First users were the engineers who built and programmed computers, then employees who had received specialized training were users, and now today, anyone and everyone can be a user.
Evolution of Users

Sends files over the network at the request of clients. Responds over LAN, within one location/site. Support both application software and data files.

Turns a user-friendly domain name, like Google.com, into an Internet Protocol (IP) address like ((( ))) that computers use to identify each other on the network.
Domain Name Server (DNS)

Uses TWO KEYS a public and private key for performing encryption and decryption
Public Key Encryption

PROVING you are who you say you are which can be done by: what you know, what you have!

TIER WHERE THE USER interface for the system is developed; SHIELDS THE USER from the underlying logic of the systems as well as the underlying data structures
Presentation Tier

SYSTEMS DEPLOYMENT Steps 1. System Conversion 2. Final Documentation 3. End User Training
System Deployment

CONNECTS MULTIPLES networks together; can be used to directly connect computers to a network; will relay messages to computers with APPROPRIATE IP ADDRESS

Requires that data is KEPT secure so that they are not accidentally provided or obtained by unauthorized users

Protecting EVERY LAYER that SURROUNDS ((( DATA )))
Defense in Depth

Can take on DIFFERENT FORMS depending on the complexity of the application; in certain instances, it is AN ACTUAL OBJECT that is an ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the application

Creates a subset of the data by reducing the data from multiple dimensions to one dimension
Slicing Data

The technology used in creating, maintaining, and making information accessible.
Information Technology

In charge of all aspects of the COMPUTER NETWORKS
Network Administrator

Focuses on the design, development, and support of DATABASE MANAGEMENT systems (DBMSs).
Database Administrator

Installs, configures, maintains, secures, and troubleshoots web severs
Web Administrator

Processed data.

INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN PUT TO USE information placed into a context. Refined information such that the user of the knowledge is able to call forth only relevant portions of information when needed.
Knowledge in DIKW

Provides a social setting to knowledge; AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ((( WHY ))) Can only come by having BOTH KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE

The INPUT Processing, OUTPUT, STORAGE Cycle

Raw data is organized or structured for usefulness.

Information is output so user can see results.

Processed information is stored for permanent record.

A collection of components that work together to meet the needs of the user; typically : CATEGORIZED AS EITHER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, NETWORKS AND USERS

Physical components of a computer system which include the system unit and its components and peripheral devices; TANGIBLE ASPECTS OF THE COMPUTER

A collection of computers and resources CONNECTED by various media so that they can COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER.

Systems Software and Applications Software

RULES provided by WHICH NETWORKS communicate with each other

STORES the programs BEING EXECUTED and the data they are using.

Controls THE SPEED at which instructions are processed.

Stands for Random Access Memory. It temporarily stores data before it is processed and sent to your screen or printer. IT IS VOLATILE (means data or information stored disappears when the computer is turned off or loses power).

Transistor components, magnetic core memory, smaller size, easier to program, disk drives and drums, called mainframe computers
2nd Generation of Computers

Silicon chips (known as ICs – integrated circuits), reduced cost, called mini computers, networks introduced via dumb terminals
3rd Generation of Computers

Written for a specific machine by the engineers who built and ran the computers; no need for OS since only one program could run at a time
Low-level Language

Easier than machine but still required detailed, precise LOW LEVEL instructions
Assembly Language

Function is to TRANSLATE ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER; take source code and convert it to another form; source code by itself cannot be read by a computer
Language Translator Programs

Programmer is limited to high level control constructs such as while loops, for loops, and if/else statements and not allowed to use primitive GOTO statements
Structured Programming

A type of programming language for which most of its implementations EXECUTES INSTRUCTIONS DIRECTLY AND FREELY, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions.
Interpreted Language (Code)

Small programs that place Linux commands or DOS batch files into a file
Shell Scripting

The computer that the user is using; physically present with
Local Computer

Connects computers to each other with NO REAL UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS BEING TRANSFERRED Used for private networks with local computers.
Network Hub

Like a hub, but this will only send data that is INTENDED FOR SPECIFIC COMPUTER
Network Switch

Can be connected to hub, switch, or router; many routers now also act as a wireless access point; sends out a wireless signal so computers on the network can connect without a cable
Wireless Access Point

Contains one or more servers; client is a computer that will request information from another computer; server is a computer that takes requests and responds with the requested information; the software used facilitates communication with remote servers
Client-server Network

Stores data files (web pages) and programs (scripts). Responds from anywhere on the Internet.
Web Server

Monitors print jobs
Print Server

Like web server or file server in that REQUEST ARE FILES and RESPONDED ARE THE FILES data delivered between client and server.
FTP Server

Devices connected along a SINGLE CABLE Size of network is restricted
Bus Network

Each device is connected to a CENTRAL DEVICE such as a hub or switch.
Star Network

Each device is connected DIRECTLY TO ITS NEIGHBOR and messages are forwarded from device to device until the proper destination is reached.
Ring Network

Every device is connected directly to every other device in the network.
Mesh Network

Identifies the server on which the web page can be found
Domain Name

Always ends with a period and a THREE or TWO LETTER EXTENSION which signifies the TYPE of organization or country associated with the page
TLD (Top Level Domain) Name Exam: www.yourname.com .edu .net . gov .org

Indicates the name of the file you are accessing, or the location of the document on the server
Resource/ Filename ID

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

1st – Must include a component that ensures the accuracy of the collected data 2nd – Must be entered into the system accurately 3rd – Data modification must be tracked
Data Integrity Efforts

  1. Identify the organization’s information assets 2. Identify vulnerabilities of each asset 3. Determine threats 4. Prioritizing risks 5. Develop and enact policies that will reduce threats
    Risk Management & Strategic Risk Analysis

An attacker issues a SQL command to a web server as part of the URL or as input to a form on a company’s website; web server might pass the command onto the database which then allows potentially anything to be done to the database
SQL Injection

Placing malicious code into the buffer so that it can be executed once stored in memory; oldest and most well known software exploit; software engineers can protect against this when writing code
Buffer Overflow

Informs companies of potential problems with software HACK ATTACKS so companies can fix the problems.
White Hat Hacker

Individuals with MALICIOUS INTENT WHO VIOLATE SECURITY in order to commit crimes or acts of terrorism
Black Hat Hacker

Engage in BOTH WHITE and BLACK hat types of hacking activities
Grey Hat Hacker

Type of virus that completely replaces an existing application and takes the name of the taken over file
Trojan Horse

Attempts to identify if a file contains a virus or some form of malware
Anti-virus Software

Ensures proper storage of data by providing a means so that data is available even when storage devices are damaged or offline
Data Redundancy

Uses the same key for performing the encryption and decryption
Symmetric Key Encryption

Ensures that the user gains access only to the resources that the user should be able to access
Role-based Access Control

  1. Cost savings benefits 2. Increased efficiency and productivity 3. Increased facilitation of communication
    Computer Network Advantages

Consists of programs that END USERS RUN to accomplish tasks
Application Software

Consists of programs that MAKE UP THE OS software that directly supports the computer system itself
System Software

Works with hardware to provide a NETWORK SERVICE
Server Software

A LAN that uses the Internet Protocol

Core components of the OS that is loaded when the computer is first booted.

An interface for the user, often personalized for that given user, that provides access to the kernel.

Administration and Support
IT Professional Roles

Maintains all aspects of the system including hardware, software, and programming.
System Administrator

Installs, configures, and administers firewall security to protect systems and proactively work to stop intrusions.
Security Administrator

Help desk and training.
Support IT Professionals

Defines the transition of data to information from knowledge to wisdom. (Data Information Knowledge Wisdom)
DIKW Hierarchy

The input directly received by the user (or computer). It is generally not usable until it has been converted into a relevant form.
Data in DIKW

Having been inferred from data; one or more processes have been applied to the data to transform it into a more useful form.
Information in DIKW

A collection of data and information used to support the management of an organization. Also refers to the technical components and human resources that enable the assembly, storage, and processing of data and the delivery of information. This has existed for a lot longer than computers.
Information Systems

RELEVANCE – the data being used must apply directly to the decision being made TIMELY – data must be efficient and must be provided in a timely manner THOROUGH – the data must be complete ACCURATE – data should be captured only once, where possible and should be captured as close to the point of activity as possible. RELIABLE – data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes across collections points and over time
Characteristics of Quality Data

Raw data is entered BY THE USER

COMPUTER PROGRAMS that tell the computer what to do–how to execute commands and process information

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Most commonly used protocol; is required of all computers that communicate over the Internet.

A collection of protocols. TCP/IP is an example.
Protocol Stack

CPU, Memory and Storage, Peripheral Devices
Components of a Computer

Executes programs’ instructions and commands various components in the computer. Referred to as the “chip”.

All peripheral devices where long term storage devices are used.
i/o Subsystem

Permits information to move between each component; electrical channels that enable communication among the electronic components
System Bus

Critical component of all computer based systems; consists of most of the hardware the computer needs in order to run; comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
System Unit

Case, Internal Bays, Buses, Ports, Hard Drive, Motherboard, CPU, CPU Cooler, Memory Module (RAM), Power Supply Unit (PSU), Expansion Slots/Cards
Internal Components of the System Unit

Control Unit (CU) – retrieves the instructions and the raw data that is input and coordinates or controls the sending of those instructions and data to the ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – does the actual processing of the data; completing mathematical calculations and logical operations to process the data and converting the input of the keyboard text entry to output displayed on the screen
Parts of the CPU

Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – typically called main memory Static RAM (SRAM) – cache memory and registers
Types of RAM

BIOS stands for: Basic Input Output System; ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Typically stored in ROM chip on the motherboard. Is software NOT hardware, (“basic” operating system that runs when the computer is first turned on). Runs tests of memory and the CPU and initializes hardware components so that the actual Operating System can be loaded from the hard disk. Can’t choose the amount or contents.

Vacuum tubes, relay switches, the need to program in machine language
1st Generation of Computers

Single chip processor, called microcomputer, first personal computer, rudimentary computer graphics, home use
4th Generation of Computers 1971 – 1980.

