. Psychosocial framework

C. Overdeterminism

D. Resiliency

Question 4

A patient being treated with supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy has been missing

sessions and coming late when coming to sessions. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse

recognizes this behavior as which of the following?

A. Avoidance

B. A sign the patient has met goals.

C. The patient is ready to talk about termination of therapy.

D. The patient is bored because the sessions have not been very interesting.

Question 5

Yalom identifies eleven primary factors to describe the therapeutic benefit of group

psychotherapy. Which of the following statements is not consistent with these factors?

A. Therapeutic change is an intricate interplay of human experiences.

B. The distinctions among these factors are well delineated.

C. The distinctions among these factors are arbitrary.

D. The factors are interdependent

Question 6

According to the Stages of the Family Life Cycle the key emotional process of transition for

single young adults is:

A. Commitment to a new system.

B. Accepting the shifting generational roles.

C. Accepting new members into the system.

D. Accepting emotional and financial responsibility for self.

Question 7

It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the


A. Learning to be directive to help the patient feel better.

B. Letting the psychotherapeutic process unfold over time.

C. Helping the patient feel better is the main goal of psychotherapy

D. Bui

Question 8

Internal resources include which of the following?

A. Internal resources are more tangible than external resources

B. Internal resources consist of the person’s ability to manage primarily negative emotions

C. Internal resources include the person’s ability to self-soothe, demonstrate adequate impulse

control, and regulate moods.


Question 9

When assessing families of a different culture from the therapist for treatment, the therapist

should consider which of the following with respect to culture?

A. The therapist should consider the unique subculture of the family.

B. The therapist should consider assumptions of the larger cultural background of the family.

C. The therapist should ask the family to share their experiences and traditions

D. All of the above

Question 10

Which of the following is consistent with use of direct advice as a strategy of imparting of


A. Specific advice-giving supports intimate group engagement.

B. The most effective form of direct advice is direct suggestion.

C. Direct advice is often an important clue in elucidation of interpersonal pathology in the


D. The least effective form of direct advice was a series of alternative suggestion for g

Question 11

“If I was in a relationship, all of my problems would be solved” is an example of which type of

cognitive distortion?

A. Fallacy of attachment

B. Fallacy of worrying

C. Fallacy of perfect effect

D. Fallacy of the change of others.

Question 12

Optimal family development is thought to take place in which of the following circumstances?

A. Family members are differentiated, anxiety is low, and partners maintain emotional contact

with their own families.

B. Family members lack differentiation, anxiety is low, and partners maintain emotional contact

with their own families.

C. Family members are differentiated, anxiety is moderate, and partners reduce emotional

contact with their parents and siblings.

D. Family members lack differentiation, avoid anxiety and partners avoid emotional contact with

parents and siblings.

Question 13

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may intervene as appropriate with agencies or persons

in order to advocate for the patient; do for the patient what he or she cannot do for self, always

with an aim toward maximum independence and growth which is consistent with which basic

strategy of dynamic supportive therapy?

A. Make connections

B. Encourage patient activity

C. Manipulate the environment

D. Maximize adaptive coping mechanisms

Question 14

Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary


A. Primary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as forever

part of human action.

B. Secondary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as


C. Primary thinking views the social and cultural world in determinate, positive and rational


D. B and C

Question 15

According to Freud’s Psychosexual stages development of sexual identity occurs during what age


A. 18 months to 3 years

B. 3 years to 6 years

C. 6 years to 12 years

D. 13 years to 20 years

Question 16

The aim in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?

A. Make the unconscious conscious

B. Resolve ruptures in the therapeutic alliance.

C. Provide interpretation based on past experiences

D. Provide interpretation of wish/defense conflicts.

Question 17

Yalom states the group therapy analogue to relationship in individual therapy is which of the


A. Universality

B. Cohesiveness

C. Social microcosm

D. The corrective emotional experience

Question 18

Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:

A. Emotional reactivity

B. Relationship triangles

C. Differentiation of self

D. Enmeshment

Question 19

According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict

is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?

