Mark Klimek NCLEX Pharm

Never hold the hormone for what patient?
patient who is NPO with mydexema

Addison’s disease easy way to remember
Add a Sone (sone = steroid)

Best default order for click and drag order questions?
Hold ….. med
Assess ….. what med does
Prepare …… the correction
Call ….. or notify

Rarely if ever answer …
call Doctor, NCLEX wants you to think critically

INR lab values
2-3, critical value if off, potential for patient to bleed. Use default order for order ?’s (hold all coumadin, assess for bleeding, prepare Vit K (antidote for Coumadin), Call or notify

Potassium lab values
3.5-5.3 If low it is a critical lab to worry about assess the heart and then prepare to give K
if high, hold all K, assess heart (EKG), give D5W and reg insulin, call
if really high, hold, assess, prepare, call STAT Get someone else involved! Dangerous!!

If question says there is pitocin running and there are complications
stop pit first then LIONpit

Pain meds in labor
know your peaks for IV, IM, PO, Subling. If baby is likely to be born when the pain med is peaking don’t give! Why? Respiratory depression in baby

OB medications tocolytics
stop contractions, Brethine causes maternal tachycardia, Nifedipine (dipine – CCB) causes Hypotension and headache

OB medications oxytocics
makes labor more intense, Pitocin, Methergine, Cervidil

OB medications Fetal/Neonatal Lung meds
Betamethasone, speeds the development of the baby’s lungs, given to Mom before baby is born, given IM, will increase the blood sugar of Mom

Survanta (surfactant)
given to baby after baby is born given trastracheal through the airway develops lungs

Med hints for IM injections
Look for 1’s in both parts (the 1 looks like an I), guage and length, 21 g, 1 inch means IM

Med hints for SQ injections
look for 5’s in both parts (the 5 looks like an S), guage and length, 25 g, 5/8 inch means SQ

Drawing up Insulin rules
R then N, Draw up R then N, NRRN the whole process

Pressurizing Insulin rule
put air into N then R , NRRN the whole process

If 70/30 insulin it is
70% N and 30% R, may have to make your own on boards, no 70/30 on the floor

Heparin is given IV or SQ NOT PO, info re: Heparin
works immediately, labs Ptt or any clotting or bleeding time, antidote: protamine sulfate, course: 21 days, pregnancy: YES (Class C pregnancy drug, use caution)

Coumadin is given PO, info re: Coumadin
takes days to work, labs ONLY PT-INR, antidote: Vit K (think Koumadin), course: forever, prengancy: NO (never use)

If a diuretic ends in the letter X it is a potassium
wasting drug plus Diurel

Baclofen/ Flexoril
muscle relaxant, think on your back loafin’! makes a patient drowsy, weak muscles, don’t drink, don’t drive, don’t care of kids under 12
Piaget’s stage Sensorimotor age 0-2, totally

When can a child give themselves their own insulin shot?

What 2 parts are always irrelevant in a prioritization question?
age and gender (NCLEX is testing discrimination against agism), age only important for peds

All psych drugs cause
low BP and weight change (usually gain)

all end in ‘zine Ex: Thorazine, Compazine, they are major tranquilizers so think safety

‘Zines for the

In large doses Phenothiazines are

In small doses Phenothiazines are

Side effects of Phenothiazines
Anticholinergic (dry mouth), Blurred vision, Constipation, Drowsiness, Extrapyramidal syndrome (parkinsons), Fotosensitivity, aGranulocytosis (low WBC’s)

1 problem or concern for patient taking Phenothiazines


Deconoate drug is
a long acting IM form given to non compliant patients

Tricyclic Antidepressants are
mood elevators to treat depression

Examples of Tricyclic anti depressants
Elavil, tofranil, aventyl desyrel

Side effects of Tricyclic medications
Anticholinergic(dry mouth), Blurred Vision, Constipation, Drowsiness, Euphoria HInt: Elavil starts with E so this group goes through E