Doubling of transistor count roughly every 18 – 24 months (exponential increase)
Moore’s Law

Punch cards, magnetic tape, hard disks, floppy disks, optical discs, flash memory, cloud storage
Evolution of Storage

Improve language translator; requires that the components of the software all be defined before compilation can begin; code is more efficient

Characterized by the creation of windowed operating systems, easier real-world object modeling in programming code, and the application of inheritance in program code.
Object Oriented Programming

A computer being accessed over the network
Remote Computer

Requires that a full pathway, or circuit, be established before transmission can begin and maintained during the entire transmission; like calling someone on the phone
Circuit Switched Network

A message’s pathway is only established as it is sent; the choice of pathway is based on availability and amount of message traffic
Packet Switched Network

Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers

A software emulator program that permits a computer user to use multiple computers and multiple platforms without the expense of purchasing multiple computers; allows a user to run software for different OS platform in their computer that would not otherwise be able to run that software; this allows multiple users on a network to access the software to support collaboration.
Virtual Machine (VM)

Responds to queries by pulling from the database. Typically only to local clients.
Database Server

Two email servers communicate with each other
Mail Server

Link between two resources; links two routers without any host or network in between
Point-to-Point Network

Protocol, Domain name, Resource/Filename
Parts of URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Requires that data is correct

Requires that information is available when needed

Public – available through public sources; includes names and addresses Sensitive – not considered a threat to a person’s privacy if others learn of it; include email addresses Private – information that could be a threat if disclosed to others; includes social security and credit card numbers Confidential – information that an organization will keep secret; includes patentable information and business plans
Information Security Classifications

Emails to people to redirect them to a website to perform some operation but the website is a fake and just takes the information

Allows you to obtain anything being sent over a network if the data being transmitted isn’t encrypted
Packet Sniffing

Self contained programs that do not need other programs to propagate across computers and computer networks

Idea of obfuscating the information that resides on a computer or sent over a network so that if it is intercepted the hacker will be unable to use the information

First users were the engineers who built and programmed computers, then employees who had received specialized training were users, and now today, anyone and everyone can be a user.
Evolution of Users

Sends files over the network at the request of clients. Responds over LAN, within one location/site. Support both application software and data files.

Turns a user-friendly domain name, like Google.com, into an Internet Protocol (IP) address like ((( ))) that computers use to identify each other on the network.
Domain Name Server (DNS)

Uses TWO KEYS a public and private key for performing encryption and decryption
Public Key Encryption

PROVING you are who you say you are which can be done by: what you know, what you have.

TIER WHERE THE USER interface for the system is developed; SHIELDS THE USER from the underlying logic of the systems as well as the underlying data structures.
Presentation tier

SYSTEMS DEPLOYMENT Steps 1. System Conversion 2. Final Documentation 3. End User Training
System Deployment

CONNECTS MULTIPLES networks together; can be used to directly connect computers to a network; will relay messages to computers with APPROPRIATE IP ADDRESS

Requires that data is KEPT secure so that they are not accidentally provided or obtained by unauthorized users

Protecting EVERY LAYER that SURROUNDS ((( DATA )))
Defense in Depth

Can take on DIFFERENT FORMS depending on the complexity of the application; in certain instances, it is AN ACTUAL OBJECT that is an ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the application
The model

Creates a subset of the data by reducing the data from multiple dimensions to one dimension
Slicing data

The technology used in creating, maintaining, and making information accessible
Information Technology

In charge of all aspects of the COMPUTER NETWORKS
Network Administrator

Focuses on the design, development, and support of DATABASE MANAGEMENT systems (DBMSs).
Database Administrator

Installs, configures, maintains, secures, and troubleshoots web severs.
Web Administrator

processed data

INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN PUT TO USE information placed into a context. Refined information such that the user of the knowledge is able to call forth only relevant portions of information when needed.
Knowledge in DIKW

Provides a social setting to knowledge; AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ((( WHY ))) Can only come by having BOTH KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE

The INPUT Processing, OUTPUT, STORAGE Cycle

Processed data
Raw data that is organized and structured for usefulness.

output data
An information processing activity that retrieves, formats, and distributes data to users.

Processed information is stored for permanent record.

Computer System
A collection of components that work together to meet the needs of the user; typically : CATEGORIZED AS EITHER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, NETWORKS AND USERS

Physical components of a computer system which include the system unit and its components and peripheral devices; TANGIBLE ASPECTS OF THE COMPUTER

A collection of computers and resources CONNECTED by various media so that they can COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER.

Software Categories
Systems Software and Applications Software

IP Protocol
RULES provided by WHICH NETWORKS communicate with each other.

computer memory
STORES the programs BEING EXECUTED and the data they are using.

system clock
Controls THE SPEED at which instructions are processed

Stands for Random Access Memory. It temporarily stores data before it is processed and sent to your screen or printer. IT IS VOLATILE (means data or information stored disappears when the computer is turned off or loses power).

Second generation computers
Transistor components, magnetic core memory, smaller size, easier to program, disk drives and drums, called mainframe computers

Third generation computers
Silicon chips (known as ICs – integrated circuits), reduced cost, called mini computers, networks introduced via dumb terminals

low-level language
Written for a specific machine by the engineers who built and ran the computers; no need for OS since only one program could run at a time

Assembly Language
Easier than machine but still required detailed, precise LOW LEVEL instructions

Language Translator Programs
Function is to TRANSLATE ONE LANGUAGE TO ANOTHER; take source code and convert it to another form; source code by itself cannot be read by a computer

Structured Programming
Programmer is limited to high level control constructs such as while loops, for loops, and if/else statements and not allowed to use primitive GOTO statements

Interpreted Language
A type of programming language for which most of its implementations EXECUTES INSTRUCTIONS DIRECTLY AND FREELY, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions.

Shell Scripting
Small programs that place Linux commands or DOS batch files into a file

Local Computer
The computer that the user is using; physically present with

Network Hub
Connects computers to each other with NO REAL UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS BEING TRANSFERRED Used for private networks with local computers.

Network Switch
Like a hub, but this will only send data that is intended for a specific computer.

WAP (Wireless Access Point)
Can be connected to hub, switch, or router; many routers now also act as a wireless access point; sends out a wireless signal so computers on the network can connect without a cable

client/server network
Contains one or more servers; client is a computer that will request information from another computer; server is a computer that takes requests and responds with the requested information; the software used facilitates communication with remote servers

Web Server
Stores data files (web pages) and programs (scripts). Responds from anywhere on the Internet.

print server
Monitors print jobs

ftp (file transfer protocol) server
Like web server or file server in that REQUEST ARE FILES and RESPONDED ARE THE FILES data delivered between client and server.

Bus Network
consists of a single central cable, to which all computers and other devices connect

Star Network
Each device is connected to a central device such as a hub or switch.

Ring Network
Each device is connected directly to its neighbors, and messages are forwarded from device to device until the proper destination is reached.

Mesh Network
Every device is connected directly to every other device in the network.

Domain Name
Identifies the server on which the web page can be found

top-level domain
Always ends with a period and a THREE or TWO LETTER EXTENSION which signifies the TYPE of organization or country associated with the page

Resource/Filename ID
Indicates the name of the file you are accessing, or the location of the document on the server

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

Risk Management and Strategic Risk Analysis

  1. Identify the organization’s information assets 2. Identify vulnerabilities of each asset 3. Determine threats 4. Prioritizing risks 5. Develop and enact policies that will reduce threats

SQL Injection
An attacker issues a SQL command to a web server as part of the URL or as input to a form on a company’s website; web server might pass the command onto the database which then allows potentially anything to be done to the database

Buffer Overflow
Placing malicious code into the buffer so that it can be executed once stored in memory; oldest and most well known software exploit; software engineers can protect against this when writing code

white hat hackers
work at the request of the system owners to find system vulnerabilities and plug the holes

black hat hackers
breaking the systems to destroy information or for illegal gain

grey hat hackers
A cross between black and white—they will often illegally break into systems merely to flaunt their expertise to the administrator of the system they penetrated or to attempt to sell their services in repairing security breaches.

Trojan Horse
a program designed to breach the security of a computer system while ostensibly performing some innocuous function.

anti-virus software
Attempts to identify if a file contains a virus or some form of malware

data redundancy
Ensures proper storage of data by providing a means so that data is available even when storage devices are damaged or offline

Symmetric Key Encryption
Uses the same key for performing the encryption and decryption

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Ensures that the user gains access only to the resources that the user should be able to access

Computer Network Advantages

  1. Cost savings benefits 2. Increased efficiency and productivity 3. Increased facilitation of communication

Application Software
Consists of programs that END USERS RUN to accomplish tasks

Systems software
Consists of programs that MAKE UP THE OS software that directly supports the computer system itself

Server Software
Works with hardware to provide a NETWORK SERVICE

a network designed for the exclusive use of computer users within an organization that cannot be accessed by users outside the organization

Core components of the OS that is loaded when the computer is first booted.

An interface for the user, often personalized for that given user, that provides access to the kernel.

IT Professional Roles
Administration and Support

System Administrator
Maintains all aspects of the system including hardware, software, and programming.

Security Administrator
Installs, configures, and administers firewall security to protect systems and proactively work to stop intrusions

Support IT Professionals
Help desk and training.

DIKW Hierarchy
Defines the transition of data to information from knowledge to wisdom. (Data Information Knowledge Wisdom)

Data in DIKW
The input directly received by the user (or computer). It is generally not usable until it has been converted into a relevant form.

Information in DIKW
Having been inferred from data; one or more processes have been applied to the data to transform it into a more useful form.

Information Systems
A collection of data and information used to support the management of an organization. Also refers to the technical components and human resources that enable the assembly, storage, and processing of data and the delivery of information. This has existed for a lot longer than computers.

Characteristics of Quality Data
RELEVANCE – the data being used must apply directly to the decision being made TIMELY – data must be efficient and must be provided in a timely manner THOROUGH – the data must be complete ACCURATE – data should be captured only once, where possible and should be captured as close to the point of activity as possible. RELIABLE – data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes across collections points and over time

Raw data is entered BY THE USER

COMPUTER PROGRAMS that tell the computer what to do–how to execute commands and process information

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Most commonly used protocol; is required of all computers that communicate over the Internet.

protocol stack
A collection of protocols. TCP/IP is an example.

Components of a Computer
CPU, Memory and Storage, Peripheral Devices

Executes programs’ instructions and commands various components in the computer. Referred to as the “chip”.

System bus
Permits information to move between each component; electrical channels that enable communication among the electronic components

System unit
Critical component of all computer based systems; consists of most of the hardware the computer needs in order to run; comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Internal components of software unit
Case, Internal Bays, Buses, Ports, Hard Drive, Motherboard, CPU, CPU Cooler, Memory Module (RAM), Power Supply Unit (PSU), Expansion Slots/Cards

Parts of the CPU
Control Unit (CU) – retrieves the instructions and the raw data that is input and coordinates or controls the sending of those instructions and data to the ALU

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – does the actual processing of the data; completing mathematical calculations and logical operations to process the data and converting the input of the keyboard text entry to output displayed on the screen

Types of RAM
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – typically called main memory

Static RAM (SRAM) – cache memory and registers

BIOS stands for: Basic Input Output System; ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Typically stored in ROM chip on the motherboard. Is software NOT hardware, (“basic” operating system that runs when the computer is first turned on). Runs tests of memory and the CPU and initializes hardware components so that the actual Operating System can be loaded from the hard disk. Can’t choose the amount or contents.

First generation computers
Vacuum tubes, relay switches, the need to program in machine language

Fourth generation computers
Single chip processor, called microcomputer, first personal computer, rudimentary computer graphics, home use

Moore’s Law
Doubling of transistor count roughly every 18 – 24 months (exponential increase)

Evolution of Storage
Punch cards, magnetic tape, hard disks, floppy disks, optical discs, flash memory, cloud storage

Improve language translator; requires that the components of the software all be defined before compilation can begin; code is more efficient

object-oriented programming
Characterized by the creation of windowed operating systems, easier real-world object modeling in programming code, and the application of inheritance in program code.

