Fire Investigator – Master For TCFP Test Questions and Answers (Test Bank) Complete Solution

Fire Investigator – Master For TCFP Test Questions
and Answers (Test Bank) Complete Solution
Is NFPA 921 a guide or a standard? – It is the Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations
What are the six steps of the scientific method? – Recognize the need
Define the problem
Collect the data
Analyze the data
Develop a hypothesis
Test the hypothesis
What step of the scientific method is inductive reasoning? – Analyze the data
What step of the scientific method is deductive reasoning? – Test the hypothesis
What are the four parts of the fire tetrahedron? – Fuel (reducing agent)
Oxidizing agent
Uninhibited chemical chain reaction
What kind of reaction absorbs energy, an endothermic or an exothermic reaction? – Endothermic
What is heat transfer by direct contact called? – Conduction

What is heat transfer by gas flow / air movement called? – Convection
What is heat transfer by microwave energy called? – Radiation
What is a fuel controlled fire? – A fire that is limited by the amount of combustibles.
What is a ventilation controlled fire? – A fire that is limited by the amount of oxygen.
What are the stages of fire growth? – Ignition
Fully Developed
What is a flashover? – The transition phase from growth to fully developed, where all surfaces reach
ignition temperature almost simultaneously.
What is ignition of the underside of the hot gas layer called? – Flameover or rollover
What factors influence flashover conditions? – Size of the compartment
Height of ceiling
Amount of fuel
Layout of fuel
Location of fire in the compartment

What are fire patterns? – The physical manifestation of the affects of fire on materials.
What are the different types of fire patterns on the walls and ceiling? – Plume Generated patterns
(often V shaped)
Ventilation generated patterns
Hot gas layer patterns (Line of demarcation)
What is spalling? – The separation of chunks of concrete with explosive force caused by the
expansion of water (moisture) trapped in the concrete as it turns to steam
What is char? – Pyrolized carbonaceous material
What is oxidation? – Physical change in appearance of a material resulting from the combination of
What is alloying? – Mixing two metals heated then cooled to change their properties. Often melts at
a lower temperature.
What is a clean burn? – When there was enough heat to burn away all carbon deposits (soot) on a
surface leaving a “clean” surface. Occurs on non-combustible surfaces.
What is soot? – Elemental carbon produced during incomplete combustion.
What is calcination? – When chemically bound water is driven out of gypsum walls by the heat of
the fire.
Does a 25 Watt light bulb expand towards the fire or pull inward away from it? – Bulbs 25 watts or
less pull away. Bulbs greater than 25 watts will expand towards the fire.

What causes heat shadowing? – An object blocking the travel of radiated heat.
What is a dead load? – The weight of things attached to the building, like flooring, cloumns, and roof
What is a live load? – A load that can move, like people, furniture, wind, water, and snow.
What is compartmentation? – Design features of a building that limit fire growth to the room of
What are the five building construction types? – Type I – Fire resistant
Type II – Non combustible
Type III – Ordinary
Type IV – Heavy timber
Type V – Wood frame
What is ordinary construction? – Exterior walls are masonry and frame is wood.
What is wood frame construction? – Lightweight wood construction, used in apartments, houses.
What is platform frame construction? – Each floor is a seperate platform.
What is balloon frame construction? – The wall studs extend from the foundation to the roof.
What is Ohm’s Law? – V=IR
(E = I x R)

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