A. Psychosis, addictions, depression

B. Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions

C. Phobias, psychosomatic disorders

D. Inertia, creative inhibition

Question 20

The goal in a holistic paradigm is to

A. Cure

B. Minimize symptoms

C. Eliminate symptoms with medication


Question 21

In multi-cultural groups, therapists must address the clinical factor of universality by doing

which of the following?

A. Assist group members in learning about the cultural differences.

B. Minimize the cultural differences within the group.

C. Help the group move past a focus on concrete cultural differences to transcultural human

responses to situations.

D. The therapist should do nothing as that would be interfering in the group process.

Question 22

Groups with a greater sense of solidarity exhibit which of the following? Check all that apply.

A. Higher rate of attendance

B. Acceptance for a variable level of active participation

C. A concrete system for measuring cohesiveness

D. A and B

Question 23

There is evidence that suggests certain individuals may obtain greater benefit from group

therapy than from other approaches. These include which of the following individuals? Check all

that apply.

A. Individuals dealing with stigma

B. Individuals dealing with social isolation

C. Individuals seeking new coping skills

D. B and C only

Question 24

Object relations theorists work from a framework which includes which of the following?

A. The central motivating force in development is the drive for gratification.

B. Primary maternal preoccupation will lead to development of a false sense of self.

C. The central motivating force in development is that people are primarily motived to seek

other people.

D. The good enough mother creates a dynamic in which the person feels never good enough in


Question 25

The concept that reminds us that families are open systems, and our interpretations are shaped

by assumptions we absorb from the culture is known as:

A. Constructivism

B. Systems Theory

C. Attachment Theory

D. Social Constructionism

Question 26

According to Benner’s role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5

years of experience who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long term

solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?

A. Novice

B. Advanced beginner

C. Competency/ proficiency

D. Expert

Question 27

The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the following?

Check all that apply:

A. Recent losses

B. Present coping skills

C. The patient’s ego strength and weaknesses

D. Highest level of functioning previously achieved.

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#2 – C. Imparting behavior

#3 – B. Psychosocial framework

#4 – A. Avoidance

#5 – C. The distinctions among these factors are arbitrary.

#6 – D. Accepting emotional and financial responsibility for self.

#7 – A. Learning to be directive to help the patient feel better.

#8 – C. Internal resources include the person’s ability to self-soothe, demonstrate adequate

impulse control, and regulate moods.

#9 – A. The therapist should consider the unique subculture of the family.

#10 – A. Specific advice-giving supports intimate group engagement.

#11 – C. Fallacy of perfect effect

#12 – A. Family members are differentiated, anxiety is low, and partners maintain emotional

contact with their own families.

#13 – B. Encourage patient activity

#14 – D. B and C

#15 – B. 3 years to 6 years

#16 – A. Make the unconscious conscious

#17 – C. Social microcosm

#18 – B. Relationship triangles

#19 – C. Phobias, psychosomatic disorders

#20 – C. Eliminate symptoms with medication

#21 – A. Assist group members in learning about the cultural differences.

#22 – A. Higher rate of attendance, B. Acceptance for a variable level of active participation, C. A

concrete system for measuring cohesiveness

#23 – A. Individuals dealing with stigma and B. Individuals dealing with social isolation

#24 – C. The central motivating force in development is that people are primarily motived to

seek other people.

#25 – D. Social Constructionism

#26 – D. Expert

#27 – A. Recent losses, B. Present coping skills, C. The patient’s ego strength and weaknesses

Question 31 Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from…

Question 31

Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from cognitive behavioral therapy include which

of the following factors.


Emphasis on the past; Focus on expression of emotion; Emphasis on transference


Focus on here and now, focus on current relationships, exploration of intra psychic issues.


Emphasis on here and now; exploring and working with resistance to treatment, the working



Identification of patterns in actions, thoughts, feelings, experiences; Focus on current


Question 32

A group member becomes angry with the group leader accusing the leader of being too

controlling and showing favoritism. This behavior is consistent with which of Yalom’s

therapeutic factors?