Remote Computer
A computer being accessed over the network

Circuit Switched Network
Requires that a full pathway, or circuit, be established before transmission can begin and maintained during the entire transmission; like calling someone on the phone

Packet Switched Network
A message’s pathway is only established as it is sent; the choice of pathway is based on availability and amount of message traffic

virtual machine (VM)
Software that simulates the hardware of a physical computer, creating one or more logical machines within one physical machine.

Computers that have greater hard disk storage, faster response time and are used to respond to request from other computers on the network

database server
Responds to queries by pulling from the database.

Typically only to local clients.

Mail server
Two email servers communicate with each other

Point-to-Point Network
Link between two resources; links two routers without any host or network in between

Parts of URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Protocol, Domain name, Resource/Filename

Requires that data is correct

Requires that information is available when needed

Information security classifications
Public – available through public sources; includes names and addresses Sensitive – not considered a threat to a person’s privacy if others learn of it; include email addresses Private – information that could be a threat if disclosed to others; includes social security and credit card numbers Confidential – information that an organization will keep secret; includes patentable information and business plans

Emails to people to redirect them to a website to perform some operation but the website is a fake and just takes the information

Packet Sniffing
Allows you to obtain anything being sent over a network if the data being transmitted isn’t encrypted

Self contained programs that do not need other programs to propagate across computers and computer networks

Idea of obfuscating the information that resides on a computer or sent over a network so that if it is intercepted the hacker will be unable to use the information

What is the definition of information technology?
It is the technology used to create, maintain, and make information accessible.

Which IT position has the responsibillity of working with routers and switches?
Network Administrator

In which generation were silicon chips first used in computers?
Third generation

Which low-level language corresponds one to one with assembly?
machine language

What allows an organization to use software through the internet?
Saas or Software as a Service

What is one of IT’s role in golobalization?
It allows companies to reach a wider customer base.

Which category of computer has an external flat screen monitor, optical disk drive, and a large capacity hard drive?

Which two software application packages would be classified as productivity software?
Spreadsheet program and word processor

Which two computer peripherals are connected to the computer through a port?
External microphone and USB flash drive

Which term is defined as a collection of information used to support management of an organization?
Information system

A website logs the timestamp, location, and browser of every visitor. It then aggregates this content into peak traffic times and days,minimum and maximum hits for each country and region, and popularity of certain browsers among visitors. What is the timestamp considered in this scenerio?

a dept manager is creating a budget estimate for the upcoming year. The manager would like to determine whether the data will be available when the decision for the next year have to be made. Which characteristic of valuable data is the manager considering?

Which two are parts of an information system?
Databases and Networks.

What is the difference between processing and storage?
Processing involves temporary information, while storage involves permenant information.

What type of information processing allows input data to be accepted as a set of records and processed as a unit?
Batch processing

What is the role of the systems administrator?
To install and maintain network resources.

Which action would be important for the IT department to take in order to help their business meet the goal of increased expansion?
Expanding the infrasturcture to support additional locations.

What step should be taken by a business when a third-party solution is found that will benefit a project?
Contact the group to arrange a demo of their product.

Which risk assessment question is part of the initiation phase?
Could the end users reject the outcome of the project?

In what phase of a project does time estimation occur?

What effect does scope creep have on a project?
It increases unplanned costs for the project.

Which system requirement is an example of considering user needs in the design of an information system?
Allowing easy access to customer account information.

Which type of systems testing includes having the customer test the system in an operational setting to see if it is useful?
User Acceptance

Which type of systems conversion involves starting the conversion with a portion of end users?

What are two necessary elements of business continutiy planning?
Identifying risks that may occur

Assessing key organizational activities.

Which disaster recovery strategy is used to save information to multiple hard drives at the same time?
Data mirrorring

Which action would support confidentiality?
Updating security software.

Which regulation governs the actions of a company in case of data records being compromised, lost, or stolen?
Security Breach Notification laws

How can an organization assist employees with the ethical use of information technology?
By developing policies for information usage.

What is part of the role of an It professional assocation?
Provides professional standards for ethical behavior.

Engages in best practices for information systems

What is outside of the rold of an IT professional assocation?
Writes laws dealing with information technology

Which benefit is provided by a computer network in a business?
Cost for hardware resources are decreased.

A software emulator program that permits a computer user to use multiple computers and multiple platforms without the expense of purchasing mutiple computers.
virtual machines

Each computer is roughly equal to every other computer.

One computer will request information from another computer, which responds with requested information.

Allows the user to control the actions of the software and through the software, to access hardware.
The operating system

Which action by application programs requires support from an operating system?
An internet browser displays a web page.

What is true about the Linux operating system?
Linux runs on both servers and workstations

Which characteristic identifies application sotware that is cloud based?
provided by third party providers

What type of software permits free temporary use followed by long term activation for a fee?

What is the purpose of the End User License Agreement for a commercial software package?
Establishes the customer’s right tot use the software.

What is the difference between proprietary and open-source software license?
Proprietary software has a cost whereas open-source software is free.

Which two components are parts of a central processing unit?
Control Unit (CU)

Arithmetic logic unit (AlU)

An employee needs to edit a contract and prepare a hard copy for a project team. Which two peripheral devices should be used?


Which motherboard component helps cool the cpu?
heat sink

Which item is a storage device?
flash drive

In which type of network topology is each networked device directly connectd to every other networked device?

Which communication medium is typically used when sending data transmissions over very long distances?
Radio signals

What indicates a specific internet location?
The ip address

Translates human readable aliases into IP addresses
domain name system (DNS)

Which part of a Uniform Resource Locator identifies the location of the document on the server?
Resource path id

Which goal of information Assurance (IA) requires that information is accessible when needed?

Which technique uses all possible combination of letters and numbers to crack a password?
brute force

which is a characterisc of high level languages?
language translator programs are required.

how does a compiler work?
It requires the components of the software to be defined from the onset.

On which tier of the n tier architecture model are user interfaces developed?

Which component facilitates communication between the other two components in the MVC architecture model?

What is the difference between a compiled and interpreted computer language?
compiler translates an entire program into executable progam which can be run at a later time, while the interpreter does this incrementally.

Which two languages have traditionally been used for automation rather than software development?
TCL and Python because they are scripting languages

Which is true of databases and the application that interact with them?
Applications are interdependent with the database.

What is another term for a formula that outlines how to execute a task?

What is the role of drivers in facilitating communication between application and databases?
They allow the ODBC to be used for interactions with the database and applications.

Which sql clause is used to inform the database management system which table should be interrograted by the query?

Which data type is used to represent product order code that comprises alphanumeric characters?
String data

Why is it important to ensure that data support business goals?
To aid in making strategic decisions.

In which category of the DIKW hierarchy would business intelligence be located?

Which field must contain a unique value in order for a relational database table to function?
primary key

What are the three main categories of databases?
Flat file, relational, and hierarchal

What is the database administrators role in security?
To institute protocols to protect the databases from external threats.

A single chip process developed in 1974 by IBM

Over the years, the number of transisters that can be placed on a chip has increased by how much?
By orders of maginitude rather than linearly

What is the phenomenon observed that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every year and will continue for at least the next ten years?
Moore’s law

How long has Moore’s law continued to be a trend?
from 1965 to the present

Is moore’s law an observation or a physical law?

The fetch-execute cycle is performed in an overlapped fashion on several instructions.
pipelines cpu

a programming language that is a lengthy list of 1s and 0s.
machine language

An early language translator that would translate an assembly program into machine language.

Language that consists of English words, mathematical notation, and familiar syntax such as a semicolon used to end statements.
high level language

What was the operation system called in the early 1960s?
a resident monitor

Which statement allowed the programmer to transfer control from any location in a progam to anywhere else in the program?

What does the GOTO statement create?
spaghetti code

What replaced the GOTO statement with high level control constructs such as while loops, and if-else statements, and is not allowed to use the GOTO statement?
structured programming

A stand alone entity that would be programmed to handle its own internal methods as well as messages received from other objects.
An object

What is the main difference between a compiled language and an interpreted language?
An interpreted language runs inside of a special environment called the interpreter.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!
When a programmer enters a command, what converts that command to machine language and executes it?
the interpreter

perl, php, ruby, python, and asp are interpreted languages that are also what other type of language?
scripting languages

Relies on a session and allows you to test out an idea because they are executed as they’re written.

Requires that the componenets of the software all be defined from the onset and is considered to have more efficient code.

What generation used vacuum tubes in computers?
first generation

What generation of computers began to use transistors?

what generation of computers introduced the silicon chip?

what type of computer still uses silicon chips?

What generation of computers introduced operating systems?

What do integrated circuits need to function?
silicon chip

a location beacon that uses bluetooth technology and can be embedded in any location aware mobile device.

The myriad of types of devices that can and will be connected to the internet in the next few years.
the internet of things (IoT)

What does RFID stand for?
Radio frequency identification device

Refers to data sets that are so large and complex that they will require more advanced database management/processing tools than we currently use.
big data

what cloud service provides access and use of software to businesses through the internet?
Saas or software as a service

which form of cloud computing enables teams of developers to quickly and reliably develop and deliver applications by accessing the same environment in real-time.
Paas or Platform as a Service

Which cloud service provides all the resources (servers, data storage) tha an IT dept needs ouside of the org making them accessible by anyone, anywhere
IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service

Reduced costs

Increased speed of development of projects

The ability to quickly and easily scale operations.

Less reliance on internal IT expertise.
Benefits of cloud computing

What are the risks of cloud computing?
Org becomes dependent on the reliability and performance of a third party vendor.

Adverse effects on internal IT employees.

Could raise concerns about data ownership and compliance issues.

Possible breach in security.

What are the main components in a computer?


input/output (i/o) system


what does ipos stand for?
input, process, output, storage

Includes all peripheral devices for input, output, storage and network.
i/o subsystem

consists of long term storage devices
disk drives


The device that permits information to move between each component.
The bus

Also known as the chassis or cabinet.
The case of a computer

The circuitry and electrical channels that enable communication among the electronic components.
the bus

the printed circuit board that houses the cpu, memory chips, and expansion cards in any computer.
the motherboard

also referred to as “the chip”

Retrieves instructions and raw data (input) and manages the transmission of the instructions and data to the alu.
Control unit

Completes mathematical calculations and logical operations to process the data, converting the input of keyboard text entry to output displayed on the screen.
arithmetic logic unit

controls the speed at which instructions are processed.
The system clock

What is the measurement unit used to identify clock speed on today’s computers?

What does BIOS stand for
Basic input output system

The basic operating system that runs when a computer is first turned on. It runs test of memory and the cpu,and initilizes hardware components so that the actual Operating system can be loaded from the hard disk.

Temporarily stores data before it is processed and sent to your screen or printer.

Volitile memory that disappears when the computer is turned off or loses power.

