Certified Nursing Assistant Practice Test

A diabetic resident needs to keep blood flowing to his feet. What shouldyou tell the resident to do?
Keep the legs and feet clean, warm and exercise them.
He can walk bare feet whenever he feels the needs.
Wear heavy shoes.
No needsto take any precautions.
A resident isforgetful and keeps asking the same question over and over.What should you tell the resident
to do?
Tell him I’ve already answer that same question.
Ignore him.
Repeat the answer as many times as needed.
Just leave the room and proceed with another resident.
A nurse is helping Mr. Washington walking in the hall and he startscomplaining of dizziness. What should
you tell the resident to do?
Help the resident to get back to his room.
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CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
Run and call for help.
Stay with him and call for help.
Continuing walking him because it is part of this care plan.
A resident has a cast on the lower leg. What observation should thenurse report immediately?
The cast is dry and has no order
The cast is neat
The resident doesn’t like the color of the cast.
The resident’s toes are hot to the touch and he is telling you they arenumb.
What is the best reason for giving a resident frequent perineal care?
To increase comfort.
Because the resident ask you to do so.
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CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
To preventskin breakdown
Because the family member ask you to do so.
A resident with a heart failure he’s taking daily medication. Which pulserate you should report to the
nurse in charge?
c. 100
d. 90

  1. A resident is incontinent of urine, and you observe redness irritation ofthe resident’s buttocks. What
    should you do?
    Wash and dry the resident’s buttocks and report it to the nurse in charge.
    Ignore it, because it’s not part of your job.
    Apply cornstarch to the resident’s buttocks and report it to the nurse incharge.
    Wash and dry it no needs to report it.
    While transferring a confused resident to his wheelchair he startstoscream and hit you. What should you
    Automatically put the resident on restraint
    Push the call light and run for help.
    Hold the resident’s arms and put him back in the wheel chair.
    Push the call light and wait for help
    You realize that the color of the resident’s urine you are taking care of isvery tick and dark yellow. What is
    the most explanation for this?
    He is not drinking enough water.
    It will go away any time soon
    Because he is eating yellow vegetables.
    It’s normal.
    While helping a resident getting dress, the resident decides to wearunmatched pants and shirt. What
    should you do?
    Insist that he wears the one you have chosen for him.
    Tell him to choose others that match.
    Let him wear the unmatched clothes
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    It’s not your concern you have other duties to take care of.
    When transferring a resident to a wheelchair. Whatshould you do toprevent any accident?
    Transfer the resident in stocking feet.
    Tell the resident to stand up and sit down by himself on the wheelchair.
    Lock both wheels of the wheelchair.
    Put him on restraint.
  2. A resident is receiving oxygen and you are to take his temperature. Whatshould you do?
    Take his RT, but turn off the oxygen.
    Take his OT, but turn off the oxygen.
    Just guessthe temperature by touching the resident body.
    Take his OT, keep the oxygen on.
    You were asking to walk a resident but he’s telling you he can do it byhimself he doesn’t need your help.
    What should you do?
    Let him walk by himself.
    Tell him “That’s what he think”
    Tell him you will stay by him in case.
    Put him on restraint to force to obey.
    When you are giving a resident a bath. Whatshould you wash last?

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