ATI Leadership NGN Questions and Verified Answers |2023/ 2024 Update

ATI Leadership NGN Questions and Verified
Answers |2023/ 2024 Update
Q: The nurse leader is given an additional duty of nurse navigator. Which extra responsibility
would the nurse leader need to assume as the nurse navigator? Select all that apply. One, some,
or all responses may be correct.
Prepare advance directives Address barriers to care Offer psychosocial support Arrange clinical
resources Obtain informed consents
Provide relevant health education
Empower the client to assume responsibility
Support timely health care scheduling
Answer: Address barriers to care
Offer psychosocial support
Arrange clinical resources
Provide relevant health education
Empower the client to assume responsibility
Support timely health care scheduling
Q: A client with complex care needs is admitted to the unit. Which skill is es- sential for the
nurse leader to possess to effectively collaborate with others? Select all that apply. One, some, or
all responses may be correct.
Capable of being flexible Capacity to motivate Desire to work hard
Demonstrate broad-mindedness Confidence to share ideas Ability to listen to others
Possession of a strong self-concept
Passion for teaching others
Answer: Capable of being flexible
Demonstrate broad-mindedness
Confidence to share ideas
Ability to listen to others
Possession of a strong self-concept

Q: According to Kouzes and Posner, which key practice of transformational leadership would
the nurse use with their staff? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.
Engaging in self-renewal
Helping others envision the future
Seeing things as greater than the sum of the parts
Bringing everyone together to move toward a goal
Encouraging people by giving attention to personal things that are important
Believing in the strength and value of others
Seeing life as an adventure
Developing new skills through continuous learning
Answer: Helping others envision the future
Bringing everyone together to move toward a goal
Encouraging people by giving attention to personal things that are important
Q: Which action of the nurse leader demonstrates a hands-off approach in practice? Select all
that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.
Avoids making conscious decisions
Engages in coaching of team members
Evades acting in situations beyond their control
Chooses to do nothing when an intervention is indicated
Prefers not to act upon a problem considered to be nonsignificant
Ensures that lines of communication remain open
Collaborates with workers on specific projects
Performs tasks similar to those of their employees
Answer: Avoids making conscious decisions
Chooses to do nothing when an intervention is indicated
Q: Which leadership and management behavior would the leader display when implementing
Gardner’s managing task of leadership? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be
Ensuring that organizational systems work on the client’s behalf Keeping promises to clients and
families with every interaction Enhancing trust through demonstrations of honesty in the role
Possessing the ability to inspire trust in themselves

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