Houses CDs and DVDs, typically located on the front of the system unit for easy access.

can insert modem cards, wireless access cards, and other PC cards such as camera cards

Can connect additional input, output, storage, and communication devices

computer that has the least amount of performance

computer that has the mid amount of performance capability

computer with the most amount of performance capability

consists of programs that end users run to accomplish tasks. An example of a type of this software includes the email client, web browser, and ftop client
application software

consists of applications that are usefule to everyone such as word processor, presentation software, spreadsheet program, database mgmt systems, calendar program, address book, and data organizer.
productivity software

software more specific towards artists and graphic designers
drawing software

also referred to as horizontal software
productivity software

Software used by select groups with an organization or to a specific discipline such as music sequencers, samplers, and digital recorders for muscians.
vertical software

progams that make up the operating system and directly supports the computer system itself.
system software

Pieces of the operating system that run in the background all of the time
daemons or services

works with hardware to provide a network service, types of software includes web servers, email servers, and database servers
server software

software stored on an individual computer
local application

the ability to have computation anywhere at any time
ubiquitous computing

Android, Chrom, and iOS are common operating systems for which type of computer?
mobile devices

dedicated computers within a network whose function is to respond to network requests and provide a network service

loaded when the computer is first booted, included components that handle process mgmt, resource mgmt, and memory mgmt

sits on top of the hardware and is the interface between hardware and software
the kernel

a piece of the operating system that provides specific interfaces between the OS running a computer and hardware.
device drivers

an interface for the user that provides access to the kernel
the shell

programs that allow the user to monitor and improve system performance
system utilities

sometimes referred to as root or superuser
administrator account

hat is the role of a web server
to respond to HTTP requests

What does http stand for?
hypertext transfer protocol

Used in an organization to act as a giant cache of web pages that anyone in the organization has recently retrieved.
proxy server

what type of server has the capability of blocking specific servers and rejecting responses that contain certain content?
proxy server

permits database access across a network. Performs tasks such as data analysis, data manipulation, security, and archiving.
database server

like a web server, this server host files and allows clients to access those files. However, it instead provides access in the form of uploading and downloading files.
ftp server

a computer with a large hard disk storing files that any or many users of the network may wish to access.
file server

data that has been processed

in the dikw, what is data?
data is the input directly received by human or computer.

in dikw, what is information?
information is inferred from data, meaning that one or many processes have been applied to the data to tranform it into a more useful form.

in dikw, what is knowledge?
refined information that hte user of the knowledge is able to call forth only relevant portions of information when needed.

in dikw, what is wisdom?
having both knowledge and experience

which characteristic of quality data requires data being used to be applied directly to the decision being made.

characateristic of quality data where data is provided efficiently and on time so that companies can utilize it in their business.

characteristic of quality data whereas data must be complete and not contain errors or lapses of data.

characteristic of quality data whereas data is captured once only, where possible, and captured as close to the point of activity as possible.

characteristic of quality data whereas data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes across collection points and over time, whether using manual or computer based systems or a combination.

What four operations does a computer perform?




The physical components of a computer

the programs and other operating information used by the computer

a collection of computers and resources connected by various media so they can communicate with each other.

The people who use the computer system

A set of rules established to govern how people behave and interact with each other
a protocol

a requirment of all computers to communicate over the internet
transmission control protocol/ internet protocol or TCP/IP

A collection of protocols that is sometimes referred to as a protocol stack

commercial software purchased from a vendor

proprietary software produced by a company that commercially markets software
software house

software free from purchase, but not necessarily free in how you use it.

what types of software is ususally software that has become obsolete because a new software has replaced it, or is software that the original producer no longer wants to maintain and provide support for?

public domain

software that has been moved into the public domain and are made available as executables.
public domain

software created in the open source community and made freely available as source code
open source

protects an original work, but no the ideas behind the work

excluse right to make copies, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of the work for the duration of the author’s life plus 70 years.

What is the definition of information technology?

It is the technology used to create, maintain, and make information accessible.

Which IT position has the responsibillity of working with routers and switches?

Network Administrator

In which generation were silicon chips first used in computers?

Third generation

Which low-level language corresponds one to one with assembly?

machine language

What allows an organization to use software through the internet?

Saas or Software as a Service

What is one of IT’s role in golobalization?

It allows companies to reach a wider customer base.

Which category of computer has an external flat screen monitor, optical disk drive, and a large capacity hard drive?


Which two software application packages would be classified as productivity software?

Spreadsheet program and word processor

Which two computer peripherals are connected to the computer through a port?

External microphone and USB flash drive

Which term is defined as a collection of information used to support management of an organization?

Information system

A website logs the timestamp, location, and browser of every visitor. It then aggregates this content into peak traffic times and days,minimum and maximum hits for each country and region, and popularity of certain browsers among visitors. What is the timestamp considered in this scenerio?


A dept. manager is creating a budget estimate for the upcoming year. The manager would like to determine whether the data will be available when the decision for the next year have to be made. Which characteristic of valuable data is the manager considering?


Which two are parts of an information system?

Databases and Networks.

What is the difference between processing and storage?

Processing collects and translates data into useful information, while storage places the translated data in specific locations.

Which is a benefit of multiple interconnected computers (distributed) versus mainframes or large computers?

Costs for hardware resources are decreased

A software emulator program that permits a computer user to use multiple computers and multiple platforms without the expense of purchasing multiple computers.

Virtual machines

Each computer is roughly equal to every other computer.


One computer will request information from another computer, which responds with requested information.


Allows the user to control the actions of the software, and through the software, to access hardware.

Operating System

Which action by application programs requires support from a networked operating system?

An Internet browser displays a web page.

The chief information officer wants to update the network server to improve Internet access while also blocking certain social media websites. What type of server will meet this need?

Proxy server

Which characteristic identifies application software that is cloud-based?

Provided by third-party providers

What type of software permits free temporary use followed by long-term activation for a fee?


What is the purpose of an End User License Agreement for a commercial software package?

Establishes the customer’s right to use the software.

What is the difference between proprietary and open-source software license?

Proprietary software has a cost whereas open-source software is free.

What gives the author of a software package the ability to prevent unauthorized duplication for at least 35 years?

A copyright

Which two components are parts of a central processing unit (CPU)?

Control unit (CU), and Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

An employee needs to edit a contract and prepare a hard copy for the project team. Which two peripheral devices should be used?

Printer and Monitor

Which item is a storage device?

flash drive

What indicates a specific Internet location?

IP address

Which description explains the role of a domain name system (DNS)?

Translates human-readable aliases into IP addresses

Which part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) identifies the location of the document on the server?

Resource path ID

Which goal of Information Assurance (IA) requires that information is accessible when needed?


Which technique uses all possible combinations of letters and numbers to crack a password?

Brute force

Which is a type of two-factor authentication?

Smart Card

In which type of network topology is each networked device directly connected to every other networked device?


Which communication medium is should be used when sending data transmissions from Singapore to Mexico City?

Radio signals

Which is a characteristic of high-level languages?

The source code has to be complied.

How does a compiler work?

It takes the most recent instructions and translates them into machine language

What is true of compiled and interpreted computer language?

A compiler translates an entire program into executable program, which can be run at a later time, while the interpreter does this incrementally.

Which language is often used for rapid prototyping and the creation of GUIs?


What is true of databases and the applications that interact with them?

Applications are interdependent of the database.

What is another term for a formula that outlines how to execute a task?


Which data type is used to represent product order code that comprises alphanumeric characters?

String data

Armando is a freelance graphic designer. He has decided to create a database of the artwork he has done throughout the years. Each of his pieces of art is sorted using an assigned name and number. Which data type will be required in order to create his database?

Character string

Why is it important to ensure that data support business goals?

To aid in making strategic decisions.

In which category of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) hierarchy would business intelligence be located?


Which field must contain a unique value in order for a relational database table to function?

primary key

What are the three main categories of databases?

Flat file, relational, hierarchal

What is the database administrators role in security?

To institute protocols to protect the databases from external threats.

Which part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) identifies the location of the document on the server?

What type of information processing allows input data to be accepted as a set of records and processed as a unit?


What is the role of drivers in facilitating communication between applications and databases?

They allow the application to interact with the database.

Which SQL clause is used to inform the database management system (DBMS) which tables should be interrogated by the query?


What is the role of the systems administrator?

To install and maintain network resources.

What is the purpose of an IT department?

It helps the organization achieve strategic goals.

Which action would be important for the IT department to take in order to help their business meet the goal of increased expansion?

Expanding the infrasturcture to support additional locations.

What step should be taken by a business when a third-party solution is found that will benefit a project?

Contact the group to arrange a demo of their product.

Which risk assessment question is part of the initiation phase?

Could the end users reject the outcome of the project?

In what phase of a project does time estimation occur?


What effect does scope creep have on a project?

It increases unplanned costs for the project.

Which system requirement is an example of considering user needs in the design of an information system?

Allowing secure access to customer account information.

Which type of systems testing includes having the customer test the system in an operational setting to see if it is useful?

User Acceptance

Which type of systems conversion involves starting the conversion with a portion of end users?


What are two necessary elements of business continutiy planning?

Identifying risks that may occur.
Assessing key organizational activities.

Which action would support confidentiality?

Updating security software.

Which disaster recovery strategy is used to save information to multiple hard drives at the same time?

Data mirroring

Which regulation governs the actions of a company in case of data records being compromised, lost, or stolen?

Security Breach Notification laws

How can an organization assist employees with the ethical use of information technology?

By developing policies for information usage.

What is part of the role of an It professional?

Provides professional standards for ethical behavior.
Engages in best practices for information systems

Marcus has a summer job working at a real estate agency. He is entering client addresses into the company’s computer system. At which stage of the DIKW hierarchy is Marcus working?


Which software is run automatically rather than by the end user?

System software

Which account is also referred to as root or superuser?

The Administrator Account

Which of the following best describes a hierarchical database format?

Data are modeled using parent-child relationships.

What are the responsibilities of the system administrator?

Providing support to users
Creating new user accounts
Installing new file server hardware and software

Which of the following is an example of a relational database?

A database containing student records with fields such as Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Major, GPA that links to other databases in the University’s system.

Which of the following describes the duties of a web administrator?

Duties include maintaining and securing the web server. Also responsible for troubleshooting the web server.

Which of the following statements accurately describe IT certifications?

Earning an IT certificate indicates an IT professional has a thorough background in a specific IT area.

What are important characteristic of an IT professional?

Ability to troubleshoot
Desire to continually learn.
Good communication skills – both oral and written

As a new sales manager, Sylvia is studying the historical and current sales report numbers to determine the top three salespersons of the year. At which stage of the DIKW hierarchy is Sylvia working?


What describes the difference between information systems and information technology?

An information system does not have to use computer hardware; whereas information technology requires the use of hardware and software.

What best represents the relevant characteristic of quality data?

The data used applies to the question being answered.

What is/are true of the IPOS cycle?

Once words, numbers or images are entered, a computer processes the data into useable information that can then be accessed to answer questions or meet specific needs.

