Exam 1: NR224/ NR 224 Fundamentals Skills Exam| Graded A Questions and Answers (2023/ 2024 New Update) – Chamberlain

Exam 1: NR224/ NR 224 Fundamentals Skills
Exam| Graded A Questions and Answers
(2023/ 2024 New Update) – Chamberlain
Q: A nurse is working with a nursing assistive personnel (NAP) on a busy oncology unit. The
nurse has instructed the NAP on the tasks that need to be performed, including getting patient A
out of bed, collecting a urine specimen from patient B, and checking vital signs on patient C,
who is scheduled to go home. Which of the following represent(s) successful delegation? (Select
all that apply.)
A. Nurse explains to the NAP the approach to use in getting the patient up and why the patient
has activity limitations
B. A nurse is asked by a patient to help her to the bathroom; the nurse leaves the room and
directs the NAP to assist the patient instead
C. The nurse sees the NAP preparing to help a patient out of bed, goes to assist, and thanks the
NAP for her efforts to get the patient up early
D. The nurse is in patent B’s room to check an IV line and collects the urine specimen while in
the room.
E. The nurse offers support to the NAP when needed but allows her to complete patient care
tasks without constant oversight
A, C, D
Q: Which of the following is unique to the commitment level of critical thinking?
A. Weighs benefits and risks when making a decision
B. analyzes and examine choices more independently
C. Concrete thinking
D. Anticipates when to make choices without others’ assistance
Q: In which of the following examples is the nurse not applying critical thinking skills in

A. The nurse considers personal experience in performing IV line insertion and ways to improve
B. The nurse uses a fall risk inventory scale to determine a patient’s fall risk
C. The nurse observes a change in a patient’s behavior and considers which problem is likely
D. The nurse explains the procedure for giving a tube feeding to a second nurse who has floated
to the unit to assist with care.
Q: A nurse assesses a patient who comes to the pulmonary clinic. “I see that it’s been over 6
months since you’ve been in, but your appointment was for every 2 months. Tell me about that.
Also I see from your last visit that the doctor recommended routine exercise. Can you tell me
how successful you have been following his plan?” The nurse’s assessment covers which of
Gordon’s functional health patterns?
A. Value belief pattern
B. Cognitive perceptual pattern
C. Coping stress tolerance problem
D. Health perception health management pattern
Q: The nurse asks a patient, “Describe for me your typical diet over a 24-hour day. What foods
do you prefer? Have you noticed a change in your weight recently?” This series of questions
would likely occur during which phase of a patient-centered interview?
A. setting the stage
B. gathering info about the patient’s chief concerns
C. collecting the assessment
D. termination

Q: What type of interview techniques does the nurse use when asking these questions, “Do you
have pain or cramping?” “Does the pain get worse when you walk?” (Select all that apply.)
A. active listening
B. open-ended questioning
C. closed-ended questioning
D. problem oriented questioning
C, D
Q: What technique(s) best encourage(s) a patient to tell his or her full story? (Select all that
A. active listening
B. back channeling
C. validating
D. use of open ended questions
E. use of close ended questions
A, B, D
Q: A nurse gathers the following assessment data. Which of the following cues form(s) a
pattern suggesting a problem? (Select all that apply.)
A. the skin around the wound is tender to touch
B. fluid intake for 8 hours is 800mL
C. Patient has a HR of 78 and regular
D. patient has drainage from surgical wound
E. body temp is 101
F. Patient asks, “I’m worried that I won’t return to work when I planned.”
A, D, E

Q: The nurse makes the following statement during a change of shift report to another nurse. “I
assessed Mr. Diaz, my 61-year-old patient from Chile. He fell at home and hurt his back 3 days
ago. He has some difficulty turning in bed, and he says that he has pain that radiates down his
leg. He rates his pain at a 6, but I don’t think it’s that severe. You know that back patients often
have chronic pain. He seems fine when talking with his family. Have you cared for him before?”
What does the nurse’s conclusion suggest?
A. The nurse is making an accurate clinical inference
B. The nurse has gathered cues to identify a potential problem area
C. The nurse has allowed stereotyping to influence her assessment
D. The nurse wants to validate her info with the other nurse
Q: A nurse checks a patient’s intravenous (IV) line in his right arm and sees inflammation
where the catheter enters the skin. She uses her finger to apply light pressure (i.e., palpation) just
above the IV site. The patient tells her the area is tender. The nurse checks to see if the IV line is
running at the correct rate. This is an example of what type of assessment?
A. agenda setting
B. Problem focused
C. objective
D. use of a structured database format
Q: A patient who visits the allergy clinic tells the nurse practitioner that he is not getting relief
from shortness of breath when he uses his inhaler. The nurse decides to ask the patient to explain
how he uses the inhaler, when he should take a dose of medication, and what he does when he
gets no relief. On the basis of Gordon’s functional health patterns, which pattern does the nurse
A. health perception health management pattern
B. value belief pattern
C. cognitive perceptual pattern
D. coping stress tolerance pattern

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