(2023 – 2024) Barber Practice State Board Exam Questions & Answers

(2023 – 2024) Barber Practice State Board
Exam Questions & Answers
99% isopropyl alcohol is not an _ registered disinfectant . – EPA
A.B Moler is important in the history of barbering because he: – Published the first barbering
According to current trends, barbers must be prepared to meet a variety of
preferences. –
Acids and alkalis mixed together in equal proportions do what? – Neutralize each other
The adjustable lamp on a manicuring table should have a watt bulb. – 40
After tools are sanitized, they should be stored in: – a clean and closed container
Alkalis have a pH of about 7.00 and they
and the hair. – Soften and swell
An altering and interrupted current that proceeds a mechanical reaction with no chemical effect is
the ____
. – Faradic Current
Amino acids are joined end-to-end by __. – Peptide Bonds
Amino acids are joined together by end bonds form a _. – Polypeptide Chain

Ammonia is a colorless gas composed of _ and ____. – Hydrogen and Nitrogen
Ammonia- free waves are NOT characterized by – Rapid Evaporation
Among the hair color categories, the one with the largest molecules is – Temporary hair color
Anaphoresis is a process that involves – A negative pole and al alkaline product
Androgenic alopecia does NOT occur as a result of – Autoimmune disorder
The appendages of the skin are _. – Nails
The applied science of healthful living is called: – Hygiene
As a professional barber, it is estimated that about 80 percent of your success will depend on your
and ___. – Communication and People Skills
As the cells of the hair shaft mature, they begin to fill up with _. – Keratin
At a job interview, be sure to – Answer questions honestly
The atoms of neighboring cysteine amino acids that are joined together by disulfide bonds are
atoms of _
. – Sulfur
The atria are called the: – Upper chambers of the heart
Bacili often cause _____
. – Tubercuiosis

A barber apprentice in the barbershop must be under the constant and supervision of a/an
_. – Licensed Barber
A barber should not service clients with – Ringworm
The barber-surgeon who is considered the greatest surgeon of the Renaissance and the father of
modern surgery is __
. – Ambroisa Pare
Barbering began to emerge as an independent profession by the century. – 19th
A beard may be recommended to slim a/an ____
face. – Pear-Shaped
Before application, Oxidation tints must be mixed with _____. – Hydrogen Peroxide
Before, dry, brittle, damage or overprice hair is given a permanent wave, it should be _. –
Before and after photographs of your bet work should be present to potential employers in a
____. – Portfolio
The best choice for a hairpiece generally is: – Human hair
The best choice of tonic lotion for mature or sensitive skins is a/an _
. – Freshener
The best form of advertising is: – Clients speaking well of you

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