What is an accurate definition of a computer system?

A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components that work together to meet the needs of the user.

What is the difference between software and hardware?

Computer software is developed by writing a program using programming language whereas computer hardware is the physical components such as memory modules and disk drives.

What would require the use of a network?

Computers in an office sharing the same printer.
Schools turning in attendance files to the district office.
Gourmet chocolate being sold on the Internet.

Which type of software includes programs such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint?


What is a program that will allow a computer to easily access the hardware and software of the computer system?

Operating system

__________ software works with hardware to provide a network service

Windows Server

What is another term that defines a script?

Interpreted program

In the _______ phase of the SDLC (system development life cycle), architects think about the components that they would need to solve the problem or implement the plan.


During _______ users test the system in an operational setting to make sure the system continues to align with business objectives and meet the goals of the stakeholders.

User Acceptance Testing

In this phase of testing the system is given to a segment of end users for testing from their perspective before the final version is released.


___________ is ephemeral, meaning data stored is lost when the computer is powered off.


In a SQL query, the __________ operation combines two tables together?


__________ uses the concept of reflection of light through a core made up of glass or plastic.

Optical Wire

The _______ includes the protocol, domain, and all subdomains, as well as the resource path ID and name of the document.


This form of cloud computing is offered as a service by some major organizations, such as Amazon and Google, and used extensively by app developers. Its intent is to be able to quickly and reliably develop and deliver applications

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

With ________ an IT department resources (i.e. servers, data storage) are located outside of the organization and are accessible by anyone, anywhere

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

What is the correct order of project phase for Project Management?

Initiation, Planning, Executing, Closing

During this phase of Project Management, the projects scope and requirements are defined

Initiation phase

The role of a ______ ______ is to respond to requests most typically come from web browsers, such as HTTP

web server

This server addresses protocols such as: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, HTTP, MAPI, and MIME (email protocols)

eMail server

In this network topology ALL devices have a single point-to-point connection with a central device

STAR network

This type of software is made freely available as source code.

open source software

This software protection will protect an individuals original work (tangible form)for the authors life + 70 years


This license protects the creation of inventive concepts as well as the tangible work product for 20 years at the date of filing


The _______ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS what fields or attributes are of interest (and where they are located, i.e. which table/relation they can be found in).


The ______ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS what tables are to be interrogated by the query and, if more than one table contains the data of interest, how they are to be combined or joined.


The _____ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS of the specific criteria the data should match to be returned as the output of the query.

WHERE clause

All of the following are compiled languages


Which of the following is the correct function of the compiler?

Translates the entire program, creating an executable program, which can be run at a later time.

A program written in a high-level language must be converted into __________ code to be executed by the computer.


Which two are both types of scripting languages?

ASP and Python

This type of database is the most common format for storing data as it provides users with a great deal of flexibility, allowing for multiple tables (relations).


This database structure format organizes data using a tree-like or organizational chart type structure (i.e. parent-child structure)


Which of the following types of information present a threat to someone’s privacy?

Student ID and credit card numbers

The __________________ is the electronic circuit responsible for executing computer program instructions.

Central Processing Unit

Learning about social engineering and how to protect passwords is ___.


________________ is a general term that describes any attack that takes advantage of humans’ trusting nature.

Social engineering

A local area network (LAN)

Allows hardware sharing within one office

Which device permits packet switching so that a message can be routed to the next link in a network?


What best describes the Internet?

The Internet is a global network of networks.

All of the following are parts of a URL

Host name

Which of the following statements is not part of the path a message takes from one computer to another?

All messages require a response from the destination machine to the sending device.

Your site’s Internet point of presence is called a:


What aligns IT goals and organization goals?

IT goals include cloud computing and organization goals include real-time communication to contain costs while scaling quickly

What is IT management responsible for?

Being the project manager

A ____________ is also known as a datasheet

Database Table

IT personnel who understand both the technical IT infrastructure and management of the business fill which role?

IT management

What is an advantage of outsourcing?

Cost-effective if time is constrained

A company’s ability to recover after a disaster is directly related to which of the following?

Business continuity plan

When a disaster happens that impacts a company, ________________ help define how to resume services to customers and vital business operations, while auxiliary services may remain offline?

Business Continuity Plans

An operating system will write and change data to multiple hard drives at the same time so that if something happens to one hard drive, another hard drive is available to speed up data recovery. This statement best describes which of the following?

Data mirroring

What is the definition of a Platform as a Service (PaaS)?

A Platform as a Service is the ability to quickly and consistently develop and deliver applications.

The use of IT has allowed businesses to have __________.

More tools for communicating

During which generation did computers begin to see widespread use in business?

Third generation

Which of the following high-level programming languages was created to be business-oriented?


What of the four main components of a computer is described by this statement: This component executes all of the arithmetic and logic operations and is responsible for controlling (commanding) all of the components in the computer.


What best describes the differences between memory and the hard drive?

Memory stores instructions and data used by programs in the moment; whereas a hard drive stores data, programs, and files that can be accessed at a future time.

What best describes the purpose of expansion slots in modern computers?

Expansion slots allow additional cards to be connected to the motherboard that interface with peripheral devices.

carries out the instructions of a computer program and is often referred to as the “chip”?

Central Processing Unit

What best defines the CPU?

The CPU controls the speed at which instructions are retrieved and processed in the computer.

What is an example of what 1 GB would store?

Thousands of books

Which of the following statements accurately describes random access memory (RAM)?

RAM is short-term memory.

Which is found on the motherboard and stores information but the information is not permanent?


input systems


A scanner is a peripheral device for what system?


What peripheral component houses CDs and DVD?


What external component will allow peripherals to be connected to the system unit and connect additional input, output, storage, and communication devices?


Which computer will use a docking station to function like a desktop?


An undertaking with a start and end, specified goals, and tasks to reach those goals is the definition of the?


Which project phase consists of determining the objectives and activities, organizing the activities, and estimating the time and costs?


The team will write a final report detailing the processes and outcomes of the project in which project phase?


Project planning includes developing a road map that everyone follows. This phase starts with setting the project goals, commonly using the ____________ frameworks.


Determining the project scope or the work that needs to be completed is in what project phase?


The scope of the project is?

The work that needs to be done

The ___________ is at the center of what makes a computer work. It houses the CPU and serves as the brain of the system allocating resources, such as power, and communicating with all other components.


During implementation, how is alpha testing different from beta testing?

Alpha testing uses simulated data

During implementation, which testing assesses whether the system functions and is useful?

User Acceptance

Which term involves replacing the old system with a new system?

System conversion

Why is it essential to know what information will be needed from the database from the outset of development?

By knowing the purpose, the developer can determine how many fields are needed in the database.
The purpose determines the structure of the database.
The developer can determine which data types would help fulfill the purpose.

Which of the following are operations used to alter the data within a relation of a database?

update , Delete , Insert

Which of the following are the three main categories of databases?

Hierarchical , Flat File, Relational

Database administrators might be involved with the integration of data from where?

Older systems to new

in a __________ shell forward slash (/) is used to express directory paths;?


What is the definition of business intelligence?

Business intelligence is a term used to reflect the knowledge a business can create by analyzing data gathered from multiple sources

Which of the following interacts between a database and an application?


Which of the following operators is used to select all of a certain data?


What is outside of the role of an IT professional?

Writes laws dealing with information technology

Which motherboard component helps cool the cpu?

heat sink

which is a characteristic of high level languages?

language translator programs are required.

how does a compiler work?

It requires the components of the software to be defined from the onset.

A single chip process developed in 1974 by IBM


What is the phenomenon observed that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every year and will continue for at least the next ten years?

Moore’s law

How long has Moore’s law continued to be a trend?

from 1965 to the present

Is moore’s law an observation or a physical law?


The fetch-execute cycle is performed in an overlapped fashion on several instructions.

pipelines cpu

a programming language that is a lengthy list of 1s and 0s.

machine language

An early language translator that would translate an assembly program into machine language.


Language that consists of English words, mathematical notation, and familiar syntax such as a semicolon used to end statements.

high level language

What was the operation system called in the early 1960s?

a resident monitor

Which statement allowed the programmer to transfer control from any location in a progam to anywhere else in the program?


When a programmer enters a command, what converts that command to machine language and executes it?

the interpreter

perl, php, ruby, python, and asp are interpreted languages that are also what other type of language?

scripting languages

What generation used vacuum tubes in computers?

first generation

What generation of computers began to use transistors?


what type of computer still uses silicon chips?


What generation of computers introduced operating systems?


What do integrated circuits need to function?

silicon chip

The myriad of types of devices that can and will be connected to the internet in the next few years.

the internet of things (IoT)

What does RFID stand for?

Radio frequency identification device

Refers to data sets that are so large and complex that they will require more advanced database management/processing tools than we currently use.

big data

what does ipos stand for?

input, process, output, storage

also referred to as “the chip”


What does BIOS stand for

Basic input output system

Houses CDs and DVDs, typically located on the front of the system unit for easy access.


computer that has the least amount of performance


computer that has the mid amount of performance capability


computer with the most amount of performance capability


consists of applications that are usefule to everyone such as word processor, presentation software, spreadsheet program, database mgmt systems, calendar program, address book, and data organizer.

productivity software

Pieces of the operating system that run in the background all of the time

daemons or services

works with hardware to provide a network service, types of software includes web servers, email servers, and database servers

server software

software stored on an individual computer

local application

the ability to have computation anywhere at any time

ubiquitous computing

dedicated computers within a network whose function is to respond to network requests and provide a network service


loaded when the computer is first booted, included components that handle process mgmt, resource mgmt, and memory mgmt


sits on top of the hardware and is the interface between hardware and software

the kernel

an interface for the user that provides access to the kernel

the shell

hat is the role of a web server

to respond to HTTP requests

What does http stand for?

hypertext transfer protocol

data that has been processed


in the dikw, what is data?

data is the input directly received by human or computer.

in dikw, what is information?

information is inferred from data, meaning that one or many processes have been applied to the data to tranform it into a more useful form.

in dikw, what is knowledge?

refined information that hte user of the knowledge is able to call forth only relevant portions of information when needed.

in dikw, what is wisdom?

having both knowledge and experience

A set of rules established to govern how people behave and interact with each other

a protocol

a requirment of all computers to communicate over the internet

transmission control protocol/ internet protocol or TCP/IP

Marcus has a summer job working at a real estate agency. He is entering client addresses into the company’s computer system. At which state of the DIKW is Marcus working?

Which software is run automatically rather than by the end user
System software

Which account is also referred to as root or superuser?
The Administrator Account

Which of the following best describes a hierarchical database format?
Data are modeled using parent-child relationships

Which of the following would NOT be the responsibility of the system administrator?
Answering e-mails from potential customers

Which of the following is an example of a relational database?
A database containing student records with fields such as Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Major, GPA that links to other databases in the University’s system.

Which of the following describes the duties of a web administrator?
Duties include maintaining and securing the web server. Also responsible for troubleshooting the web server.

