NR601 Final Exam

Lifestyle approaches to postmenopausal symptom management include:
a. Avoiding sugar, caffeine, chocolate, ETOH
b. Sleeping more than 8hrs per night
c. Decreasing levels of physical activity
d. More than 1000 IU/day of Vit E
A 59yo female c/o pain when she urinates. She has been seen three times for
this in the last 3mo. Each time, DX’d with UTI, given ABX. She carefully
followed instructions, but has no relief of symptoms. Last UA: WBC: 2-3RBC:
0-2Epithelial cells: few Nitrites: neg Leuk: neg Which should be done next?
a. Perform pelvic exam
b. Reassure the pt. That she has asymptomatic bacteriuria and does not
need ABX
c. Obtain clean catch urine for UA and C&S
d. Order pelvic ultrasound
Which pt should be screened for DM?
a. 47yo Caucasian male w/HTN
b. 45yo female on disability from back injury, unable to exercise
c. Hispanic man, BMI 26
d. Overweight middle-aged African American woman w/fam h/o T2DM
e. All of the above
The most common cause of disability in elderly is due to:

  • Arthritis
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    What is a sign of insulin resistance that can present in African American pts?
    a. Seborrheic Nigricans
    b. Psoriasis Nigricans
    c. Bulimic Nigricans
    d. Acanthosis Nigricans
    Pt presents with sudden, compelling desire to pass urine that is difficult to
    prevent. This type of incontinence is cause by:
    a. Impaired mobility
    b. Detrusor overactivity
    c. Urethral hypermobility
    d. Weakness of the pelvic floor muscle
    A 55yo woman w/BMI of 28, has 20yr h/o primary HTN, has been on HCTZ
    25mg for years w/excellent response. During this follow up visit, she reports
    that for the last 6mo she has felt thirsty all of the time even though she drinks
    at least 10 glasses of water/day. Previous fasting BGL was 136. No further
    testing was done at that time. You check random BGL now, is 210. What is the
    next appropriate step?
    a. Order 3hr OGTT
    b. Order another random BGL in 2wks
    c. Order A1C
    d. Prescribe metformin XR 500mg PO
    A 66yo dx with acute prostatitis, afebrile w/out severe pain, deemed
    appropriate to be managed output. An appropriate initial treatment option for
    mild case is:
    a. Septra x6wks
    b. Cipro x10-14 days
    c. Bactrim x14 days
    d. Levaquin x3wks
    Statement not shown to be true about pharmacodynamic changes w/aging is:
  • Decreased sensitivity to PO anticoagulants
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    A 76yo man seen for c/o UI. You should explore which of these causes of UI in
    a. UTI
    b. Sildenafil
    c. Urethral polyps
    d. All of the above
    A Male pt. With BMI of 30 presents with c/o fatigue, increased hunger, weight
    gain despite exercise. You suspect prediabetes. Initial testing to confirm can
    a. Fasting plasma BGL
    b. A1C
    c. OGTT
    d. All of the above
    Mr. X returns to office for follow-up of first line TX of UI. He reports continued
    UI despite compliance w/first line measures. PE and lab findings today are
    normal. You initiate 2nd line TX and prescribe:
    a. Mirabegron
    b. Solifenacin
    c. Oxybutynin
    d. Doxazosin
    All of the following statements are true about drug absorption in the elderly
    a. Drugs distributed in water have lower concentration
    b. Drugs distributed in fat have less intense, more prolonged effect
    c. Drugs highly protein bound have greater potential to cause an adverse
    drug reaction
    d. The fastest way to deliver a drug to the action site is by inhalation
    Men have faster and more efficient biotransformation of drugs and this is
    thought to be due to:
  • Testosterone

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