Midterm Exam: NR 565 / NR565 Advanced Pharmacology Exam Review | Weeks 1-4 Covered| Questions and Verified Answers (2023/ 2024)

Midterm Exam: NR 565 / NR565 Advanced
Pharmacology Exam Review | Weeks 1-4
Covered| Questions and Verified Answers
(2023/ 2024)
Q: An 82-year-old male visits the clinic complaining that his pain meds “Take forever” to work
after he takes his pill. What are possible reasons you can explain to him?

  1. Perhaps we need to increase your dose.
  2. Sometimes as you get older, absorption may be slower resulting in a delayed response.
  3. As we get older the gastric acid decreases making it harder to break up the med, causing a
    slower absorption.
    -Sometimes as you get older, absorption may be slower resulting in a delayed response.
  • As we get older the gastric acid decreases making it harder to break up the med, causing a
    slower absorption.
    Q: Distribution of medication can be affected in the elderly in what ways?
  1. Decrease hormones
  2. Increased body fat
  3. Decreased lean mass
  4. Decreased Albumen
  5. Increased body fat
  6. Decreased lean mass
  7. Decreased Albumen (less protein binding sites available- mostly seen in malnour- ished)
    Q: When prescribing medications, we must understand that liver function declines with age due
    to what cause?
  8. enlarged liver
  9. decreased blood flow to liver
  10. increased activity of the hepatic enzymes


  1. decreased blood flow to liver
    (Liver usually shrinks, enzyme activity usually decreases)
    Q: What is the most important cause of adverse drug reactions?
  2. High drug dosages
  3. Lack of monitoring of meds
  4. Decreased renal excretion
  5. Overprescribing/Polypharmacy
    Q: Overprescribing/Polypharmacy
    Q: How does poor metabolism affect a high or low therapeutic index?
    results in low efficacy or toxicity
    Q: Plavix
    If Plavix is not converted to its active form what adverse effects can occur?

    Clot formation leading to stroke
    Q: Black Box (BB) warning for opioids?
    Resp depression

Q: Black Box (BB) warning for Fentanyl?
Fatal resp depression (fent is 100x stronger than morphine)
Q: Black Box (BB) warning for Methadone?
Prolonged QT- typically has an
EKG ordered with it
Q: Black Box (BB) warning for Codeine?
10% of the drug can be converted to morphine by the liver- concerns for breastfeeding mothers.
Q: Black Box (BB) warning for Hydromorphone and Oxymorphone?
Resp depression
-High abuse potential
Q: Black Box (BB) warning for Oxycodone?
Resp depression
-High abuse potential
Q: What are the therapeutic uses for morphine?
Pain control for palliative, cancer, labor, post-op patients.

Q: What are the therapeutic uses for Fentanyl?
Anesthesia and breakthrough, sometimes used for opioid tolerant patients.
Q: When should a patient be referred to a pain specialist?
Chronic pain patients who reach an MME of 120 or greater
Q: What is MME and when to use it?
Morphine Milligram Equivalents

  • It is a way to calculate how much pain meds someone is getting based on the type of med they
    are getting, helps safely prescribe.
    -Typically used when there is a dosage change or when trying to establish a dosage.
    Q: At what MME would you prescribe naloxone?
    At 50 MME
    Q: Risk factors for OUD?
    -Family history of abuse
    -History of depression
    -History of anxiety
    -History of S. I.
    -Poor social history

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