Interpersonal learning


Development of socializing techniques


The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group.

Question 33

Which of the following is not consistent with current research related to psychotherapy and

psychotropic medication?


Research suggests that psychotherapy enhances the effects of psychotropic medication.


Studies comparing medication with psychotherapy found both produce similar physiological

changes in the brain.


Studies comparing medication with psychotherapy found both produce physiological changes

but brain changes are different for medications than for psychotherapy.


Research suggests psychotropic medications may interfere with the learning that takes place

during psychotherapy.

Question 34

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes which of the following regarding workbook

exercises in therapy?


Workbook exercises are only an adjunct to treatment.


Workbook exercises simplify the real work in therapy.


Treatment manuals consistently correlate positively with treatment outcome.


Use of workbook exercises and approaches promotes creativity and flexibility in the therapeutic


Question 39

Which of the following is inconsistent with Socratic Dialogue basic rules for the therapist?


The collaborative dialogue is goal-directed and specific.


The therapist may use everyday experiences as therapeutic metaphors.


Self-disclosure is frequently used to motivate the patient in problem solving.


Socratic Dialogue questions should be framed in a way to elicit an affirmative response.

Question 40

A group of co-occurring, relatively invariant symptoms found in a specific cultural group,

community or context, which may or may not be recognized as an illness within the culture but

such cultural patterns of distress and features of illness may be recognizable by the outside

observer is known as which of the following?


Cultural syndrome


Cultural formulation


Cultural idiom of distress


Cultural explanation or perceived cause

Question 44

Hildegard Peplau developed the psychodynamic interpersonal model for psychiatric nursing

based on which theorist’s framework?


Eric Erickson


Sigmund Freud


Margaret Mahler


Harry Stack Sullivan

Question 45

According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict

is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?


Psychosis, addictions, depression


Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions


Phobias, psychosomatic disorders


Inertia, creative inhibition

Question 46

Which of the following is a responsible way for the therapist to safely set appropriate limits on



The therapist just needs to notify either in person or by mail that they will not be available at

certain times.


The therapist has an answering machine that clearly states that if this is an emergency, the

patient should go to the ED or call a crises hotline.


Ask another therapist to cover for vacations and time off, as this is for emergency only specifics

about patients should not be shared.


Both A and B

Question 48

According to Freud’s Psychosexual Stages framework a patient exhibiting excessive envy and

jealousy failed to successfully manage anxiety during which stage?









Question 49

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is working with a couple on conflict management. They

report during a recent argument the husband threw a plate across the room. Based on the

current advances in neuroscience the advanced practice psychiatric nurse explains:


People do things because of what happens in their brain.


Biological events cause human actions.


One can learn to activate their prefrontal cortex and retrain emotional reactions.


Biological events always over-rides free will.

Question 53

The quality of the therapeutic relationship is most closely linked to which school of therapy?








None of the above

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31. A

32. D

33. D

34. D

39. C

40. A

44. D

45. B

46. D

48. D

49. C

53. B

1. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse helps the patient to identify and name feelings, focus on

somatic sensations associated with emotions, and encourages use of metaphor to describe feelings.

This is consistent with which basic strategy of supportive psychodynamic therapy?

A. Make connections

B. Decrease alexithymia

C. Encourage patient activity

D. Maximize adaptive coping mechanisms

2. Schizoid personality is a pathological outcome associated with which of Erickson’s psychosocial


A. Autonomy vs. self-doubt

B. Industry vs. inferiority

C. Identity vs. role confusion

D. Intimacy vs. isolation

3. What distinguishes psychoanalytic therapy from other types of therapies?

A. The focus on problem-solving

B. The focus on irrational thoughts

C. The focus on dreams and wishes

D. The deep analysis of the patient relationship with the therapist.

4. Strategies for working with anxiety are central to all therapy approaches. Which strategy would

be consistent with a behavioral therapy approach?

A. Restructuring

B. Interpretations

C. Desensitization

D. Exploring wishes

5. Good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical professional responsibility include

which of the following? Check all that apply.