Which of the following statements accurately describe IT certifications?
Earning an IT certificate indicates an IT professional has a thorough background in a specific IT area.

Which of the following is NOT an important characteristic of an IT professional?
Strong math background and programming skills

As a new sales manager, Sylvia is studying the historical and current sales report numbers to determine the top three salespersons of the year. At which stage of the DIKW hierarchy is Sylvia working?

Which of the following statements describes the difference between information systems and information technology?
An information system does not have to use computer hardware or software; whereas information technology requires the use of hardware and software.

Which of the following statements best represents the relevant characteristic of quality data?
The data used applies to the question being answered.

Which of the following is/are true of the IPOS cycle?
Once words, numbers or images are entered, a computer processes the data into usable information that can then be accessed to answer questions or meet specific needs.

Which of the following is an accurate definition of a computer system?
A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components that work together to meet the needs of the user.

Which of the following would NOT be considered hardware?
Word processor.

Select the statement that best describes the difference between software and hardware.
Computer software is developed by writing a program using programming language whereas computer hardware is the physical components such as memory modules and disk drives.

Which of the following would NOT require the use of a network?
Loading a statistical program on your personal computer.

Which type of software includes programs such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint?

What is a program that will allow a computer to easily access the hardware and software of the computer system?
Operating system

_ software works with hardware to provide a network service
Windows Server

What is another term that defines a script?
Interpreted program

In the _ design phase of the SDLC (system development life cycle) the system is described in abstract terms using modeling tools such as flowcharts, UML and entity-relationship diagrams.

Software testing conducted by a client or a specific department within an organization, is called:

This phase of testing consists of using actual (i.e., live) data in the real working environment

_ _ occurs when the old system is “turned off” and the new system is “turned on” at a specific date and time.
Direct Conversion

For the following scenario, which government regulation would be relevant?
Andrea is employed by the Deming Foundation, a non-profit seeking to help increase graduation rates in rural communities. She has been working hard to identify and recruit donations from wealthy businessmen and companies and is seeing a great deal of success. While she quickly runs into the grocery store for a few items, someone steals her laptop from her car, containing all her work files.
Security Breach Notification Laws.

During _ _ the output of the new system is compared with the output of the old system
Parallel Conversion

During _ _ the old system continues to offer some functionality until all subsets of the new system have been turned on and the new system is confirmed to be working effectively.
Phased Conversion

This form of cloud computing is offered as a service by some major organizations, such as Amazon and Google, and used extensively by app developers. Its intent is to be able to quickly and reliably develop and deliver applications
Paas (Platform as a Service)

With _ an IT department resources (i.e. servers, data storage) are located outside of the organization and are accessible by anyone, anywhere
Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service)

What is the correct order of project phase for Project Management?
Initiation, Planning, Executing & Controlling, Closing

During this phase of Project Management, the projects scope and requirements are defined
Initiation phase

The role of a _ _ is to respond to requests most typically come from web browsers, such as HTTP
web server

This server addresses protocols such as: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, HTTP, MAPI, and MIME (email protocols)
email server

In this network topology ALL devices have a single point-to-point connection with a central device
STAR network

This type of software is made freely available as source code
open source software

This software protection will protect an individuals original work (tangible form) for the authors life + 70 years

This license protects the creation of inventive concepts as well as the tangible work product for 20 years at the date of filing

The _ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS what fields or attributes are of interest (and where they are located, i.e. which table/relation they can be found in).

The _ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS what tables are to be interrogated by the query and, if more than one table contains the data of interest, how they are to be combined or joined.

The _ keyword in SQL is used to inform the DBMS of the specific criteria the data should match to be returned as the output of the query

All of the following are high-level languages except for:

Which of the following is the correct function of the compiler?
Translates the entire program, creating an executable program, which can be run at a later time.

A program written in a high-level language must be converted into _ code to be executed by the computer.

A collection of organized databases is called:
a data warehouse

Which two are both types of scripting languages
ASP and Python

This type of database is the most common format for storing data as it provides users with a great deal of flexibility, allowing for multiple tables (relations).

This database structure format organizes data using a tree-like or organizational chart type structure (i.e. parent-child structure)

Which of the following types of information present a threat to someone’s privacy?
Student ID and credit card numbers

In strategic risk analysis, what is the final step?
Develop and enact policies against threats

Learning about social engineering and how to protect passwords is _

File access rights
Will include files that the user can access

A local area network (LAN)
Allows hardware sharing within one office

Which device permits packet switching so that a message can be routed to the next link in a network?

Which of the following best describes the Internet?
The Internet is a global network of networks.

All of the following are parts of a URL except for:

Which of the following statements is not part of the path a message takes from one computer to another?
All messages require a response from the destination machine to the sending device.

Your site’s Internet point of presence is called a:

Which of the following aligns IT goals and organization goals?
IT goals include cloud computing and organization goals include real-time communications to contain costs while scaling quickly

What is IT management responsible for?
Being the project manager

IT personnel who understand both the technical IT infrastructure and management of the business fill which role?
IT management

What is an advantage of outsourcing?
Cost-effective if time is constrained

A company’s ability to recover after a disaster is directly related to which of the following?
Business continuity plan

Which of the following is the final step in creatinf a BCP plan?
Testing the plan

An operating system will write and change data to multiple hard drives at the same time so that if something happens to one hard drive, another hard drive is available to speed up data recovery. This statement best describes which of the following?
Data mirroring

What is the definition of a Platform as a Service (PaaS)?
A Platform as a Service is the ability to quickly and consistently develop and deliver applications.

The use of IT has allowed businesses to have _.
More tools for communicating

During which generation did computers begin to see widespread use in business?
Fourth generation

Which of the following high-level programming languages was created to be business-oriented?

Which of the four main components of a computer is described by this statement: This component executes all of the arithmetic and logic operations and is responsible for controlling (commanding) all of the components in the computer.

Which of the following best describes the differences between memory and the hard drive?
Memory stores instructions and data used by programs in the moment; whereas a hard drive stores data, programs, and files that can be accessed at a future time.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of expansion slots in modern computers?
Expansion slots allow additional cards to be connected to the motherboard that interface with peripheral devices.

Which of the following carries our the instructions of a computer program and is often referred to as the “chip”?
Central Processing Unit

Which of the following statements best defines the CPU?
The CPU controls the speed at which instructions are retrieved and processed in the computer.

Which of the following is an example of what 1 GB would store?
Thousands of books

Which of the following statements accurately describes random access memory (RAM)?
RAM is short-term memory.

Which is found on the motherboard and stores information but the information is not permanent?

All of the following are input systems except:

A scanned is a peripheral device for what system?

What peripheral component houses CDs and DVD?

What external component will allow peripherals to be connected to the system unit and connect additional input, output, storage, and communication devices?

Which computer will use a docking station to function like a desktop?

An undertaking with a start and end, specified goals, and tasks to reach those goals is the definition of the?

Which project phase consists of determining the objectives and activities, organizing the activities, and estimating the time and costs?

The team will write a final report detailing the processes and outcomes of the project in which project phase?

Which project phase determines what resources are available to meet the projects needs?

Determining the project scope or the work that needs to be completed is in what project phase?

The scope of the project is?
The work that needs to be done

During analysis, which system requirements prevents unauthorized users from accessing data?

During implementation, how is alpha testing different from beta testing?
Alpha testing uses simulated data

During implementation, which testing assesses whether the system functions and is useful?
User Acceptance

Which term involves replacing the old system with a new system?
System conversion

Why is it essential to know what information will be needed from the database from the outset of development? Select all that apply.
By knowing the purpose, the developer can determine how many fields are needed in the database.

The purpose determines the structure of the database.

The developer can determine which data types would help fulfill the purpose.

Which of the following are operations used to alter the data within a relation of a database?
Update, Delete, Insert

Which of the following are the three main categories of databases?
Hierarchical, Flat File, Relational

Database administrators might be involved with the integration of data from where
Older systems to new

Which of the following statements applies to a business intelligence system?
Used when making long-term decisions.

What is the definition of business intelligence?
Business intelligence is a term used to reflect the knowledge a business can create by analyzing data gathered from multiple sources.

Which of the following interacts between a database and an application?
A driver

Which of the following operators is used to select all of a certain data?

Information Technology
The technology used in creating, maintaining, and making information accessible.

IT Professional Roles
Administration and Support

System Administrator
Maintains all aspects of the system including hardware, software, and programming.

Network Administrator
In charge of all aspects of the computer network

Database Administrator
Focuses on the design, development, and support of database management systems (DBMSs).

Security Administrator
Installs, configures, and administers firewall security to protect systems and proactively work to stop intrusions.

Web Administrator
Installs, configures, maintains, secures, and troubleshoots web severs.

Support IT Professionals
Help desk and training.

Processed data.

DIKW Hierarchy
Defines the transition of data to information to knowledge to wisdom. (Data Information Knowledge Wisdom)

Data in DIKW
The input directly received by the user (or computer). It is generally not usable until it has been converted into a relevant form.

Information in DIKW
Having been inferred from data; one or more processes have been applied to the data to transform it into a more useful form.

Knowledge in DIKW
Information that has been put to use; information placed into a context. Refined information such that the user of the knowledge is able to call forth only relevant portions of information when needed.

Wisdom in DIKW
Provides a social setting to knowledge; an understanding of the “why”. Can only come by having both knowledge and experience.

Information Systems
A collection of data and information used to support the management of an organization. Also refers to the technical components and human resources that enable the assembly, storage, and processing of data and the delivery of information. This has existed for a lot longer than computers.

Characteristics of Quality Data
Relevance – the data being used must apply directly to the decision being made

Timely – data must be efficient and must be provided in a timely manner

Thorough – the data must be complete

Accurate – data should be captured only once, where possible and should be captured as close to the point of activity as possible.

Reliable – data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes across collections points and over time

The Input-Procession-Output-Storage Cycle

Raw data is entered by the user.

Raw data is organized or structured for usefulness.

Information is output so user can see results.

Processed information is stored for permanent record.

Computer System
A collection of components that work together to meet the needs of the user; typically categorized as either hardware, software, networks, or users.

Physical components of a computer system which include the system unit and its components and peripheral devices; tangible aspects of the computer.

Computer programs that tell the computer what to do–how to execute commands and process information

A collection of computers and resources connected by various media so that they can communicate with each other.

Those who use a computer.

Software Categories
Systems Software and Applications Software

Evolution of Users
First users were the engineers who built and programmed computers, then employees who had received specialized training were users, and now today, anyone and everyone can be a user.

Rules provided by which networks communicate with each other.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Most commonly used protocol; is required of all computers that communicate over the Internet.

Protocol Stack
A collection of protocols. TCP/IP is an example.

Components of a Computer
CPU, Memory and Storage, Peripheral Devices

Executes programs’ instructions and commands various components in the computer. Referred to as the “chip”.

Stores the programs being executed and the data they are using.

I/O Subsystem
All peripheral devices where long term storage devices are used.

