Illinois CNA state exam questions 2022 with complete solution

Illinois CNA state exam questions 2022 with complete solution
How do you promote communication with a resident? – asking OPEN ENDED questions- “How are
you feeling?” (ch.6)
A resident wants to use the commode, but she needs help… what do you do? – Use a gait belt
What is the temperature of a TEPID bath? – 80-93 `F
What is the temperature of a SITZ bath? – Sitz- seat. The perineal and rectal areas are immersed in
WARM or HOT water (93-98-106)
What is the oral temperature? – 97.6-99.6
A male resident wants to use a urinal, what do you tell him to do when he is done? – use call
light/call for help promptly or while waiting for help- place in side rails
A doctor comes in and give an order for a new treatment before leaving, what do you do? – Let the
doctor speak to the nurse.
How should you be positioned when applying TED hose? – Wide base of support
Legs between 12-24 inches apart.
Check ever 2 hours.
Remove every 8 hours for 30 min
As a CNA, what can you do to help a resident who is being discharged? – Help in packing resident’s
things away.

You are in a resident’s room and you see a bottle of disinfectant that housekeeping left behind, what
do you do? – Remove it from the resident’s room immediately.
Calculate the resident’s total INTAKE for the 3-11 shift
there will be an illustration for this question – 1 oz = 30 mL
How do you take a random urine specimen? – Used for routine urinalysis
No special measures are needed.
Collected any time during a 24-hour period.
Pour about 120 mL into the specimen container, place the container in a plastic bag, apply
Biohazard Label.
The Midstream Specimen – *Clean-voided specimen
1). Perineal is cleaned
2). Start voiding
3). Stop voiding half way
4). Starts voiding in a sterile specimen container
How do you take a 24-hour urine specimen? – Start with an empty bladder
1). Person voids to begin the test with an empty bladder—discard it
2). Save all the voiding for the next 24-hours.
Tes is restarted if:
-a voiding was not saved
-toilet tissue was discarded into the specimen
-the specimen contains stools

You answer the phone but the person meant to call a different unit, what do you do? – Transfer the
A resident wth dementia is getting agitated and thinks he lost his keys, what do you do? – Tell him
you will help him find his keys
What do you do to a room when a resident checks out? – Disinfect the room.
A resident is in isolation.
What do you do with their food tray when they done eating? – Double bag outside the room and
send it to the kitchen.
What do you do with a residents BM when you empty their colostomy bag? – Flush in the toilet
How many times do you ambulate a resident when the care plan states ambulate with BID? – BIDtwice a day
TID- Three times a day
QID- Four times a day
You walk into a room and there is a trash can on fire. What is the first thing you should do? –
Remove/protect the residents.
R-remove resident
C-confine, close doors
How should a gait belt be applied? – Over clothes with buckle off center

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