A. It is essential that emergency coverage is in place.

B. How the patient contacts you between sessions and in emergencies should be included in the

contract given to the patient during the initial session.

C. Explicitly state whether you will be available for phone calls between sessions and adhere to

clear limits.

D. Check messages at least once per day and call back within 24 hours.

Step-by-step explanation

6. For severe trauma and phobias it is recommended to teach the patient some relation techniques

prior to beginning exposure therapy. When is it appropriate to use these relaxation techniques?

A. It is appropriate to use relaxation techniques in between exposures

B. It is appropriate to use relaxation techniques during the actual exposures conducted by the


C. It is appropriate to use relaxation techniques after the exposures

D. A and C

7. A patient being treated with supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy has been missing sessions

and coming late when coming to sessions. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes this

behavior as which of the following?

A. Avoidance

B. A sign the patient has met goals.

C. The patient is ready to talk about termination of therapy.

D. The patient is bored because the sessions have not been very interesting.

8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on

A. The person’s relationships and family dynamics

B. The person’s thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors

C. The person’s understanding of how the past gets triggered and plays out in the present

D. The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma

9. The therapist using a CBT approach says to the patient: “You say you become depressed. Explain

to me what depressed feels like to you.” This is an example of what question type in Socratic


A. Memory question

B. Translation question

C. Application question

D. Interpretation question

10. According to the Stages of the Family Life Cycle the key emotional process of transition for single

young adults is:

A. Commitment to a new system.

B. Accepting the shifting generational roles.

C. Accepting new members into the system.

D. Accepting emotional and financial responsibility for self.

Question 11

Evidenced based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following?


Consensus of expert panel


Systematic reviews of case studies.


Systematic reviews of randomized controlled studies (RTC).


A and C

Question 12

Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary



Primary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as forever part

of human action.


Secondary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as foremost.


Primary thinking views the social and cultural world in determinate, positive and rational terms.


B and C

Question 13

Internal resources include which of the following?


Internal resources are more tangible than external resources


Internal resources consist of the person’s ability to manage primarily negative emotions


Internal resources include the person’s ability to self-soothe, demonstrate adequate impulse

control, and regulate moods.


Are intuitive and easily measured

Question 14

According to Benner’s role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5

years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long-

term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?




Advanced beginner





Question 15

According to H. Peplau (1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse


Is key to understanding others


Increases likelihood therapist acts out their own agenda.


Allows for nurse-patient boundaries to be safely ignored to better meet patient needs.


Undermines objectivity

Question 16

It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the



Learning to be directive to help the patient feel better.


Letting the psychotherapeutic process unfold over time.


Helping the patient feel better is the main goal of psychotherapy


Building a therapeutic toolbox for a variety of “fix it” solutions for a variety of problems.

Question 18

In classical psychodynamic therapy the therapist’s role is which of the following?









Question 19

If a health care professional terminates treatment because of managed care failure to authorize

the session who is liable for harm based upon abandonment of the treatment.


The health care provider


The managed care company.


The individual at the managed care company who failed to authorize necessary treatment.


All of the above

Question 20

Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective

recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?


The therapeutic value is that early familial conflicts are simply relived.


The therapeutic value is that early familial conflicts are relived correctively.


Fixed roles must be constantly explored and challenged.


Working out problems in the group setting is also working through unfinished business from

long ago.

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Question 11

Evidenced based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following?


Consensus of expert panel

Question 12

Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary



Primary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as forever part

of human action.

Question 13

Internal resources include which of the following?


Internal resources include the person’s ability to self-soothe, demonstrate adequate impulse

control, and regulate moods.

Question 14

According to Benner’s role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5

years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long-

term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?



Question 15

According to H. Peplau (1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse


Is key to understanding others

Question 16

It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the



Letting the psychotherapeutic process unfold over time.

Question 18

In classical psychodynamic therapy the therapist’s role is which of the following?