Permits information to move between each component; electrical channels that enable communication among the electronic components

System Unit
Critical component of all computer based systems; consists of most of the hardware the computer needs in order to run; comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Internal Components of the System Unit
Case, Internal Bays, Buses, Ports, Hard Drive, Motherboard, CPU, CPU Cooler, Memory Module (RAM), Power Supply Unit (PSU), Expansion Slots/Cards

Parts of the CPU
Control Unit (CU) – retrieves the instructions and the raw data that is input and coordinates or controls the sending of those instructions and data to the ALU

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – does the actual processing of the data; completing mathematical calculations and logical operations to process the data and converting the input of the keyboard text entry to output displayed on the screen

System Clock
Controls the speed at which instructions are processed.

Stands for Random Access Memory.

It temporarily stores data before it is processed and sent to your screen or printer.

It is volatile (means data or information stored disappears when the computer is turned off or loses power).

You can choose the amount of RAM your computer has.

Types of RAM
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – typically called main memory

Static RAM (SRAM) – cache memory and registers

BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System; ROM stands for Read Only Memory.

Typically stored in ROM chip on the motherboard.

Is software not hardware, (“basic” operating system that runs when the computer is first turned on).

Runs tests of memory and the CPU and initializes hardware components so that the actual Operating System can be loaded from the hard disk.

Can’t choose the amount or contents.

1st Generation of Computers
Vacuum tubes, relay switches, the need to program in machine language

2nd Generation of Computers
Transistor components, magnetic core memory, smaller size, easier to program, disk drives and drums, called mainframe computers

3rd Generation of Computers
Silicon chips (known as ICs – integrated circuits), reduced cost, called mini computers, networks introduced via dumb terminals

4th Generation of Computers
Single chip processor, called microcomputer, first personal computer, rudimentary computer graphics, home use

Moore’s Law
Doubling of transistor count roughly every 18 – 24 months (exponential increase); observation, not physical law

Evolution of Storage
Punch cards, magnetic tape, hard disks, floppy disks, optical discs, flash memory, cloud storage

Machine/Low-level Language
Written for a specific machine by the engineers who built and ran the computers; no need for OS since only one program could run at a time

Assembly Language
Easier than machine but still required detailed, precise low level instructions

Language Translator Programs
Function is to translate one program language into another; take source code and convert it to another form; source code by itself cannot be read by a computer

Improve language translator; requires that the components of the software all be defined before compilation can begin; code is more effcient

Structured Programming
Programmer is limited to high level control constructs such as while loops, for loops, and if/else statements and not allowed to use primitive GOTO statements

Object Oriented Programming
Initially introduced in Smalltalk in 1970’s and early 80’s

Interpreted Code
Runs inside a special environment; is better for testing

Shell Scripting
Small programs that place Linux commands or DOS batch files into a file

Local Computer
The computer that the user is using; physically present with

Remote Computer
A computer being accessed over the network

Network Hub
Connects multiple computers together; broadcasts the transmission, sending the data to every device in the network

Network Switch
More functional than a hub; records and recognizes the local network addresses (MAC or IP) or all computers connected to it

Connects multiple networks together; can be used to directly connect computers to a network; will relay messages to computers with appropriate IP addresses

Wireless Access Point
Can be connected to hub, switch, or router; many routers now also act as a wireless access point; sends out a wireless signal so computers on the network can connect without a cable

Circuit Switched Network
Requires that a full pathway, or circuit, be est. before transmission can begin and maintained during the entire transmission

Packet Switched Network
A message’s pathway is only est. as it is sent; the choice of pathway is based on availability and amount of message traffic

Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers

Virtual Machine (VM)
A software emulator program that permits a computer user to use multiple computers and multiple platforms without the expense of purchasing multiple computers; allows a user to run software for different OS platform in their computer that would not otherwise be able to run that software; this allows multiple users on a network to access the software to support collaboration.

Computers that have greater hard disk storage, faster response time and are used to respond to request from other computers on the network

Client-server Network
Contains one or more servers; client is a computer that will request information from another computer; server is a computer that takes requests and responds with the requested information; the software used facilitates communication with remote servers

File Server
Sends files over the network at the request of clients.

Responds over LAN, within one location/site.

Support both application software and data files.

Web Server
Stores data files (web pages) and programs (scripts).

Responds from anywhere on the Internet.

Database Server
Responds to queries by pulling from the database.

Typically only to local clients.

Print Server
Monitors print jobs

Mail Server
Two email servers communicate with each other

FTP Server
Like web server or file server in that requests are for files and responses are the files

Point-to-Point Network
Link between two resources.

Simplest for of a network.

Limits how devices can communicate with each other

Bus Network
Devices connected along a single cable.

Size of network is restricted.

Star Network
Each device is connected to a central devices such as a hub or switch.

Ring Network
Each device is connected directly to its neighbors, and messages are forwarded from device to device until the proper destination is reached.

Mesh Network
Every device is connected directly to every other device in the network.

Domain Name Server (DNS)
Used to translate from an IP alias to an IP address

Parts of URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Protocol, Domain name, Resource/Filename

Domain Name
Identifies the server on which the web page can be found

Domain Name Parts
Top level domain (TLD) name and Host name

Host Name
Identifies the organization that is responsible for the information on the page or provides the server space where the information is stored

TLD(Top Level Domain) Name
Always ends with a period and a three or two letter extension which signifies the type of organization or country associated with the page

Resource/Filename ID
Indicates the name of the file you are accessing, or the location of the document on the server

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

Requires that data bet kept secure so that they are not accidentally provided or obtained by unauthorized users

Requires that data is correct

Requires that information is available when needed

Data Integrity Efforts
1st – Must include a component that ensures the accuracy of the collected data

2nd – Must be entered into the system accurately

3rd – Data modification must be tracked

Strategic Risk Analysis

  1. Identify the organization’s information assets
  2. Identify vulnerabilities of each asset
  3. Determine threats
  4. Prioritizing risks
  5. Develop and enact policies that will reduce threats

Information Security Classifications
Public – available through public sources; includes names and addresses

Sensitive – not considered a threat to a person’s privacy if others learn of it; include email addresses

Private – information that could be a threat if disclosed to others; includes social security and credit card numbers

Confidential – information that an organization will keep secret; includes patentable information and business plans

Defense in Depth
Protecting every layer that surrounds data

Emails to people to redirect them to a website to perform some operation but the website is a fake and just takes the information

SQL Injection
An attacker issues a SQL command to a web server as part of the URL or as input to a form on a company’s website; web server might pass the command onto the database which then allows potentially anything to be done to the database

Buffer Overflow
Placing malicious code into the buffer so that it can be executed once stored in memory; oldest and most well known software exploit; software engineers can protect against this when writing code

When an individual obtains unauthorized access to a host

White Hat Hacker
Informs companies of potential problems with software so companies can fix

Black Hat Hacker
Individuals with malicious intent who violate security in order to commit crimes or acts of terrorism

Grey Hat Hacker
Engage in both white and black hat types of hacking activities

Packet Sniffing
Allows you to obtain anything being sent over a network if the data being transmitted isn’t encrypted

Software that attaches itself to another legitimate software application

Self contained programs that do not need other programs to propagate across computers and computer networks

Trojan Horse
Type of virus that completely replaces an existing application and takes the name of the taken over file

Denial of Service (DOS)
One or more attackers attempt to flood a server with so many incoming messages that the server is unable to handle legitimate business

Can be either software or hardware; hardware is a dedicated server; software contains a list of the rules that describe the types of messages that should either be permitted to make it through, or those that should be blocked

Anti-viral Software
Attempts to identify if a file contains a virus or some form of malware

Ensures proper storage of data by providing a means so that data is available even when storage devices are damaged or offline

Idea of obfuscating the information that resides on a computer or sent over a network so that if it is intercepted the hacker will be unable to use the information

Symmetric Key Encryption
Uses the same key for performing the encryption and decryption

Public Key Encryption
Uses two keys, a public and private key for performing encryption and decryption

Security Education
Users learn how to protect their passwords and other security measures

Proving you are who you say you are which can be done by: what you know, what you have (two factor authentication)

Role-based Access Control
Ensures that the user gains access only to the resources that the user should be able to access

Computer Network Advantages

  1. Cost savings benefits
  2. Increased efficiency and productivity
  3. Increased facilitation of communication

Application Software
Consists of programs that end users run to accomplish tasks

System Software
Consists of programs that make up the OS; software that directly supports the computer system itself

Server Software
Works with hardware to provide a network service

Local Applications
Software that is stored on an individual computer

A LAN that uses the Internet Protocol

Cloud Computing
Offers, as a service, the ability to offload computation and storage from your local computer

Operating Systems
Primary task is to allow a computer user to easily access the hardware and software of a computer system

Core components of the OS that is loaded when the computer is first booted.

Device Drivers
Provide specific interfaces between the OS running a computer and hardware devices.

An interface for the user, often personalized for that given user, that provides access to the kernel.

Os programs that are usually started when the OS is loaded and initialized, but they run in the background. Also called daemons.

Utility Programs
Programs that allow the user to monitor and improve system performance.

Proxy Server
Acts as a giant cache of web pages that anyone in the organization has recently retrieved

Proprietary Software
Software purchased from a vendor; also known as commercial

Provides a trial version of the software.

Usually software that has become obsolete; is free

Public Domain
Software that has been moved into the public domain; can be used however you feel

Open Source
Created in the Open Source Community and made freely available as source code

Protect an original work (in its tangible, expressed form), but not the ideas behind the work for the duration of the author’s life plus 70 years.

Protect the creation of inventive concepts as well as the tangible work product for 20 years from the filing date

End User License Agreement (EULA)
Gives the purchaser the right to use the software

Uses base 10 to represent numbers (0 – 9)

Uses base 2 system (0 and 1)

8 bits; a single character of text in a computer

Every value is represented with some combination of 8 digits (0 – 7)

Uses a base 16

Character Representation
ASCII and Unicode

Language Translators
A program that takes one program, written in a high level language, and creates a machine language program as output

Compiled Language
Translates the entire program, creating an executable program which can be run at a later time

Interpreted Language
Takes the most recently entered instruction, translates it into machine language, and executes it

Sometimes uses to refer to a small program that have been traditionally used for automation

A formula or procedure for solving a problem. Can also be described as a set of steps that are followed in order to complete a process

Multi-tier Development
Separation of different aspect of a system

N-tier Development
Often used to indicate that the number of tiers a system will be broken down into will vary between different software development projects

Presentation Tier
Tier where the user interface for the system is developed; shields the user from the underlying logic of the systems as well as the underlying data structures

Logic Tier
Tier that sits between the user interface and the data.