How long does a tricyclic need to be taken before results are seen?
2-4 weeks

Benzodiazepines are for
anti anxiety, they are minor tranquilizers, have ‘zep in the name, EX: Diazepam (Valium), plus Xanax, Often given pre op, muscle relaxant, alcohol withdrawal, seizures, facilitates mechanical ventilation

Benzodiazepines works
quickly, must not take for 6 weeks, keep on Valium until Elavil kicks in

Side effects for Benzodiazepines
Anticholinergic (dry mouth), Blurred Vision, Constipation, Drowsiness

Number one nursing concern for patient taking Benzo’s is
also safety

antidepressants, happy pills

Depression is caused by a deficiency of
norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain

Names of MAOI’s
MAR, NAR, PAR: Marplan, Nardil, Parnate

Side effects of MAOI’s
Anticholinergic (dry mouth), Blurred vision, Constipation, Drowsiness

How long can a person be on MAOI’s and how long before they work?
rest of life, 2-4 weeks

MAOI’s interact with LOTS
Avoid all foods containing Tyramine, causes fatal hypertension

Tyramine foods
Fruits and Veggies are okay except remember salad BAR, avoid Banannas, Avacados, Raisins, Grains are okay except for active yeast, no organ meats, no preserved meats, no dairy, no alcohol, tinctures, caffiene, chocolate, licorice, soy sauce

for bipolar disorder (manic depression) it decreases mania

Side effects of Lithium
peeing, pooping, parasthesia

Lithium Toxicity
2 or greater, tremors, metallic taste, severe diarrhea, number one intervention, give fluids, if sweating give electrolytes too

Lithium monitor what levels
sodium, low sodium levels prolong lithium’s half-life, causing lithium toxicity, high sodium levels decrease the effectiveness of lithium

it an SSRI, similar to Elavil so same info as Tricyclic’s

Prozac causes
insomnia, so give before noon, so if BID, give at 6A and 12N NOT at bedtime

When changing the dose of Prozac for an adolescent or young adult, watch for

‘zine, ‘zep, ‘zap
all tranquilizers

a good guess about psych med weening
decrease the dose of the old drug

just like the Thorazine’s, also has a deconoate form

Dose of Haldol for elderly patient should be
half of usual adult dose

Clozaril (Clozapine)
‘zap’s, for schizophrenia

‘zap’s, for schizophrenia

How often should WBC be drawn when pt is taking ‘zap’s for schizo?
1 time per week for 1 month, 1 month every month for 6 months then every 6 months

Zoloft (sertraline)
also a SSRI like prozac, antidepressant, doesn’t cause insomnia so it can be taken at bedtime.

Zoloft interacts with other medications like
St John’s wart (causes serotonin syndrome) – sweating, apprehension (impending sense of doom), dizziness (vertigo), headache, also with Coumadin so watch for bleeding

Zoloft with Coumadin?
Question the order if the coumadin dose wasn’t lowered

Never mix _ in children’s food

If you know what a particular drug does, choose a side effect in the same _ ____ where the drug is working.
body system Ex: heart drug – tachycardia

If a medication is taken PO and you dont know what the drug does pick a __ side effect

If two answers say the same thing …
neither one is right EX: tachycardia and racing heart

If two answers are opposite, one of them is
probably right (consider one of them)

Names of uppers
caffiene, cocaine, PCP/LSD, Amphetamines/meth, adderol/ritalin

Do give aminoglycocides via PO in
hepatic encephalopathy & pre-op bowel surgery

Peak level for sublingual
5-10 minutes after disolved

Peak level for IV
15-30 min after finished

Peak level for IM
30-60 min after drug is in

Peak level for SQ
diabetes peak levels apply here

Ventricular gets what med
Lidocane (think of the V turning sideways to an L) & Amiodorone

AsystolE gets what med
A for Atropine and E for Epinephrine … Epi is first though

Atrial Arrhythmias (same as supraventricular) medications
Adenocard (push fast)
Beta Blockers (‘lol)

Water Seal bubbling intermittently or a suction control chamber bubbling continously is

Water Seal bubbling continuously or a suction control chamber bubbling intermittently is

A Seal should not be

What to do first if a water seal breaks?

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