1. Treatment with dopamine 2 receptor antagonists/partial agonists with antipsychotic
    A. Mesolimbic/mesostriatal pathway
    B. Mesocortical pathway
    C. Mesolimbic/mesostriatal and mesocortical pathways
  2. A 44-year-old male with schizophrenia has been treated with a dopamine 2 receptor
    antagonist since initial diagnosis twelve years ago. He has recently begun experiencing
    difficulty with fluid movement of his arms as well as involuntary facial grimaces. Which
    of the following likely underlies these symptoms?
    A. Upregulation of serotonin 2A receptors
    B. Downregulation of serotonin 2A receptors
    1 / 2
    C. Upregulation of dopamine 2 receptors
    D. Downregulation of dopamine 2 receptors
  3. Sam is a 76-year-old patient with Parkinson’s disease psychosis who demonstrated
    treatment with a dopamine 2/serotonin 1A partial agonist. Where on the dopamine ago
    A. Nearly full dopamine agonist
    B. Nearly full dopamine antagonist
    C. Intermediate between full dopamine agonist and full dopamine antagonist
  4. A 38-year-old woman was diagnosed with schizophrenia approximately two years ago
    and after multiple trials of different medications has been maintained on haloperidol for
    the last several months with good response. Two weeks ago she began exhibiting mild
    motor symptoms representative of drug-induced parkinsonism. Which of the following
    would be the most appropriate adjunct medication for this patient?
    A. Alpha 1 adrenergic agonist
    B. Cholinesterase inhibitor
    C. Histamine 1 antagonist
    D. Muscarinic 1 antagonist
  5. A 21-year-old man with first-episode psychosis is prescribed a dopamine 2/ serotonin
    2A receptor antagonist. According to a leading hypothesis, blockade of serotonin 2A

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