Data Tier
Tier where data is stored, retrieved and updated from database tables

Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Is a development technique used in the implementation of user interfaces

The Model
Can take on different forms depending on the complexity of the application; in certain instances, it is an actual object that is an actual implementation of the application

The View
The part of the application that represents the user interface; used to capture input from the user to be passed on via the controller to the model

The Controller
The part of an application that interacts with the user and passes the user requests to the model

Data Validation
Ensuring that users enter the correct data type

String Data
Alphanumeric or text character

Number with a decimal point


Flat File Database
One large single table; used if the amount of data that is being recorded is fairly minimal

Relational Database
Has multiple tables (relations) with interrelated fields; most common structure for databases

Hierarchical Database
Organizes data using a tree like or organizational chart type structure

Database Management System (DBMS)
Used to create, manipulate, and access the data in a database

Often presented as a table

Rows of a relation

Columns of the relation

Contains the data of an attribute for a record within a relation

A search of data in the relation or relations that fit specific parameters

A query that returns all of the records from the relation, but only select attributes or fields

Sorting records based on some field(s) such as ascending order by last name

Withdraws information from multiple relations

Primary Key
A field int he relations that contains a unique value

Business Intelligence
A specific information system to help an organization reach its strategic goals

Data Warehouse
A collection of organized databases

Database Information Processing (OLAP)
Data is processed through a suite of analysis software tools

Creates a subset of the data by reducing the data from multiple dimensions to one dimension

Same as slicing except that the result can be in multiple dimensions

Drilling up and down
Shifts the view of the data; down provides more detail, up provides summarized data

Rolling up
Similar to drilling up but it collapses the data from multiple items into a single value

Rotates data to view the data from a different perspective

Online Data Processing (OLDP)
Deals with data in real time

Event-driven Processing
Uses business event to trigger messages to be sent by middleware between software modules that are completely independent of one another

Batch Processing
Processing large amounts of data all in one batch when the computer system is not busy

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
Interacts with a database via a database driver

Structured Query Language (SQL)
A standard query language that is used to communicate in may DBMSs

Database Interacting Format
SELECT fields FROM tables WHERE fields from tables match criteria

Used to inform the DBMS what fields or attributes are of interest

Used to inform the DBMS what tables are to be interrogated by the query and if more than one table, how they are to be combined or joined

Used to inform the DBMS of the specific criteria the data should match to be returned as the output of the query

Project phases
Initiation, planning, executing and controlling, and closing

Project Initiation
Problem definition, resource allocation, risk assessment

Project Planning
Organize activities, time estimation, cost estimation

Project Executing and Controlling Reports
Variance reports, Status reports, Resource Allocation reports

Scope Creep
Adding to the scope of the project; can impact the allocation of resources.

Unnecessary Requirements
Requirements that are not actually needed but are “nice to have”

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
A process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying information systems, including hardware and software

Common Steps in SDLC
Preliminary investigation, Analysis, Logical design, Physical design, Implementation, Maintenance

Preliminary investigation
Assesses the feasibility of the proposed project and selects a development methodology

Determines the user requirements for the new system and develops logical models of the system

Logical design
Logical models are revised to ensure that the new system will meet the user requirements identified in the first step

Physical design
Logical models are converted into physical models

Begin converting the models from the previous steps into the actual system; this step also includes installing hardware, testing the system, and training the end users

Modifications or corrections to the system are made

Alpha Testing
System developers assist end users as they interact with new system; simulated data is used

Beta Testing
Performed by the end user without any assistance from the system developers; live data in a real working environment is used.

User Acceptance Testing
Employed to assess whether the system does what the user expects and to ensure that it functions in a way that is useful to the user

System Deployment

  1. System Conversion
  2. Final Documentation
  3. End User Training

Direct Conversion
Old system is turned off and the new system is turned on at a specific data and time

Parallel Conversion
There is a period of time in which both systems are operating concurrently

Pilot Conversion
Involves starting the conversation with a portion of end users

Phased Conversion
Deploys a subset of the system first, rather than deploying the whole system at once

Business Continuity
The activity performed by an organization to ensure that critical business functions will be available to customer, suppliers, regulators, and other entities that must have access to those functions.

Image backups
Create a copy of everything that is on a hard drive

Full backup
Everything on the hard drive is copied each and every time a backup is performed

Incremental backup
An initial full backup is completed and then subsequent backups only capture the changes since the last backup

Data mirroring
The OS writes data (and changes to data) to multiple hard drives at the same time.

Off-Site Storage
A secure location for storing backup media

Hot Site
Physical location where an organization can move its operations that includes everything for normal business operations; quickest return to business but very expensive.

Cold Site
Physical location like a shell that can be used for operations should the need arise; not equipped with hardware, servers, etc.; cheaper to have

Site Sharing
Having multiple data centers located in disparate regions; typically used by large organizations.

The Internet of Things (IoT)
Refers to the myriad types of devices that can and will be connected to the Internet in the next few years.

Big Data
Refers to data sets that are so large and complex that they will require more advanced database management/processing tools.

Software as a Service. Can access and use software through the Internet.

Platform as a Service. Intention is to be able to quickly and reliably develop and deliver applications.

Infrastructure as a Service. All resources an IT dept. needs are located outside of the organization and are accessible by anyone, anywhere.

A code of moral conduct or a set of principles that govern behavior.

Administrator Ethics
Privacy, Ownership, Control, Accuracy, Security

What is the definition of information technology (IT)?
It is the technology used to create, maintain, and make information accessible.

Which IT position has the responsibility of working with routers and switches?
Network administrator.

In which generation were silicon chips first used in computers?
Third generation.

Which low-level language corresponds one-to-one with assembly?
Machine language

Which service allows users to use a software application installed on a remote server?
SaaS (Software as a Service)

What is one of IT’s roles in globalization?
It allows companies to reach a wider customer base.

Which category of computer has an external flat screen monitor, optical disk drive, and a large capacity hard drive?

Which two software application packages would be classified as productivity software?
Word processor.
Spreadsheet program.

Which two computer peripherals are connected to the computer through a port?
External microphone.
USB flash drive.

Which term is defined as a collection of information used to support management of an organization?
Information System

A website logs the timestamp, location, and browser of every visitor. It then aggregates this content into peak traffic times and days, minimum and maximum hits for each country and region, and popularity of certain browsers among visitors.

What is the timestamp considered in this scenario?

A departmental manager is creating a budget estimate for the upcoming year. The manager would like to determine whether the data will be available when the decisions for the next year have to be made.

Which characteristic of valuable data is the manager considering?

What are two parts of an information system?

What is the difference between processing and storage?
Processing involves temporary information, while storage involves permanent information.

What benefit is provided by a computer network in a business?
Costs for hardware resources are decreased

Virtual Machines
A software emulator program that permits a computer user to use multiple computers and multiple platforms
without the expense of purchasing multiple computers.

Each computer is roughly equal to every other computer.

One computer will request information from another computer, which responds with requested information.

Operating System
Allows the user to control the actions of the software, and through the software, to access hardware

Which action by application programs requires support from an operating system?
An Internet browser displays a web page.

What is true about the Linux operating system?
Linux runs on both servers and workstations.

The chief information officer wants to update the network server to improve Internet access while also blocking certain social media websites.

What type of server will meet this need?
Proxy server

Which characteristic identifies application software that is cloud-based?
Provided by third-party providers

What type of software permits free temporary use followed by long-term activation for a fee?

What is the purpose of an End User License Agreement for a commercial software package?
Establishes the customer’s right to use the software

What is the difference between proprietary and open-source software license?
Proprietary software has a cost whereas open-source software is free.

What gives the author of a software package the ability to prevent unauthorized duplication for at least 35 years?
A copyright

What are the two components a part of a central processing unit (CPU)?
Control unit (CU).
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

An employee needs to edit a contract and prepare a hard copy for the project team.

Which two peripheral devices should be used?

Which port is the HDMI port on the laptop?

Which motherboard component helps cool the CPU?
Heat Sink

Which item is a storage device?
Flash Drive

In which type of network topology is each networked device directly connected to every other networked device?

Which communication medium is typically used when sending data transmissions over very long dinstances?
Radio Signals

What indicates a specific Internet location?
The IP address

Explain the role of a domain name system (DNS).
Translate human-redable aliases into IP addresses

Which part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) identifies the location of a document on a server?
Resource Path ID

Which goal of Information Assirance and Security (IAS) requires that information is accessible when needed?

Which technique uses all possible combinations of letters and numbers to crack a password?
Brute force

Which is a type of two-factor authentication?
Smart card

Which is a characteristic of high-level languages?
They use object-oriented programs.

How does a compiler work?
It requires the components of the software to be defined from the onset.

On which tier of an N-Tier architecture model are user interfaces developed?

Which component facilitates communication between the other two components in the MVC architecture model?

What statement is true concerning compiled and interpreted computer language?
A compiler translates an entire program into executable program, which can be run at a later time, while the interpreter does this incrementally.

Which two languages have traditionally been used for automation rather than software development?

Which is true of databases and the applications that interact with them?
Applications are interdependent with the database.

What is another term for a formula that outlines how to execute a task?

What is the role of drivers in facilitating communication between applications and databases?
They allow the application to interact with the database.

Which SQL clause is used to inform the database management system (DBMS) which tables should be interrogated by the query?

Which data type is used to represent product order code that comprises alphanumeric characters?

Armando is a freelance graphic designer. He has decided to create a database of the artwork he has done throughout the years. Each of his pieces of art is sorted using an assigned name and number.

Which data type will be required in order to create his database?
String data

Why is it important to ensure that data support business goals?
To aid in making strategic decisions

In which category of the DIKW hierarchy would business intelligence be located?

Which field must contain a unique value in order for a relational database table to function?
Primary key

What are the three main categories of databases?
Flat file, relational, hierarchal

What is the database administrator’s role in security?
To institute protocols to protect the databases from external threats

What type of information processing allows input data to be accepted as a set of records and processed as a unit?

What is the purpose of an IT department?
It helps the organization achieve strategic goals.

What is a role of the systems administrator?
To install and maintain network resources

Which action would be important for the IT department to take in order to help their business meet the goal of increased expansion into new territories/regions?
Expanding the infrastructure to support additional locations

What step should be taken by a business when a third-party solution is found that will benefit a project?
Contact the group to arrange a demo of their product

Which risk assessment question is part of the Initiation Phase?
Could the end users reject the outcome of the project?

In what phase of a project does time estimation occur?

What effect does scope creep have on a project?
It impacts the allocation of resources for the project.

Which system requirement is an example of considering user needs in the design of an information system?
Allowing easy access to customer account information

Which type of systems testing includes having the customer test the system in an operational setting to see if it is useful?
User Acceptance

Which type of systems conversion involves starting the conversion with a portion of end users?

What are two necessary elements of business continuity planning?
Assessing key organizational activities.
Identifying risks that may occur.

Which disaster recovery strategy is used to save information to multiple hard drives at the same time?
Data mirroring

Which action would support confidentiality?
Enabling file encryption

Which regulation governs the actions of a company in the case of data records being compromised, lost, or stolen?
Security Breach Notification laws

How can an organization assist employees with the ethical use of information technology?
By developing policies for information usage

Engages in best practices for information systems
Part of the role of an IT professional association

Writes laws dealing with information technology
Outside of the role of an IT professional association

Provides professional standards for ethical behavior
Part of the role of an IT professional association

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