HESI A2 Anatomy and Physiology

Blood is prevented from changing direction in the veins by:
A) pressure from the heart
B) valves
C) suction from the heart
D) none of the above

The liquid part of the blood is called
A) plasma
B) blood fluid
C) serous fluid
D) none of the above

Blood cells that are responsible for transportation of oxygen are called
A) leukocytes
B) thrombocytes
C) erythrocytes
D) none of the above

What is the thyroid cartilage commonly known as ?
A) vocal box
B) Adam’s apple
C) vocal cords
D) none of the above

When exhaling, the diaphragm
A) Relaxes
B) contracts
C) does nothing
D) none of the above

Which bone forms the rib cage og the thoracic region with the ribs?
A) sternum
B) fibula
C) occipital bone
D) none of the above

the humerus and ulna form the
A) shoulder joint
B) elbow joint
C) wrist joint
D) none of the above

The patella is also called
A) breastbone
B) Kneecap
C) finger bone
D) none of the above

The bone that is stationary during the movement is called the:
A) insertion
B) agonist
C) origin
D) none of the above

How many origin does a quadriceps have?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 3
D) none of the above

Which part of the brain is responsible for higher brain functions?
A) the pons
B) the cerebral cortex
C) the cerebellar cortex
D) none of the above

How many thoracic spinal nerves are in the human body?
A) 8
B) 9
C) 12
D) none of the above

In which region of the small intestine are most of the nutrients absorbed?
A) the jejunum
B) the ileum
C) the duodenum
D) none of the above

Testes are an organ found in
A) females
B) plants
C) males
D) amoebas

What are the two main parts of the human body’s central nervous system?
A) the heart and the spinal cord
B) the brain and the spinal cord
C) the peripheral nerves and the brain
D) the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves

When measuring blood pressure, the numbers represent:
A) the systolic and diastolic pressures, respectively
B) the diastolic and systolic pressures, respectively
C) the pressure in the arteries and the veins, respectively
D) none of the above

The superior vena cava
A) ascends from the right atrium
B) ascends from the left atrium
C) descends from the right atrium
D) none of the above

The rectum is a part of :
A) the anus
B) the large intestine
C) the small intestine
D) none of the above

Where does digestion start?
A) the stomach
B) the small intestine
C) the mouth
D) none of the above

The large intestine mainly:
A) absorbs water
B) digests food
C) moves the food from the esophagus to the small intestine
D) none of the above

What is the name of the process that happens in the red bone marrow?
A) hematopoiesis
B) bone fusing
C) calcification
D) none of the above

The vertebral column protects the
A) brain
B) heart
C) spinal column
D) none of the above

In the digestive system, the majority of nutrients are absorbed in the:
A) esophagus
B) stomach
C) small intestine
D) large intestine

What are the motor units made of
A) motor neurons
B) muscle cells
C) tendons
D) none of the above

What is the name of a state of constant muscle contraction caused by rapid successive nerve signals?
A) tetanus
B) muscle tone
C) temporal summation
D) none of the above

Where does integration happen?
D) none of the above

Which part of the PNS is accountable for the flight reaction?
A) the parasympathetic
B) the sympathetic
C) the ENS
D) none of the above

People who suffer from Type I diabetes are lacking function in which organ?
A) liver
B) pancreas
C) stomach
D) heart

In the human body, which of the following is responsible for clotting blood?
A) platelets
B) white blood cells
C) red blood cells
D) osteoplasts

The tidal volume is the amount of air moved during:
A) deep breathing
B) shallow breathing
C) coughing
D) none of the above

At what rate does a healthy heart pump blood while resting
A) around 3 liters per minute
B) around 5 liters per minute
C) around 8 liters per minute
D) around 10 liters per minute

Which of the layers of the wall of the heart contains cardiac muscles?
A) myocardium
B) epicardium
C) endocardium
D) all layers of the heart

The heart chamber with the thickest wall is:
A) the left atrium
B) the right ventricle
C) the right atrium
D) the left ventricle

The blood from the left ventricle goes to:
A) the right ventricle
B) the vena cava
C) the aorta and aortic arch
D) the lungs

The blood vessels that carry the blood from the heart are called:
A) veins
B) venules
C) capillaries
D) arteries

All of the following contribute material to semen except:
A) the prostate
B) Cowper’s gland
C) the penis
D) the testes

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