Question 19

If a health care professional terminates treatment because of managed care failure to authorize

the session who is liable for harm based upon abandonment of the treatment..


The individual at the managed care company who failed to authorize necessary treatment.

Question 20

Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective

recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?


Fixed roles must be constantly explored and challenged.

Question 55

The patient talking about her husband states “By the time he comes home late for the zillionth

time I’m just beside my self … you know what I mean.” The CBT therapist responds saying “No, I

don’t know what you mean. Please explain what you mean by “beside yourself”. The therapist is

using a technique known as which of the following?


Questioning the Evidence


Downward Arrow


Idiosyncratic Meaning


Labeling of Distortions.

Question 57

In relational psychodynamic psychotherapy the therapist helps the patient with which of the



To understand the patient’s impact on others.


To deepen the patient’s understanding of others.


Both A and B


Neither A nor B is consistent with the focus of relational psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Question 58

Role play in the context of the therapy session is an example of which of the following

behavioral techniques:




Behavioral rehearsal


Contingency management


Cognitive restructuring

Question 59

Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic



What has happened in the past determines what we do today.


Psychodynamic psychotherapy is rooted in developmental theory


By changing one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors can be changed.


Through understanding the past, the individual is impowered to make more conscious


Question 61

“They probably think I am stupid” is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?




Mind reading


Objectifying the subjective


Externalization of self-worth

Question 62

Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice



Practice guidelines are legally binding while standards of care are not.


Standards of care are legally binding while practice guidelines are not.


There is no difference between standards of care and practice guidelines.


Practice guidelines should be followed as written while standards of care are more flexible.

Question 63

The technique used by the CBT therapist to help the individual uncover underlying assumptions

in logic and sequence through careful questioning by the therapist asking,” If this is true then

what happens?”


Idiosyncratic Meaning


Labeling of distortions,


Downward Arrow


Questioning the Evidence

Question 64

In general, the lower the patient is on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs


The less active the therapist must be.


The more active the therapist must be.


The more neutral the therapist must be.


The more enmeshed the therapist must be.

Question 65

A descriptive/biological approach of specialized knowledge that treats individuals as members

of a diagnostic group is based on


A biomedical model


A holistic model


A recovery model


A resilience model

Question 66

According to Mahler’s stages of separation-individuation the phase of “normal autism” occurs

during what age range?


Birth to 1 month


10 to 16 months


16 to 24 months


24 to 36 months

Question 67

Psychodynamic psychotherapy interventions focus on which of the following?


The person’s thoughts beliefs and behaviors


The person’s relationships and family dynamics


The person’s emotions and thoughts, deepening understanding of triggers form the past played

out in the present.


The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma

Question 68

When working with a couple the therapist observes the wife seems to have more power in the

relationship and the husband seems disengaged. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse can

safely assume which of the following based on the couple’s Appalachian culture/roots?


This is a culturally consistent framework where the wife is typically the decision maker in the



This is not culturally consistent with Appalachian norms and is an issue for the couple’s therapy.


The couple is aware of the gender inequality in the family and is fine with it.


The advanced practice psychiatric nurse cannot assume any of the above and needs to further

assess roles in the relationship.

Question 70

The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the

following? Check all that apply.


Recent losses


Present coping skills


The patient’s ego strength and weaknesses


Highest level of functioning previously achieved

Health Science Science Nursing NURS 6640

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55. B.

Downward Arrow

57. D.

Neither A nor B is consistent with the focus of relational psychodynamic psychotherapy.


Behavioral rehearsal

59. A.

What has happened in the past determines what we do today.

61. D.

Externalization of self-worth

62. D.

Practice guidelines should be followed as written while standards of care are more flexible.

63. C.

Downward Arrow

64. A.

The less active the therapist must be.

65. A.

A biomedical model

66. D.

24 to 36 months

67. C.

The person’s emotions and thoughts, deepening understanding of triggers form the past played

out in the present.

68. D.

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse cannot assume any of the above and needs to further

assess roles in the relationship.

70. A.

Recent losses


Present coping skills

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